
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Voyagers II; 6 The Guardian Material; Ascension Mechanics

The Science of Ascension, Time Cycles, Morphogenetic Waves and the Sphere of Amenti 

As we have mentioned before, ascension is not some lofty spiritual concept designed by the minds of man, it is the literal, tangible scientific process of the evolution of consciousness and biology within the laws of energy mechanics that apply to a multidimensional reality system. You can go about your human lives, with your consciousness confined to the limitations presently imposed by your physical body, or you can learn the mechanics by which those limitations can be released, and begin to experience the reality of freedom that is the comprehension of yourself-as-soul. 

Whether or not you view ascension and multidimensional evolution as a reality while you are alive on Earth, you will be directly faced with that reality once your consciousness has passed out of physical life and into the multidimensional framework. At the death of the physical body you will discover that your consciousness lives on and your evolution continues. How well you prepare for that discovery now will determine the ease with which you are able to take your next evolutionary step once you “wake up on the other side.” All souls will eventually evolve and ascend through the 15-dimensional scale, to re-emerge as sentient identity within realms of pure consciousness beyond the dimensional systems. But this process is not something that takes places automatically for humankind. 

Humanity was created as a creator species, which means that thoughts and actions entertained by the human will be met in manifest experience, both on Earth and in the life experiences that take place beyond the earthly planes. The choices one makes in thought and deed will determine the quality of experience, or lack thereof, that will be personally encountered in feeling and event. In preceding chapters we have detailed for you the great challenges and struggles your species endured as it has blindly followed the hidden evolutionary blueprint that calls it forth to evolve through time. That blueprint is the Covenant of Palaidor and the morphogenetic field of the Sphere of Amenti, within which the organizational plan and purpose for human evolution is stored. 

For 550,000,000 years this blueprint has called your races forward toward an unseen destiny, which is the return of immortality and the reunion of the consciousness of man with its creative Source. In terms of the soul’s perspective, the challenges and hardships faced along the way are understood to be lessons in growth, as human consciousness evolves to remember the truth of its eternal existence and embrace the beauty of its multidimensional identity. From the perspective of a human consciousness focused within a physical body on Earth, those challenges can seem, at times, overwhelming. Without conscious recognition of the purposes, processes and objectives of the evolutionary plan, the hardships can appear to be unbearable and without meaning. 

Through the portions of human evolutionary history we have detailed in these writings, you may be able to glimpse the greater challenges and obstacles involved in the process of evolution, and to realize that these obstacles do not end with the completion of your physical lifetime. Your races have evolved on Earth for 550 million years, and many of the souls involved in that evolution have had to return time and again, trapped within cycles of birth, death and rebirth. Immortality, freedom from death, disease and pain are the natural birthrights of your species. You will not be able to reclaim these rights until you come to comprehend the greater reality structures within which your evolution takes place, for through this comprehension you will learn to make choices that bring you joy and harmony, health and freedom. If you are unaware of these greater reality structures you will be unable to use them wisely, and it will seem as if the greater reality is, instead, using you. 

You will feel powerless, and while you feel powerless and victimized by circumstance you cannot know freedom. In view of the history we have provided, you may be able to see that the Sphere of Amenti holds great importance to the evolution of your race, for it holds the morphogenetic (form-holding) blueprint through which your race consciousness manifests. You have learned that earthly consciousness is directly affected by the condition and structure of the physical body and bioenergetic systems, and that the DNA imprint which sets the biological structure for the body, is directly manifested through a morphogenetic field. The personal morphogenetic field directs the design of the DNA, and thus the body and the quality of consciousness that will be expressed through that bod

The personal morphogenetic field exists within the larger morphogenetic fields of the race and the species. The species morphogenetic field is the Sphere of Amenti. The Sphere of Amenti connects the human species to the greater morphogenetic field of the Earth, which, in turn, is connected to the morphogenetic field of planet Tara in HU-2. In order for Earth, and humanity, to evolve out of HU-1 and into the higher dimensional fields of HU-2, the frequency patterns of dimensions four, five and six from HU-2 must be brought into manifest expression within the energetic grid of Earth. These frequencies, or sound tones, must also become operational within the active DNA strands of Earth’s people. 

The energetic imprint of the DNA is carried within the personal morphogenetic field and consciousness after physical death of the body. Whatever frequencies are contained within that imprint will determine the dimensional placement of the consciousness after death. If freedom from the confines and struggles of HU-1 is what one desires, then it is wise to pay attention to the amount of frequencies contained within the physical DNA, while one is still alive in body. Humanity has the power to evolve consciously and thus more rapidly, by learning how to use the bio-energetic system to build the needed frequencies into the DNA. This is a personal responsibility, and although guardians from HU-2 can assist in this process, the ultimate success of DNA building lies in the hands of the embodied consciousness who directs this process by the way in which personal energy is used and applied.

The greater the amount of the 12-strand DNA imprint that can be activated within the body’s DNA, the greater the amount of conscious awareness and multidimensional knowledge that will be available to the consciousness while it is physically embodied and after death. Through this knowledge, greater joy can be created while living on Earth, and following the death transition, the consciousness will be able to focus in higher dimensions of reality. In order to end the cycle of rebirth in HU-1, an identity must possess a fifth-dimensional level of consciousness, the particle substance of the consciousness must pulsate at the speed of fifth-dimensional frequency. The fifth strand of DNA must be fully assembled, and the lower dimensional DNA strands must be fully activated and aligned. An identity that undergoes the death transition without assembly of the fifth DNA strand imprint will continue evolution in the fourth-dimensional astral planes. 

If that identity does not have the lower-dimensional strands fully assembled, it will have to experience rebirth in HU-1, in order to fully assemble the lower strand imprints. An identity that can fully assemble strands 1-5 while still within the body will be able to merge its molecular particles with those of its anti-particle double, and transmute the body itself into the higher-dimensional fields of HU-2, literally transcending the experience of physical death. The human body was originally designed to be immortal. The process of DNA transmutation does not only involve the personal identity. As we have illustrated throughout our historical account, the ability to ascend is also directly influenced by the conditions of the race morphogenetic field, and by the Root or Cloister Race into which one is born. 

The Sixth Cloister Melchizedek race holds the full imprint for the fifth DNA strand, and several hybrid race strains contain the full l2-strand DNA package in dormant form. Individuals possessing these genetic codes have a personal advantage in terms of ascension, if their codes are fully activated. ln order to be born into bodies with the advanced genetic lines these souls, (unless they are over-souls or avatars birthing directly from HU-3 and above), had to evolve through incarnations carrying the smaller gene-code imprint, in order to attain the frequencies within their consciousness that would allow them energetic compatibility with the larger gene-code body. In other words, humans with larger gene-code imprints have earned this privilege through their evolutionary progression, just as present-day souls within smaller gene-code bodies are in the process of evolving into larger gene-code bodies. 

All human souls are involved with the exact same process of evolving the genetic package and consciousness to higher-dimensional levels; some souls are just further along in this journey. Humans carrying the larger gene-code packages are a gift to other evolving souls, because, as they assemble their fifth and higher DNA strands, they pull higher-dimensional frequency into the Earth’s grid. Once this higher-dimensional frequency reaches a certain peak concentration within the Earth’s grid, the race morphogenetic field/Sphere of Amenti opens into the Earth’s core morphogenetic field, and the individual race morphogenetic fields open into the Sphere of Amenti collective. 

At this point within the energy mechanics, the Earth’s grid begins transmitting fifth-dimensional frequency directly into the bio-energetic fields of everyone on the planet. This infusion of fifth-dimensional frequency then sets the energetic imprint for the fifth DNA strand within all of the races, even those whose personal, organic morphogenetic imprint did not originally contain the fifth DNA strand. Because of the races with the larger gene-code packages, the entire species has the opportunity to rapidly evolve this larger DNA imprint and to transmute the limitations of the genetic codes with which they were born. The ability to fully transmute the personal genetic imprint is not always available on Earth. It is dependent upon whether or not enough of the larger gene-code races are present on the Earth, which is dependent upon whether or not the Earth’s energetic grid vibrates high enough to sustain a concentration of beings with higher frequency genetic codes. 

If the Earth vibration is too low, due to imbalances in its bio-energetic systems, souls carrying higher frequency energies cannot birth onto the planet, for the frequencies contained within their bio-energetic fields would literally overload the Earth’s grid and cause it to collapse. The evolution of DNA within the races is dependent upon the vibrational evolution of the Earth. If the condition of the Earth’s bio-energetic field is poor, due to pollution and abuse of its natural environment and digression of the consciousness upon the planet, Earth cannot sustain a concentration of high-frequency soul essence. This also means that Earth cannot hold the UHF of the Sphere of Amenti at its core. If the Sphere of Amenti is not within the Earth’s core, its frequencies cannot be opened into the Earth’s grid, and thus the bio-energetic fields of the races will not receive an infusion of fifth-dimensional frequency.

 It is the infusion of fifth-dimensional frequency that allows the imprint for the fifth DNA strand to manifest within all races. Thus in order for the races to have the opportunity for acceleration of evolution, Earth must be able to sustain a concentration of souls with higher frequency gene codes and be able to hold the Sphere of Amenti at its core. The Earth grid must be in balance for this evolutionary acceleration of the races to occur. 

Morphogenetic Waves 

There are only certain points within each 26,556-year cycle of time that the Earth grid reaches a vibration rate high enough to accommodate an infusion of fifth-dimensional energy. It is during these times that Earth can sustain larger concentrations of higher-frequency souls, and thus it is only during these periods that the Sphere of Amenti can be fully opened within the Earth core, to allow assembly of the fifth DNA strand for all of the races. There are other periods, such as during the time of Pharaoh Akhenaton, when the Sphere can be returned to Earth core and the Halls of Amenti opened. But the full frequency patterns of the Sphere of Amenti can be transmitted through Earth’s grid only during the periods of dimensional blending that occur four times in each 26,556-year cycle. 

Akhenaton was able to open the Halls of Amenti and orchestrate ascension only for those individuals who had the fifth DNA strand imprint, but he could not release the Sphere of Amenti directly into the D-2 Earth core morphogenetic field to create mass DNA assembly and ascension. During the four periods in a 26,556-year cycle when dimensional blending occurs, certain energetic conditions take place within the morphogenetic fields of the planet that do not occur at any other time. During these periods, the energetic grid of Earth fuses with the energetic grid of its double within the parallel universe, or with its counterpart’s parallel double from the next Harmonic Universe up. In the first 4,426-year cycle of the 26,556-year cycle, Earth fuses twice with its own double in HU-1, once at the half-point in the 4,426-year period and once at the end of that period. 

These two time periods are called Primary Conjunction Points. In the last 4,426-year cycle of the 26,556-year cycle Earth fuses twice with its HU-2 counterpart double, once at the half-point and once at the end of that 4,426-year period. The two time periods when Earth fuses with its counter-part double are called Primary Coordinate Points. Tara is Earth’s HU-2 counterpart, so, during the Primary Coordinate Points, Earth’s grid fuses with the energetic grid of parallel Tara. The two 4,426-year cycles at the beginning and end of a 26,556-year cycle, in which Primary Conjunction Points and Primary Coordinate Points occur, are collectively referred to as Ascension Cycles. Ascension cycles occur only twice within a 26,556-year Harmonic Time Cycle. 

Earth fuses with its double twice within the first 4,426 years after entering a 26,556-year Harmonic Time Cycle. Earth fuses twice with its counterpart double parallel Tara, once after being in the 26,556-year cycle for 24,343 years (half-cycle Coordinate Point in the second ascension cycle) and once after completing the full 26,556 years of the Harmonic Time Cycle, at the end of the second ascension cycle. When Earth encounters its first Coordinate Point within the second Ascension Cycle, all of its particles that are composed of the overtone frequencies of dimensions one, two and three merge and fuse with the anti-particles of parallel Tara that are composed of the base-tone frequencies of dimensions four, five and six within the parallel dimensional scale of HU-2. As Earth’s particles fuse with Tara’s anti-particles, both particles and anti-particles enter hyper-space; they momentarily return to their higher-dimensional morphogenetic fields.

 Earth’s D-1 overtone particles return to their D15 morphogenetic field, the D-2 particles return to D-14 and D-3 particles return to D-13. Tara’s D-4 anti-particles return to their morphogenetic fields in D-12, the D-5 anti-particles return to D-11 and the D-6 anti-particles return to D-10. When the particles and anti-particles again leave the morphogenetic field, they reverse their spin and polarity, shift their angle of rotation by 45°, and then return to the frequency bands of one Harmonic up. D-1 particles reappear as anti-particles within the fourth-dimensional frequency bands, D-2 particles re-appear as anti-particles within the fifth-dimensional frequency bands and D-3 particles re-appear as anti-particles within the D-6 frequency bands. Earth’s particles shift from HU-1 into Tara in HU-2. 

