
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Voyagers II; 1 The Guardian Material; The Secrets of Amenti; Origins of the Fall

The Secrets of Amenti 

Throughout Voyagers: The Sleeping Abductees various speakers of the Guardian Alliance have provided you with information pertinent to your times and to the success of your species evolution. We have provided glimpses of your future, your distant past and what is taking place behind the scenes of your multidimensional present. All of this data is relevant to various peoples of your times, but there is information not yet addressed that is perhaps the most significant of all, for it will provide you with the missing links of knowledge through which your past, present, and future can be united.

We of the Guardian Alliance have an announcement to make: It is a message your species has waited over 800,000 years to hear. Our announcement will be made in later chapters of this book, for without the information contained here within, this announcement would have little meaning for you. In order for you to understand the importance of this message we must first provide you with a sequential summary of the true history of your evolutionary journey.

Within these missing passages of time lives the purpose and process of your evolution as a people. In previous chapters we have explored the beginnings of your species lineage beginning with the inception of your race as the Turaneusiams upon planet Tara in the Second Harmonic Universe, 560 million years ago. This is where your Earth drama began and the place to which you will eventually be led through the course of your evolutionary progression. To explore your entire history from 560 million years ago to the present would require many books. Here we will simply provide you with the data most important to your understanding of the purposes for your present evolution.

~Origins—the First World —Tara~

560,000,000 - 550,750,000 YA
Approximately 560 million years ago (YA), upon the planet Tara within the Second Harmonic Universe), (your Earth is presently in the First Harmonic Universe), many ET and metaterrestrial races combined their genetic and energetic make-up to create a master race of beings that would serve as Guardians of the planet Tara. The Sirian Council from Harmonic Universe 2, along with several other groups were appointed as directors and overseers of the project, the Turaneusiam-1 (T-1) experiment. Metaterrestrials from the Fourth and Fifth Harmonic Universes were the founders of this project, working through a seed race called the Lyrans from the Third Harmonic Universe.

The Lyrans created a race of beings in Harmonic Universe 3 called the Elohim, who would become overseers for the Sirian races in Harmonic Universe 2. The Elohim became one of the numerous supervisory groups within the Turaneusiam-1 experiment, due to the Sirian race contribution of genetic identity to the experiment. The Turaneusiam race evolved for about eight million years on Tara, with 12 primary sub-racial divisions among them.

Each of the 12 Turaneusiam sub- races carried a genetic slant derived from the 12 primary contributors to the T-1 experiment, but all of them carried the unique l2-strand DNA package the T-1’s were designed to embody.

  1. Bra- ha-man,
  2. Dhr-ah-men,
  3. Atoni, Trin-i-ten,
  4. Azurtan,
  5. Celtos,
  6. Addami,
  7. Yut-arans,
  8. Luri,
  9. Cerrasz,
  10. Nezack-tai,
  11. Melchizedakz.

After evolving successfully for many years the Turaneusiam race began to digress, their genetic code breaking down and their cultures falling into disharmony. Manipulation by and inter-breeding with various unrelated ET strains was the primary cause of this digression.

 552,000,000 YA About eight million years into their evolution the Turaneusiam race divided into two primary racial strains, the Alanians (sometimes referred to as the Beli-Kudyem) and the Lumians (frequently called the Adami-Kudmon). The two strains of Turaneusiam evolved together on one large land-mass called E-Den, creating two cultures known as Alania and Lumia. Both cultures evolved on Tara for about one million years 

551,000,000 YA Both races carried the original 12-strand DNA genetic code of their Turaneusiam lineage, and both carried mutations and digressions of that code from inter-stellar breeding. Cultural disturbances escalated along with the continued digression of the Alanian and Lumian strains, and hostility arose as the Alanians sought dominion over the more passive Lumian culture.

~Mu, the Lumians, Ceres and the Priesthood of Mu 5~

50,750,000 - 550,700,000 YA
Keeping a close eye on their Alanian antagonists, about 550,750,000 years ago (YA) certain members of the Lumian race foresaw a cataclysm in their future, brought on by the increasingly dangerous Alanian experimentation with power generation through Tara’s planetary core. The Lumians petitioned assistance from the Harmonic Universe 2 (HU-2) Sirian Council and the HU3 Elohim. Under direction of the Sirian Council, the Lumians set up amongst their members an organization called The Council of Mu. Through the Council of Mu the Lumians moved large numbers of their race across the oceans, to a small continent on Tara that was primarily uninhabited by organized culture. They named this continent Mu, and for 50,000 years (550,750,000 YA to 550,700,000 YA) the Lumians of Mu worked with the Sirian Council to redirect the genetic digression of their race.

During this period the Elohim of HU-3 interbred with Lumians who carried the Cerras Turaneusiam sub-race strain in their gene codes, creating a race called the Ceres, which purified the genetic strain of the Lumians of Tara. (Descendants of the Ceres later became known as the Seres, who interacted with HU-1 Earth humans at various periods.) The Lumians and Ceres co-existed peacefully on Mu attending to the inter-galactic and spiritual business of the Council of Mu. The Ceres created the Priesthood of Mu, an egalitarian spiritual collective with a strong matriarchal slant whose practices centered around the teachings of the sacred Law of One, or Unity Consciousness. The Mu priesthood exists to this day and is a primary motivating force within certain Taran communities. The community of Mu continued its evolution through the re-aligned 12-strand DNA gene code until about 550 million years ago.

~Alania, Templar Solar Initiates & the Sirian Rebellion~

 550,750,000 - 550,000,000 YA Throughout the evolution of Mu digression continued within the Alanian race and anti-Lumian sentiment ran high within the power hungry Alanian elite. The Alanians employed subterranean grid technologies in hopes of bringing the now bountiful continent of Mu under Alanian domain. The Lumians and the Ceres foresaw the cataclysm of Tara that would result from these technologies about 900 years prior to the events. The Ceres tried to warn the Alanians to no avail. Petitions to the Sirian Council to redirect the Alanians had failed, giving rise to the Alanian rebellion and Lumian-Sirian resistance.

The Alanians were controlled by an elite group called the Templar Solar Initiates, who had been entrusted with rulership and guardianship over the Alanian continent by the Sirian Council. The Templar Solar Initiates became sympathetic with the Sirian root race Anunnaki in their Sirian rebellion against the Sirian Council and refused to follow dictates of the Sirian Council and advisory Elohim (who based their decisions on the teachings of the Sacred Law of One). Through the Templar Solar Initiates the power struggle between Sirian Anunnaki and Elohim/Sirian Council-loyal Sirian “blues” (another Sirian root race) was brought to Tara. This period in Alanian history is known as the Sirian Rebellion, and through this power struggle planet Tara was almost destroyed. Ur-Tarranates, Mu and the Priesthood of Ur 

550,750,000 - 550,000,000 YA Certain groups of Alanians became aware that the Templar Solar Initiates were misusing power in a way that would result in the implosion of Tara’s planetary grid. This group of Alanians approached the Lumians and Ceres of Mu, asking for assistance and many of them defected to the territories of Mu. The Ceres interbred with these Alanians, (primarily those carrying the Yutaran Turaneusiam sub-race genetic line) re-aligning their digressing genetic code, and these Alanians further interbred with the Lumians. The original Turaneusiam 12-strand DNA gene code was rebuilt and purified through this Ceres-Lumian-Alanian blend.

This re-vitalized Turaneusiam race became known as the Ur-Tarranates. The Ur-Tarranates created the Temple and Priesthood of Ur upon the continent of Mu. The Priesthood of Ur shared most practices of the Priests of Mu, but developed interest in more scientific applications of Spiritual Law (such as portal mechanics). Like the Priesthood of Mu, the Priests of Ur exist on Tara to this day, and they serve as Guardians and gatekeepers of the time portal structures that link Earth to present day Tara. During the Sirian Rebellion on Tara the Priesthood of Ur stood against the Templar Solar Initiates of Alania, eventually retreating underground with the people of Mu, unable to stop the Templars from misusing the power of the planetary core. Small wars within the local galactic sectors were fought during these times, which became known as the Taran Wars. Under direction of the Sirian Council and Elohim, the Priests of Ur began to prepare for the pending grid implosion. Many people were evacuated to other sympathetic star systems, where they evolved, safely intermingling with other races.

~Cataclysm of Tara~ 

550,000,000 YA Approximately 550 million years ago the Power-generator Crystals deep underground in Alania exploded, due to the Templar Solar Initiates’ misuse of power from Tara’s planetary core. This created a chain reaction of implosions within Tara’s planetary grid. Portions of Tara’s grid were blown apart and fragmented, becoming detached from the Morphogenetic Field of the planet. Portions of Alania were immediately destroyed and the entire planet suffered the effects of rapid pole reversal. For a period of two days Tara ceased to rotate on its axis. It took 10,000 years to re-stabilize Tara’s environment, during which time the few surviving Taran races still on-planet retreated permanently underground. Descendants of those civilizations who survived this disaster still flourish within elaborate underground communities.

Surface life also returned to Tara following this 10,000 year period of healing. Because portions of the planet’s energy structures had been ripped from the main planetary grid, planet Tara could not continue its evolution of dimensional ascension into the Third Harmonic Universe. Tara could not re-emerge with the energy grid of its dimension-7 counterpart Gaia, until its own grid system was repaired. Tara became trapped in the tracks of time within the Second Harmonic Universe. 

The Fall to Harmonic Universe-1 and the 12 Planets

550,000,000 YA The fragments of the Taran planetary grid that became dismembered from Tara’s core energy supply rapidly fell in vibration until they could no longer resist the natural magnetic pull of the descending energy cur- rents. The planet fragments were pulled into a sun within Tara’s universe, vaporized, and the morphogenetic field carried in those fragments was pulled into a black hole at the center of this sun¹ and re-emerged into a galaxy within the lower-dimensional fields of Harmonic Universe 1. Entering this system as gaseous substance, this morphogenetic field broke down into 12 pieces, which set up a “mini-solar system” around a star within an already existing HU-1 solar system. One of the 12 pieces of Tara’s fragmented morphogenetic field fused with this sun, while the 11 other pieces began to build up matter density and re-manifest their forms through their portion of the morphogenetic field. 

These planets did not birth into existence in the usual accretion fashion, for they carried with them the organizational imprint of part of Tara’s planetary grid morphogenetic field. These planets did not birth into Harmonic Universe 1, they fell into it, literally. Their original morphogenetic field fell in vibration, reorganized through the morphogenetic field of a star, and re-manifested within a slower vibrating dimensional scale.

The 12 new planets entering HU-1 55 million years ago are the planets of your local solar system—Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Maldek (imploded to become the asteroid belt), Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Nibiru (very long orbit, not yet discovered by Earth scientists), and your Sun (the part of Tara’s morphogenetic field that fused with this already existing, non-Taran sun). The fragments of Tara became part of the Unified Field morphogenetic structure of Harmonic Universe 1. 

~The Fall of Man and the Lost Souls of Alania~

550,000,000 YA The event of Tara’s cataclysm became known as the “ fall of man.” This history became interwoven with other events on Earth that occurred since that time, appearing in various forms throughout human mythology. The Adam and Eve drama of Biblical stories combined this event as the fall from God’s grace and removal from the Garden of Eden, with other earthly events, including the Drakon infiltration of around one million years ago. The stories became a depiction of multilevel events from various time periods, woven together into a symbolic event portrayed in the stories. This was also done in relation to the Biblical Flood and Noah. 

The consciousness of the beings who were blown apart in Tara’s fall, also fell into HU-1. They became ripped from their race morphogenetic field at Tara’s core and disengaged from their original soul matrices through which they needed to evolve in order to pass out of the Time Matrix and dimensionalized systems, and return to Source as pure consciousness. The souls of Alania became trapped in time, fragmented as units of consciousness within the Unified Field of HU-1, and there they would have remained if a rescue mission had not been orchestrated. 


~The Covenant of Palaidor and the Paliadorians of Tara~

550,000,000 YA Just prior to the cataclysm on Tara 550 million years ago the Ceres, Ur-Tarranates and Lumians of Mu devised a plan to rescue the Taran souls that would be lost in HU-l during the approaching disaster. Being skilled at time portal mechanics and interdimensional portal travel, the Ceres created a plan that the Ur-Tarranates would fulfill. With the assistance of the Sirian Council, Elohim, and HU-2 Pleiadians, the Ur-Tarranates formed an agreement with several other HU-2 races called The Covenant of Palaidor. Through the Covenant of Palaidor a rescue mission for the Taran souls of HU-1 was set in motion. Those involved in this agreement (the Sirians, Pleiadians, Ur-Tarranates, Elohim, Lyrans, Ceres, Lumians and Alanians) became known as the Palaidorians. Working through the Breneau Rishi (beings of pure consciousness) from HU-5, the Palaidorians petitioned further assistance from an entity gestalt within the Metagalactic Core; this entity is known as Ra, or the Ra Confederacy.

Of the 12 primary identity gestalts within the Ra Confederacy, members of its four largest gestalts became involved and allowed for the rescue mission to take place. The four primary members of the Ra Confederacy involved within the Covenant of Palaidor are the Azurites, Aton-a, Amonites and the Brigijhidett (a sub-group of the Brigijhidett are presently incarnating in your Earth system as members of the ascended masters family of Viragi. Several other groups associated with these three gestalts are also involved with Earth at this time, including the consciousness gestalt Azar-Azara and a HU-2 ET race known as the Zhar Confederacy).

Time Travel and the Sphere of Amenti 

550,000,000 YA (pre-cataclysmic Tara) Using interdimensional portal mechanics, the Ur-Tarranates of the Covenant of Palaidor time-traveled into HU-1 to a time/space coordinate positioned just after the cataclysm of Tara and the fall of man. Once on Earth, with the help of the Sirian Council, this group of Ur-Tarranates transmuted their body forms into pure energy (Keylontic science) and merged into a gestalt energy field of consciousness, which served as a morphogenetic field or the 12-strand DNA Turaneusiam race prototype. Also contained within this morphogenetic field were the Keylontic Time Codes (electrotonal frequency patterns) of the pre-cataclysmic time/space coordinates of Tara, which would allow Tara to re-assemble the lost portions of its grid into the fabric of time. 

With the assistance of the Ra Confederacy this gestalt of consciousness/genetic and planetary morphogenetic field was entered into the remaining morphogenetic field of Earth through the 11th and 14th dimensions. This morphogenetic field of consciousness energetically took on the shape of a sphere, and was called the Sphere of Amenti, named after the portion of Tara’s morphogenetic field that contained the imprint for Mu and its inhabitants. Amenti was the part of Tara’s planetary core that connected energetically to the portals upon the continent of Mu. By placing the Sphere of Amenti within the Earth core, a “worm hole” or portal link was established between Earth’s core in dimension two and Tara's core in dimension  

Though numerous other portals between Earth and Tara existed, these had become unstable and their operations unpredictable following the fall. The Sphere of Amenti would create a stable portal structure that, once operational, would stabilize the other portals and allow open transit between Earth and Tara for beings possessing genetic codes that could endure portal transit. The Sphere of Amenti would link into the space/time of Tara's pre-fall past. With this sphere placed within the Earth as Earth re-evolved through dimensional ascension back into the Tara grid following the morphogenetic imprint from the sphere, a link between the future Tara and its pre-cataclysmic past would be reestablished. Tara's past would be reattached to the Time Matrix grid and Tara's future time cycles.

Through the Sphere of Amenti a bridge was constructed between Tara's pre-cataclysmic past and future tracks/cycles of time. When a planet undergoes such a trauma, having a portion of its grid blown apart, not only does it lose the portions of its evolutionary history stored within the cellular memory of the parts that blew apart, it also loses a portion of its energetic thrust. Without this thrust the planet cannot evolve out of its Harmonic Universe and into the next. The planet, and most life forms on it, become trapped in the fabric of time. The Sphere of Amenti not only gave hope for the continued evolution of human/Turaneusiam lineage, it held the hopes of ascension and continued evolution for Earth, Tara and their seventh-dimensional counterpart Gaia. 

If one was trapped in time, they would all be trapped. The only other option available in such cases of planetary morphogenetic field fragmentation is that of a Host Matrix Transplant (as previously discussed in relation to people), and this is exceedingly difficult to achieve on a planetary level. Each of the 12 planets in HU-1 that emerged as a result of Tara's fragmentation received a similar morphogenetic sphere from the Palaidorians to fulfill the same purpose. But here we are only concerned with the Sphere of Amenti, as through it Earth became an ascension planet, able to achieve dimensional ascension through re-evolution.

