This Natural Law describes the principle that everything is in constant motion and that nothing rests, and everything vibrates at a rate that is either faster or slower, and also rotates which forms a rate of frequency-vibration. Beyond the material realm and into a realm in which everything is conscious energy, describes the Law of Vibration. Everything in our Universe consists of layers of vibrational frequency stacked throughout the dimensional scales. Energy is consciousness and it either contracts or expands to maintain or increase its rate of frequency. The process of how fast or slow that energy contracts back towards its center point of source field is the vibration rate. The combination of both the pattern of vibration (contraction) and Oscillation (expansion) speed is what determines the frequency rate of all energy and things.
Our planet Earth exists in three main formed identities in this Universal Time Matrix. The 3D Earth is called Earth or Terra, 5D Earth is Called Tara and 7D earth is called Gaia. Different extraterrestrial races and extra dimensionals may call these future Earths by different names based on their language. They are all planet Earth at different stages of evolution in the Timelines.
Next: What the hell is going on? And, why are these 'Light-working GROUPS' just so much Stercus Tauri?'
If the rate of that frequency-vibration falls below or rises above a certain intensity, it becomes immeasurable or invisible to the basic human senses. The first thing that is important to understand is that all that exists, whether seen or unseen, broken down into its simplest and most basic form, consists of a rate of frequency-vibration. At the highest levels and at the lowest levels, exist infinite manifestations all occurring at varying octaves of vibration, each with their own energetic signature and quality of manifestation. It is important to realize that every substance, body and being vibrates to its own frequency and that vibration will be amplified tremendously when stimulated by a similar or compatible resonant frequency. Resonating to the positive forces of life, forces of goodness, forces of Gratitude, forces of Love, will amplify these resonances and strengthen our body dramatically. Resonating through ego to the negative forces of fear, rage, frustration and resistance to what is, will also amplify those disturbances in our body greatly.
We can apply the first Law of Mentalism to shift our thoughts in order to change our mental state into a positive state with a higher vibration. Directing focus upon loving, positive states and higher frequencies with an effort of applying personal will in order to shift vibration, is called Mental
We can apply the first Law of Mentalism to shift our thoughts in order to change our mental state into a positive state with a higher vibration. Directing focus upon loving, positive states and higher frequencies with an effort of applying personal will in order to shift vibration, is called Mental
This principle explains that the distinction between the manifestations of the planes of matter, energy, mind and spirit are the result of only different vibrations on a frequency scale. The higher the energy of a person is on the scale, the higher the rate of vibration they will embody and interact with.
In the higher dimensions, at the highest rate of Vibration the rate and intensity are so fast that it may appear that entity is effortlessly gliding yet motionless, like a spinning wheel in place that appears perfectly stable. And at the lowest levels of vibration, objects move so slowly they appear to be totally stationary and immovable. Between these two states of being, exist infinite manifestations all occurring at varying octaves of vibration, each with their own unique signature. Density is another term to describe the time-space matrix, as time and space are aspects of the same mechanism that make up the dimensional frequency bands of the Universal Time Matrix. The Cosmic Clock governs the cycles of time and allows the planetary consciousness to spiral through each of the dimensional frequency bands over many astrological precessions or eons. When the planet interconnects with the next higher dimensional frequency band and starts to merge with the next time-space matrix, this generates a gateway into that particular Density.
This principle explains that the distinction between the manifestations of the planes of matter, energy, mind and spirit are the result of only different vibrations on a frequency scale. The higher the energy of a person is on the scale, the higher the rate of vibration they will embody and interact with.
In the higher dimensions, at the highest rate of Vibration the rate and intensity are so fast that it may appear that entity is effortlessly gliding yet motionless, like a spinning wheel in place that appears perfectly stable. And at the lowest levels of vibration, objects move so slowly they appear to be totally stationary and immovable. Between these two states of being, exist infinite manifestations all occurring at varying octaves of vibration, each with their own unique signature. Density is another term to describe the time-space matrix, as time and space are aspects of the same mechanism that make up the dimensional frequency bands of the Universal Time Matrix. The Cosmic Clock governs the cycles of time and allows the planetary consciousness to spiral through each of the dimensional frequency bands over many astrological precessions or eons. When the planet interconnects with the next higher dimensional frequency band and starts to merge with the next time-space matrix, this generates a gateway into that particular Density.
Our planet Earth exists in three main formed identities in this Universal Time Matrix. The 3D Earth is called Earth or Terra, 5D Earth is Called Tara and 7D earth is called Gaia. Different extraterrestrial races and extra dimensionals may call these future Earths by different names based on their language. They are all planet Earth at different stages of evolution in the Timelines.