Tara’s anti-particles also reverse spin and polarity, and re-appear one Harmonic Universe up. Tara’s D-4 anti-particles reappear as particles in D-7, D-5 anti-particles become non-matter-based particles in D-8 and D-6 anti-particles reappear as non-matter-based particles in D-9. Tara’s anti-particles shift from HU-2 into Gaia’s etheric matter body in HU-3 This transformation of particles constitutes a full shift of Earth’s overtone particles from the time cycles of the particle universe in Harmonic Universe 1, into the time cycles in the parallel/ anti-particle universe in Harmonic Universe 2. Tara’s base-tone anti-particles simultaneously shift from the time cycles of the anti-particle universe in HU-2, into the time cycles of the etheric particle universe in HU-3.

 This is the process by which planetary bodies (and the life-forms residing upon them) evolve their matter particles and anti-particles upward through the l5-dimensional scale, from dense matter solidity to pure, non-matter-based conscious energy substance. Ascension through the time cycles represents the progressive acceleration of particle and anti-particle pulsation speeds, created through the systematic merging of particles and anti-particles, from the lowest dimensions to the highest, within the 15- dimensional scale. The progressive release of particles and anti-particles into the morphogenetic field at the Primary Coordinate Points in the second ascension cycle constitutes the release of a particle/anti-particle wave of energy.

 This particle/anti-particle energy wave is called a morphogenetic wave. The morphogenetic wave represents the energy released as particles and anti-particles fuse, exploded into the morphogenetic field/hyper-space and undergo fission and replication, through which they re-appear in expanded form within the dimensional frequency fields of the next highest Harmonic Universe. At the beginning of a 4,426-year second ascension cycle, the Earth draws patterns of frequency into its morphogenetic field at Earth’s D-2 core from the dimensional Unified Field of energy. When Earth approaches the half-point in the cycle, the core morphogenetic field has expanded to its full capacity of energy holding. 

About 15 to 20 years before the half-cycle point the Earth’s energetic grid begins to interact with that of Tara, just as the Earth’s core morphogenetic field reaches full energy-holding capacity and explodes, releasing a rush of energy through the Earth’s grid. As this energy is released, the particles carrying overtone frequencies begin merging with Tara’s anti-particles carrying base-tone frequencies. As Earth’s particles and Tara’s anti-particles progressively merge, they enter hyper-space and transmute into their respective dimensional morphogenetic fields. This particle/anti-particle transmutation progressively accelerates, as the energetic grids of Earth and Tara come into alignment, transmuting more and more overtone particles and base-tone anti-particles into the morphogenetic fields. The progressive transmutation of particles and anti-particles creates a building wave of energy moving from Earth and Tara, into the higher-dimensional morphogenetic fields. 

And like the undertow of a tide, this energy wave creates a backflow energy wave, from the morphogenetic fields, through which Earth’s overtone particles re-manifest as Tara’s base-tone anti-particles and Tara’s base-tone anti-particles re-manifest as Gaia’s particles. The height of the process occurs when the grids of Earth and Tara come into full alignment at the half-point in the cycle, at which time the morphogenetic wave fully crests, and the grids of Earth and Tara begin pulling away from each other. The crest of the morphogenetic wave begins about five years before, and extends up to the half-cycle point. During the five-year crest of the morphogenetic wave, all of Earth’s overtone particles, and Tara’s base-tone anti-particles, fully transmute into the morphogenetic fields. As Earth’s overtone particles become progressively suspended in hyper-space and the dimensional base-tone frequencies left within the Earth’s grid begin to blend with the overtone anti-particles in Tara's grid, an Harmonic Resonant Tone is formed. 

Through the Harmonic Resonant Tone the spin and polarity of Earth’s base-tone particles and Tara’s overtone anti-particles temporarily reverse, and their angle of rotation shifts 45°. When the polarity of Earth’s particle base is reversed, Earth’s magnetic poles spin, reverse and shift 45° in their angle of rotation, and the Earth enters the faster moving parallel time cycle in the HU-1 anti-particle universe. As this occurs during the five-year cresting of the morphogenetic wave, Tara’s anti-particles are also going through a pole reversal and time cycle shift. The electrical fields in Tara’s grid spin, reverse and shift 45°, and anti-particle Tara shifts into the parallel time cycle in the HU-2 particle universe. 

The particle pulsation rate of Earth’s parallel, anti-particle time cycle in HU-1 is twice the speed of the same cycle in the HU-1 particle universe. The particle pulsation rate of Tara’s HU-2 particle time cycle is also twice the speed of Earth’s particle time cycle. When anti-particle Tara enters its parallel particle time cycle in HU-2, and particle Earth enters its parallel anti-particle time cycle in HU-1, the two planetary grids are entering the same particle pulsation rate and thus the same time cycle. Base-tone particle Earth and overtone anti-particle Tara temporarily merge in the dimensional frequency bands of D-4. As long as the electromagnetic fields of both planets are in balance, this simultaneous 45° shift in angular rotation and reversal of polarity in particles and anti-particles will not cause a shift of the physical Earth on its axis

The electromagnetic fields of each planet keep the fields of the other in balance. Some fluctuation in Earth’s magnetism may be detected, and some tectonic movement may occur in areas that are not fully energetically balanced, but the basic structure of the Earth’s body will remain intact. If the grids are not balanced, however, a full 45° tilt of Earth’s rotation upon its axis could result, which would create massive Earth changes. It is very important that the Earth’s bio-energetic structure and electromagnetic grid are balanced during this five-year period. In this five-year transition during the crest of the morphogenetic wave, the magnetic grid of particle Earth becomes electrical, and the electrical grid of anti-particle Tara becomes magnetic. The two planetary grids merge and some of the land mass contours of Tara emerge on Earth as etheric overtone structures. 

When particle Earth returns to its particle time cycle in HU-1, these land masses will manifest first on the anti-particle Earth, and by the close of the full ascension cycle 2,213 years later, these new land configurations will manifest physically on the particle Earth. (This is what is meant by the New Age concept of literal “Atlantis Rising”. These lands of Tara will indeed rise up on Earth, but normally they will do so progressively over a period of 2,213 years, not all at once.) At the height of the morphogenetic wave crest, during the half-point in the cycle, there is an approximately three-day period when Earth’s magnetic fields temporarily collapse as the spin of particles and anti-particles slows, polarity again reverses, and the angle of particle rotation shifts back 45° to its original position.

Within that three-day period, particle Earth returns to its HU-1 time cycle in the particle universe, and anti-particle Tara returns to its HU-2 time cycle in the HU-2 anti-particle universe. There will be difficulty with the functioning of earthly electrical and magnetic devices during this period, and the human mind and body will experience an excessive feeling of tension, pressure and fatigue. Strange atmospheric anomalies may occur, including a prolonged period of darkness and daylight, and the possible appearance of a double moon, depending upon the balance of the Earth’s grid. These symptoms will release as soon as the transfer of time cycles is completed, but during the three-day period tremendous stress will be placed upon the human’s body, mind and emotions. Prior to this three-day shifting period, during the five-year crest of the morphogenetic wave, electrical energy is magnetically pulled from particle Earth’s core into anti-particle Tara’s core and the fifth-dimensional frequencies of Tara’s core blend into Earth’s D-2 core morphogenetic field. 

At this time, the fastest-vibrating base-tone particles of Earth—those that vibrate to the particle pulsation rate of the fifth-dimensional frequencies—are transferred from particle Earth’s D-2 core morphogenetic field into anti-particle Tara’s D-5 morphogenetic field. These mechanics of energy create a fluctuation within the electromagnetic fields of both Tara and Earth, which operate as a warp in space-time. This naturally occurring time warp serves as a portal passage between Earth and Tara, which opens at the beginning of the five year period, reaches its height of activity during the half-point of the ascension cycle five years later, then progressively closes from the half-point to its full closing five years following the half-point. 

The Holographic Beam, the Photon Belt and the Pleiades 

During the course of this 10-year period, five years prior to and after the half-point, fifth through ninth-dimensional frequencies are progressively infused into Earth’s grid, then into the bio-energetic fields of all life-forms on Earth. The infusion of frequency from the higher-dimensional fields and Tara’s core in D-5 into Earth's core in D-2 follows a natural path of inter-dimensional energy circulation, through which HU-1 through HU-5 are connected. Each Harmonic Universe has a Harmonic Time Cycle, such as that of HU-1, which is 26,556 years long. All of the Harmonic Time Cycles are synchronized through the particle pulsation rates within each of the 15 dimensions. When Earth enters the half-point in its second ascension cycle, its grid fuses with the grid of anti-particle Tara precisely because these Harmonic Time Cycles are synchronized. 

When Earth reaches its half-point, not only does a warp in space-time occur within HU-1, it occurs all the way up through the five Harmonic Universes. A time-warp portal opens all the way  up through the 15-dimensional scale. This opening of interdimensional portals, which creates the morphogenetic wave, allows a beam of UHF energy to pass from the Meta-galactic Core in D-8, through all of the Harmonic Universes. We refer to this as the Holographic Beam, for it is the primary spiral of transmitting energy that feeds and sustains all of the dimensional systems and the holograms of matter which take place in those systems. The path of the Holographic Beam follows a particular route into the time cycles of HU-1. It spirals down through various planetary cores from HU-2 and HU-3, through the planetary core of Alcyone in the Pleiades, through various other planets and then enters your solar system through the core of the sun. From there the Holographic Beam moves outward and through the cores of the planets in your solar system. As the planets move within the cycles of their orbits, at certain points they align with the sun in a particular way, and pass through the projection of this Holographic Beam. 

The Holographic Beam is released when the portals open during the half-point of the ascension cycle and again at the close of the ascension cycle 2213 years later. The Holographic Beam that was released during the ascension cycle at the end of the previous 26,556-year period leaves its trace within the HU-1 galaxy. The beam from the past cycle will appear as an area of concentrated photon activity surrounding the planet Alcyone, through which the beam entered HU-1. The Holographic Beam follows a path through the Pleiades to Earth because Earth’s sun is actually the eighth star in the Pleiadian system. As discussed in earlier chapters, during the cataclysm 550 million years ago, fragments of Tara's morphogenetic field were pulled through the center of this Pleiadian star. The planets of Earth's solar system, which are fragments of Tara, then re-formed around this star in HU-1. (Recent speculation in the private scientific communities suggests that our solar system is a binary solar system having two suns. Alcyone, the central sun of the Pleiadian star system is actually the primary sun of our solar system. Our sun is a star within the Pleiadian solar system.) 

The area of photon energy around the Pleiades has been referred to as the Photon Belt, which was discovered by Earth scientists in 1961 through mechanical observation of that star system. (Photons are created through the fusion of multidimensional particles and anti-particles, so the Photon Belt is the residual energy left over from the last morphogenetic wave. That energy is replenished every 26,556 years as the Holographic Beam projects through Alcyone twice during each second ascension cycle.) As Earth moves through its next 26,566-year cycle following the release of the last Holographic Beam, completing a full round of its Harmonic Time cycle, it will appear as though the Photon Belt is moving closer to Earth and its solar system. 

They are actually moving toward each other, as the Pleiades and the Earth’s solar system travel in their orbits within the HU-1 and HU-2 Harmonic Time cycles. When Earth completes its half-point in the second ascension cycle, its overtone particles will pass into the Photon Belt, just as a new release of the Holographic Beam takes place. The new release of the Holographic Beam creates the morphogenetic wave that allows portions of Earth and Tara to temporarily merge within the fourth dimension. The infusion of Earth’s grid with D-5 through D-9 frequency occurs through the Holographic Beam. When that energy infusion begins, five years prior to the half-point, Earth begins passing into the Holographic Beam as it merges with Tara and enters the D-4 time cycle. 

As this occurs, Earth’s overtone particles move into the Photon Belt. While particles and anti-particles reverse polarity and spin, and the angular rotation of particles shifts 45°, the morphogenetic fields of D-2 Earth’s core and D-5 Tara’s core come into direct alignment with the Holographic Beam. The beam allows the D-2 and D-5 planetary core morphogenetic fields to open into each other, which creates an infusion of D-5 frequency into Earth’s grid. At the height of the morphogenetic wave crest, at the half-point in the cycle, the Holographic Beam is aligned directly through the planetary cores of Earth, Tara and Gaia for about three days, and the grids of Earth and Tara are in complete alignment.

 The Holographic Beam runs from the D-8 Meta-Galactic Core, upward into the D-9 Galactic Core, then downward, directly through the cores of Gaia in HU-3, Tara in HU-2 and Earth in HU-1. This creates an infusion of D-8 and D-9 frequency through the three planetary grids, and allows an ascension passage from Earth, through Tara and into Gaia and beyond, to open during the three-day period. The morphogenetic fields of each planet absorb as much UHF energy from the beam as they can hold, at which point the morphogenetic wave reaches its full crest and particle/anti-particle spin begins to slow in preparation for Earth’s return to its HU-1 time cycle. Particles and anti-particles reverse spin and polarity, and their angular rotation shifts 45° back to its original position, as Earth begins to shift out of direct alignment with the Holographic Beam and Tara’s grid. After a three-day period Earth returns to its HU-1 time cycle and the time warp portal between D-2 and D-5 begins its five-year closing period, and the portals between D-9, D-8 and D-7 close. 