550,000,000—250,000,000 YA The Sphere of Amenti was entered into Earth's core within the second- dimensional frequency bands (often called the “Cave of Creation”) about 550 million years ago from a position in HU-2 space/time that existed before the Earth existed within that HU-2 time track. The rescue mission for Tara's lost souls was begun before those souls became lost, in terms of linear time. Such things are quite practical within the structure of the Time Matrix. Through the Covenant of Palaidor and the Sphere of Amenti the souls of Earth could re-evolve back into their original 12-strand DNA body type. 

This process can be viewed as the Palaidorians creating new bodies (and morphogenetic blueprints) for the now formless consciousness fragments of the fallen souls. The Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic Field allowed for the Ur- Tarranates to enter incarnational cycles on Earth, pick up the fragments of consciousness from the lost souls by pulling their energetic particles from the HU-1 Unified Fields into the DNA, merging the consciousness of the soul fragments with the embodied Ur-Tarranate consciousness, thereby allowing this composite identity to evolve through a sentient life form, back into its original soul matrix (the Turaneusiam 12-strand prototype).

This evolutionary plan was not immediately set in motion. Though the Sphere of Amenti was set within Earth’s morphogenetic field nearly 550 million years ago, the Earth grid had to evolve and pick up grid speed before the Sphere of Amenti could begin birthing its new races. Between 250 and 550 million years ago various other species seeded by HU-1 ET Visitors evolved on Earth, some of whom became members of your plant, animal and insect kingdoms. Various groups of etheric beings (without matter density) also spent time on your planet. The races of the Sphere of Amenti finally began to appear on Earth about 250 million years ago. 

Before their appearance more inter-galactic wars were fought by races who did not want the Covenant of Palaidor to be fulfilled. These wars were primarily fought on Tara, becoming part of a long history of confrontations that were simply termed the Taran Wars. Once the Earth territory was secured the Ur-Tarranates of the Sphere of Amenti began birthing on Earth. This began what came to be known as the Turaneusiam-2 or T-2 experiment. This represented the seeding of the 12 Tribes out of which your present human lineage has emerged.

The Cloistered Races of Parallel Earth— the Second World—Rescue Mission Stage 1 

250,000,000-25,000,000 YA From the Sphere of Amenti five smaller spheres were created, which became the morphogenetic patterns for five races known as the Cloistered Races. Collectively the five Cloistered Races were called the Palaidorians, as they represented the beginning of the fulfillment of the Covenant of Palaidor. They represented the Earthly counterparts to the larger Palaidorian group from HU-2. Of the original Turaneusiam-1 12-strand DNA package, each Palaidorian race held the morphogenetic imprint for DNA strands 7-12 (which held the electro-tonal frequencies corresponding to dimensions 7- 12), plus the imprint for strand l, and each of the five groups carried the imprint for one additional DNA strand corresponding to dimensions 2,3,4,5 and 6 . 

The Cloisters served as “Guardians” for the evolution of the additional DNA strand to which they were assigned. Each race had eight strands of DNA manifest within the body structure. The five Cloistered races did not possess gender, nor did they originally possess the degree of matter density with which you are familiar.

Density of form developed over time throughout the course of their evolution on Earth, between 250 million and 25 million years ago. 
The five Cloistered Races were: 
1. Ur-Antrians—brown skinned-strand #2 
2. Breanoua—red skinned-strand #3 
3. Hibiru—white skinned-strand #4 
4. Melchizedeks—yellow skinned-strand #5 
5. Yunaseti—black skinned-strand #6 

The Cloistered races populated the Earth for many generations, creating various racial mixtures through which many of the lost souls of Tara were able to ascend. This period of great civilization became known as the Second World (250-25 million years ago) within your present Native American Cultures. Many of these souls ascended. Those who digressed returned to the Sphere of Amenti to re-birth on Earth in the particle universe as members of the Root Races. The First World represented the original Turaneusiam cultures of Tara (560-550 million YA). The Palaidorian Cloister races left no remnants in your present world, for they evolved within the faster moving time bands of Earth, within the anti-particle universe. The morphogenetic fields of those races were then drawn into your particle-Earth and out of these came the next evolutionary stage. 

The First and Second Etheric Root Races of Gaia Rescue Mission Stage 2 

25,000,000-20,000,000 YA Before manifestation into embodiment on your Earth the five Cloistered races divided into two groups. One group held the DNA imprint for 1/2 of the first strand of DNA (which corresponded to dimension-one frequencies), the other group held the remaining 1/2 of the first strand. This created polarization and gender within the Cloistered Race morphogenetic field. Both groups held the dimensional codes/strands of 7-12. These two groups were seeded on Gaia, the seventh-dimensional/HU-3 counterpart to Tara and Earth. These two races were the first two Root Races, the Polarians of Gaia and the Hyperboreans of Gaia’s antiparticle double. These beings were of a much less dense, or “etheric” nature, but through their evolution on Gaia the pathways of evolution through dimensional ascension were reopened for the lost souls of Tara. These races anchored the morphogenetic fields of dimensions 7-12 into dimension one and Earth. Through their evolution, the one strand of the 12- strand DNA package was pulled together in Earth particles and connected to the Turaneusiam morphogenetic field.

Rescue Mission Stage 3 

25,000,000 YA The morphogenetic consciousness of the five Cloistered Races held within the Sphere of Amenti began the third stage of seeding humans on Earth 25 million years ago. They opened the Sphere of Amenti within the Earth Core in dimension 2, which opened a portal bridge to Tara’s core in dimension 5, a poral that linked the Earth of 25 million years ago with pre-cataclysmic Tara of 550 million years ago. Working with the Priesthoods of Ur and Mu on Tara, the consciousness of the five Cloistered races created five other portal bridge extensions from the center of the Sphere of Amenti, each of the five opening into dimensional fields 2 through 6. Dimensional fields represent positions in space/ time within the Time Matrix, stages a planet or being will pass through in its evolutionary progression of dimensional ascension. 

The six portals from the Sphere of Amenti (the original one to Tara’s past and five new ones into various stages of Earth’s future) linked Tara’s past, through various time periods on Earth, into Tara’s future, creating a new track in time through which Earth could re-evolve into the fifth-dimensional frequency bands and merge with Tara. Once this merger was accomplished Earth would become Tara, new lands would open up within and emerge upon Earth, and Tara would reclaim the energetic thrust lost in the fall so evolution into the seventh-dimensional Gaia could continue. The six portals in the Sphere of Amenti also allowed the five Cloistered races to incarnate into dimensional bands/time fields 2 through 6, pulling into their consciousness and body forms the fragmented consciousness of the lost souls from each of those dimensional bands. 

The time codes (frequency patterns) from the first dimensional strand of DNA that had been built up through Root Races one and two would link into the frequencies of dimensions 2 through 6. The consciousness within the Sphere of Amenti would leave the morphogenetic field and express into manifestation as Root Races within each of those dimensional bands, building up into the DNA pattern strands 2 through 6. Through this pattern of building DNA through time, incarnates within each time period/dimensional band would be able to pull together the frequencies of their dimensional strand (through a series of 24 incarnations/two 12-cycles), link with the morphogenetic field of their Cloistered Race, pick up strands 7-12 from the Cloister, pass through the other Cloisters and pick up the remaining Root Race Strands, re-bundling the 12-strand DNA package. As the 12 DNA strands were assembled, the body form of the incarnate would progressively transmute into a less dense state and ascend into HU-2 on Tara.

 Originally only one Earth body was needed for this process, as the form would assemble the DNA patterns within the two 12-cycles in one very long lifetime and then transmute and ascend. The ascension occurred through the portal from the Sphere of Amenti to which the incarnates' dimensional band/time period was connected. Once passing through its dimensional portal into the Sphere of Amenti, the incarnate could enter one of the other portal bridges, and appear on Tara in a future space/time coordinate, becoming free from HU-1. Through this process the consciousness of Tara’s fragmented parts would be returned to Tara’s planetary grid piece by piece, progressively de-densifying the matter particles of Earth and transmuting them back into Tara’s grid. As the lost souls returned to Tara, so did the lost portions of Tara’s morphogenetic field. Though the dynamics of this process are complicated, the principle is simple. 

The portals within the Sphere of Amenti served as a time-portal structure through which the lost substance/energetic thrust of Tara could be returned, and the lost souls of Tara could return to their original identity as souls incarnated upon the planet Tara. In ancient Taran history this planet had once, long ago (eons before the 560 million year ago Turaneusiam seeding) been located within the First Harmonic Universe, and had successfully evolved into the fifth dimension and Second Harmonic Universe. The fall represented a portion of Tara being thrown back into its own past, through which it had to re-evolve in order for the planet to evolve into its natural future. 

The portals within the Sphere of Amenti operated as a warp in time through which re-evolution could take place more quickly. The human lineage is an intimate part of that re-evolutionary plan, and this plan is the underlying hidden dynamic and purpose for present human evolution. This plan is part of a larger Taran/Gaian evolutionary plan which ultimately will lead to all consciousness involved returning to its Source. The Sphere of Amenti contains the purposes and mechanics of humanity’s evolutionary blueprint. The time portal structures within the Sphere of Amenti regulate the processes of humanity’s dimensional ascension/evolution or “return to God.” 

The portals within the morphogenetic field of the Sphere of Amenti are known as the Halls of Amenti. They are the dimensional passage ways one must pass through in order to ascend from Earth, out of the Time Matrix and dimensionalized reality. The Halls of Amenti have been a closely guarded secret since the time of your inception on Earth, and the Priests of Ur and Mu, their earthly descendants and the ET and metaterrestrial ancestors of your Turaneusiam lineage from Harmonic Universes two through five have been the Guardians of this secret since the time of its inception 550 million years ago. 

The Halls of Amenti The Staff of Amenti Blue Flame Morphogenetic Field The Ivory Gates of Tara

 25,000,000 YA Once the Halls of Amenti were created 25 million years ago, the priests of Ur on Tara drew out from Tara's fifth-dimensional core a pattern of frequency that represented the morphogenetic field for the entire planetary grid structure. They removed from Tara the morphogenetic field through which Tara drew its energy imprint for its grid line structure and matter form. By removing this form-holding energy field from Tara's core, Tara could no longer build a bridge of frequency between its core and Gaia's core at the eighth-dimension Metagalactic core. This removal of Tara's interior morpho- genetic field was done out of necessity. If the morphogenetic field had remained within Tara's core, Tara's progression of dimensional ascension into the Third Harmonic Universe would have continued, up to a point. 

When the planetary grid of Tara had pulled in the remaining frequency bands from the Unified Fields of dimensions 5 and 6, through the morphogenetic field at its core, it would next begin to pull in the frequencies of the seventh dimension and begin its ascent into the Gaian planetary grid structure. This is the natural path of evolution for a planet. However, if the seventh-dimensional frequency bands entered and expanded Tara's morphogenetic field, certain portions of these frequencies could not plug into the grid lines of the planet as they needed to do, because portions of these grid lines had been ripped apart during the fall event. The energy carrying the frequencies of D-7 that could not pass into the framework of the planet's energetic structure would build up within the morphogenetic field of Tara's core, eventually causing the entire grid system and the planet to explode. 

The morphogenetic field of Tara had to be temporarily removed from the planet's core, which would leave Tara with the ability to draw energy through its grid from the Unified Fields of Dimensions 4 through 6, but would not allow any higher frequency energies to enter into its grid system. This meant that Tara would be trapped in the time bands of Harmonic Universe 2, unable to evolve out of those frequencies until its morphogenetic field had been returned to the planetary core. The planet had to remain connected to its morphogenetic field in order to retain its form, but the field could not be stored within the planet structure. The morphogenetic field of Tara had to be placed within the portions of the original morphogenetic field that had been blown apart, broken down among the 12 HU-1 planets. Each of the 12 planets would hold a portion of Tara's morphogenetic field, and Tara could draw in sustaining energy from each of those areas. 

Meanwhile, the other planets would process the dimensional frequency patterns that Tara could not synthesize. Once a HU-1 planet pulled in its portion of the higher dimensional frequencies, it would then undergo dimensional ascension back into Tara's grid, bringing with it its portion of the Taran morphogenetic field. Tara could not ascend to HU-3 and become Gaia until each of its HU-1 planets completed the manifestation of their portion of the morphogenetic field and ascended back into the Taran grid. (The time when this will occur is many millions of years in your future). But each planet in your solar system has its part to play in this program. Each planet received its portion of the Taran morphogenetic field. Earth received its portion 25 million years ago when the Halls of Amenti were con- structed.² The five Cloistered Races of the Sphere of Amenti retrieved their frequency pattern 25 million years ago. 

This pattern of energy/morphogenetic field had the appearance of a standing wave pattern, composed of fourth- and fifth-dimensional frequencies, and thus appearing as blue in color. Visually, this standing wave pattern looks like an electric-blue flame with a pale shade of green, several inches in height. The blue flame, which constitutes Earth's portion of Tara's morphogenetic field, was brought into the Sphere of Amenti by the five Cloistered Races and the Priesthoods of Ur and Mu. The fifth-dimensional frequency patterns held in the blue flame allowed for the Halls of Amenti to open so the seeding and evolution of the five remaining Root Races could begin on Earth. The flame was stored within the Sphere of Amenti and as long as it was there the portals between Earth's dimensional time periods and Tara remained opened. The souls of Earth could ascend out of HU-1 incarnational cycles and continue their evolution through Tara. The Blue Flame became known as the Staff of Amenti which is the item referred to in your Bible as the Staff of God, of the “rod and the staff.” 

The rod represents the standing wave pattern within Earth's core in dimension 2, orange-gold in color, and composed of the frequency patterns of dimensions 1, 2 and 3. The Blue Flame Staff of Amenti was composed of frequency patterns of dimensions 4, 5 and 6, and allowed Tara's morphogenetic field to link with the double flame at Gaia's core, the violet and pale-gold flames that would allow Gaia to link with the white-gold flame of the Metagalactic core. When we speak of the colored flames we are referring to multiple bands of frequency of which morphogenetic fields are composed. Colors represent spectra of light and light represents the manifestation of patterns of dimensionalized electro-tonal frequency. Through linking the frequency bands of dimensions 1 through 7 within the morphogenetic field, a planet or a person can ascend/evolve out of the matter based systems and into pure sentient consciousness. 

This is the evolutionary process. So the Blue Flame Staff of Amenti, stored within the time warp morphogenetic field of the Sphere of Amenti, represents the key to the evolution of Earth, and the human lineage, and one of the keys to the evolution of the planets in your solar system, Tara and Gaia. The Staff of Amenti is the gateway into Tara's morphogenetic field. Whether the Staff is held within Tara's core or within the Sphere of Amenti at Earth's core, it represents the gateway to which the Halls of Amenti lead. One can pass into the Halls of Amenti, but must pass through the Blue Flame in order to transmute form and appear on Tara. In later Egyptian mystery schools the Blue Flame gateway became known as the Gates of Ivory, which became translated in Biblical terms as the Pearly Gates of Heaven. In each case the writings referred to the Blue Flame Staff of Amenti, the energetic gateway to Tara. Needless to say, the Sphere of Amenti and the Staff which allows the Halls of Amenti to open into Tara are quite valuable commodities. 

Every human on Earth now is in some way energetically connected to the race morphogenetic field within the Sphere of Amenti, and it is through the Halls of Amenti (or through the Taran morphogenetic Sphere within one of the other 11 planets in your solar system) that you must ascend to fulfill your evolutionary imprint as souls and return to your Creator/Creative Source. 

Forming of the five physical Root Races and their Cloisters Blue Print For Evolution Through DNA Assembly Rescue Mission Stage 4 

25,000,000 YA After the Staff of Amenti was set within the Sphere of Amenti at Earth's D-2 core, the forming of the five remaining Root Races began. The five Cloistered Races within the morphogenetic field of the Sphere polarized, splitting their energy fields, each creating two smaller morphogenetic fields within the Sphere of Amenti. The 10 new spheres collectively held the blueprint for DNA strands one through 12. Each of the five Cloistered races was responsible for the evolution of one pair of these new morphogenetic fields. Each sphere became the morphogenetic field for one Root Race plus its companion Cloister Race that would simultaneously manifest into physical expression on Earth, during the time periods that corresponded to the dimensional DNA strand to which each race was appointed. 

These five morphogenetic fields became Root Races 3—7, through which DNA strands 2—6 would be assembled. Each Root Race was responsible for evolving/assembling one strand of DNA while its companion Cloister Race would hold the imprint of that strand plus strands 7—l2. 

The Cloister Race would appear first and through this race its Root Race would emerge. The Cloistered Race broke down into five Cloistered Sub-races, and each sub-race further broke down into five Cloistered families. 