The parallel earths, 5D and 7D, exist in the future on higher scales of frequency that control what type of matter is being formed there. In higher dimensions and higher densities, the type of matter on a planet evolves to lesser states of density, yet there is still a form. Our form may shift into less density, but it still looks similar in appearance to the type of body we have on earth now. What type of matter and density one takes on is connected to the location of time and space, future timelines, and where the identity of that person is in the future. The third dimensional earth exists at the lowest possible density of matter that comprises the lowest three spectrums of frequency throughout the Universal scale. We have come to recognize these lowest three frequencies are connected to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd layer of our chakra system. Together, these three frequencies manifest the collective horizontal network of telluric earth currents that also function in the Ley Lines that manifest timelines on the third dimensional earth. So when we only use these first three chakras, our consciousness is trapped in the lowest frequencies available in our body, and it keeps us locked into the 3D location of time and space. At this level of negative ego mind, we become locked into the density of matter and trapped in the 3D cycles of time. Because these three frequencies are earth currents, they are comprised of very dense subatomic particles that have formed physical matter on the 3D earth plane.
World Separation
Each of these three frequencies also represent subatomic particles, which are particles that are much smaller than an atom. An atom is the smallest unit of ordinary matter that has the properties of a chemical element. The number of protons in the nucleus define what chemical element the atom belongs to, so when protons are added, it completely changes the atomic structure. Subatomic properties of the atom are broken down into smaller units of the family of Protons, Electrons and Neutrons. If the number of the protons and electrons are equal, that atom is electrically neutral. This is key to understanding how to expand human consciousness. When we become capable of holding the neutral field between balanced protons and electrons, our energetic aura and body become free of lower frequency limitations and we move to the next higher frequency instruction sets. This is the Ascension process we undergo to shift into the next density.
Each of these three frequencies also represent subatomic particles, which are particles that are much smaller than an atom. An atom is the smallest unit of ordinary matter that has the properties of a chemical element. The number of protons in the nucleus define what chemical element the atom belongs to, so when protons are added, it completely changes the atomic structure. Subatomic properties of the atom are broken down into smaller units of the family of Protons, Electrons and Neutrons. If the number of the protons and electrons are equal, that atom is electrically neutral. This is key to understanding how to expand human consciousness. When we become capable of holding the neutral field between balanced protons and electrons, our energetic aura and body become free of lower frequency limitations and we move to the next higher frequency instruction sets. This is the Ascension process we undergo to shift into the next density.
In the 3D Earth, the 1st dimensional frequency is the Proton which is related to gross matter and gravitational force. The 2nd dimensional frequency is the Electron related to anti-matter and the rate of spinning electrons. The 3rd dimensional frequency is the Neutron related to dark matter, super-luminosity functions and particle conversion. Together, these three spectrums of frequency run Telluric Current and create the collective horizontal network, and the collective egoic-personality body on the 3D earth plane called the Telluric Shield.
In our Ascension model, we recognize and work with 15 waves of the Spectrum of Frequency that correlate directly with the Universal Rays, dimensions of time, and how our individual energy centers (also referred to as Chakra systems), are connected to those dimensions of time that exist in the multidimensional Universe. The first nine layers of the Spectrum of Frequency, can also be called Kundalini currents, which include the levels of the lower particle currents that make up the physical matter worlds. Above the nine dimensions are the anti-particle dimensions, which are the Blueprint forms of liquid Plasma light or hydroplasmic currents. The amount of energy stored in the personal Kundalini current, is the capacity of the genetic code to hold the higher Consciousness energy. The Soul and spiritual energies that cannot integrate into the DNA to be activated, will be stored in the Kundalini center that is located in the base of the spine.
The troubled history of NAA invasion and the resulting DNA damage that was incurred from subsequent Artificial intelligence abuse, and a variety of applied trauma based mind control methods, as well as, the anti-Christ conflicts, has rendered most Kundalini energies dormant or distorted in the human beings energy field upon the earth. Most people on earth currently, have not had a natural biological spiritual ascension with an appropriate Kundalini activation. Spiritual Ascension is a simultaneous increase of Expanding Consciousness and a descension of our higher dimensional spiritual-energetic bodies into our physical bodies. This happens through the process of progressive Kundalini awakening at the base of our spine, which moves these energies up the central vertical column into the Crown. Ascension is a change in the spectrum of frequency which happens through biological Kundalini awakening, which initiates a change in the focus of our Consciousness. Ascension is about moving our consciousness from one reality to another. Since reality is a Dimension, what we are undertaking is essentially a full dimensional shift. To go through this consciousness shift, we must adjust our way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with our Soul purpose and true divine essence.
When we have an awareness of how our Lightbody works, an awareness of the Human Energy Field and the Spectrum of Frequency that impact our consciousness, this supports our understanding that all things that exist around and within us are an energetic form, vibratory quality and Rate of Frequency. The energetic life force current that makes up dimensionalization within the first nine dimensions, is also called the Kundalini energies or Kundalini spirals. In the Ascension Stages of spiritual initiation, we refer to the initiation into higher spectrums of frequency synonymous with understanding Kundalini activation.
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