The grids of Earth and Tara begin their five-year period of moving out of alignment with each other, and Earth’s overtone particles remain within the Photon Belt. Normally Earth’s overtone particles would remain within the Photon Belt for 2213 years, until the next morphogenetic wave, when the base-tone particles would also enter the Photon Belt and Earth would shift fully into the HU-2, D-4 time cycle to begin another 26,556-year Harmonic Time cycle. 

DNA, the Morphogenetic Wave, the Halls of Amenti, and the Doreadeshi 

During the period of five years prior to and five years after the half-cycle point, the imprint of the fifth DNA strand is made available to all of the races, and the opportunity for ascension to Tara is made available to all who can fully activate that strand before the close of the dimensional time warp portal five years following the half-point. Ideally, the Sphere of Amenti race morphogenetic field and the Blue Flame Staff of Amenti, Earth’s portion of Tara’s morphogenetic field, will be placed within this time-warp portal in Earth’s D-2 core during the half-point in the second ascension cycle. During this 10-year period, the Halls of Amenti portal passages to Tara, and to other time fields of Earth in HU-1, become open to the masses. 

In order for the morphogenetic wave, mass ascension and evolutionary leap in time to occur, the Sphere of Amenti must be held and opened within the D-2 Earth core morphogenetic field, and the Blue Flame must be embodied within 8% of Earth’s populations. Individuals whose body, bio-energetic field and consciousness pulsate at the rate of fifth-dimensional frequency will experientially perceive either direct, bodily transmutation through a time portal passage from Earth to Tara, or a time travel transport to Tara via interdimensional spacecraft (arranged by guardian groups to assist those who cannot quite make it through the dimensional transmutation of the portals). They will end up on Tara in a space-time coordinate about 5,532.5 years in the future from Earth’s original space-time position. At the end of the five-year period following the crest of the morphogenetic wave, people who have not fully assembled the fifth DNA strand will find that the assembled portions of that strand begin to disassemble.

 When Earth returns to its time cycle in the particle universe, the energetic imprint of the fifth DNA strand will remain in their bio-energetic field, and will manifest within their anti-particle double on parallel Earth, but the fifth strand will no longer manifest into the person’s operational gene code. The Halls of Amenti will no longer be passable for such individuals until the fifth strand slowly assembles over the course of the next several incarnational cycles within HU-1. These individuals will be stuck in the HU-1 incarnational cycles until they can build the fifth strand or until the next morphogenetic wave period 2213 years later, whichever comes first. The Halls of Amenti will remain passable only to those who organically possessed the fifth DNA strand imprint. 

The 10-year period, starting five years before and ending five years after the half-cycle point, allows the races the opportunity for an evolutionary leap in time. This opportunity occurs only twice in a 26,556- year cycle, during the second ascension cycle. During this period many 117 Ascension Mechanics human souls, who cannot fully assemble the fifth strand while embodied, but have assembled the fourth strand, choose to drop their physical bodies, so they may rapidly assemble D-5 frequency into their morphogenetic field from D-4. Such individuals will ascend to Tara as soul essence from D-4, so they do not have to continue incarnational cycles in HU-l. 

There are frequently localized disaster events during these periods through which masses of people die and leave their bodies at one time. The events may appear tragic from an earthly perspective, but from the soul perspective participation in these events is planned in order to catch the morphogenetic wave and ascend. During the five-year period prior to the half-point in the cycle, when Earth and Tara shift into the fourth-dimensional frequency bands, the part of Earth’s particles that vibrate/pulsate at D-5 speed, begin to fully transmute and appear on Tara, within the time cycles of HU-2. The highest vibrating particles enter hyper-space and re-appear in the future. The portions of Earth’s particles that pulsate the slowest fall further in vibration at the release of the higher pulsating particles and drop into the Unified Field of the base-tone frequency patterns of D-1. 

The slowest vibrating particles break apart their form construction and re-appear as part of the Earth’s particle-base in the past, at a time period in the beginning of the present 26,556-year cycle. The particles pulsating at a middle range rate of speed enter the faster time cycle of D-4 for five years, then return to their original time cycle in HU-1 to complete the remaining 2213 years of the ascension cycle. The mid-range vibration particles appear within the present time continuum in the parallel anti-particle universe (which is the same time continuum as the D-4 cycle in the particle universe), then after five years return to their original present D3 HU-1 time continuum. What this process constitutes in terms of the human perspective, is the opening up of three tracks of time, or three time continua, during the 10-year period surrounding the half-point within the second ascension cycle. 

Human beings and their consciousness are made up of energy particles. As Earth undergoes this particle separation, transmutation and dimensional transfer, the energetic structures of human biology and consciousness also undergo this transformation via the makeup of their particle content. Humans possessing the slowest vibration rates would find their consciousness fragmenting into the distant past and their body form returning to the unified field of the first dimension. Not to worry, however, as the collective race consciousness now vibrates high enough, thanks to the efforts of visiting guardian races, so humans would not experience this evolutionary digression into D-1 in the event of a morphogenetic wave. 

Humans possessing mid-range vibration rates, which is presently the majority of the population, would normally find themselves within the present time continuum, where things look the same, but this continuum, in actuality, 118 DNA and the Halls of Amenti would be taking place within the D-3 time cycle of the parallel universe. The D-3 time cycle of parallel anti-particle Earth is, in reality, the same time cycle as the fourth dimension cycle in the particle universe. Thus humans possessing mid-range vibrational rates would find themselves on Earth entering the time cycle of the fourth dimension for a period of five years. Humans who have the highest vibration rates will enter hyper-space then re-appear on Earth within the next Harmonic Universe up, HU-2, which constitutes a position in time 5532.5 years in the future. 

Humans with the highest vibration rates will find themselves traveling through time, experientially either by portal passage or via spacecraft, to the future parallel Earth of HU-2. The future Earth and its parallel in HU-2 represent the planet Tara and its double, at a point in time 225 million years in the future from the time of Tara’s cataclysm. Normally, within five years following the half-point morphogenetic wave crest, the overtone particles of Earth will have entered the HU-2 time cycles. During the morphogenetic wave 2213 years in the future, at the natural close of the ascension cycle, the remaining base-tone particles of Earth would transmute in the same manner. Earth would shift completely out of HU-1 and fully enter the D-4 time cycle, the first 4,426-year cycle of the 26,556-year cycle in HU-2. This natural close of an ascension cycle is called the Doreadeshi. 

Earth’s natural shift from the HU-1 to the HU-2 time cycles would normally occur in two stages. The overtone particles of Earth shift in the morphogenetic wave at the half-cycle point, and the base-tone particles of Earth shift 2213 years later, in the second morphogenetic wave at the close of the cycle. At that point the full particle base of Earth would be stationed in HU-2, having evolved through dimensional ascension, out of HU-1. The particles composed of overtone frequencies undergo this transformation halfway through the ascension cycle, and the particles composed of base-tone frequencies follow suit, 2213 years later, at the end of the ascension cycle. The Sphere of Amenti, Halls of Amenti, the Blue Flame and Human Evolution The complex processes of particle mechanics, morphogenetic waves and time cycles that we have just outlined, represent the natural hidden dynamics of planetary dimensional ascension and the evolution of consciousness through time. 

An essential part of this process is the relationship between these multidimensional energy mechanics and the operation of the Sphere of Amenti. For the Halls of Amenti to open to the races during the 10-year time warp/dimensional blend period surrounding the half-cycle point, the Earth grid vibration must raise high enough to spark/open the Arc of the Covenant. The Sphere of Amenti must descend through the Arc into Earth’s D-2 core, and the Sphere must have its 12-year period of disbursing its frequencies through the Earth grid, before the grids of Earth and Tara begin to intersect five years prior to the half-point. The Blue Flame Staff of Amenti, Earth’s portion of Tara’s D-5 morphogenetic field, allows Earth’s grid to merge with Tara’s in D-4. 

If the Blue Flame is not embodied on Earth when the grids begin to intersect, the infusion of D-5 energy from Tara’s grid and the Holographic Beam cannot run through Earth’s grid during the crest of the morphogenetic wave. In such a case the Earth’s grid cannot link with Tara’s to receive the energy infusion, so Tara’s grid will link with whatever planetary core the Blue Flame is stored within. The fifth-dimensional energy infusion would then pass down from that planet, through the energy spiral of the Holographic Beam and remain within the overtone particles of Earth, unable to pass into Earth’s base-tone particles and grid. In this case Earth and the races would be trapped for another 26,556 years within HU-1, the mass assembly of the fifth DNA strand would not occur, and the majority of Earth’s people would have to reincarnate into HU-1 until the next morphogenetic wave. 

This is only the beginning of the problems that would occur if the Blue Flame were not embodied on Earth during the time of grid intersection. If the Earth grid could not link with Tara’s, the Earth grid speed would slow in vibration due to the excessive particle content that it could not release through the first morphogenetic wave. After 2,213 years had passed and the final morphogenetic wave of the cycle was due, the Earth grid vibration would be too low to hold the Sphere of Amenti and the Blue Flame, so the grids of Earth and Tara again would be unable to merge. At the close of the ascension cycle Earth’s excessive particle content and density would make its grid speed and particle pulsation rate slow to the speed of the D-l frequency bands. 

Earth would plunge from the sixth, and final, D-3 time continuum cycle in HU-1, back into the First D-1 time continuum cycle, of HU1. From this D-1 position, Earth would have to evolve through another 26,556-year Harmonic Time cycle in HU-1, before having another opportunity to ascend to HU-2. As you can perhaps now see, it is very important that the Sphere of Amenti is appropriately placed in Earth’s core, and the Blue Flame successfully embodies, during the half-point in the second ascension cycle. If this process does not occur, the Earth becomes trapped in HU-1 time. This digression and repetition of HU-1 time cycles has occurred seven times in the past of Earth’s evolution. Earth is presently within its eighth repetition of the 26,556-year Harmonic Time cycle in HU-1. Earth’s evolution has been stunted within the HU-1 time cycle for nearly 212,448 years. 

Though some progress was made in dimensional ascension at several different points in time, Earth and the human races repeatedly ended up returning to the start of the 26,556-year HU-l cycle. Since 840,000 years ago, when the guardian races from HU-2 and above created the Arc of the Covenant, they have watched, waited, nurtured, guided, assisted and prayed (yes, prayed!) for the time to come when the lost souls of Tara could return home from their long and troubled evolutionary journey on Earth. They did this because your race was loved. They have waited patiently for the distant time when Earth, and the 11 other missing fragments of Tara, could be returned into Tara’s energetic body, so Tara herself could ascend. Great wars have been fought and great catastrophes endured to secure your species’ right to evolve, and to uphold and protect the Covenant of Palaidor, through which the integrity of your species’ evolutionary blue print is ensured. Can you understand how important the next morphogenetic wave will be in relation to the evolution of Earth and the souls who continue to repeatedly incarnate there? The next morphogenetic wave in your present 26,556- year cycle is your potential ticket to freedom, after being imprisoned within the illusion of HU-1 matter for over 200,000 years. 

If you are unable to utilize that potential, you will sentence yourselves to yet another 26,556 years in the prison of your Earth school, if your planet could survive long enough to complete its next cycle. We are taking great pains to explain the dynamics of morphogenetic waves to you because you are presently within the second ascension cycle of your 26,566-year Harmonic Time Cycle. The ascension cycle began 2194 years ago in 196 BC. The half-point in your current time cycle is 2017 AD. You have 19 years before the first morphogenetic wave of this cycle completes its crest. Do you think you will be ready? If the Guardian races had not intervened, your planet would not have made it this far.

Voyagers II; 7 The Guardian Material; Countdown to Amenti

Voyagers II; 5 The Guardian Material; Return to Amenti, PHARAOH AKHENATON, Opening the Halls of Amenti and Ascension

Return of the Sphere of Amenti, Birth of Pharaoh Akhenaton/ Amenophis IV, Templar Seal Released From the Annu Races, Opening the Halls of Amenti and Ascension 

2409 BC-l362 BC The Sphere of Amenti could only be reentered into Earth’s core during the periods of dimensional blending within Earth’s natural time cycles. The Elohim and guardians from HU-2 and HU-3 had orchestrated the Frequency Fence and Earth's quarantine in 9540 BC in order to prevent the Sphere from destroying Earth after it had prematurely descended through the Arc of the Covenant as a result of the Atlantean cataclysm, and since 9540 BC the Sphere of Amenti had been in storage, under high security, within the frequency bands of the fourth dimension astral planes. 

The Earth’s grid had stabilized and risen in vibrational speed since the times of Atlantis, and the guardian races made plans to reenter the Sphere of Amenti into Earth’s core through the barrier between the third and fourth dimensions during the next natural opening in the time cycle, in preparation for opening the Halls of Amenti. The next natural dimensional blending period would occur in 2409 BC, which marked the half cycle point within the 4426-year cycle that began in 4622 BC. If the Sphere of Amenti could be entered into the third dimension in 2409 BC, it could then be returned to the Earth’s D-2 core whenever the Earth grid speed rose high enough to hold the frequencies of the Blue Flame morphogenetic field of Tara, which needed to be embodied on the planet for the Halls of Amenti to open.