The Root Race would then break down into seven sub-races, and each of the seven sub-races would further break down into seven families. Soul fragments from the dimension that corresponded to the DNA strand of the Root Race would be pulled from the Unified Field of that dimension into the body form, progressively pulling the frequency bands of that dimension into the DNA until all the frequencies of that dimension were assembled into the morphogenetic field of the body. 

This process was to be accomplished within 24 incarnations, i.e., two l2-cycles, that were lived in one body. With the morphogenetic field in the Sphere of Amenti holding the pattern for the body form, souls trapped within that dimension could begin merging their consciousness with the new body form, and through 24 cycles of incarnation pull their consciousness into a pattern that vibrated high enough to merge with the Sphere of Amenti. Soul fragments would incarnate once then transmute through each of the seven families of its sub-race, then through each of the five Cloistered families of its Cloistered sub-race, building up the lower frequency patterns (base tones) of that dimension into the DNA through its first 12 transmutations within the families. 

Next the now-more-evolved soul would transmute into each of the seven sub-races of its Root Race, then into each of the five Cloistered sub-races of its Cloistered Race, building up the higher frequency patterns (overtones) of that dimension into the DNA. In the final transmutation, in which all of the frequency patterns for that dimension were pulled into the DNA and the completed strand assembled, the incarnate then carried the full base tone pattern of its Root Race and the particle overtones of its Cloistered Race within the DNA. In this final phase, the incarnates' body, DNA and consciousness would transmute, the base tones and overtones within the DNA strand merging to create a resonant tone through which the identity could merge with the Cloister Race morphogenetic field in the Sphere of Amenti, where it would pick up the remaining “activation” DNA codes/overtones from the Cloister. 

The Cloister Race held the higher frequency DNA codes/overtones for that dimension, which match the base tone frequency patterns of the body double in the parallel Earth (these are called the Activation Codes, as they allow the DNA particles to merge with their anti-particles, creating transmutation of the matter particles and anti-particles, through which DNA strands 7—12 could “plug into” the operating genetic code.) The Root Race held the lower frequency base tone codes of this Earth. Once both sets of DNA codes were assembled in the DNA through the 24 transmutations, the overtone activation codes from the Cloister would allow the incarnate to enter its Cloister's morphogenetic field within the Sphere of Amenti, where DNA strands 7—12 would “plug into” the activation codes. 

This would open the morphogenetic field of the Palaidorian collective (five Cloistered Races), where the codes of the other Root Races could be assembled and the full 12-strand DNA pattern would be restored. As this process of DNA activation took place, the incarnate was enabled to enter the Blue Flame morphogenetic field of Tara with its consciousness, which began activation of DNA strands 7-l2 within the body. This process increased the rate of pulsation of the matter particles of the body into HU-2 patterns, which allowed the incarnate to turn its body into light, pass through the Halls of Amenti as pure energy, then re-manifest within a less dense version of that body upon Tara. The 24 transmutations were lived in one body, which progressively transmuted as the DNA assembled, until later genetic distortion. Originally the human body was designed to transmute and ascend, not die and reincarnate. The 24 cycles of transmutation later became 24 cycles of incarnation, or birth and death, through which the DNA would assemble as the consciousness passed from one life to another. The original human body was immortal. 

The First Seeding-the Third World 

25,000,000 to 5,500,000 YA The pattern for the evolution of the five remaining Root Races was set in motion 25 million YA. In the first wave of souls moving out of the Palaidorian morphogenetic field and into physical incarnation The Five Cloistered Races were entered into Earth in various geographical locations on the Earth. Through budding/fission/replication the five Cloistered families each manifested six male and six female beings on Earth, and the same number on the parallel, anti-particle Earth. So in the first wave of physical creation on Earth 60 human beings were manifested, in adult form, out of the Cloistered Races morphogenetic field. Each of the five Cloistered Races began with a family of 12 humans, six male, six female. 

They entered Earth together, with equal standing, seeding the brown-Ur-Antrian, red-Breanoua, white-Hibiru, yellow-Melchizedek and black-Yunaseti races. Earth populations built up through this lineage. After about 10 million years of evolution (25-15 million YA) the Third Root Race was entered through peoples of the Ur-Antrian Cloister. The Third Root Race, and first physical Root Race to appear on Earth were the Lumarians. They were a brown race that appeared about 15 million years ago, who were assigned to assembling the second strand of DNA. Following the Lumarians and their seven sub-races and 49 families was the Second infusion of the Breanoua Cloistered race and their five sub-races and 25 families. They entered through the peoples of their first incarnational wave about 12 million years ago. Entering through the peoples of the Breanoua Cloister came the Fourth Root Race, the Alanians and their sub-races and families. 

The Alanians appeared about nine million years ago, a red skinned race, who were responsible for assembling DNA strand #3. The five Cloister Races and the Lumarian and Alanian Root Races evolved together on Earth between 25 million to 5.5 million years ago, developing high culture and much diversification. Incarnates who kept the integrity of their genetic code transmuted through each of the races then ascended within their immortal bodies through the Halls of Amenti. This period in time is known as The First Seeding, and represents the Third World in Native American tradition. 

The Electric Wars & Palaidorian Resistance Entity Wars 

5,509,000 - 5,508,100 YA During the course of the First Seeding all went well as many soul fragments from HU-1 Earth successfully ascended through the Halls of Amenti back into Tara. But many members of the races from the First Seeding had also begun to digress through animal interbreeding and contact with HU-1 ETs, some losing the ability of genetic transmutation and thus their immortality. About 5,509,000 years ago members of the Sirian-Anunnaki race from HU-2, along with several other groups of ETs and meta-terrestrials from the higher Harmonic Universes wanted to stop the evolution of the earthly races and abandon the Turaneusiam-2/12 Tribes experiment, for fear that the mutating genetic code of the 12 Tribes would contaminate the races of Tara as they ascended through the Halls of Amenti. 

Many HU-2 species did not want the digressive human element to return to Tara, for they were already creating damage within the energetic systems of Earth, and those of Tara needed protection from such activities. Numerous other groups simply wanted Earth territories for their own purposes. The Resistance groups began a war with the Elohim from HU-3, and those of the Covenant of Palaidor in HU-2. Entities of the higher Universes descended upon Earth, and great battles of pure energy were fought in Earth's local galaxy and within Earth's atmosphere. These events became known as the Electric Wars. The wars lasted around 900 years as Entities of these opposing groups battled for control over Earth's natural portal system and the Sphere of Amenti. The human races caught in this battle either ascended to Tara through the Halls of Amenti or were relocated to other HU-1 planets with the help of the Elohim and HU-2 Palaidorians. Those who lost their immortal genetic codes and did not leave Earth perished, along with many animal life-forms, as Earth's planetary environment was thrown into chaos. Earth would have been destroyed if the Breneau from HU-5 had not intervened. 

The Seal of Amenti and the End of the Electric Wars

 5,508,100 YA The Breneau entities negotiated a treaty between these opposing factions. In the agreement the Root Races of Earth would be allowed to evolve, but the Halls of Amenti—the portals between Earth and Tara—would be sealed to humans until the mutations within the genetic code of Root Races 3 and 4, which had contaminated the morphogenetic fields, could be reversed. ln terms of souls evolving out of HU-1, the sealing of the Halls of Amenti meant that they could evolve into the morphogenetic field of their Cloister Race and pick up DNA strands 7—12, but they could not pass through the Cloister morphogenetic field of their Root Race into the collective Palaidorian morphogenetic field where DNA strands of the other Root Races, strands 4—6 could be assembled. Without the imprint frequency patterns of strands 4—6, the incarnate soul could not plug strands 7-12 into the operational genetic code. 

The Halls of Amenti were sealed to the human lineage by removing from the morphogenetic fields of the Third and Fourth Cloistered Races, the activation codes/overtonesᵌ that would allow the particles and anti-particles of the body to merge, transmute and assemble strands 7—12 into the operational DNA. This morphogenetic alteration effectively sealed the particles of the physical body out of the etheric body (anti-particle body), making the final transmutation of Cloister overtone codes 7-12 impossible. This manifested as an energetic block between the physical and etheric bodies within the human bio-energetic auric field, and a sealing out of the Primary D-1 overtones within the base chakra of the human—an auric configuration still carried today within the contemporary human. It also created perception of duality between consciousness and body for those baring this genetic configuration. 

Normally an incarnate would build up the DNA strand of its Root Race then build up the activation strands from its Cloister Race, which would allow it to pull strands 7-12 into manifestation from the Cloister morphogenetic field. The seventh strand (a primary base tone strand), which contained the frequencies of all of the strands below it, would plug in to the single strand assembled through the Cloister, then assemble all of the other Root was created. The body could then turn into light, pass through the Blue Flame in the Sphere of Amenti and re-manifest on Tara, where assembly of strands 8-12 would continue. By removing one of the activation code/overtone frequency patterns from the morphogenetic field of the Cloister,4 the human incarnate could not plug in the seventh DNA strand, which meant that the incarnate could not assemble the strands of the other Root Races so it could transmute into light to pass through the Blue Flame. 

Humans carrying this code distortion became trapped in their matter bodies within HU-1, and the supply of transmuting energy available to the matter body became finite as the DNA strands that would have fed the body with higher frequency energies were no longer operational. When the body reached its genetic capacity for assembling frequency, then the physical structure would begin to deteriorate as the consciousness was transferred back into the morphogenetic field. Following this morphogenetic distortion, the consciousness would birth into its Root Race, complete the 12 family and 12 sub-race transmutation cycles, then run into the genetic frequency block. The body would die and the incarnate would pass into the morphogenetic field for its Cloister, then have to rebirth into a body within the next Root Race. After completing the transmutation cycles of the Fourth Root Race the incarnate would pass into its Cloister's morphogenetic field, then have to wait until the Fifth Root Race manifestation cycle had begun, before it could complete its final incarnation in the Aeiran Root Race and release the Seal of Amenti. 

Once assembling the fourth DNA strand through the Fifth Root Race incarnation the Seal of Amenti would release from DNA strand one and the activation codes/overtones from the Fifth Cloister would plug in, assemble the fifth, sixth and seventh strands creating an interdimensional resonant tone. Then the body could turn into light, pass through the Blue Flame and re-manifest on Tara to continue evolution. The Seal of Amenti made it necessary to incarnate three times, once within Root Races 3, 4, and 5, in order to complete the dimensional ascension process into HU-2. After the sealing of the Halls of Amenti, the Sphere of Amenti at Earth's core became the collector of souls awaiting rebirth into the Fifth Root Race through which the Seal of Amenti would be lifted, so they could ascend and be set free. Following the Electric Wars, the Third and Fourth Root Races would have to be reseeded on Earth, and the new seeding would carry with it the Seal of Amenti. The Halls of Amenti were not in themselves sealed or closed, they were only sealed to incarnates carrying the altered genetic strain. Some ET hybrid strains of the humans in exile in other planetary systems, who did not have the Seal of Amenti genetic distortion, returned to Earth following the Electric Wars to pass through the Halls of Amenti. It was then discovered that a much greater problem had occurred as a result of the Electric Wars.

 The Seal of Palaidor
Pole Tilt, Quick Freeze, Sphere of Amenti placed in D-4, first Major Earth Flood, 5.5 Million Year-Old Wall in Time 

5,500,000 YA Summary: As a result of damage from the Electric Wars the Elohim had to place the Sphere of Amenti in D-4 creating a fourth-dimensional frequency block within the second and third DNA strands, sealing Root Races 3 and 4 out of their morphogenetic field/soul matrices, creating build-up of soul fragments in D-2, D-3 and D-4 that would have to integrate into Root Race 5 consciousness. This created the subconscious mind D-2 emotional body which would draw in elemental Lamanian/Lemurian-Root Race 3-soul fragments, a D-3 egotistical mind that would draw in Alanian/Atlantean—Root Race 4- soul fragments, and a D-4 astral mind-body that would draw in soul fragments of Root Race three and four from the astral plane. 

Manifested as an extra D-4 frequency pattern within the second and third DNA strands, a blockage within the second and third chakras through which their energies could only merge through the fourth chakra, and as an energetic barrier between the frequencies of the second, third and fourth dimensions within the bio-energetic auric field, this created separation between the emotional, mental and astral identity aspects. Root Race 5 souls became responsible for integrating the soul fragments of the Lamanian and Atlanians of the Second Seeding and the Atlanteans and Lemurians of the Third Seeding, which manifest as blockages within the second-emotional body, third-mental body and fourth-astral body chakras and corresponding levels of the auric field. Seal released through assembly of the fourth DNA strand and integration of soul fragments, which must occur before Seal of Amenti can release from DNA strand one. 

Human consciousness lost awareness of its relationship to Earth and the higher dimensions, and its species evolutionary memory, and souls of Root Races and Cloisters from the Third and Fourth Races could only evolve through the Fifth Root Race. Auric configuration remains in present day human descendants of Root Races three and four and within Aryan Root Race 5. The present Aryan Root Race is now responsible for integrating the soul fragments of their Lamanian/Lemurian, and Ur-Antrian and Breanoua Cloister ancestors from the Second and Third Seeding. The Aryan Root Race is also responsible for integrating the anti-particle overtones omitted by the Seal of Amenti, which appear as a build-up of electrical particles within the etheric body called miasms, which distort the natural functioning of the chakra system and accelerate the manifestation of physical disease. The Seal of Palaidor must be released before the Seal of Amenti can release, both achieved by assembling the full fourth DNA strand. For a period of time following the end of the Electric Wars, Earth could not sustain life. 

For over 4,000 years Earth was plagued by erratic weather patterns, tectonic shifting and climatic anomalies. Earth experienced a slow, partial pole reversal and tilted several degrees on its axis between 5,508,100 and 5,504,000 years ago, as a result of damage done to Earth's energetic grid and portal systems during the Electric Wars. Numerous ET races visited the planet during its more stable periods, some serving as Guardians over the Sphere of Amenti. Various animal forms were again reseeded by visiting races. Approximately 5,504,000 years ago a sudden, final shift in Earth's grid, as its poles realigned, caused a “quick freeze” Ice Age to occur, which wiped out most life-forms on the planet except for some of those residing in deep caverns beneath the seas. Following this shift the vibrational rate of Earth's grid dropped swiftly and it could no longer hold the higher frequencies of the Sphere of Amenti at its core. 

If the Sphere of Amenti were not removed, the Earth would explode. In order to avoid planetary destruction the Elohim of HU-3 and the Ra Confederacy entity families detached the Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic field from Earth's core in D-2, 5,500,000 years ago. It was placed in a secure position in deep space within the fourth-dimensional frequency bands. Because the Sphere was placed within the D-4 frequency bands, it acquired a fourth-dimensional frequency seal, which meant that souls who had not yet assembled their fourth strand of DNA could no longer merge with their Root Race morphogenetic field/soul matrix or that of their Cloister. Root races 3 and 4, and their Cloister Races, who were to be reseeded on Earth with the Seal of Amenti in their genetic code, could not evolve to assemble the fourth strand, as this strand was assembled through birthing through the Fifth Root Race. 

This fourth-dimensional seal on the Sphere of Amenti became known as the Seal of Palaidor, as it sealed the races out of their Palaidorian morphogenetic field once they had entered manifestation. The Root Race 3 Lamanian/Lemurian and Root Race 4 Atlanian/Atlantean souls of the Second and Third Seeding could not reincarnate into the Fifth Aeiran/Aryan Root Race and became trapped in time within the second, third and fourth dimensions. Following death, these souls would enter D-2 Earth core and their consciousness would fragment into the Earth's D-2 Unified Field. Having lost their form-holding  morphogenetic field, they would incarnate into elemental consciousness and evolve as second-dimensional life forms. They would be trapped in the elemental incarnations until the fourth-dimensional Seal of Palaidor was lifted from the morphogenetic field. 

The Palaidorian/Amenti morphogenetic field within the Sphere of Amenti represented the collective Soul Matrix for the human lineage on Earth. Because of the Seal of Palaidor the races would emerge into Earth from the morphogenetic field from D-4 instead of through Earth's D-2 core, they would experience one incarnation, die and become part of the consciousness of Earth, losing their sentient identity. Meanwhile, the portion of their essence that had picked up the fourth-dimensional base tone frequencies while passing through D-4 in birthing, would rise back into the lower frequency bands of D-4 at death. These fragments of identity became disembodied astral consciousness without a body form or organizational identity imprint. 

The Fifth Root Race Aeirans were able to retain form in the astral identity as the D-4 frequencies were already contained within their fourth DNA strand. Though the Aeirans could not plug the second, third and fourth DNA strands into each other until the fourth strand had been fully assembled, the identity pattern manifested itself within the second, third and fourth dimensions, creating an emotional/elemental body in D-2, a mental body in D-3 and an astral body in D-4. As the Aeiran race progressively assembled its fourth DNA strand, unity between D-2 emotional awareness, D-3 mental awareness and D-4 astral awareness would result, allowing the consciousness to separate from the physical body and travel through the D-4 astral planes. 

Once all of the fourth strand was assembled and the ancestral soul fragments integrated, the Seal of Palaidor would release in the Aeiran genetic code, the emotional, mental and astral identities would merge, the activation code overtones of the Fifth Cloister (the Hibiru) would plug in and release the Seal of Amenti, allowing ascension through the Blue Flame in the Sphere of Amenti to occur. The Third and Fourth Root Races did not have an astral body as their genetic imprint did not include the fourth/D-4 strand of DNA. Only members of Races three and four who participated in inter-stellar breeding were able to create the organizational form of an astral body in D-4 and splice in the imprint for the fourth DNA strand. Members of these earlier races from the Second and Third Seedings could not pass into their race's morphogenetic field at death, and thus they could not reincarnate into the Fifth Root Race. 

At death their soul essence fragmented into the Unified Fields of dimensions two, three and four where they would have to merge with Aeiran consciousness in order to ascend. A great burden was placed upon the Aeiran Root Race and its Cloister Hibiru, for they became responsible for assimilating the fragments of consciousness from their race three and four ancestors, before they could fully ascend. These ancestral soul fragments appeared as fragments of incarnational memory and chaotic identities, sub-personality fragments from the elemental, mental and astral planes, which would assemble into the conscious awareness as the astral, mental and emotional bodies merged through assembly of the fourth DNA strand. Along with this burden the Aeirans and Hibiru also had to integrate the missing sixth overtone in DNA strand one through which the Seal of Amenti could release and ascension take place. 

Until the Seal of Amenti was released, the anti-particle codes that could not merge with the physical body built up within the etheric body level of the auric field—the anti-particle double within the parallel Earth. This electrical build-up in the etheric body caused the physical body particles to become overly dense and manifested as blockages (called miasms) within the natural energy channels of the body, accelerating the manifestation of physical disease and the cellular deterioration process. The Aeiran and Hibiru races, and their Aryan and Hibiru descendants would inherit this burden of cellular clearing. Most humans of the present day have the fifth race coding, and are subconsciously involved with this process of cellular clearing, integration of the emotional, mental and astral bodies, and assembling the fourth DNA strand in order to release the Seal of Amenti and ascend. The Seal of Palaidor would create a build-up of chaotic energies/identity fragments within the elemental, mental and astral planes, until the Fifth Root Race fulfilled its genetic imprint and assembled the fourth DNA strand through which these soul fragments could be released. 

An alternative to fragmentation was offered to the races through the later inception of what came to be called the Third Eye of Horus. Though the burdens of evolution placed upon human consciousness under the Seals of Amenti and Palaidor would be great, the Elohim and Ra Confederacy knew this before orchestrating the Second Seeding, and they allowed it to occur as a way of assisting to purify the digressive genetic codes. The lower-vibrating genetic imprints would dissolve into the Unified Field of D-2, while the soul essences could re-evolve through the Fifth Races. They knew that one day, when Earth's grid vibrated high enough, the Sphere of  could be returned to Earth's core, releasing the fourth-dimensional Seal of Palaidor and the souls lost in D-2 and D-4 could ascend. Not only did the Seal of Palaidor create problems within the incarnational process, it also created problems for the physical incarnates on Earth. 

The race morphogenetic field through which a race incarnates represents the living memory bank of that evolving race. If the morphogenetic field of a race is removed from a planet and its energies are no longer running through the planetary grid, the entire race memory is wiped out of the planet’s cellular memory. People alive on the planet cannot find the content or sequence of most of the race memory. They do not remember their origins, the purposes for which they came, or their destination through the course of their evolution. The portions of the race morphogenetic field removed from the planet take with them the DNA strand imprint through which that memory would be stored within an incarnates' bodily cellular memory. Corresponding DNA particles break loose from the operating DNA strands, lose their sequence of linear order and cannot translate through the neurological structure of the human into conscious perception. DNA particles breaking loose from the operating strands become what Earth scientists call “junk DNA," stored within the cells with seemingly no purpose. 

After the Seal of Palaidor was set, the races of the Second Seeding would enter incarnation with no memory of their identity or of the higher dimensional worlds from which they had come. This knowledge would be stored within the fourth dimension and could be accessed only through the astral essence. The races would also forget their connection to the Earth and to each other, as this memory is stored within the second strand, and is blocked from mental view. The human of the Second Seeding would have a new kind of consciousness, a perception of exaggerated duality and a sense of separation from all things that would bury the memory and the truth of the teachings of the sacred Law of One. 

Through the dismantled DNA codes stored in the cells, the human would develop a subconscious mind, containing the consciousness of its second strand and soul fragments drawn in from the D-2 elemental Unified Field. A time of dream assimilation would have to take place in order to begin assembling the astral awareness of the fourth strand and the soul fragments drawn in from the D-4 unified field. A new kind of multi-layer consciousness would develop in the human, quite different from the earlier unified awareness of its immortal body. Even for Visitors of non- human lineage, the memory of the planet's history would not be found unless it were accessed through the Sphere of Amenti in the fourth dimension. 

The Seal of Palaidor placed Earth in a frequency quarantine, through which it became temporarily disconnected from its inter-galactic community. Humans on Earth would not be able to remember what existed on the Earth, or that Earth was a member of vast multidimensional reality fields containing innumerable sentient forms of life. The human developed tunnel vision, a condition which remains today within the majority of people on Earth. Great hope was placed upon the success of the Fifth Root Race evolution, for the Fifth Root Race was designed to assemble the fourth DNA strand, the strand that corresponded to the fourth dimension. If the Fifth Root Race could fully evolve its strand, their astral awareness could pass through the Seal of Palaidor. While they were still alive in body, they could consciously awaken in their astral bodies, discover the secrets of their missing codes and begin to consciously heal the mutations in their gene codes. 

The Fifth races would become the Keepers of Records for Earth until the Sphere of Amenti was returned to Earth's core, as they could pull the lost race memory from the Sphere of Amenti in D-4 and bring it alive once again upon the planet. Following the removal of the Sphere of Amenti from the Earth's core 5,500,000 years ago, the Earth grid rapidly plunged in speed, then began an even more rapid acceleration as erratic energies left over from the Sphere filtered through Earth's bioenergetic system. Climatic changes again occurred, land masses slid beneath waters, and great quakes rumbled through the planet. Within three years of the removal of the Sphere, a great flood came that covered over 85% of Earth's surface. The memory of this flood, along with that of two others, was given to you by the Elohim and recorded in your Biblical history as one event. 

The flood of 5,500,000 years ago just described is the first major flood on Earth, the second flood occurred about 849,000 years ago and the third during the Third Seeding of the Root Races. There were many other periods of flooding but these three periods were the most notable. With the Seal of Palaidor came a wall in time behind which the truth of human lineage was hidden. Humans born in the Second and Third Seedings would be marked by the Seals of Amenti and Palaidor, baring the burden of a past of which they would have no memory. It could take millions of years for the Earth grid vibrational rate to rise enough so that life with fourth-dimensional coding (the fifth races) could be sustained and the Sphere of Amenti returned so the Seal of Palaidor could be lifted. Human evolution was stunted 5.5 million years ago and would have remained so if it were not for Sirius B.

Voyagers II; 19 Guardian Material; The Wall in Time and Atlantean Secrets of the Phoenix & the Falcon


The contemporary United Intruder Resistance (UIR) Illuminati One World Order (OWO) Master Plan is an amalgamation of key components of the previously disclosed competing fallen Angelic/Intruder ET OWO agendas. The UIR has adopted the long-planned ''2003 Dimensional Blend Experiment'' and “2004 Frequency Fence” plan originally of the ZetaRigelian Agenda. The Zeta-Rigelians originally got their idea for the Frequency Fence from the Annunaki NET plan, in which the Annunaki had long planned to “Lower the NET into D-3” to create a Frequency Fence during the 2000-2017 SAC. 

The Nibiruian Council mandate of Human Genocide has been adopted, and its orchestration is intended to occur through the ''Instigation of War Among Human Nations'' agenda that has been key to most OWO creeds since their inception. Advancement of the UIR Illuminati OWO Master Plan depends upon their preventing Earth’s Templar from reaching a critical mass 12-Code Pulse. If the Guardian agenda of activating the Four Faces of Man LPIN system to create the Trion/Meajhé Field before 2003 is successful, the 12-Code Pulse will reach critical mass in Earth’s Planetary Shields, blocking the Dimensional Blend Experiment and Frequency Fence. 

The DNA Templates of Indigo Children and Humans are now beginning mass activation, despite the Fallen Angelic astral Tagging interference; the biology of these races will automatically and progressively run higher dimensional frequencies into Earth’s grids. A critical mass of Indigo Children Types-1 and 2¹ have now cleared sufficient amounts of NDC-Grid distortions from their DNA Templates and set sufficient amounts of the 12-Code Pulse in Earth’s Templar. 

These events will begin triggering spontaneous DNA clearing and activation in mass Human/ Indigo populations. If these populations continue cleared DNA Template activation, they will unknowingly transmit a critical mass 12-Code Pulse into the Planetary Shields by 2003, preventing fulfillment of the Illuminati Dimensional Blend Experiment. The “2003 Dimensional Blend Experiment” was intended to directly link Earth’s Planetary Shields into the Planetary Shields of a counterpart of Earth, called Phantom Earth, that was drawn into the Phantom Matrix Black Hole Sub-Time Distortion Cycle during the ''Electric Wars,'' which ended Human Seeding-l on Earth, 5,500,000 years ago. Since the Electric Wars there has been a ''Wall in Time''—a frequency Cap between Earth’s Planetary Shields and the chaotic Planetary Shields of Phantom Earth in the Black Hole Phantom Matrix. 

This Cap was kept in place by the Emerald Covenant Founders, in hopes that eventually our Earth would evolve to a sufficient frequency accretion level through which the ''Wall in Time'' could be “Uncapped,” without our Earth and its life field potentially being rapidly drawn into the Phantom Matrix. This Cap allows the races in Phantom Earth an opportunity to have DNA Bio-Regenesis, and the Phantom Earth to receive Planetary Shields repair, so people and planet could be retrieved from the “perpetual chaotic time loop” of the Phantom Matrix to restore natural evolution. Since the end of Human Seeding-1, Earth has been a literal “battleground” between the Emerald Covenant Founders races and the Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET races of the Phantom Matrix. Each group has fought to attain a critical mass of frequency in the Planetary Shields of Earth and its Phantom. 

If Phantom Earth accretes greater frequency holding than our Earth, our Earth, its peoples and the Halls of Amenti in the Inner Earth Time Cycle will be sucked into the Phantom Matrix black hole. If this occurs, 11 dimensions of our 15-dimensional Time Matrix will become fully trapped within the Phantom Matrix Sub-Time Distortion Cycle, cut off from interaction with the Founders of D-12 and up, under Fallen Angelic race dominion, completely incapable of natural Ascension out of density. Such an event would provide sufficient energy fuel to feed and artificially sustain the dying Phantom Matrix for many eons to come. Since the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion, the Anunnaki races of the Phantom Matrix have been progressively draining frequency from our Earth and transmitting it into the Phantom Earth Shields via the ''relay station'' of the NET, NDC-Grid, the Reverse-orbit Planet Nibiru and the artificial Nibiruian Battlestar ''Wormwood.''² 

In the SAC of 22,326 BC, the Anunnaki almost succeeded in fulfilling the Dimensional Blend Experiment, through which the ''Cap on the Wall in Time'' would have been shattered and our Earth and the Halls of Amenti Star Gates would have become fully trapped in the Phantom Matrix. The Eieyani Founders races stopped the 22,326 BC SAC just in time to prevent this travesty from occurring. When the Zetas uncapped the Falcon Wormhole in the early 1900s and launched the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment, the first full link between the Planetary Shields of Zeta-controlled Phantom Earth and our Earth was made in our contemporary times.

 A “hole was punched in the Wall in Time” by uncapping the Falcon wormhole and creating the Phi-Ex Wormhole Port Interface Network (PIN) Atlantean Pylon Implant Network (APIN) System. Our contemporary problems mounted when the Pleiadian-Nibiruians uncapped the neighboring Phoenix wormhole, and they escalated again when the “Hole in the Time Wall” was further expanded through the Falcon wormhole during the 1983 Montauk Project. If the contemporary UIR succeeds in orchestrating the 2003 Dimensional Blend Experiment, Earth will fulfill the Jehovian-contrived ''Biblical Revelations Prophecies,'' experience pole shift and be drawn into “the Pit” of the Phantom Matrix black hole. 3 

The potentiality of Earth entering the Phantom Matrix is both spiritually and scientifically devastating. Regardless of whether these events are interpreted in terms of physics or spirituality, they are real “on both counts.” Originally, Emerald Covenant races, Humans and Indigo Children entered repeated Earth incarnations on “rescue missions,” in attempts to save the mentally and biologically mutated races of the Phantom Matrix from their return to undifferentiated units of “space dust” at the eventual, inevitable, implosion of the Phantom Matrix. 

Now, due to the anti-Christiac applications of the NET/NDC-Grid/Montauk-Phi-EX/Phoenix Project and Fallen Angelic APIN technologies, the “Cap on the Wall in Time” must be permanently closed. If the Cap on the Time Wall is not closed, Earth, Inner Earth, the Halls of Amenti and the many universes within the lower 11 dimensions of our l5- dimensional Time Matrix will implode during and shortly after the 2000-2017 SAC. 

The imploded systems would then chaotically reorganize their matterpattern within the Time Loop of the Phantom Matrix black hole. The Founders races must do everything in their power to prevent this event from occurring, or other neighboring Time Matrix systems will be unfairly placed in similarly grave jeopardy. The present “Final Conflict” drama on Earth will be the deciding factor of destiny for many civilizations within our Time Matrix system, as well as for Earth and the Human race. If the Emerald Covenant Masters Planetary Stewardship Initiative and Bridge Zone Project are successful, only a portion of Earth’s matter base and consciousness fields will be drawn into the Phantom Matrix Time Track during the Three-Day Particle Conversion Period of our present SAC. 

The rest of Earth’s Planetary Shields and life-forms with sufficient DNA Template activation will experience a progression of linear time events that will lead to a future in which Earth and her peoples discover the reality of the Inner Earth Time Cycle. In this future, Earth becomes a free (ascended) planet within the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds and great Universal Emerald Covenant communities—the ''heavenly Earth'' so often promised but never “deliverable” by the many oblivious religious dog mas. If the GA Bridge Zone Project is not successful, and the UIR’s 2003 Dimensional Blend Experiment is not prevented by 12-Code Pulse re-coding of  the 24 Nibiruian Crystal Temple Networks and setting of the Trion/Meajhé Fields, the Guardians cannot prevent Earth from “joining its Phantom Shadow.” 

This is not a decision of Guardian preference, but merely an unavoidable condition of the natural Laws of Creation Physics that govern the manifestation processes of matter and consciousness. Presently, great progress has been made in the Emerald Covenant freedom agenda. The DNA Templates of Indigos and Humans are now slowly, but definitely, clearing and activating. Progressive 12-Code Human DNA Template activation will culminate in Earth’s 12-Code Pulse critical mass re-coding by 2003, if a critical number of Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics “Rainbow Roundtables” (RRTs) are conducted by Earth populations. The Emerald Covenant RRTs are the advanced Biotronic technologies of the Christos Founders races. RRTs are the only technologies by which the “Four Faces of Man,” “Great White Lion” and “Golden Eagle” PIN Systems can be rapidly activated to anchor the needed Trion/Meajhé Fields in Earth’s Planetary shields. 


 •Phantom Matrix. 
•The 5.5 million-year-old Wall in Time. 
•The Atlantean Conspiracy and Luciferian Covenant.
 •The Falcon and Phoenix Wormholes. 
•The 1943-1983 Montauk/Phi-Ex Port Interface Network. 
•Atlantean Pylon Implant Networks. 
•The 2003 Dimensional Blend Experiment. 
•The NET (Nibiruian Electro-static Transduction field). 
•The Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network. 
•UIR Illuminati OWO Master Plans. 
•The September 12, 2000, UIR Edict of War. 
•RITs (Remote Interactive Teams) and Astral Tagging 
•The “UFO and New Age Movements.” 
•Fallen Angelic conquest for dominion of the Halls of Amenti Star Gates. 