 As the Melchizedek Cloister race held the imprint for the fifth DNA strand, which would pull fifth-dimensional frequencies into the Earth grid, the opening of the Halls of Amenti was dependent upon enough of the Melchizedeks and fifth strand hybrid races being present on Earth to raise the grid speed high enough to hold the Blue 87 Return to Amenti Flame. In order to raise the grid speed, 8% of the total global population had to have the fifth strand activated, which meant that the Sphere of Amenti could not descend into Earth’s core until a concentration of Cloister Melchizedeks had been born. The second mass birthing wave of Melchizedek Cloister souls was scheduled to occur around 1500 BC, so the tentative date for the opening of the Halls of Amenti was set for a period following the 1500 BC Melchizedek Cloister birthing wave. 

The Sphere of Amenti was released from D-4 by the Elohim in 2409 BC. The seventh through 12th base tones of the third dimension, which had been removed from Earth’s morphogenetic field to create the Frequency Fence, were readjusted. The eighth through 12th base tones of D-3 were re-entered into the Earth’s morphogenetic field, reconstructing the Frequency Fence between the sixth and eighth base tones of the third dimension. This allowed the Sphere to enter into the UHF bands of D-3 until it was time to open the Halls of Amenti. Releasing the Sphere from the UHF bands of D-3 did not require synchronization with a natural dimensional blend period as would have been necessary if the Sphere remained in D-4. Following the Melchizedek birthing wave of 1500 BC, plans were made for the opening of the Halls of Amenti. 

This opportunity would also be used to begin the reintegrating of the Annu-Melchizedek morphogenetic field, which was stored in Alcyone under the Templar Seal. It was decided that in the year 1398 BC an avatar from HU-2 would birth on to Earth through the Annu-Melchizedek morphogenetic field, then through the Sphere of Amenti and into the Earth. By passing an avatar soul essence, who carried at least 9- dimensional frequencies within its personal morphogenetic field, the genetic imprint deviations in the Annu-Melchizedek morphogenetic field could be realigned with the HU-2 frequency patterns. This process would serve to clear the Annu morphogenetic field of its distortions and reintegrate the Annu back into the Cloister Melchizedek morphogenetic field in the Sphere of Amenti. Following the birth of this avatar, the Annu peoples would be released from the Templar Seal and would be able to ascend to Tara with the unsealed races when the Halls of Amenti opened. 

The birth of the avatar would “spark,” or quickly raise the frequency of the Earth grid, which would in tum cause the Earth core vibrational rate to increase, so a spark would be released from the Earth core into the Arc of the Covenant, thereby releasing the Sphere of Amenti into the Earth core. The avatar chosen for this project was a pure Anunnaki soul essence appointed by the Sirian Council from HU-2 It was necessary for an Anunnaki to serve this role in order to realign the Annu genetic imprint to its original order. The avatar was born in 1398 BC, in the city of Thebes, Egypt, as the son of a Serres-Egyptian father and Annu-Melchizedek mother. This child became known as Amenophis IV, son of Pharaoh Amenophis III and Queen Tiy. 

When the child was grown he changed his name to Akhenaton (1366 BC), and began the Atonist movement within the Egyptian New Kingdom dynastic line. At the birth of Akhenaton in 1398 BC, the Arc of the Covenant was opened and the Sphere of Amenti descended into Earth core from the UHF bands of D-3. Twelve years later, in 1386 BC the Blue Flame of Amenti descended and was embodied by the Melchizedek Cloister Flame Holder, who became the High Priest of Akhenaton’s Atonist movement. (Amenophis III died in 1385 BC when Akhenaton was 13 years old, and Akhenaton served as regent with his mother Queen Tiy until 1370 BC, when at age 28 he began his 17-year Pharaonic rule). 

The Melchizedek Cloister soul group who were to serve as Keepers of the Flame were birthed into this time period in synchronization with Akhenaton’s birth, so they would be in the appropriate places to fulfill their role within the opening of the Halls of Amenti. The Halls of Amenti opened 12 years later in 1374 BC, after the frequencies of the embodied flame had stabilized within the Earth grid. At the age of 24 Akhenaton was taken to the Inner Earth by the Priests of Ur, and trained in the processes of ascension, which he would conduct after his training was complete. 

In 1367 BC, at the age of 31, Akhenaton was instructed to relocate his seat of power from Thebes to a location in middle Egypt called Tel el-Amarna, where he constructed the city of Akhetaton in honor of the Aton god and the Law of One. He was led to this location by the Priests of Ur, as there, beneath the ground, were portals connecting to the Inner Earth, through which he could pass into the portals beneath the Great Pyramid of Giza, where the Arc of the Covenant and the Halls of Amenti were found. The Giza pyramid was still under the control and protection of the Amonist priests of Serres-Egyptian lineage, among whom much anti-Atonist sentiment stirred. 

The Priests of Ur did not want knowledge of the opening of the Halls of Amenti known among the general Amonist priest-cast, as certain abuses of power and distortion of the original Templar creed had become prevalent in this group, and only Cloister Melchizedeks born into the Serres-Egyptian elite were permitted knowledge of the opening of Amenti. The new city at Tel el-Amarna allowed Akhenaton and his followers to go about the business of ascension without drawing the attention of the Serres priesthood, and also permitted easy access through the Inner Earth to Giza, Thebes, Jerusalem and the city of Ur along the Euphrates River. Using surface travel, these locations were hundreds of miles apart, but through the portals of Inner Earth these locations could be accessed within minutes. 

Akhenaton’s purpose in coming to Earth was to ensure the opening the Halls of Amenti, to realign the morphogenetic field of the Annu races so they could be re-entered into the Sphere of Amenti, and to orchestrate ascension for the Templar-Annu, Annu-Melchizedeks and selected others of various races, whose genetic codes were evolved enough to undergo this process. The Annu lived in concentration in the Inner Earth, and were also disbursed throughout the lands of Egypt and beyond. Through the inner passageways, Annu from various locations were brought to Akhetaton at Tel el-Amarna for ascension initiation and training, and then taken secretly into the lower chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza where they could pass through the Halls of Amenti and return to Tara. 

Though the Halls of Amenti had been opened in 1374 BC, Akhenaton did not begin ascension practices until 1367 BC, when his sanctuary at Akhetaton had been prepared and his training with the Priests of Ur had been completed. For five years, between 1367 BC and 1362 BC Akhenaton successfully trained and ascended several thousand people through the Halls of Amenti, secretly and without incident. Though his spiritual commitments left him little time or concern for the more mundane earthly affairs of politics, which made him highly unpopular among the general Egyptian populace, he was quite successful in fulfilling his purposes for incarnating on Earth, and was held in high esteem by the peoples of Inner Earth and the surface dwellers who understood the significance of his work.

 His success was, however, short lived, as his less-desirable character leanings of arrogance, intolerance for the beliefs of others and favoritism toward the Annu peoples brought an early end to his achievements, and ultimately created a major setback in the greater plan of preparing the races for mass ascension. Akhenaton is still primarily viewed as a master and revered avatar among descendants of the Melchizedek people, who understand the purposes for his work on Earth. He deserves much credit for his achievements in realigning the genetic imprint of the Annu races and reintegrating their morphogenetic field into the Sphere of Amenti. 

Though his general Earth mission was successful, it is still worth mentioning the less-than-desirable events that colored his reign as Pharaoh. Because of these events, the Halls of Amenti were once again closed, and the quarantine under which the races had evolved since 9540 BC remained in effect long after it was originally intended. Conflict Between Serres-Egyptian-Melchizedeks and Annu- Melchizedeks and Akhenaton, Opening the Portals of the Underworld, Closing the Halls of Amenti, Guardianship of the Arc of the Covenant transferred to Hibiru Cloister, Deactivation of the Rod and the Staff and the Templar-Axion Seal, Tutankhamun and Haremhab. 

1362 BC -1309 BC Akhenaton successfully practiced the rites of ascension among the Annu populations from 1367 BC to 1362 BC, following directives from the Priests of Ur in the Inner Earth. Tensions began to mount between Akhenaton and the Ur Priesthood when he was instructed to begin ascending other individuals not of Annu lineage. In his original soul agreement, Akhenaton was to re-enter the Annu-Melchizedek morphogenetic field back into the Sphere of Amenti, see that the Halls of Amenti were opened, then oversee the training and ascension of all individuals whose genetic codes would allow them to pass through the fifth-dimensional frequencies into Tara. Serres-Egyptians, and all of the other races were to be considered equally for this process, but Akhenaton, from the beginning, showed extreme favoritism toward people of Annu descent and an unwarranted prejudice toward those of Serres-Egyptian lineage. 

To appease the Priests of Ur, Akhenaton would allow select Serres to enter into the initiation programs at Akhetaton, but then systematically omit them from the final stages of training, so the opportunity of program completion and ascension was denied. The Priests of Ur and the Elohim created an alternative plan by which the Melchizedek Cloister Keepers of the Blue Flame, who held strategic positions within Akhenaton’s inner council, would be permitted to conduct ascension rites under the direction of the Priests of Ur, without Akhenaton’s knowledge of their activities. The Keepers of the Blue Flame were headed by the primary Flame Holder, a women named Phaelopea, who for long held the rank of High Priestess of the Atonist temples at Akhetaton. The inner circle of the Flame Keepers was composed of General Haremhab, head of Akhenaton’s strategic armies of the north, the head physician of Akhenaton’s court and his illegitimate, elder half brother Sabatoth, and his fourth wife Ankhi (historically known as Kiya). 

There were approximately 200 other members of the Blue Flame Melchizedeks among Akhenaton’s ranks, who had originally been sent to support him in his efforts. As his personal prejudice and intolerance of the Serres-Egyptians had colored his ability to fulfill his ascension duties appropriately, the Blue Flame Melchizedeks were assisted by the Elohim to carry out ascension by night, using an alternative portal passage to the Great Pyramid of Giza. Through the alternate route, the Keepers of the Blue Flame would not have to pass through the portions of Inner Earth through which Akhenaton conducted his ascensions, so both groups could fulfill the ascension contract, while circumnavigating Akhenaton’s personal character leanings. From 1363 BC to 1362 BC the Keepers of the Blue Flame lead qualified Serres-Egyptians and others to the Arc of the Covenant at Giza, successfully ascending several hundred individuals not of Annu descent through the Halls of Amenti

In 1362 BC the inevitable occurred, and Akhenaton discovered the activities of the Keepers of the Blue Flame, and charged identified members with treason, and sentenced them to death. Among those sentenced to die were his fourth wife Ankhi and his half brother Sabatoth. With the assistance of the Elohim, these individuals were exiled to Giza and placed under the protection of a select group of Serres-Egyptian priests who had been permitted to know of the secrets of Amenti. Akhenaton’s fourth wife Ankhi had produced a son for Akhenaton in 1363 BC, and the child was later secretly taken to Giza by his mother and several other Keepers of the Blue Flame. General Haremhab’s affiliation with the Keepers of the Blue Flame had not yet been discovered, and he remained an operative within Akhenaton’s ranks, attempting to soften Akhenaton’s wrath toward those whom he perceived as traitors. 

In 1362 BC, shortly after the child was taken from Akhetaton to Giza, a final confrontation took place between Akhenaton and the Keepers of the Blue Flame. The confrontation took place within the hidden passages beneath Giza, when Akhenaton and his men followed Haremhab through the alternative portal route and caught the Keepers of the Blue Flame in their ascension practices. Using the Staff, Akhenaton attempted to close the Halls of Amenti. The Flame Holder transmitted the D-5 frequencies held within her body into Ankhi, who was to be the next Flame Holder. Ankhi transmitted the D-5 frequencies of the flame into the Sphere of Amenti to counter the transmissions of the Staff, forcing the Halls to remain open. Akhenaton and Ankhi were held within a duel of energy, with the Sphere of Amenti between them. 

Sabatoth, Akhenaton’s unrecognized half brother, retrieved the Rod instrument from Akhenaton’s guard and activated the second-dimensional frequencies of the Rod in hope of knocking the Staff from Akhenaton’s grasp, fearing that the power duel taking place would destroy the Sphere of Amenti. In a brief moment the course of intended history was changed, as the second-dimensional energy transmissions of the Rod interacted with the fifth-dimensional energy transmissions of the Staff to create a double overtone frequency field. When the double overtone was struck, the energetic barrier around the Sphere of Amenti collapsed, opening the D-2 Earth morphogenetic field into the Sphere of Amenti. This released the chaotic energies of the soul fragments caught in D-1 and D-2 (known as the Underworld) into the morphogenetic field of the Sphere of Amenti. The Elohim immediately intervened, descending through the Arc of the Covenant, resealing the Sphere of Amenti. Portions of the Amenti morphogenetic field had been contaminated by the chaotic forces of D-2, and the Elohim had to separate the Sphere of Amenti, leaving the contaminated portions within the D-2 Earth core morphogenetic field.

The portions of the Sphere that had not been compromised were placed back into the Arc of the Covenant in the UHF bands of D-3, where the Sphere of Amenti was once again sealed. Because of these events, the Halls of Amenti were once again closed. The portions of Amenti that remained in Earth’s core stayed opened, but the frequency bands of the Amenti Sphere that allowed passage into Tara were sealed away in the UHF bands of D-3 within the Arc of the Covenant. On the evening when this confrontation occurred, all members of the conflicting parties were energetically altered and returned to their home in Akhetaton, having their memory of the night's proceedings erased. Prior to this event, the Elohim and Priests of Ur had intended to orchestrate the ascension of Akhenaton, his first wife Nefertiti and their daughters. 