So what do all of these seemingly “far out sci-fi subjects” have to do with the very real 9/11/2001 WTC/Pentagon Disaster, the contemporary concern over the threat of International Terrorism and the “War On Terrorism”? Absolutely Everything! I personally did not fully understand the connections between the “Big Picture Drama” and our present global terrorist issue until the GA/Eieyani “filled in the missing pieces” as I began to prepare this final update for Voyagers II 2e. The well-hidden connections between these ancient and contemporary realities is not remote or vague—it is direct and scathing; this connection becomes much more obvious when we understand the “Secrets of the Phoenix and the Falcon” and their relationship to ''ancient'' Atlantis.

 The whole story of the Phoenix and the Falcon could fill several books; I will simply summarize here the most immediately pertinent aspects of this historical saga. Previous to the 9558 BC “cataclysm” of Atlantis, life was quite different than it is now on planet Earth. In 28,000 BC, a major cataclysm ripped apart the large Atlantic continent upon which Atlantis stood, reducing it to several smaller Atlantean Island Nations. The three Primary Atlantean nations were Ulta-Lohas-Ur, in what had been the Northeast of the Atlantic continent (remains of it are now England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales), Ulta-Bruah-UR in the southwest (now Southern Florida, Cuba, Bahamas, Haiti, Dominican Republic) and Ulta-Nohassa-Ur in the central region (now Bermuda lslands).4 

The Human Atlantian nation became progressively overrun with a race called the Anu-Melchizedek Leviathans. The many competing Anunnaki, Drakonian and Reptilian family lines of the Anu-Melchizedek Leviathan races were a product of progressive Fallen Angelic raiding of an Emerald Covenant hybridization program that began in 155,000 BC. The Founders’ Emerald Covenant hybridization program was intended to assist the Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian races that had joined the Emerald Covenant to regenerate their DNA Templates to reclaim the potentialities of ascension. 

Genetic engineering was used to combine portions of the Angelic Human DNA Template with that of a composite Anunnaki-Drakonian-Reptilian genetic strain, using the Anunnaki slave-primate Lulcus5 DNA, upgrading the Neanderthal first to the Luhari, 6 then to the ELuhli-Levi,
7 E-Luhli-Judah, 8 and E-Luhli-Nephi. 9 After thousands of years of evolution on Earth, and 5 genetic upgrades, the E-Luhli-Levi CroMagnon received its final upgrade to the Homo-sapiens-1 Annu-Melchizedek. The Annu-Melchizedek race, housing incarnations of non-human Fallen Angelic souls on Emerald Covenant “Redemption Contracts,” resembled the Angelic Human 12-Tribe races because five of 12 Human DNA Strand Templates were genetically engineered into bonding with the hybrid DNA. From the E-Luhli-Levi stage, the hybrid races could, but were not intended to, naturally procreate with the Human race, due to the compatibility of the lower DNA Strand Templates between hybrids and Humans. 

This made the hybrid races, especially, the most evolved Annu-Melchizedeks, a prime target for Fallen Angelic races that desired to incarnate their presence on Earth in quest of Halls of Amenti dominion. By the later Atlantian period of 10,500 BC, the number of Fallen Angelic Annu-Melchizedek Leviathan (of E-Luhli-Levi) hybrid family lines, born of Fallen Angelic raiding of the hybridization program, exceeded those of the Emerald Covenant Human and Maji-Indigo races. Throughout much of pre-ancient history, Earth’s Star Gate system remained open, and interstellar commerce was commonplace. 

In later Atlantis, this circumstance led to invasion, formation of the competing Leviathan Atlantian Conspiracy OWO dominion agendas and in 9560 BC formalization of the Anunnaki-Leviathan Luciferian Covenant OWO Anunnaki Master Plan for final capture of Earth and the Halls of Amenti Star Gates. Human populations of Atlantis were progressively driven into exile in other regions of the globe, as the competing Leviathan races, on behalf of their Fallen Angelic/lntruder ET kin, battled for conquest of the Atlantic Continent Star Gates.10 

The Omicron-Drakonian, Odedicron and Zephelium (Zeta) Reptilian races gained dominance in the Atlantian power struggle, and several competing Anunnaki forces motivated their Leviathan races to orchestrate a final victory over the Drakonian/Reptilian and Angelic Human races. This motivation was formalized in the official agreement of the Luciferian Covenant OWO Master Plan, what the Anunnakis referred to as the ''Phoenix Project,'' the name of the Anunnaki-dominion project from the 10,500 BC Luciferian Conquest. In this original Phoenix Project, Anunnaki Fallen Angelic races of the United Federation of Planets in the Phantom Matrix motivated their Leviathan legions on Earth to attempt to gain dominion over Earth by opening the ''Wall in Time'' that existed between Earth and Phantom Earth in the Phantom Matrix.

 The ''Wall in Time'' is an artificial frequency barrier that was placed within the Planetary Shields scalar templates of Earth and Phantom Earththe portion of Earth’s Shields that had been drawn into the Black Hole SubTime Distortion Cycle of Phantom Matrix during the Electric Wars 5.5 million years ago. The frequency barrier “Wall” protected Earth’s Shields or “Scalar Template,” allowing Earth to continue its natural evolution within our organic Time Matrix, without threat of Earth, Halls of Amenti Star Gate control and the rest of our Time Matrix being drawn into the Phantom Matrix. The Emerald Covenant Founders had erected the Wall 5.5 million years ago to protect this Time Matrix from being ''swallowed'' by the Phantom Matrix Black Hole. 

In 10,500 BC Atlantis, the Anunnaki Leviathans created a wormhole frequency bridge between Nohassa Atlantis of Earth and the Phantom Matrix planets of Nibiru11 and Tiamat.12 This Atlantian ''Hole in the Wall in Time'' was called the Phoenix Wormhole or Phoenix Matrix (English translation). Its entry point on Earth was near Nohassa Atlantis Star Gate-3, an Atlantian territory called ''Phoenicia,'' where Earth’s Planetary Ley Line-4-10(horizontal) crossed through Planetary Axiatonal Line-7 (vertical). 

The Phoenix Matrix was “anchored” into Earth’s Shields, the Golden Eagle APIN System, the NET and the NDC-Grid through Star Gate-4/ Ley Line-4 at Giza, Egypt, and through a secondary Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network site called ''Cue Site-4'' in Central Mexico.13 Through the A7/L4 Phoenix wormhole, the Anunnaki were able to electrically interface Earth’s Planetary Shields with those of Nibiru and Tiamat, via their NDC-Grid and NET from 25,500 BC. The Anunnaki used the Phoenix Matrix in their longterm Luciferian Rebellion Master Plan of drawing Earth and the Halls of Amenti Star Gates into the Phantom Matrix via merging Earth’s Planetary Shields with those of Phantom Nibiru and Tiamat, which linked to Phantom Sirius A and Trapezium (Theta) Orion. 

This contrived anomaly of planetary physics would cause part of Earth’s body to burn up, while the portions that survived black hole transition would emerge in Density-2 as an “inhabitable moon” to Nibiru. The “Phoenix14 would rise from the ashes to be born with a new life” under Anunnaki exploiting control, and the Halls of Amenti Star Gates would fall under totalitarian United Federation of Planets Phantom Matrix dominion. During the 10,500 BC Luciferian Conquest, the Drakonian/Reptilian/Zeta Leviathan races discovered and copied the Anunnaki wormhole technology under motivation of the ZetaDracos, Omicron-Drakonian and Odedicron-reptile avian races that ruled Phantom Earth. The “Drakonian Agenda” races created another Wormhole near the first, on Axiatonal Line-7, Ley Line-3-9, its “anchoring” position in Earth’s Shields was located in the Drakonian-conquered Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network at Star Gate-7, now Lake Titicaca, Peru.

 In Atlantis, the A7/L3 Wormhole was known as the Falcon Matrix—the Drakonian “Bird of Prey” that would defeat and consume the “Phoenix” wormhole by forcing Earth’s Planetary Shields into merger with those of Phantom Earth. The Drakonian agenda races desired to link Earth, once merged with Phantom Earth, to their intergalactic holdings of Alpha Draconis in Draco, and Alnitak, Alnilam, Bellatrix, Rigel and Zeta. When the Falcon Matrix wormhole in the “Wall in Time” was in place, the Andromie-Necromiton and Centaur hybrid Fallen Angelic races of Phantom Alpha Centauri and Omega Centauri and Andromeda raided Phantom Earth. The Necromiton force temporarily defeated Drakonian rule, and began using the Falcon Matrix wormhole to raid Atlantis of Earth, creating a ''Master'' hybrid dominion race, now called the ''Men in Black,'' through raiding Annu-Melchizedek Leviathan genetic lines. 

Fallen Angelic/ Intruder ET races of all kinds emerged from the Phantom Matrix “Pit” to initiate conquest of Earth. The Necromiton-Andromie “Alpha-Omega Anunnaki” races, already in control of the Golden Eagle APIN system since the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion, attempted to merge the Phoenix and Falcon Wormholes, the Golden Eagle APIN and NDC-Grid together, to secure final territorial dominion of Earth. Emerald Covenant Founders and Sirius B Maharaji Fleets intervened directly in Atlantis, squelching the Luciferian Conquest and driving Fallen Angelic invasion forces back into the Phantom Matrix, some escaping into exile on other planets in our Time Matrix. 

The Founders ''Capped'' the Phoenix and Falcon Matrix frequency bridges to Phantom Matrix, ''patching the holes in the Wall in Time.'' Without planetary access to D-12 frequency, the Founders could not create a permanent Wormhole ''Cap,'' or activate the Four Faces of Man LPIN to restore the Golden Eagle and Great White Lion APIN Systems. In 9560 BC, the Anunnaki Fallen Angelic races that had escaped to Density-2 Alcyone and Tara in our Time Matrix motivated their Annu-Melchizedek Leviathan force of Bruah Atlantis to again open the Phoenix Matrix Wormhole. In 9558 BC this was done as part of the Luciferian Covenant Master Plan to fully draw Earth, Inner Earth and the Halls of Amenti into the Phantom Matrix Black Hole Sub-Time Distortion Cycle during the next natural Stellar Activations Cycle—the 2000-2017 SAC. 

This plan was also intended to “get rid of the competition” put forth by Angelic Human races and other members of the Leviathan force who were affiliated with competing Fallen Angelic collectives. The Thoth-Enki-Zephelium Nibiruian and Samjase-Luciferian Pleiadian Anunnaki races motivated their Leviathan hybrids to temporarily ''blow a hole in the Cap'' on the Phoenix Matrix wormhole, using the Arc of the Covenant portal bridge at SG-4 Giza. The Phoenix Matrix was temporarily opened just enough for the immediate central Atlantean territories of Nohassa and select portions of Lohas and Bruah to experience the regional holocaust of being sucked into the Phantom Matrix. Forcing the “fall of Atlantis” was only the first step in the Anunnaki OWO dominion agenda, the climax of which was scheduled for the SAC of 2000 -2017. 

When the Phoenix Matrix was opened, Anunnaki forces from Phantom Nibiru forced additional Photo-sonic scalar pulses through the NDC-Grid and Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network of Earth, creating additional Planetary Shields Distortions and blockages within Earth’s Templar. The Photo-sonic transmissions pumped through Earth’s Templar from Nibiru in the Phantom Matrix instantaneously reduced to dust any buildings, structures or Atlantean remains on surface Earth that were not placed under selective Anunnaki force-field protection. The Photo-sonic scalar pulses and resultant planetary grid distortions caused further mutation in the DNA Template of Earth’s biological forms, again reduced the life span of all creatures and ''conveniently'' caused the ''memory files'' stored within the Human and Leviathan DNA Template to be further ''unplugged.'' 

The Anunnaki could not destroy Human and Indigo-Child races if their Master Plan was to succeed, as these races were needed to run their DNA Template Amenti Security Codes into Earth’s Planetary Shields during a SAC, or Earth’s Star Gates and portals would not open. The Luciferian Covenant agenda included a massive ''Planetary Housecleaning, editing and re-writing'' of any previous records or evidence pertaining to Advanced Atlantian Human civilization. The agenda intended progressive claiming of Earth’s 12 Primary Star Gate territories and subjugation of Human and Indigo races by the Anunnaki Leviathan force, in time for the 2000-20l7 SAC deadline. 


he “North American” continent, known then as Ulta-Amekasan-Ur or Ame-Ka15-Ra,16 which had become inhabitable following the induced “lce Age” of the 21,900 BC Lohas Celtec-Druidic Freeze-out territorial  of the Nibiruian Thothian Anunnaki Leviathan.18 The Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki’s 9558 BC opening of the Phoenix Matrix was intended to create climatic instabilities and a quick-freeze within select northern and southern regions. The Pleiadian-Nibiruians planned to “clear the real estate” and literally ''put it on ice'' to prevent Emerald Covenant races from reinstating Human and Indigo Guardians there after the orchestrated ''flood.''

 The Anunnaki of the Luciferian Covenant planned to have their ''frozen assets'' thawed out and populated by their Leviathan race Illuminati Sleepers Power Elite, 19 in plenty of time for dominion during the 2000-2017 SAC. Prior to the staging of the “fall of Atlantis,” members of the Thothian Leviathan of Bruah were taken to every continent of Earth, including North America, where they created a complex system of what are called “Atlantian Spikes” in Earth’s Planetary Shields. The Spikes, which had been used in various global areas since implementation of the NDC-Grid at Stonehenge, are “Seed Implants” made of various types of crystalline minerals and metals, which are inserted deep into Earth’s Mantle and Crust via photo-sonic scalar pulse. 

When activated, the Spikes become local and regional transmission stations, originally receiving frequency “broadcasts” from the NDC-Grid. “Grid Spiking” is one type of APIN system technology, which is favored by the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki. The Phoenix APIN system “Spiking Campaign” of 9560-9558 BC Bruah Atlantis connected specific areas of Earth’s Planetary Shields directly to coordinate points in the geography of Tiamat in the Phantom Matrix, via the Phoenix wormhole. When activated just before and during the 2000-2017 SAC, as intended by the Anunnaki, the Spikes would open a series of ''mini-wormholes,'' directly to the Phoenix Matrix wormhole, Nibiru and Tiamat, creating powerful standing-columnar-wave “Pillars” of inaudible sound. 

The Sonic Pillars would anchor Earth to the Planetary Shields of Phantom Nibiru and Tiamat. Through the Spike network of the Phoenix APIN, the NDC-Grid/Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network Frequency Fence program, which had been operating in certain regions of Atlantis, at partial capacity since 25,500 BC, would be amplified and strengthened. After the intended flood, the Phoenix APIN Spike Matrix would allow the NET (Nibiruian Electro-static Transduction field) to create a global ''perceptual buffer blanket'' that would prevent species on Earth from perceiving the D-4 Astral Field and would block Emerald Covenant nations from direct physical and communicative interference. 

During the 2000-2017 SAC, the Phoenix Spike Matrix was intended to progressively activate via photo-sonic scalar pulses sent through the Phoenix wormhole. The NET Frequency Fence would descend into D-3  18. ln the Atlantian period, the North American continent was named after Human Tribe-3 the Amekasan-Etur, who had been exiled from their Emerald Covenant post at Nohassa SG-3 to the North American Continent, as Nohassa and Bruah Atlantis progressively fell to Leviathan rule after the 10,500 BC Luciferian Conquest. “Spiking Out the Territory” frequency bands, putting all races under covert Anunnaki Mind Control. Under Anunnaki Mind Control, Human and Indigo races would mindlessly follow Anunnaki instructions on running the DNA Template Security Codes to open Earth’s Shields and the final physical Anunnaki invasion of Earth would take place without Human and Indigo resistance. 

Once physically on planet, the Luciferian Anunnaki intended to complete the final installation of the 24 Scalar Pulse generator-amplification plants that they would need to blast through the Cloaking Fields on the Inner Earth portals. As the Phoenix APIN Spike Matrix moved into full activation while Earth’s Star Gates progressed in their opening cycle, the Anunnaki would invade Inner Earth and connect the Halls of Amenti Star Gate control temples (12 Crystal Pylon Temples of Inner Earth) to the Phoenix APIN Spike Matrix. Earth, Inner Earth and the Halls of Amenti Star Gates would be rapidly drawn into the Phantom Matrix black hole, in a position between Tiamat and Nibiru. In this event, all of Earth’s Life Field would experience biological death. 

But the planetary and personal consciousness of Earth’s life-forms would reassemble along the chaotically grotesque template arrangement of the Phantom Matrix. In the Phantom Matrix, the consciousness would become trapped in a distorted image of its original biological or matter form. The distorted bodythought-form could neither naturally ascend, nor “die” in the usual manner, but would rather progressively become more distorted, the consciousness digressing into perceptual chaos, until eventually the thought-form-body would implode in upon itself, fragmenting the identity into undifferentiated units of consciousness (“space dust”).

 Survival of sentience in the Phantom Matrix is dependent upon devising ways to literally feed off life-force energies from other forms in the Phantom Matrix, or from living beings and living Time Matrix systems. This is how the Fallen Angelic races sustain themselves, and is precisely why they have tried for 250 billion years (Earth time) to conquer our living Time Matrix and pull it into their system. Such a feat would provide them with a massive ''food supply,'' through which to expand and sustain their continually contracting thought-form hologram reality field. If the Anunnaki’s Phoenix Matrix Master Plan succeeded, the Halls of Amenti Star Gates would create an open Wormhole interface into other living Time Matrices, and the life-forms of Earth would become entrapped in deteriorating thought-form bodies that would become the “slave demon force” of the Fallen Angelic collectives.

 This was the intention of the Luciferian Anunnaki when they devised the “Atlantian Flood Drama”; this is the Destiny of Sorrow to which they have long desired to condemn our race. Joining the Fallen Angelics in their finite Phantom Matrix “holographic prison” is the false ''eternal life'' they have been deviously promising Human and Illuminati-Leviathan races since the fall of Atlantis. Real eternal life is achieved through genuine Ascension and Mastery of Consciousness within the living Time Matrix. Phantom Matrix ''life-forms'' are not truly “alive” in biological or spiritual terms; they are, in truth, ''living dead'' races, finite consciousness thought-form identities trapped within a progressively fragmenting and deteriorating Sub-time Universe, who can take on “biological life” only through using living forms of consciousness as a Host. Human and Indigo races were sent into this Time Matrix as a guardian, protector and healer force, intended to protect the living Time Matrix from the Phantom Matrix system and to assist, if and when possible, in the reclamation and redemption of the Fallen races and Universal systems. 

Presently, we are in the ''Beginning of the End Times'' that the Fallen Angelics have so often prophesied to us; the Founders Emerald Covenant Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics is the only means by which we can get ourselves out of this Atlantean-created mess. Fortunately for us all, the Luciferian Covenant plan was not as successful as the Anunnaki anticipated; if it had been we would not presently have access to any of the Founders education. The Phoenix Matrix Cap was opened in Nohassa Atlantis via a Photo-sonic scalar pulse that was ''bounced'' from Bruah Atlantis (the “Gru-AL” central control for Earth’s Planetary Shields), through Ley Line-4-10, to Star Gate-4 in Giza, Egypt, where the Arc of the Covenant portal bridge to Andromeda was stationed. The Luciferian Anunnaki backed Leviathan races (“Thoth-line” aquatic-ape/Zeta Nibiruian hybrids) of Bruah, had tricked the Jehovian Anunnaki backed Leviathan races (Enoch-line Bipedal Dolphin people hybrids of Sirius A and Arcturus) of Nohassa, into participating in the 9558 BC Atlantian ''Dimensional Blend'' experiment. 

Both the Thothian and Enochian Anunnaki factions were “official” members of the Luciferian Covenant OWO Master Plan, since their respective 22,326 BC and 10,500 BC defections from the Emerald Covenant Co-evolution peace treaty. The ''cover story'' used by the Thothian Leviathan was that, in combining the powers of Nohassa’s SG-3 and Bruah’s SG-2 together, the usually competing Anunnaki races could combine their technological powers to break through the protective Emerald Covenant Cloaking Shield on the “Andromeda Arc” portal bridge at Giza. Once the Arc Seal was released, they could “stage a joint conquest of Inner Earth” and claim the Halls of Amenti Star Gate control temples. 

The Thothian races really intended to claim SG-3 control for themselves and destroy the Enochian “competition.” When the Leviathan races of Bruah and Nohassa launched the Photosonic scalar pulse, the Bruah pulse was purposely sent with an under-amplified electrical charge. The combined sonic pulse “bounced off” the Arc Seal at Giza, rather than penetrating it, returned to Bruah via Ley Line-4, blowing a hole in the Phoenix Matrix Cap as intended. Then the SG-2 Main Power Generator Crystal Temple was used by the Thothian Leviathan to redirect the pulse through Axiatonal Line-3 that ran vertically through Nohassa; the pulse refracted an unsuspected back-pulse to SG-2 Bruah, reducing the Temples to dust. 

The central Atlantean Islands of Nohassa were reduced to what remains as the Bermuda Islands. The land bridge that linked Bruah and the North American Continent to the Atlantean land mass that held the Phoenix Matrix was also destroyed. Lohas in the north, home of SG-11,20 suffered the least, while regions in the extreme north and south, once habitable lands, experienced flooding and quick-freeze. What the Thothian Leviathans had not planned on was that members of competing Leviathan races would survive, which they did through temporary evacuation by their respective Fallen Angelic kin. 

When the sonic pulse was sent into Axiatonal Line-3 at Nohassa, it “poked another hole in the Cap on the Wall in Time.” Inadvertently, the Anunnaki had created a ''tear'' in the frequency Cap on the Drakonian Fallen Angelic controlled Falcon Matrix A7/L3-9 wormhole that led to Phantom Earth. When the silent Photosonic Pulses hit, portions of the ''Islands of Atlantis'' began to ''sink beneath the sea.'' The matter of which these geographical regions were composed, and the life-forms living upon them, literally first “liquefied” into a semi-plasmic hydro-standing-wave state, then internally combusted in a massive ''flash'' of Photo-radionic light and ''sank'' into the Black Hole ''Pit'' of the Phantom Matrix. 

The Planetary Shields distortions resulting from the “fall of Atlantis” created several frequency ''rips'' in the Anunnaki-controlled NET, which permitted Emerald Covenant Eieyani races of Inner Earth and Sirius B a limited amount of time to directly intervene before cataclysmic Earth changes ensued. The Eieyani temporarily opened some of the surface Earth portals to Inner Earth and used the Crystal Pylon Temples of the Halls of Amenti to stabilize Earth’s grids—the Anunnaki-intended cataclysm did not proceed as fully as the Luciferians had planned. Stabilizing Earth’s Planetary Shields allowed the Guardians a limited period of time in which Human l2-Tribe, Indigo and Emerald Covenant Annu-Melchizedek hybrids were temporarily evacuated to Inner Earth.

 Drakonian and Anunnaki agenda Fallen Angelics from Phantom Earth temporarily evacuated their respective hybrid races via spacecraft. Once the “dust had settled and the waters had calmed” all races were returned to Earth by their respective resettlement teams, and the battle for “critical mass dominion” of Earth’s Templar began between the Human and Indigo planetary guardians and the competing families of the Leviathan Force Illuminati-hybrid ''human'' races. Emerald Covenant races were unable to fully repair the ''holes in the Wall in Time,'' but the Anunnaki NET and Phoenix Wormhole APIN Spiking Matrix and the Drakonian Falcon wormhole were destabilized during the fiasco, allowing only limited interface between Earth and the Phantom Matrix. 

Emerald Covenant races could not attempt to dismantle the Anunnaki NET at this time, as it served as a buffer for Earth, protecting it from erratic frequencies that would emerge from the Arc of the Covenant Andromeda portal without the NET protection. Throughout our known recorded history, the Leviathan races grew in number, strength and territorial power under remote Fallen Angelic guardianship. Meanwhile, amnesiac Human and Indigo races did their best to survive on Earth, and Emerald Covenant races did their best to assist them via their limited communicative access through the NET. 
The 2000-2017 SAC is the time when the whole mess will inevitably “come to a head.” 


Competing forces from the Phantom Matrix used their limited access to the Phoenix and Falcon wormholes to misguide their amnesiac Leviathan Illuminati-hybrid races with falsified historical and religious dogmas, and ''Secret Mystical Metaphysical Societies'' promoting ''Vengeful Creator God'' propaganda. These falsified Control Dogmas, upon which recentlyancient and contemporary civilizations were built and are still covertly controlled, were drawn from the once-valid Law of One freedom-love spiritual-science texts of the Angelic Human CDT-Plate teachings. The Emerald Covenant CDT-Plate teachings had been the common property of early Atlantis and Lemuria (Mu’a) and all Human Seedings that came before; they were the original Founders records, and the basis for the 12 Primary Spiritual Union Ascension Teachings of the Human 12-Tribe races. 

The original Spiritual Union teachings all agreed with each other, each representing the historical, spiritual and sacred science Emerald Covenant sacred freedom teachings as held in one of the 12 CDT-Plates. Each of the 12 Human Tribes had been entrusted as Guardians of the knowledge contained in the CDT-Plate that corresponded to the Tribe’s Planetary Star Gate assignment. The amnesiac Leviathan races, driven and covertly manipulated into Star Gate territory conquest, progressively waged war and claimed dominion over amnesiac Human nations, forcibly indoctrinating Human l2-Tribes into docile compliance to competing, twisted, Fallen Angelic false historical, religious and, later, scientific creeds. The Indigo Child Maji Grail Lines have been the “Keepers of the Sacred Founders Emerald Covenant CDT-Plate Knowledge” throughout our troubled and progressively violent history. All through this history of sorrow, competing legions of Leviathan Illuminati families were motivated by their Fallen Angelic taskmasters to attain possession of specific geographical regions and sites corresponding to the APIN systems. 

Only one or two “Key Controllers” in each of the many Illuminati groups learned that these areas held the Anunnaki Phoenix Spiking Matrix. Even the Illuminati Key Controllers were deceived, for they were not told these sites were ''Anunnaki intended take-over points.'' They were told the lie that these sites were ''sacred and belonged to their Creator Gods and Angels.'' Since the 9558 BC “fall of Atlantis,” churches, synagogues, places of ''worship,'' economic, governmental, and public social areas were repeatedly built over, and around, areas through which the Phoenix Spiking Matrix would be run come the 2000-2017 SAC. Many of the Phoenix Matrix territories were overtaken by competing Drakonian agenda Leviathan Illuminati forces, who would usually destroy the buildings of their competitors and erect their own edifices to their Fallen Angelic effigies. 

At various times, the Anunnaki Fallen Angelics of Nibiru, Tiamat and Alcyone would use their Phoenix Matrix, NDC-Grid and NET, to Cap the Falcon Matrix wormhole of their Drakonian competitors. The Drakonian Illuminati would then quest for the territories of the Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network, successfully gain governing control over some of the 24 Primary sites and use them to siphon energy from the NDC-Grid in order to ''blow the Cap back off'' of the Falcon wormhole. Anunnaki and 398 Spiritual Manipulation Drakonian Illuminati factions continually warred over possession of these “Sleeping Phoenix Spike Sites” and Nibiruian Crystal Temple Networks, all attempting to position themselves appropriately, in preparation for the ''Big Party'' that the Fallen Angelics knew was scheduled to come during the 2000-2017 SAC. 

Our beloved America, as well as Europe, and literally all countries on the planet, have been carefully cultivated through the Illuminati Leviathan force family lines to reach their present state of “civilization.”21 America was not “discovered”—it was ''seized'' by competing factions of (Freemason) Pleiadian-Nibiruian Knights Templar-Anunnaki and Drakonian-Nephedem Leviathan Illuminati races, like many other nations have been. When America was ''discovered,'' it was “time” to prepare for the Big Party and “Sleepers Awakening.” Here we are today, still amnesiac, still our “Atlantian Phantoms” emerge with us from the forced slumber of our ancient Atlantian Nightmare. In the 1920s-1930s the Zeta races of Phantom Earth and neighboring Phantom galactic systems broke through the latest Anunnaki ''Cap'' on the Falcon Matrix wormhole. 

The Zeta conned amnesiac Anunnaki and Drakonian Illuminati races into Zeta Treaty Deals. In 1943 the Zeta tricked the Illuminati into using their covert control over unsuspecting Human governments, to orchestrate the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment, which the Zeta knew would activate the Phi-Ex Falcon Wormhole APIN system. In 1972 the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki opened the Phoenix wormhole and began activating its APIN system. In 1983 the Zeta further motivated a now frightened and subservient Illuminati force into the Montauk Project, through which the Phi-Ex/Falcon Matrix wormhole was further ''plugged into'' the Necromiton-Andromie controlled Planetary Shields of Alpha and Omega Centauri. 

Through the recent history earlier described in this writing, we have now emerged into the Mass Drama of the forming of the UIR and their September 12, 2000, Edict of War. What does this mean to our world? It means that the primary, once-opposing forces of the Anunnaki and Drakonian agenda legions have joined with the Andromie-Necromiton force. They intend to combine their collective, hidden, technological power of the Montauk-Phi-Ex-Falcon and Phoenix wormholes and the APIN systems, to ensure that Earth and its peoples ''have a nice trip'' into the Phantom Matrix Black Hole Sub-Time Distortion Cycle during the 2000-2017 SAC. 


The reality of our present drama means that there are hordes of amnesiac Illuminati Sleepers, ''Human Greeting Teams'' and ''just everyday people,'' that are presently the unsuspecting victims of Astral Tagging, targeted Psychotronic mind control or DNA bond possession. These are mostly good-hearted, intelligent people, who think they are ''honoring their God, Angel, ET, government or science.'' They are being blindly guided  through their chosen ''Pet Control Dogma'' (''Traditional'' or ''Contemporary,'' religious or scientific) into unknowingly playing a previously assigned role in the advancement of the UIR Fallen Angelics’ Illuminati OWO Master Plan. The really sad part is that our race has been, step-by-step, forced, seduced, deceived, tricked and cajoled into playing these ''unholy'' roles; even the Illuminati races, whom ''anybody in the know likes to blame,'' are being victimized and denied the right of true data assessment and free-will choice. 

The Illuminati races within the infrastructure of the covertly metaphysically motivated Illuminati World Management Team, who serve as Fallen Angelic puppets, are being “played on” and manipulated by fear for personal survival and a desire for acquisition of power to prevent pain and create personal pleasure. These are the same motivations behind the actions of the ''spiritual'' peoples of traditional and New Age affiliation, who think worshiping an ancient book, or surrendering personal power to an external ''God,'' ''ET,'' ''Angel'' or ''channel'' is the ultimate expression of spiritual development and will ''make everything all right.'' Fear, the ''Pleasure-Pain Principle'' and Disinformation are the common control elements by which Illuminati and Humans become easily misled into surrendering their power to something outside of themselves. 

Once this ''outside source'' has your power, compliance with the approval of that source becomes, implicitly, the only way to feel empowered. The Anunnaki-dominated New Age ''pseudo-Ascension'' spiritual movement (most of it inspired by the ''Templar Melchizedek'' false ascension teachings of Anunnaki’s Thoth, pre-Emerald Covenant Enoch, ''Archangel Michael & Friends,'' ''Jehovah,'' ''Maitreya,'' ''Lord Melchizedek and spiritual hierarchy,'' the Urantia etc....) inherently promotes a fear-based paradigm of ''Light, Love and Pretend Away the Darkness'' dogma. These groups prey on the spiritual longings of Christians and Hebrew peoples, borrowing the false ''Crucifixion of Christ'' story from Anunnaki & Drakonian “edited and embellished” traditional texts22 

The fact that the false “Crucifixion Story” has been so predominant in the founding of so many cultures for the last 2000 years gives one some idea of just how successful the Anunnaki have been in using the NET, NDC-Grid and their manipulated Illuminati-hybrid Leviathan races to ensnare our minds. Since the 9558 BC Atlantian “flood” was staged, such “spiritual rape by religious control dogma deception” has been propagated in every culture by various competing Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET forces via “channeling” to, and manipulation of, their amnesiac Illuminati races. Perversion of the once-Sacred Emerald Covenant Spiritual-Science Maharata-Templar teachings that formed the 12 Global Freedom Religions that were humanity’s heritage from the Ancient of Days until Atlantis, has been done as a strategically planned and progressively implemented element of the Atlantean Conspiracy agenda. Most people who succumb to these mind ____ 


The “twist the true teachings” game was implemented by competing Fallen Angelic legions for very specific reasons—long-term population control was one objective. “Getting rid of the competition in the name of defending your God” is a tactic that has been, and still is being, used by competing Fallen Angelic legions to turn factions of Illuminati and Human populations against each other. This has been done throughout recorded history by competing Fallen Angelic factions, to secure Star Gate and APIN Site territories and to ensure that ''critical mass dominance'' of their chosen Leviathan race would be secured and ready for the scheduled 2000-2017 ''Invasion Party,'' 

This is the same reason we have been told by both Anunnaki and Drakonian pseudo-Gods to ''go forth and multiply,'' in conjunction with the falsehood that “birth control is a sin.” Along with this ploy went the editing of the Sacred Teachings that explained how birth control is naturally achieved. And the Anunnaki “fail to mention” in their false “We are your Creator Gods” propaganda that they intentionally caused DNA mutations that increased female ovulation in Human females from the previous, natural, “once every three years” cycle to its present monthly cycle. 