This was scheduled to occur after the seat of power had been transferred from Akhenaton to his fourth wife Ankhi and their son, through whom the half brother Sabatoth would acquire the throne until the avatar child came of age. The Elohim intentions were to blend the Atonist and Amonist perspectives together around the original Templar teachings of the Law of One, through which Egypt could be unified and serve as a model for preparing the races for ascension. Following the closing of the Halls of Amenti, this plan was no longer feasible, as the royals could not ascend to Tara while the Sphere of Amenti remained split in two, so alternative measures had to be taken. 

The Sirian Council had arranged for the royal family to be taken by starship to Sirius B after the transfer of earthly power, but Akhenaton did not live long enough to fulfill this vision. The Elohim and Priests of Ur attempted to council Akhenaton following the closing of the Halls of Amenti, but he misunderstood their attempts at astral communication to represent attempted manipulation by evil forces. Having no memory of the Giza events, Akhenaton was swayed by the Priests of Ur, during physical contact, to allow the Flame Keepers to go free. He was further advised to continue with the plan to allow Ankhi to be appointed as wife number one so the child would be given legitimacy as the next heir to the Pharaonic line. 

Events became a jumble of confusion as Akhenaton, fearing treason at every turn, chose to disregard the requests of the Priests of Ur that ascension practices be stopped. This request was given in good measure, as anyone attempting to ascend through Amenti while the Sphere was broken into two pieces, would find their soul essence fragmented into D-2 and the upper portions of D-3. Thinking that he was sparing the Annu from manipulation attempts by the Priests of Ur, Akhenaton used the Staff to access the alternative portal route to Giza, and continued to ascend groups of Annu through the portals, not realizing he was sentencing them to soul fragmentation. Sabatoth discovered Akhenaton was using the Halls of Amenti and so he, going against the advice of the other Flame Keepers, also continued ascension attempts for the Serres-Egyptian peoples. 

Sabatoth discovered that by using the D-2 portals to access parallel Earth, through which people could merge consciousness with their anti-particle double and transmute their DNA, that passage into the Halls of Amenti could be made without the use of the Staff or Blue Flame. Neither man realized they were sending people into fragmentation and both believed they were assisting their own people who were being unfairly denied by the other side. The Elohim again intervened to stop these activities. The personal morphogenetic fields of individuals involved with ascension after the Halls of Amenti were closed were removed from the Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic field and placed within the Third Eye of Horus portal passage in the 93 Return to Amenti core of Sirius B, under the Templar-Axion Seal. 

This group included over 1,000 people, who would be allowed to ascend to Tara as soul essences once the Halls of Amenti were reopened, but once there, they had to repeatedly incarnate on Earth until they had fully assembled the fragmented portions of their soul essence from the D-2 elemental kingdom. Akhenaton and his half brother Sabatoth, and various others of Cloister Melchizedek and Serres-Egyptian lineage were among those placed under the Templar-Axion Seal. This Sealing was again employed as a protective measure, to insure that the remaining portions of the Amenti Sphere were not compromised by the misaligned energies of D-2. But unfortunately, through generations following this lineage, portions of the Templar-Axion Seal were passed down indiscriminately throughout various racial families, and the Templar-Axion Seal became like a curse to the races, causing misalignment in various portions of the Amenti Sphere, which were further passed on through various genetic lines. 

These distortions in the Sphere of Amenti would have to be realigned with the 12-strand DNA imprint before anyone could again ascend through the Halls of Amenti. Suffering from confusion caused by the cumulative effects of these events, Akhenaton grew progressively more disinterested in the common affairs of Egypt and devoted his attention to ensuring the position of his son as the next heir to the throne. At this point, conspiratorial plans to remove Akhenaton from power brewed heavily within his own legions, promoted primarily by his uncle (the younger brother of Amenophis Ill).

 His first wife Nefertiti found sympathy with the conspirators, as she did not take well to the intended transfer of her position and power, pending the validation of the son as heir. The Flame Keepers and Ankhi (wife number 4, whom Nefertiti blamed for destroying her family) appealed to Nefertiti for compliance, at the insistence of the Priests of Ur. Unfortunately for all, Nefertiti could not muster the required humility, and in 1361 BC she assisted the uncle in sabotaging Akhenaton’s plans. The uncle orchestrated the assassination of Ankhi and Akhenaton’s two-year-old son, thereby leaving the issue of heir to the Pharaonic throne open to the highest bidder. 

Distraught over the loss of his son and what he perceived as the failure of his earthly mission, Akhenaton withdrew from social interaction, as General Haremhab, Sabatoth and others devised a plan to remove Akhenaton from power to protect Egypt from Akhenaton’s declining rule. In 1353 BC, with a heavy heart, General Haremhab turned a blind eye as Akhenaton’s aged uncle led the final conspiracy, assassinating Akhenaton and arranging the temporary succession of Smenkhkaré (husband of one of Akhenaton’s daughters, who secretly held a pro-Amonist outlook) to the throne. Haremhab, Sabatoth and the Keepers of the Blue Flame hoped to see Smenkhkaré replaced by Sabatoth, but after the fall of Akhenaton’s reign in 1353 BC, Sabatoth was imprisoned as a traitor in 1348 BC by the corrupt Serres-Egyptian Priesthood at Thebes (with whom he had been raised in childhood), tortured for his knowledge of the secrets of the Arc of the Covenant, then executed in 1344 BC. Sabatoth left behind him a legacy within which lived the hope of the Keepers of the Blue Flame. 

A child was born to Ihopetohetep, the wife of Sabatoth, several months after he was incarcerated in Thebes in 1348 BC. The child was named Tutankhaton. Haremhab and the Keepers of the Blue Flame kept the child’s true lineage hidden and orchestrated a marriage between this child and Akhenaton’s third daughter Ankhesenpaaton. In 1340 BC Smenkhkaré was assassinated by Haremhab’s secret guard, and 8- year old Tutankhaton was proclaimed Pharaoh. In order to avert the suspicions of the Serres priesthood, Haremhab arranged for the royal couple’s initiation through the Serres priesthood at Thebes, where their names were changed to Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamon. Tutankhamun acted as a puppet Pharaoh under the direction of Haremhab and an elder councilor-priest named Aya, and the capitol was again moved from Akhetaton at Tel el Amarna to Memphis, so activities at Giza could be more closely monitored. Originally Haremhab intended to uphold his commitments as a Keeper of the Blue Flame. This required a slow but steady integration of the belief systems of the Amonist and Atonist peoples. Under mounting pressure from the Serres-Egyptian priesthood at Thebes, Haremhab succumbed to taking actions which appeared to be more politically correct, and the teachings of the Law of One became lost as he influenced Tutankhamun to abandon all Atonist sympathy and revert to old Amonist perspectives. 

Having loyalties to the Keepers of the Blue Flame, Tutankhamun attempted to resist Haremhab’s campaign. In 1331 BC, when the 17-year old Pharaoh Tutankhamun was suffering from an illness, several of Haremhab’s advisors took matters into their own hands and poisoned him, removing the primary obstacle to Haremhab’s new direction and ending the nine-year reign of Tutankhamun, the child king (1340 BC-1331 BC). Haremhab quickly appointed the aging Aya, a longtime friend and Serres-Egyptian sympathizer, to the Pharaonic throne. Falling hopelessly under the manipulation of the Serres-Egyptian old order, Haremhab appointed himself Pharaoh following the death of Aya in 1324 BC. In order to preserve his political standing, Haremhab methodically set about destroying any evidence of his prior affiliation with the Atonist movement and involvement with the Cloister Melchizedek Keepers of the Blue Flame. 

Haremhab reigned as Pharaoh from 1324 BC until his death in 1309 BC, appointing Rameses I as his successor. Following the death of Aya in 1324 BC, the Melchizedek Cloister Keepers of the Blue Flame became scattered throughout Egypt, being considered criminals of the state for their prior affiliation with Akhenaton. Some found refuge within the secret ranks of the Serres priests at Giza, who still worked under the directive of the Priests of  Ur. By 1309 BC the Elohim plans for opening the Halls of Amenti and preparing the races for the mass ascension wave of 2017 AD were lost beneath the chaos left in the wake of Akhenaton’s clandestine rule. Although Akhenaton was ultimately successful in re-entering the Annu people into the Sphere of Amenti and successfully orchestrating the ascension of many individuals during his brief reign, he left an equally detracting legacy of chaos behind him. 

The Halls of Amenti were closed, the Sphere of Amenti was broken in two, with part of the race morphogenetic field in chaotic shambles within the D-2 Earth core and the other part again quarantined in the UHF bands of the third dimension. The Arc of the Covenant was once again sealed, and the Frequency Fence, which kept the Sphere of Amenti from descending through the Arc, was once again put in place. Following the death of Tutankhamun in 1331 BC, the Elohim and the Priests of Ur, disheartened by the error of the human element, transferred surface guardianship of the Arc of the Covenant out of Egyptian hands. The Arc of the Covenant was placed under the protection of the Hibiru Cloister races, under the supervision of the Blue Flame Melchizedeks. The Rod and Staff were de-activated, and thus entry into the portals of the Inner Earth was stripped away from all races within the surface cultures.¹ 


Elohim and Sirian Council Favoritism toward Sirian Genetic Strains and Promotion of Patriarchal Templar Creed Distortion. Pleiadian, Arcturian, and Andromeda Resistance and Azurites Appointed by Ra Confederacy as Co-guardians of Palaidorian Covenant. Division within the Cloister Melchizedeks and Essene Brotherhood. 

1240 BC -12 BC The chaos which resulted from the misfortunes of Akhenaton’s reign also created a major division within the ranks of the Elohim of HU-3, the Sirian Council of HU-2 and the Ra Confederacy from the Meta-galactic Core. Dispute arose as to what should be done with the program of human evolution. The majority of Elohim had abandoned their loyalty to the human races in general, and saved their attentions for Annu-Melchizedeks and Hebrew peoples to whom they had closer genetic ties. In the years following Akhenaton’s demise, the Elohim and Sirian Council began showing their favoritism of these groups by purposely influencing the developing cultures to adopt the distorted Templar Creed. They believed that by promoting male dominance within the races (which was already a rampant distortion promoted by the corrupted Serres-Egyptian line), the course of interbreeding could be controlled. By controlling the women breeders and influencing a male elite to practice interracial discrimination, the Elohim's preferred lineage of humans could be kept genetically pure. These selected “chosen ones” would be given special privilege of ascension if they followed the teachings of the Elohim’s altered Templar Creed. 

The Elohim had basically given up on the rest of the human population, and made no attempt to assist the general populace in realigning the damage done to their genetic codes through the propagation of the Templar-Axion Seal. Other members of the Elohim, Pleiadian Star League Council, Andromeda and Arcturian Federations felt this preferential treatment was unfair, and appealed to the Ra Confederacy for intervention. The Ra Confederacy agreed that this treatment was discriminatory and detrimental to the human evolutionary plan. In 700 BC the Azurite Family of the Ra Confederacy was called into operation as primary protectors of the Covenant of Palaidor, and though willing to work with the biased Elohim, the Azurites were given an equal hand in the orchestration of human evolution. Their primary concern was to realign the morphogenetic field of the Sphere of Amenti, reintegrate all of the races who had been removed and prepare the races for another opening of the Halls of Amenti, to be scheduled in coincidence with the mass ascension wave of 2017 AD. 

The Azurites and Elohim worked together through the Melchizedek Cloister, establishing the Essene brotherhood about 1240 BC, which was originally designed to bring the undistorted Templar teachings of the Law of One back into manifestation on Earth. (The Essenes were originally one of the 25 families within the Melchizedek Cloister race. Members of this family were interbred with the Hibiru Cloister races to create a hybrid Hebrew strain. The Essenes thus had two primary racial divisions, those of the Melchizedek Cloister and those of Hebrew mixed-Cloister lineage.) Within several generations the biased Elohim took the project in their own direction, interbreeding some of the Cloister Melchizedek families with the Hebrew-Melchizedeks and promoting the patriarchal Templar Creed, which became the primary focus of the Essene Brotherhood teachings. 

By 1150 BC the Priests of Ur disassociated themselves from the primary families of the Essene brotherhood, and began working with a few select families within the Essenes, and the Hibiru and Melchizedek Cloisters. These families were chosen to reintegrate the undistorted pure Templar teachings and to work directly with the Priests of Ur to ensure the race preparation for the ascension wave of 2017 AD. In 700 BC the Ra Confederacy gave the Azurites equal directive control over human evolution and appointed them primary guardians of the Covenant of Palaidor. The Azurites began their work on Earth through the Essenes of the Priests of Ur. In 196 BC the Azurites and the Sirian Council attempted to mend the growing rift within the Melchizedek families by combining the previous teachings of the Melchizedek Priesthood with the evolving doctrines of the patriarchal and purist Melchizedeks. 