Why? So we’d all be ''good little breeders'' to make sure they had the needed ''head count'' on planet when the 2000-2017 SAC came. Once upon a time, when Earth was not being remotely run by mentally ill Fallen Angelic invaders, Humanity knew how important it was to keep a natural balance between and among species numbers; these balances were always respected. All species knew instinctively when “enough was enough,” and their bodies naturally complied by not permitting conception to occur. Human races had the ability to consciously choose whether or not to conceive once every three years,23 and parents knew who the incarnating soul would be and held memories of other lifetime relationships with the soul. 

Our races have been deceived into utterly destroying the once-natural balances of life on our planet in order to raise an amnesiac, easy to covertly direct ''Fallen Angelic Inside Invader Force.'' If there are enough Human bodies on Earth carrying the natural Planetary Templar DNA Security Codes and the DNA Template can be altered to run the Security Code frequencies into the Planetary Shields in reverse sequence during the SAC, Earth’s Planetary Shields will fully reverse their natural spin and polarity. Full reversal of Earth’s Planetary Shields will permit Earth’s Shields to merge with those of a Planet in the Phantom Matrix. Over-breeding has produced a massive population. 

The “Checkerboard DNA Mutation” has reversed the Human DNA Template Security Codes and personal Merkaba Fields (which 401 The Wall in Time and Atlantean Secrets of the Phoenix and the Falcon give Planetary Shields access), and we have been denied all memory and knowledge—most of us don’t even know that Earth’s Templar, Star Gates and Planetary Shields exist. Sounds like the ''perfect set up,'' doesn’t it? But the positioning of our race to fulfill the Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET Halls of Amenti Hijack Master Plan doesn’t stop here. Fortunately, the solutions to our rather massive contemporary problems are not nearly as complex as the problems themselves. RRT Biotronic Technologies and Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics are the tools through which we can set ourselves, and Planet Earth, free

1. 48- and 24-Strand DNA Templates, respectively.
2. Yes, for the Biblical reference. 
3. Not a “pretty sight” in terms of scientific physics and even more unsavory in terms of con- scious spirit.
4. '' Ulta'' was a term used to indicate ''place of, UR'' referred to ''Light/Spirit'' and, origi- nally, to “God.” 
5. Neanderthal 
6. Cro-Magnon-1 
7. Cro-Magnon-2 
8. Cro-Magnon-3 
9. Cro-Magnon-4
10. SG-11 Lohas, SG-3 Nohasa, and SG-2 Bruah. 
11. Density-1. 
12. Density-2 Phantom. 
13. “Cue Sites” are the location points of Inner Earth’s 12 Primary Star Gates, as they interface with Earth; they are the activation sites for the corresponding 12 Primary Star Gates of Earth, which are located in different geographical positions than their counter- part Cue Sites.
14. Phoenicia-Nohassa-Atlantis
15. light/spirit body
17. “light/spirit reflection”
19. Knights Templar-Hyksos-Freemasons. 
20. England-Ireland-Scotland-Wales 
 21. or might I say “Zombification?” 399 The Wall in Time and Atlantean Secrets of the Phoenix and the Falcon
22. It truly amazes me how many people are so attached to the Anunnaki-implanted false- hood that ''Christ was Crucified.'' You would think people who cherish all Jesheua was and stood for would be delighted and joyful to discover that he ascended via the Arc of the Covenant portal passage without a nail hole in sight! 400 Breeding a Final Conflict Army and Planetary Shields Reversal control games are literally terrified to face the facts of our present reality that they have been led to believe exist, and so afraid to face reality that they must defend at all costs the illusion of 3-D safety. Denial is one of the greatest forms of fear, and it usually requires that the fear itself be denied.

The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa; Sections CLXI-CL

(Vaka-vadha Parva continued)

 "Vaisampayana said, 'On hearing these words of her afflicted parents, the daughter was filled with grief, and she addressed them, saying, 'Why are you so afflicted and why do you so weep, as if you have none to look after you? O, listen to me and do what may be proper. There is little doubt that you are bound in duty to abandon me at a certain time. Sure to abandon me once, O, abandon me now and save every thing at the expense of me alone. Men desire to have children, thinking that children would save them (in this world as well as in the region hereafter). O, cross the stream of your difficulties by means of my poor self, as if I were a raft. A child rescueth his parents in this and the other regions; therefore is the child called by the learned Putra (rescuer). The ancestors desire daughter's sons from me (as a special means of salvation).

 But (without waiting for my children) I myself will rescue them by protecting the life of my father. This my brother is of tender years, so there is little doubt that he will perish if thou diest now. If thou, my father, diest and my brother followeth thee, the funeral cake of the Pitris will be suspended and they will be greatly injured. Left behind by my father and brother, and by my mother also (for she will not survive her husband and son) I shall be plunged deeper and deeper in woe and ultimately perish in great distress. There can be little doubt that if thou escape from this danger as also my mother and infant brother, then thy race and the (ancestral) cake will be perpetuated. The son is one's own self; the wife is one's friend; the daughter, however, is the source of trouble.

 Do thou save thyself, therefore, by removing that source of trouble, and do thou thereby set me in the path of virtue. As I am a girl, O father, destitute of thee, I shall be helpless and plunged in woe, and shall have to go everywhere. It is therefore that I am resolved to rescue my father's race and share the merit of that act by accomplishing this difficult task. If thou, O best of Brahmanas, goest thither (unto the Rakshasa), leaving me here, then I shall be very much pained. Therefore, O father, be kind to me. O thou best of men, for our sake, for that of virtue and also thy race, save thyself, abandoning me, whom at one time thou shall be constrained to part from. There need be no delay, O father, in doing that which is inevitable. 

What can be more painful than that, when thou hast ascended to heaven, we shall have to go about begging our food, like dogs, from strangers. But if thou art rescued with thy relations from these difficulties, I shall then live happily in the region of the celestials. It hath been heard by us that if after bestowing thy daughter in this way, thou offerest oblations to the gods and the celestials, they will certainly be propitious.' "Vaisampayana continued, 'The Brahmana and his wife, hearing these various lamentations of their daughter, became sadder than before and the three began to weep together. Their son, then, of tender years, beholding them and their daughter thus weeping together, lisped these words in a sweet tone, his eyes having dilated with delight, 'Weep not, O father, nor thou, O mother, nor thou O sister!' 

And smilingly did the child approach each of them, and at last taking up a blade of grass said in glee, 'With this will I slay the Rakshasa who eateth human beings!' Although all of them had been plunged in woe, yet hearing what the child lisped so sweetly, joy appeared on their faces. Then Kunti thinking that to be the proper opportunity, approached the group and said these words. Indeed, her words revived them as nectar reviveth a person that is dead.'" 

(Vaka-vadha Parva continued}

 'Kunti said, 'I desire to learn from you the cause of this grief, for I will remove it, if possible.' "The Brahmana replied, 'O thou of ascetic wealth, thy speech is, indeed worthy of thee. But this grief is incapable of being removed by any human being. Not far from this town, there liveth a Rakshasa of the name of Vaka, which cannibal is the lord of this country and town. Thriving on human flesh, that wretched Rakshasa endued with great strength ruleth this country. He being the chief of the Asuras, this town and the country in which it is situate are protected by his might. We have no fear from the machinations of any enemy, or indeed from any living soul. 

The fee, however, fixed for that cannibal is his food, which consists of a cart-load of rice, two buffaloes, and a human being who conveyeth them unto him. One after another, the house-holders have to send him this food. The turn, however, cometh to a particular family at intervals of many long years. If there are any that seek to avoid it, the Rakshasa slayeth them with their children and wives and devoureth them all. There is, in this country, a city called Vetrakiya, where liveth the king of these territories. He is ignorant of the science of government, and possessed of little intelligence, he adopts not with care any measure by which these territories may be rendered safe for all time to come. 

But we certainly deserve it all, inasmuch as we live within the dominion of that wretched and weak monarch in perpetual anxiety. Brahmanas can never be made to dwell permanently within the dominions of any one, for they are dependent on nobody, they live rather like birds ranging all countries in perfect freedom. It hath been said that one must secure a (good) king, then a wife, and then wealth. It is by the acquisition of these three that one can rescue his relatives and sons. But as regards the acquisition of these three, the course of my actions hath been the reverse. Hence, plunged into a sea of danger, am suffering sorely. 

That turn, destructive of one's family, hath now devolved upon me. I shall have to give unto the Rakshasa as his fee the food of the aforesaid description and one human being to boot. I have no wealth to buy a man with. I cannot by any means consent to part with any one of my family, nor do I see any way of escape from (the clutches of) that Rakshasa. I am now sunk in an ocean of grief from which there is no escape. I shall go to that Rakshasa today, attended by all my family in order that that wretch might devour us all at once'" 

(Vaka-vadha Parva continued) 

"Kunti said, Grieve not at all, O Brahmana, on account of this danger. I see a way by which to rescue thee from that Rakshasa. Thou hast only one son, who, besides, is of very tender years, also only one daughter, young and helpless, so I do not like that any of these, or thy wife, or even thyself should go unto the Rakshasa. I have five sons, O Brahmana, let one of them go, carrying in thy behalf tribute of that Rakshasa.' "Hearing this, the Brahmana replied, 'To save my own life I shall never suffer this to be done. I shall never sacrifice, to save myself, the life of a Brahmana or of a guest. Indeed, even those that are of low origin and of sinful practices refuse to do (what thou askest me to do). It is said that one should sacrifice one's self and one's offspring for the benefit of a Brahmana. I regard this advice excellent and I like to follow it too. 

When I have to choose between the death of a Brahmana and that of my own, I would prefer the latter. The killing of a Brahmana is the highest sin, and there is no expiation for it. I think a reluctant sacrifice of one's own self is better than the reluctant sacrifice of a Brahmana. O blessed lady, in sacrificing myself I do not become guilty of self-destruction. No sin can attach to me when another will take my life. But if I deliberately consent to the death of a Brahmana, it would be a cruel and sinful act, from the consequence of which there is no escape. The learned have said that the abandonment of one who hath come to thy house or sought thy protection, as also the killing of one who seeketh death at thy hands, is both cruel and sinful. 

The illustrious among those conversant with practices allowable in seasons of distress, have before now said that one should never perform an act that is cruel and censurable. It is well for me that I should today perish myself with my wife, but I would never sanction the death of a Brahmana.' "Kunti said, 'I too am firmly of opinion, O Brahmana, that Brahmanas should ever be protected. As regards myself, no son of mine would be less dear to me even if I had a hundred instead of the five I have. But this Rakshasa will not be able to kill my son, for that son of mine is endued with great prowess and energy, and skilled in mantras. He will faithfully deliver to the Rakshasa his food, but will, I know to a certainty, rescue himself. I have seen before many mighty Rakshasas of huge bodies engaged in combat with my heroic son and killed too by him. 

But, O Brahmana, do not disclose this fact to anybody, for if it be known, persons desirous of obtaining this power, will, from curiosity, always trouble my sons. The wise have said that if my son imparteth any knowledge, without the assent of his preceptor, unto any person, my son himself will no longer be able to profit by that knowledge.' "Thus addressed by Pritha, the Brahmana with his wife became exceedingly glad and assented to Kunti's speech, which was unto them as nectar. Then Kunti, accompanied by the Brahmana, went unto the son of Vayu (Bhima) and asked him to accomplish (that difficult task). Bhima replied unto them, saying, 'So be it.'" 

(Vaka-vadha Parva continued) 

"Vaisampayana said, 'After Bhima had pledged himself to accomplish the task, saying, 'I will do it,' the Pandavas, O Bharata, returned home with the alms they had obtained during the day. Then Yudhishthira, the son of Pandu from Bhima's countenance alone, suspected the nature of the task he had undertaken to accomplish. Sitting by the side of his mother, Yudhishthira asked her in private, 'What is the task, O mother, that Bhima of terrible prowess seeketh to accomplish? Doth he do so at thy command or of his own accord?' Kunti replied, 'Bhima, that chastiser of foes, will at my command, do this great deed for the good of the Brahmana and the liberation of this town.' "Yudhishthira said, 'What rash act hast thou done, O mother! It is difficult of being performed and almost amounteth to suicide! The learned never applaud the abandonment of one's own child. 

Why dost thou, O mother, wish to sacrifice thy own child for the sake of another's? Thou hast, O mother, by this abandonment of thy child, acted not only against the course of human practices but also against the teachings of the Vedas, That Bhima, relying on whose arms we sleep happily in the night and hope to recover the kingdom of which we have been deprived by the covetous son of Dhritarashtra, that hero of immeasurable energy, remembering whose prowess Duryodhana and Sakuni do not sleep a wink during the whole night and by whose prowess we were rescued from the palace of lac and various other dangers, that Bhima who caused the death of Purochana, and relying on whose might we regard ourselves as having already slain the sons of Dhritarashtra and acquired the whole earth with all her wealth, upon what considerations, O mother, hast thou resolved upon abandoning him?

Hast thou been deprived of thy reason? Hath thy understanding been clouded by the calamities thou hast undergone?' "On hearing these words of her son, Kunti said, 'O Yudhishthira, thou needst not be at all anxious on account of Vrikodara. I have not come to this resolve owing to any weakness of understanding. Respected by him, and with our sorrows assuaged, we have, O son, been living in the house of this Brahmana, unknown to the sons of Dhritarashtra. For requiting, O son, that Brahmana, I have resolved to do this. He, indeed, is a man upon whom good offices are never lost. The measure of his requital becometh greater than the measure of the services he receiveth. Beholding the prowess of Bhima on the occasion of (our escape from) the house of lac, and from the destruction also of Hidimva, my confidence in Vrikodara is great. 

The might of Bhima's arms is equal unto that of ten thousand elephants. It was, therefore, that he succeeded in carrying you all, each heavy as an elephant, from Varanavata. There is no one on earth equal unto Bhima in might; he may even overcome that foremost of warriors, the holder of the thunderbolt himself. Soon after his birth he fell from my lap on the breast of the mountain. By the  weight of his body the mass of stone on which he fell down broke in pieces. From this also, O son of Pandu, I have come to know Bhima's might. For this reason have I resolved to set him against the Brahmana's foe. I have not acted in this from foolishness or ignorance or from motive of gain. 

I have deliberately resolved to do this virtuous deed. By this act, O Yudhishthira, two objects will be accomplished; one is a requital of the services rendered by the Brahmana and the other is the acquisition of high religious merit. It is my conviction that the Kshatriya who rendereth help unto a Brahmana in anything acquireth regions of bliss hereafter. So also a Kshatriya who saveth the life of a Kshatriya achieveth that great fame in this world as in the other. A Kshatriya rendering help unto a Vaisya also on this earth certainly acquires world-wide popularity. One of the kingly tribe should protect even the Sudra who cometh to him for protection. If he doeth so, in his next life he receiveth his birth in a royal line, commanding prosperity and the respect of other kings. O scion of Puru's race, the illustrious Vyasa of wisdom acquired by hard ascetic toil told me so in bygone days. It is therefore, that I have resolved upon accomplishing this.'" 

(Vaka-vadha Parva continued) 

"Having heard these words of his mother, Yudhishthira said, 'What thou, O mother, hast deliberately done, moved by compassion for the afflicted Brahmana, is, indeed, excellent Bhima will certainly come back with life, after having slain the cannibal, inasmuch as thou art, O mother, always compassionate unto Brahmanas. But tell the Brahmana, O mother, that he doth not do anything whereby the dwellers in this town may know all about it. and make him promise to keep thy request.' p. 335 "Vaisampayana continued, 'Then, when the night passed away, Bhimasena, the son of Pandu, taking with him the Rakshasa's food set out for the place where the cannibal lived. The mighty son of Pandu, approaching the forest where the Rakshasa dwelt, began to eat himself the food he carried, calling loudly to the Rakshasa by name. 

The Rakshasa, inflamed with anger at Bhima's words, came out and approached the place where Bhima was. "Of huge body and great strength, of red eyes, red beard, and red hair, he was terrible to behold, and he came, pressing deep the earth with his tread. The opening of his mouth, was from ear to ear and his ears themselves were straight as arrows. Of grim visage, he had a forehead furrowed into three lines. Beholding Bhima eating his food, the Rakshasa advanced, biting his nether lip and expanding his eyes in wrath. And addressing Bhima he said, 'Who is this fool, who desiring to go to the abode of Yama, eateth in my very sight the food intended for me?' Hearing these words, Bhima, O Bharata, smiled in derision and disregarding the Rakshasa, continued eating with averted face. 