The original Melchizedek Priesthood, as it exists today, was founded on surface-Earth in 1982 BC, prior to Akhenaton’s reign, within the Hibiru Cloister race in the area of Salem, which became Jerusalem. An ET Nephilim (an immortal Sirian-human hybrid from the Second Seeding period) was brought to Earth from Nibiru in 1979 BC, carrying a patriarchal version of the Templar Creed, which allowed knowledge of ascension and genetic protection to reach the Hibiru and Aryan races. This individual became known as Melchizedek, King of Salem. The foundations for the modern day Jewish religion were laid at this time with the establishment of the Priesthood of Melchizedek among the Hebrew, Hibiru and Aryan races, through which the mystical studies of the original Kabbalah were organized. 

In 196 BC some success was achieved in consolidating the Templar teachings by combining the old Templar-Melchizedek doctrine with those of the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essenes and the Templar-Melchizedek Essenes. Despite this achievement, two primary, covert divisions within the Essene brotherhood remained. The Melchizedeks and Hebrew Essenes who were under the influence of the patriarchal Elohim were known as the Templar-Melchizedeks. They were primarily descendants of the Hebrew-Melchizedeks who had received the Templar Seal in 8,000 BC, and whose morphogenetic field still remained in Alcyone, not yet reintegrated into the Sphere of Amenti. This group emphasized the patriarchal slant of the Templar creed within the Jewish faith and heavily influenced the evolution of the Christian faiths. The Templar-Melchizedek Essenes were taught by the Elohim to believe that they were God’s chosen people and that they held the key to ascension. 

The covert group of Cloister Melchizedeks within the Essene brotherhood, who worked secretly with the Priests of Ur under the Azurite Council, were primarily descendants of the Blue Flame Pure-Cloister Family Melchizedeks. The Blue Flame Melchizedeks had not received the Templar Seal in 8,000 BC, and their morphogenetic field remained in the Sphere of Amenti. Protection of the Arc of the Covenant and the secrets of Amenti had been placed with the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essenes by the Azurite Council. The Blue Flame Melchizedeks taught the original, non-patriarchal, egalitarian creed of the undistorted Templar Creed, including the sacred teachings of the science of ascension, the reality of reincarnation and ET ancestry and the precepts of unity consciousness and the Sacred Law of One. 
The two groups coexisted with each other within the Essene brotherhood until 12 BC, when the Azurite Council orchestrated the next major event in preparing the races for ascension. 

Reintegration of the Races into and Restoration of the Sphere of Amenti, the Three Christs, The Zionites and Preparation for 2017 AD. 

12 BC-22 AD The Azurite Council knew that in order for the races to be prepared for the mass ascension wave of 2017 AD, the integrity of the Sphere of Amenti must be restored by realigning the portions of the Sphere trapped within the D-2 Earth morphogenetic field. The Alcyone morphogenetic fields of Templar Melchizedeks and those that received the Templar-Axion Seal during Akhenaton’s reign and were stored in Sirius B, also needed to be reintegrated into the Sphere of Amenti. Despite the failures of Akhenaton’s campaign, he had successfully reintegrated the Annu peoples into the Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic field, so a similar arrangement was made in reference to the Templar and Templar-Axion Sealed race families. 

This time, not only would the races be restored to their place within Amenti, the entire Sphere of Amenti would be realigned with the original 12-strand DNA pattern. Realignment of the Sphere of Amenti would allow all of the races to heal their genetic distortions in preparation for the opening of the Halls of Amenti, and would restore the integrity of the Sphere of Amenti so the Halls of Amenti could he opened. This realignment project would require the services of a 12th-level avatar, whose energetic imprint contained the alignment of 12-dimensional frequencies. This 12th-level avatar was to realign the Sphere of Amenti and the Alcyone morphogenetic field of the Templar Sealed Hebrew and Annu Melchizedeks, and he was intended to bring together the factions within the Essenes that had developed within the Melchizedek and Hebrew Cloisters. He would also re-enter the original egalitarian Templar creed back into the teachings of the Essenes. Under the direction of Azurites of the Ra Confederacy, in 12 BC, the 12th-level avatar, a pure Taran Turaneusiam-1 soul essence was born outside of Bethlehem in a private residence, to a Blue Flame Melchizedek-Hebrew Essene mother and a Blue Flame Melchizedek-Hibiru Cloister Essene father. 

It was not an Immaculate Conception, but rather orchestrated via traditional means through a couple chosen and prepared by the Priests of Ur. His mother’s name was Jeudi, his father Joehius; both were leaders within the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essene sect. The child’s soul essence was born of the HU-4 avatar Sananda, and the child was named Jesheua-Melchizedek (herein Jesheua-12), who later became known as Jesus, son of Mary and Joseph. The personages of Mary and Joseph were not the parents of this avatar child, they were the parents of a ninth-level avatar soon to follow. Jesheua-12 was born to descendants of the house of Solomon, and taken in infancy into the custody of the Priests of Ur.

 In 7 BC the Elohim orchestrated the birth of a ninth-level avatar, who would serve to re-integrate the Templar-Axion Sealed souls of Sirius B, back into the Sphere of Amenti and restructure the patriarchal Templar creed to be more reflective of the Law of One. This child was named Jeshewua (herein Jeshewua-9), and the stories of his birth to the Hebrew-Melchizedek Essenes Mary and Joseph are recorded as the birth of Jesus in contemporary Christian doctrine. Jeshewua was not born of an Immaculate Conception either, but rather through the visitation of an ET Nephilim, who, like King Melchizedek had been, was part of the entity named Jehovah. The entity Jehovah, who was one of the original contributors to the creation of the Sirian-Anunnaki races of HU-2, had worked with the Elohim since the time of the Treaty of El-Annu 848,000 years ago. 

Jeshewua’s mother Mary was also born of ET Nephilim conception. Following the events of Akhenaton’s reign, the Elohim did not want knowledge of ET ancestry available to the general human populations, so the truth of Jeshewua’s birth was hidden within the story of the Immaculate Conception. Through the centuries that followed the births of the two avatars, the life stories of Jesheua-12 and ]eshewua-9, plus another man who was not an avatar, became consolidated into one personage called Jesus Christ. With the birth of Jesheua-12, the 12th-level avatar, the Hebrew and Melchizedek morphogenetic field in Alcyone was reintegrated into the Sphere of Amenti. Through Jesheua-12 the integrity of the Hebrew Melchizedek genetic imprint was restored, and he became known by some as the “savior” of the Jewish peoples for this reason.

 The portions of the Amenti Sphere that had been trapped within Earth’s D-2 morphogenetic field, as a result of Akhenaton’s reign, were realigned and the integrity of the Sphere of Amenti was once again restored. In a greater sense, Jesheua-12 became the savior for the races, for through his birth the Halls of Amenti could once again be opened. The realigned Sphere of Amenti was kept in storage within the UHF bands of D-3, now under protection of the Azurites of the Ra Confederacy. At age 20 (8 AD), following his study in Persia and India, Jesheua-12 was taken to Egypt by the Priests of Ur. 

At the Great Pyramid of Giza, while Jesheua-12 was between 20 and 33 years of age (8 AD through 21 AD), he and the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essenes secretly orchestrated ascension for various groups, directly through the portal passage of the Arc of the Covenant. (Ascensions conducted while the Halls of Amenti were closed could only be done through the energy field of a 12th-level avatar, whose bio-energetic field could carry the energy fields of others through the seals on the Sphere of Amenti. Through the energy fields of the avatar, people could pass through the Arc of the Covenant, into the Blue Flame of Tara’s morphogenetic field and into Tara.) 

Through Jesheua-l2, the Hebrew Essene races that followed the Blue Flame Cloister Melchizedek Essenes were appointed by the Azurites of Ra, to share guardianship of the Arc of the Covenant with the Melchizedek and 100 The Three Christs Hibiru Cloisters. The descendants of these groups presently carry the full 12- strand DNA package within their gene codes, as this group was one of those chosen in 1972 AD to receive full-genetic realignment through interaction with the time traveling, hybrid Zionite race (see Voyagers I, p.38). The Zionites were created during the present-day Zeta infiltration and were sent back in time to realign certain ancestral groups with the 12-strand DNA imprint, in order to accelerate the evolution of present-day humans. 

The followers and descendants of the Jesheua-12 Essenes were one of the groups chosen for this realignment. Groups involved with Zionite genetic restructuring are considered to be of Celestial Human lineage as they carry the full 12-strand DNA Silicate Matrix within their operational genetic codes, regardless of their primary racial line. (The Silicate Matrix appears within family lines as a recessive gene composite, which remains dormant until it is called into activation via opening of chakra centers 8-15.) Various groups within Root Races 3-5 and Cloister races 3-6, along with several other hybrid race strains, were chosen for this genetic realignment, so the Silicate Matrix is distributed at random throughout present-day human genetic lines. 

The greatest concentrations can be found within the Hebrew, Melchizedek, Aryan, East Indian and Tibetan racial lines. During the period that Jesheua-12 practiced in Egypt (8 AD - 21 AD), the second Christ, Jeshewua-9, grew in popularity among the families of the Templar Melchizedeks and Hebrew Melchizedeks who were not aware of, or interested in, the birth of Jesheua-12. Jeshewua-9 was also taken to Egypt for initiation, ascension training and ordination as a Melchizedek priest, and portions of these rites were conducted by Jesheua-12. Prior to his ordination in Egypt, Jeshewua-9 had traveled throughout Nepal, Greece, Syria, Persia and Tibet, training in various inter-faith doctrines. Jesheua-12 studied primarily in India and Persia before coming to Egypt at age 20 and his Templar teachings showed a stronger eastern orientation than those of Jeshewua-9. 

The training and ascension activities of Jesheua-12 and the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essenes remained primarily hidden and practiced as a secret “mystery school” within Egypt at Giza and in various other locations. The teachings of Jeshewua-9 became more well-known, which caused him progressively more persecution from Roman influence and also within some factions of the Hebrew and Templar-Melchizedek race lines who did not accept deviations from the original patriarchal Templar creed as set within the Jewish religion by King Melchizedek. When Jeshewua-9 was 32 years old (25 AD), with the assistance of supportive Templar Melchizedek Essenes, the Elohim exiled Jeshewua-9, his wife (the woman who came to be known as Mary Magdalene in Biblical reference), and their three children to the territories of France, to avoid political persecution. Another man, by the name of Arihabi, who was a Jerusalem-born Hebrew-Annu-Melchizedek, was led by the Elohim, through a series of visions, to believe that he was the true Jeshewua-9, and this is the man who was crucified. 

Neither of the avatar Christs were crucified, and both of them left genetic family lines within the Hebrew-Melchizedek races. The sacrifice of Arihabi was orchestrated to divert attention away from Jeshewua-9, his family and his lineage. The resurrection of the “body of Christ"/Arihabi, was orchestrated by the Elohim through the use of holographic inserts, but Arihabi was indeed resurrected following the holographic display. In return for his assistance in diverting attention from Jeshewua-9, the body of Arihabi was restored to life by the Elohim, even though he was not an avatar. He was then taken to India, where he lived for another 30 years. Upon his natural death, Arihabi’s soul essence was ascended to Sirius B through the Third Eye of Horus portal bridge. After his ascension to Sirius B, the Elohim granted him special favor and adjusted his energy field so he could ascend to the Sirius star system in HU-2 via the planetary core of Sirius A in HU-1. 

The story of Jesus Christ, as it is known in contemporary times, evolved through the mythology the Elohim used to conceal the identity of their avatar, Jeshewua-9, and to perpetuate their patriarchal slant on the Templar Creed. The distortions of the true facts of history were used to protect the lineage of Jeshewua-9 from political persecution, making it appear as if the Christ had no descendants, thereby allowing those descendants to remain obscured from the public view. 

The teachings of Jeshewua-9 and the Templar Melchizedeks became the primary foundations for both the contemporary Jewish and Christian faiths, but the Jewish religion did not acknowledge Jeshewua9 as their savior. 

In truth, Jesheua-12 was the true savior of the Hebrew peoples, for he re-entered their race morphogenetic field into the Sphere of Amenti. Few people knew of Jesheua-12 and his Blue Flame Melchizedek Essene ascension school, so the majority of the Hebrew people did not realize that their foretold Messiah had, indeed, arrived. Even though Jesheua-12’s accomplishments went unnoticed by the majority of the Hebrew people, his affect on the restoration of their genetic development was valid—an unseen gift to the Hebrew peoples for which Jesheua-12 did not receive credit. 

Between 8 AD and 21 AD, while Jesheua-12 practiced ascension rites at Giza, several expeditions were made by Jesheua-12 and the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essenes. They traveled throughout Egypt and Nubia and into Jerusalem, promoting the original Templar teachings of ascension and gathering together groups of people to take to Giza for ascension. Plans were made to perpetuate the Jesheua-12 lineage, which carried the full 12-strand DNA imprint, and six women of various Melchizedek Cloister sub-races were chosen to bring forth the children of Jesheua-12, the First Christ. 

Couples were chosen to serve as guardians of these children. Each of the six females to receive the seed of Jesheua-12 was matched to a male Blue Flame Melchizedek who would serve as adoptive father to the child of Jesheua-12. Jesheua-12 did not interact directly with the raising of these children, nor did he serve as husband to any of the six women chosen to carry his seed. The children were created through sacred procreative rites for the sole purpose of perpetuating the 12- strand DNA pattern within the human races. Descendants of these children became spread throughout various regions, some appearing within the French Aristocracies, others within the Celtic, Egyptian and African genetic lines. One line of the descendants of Jesheua-12 now resides within the continental United States. 

Of the six families of Jesheua-12 that were seeded between 18 AD and 23 AD, five of the children survived to bring the 12-strand DNA lineage into the contemporary human gene pool. The lineage of Jeshewua-9’s three children also prospered and spread throughout various nations to the present day. In his later years, Jeshewua-9 traveled to Tibet, where, with the help of the Elohim, he ascended out of matter in 47 AD to HU-3, through the portion of Tara’s morphogenetic field stored within the planetary core of Venus. (This ascension passage requires a tenth-strand DNA imprint, and is thus not available to most humans, without direct assistance and DNA reconstruction by the Elohim, Azurites or other HU-2 guardian groups.) 

The teachings of Jesheua-12 were highly censored by Templar Melchizedeks who later came into political prominence, and were kept alive through the secret mystery schools that evolved throughout Europe, Egypt, the Middle East and in certain parts of China and Indonesia. The teachings of Jesheua-l2 were originally included in the manuscripts that became the Christian Bible, but were distorted or edited entirely at various times, to suit the needs of the power elite within the evolving political-religious machine. Eventually the teachings were banned by the early Christian churches, for they disclosed the identity and tactics of the Elohim and other ET groups, and told of the divisions within the Melchizedek Templar Creed. 

Very few of the original Jesheua-12 teachings have survived into the present time, though there are remnants of these teachings secretly preserved in France, that will one day be discovered. The original teachings of ]eshewua-9 were also distorted and misrepresented through political and religious structures of various times. The teachings of contemporary Christianity, though they provide a basic structure upon which social organization and spiritual initiation can be built, reflect little of the depth, content or meaning of the original teachings of the avatar Christs. Following the establishment of Jesheua-12’s lineage (18 AD-23 AD) the avatar had completed his work on Earth. The Blue Flame Melchizedeks carried on his teaching legacy and became the primary keepers of the secrets of the Arc of the Covenant and the Sphere of Amenti. Various groups were assigned various portions of the whole story, with no one group having the entire chronology of the teachings of Jesheua- 12. Jesheua-12 left Earth through the Arc of the Covenant at 39 years of age in 27 AD. 

He did not die, but rather bodily ascended to Tara, and has since evolved far beyond the confines of physical matter. The Arc of the Covenant was resealed within the UHF bands of D-3 following his ascension, awaiting the time when Earth’s grid rose high enough in vibration to allow for the return of the Sphere of Amenti, which was scheduled to occur before the mass ascension wave of 2017 AD. The Azurite Council, Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds and their many supporters maintained a stance of non-interference following the success of ]esheua-12’s mission. 

They allowed the Elohim and various other Host Matrix Families to direct the course of earthly events as they desired, knowing that the truth of the Templar and the Law of One, as upheld by the Blue Flame Melchizedeks and Priests of Ur, would eventually come to light within the evolving human consciousness. The Azurites planned to wait until the return of the Sphere of Amenti to Earth's core before bringing this knowledge back into the public domain, and in the meantime hoped to unite the Melchizedeks within the teachings of the sacred Law of One. Though Jesheua-12 had successfully aligned the race morphogenetic field at Amenti with the original 12-strand DNA imprint, most of the races still carried traces of genetic distortions from the Templar and Templar-Axion Seals, which would need to be cleared prior to the opening of the Halls of Amenti. 

The Elohim, Templar Melchizedeks, Blue Flame Melchizedeks and many other unrelated Host Matrix groups have assisted, and continue to assist, many individuals in clearing their genetic codes in preparation for ascension. All present-day ideologies that teach conscious evolution, and DNA activation and transmutation, are geared toward this purpose, including the new information currently being provided by various guardian ET and metaterrestrial forces. Jesheua-12, the 12th-level Turaneusiam avatar from Tara, fulfilled his purposes on Earth. Through him the Sphere of Amenti was made ready for re-entry into Earth’s core, following which the Halls of Amenti would eventually be opened. The race morphogenetic field had been reunited, so following the opening of the Halls of Amenti, all souls could again ascend through Amenti, once their genetic imprint had evolved to assemble the fourth and fifth DNA strand. The plan for preparing the races for the 2017 AD ascension wave was put back on schedule. 

Since 27 AD, when the avatar Jesheua-12 ascended, the races of Earth evolved under the primary influence of the Elohim and various other Host Matrix groups not associated with the Christian and Jewish perspectives. Through the achievements of Jesheua-12 and Jeshewua-9, the primary morphogenetic imprint for all of the races was returned to the Sphere of Amenti, and the Sphere of Amenti was once again made whole. These accomplishments set the stage for mass ascension, but the races still had a long way to go in healing and evolving their consciousness and genetic codes. The Frequency Fence quarantine (UHF D-3 seal) still blocked Earth from open relations with the inter-stellar communities. 

The Arc of the Covenant D-5 security seal kept all but the Melchizedek race strains from bodily ascension. The races still carried portions of the Amenti Seal (DNA strands one, two and three mutation, anti-particle “death” seal), the Palaidorian Seal (DNA strands two and three mutation, D-4 seal), the Templar Seal (DNA strands two, four and five mutation, D-6 seal) and the Templar-Axion Seal (DNA strands 1, 5 and 6 mutation, D-7 seal; the “666” seal) within their genetic codes and the memory of the human lineage still remained locked away within the Sphere of Amenti in the UHF bands of the third dimension. These conditions would have to evolve and heal before humanity would be prepared to face the ascension wave of 2017 AD. 

Throughout the evolution of the races, guardian races attempted to awaken humanity to the reality of its evolutionary destiny. All of the major Earth religions were seeded at one time or another by guardian groups, to help the races prepare for their eventual ascension out of HU-1. Though the teachings are often quite different or seemingly contradictory and all religions have suffered manipulation and distortion at the hands of man and covert intruder ET forces, they are united through their original purpose of achieving ascension and freedom from the illusions of matter. The secrets of Amenti were ultimately kept under the protection of the Blue Flame Cloister Melchizedeks and the Hebrew Essenes who followed them, but the reality of Amenti belongs to all of the races and world religions. The Sphere of Amenti, Arc of the Covenant and Halls of Amenti represent the manifestation of the Covenant of Palaidor, which holds the evolutionary promise and progression for all races of the human lineage. It is the promise of humanity returning to the integrity of the Immortal God-being that is the original morphogenetic imprint of the human race. The promise of ascension is the hidden heritage and legacy of the human condition, the fulfillment of humanity’s evolutionary blueprint.

Voyagers II; 21 The Guardian Material; Conclusion— Earth Changes Potential


It is important to realize that the “Seven Seals and Four Horsemen” story of Jehovian Biblical Revelations is a colorfully encoded depiction of tangible events of science, technology, the mechanics of planetary physics and the intentions of the Fallen Angelic visitors, as these elements would emerge within the 2000-2017 Stellar Activation Cycle (SAC). Presently the hidden realities of the natural 12 Planetary Star Crystal Seals and unnatural Seven Jehovian Seals have a tremendous bearing upon what humanity will experience between now and 2008. The 12 natural Star Crystal Seals in Earth’s Planetary Shields sequentially and automatically release or “open” in response to the progressive Stellar Wave Infusions (frequency infusions) generated by the opening of Earth’s 12 Primary Star Gates. Release of the natural Seals alone can cause cataclysmic Earth Changes during a SAC, if the Planetary Shields are not functioning properly. 

Due to the effects of the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid (NDC-Grid) technology that has created progressive distortion within Earth’s Planetary Shields since 25,500 BC, Earth’s core scalar-wave template has suffered extensive damage. Emerald Covenant Guardian Nations were faced with a huge challenge in keeping Earth’s Planetary Shields stabilized during the 2000-2017 SAC, even before the damage to Earth’s grids was profoundly increased through the progression of Fallen Angelic/Illuminati One World Order (OWO) agendas since 1930. Various Emerald Covenant nations would have liked to have initiated direct, physical, public contact with the inhabitants of Earth by 1930, so that this pending planetary crisis could have been handled cooperatively and directly from surface Earth locations. If it were not for the fact that Human and Illuminati governments chose to honor the 1930s Zeta Treaties rather than to accept the Guardians’ offer of Emerald Covenant entry, first contact with Guardian nations and direct repair of Earth’s Planetary Shields would have already taken place. 

As circumstances have dictated since 1930, and even since 9558 BC, Emerald Covenant nations could not directly intervene via mass physical contact. If Guardians had attempted mass physical contact, various Fallen Angelic legions would have immediately brought this covert intergalactic/ interdimensional war “out into the open,” and human civilizations would have been decimated by overt Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET warfare waged on Earth’s territories. If the Illuminati and Human races within the Interior World Government had chosen Emerald Covenant rather than Zeta Treaties in the 1930s, Guardian races could have worked with them to peacefully seal Earth’s Star Gate and portal system—the Falcon Wormhole (see page 367)—and to disengage the NDC-Grid. 

This would have prevented further Fallen Angelic infiltration and Earth’s Planetary Shields could have been sufficiently repaired in time for the 2000-2017 SAC. Covert World Management Team cooperation with the Guardians’ world-freedom agenda in the l930s would have permitted members of the Sirius-B Maharaji races to be “smuggled” in to Earth territories without engaging the suspicions and retaliation of Fallen Angelic legions. Earth’s Templar would have been reclaimed from Fallen Angelic control and Humanity would have been restored to its rightful place as Guardians of Earth’s Templar. “Would’a-Could’a-Should’a” Hindsight is the greatest foresight. Unfortunately, Illuminati and Human members of the covert Interior Government did not accept the 1930 opportunity for a peaceful resolution and, equally as unfortunate, the Anunnaki races chose to join the United Intruder Resistance (UIR) OWO dominion campaign on September 12, 2000.

 And here we all sit in 2001 as the long-anticipated Final Conflict drama begins the emergence into physical manifestation. The greatest danger to Earth populations at this time is posed by the ''Seven Jehovian Seals'' and the fact that the natural 12-Star Crystal Seals in Earth’s Planetary Shields have now begun to open into severely damaged Planetary Shields. The damage to Earth’s grids has already reached crisis proportions, and the UIR intends to amplify this condition beyond repair by 2003. Even in SACs that proceed smoothly, each time a natural Planetary Star Crystal Seal activates, the frequencies it releases into Earth’s Planetary Shields progressively exerts nucleic stress within the molecules of Earth’s tectonic plates. In areas of the planet where Planetary Shield distortions exist, the molecular structure of Earth’s plates experiences weakened resistance and less flexibility from this nucleic stress. 

The climatic/weather patterns in such areas become less stable, and the tectonic plates become vulnerable to seismic activity. Each of the natural 12 Planetary Seals releases a progressively higherdimensional frequency spectrum into Earth’s Shields, thus exerting a progressively increasing amount of nucleic stress within Earth’s tectonic plates, which is difficult enough to contend with in areas of Planetary Shields distortions without adding the unnatural “Seven Jehovian Seals” to the mess, which spells ''pending crisis''—a crisis the Emerald Covenant nations are presently trying desperately to avoid via remote frequency transmission into Earth’s Planetary Shields. Without assistance from Human and Indigo Children in “anchoring” these frequencies into Earth’s Shields via Rainbow Roundtables (RRTs) and Masters Planetary Merkaba Mechanics, Guardian efforts to prevent this crisis would fail. 

427 Conclusion— Earth Changes Potential The unnatural Seven Jehovian Seals are a despicable atrocity of technological ''achievement.'' Since 10,500 BC, the implanted crystalline rods of the Jehovian Seals have lain dormant in Earth’s crust and mantle like hidden “missiles,” designed to progressively rip Earth’s Planetary Shields apart as Earth’s 12 natural Seals proceed through their opening cycle during the 2000-2017 SAC. Each Jehovian Seal “opens” and begins activating its frequencies in Earth's Templar when its corresponding Organic Seal enters its activation cycle in response to Earth’s particle pulsation (vibration/ oscillation) rhythm. 

The chaotically arranged, unnatural frequencies of the Jehovian Seal (the “rider” or “Horseman”) bond to the natural frequencies transmitted by the Organic Star Crystal Seal (the “Horse”). The “rider” frequency silently moves with the natural frequency current into the Axiatonal and Ley Line (ALL) system corresponding to the Organic Seal, progressively reversing the natural Angular-Rotation-of Particle-Spin (ARPS, the particle spin axis) within the frequencies of electromagnetic energy moving through the ALLs. As the currents of frequency moving through the ALL system progressively reverse to the unnatural ARPS of the Phantom Matrix, the corresponding portions of Earth’s Planetary Shields are drawn into electromagnetic bonding with the D-7 Phantom Arcturus Planetary Shields. 

The first three Jehovian Seals reverse the ARPS on the three ALL networks to which they correspond. The related areas of Earth's Planetary Shields do not begin ripping apart to bond with the Phantom Matrix until the opening of the Fourth Jehovian Seal—the ''Pale Horseman.'' Once a SAC has commenced, as the current SAC did on January 1, 2000, Guardian nations cannot stop or prevent the natural Organic Seal, or corresponding unnatural Jehovian Seven-Seal release sequences from occurring. Manual interruption of these processes would cause absolute, rapid pole shift and cataclysmic Earth Changes, which Guardian nations can only prevent by striving to balance the frequencies of the Organic Seals, while clearing and realigning the chaotic frequencies of the Jehovian Seals to a natural “12-Code-Pulse.” 

The Organic and Jehovian Seal counterpart must activate before 12-Code realignment can be achieved. Manual resetting of the natural 12-Code-Pulse “Divine D-12 Pre-matter Blueprint” in Earth’s ALL system is accomplished through running D-12 frequency¹ into Earth’s Planetary Shields via RRTs conducted at specific times and locations. When an Organic Seal releases, it takes anywhere from three to 12 months for its frequencies to spread through, and reach critical mass within, the corresponding ALL network. As the Jehovian Seals’ chaotic frequencies “ride on” the Organic Seal current, the effects of Jehovian Seal “opening” also emerge and reach critical mass between three and 12 months after the Jehovian Seal has released. If the Jehovian Seals release and are not realigned to a 12-Code-Pulse before reaching critical mass, climatic and/or tectonic disturbances will erupt within the geographical regions corresponding to the Jehovian Seal’s placement. just as is the case with Earth’s 12 Organic Star  Crystal Seals, each Seal in the Jehovian sequence progression is more powerful than the one before; the Jehovian Seals 1, 2 and 3 create a lesser degree of climatic/tectonic disturbance than Jehovian Seals 4 through 7. 

Planetary chaos begins with release of Jehovian Seal-4. if the frequencies of Seal-4 and those before it are not manually realigned to a natural 12-Code-Pulse as they run through Earth’s Templar. Organic Star Crystal Seals 1 and 2, and their corresponding unnatural Jehovian Seals-1 and -2,2 activated in late May 2001—the planetary effects of Jehovian Seal-1 and -2 release will begin manifesting between August 2001 and May 2002. The chaotic frequencies of Jehovian Seals 1 and 2 had been converted to a natural 12-Code-Pulse realignment via RRTs conducted in Kauai, Hawaii, when the Seals released in May 2001. Organic Seal-3 and its unnatural Jehovian Seal-3 counterpart 3 activated in late July 2001—its chaotic frequencies had been converted to a natural 12-Code-Pulse via RRTs conducted in England when the Seal released in July 2001. 

Between August 15 and September 3, 2001, the UIR fully activated the Montauk-Phi-Ex-Falcon wormhole Port Interface Atlantian Pylon Implant Network (APIN) system, launching the sub-space sonic-scalar amplification pulse that passed through the Star Gate-2 Gru-AL Point in Sarasota, FL, on the evening of September 3, 2001, on its way to the Bermuda Base (see page 408). On the evening of September 3, 2001, Organic Star Crystal Seal-4 (which does not have a Jehovian Seal companion) activated as we gathered at Sarasota Beach following our Labor Day workshops to conduct an RRT to assist the GA in balancing the Organic Seal-4 frequencies as they emerged. Just prior to our initiation of the RRT, the sonic amplification pulse,4 transmitted from “Cue Site-4" Central Mexico via the Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network at Chihuahua, Mexico, rumbled through the Gru-AL Point off the coast of Sarasota Beach. 


As Organic Seal-4 began to open, the UlRs contrived sonic pulse, carrying a “Phantom Pulse” with reversed ARPS, ran through the Gru-AL and through the Bio-energetic Fields of the RRT group.5 When the sonic pulse intercepted the natural current emerging from Organic Seal-4, it reversed the Seal-4 current to the Phantom Pulse ARPS. Reversal of the stronger Organic Seal-4 current, instantly began to reactivate the reverseARPS frequencies of Jehovian Seals 1, 2 and 3 that we had successfully helped to realign to the 12-Code-Pulse during the May and July 2001 RRTs. 

Despite the terribly disruptive energies of the Psychotronic sonic pulse that we experienced on the beach the night of September 3, the group managed to pull itself together and run the RRT as planned. The RRT was successful; through this group effort the GA was able to anchor a sufficient amount of D12 and higher frequency to bring the Organic Seal-4 current back into its natural ARPS. By September 10, the September 3 RRT frequencies reached critical mass in the Planetary Shields, returning the primary Organic Seal-4 frequencies back to their natural 12-Code—Pulse. Jehovian Seals 1, 2 and 3 have, as of this writing, partially reverted back to the 12-Code-Pulse clearing, but still require some additional work before reaching their original state of 12-CodePulse conversion. This means that at least mild climatic disturbance effects from Jehovian Seals 1-3 are likely to occur between now and July 2002. 

Our groups will be working with the Emerald Covenant nations, running RRTs on several occasions between October and November 2001, to clear the remaining disruptive frequencies now running through Earth’s grids from Jehovian Seals 1-3. Full clearing of the Jehovian Seals 1-2-3 frequencies must be accomplished before the coming activation of Organic Seal-8, with its Jehovian Seal-4 companion,6 if amplified climatic/tectonic disturbances are to be averted. Organic Seal-8/Jehovian Seal-4 will activate in early January 2002.7 Much to UIR irritation, We're still standin’, with even greater strength of spirit and personal resolve than before, despite their attempts at Psychotronic antagonism of Emerald Covenant groups. 

It became quite apparent, in reviewing the events of the evening of September 3, that the Eieyani were quite serious when they had earlier that day explained that the UIR was now taking aggressive steps to rapidly advance their OWO agenda. Just how aggressive these steps would be did not become apparent until the morning of September 11, 2001. When Jehovian Seals release, their frequencies can create disruptions for up to a 1000-2000 mile perimeter surrounding the Seal’s placement, while the greatest degree of climatic or tectonic disruption occurs in the location of the Seal and within 100-200 miles of its epicenter. The Seven Jehovian Seals are located at different horizontal Ley Line/ Latitude coordinates along the common vertical Axiatonal Line-7 at 70° W Longitude, which runs down the eastern Atlantic Ocean. (See Star Gates and Seals Map Appendix-3). Jehovian Seal-1, the least powerful, is located NE of Quebec, Canada at 70° W Longitude/47.08° N Latitude. Due to the May 2001 Jehovian Seal-1 release, this region is likely to experience climatic disturbances or intensification of natural weather patterns between November 2001 and May 2002, with January-February 2002 being the most vulnerable periods.

 Jehovian Seal-2, also released in May 2001, is located where the borders of Peru, Chile and Bolivia meet, at 70° W Longitude/18.1° S Latitude; due to Jehovian Seal-2 release, this area is vulnerable to seismic activity, especially between December 2001 and March 2002. Jehovian Seal-3, released in July 2001, is located at 70° W Longitude/41.78° N Latitude, Cape Cod, MA. This area, and regions of the US east coast, are vulnerable to aggravated storm activity, particularly between December 2001 and June 2002, due to Jehovian Seal-3 release. Jehovian Seal-4, the “Pale Horse with the rider named Death,” will release in early January 2002, as will Jehovian Seal-5. Jehovian Seal-4, the first of the more powerful Jehovian Seals, is located east of Nassau Bahamas, at 70° W Longitude/24.92° N Latitude. If Jehovian Seals 1-4 are not successfully converted to a 12-Code-Pulse alignment within four months of the Seal’s January 2002 opening, cycles of progressively more severe tropical storm and hurricane activity (category 3-5) will emerge in the Atlantic Ocean. 

The Bahamas, Cuba, the east and west coasts of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico border lands are primary regions to be affected by release of Jehovian Seal-4. Release of Jehovian Seal-4 marks the beginning of the Jehovian Anunnaki and Annu-Elohim opening of the “Cracks in the Wall in Time,”  through which geographical regions holding Dove APIN system implants will begin opening to the Phantom Matrix. Jehovian Seal-5, which activates two days following the opening of Jehovian Seal-4 in January 2002, is located near Copiapo, Chile, at 70° W Longitude/26.95° S Latitude. If Jehovian Seal-5 is not cleared to 12-Code-Pulse realignment within four months of its January 2002 opening, this region is vulnerable to several waves of seismic activity with progressively increasing magnitude. Jehovian Seal-6, due to release in August or September 2002, is located at 70° W Longitude/ 10.36° N Latitude Venezuela. If we refer to the Jehovian book of Revelations, the ''Sixth Seal" opening is foretold to bring on a ''Great Earthquake''.... ''and every mountain and island was moved from its place''....

 Lets hope the Guardian’s 12-Code-Pulse realignments proceed very well between now and then! Jehovian Seal-7 is located at 70° W Longitude/ 33.13° N Latitude, off the coast of Charleston, SC. If this Jehovian Seal is not realigned to a 12- Code-Pulse, massive flooding and category 5+ hurricane activity would plague the eastern US seaboard, and most of Florida would rapidly become an underwater Atlantean Theme Park. So much for ''merciful Jehovian Gods''! They have had all of this planned for us since 10,500 BC, but the ''Seven Seals'' were only the intended beginning; after the Seals come the “Seven Angels and Seven Trumpets'' (see page 414). These bring on ''hail and fire mixed with blood,'' ''a blazing mountain being thrown into the sea turning the sea to blood,'' the fall of Nibiruian Battlestar Wormwood on the Rivers of the Earth, followed by plagues, Beasts from the Pit and finally the intended grand Jehovian Anunnaki invasion. 

These guys are real humanitarians! The Indigo Children are the return of the Emerald Covenant Maji Grail Line Eieyani/Humans who have incarnated into this time period to stand with the Human races in prevention of all of the Fallen Angelics’ OWO dominion plans. Through loving use of the Founders’ Masters Planetary Potential Templar Mechanics, we can peacefully prevent fulfillment of the “Final Conflict” drama, finally freeing Earth from over 12,000 years of Fallen Angelic/Illuminati dominion. I hope we begin to wake up soon because the “movie” has already started without us

. There are many more issues we need to understand in order to help ourselves, and our planet through these most important of times. If one has courage, and wants to make a difference in how this messy “Final Conflict” drama unfolds, if one cares to assist the Guardian nations in preventing further advancement of the UIR Fallen Angelic invasion of Earth, the place to begin is at home. Awakening the Inner Christos, your own personal, God given D-12 Avatar identity level, which has been long crucified upon the cross of false Fallen Angelic indoctrination and DNA manipulation, waits sleeping within each of us. The Maharic Shield Bio-Regenesis Techniques (see page 496) begin the process of this Inner Awakening. 

If you are moved to assist the Emerald Covenant Founders nations in the protection and restoration of this planet, the Masters Templar Coursebook, provides instruction on the Sacred Arts/Sciences of running the Signet (Star Gate) Rainbow Roundtables (RRTs). Through our participation in ''running of the Rounds'' the Founders’ ancient ''Four Faces of Man'' LPIN and the “Great White Lion” and ''Golden Eagle'' APIN grid-micro-chip implant systems can be reawakened to protect Earth from the Fallen Angelic APIN systems that are now activating in Earth’s Planetary Shields. 

This ''Final Battle of the Angels" cannot be won through violent wars, but victory can be achieved for all peace-loving nations through the peaceful, Christiac Technologies of Masters Biotronic, Merkaba and Planetary Templar Mechanics. The choice is ours, and in truth, time is running out, as the UIR now aggressively advances its Illuminati OWO dominion agenda in the 3-D arena. How many more atrocities like WW2 and the 9/11/2001 Terrorist Disaster, precursor to WW3, do we need to see before we ''get the message?'' 

This book is by no means the end of the seemingly ''Never-Ending Voyagers Story''-it is only the beginning. But it is a most appropriate, as well as deeply sincere beginning, particularly if one desires to awaken from the perhaps blissful, but never-the-less amnesiac sleep of Fallen Angelic manipulation. Each of us has the potential to emerge wide-eyed with wonder into the new dawn of Human freedom as our Inner Light awakens, to lead our living spirits Upward,....Godward,....Home. With light, love and heartfelt condolences to all who have suffered from the dreadful events of the 9/11/2001 WTC/Pentagon Terrorist Attack.... 

May peace be with us all.

 1. “Maharata Current” 428 Climatic Disturbances and the Labor Day 2001 Sonic Pulse Interference

2. the ''White and Red Horsemen" 

3. the ''Black Horseman" 

4. later used in orchestrating the September 11, 2001, WTC/Pentagon Disaster 

5. My ex-husband and I allowed our bio-fields to be used as a “buffer blanket,” to protect the group from the intensity of this Psychotronic pulse. And I will tell you, this chaotic sonic pulse was powerful; we are still recovering from some of the physical side effects we incurred from absorbing and transmuting these frequencies. Numerous others within the group also reported the experience of “emotional body purging" follow- ing the frequencies encountered on the beach that evening. 

6. “Pale Horseman” 7. Organic Seals 5, 6 and 7 will activate in late December 2001. 430 Climatic Disturbances and the Labor Day 2001 Sonic Pulse Interference