Beholding this, the cannibal uttered a frightful yell and with both arms upraised ran at Bhima desiring to kill him. there and then. Even then disregarding the Rakshasa and casting only a single glance at him, Vrikodara, that slayer of hostile heroes continued to eat the Rakshasa's food. Filled with wrath at this, the Rakshasa struck, from behind with both his arms a heavy blow on the back of Vrikodara, the son of Kunti. But Bhima, though struck heavily by the mighty Rakshasa, with both his hands, did not even look up at the Rakshasa but continued to eat as before. Then the mighty Rakshasa, inflamed with wrath, tore up a tree and ran at Bhima for striking him again. Meanwhile the mighty Bhima, that bull among men had leisurely eaten up the whole of that food and washing himself stood cheerfully for fight. Then, O Bharata, possessed of great energy, Bhima, smiling in derision, caught with his left hand the tree hurled at him by the Rakshasa in wrath. 

Then that mighty Rakshasa, tearing up many more trees, hurled them at Bhima, and the Pandava also hurled as many at the Rakshasa. Then, O king, the combat with trees between that human being and the Rakshasa, became so terrible that the region around soon became destitute of trees. Then the Rakshasa, saying that he was none else than Vaka, sprang upon the Pandava and seized the mighty Bhima with his That mighty hero also clasping with his own strong arms the strong-armed Rakshasa, and exerting himself actively, began to drag him violently. Dragged by Bhima and dragging Bhima also, the cannibal was overcome with great fatigue. 

The earth began to tremble in consequence of the strength they both exerted, and large trees that stood there broke in pieces. Then Bhima, beholding the cannibal overcome with fatigue, pressed him down on the earth with his knees and began to strike him with great force. Then placing one knee on the middle of the Rakshasa's back, Bhima seized his neck with his right hand and the cloth on his waist with his left, and bent him double with great force. The cannibal then roared frightfully. And, O monarch, he also began to vomit blood while he was being thus broken on Bhima's knee.'"

(Vaka-vadha Parva continued) 

"Vaisampayana said 'Then Vaka, huge as a mountain, thus broken (on Bhima's knee), died, uttering frightful yells. Terrified by these sounds, the relatives of that Rakshasa came out, O king, with their attendants. Bhima, that foremost of smiters, seeing them so terrified and deprived of reason, comforted them and made them promise (to give up cannibalism), saying, 'Do not ever again kill human beings. If ye kill men, ye will have to die even as Vaka.' Those Rakshasas hearing this speech of Bhima, said, 'So be it,' and gave, O king, the desired promise. From that day, O Bharata, the Rakshasas (of the region) were seen by the inhabitants of that town to be very peaceful towards mankind. Then Bhima, dragging the lifeless cannibal, placed him at one of the gates of the town and went away unobserved by any one. 

The kinsmen of Vaka, beholding him slain by the might of Bhima, became frightened and fled in different directions. "Meanwhile Bhima, having slain the Rakshasa, returned to the Brahmana's abode and related to Yudhishthira all that had happened, in detail. The next morning the inhabitants of the town in coming out saw the Rakshasa lying dead on the ground, his body covered with blood. Beholding that terrible cannibal, huge as a mountain cliff, thus mangled and lying on the ground, the hair of the spectators stood erect. Returning to Ekachakra, they soon gave the intelligence. Then, O king, the citizens by thousands accompanied by their wives, young and old, all began to come to the spot for beholding the Vaka and they were all amazed at seeing that superhuman feat. Instantly, O monarch, they began to pray to their gods. 

Then they began to calculate whose turn it had been the day before to carry food to the Rakshasa. And ascertaining this, they all came to that Brahmana and asked him (to satisfy their curiosity). Thus asked by them repeatedly, that bull among Brahmanas, desirous of concealing the Pandavas, said these words unto all the citizens, 'A certain high-souled Brahmana, skilled in mantras, beheld me weeping with my relatives after I had been ordered to supply the Rakshasa's food. Asking me the cause and ascertaining the distress of the town, that first of Brahmanas gave me every assurance and with smiles said, 'I shall carry the food for that wretched Rakshasa today. Do not fear for me.' Saying this he conveyed the food towards the forest of Vaka. 

This deed, so beneficial unto us all, hath very certainly been done by him.' Then those Brahmanas and Kshatriyas (of the city), hearing this, wondered much. And the Vaisyas and the Sudras also became exceedingly glad, and p. 337 they all established a festival in which the worship of Brahmanas was the principal ceremony (in remembrance of this Brahmana who had relieved them from their fears of Vaka). 

(Chaitraratha Parva) 

After this citizens returned to their respective houses and the Pandavas continued to dwell at Ekachakra as before. "Janamejaya said, 'O Brahmana, what did those tigers among men, the Pandavas, do after they had slain the Rakshasa Vaka?' "Vaisampayana said, 'The Pandavas, O king, after slaying the Rakshasa Vaka, continued to dwell in the abode of that Brahmana, employed in the study of the Vedas. Within a few days there came a Brahmana of rigid vows unto the abode of their host to take up his quarters there. Their host, that bull among Brahmanas, ever hospitable unto all guests, worshipping the newly-arrived Brahmana with due ceremonies, gave him quarters in his own abode. Then those bulls among men, the Pandavas, with their mother Kunti, solicited the new lodger to narrate to them his interesting experiences. 

The Brahmana spake to them of various countries and shrines and (holy) rivers, of kings and many wonderful provinces and cities. And after this narration was over, that Brahmana, O Janamejaya, also spoke of the wonderful self-choice of Yajnasena's daughter, the princes of Panchala, and of the births of Dhrishtadyumna and Sikhandi, and of the birth, without the intervention of a woman, of Krishna (Draupadi) at the great sacrifice of Drupada. "Then those bulls among men, the Pandavas, hearing of these extraordinary facts regarding that illustrious monarch (Drupada), and desiring to know the details thereof, asked the Brahmana, after his narration was concluded, to satisfy their curiosity. 

The Pandavas said, 'How, O Brahmana, did the birth of Dhrishtadyumna the son of Drupada, take place from the (sacrificial) fire? How also did the extraordinary birth of Krishna take place from the centre of the sacrificial platform? How also did Drupada's son learn all weapons from the great bowman Drona? And, O Brahmana, how and for whom and for what reason was the friendship between Drona and Drupada broken off?' "Vaisampayana continued, 'Thus questioned, O monarch, by those bulls among men, the Brahmana narrated all the particulars about the birth of Draupadi.'" 

(Chaitraratha Parva continued) 

"The Brahmana said, 'At that region where the Ganga entered the plains there lived a great Rishi, devoted to the austerest of penances. Of rigid p. 338 vows and great wisdom, he bore the name Bharadwaja. One day, on coming to the Ganga to perform his ablutions, the Rishi saw the Apsara Ghritachi, who had come before, standing on the bank after her ablutions were over. And it so happened that a wind arose and disrobed the Apsara standing there. And the Rishi beholding her thus disrobed, felt the influence of desire. Though practising the vow of continence from his very youth, as soon as he felt the influence of desire, the Rishi's vital fluid came out. 

And as it came out, he held it in a pot (drana), and of that fluid thus preserved in a pot was born a son who came to be called Drona (the pot-born). And Drona studied all the Vedas and their several branches. And Bharadwaja had a friend named Prishata who was the king of Panchalas. And about the time that Drona was born, Prishata also obtained a son named Drupada. And that bull amongst Kshatriyas, Prishata's son, going every day to that asylum of Bharadwaja, played and studied with Drona. And after Prishata's death, Drupada succeeded him on the throne. 

Drona about this time heard that (the great Brahmana hero) Rama (on the eve of his retiring into the weeds) was resolved to give away all his wealth. Hearing this, the son of Bharadwaja repaired unto Rama who was about to retire into the woods and addressing him, said, 'O best of Brahmanas, know me to be Drona who hath come to thee to obtain thy wealth.' Rama replied, saying, 'I have given away everything. All that I now have is this body of mine and my weapons. O Brahmana, thou mayest ask of me one of these two, either my body or my weapons.' Then Drona said, 'It behoveth thee, sir, to give me all thy weapons together with (the mysteries of) their use and withdrawal.' "The Brahmana continued, 'Then Rama of Bhrigu's race, saying, 'So be it,' gave all his weapons unto Drona, who obtaining them regarded himself as crowned with success. 

Drona obtaining from Rama the most exalted of all weapons, called the Brahma weapon, became exceedingly glad and acquired a decided superiority over all men. Then the son of Bharadwaja, endued with great prowess went to king Drupada, and approaching that monarch, that tiger among men, said, 'Know me for thy friend.' Hearing this Drupada said, 'One of low birth can never be the friend of one whose lineage is pure, nor can one who is not a car-warrior have a car-warrior for his friend. So also one who is not a king cannot have a king as his friend. Why dost thou, therefore, desire (to revive our) former friendship?' "The Brahmana continued, 'Drona, gifted with great intelligence, was extremely mortified at this, and settling in his mind some means of humiliating the king of the Panchala he went to the capital of the Kurus, called after the name of an elephant. 

Then Bhishma, taking with him his grandsons, presented them unto the wise son of Bharadwaja as his pupils for instruction, along with various kinds of wealth. Then Drona, desirous of humiliating king Drupada, called together his disciples and addressed them, 'Ye sinless ones, it behoveth you, after you have been accomplished in arms, to give me as preceptorial fee something that I cherish in my heart.' p. 339 [paragraph continues] Then Arjuna and others said unto their preceptor, 'So be it.'--After a time when the Pandavas became skilled in arms and sure aims, demanding of them his fee, he again told them these words, 'Drupada, the son of Prishata, is the king of Chhatravati. Take away from him his kingdom, and give it unto me.' 

Then the Pandavas, defeating Drupada in battle and taking him prisoner along with his ministers, offered him unto Drona, who beholding the vanquished monarch, said, 'O king, I again solicit thy friendship; and because none who is not a king deserveth to be the friend of a king, therefore, O Yajnasena, I am resolved to divide thy kingdom amongst ourselves. While thou art the king of the country to the south of Bhagirathi (Ganga), I will rule the country to the north.' 

"The Brahmana continued, 'The king of the Panchalas, thus addressed by the wise son of Bharadwaja, told that best of Brahmanas and foremost of all persons conversant with weapons, these words, 'O highsouled son of Bharadwaja, blest be thou, let it be so, let there be eternal friendship between us as thou desirest!' Thus addressing each other and establishing a permanent bond between themselves, Drona and the king of Panchala, both of them chastisers of foes, went away to the places they came from. But the thought of that humiliation did not leave the king's mind for a single moment. Sad at heart, the king began to waste away.'" 

(Chaitraratha Parva continued) 

"The Brahmana continued, 'King Drupada (after this), distressed at heart, wandered among many asylums of Brahmanas in search of superior Brahmanas well-skilled in sacrificial rites. Overwhelmed with grief and eagerly yearning for children, the king always said, 'Oh, I have no offspring surpassing all in accomplishments.' And the monarch, from great despondency, always said 'Oh, fie on those children that I have and on my relatives!' And ever thinking of revenging himself on Drona, the monarch sighed incessantly. And that best of kings, O Bharata, even after much deliberation, saw no way of overcoming, by his Kshatriya might, the prowess and discipline and training and accomplishment of Drona. Wandering along the banks of the Yamuna and the Ganga, the monarch once came upon a sacred asylum of Brahmanas. 

There was in that asylum no Brahmana who was not a Snataka, no one who was not of rigid vows, and none who was not virtuous to a high degree. And the king saw there two Brahmana sages named Yaja and Upayaja, both of rigid vows and souls under complete control and belonging to the most superior order. They were both devoted to the study of the ancient institutes and sprung from the race of Kasyapa. And those best of Brahmanas were well-able to help the king in the attainment of his object. The king then, with great assiduity and singleness of purpose, began to court this pair of excellent Brahmanas. p. 340 [paragraph continues] Ascertaining the superior accomplishments of the younger of the two the king courted in private Upayaja of rigid vows, by the offer of every desirable acquisition. 

Employed in paying homage to the feet of Upayaja, always addressing in sweet words and offering him every object of human desire, Drupada, after worshipping that Brahmana, addressed him (one day), saying, 'O Upayaja, O Brahmana, if thou, performest those sacrificial rites by (virtue of) which I may obtain a son who may slay Drona, I promise thee ten thousand kine, or whatever else may be agreeable to thee, O first of Brahmanas, truly am I ready to make gifts to thee.' Thus addressed by the king, the Rishi replied, saying, 'I cannot (perform such rites).' But Drupada without accepting this reply as final, once more began to serve and pay homage unto that Brahmana.

 Then, after the expiration of a year, Upayaja, that first of Brahmanas, O monarch, addressing Drupada in sweet tone, said, 'My elder brother (Yaja), one day, while wandering through the deep woods, took up a fruit that had fallen upon a spot the purity of which he cared not to enquire about. I was following him (at the time) and observed this unworthy act of his. Indeed, he entertains no scruples in accepting things impure. In accepting that (particular) fruit he saw not any impropriety of sinful nature: Indeed, he who observeth not purity (in one instance) is not very likely to observe it in the other instances. When he lived in the house of his preceptor, employed in studying the institutes, he always used to eat (impure) remnants of other people's feasts. 

He always speaks approvingly of food and entertains no dislike for anything. Arguing from these, I believe that my brother covets earthy acquisitions. Therefore, O king, go unto him; he will perform spiritual offices for thee.' Hearing these words of Upayaja, king Drupada, though entertaining a low opinion of Yaja, nevertheless went to his abode. Worshipping Yaja who was (still) worthy of homage, Drupada said unto him, 'O master, perform thou spiritual offices for me and I will give thee eighty thousand kine! Enmity with Drona burneth my heart; it behoveth thee therefore to cool that heart of mine. Foremost of those conversant with the Vedas, Drona is also skilled in the Brahma weapon and for this, Drona hath overcome me in a contest arising from (impaired) friendship. Gifted with great intelligence, the son of Bharadwaja is (now) the chief preceptor of the Kurus. There is no Kshatriya in this world superior to him. 

His bow is full six cubits long and looks formidable, and his shafts are capable of slaying every living being. That great bowman, the high-souled son of Bharadwaja, habited as a Brahmana, is destroying the Kshatriya power all over the earth. Indeed, he is like a second Jamadagnya intended for the extermination of the Kshatriya race. There is no man on earth who can overcome the terrible force of his weapons. Like a blazing fire fed with clarified butter, Drona, possessed of Brahma might and uniting it with Kshatriya might, consumeth every antagonist in battle. But (thy) Brahma force is greater in itself than (Drona's) Brahma force united with Kshatriya might. Therefore, as I am inferior

 Drona in consequence of my possession of Kshatriya might alone, I solicit the aid of thy Brahma force, having obtained thee so superior to Drona in knowledge of Brahma. O Yaja, perform that sacrifice by means of which I may obtain a son invincible in battle and capable of slaying Drona. Ready am I to give thee ten thousand kine.' Hearing these words of Drupada, Yaja said, 'So be it.' Yaja then began to recollect the various ceremonies appertaining to the particular sacrifice. And knowing the affair to be a very grave one, he asked the assistance of Upayaja who coveted nothing. Then Yaja promised to perform the sacrifice for the destruction of Drona. Then the great ascetic Upayaja spoke unto king Drupada of everything required for the grand sacrifice (by aid of fire) from which the king was to obtain offspring. And he said, 'O king, a child shall be born unto thee, endued, as thou desirest, with great prowess, great energy, and great strength.' 

"The Brahmana continued, 'Then king Drupada, impelled by the desire of obtaining a son who was to slay Drona, began, for the success of his wish, to make the necessary preparations. (And when everything was complete) Yaja, after having poured libations of clarified butter on the sacrificial fire, commanded Drupada's queen, saying, 'Come hither, O queen, O daughter-in-law of Prishata! A son and a daughter have arrived for thee!' Hearing this, the queen said, 'O Brahmana, my mouth is yet filled with saffron and other perfumed things. My body also beareth many sweet scents; I am hardly fit for accepting (the sanctified butter which is to give me offspring). Wait for me a little, O Yaja! Wait for that happy consummation.' Yaja, however, replied, 'O lady, whether thou comest or waitest, why should not the object of this sacrifice be accomplished when the oblation hath already been prepared by me and sanctified by Upayaja's invocations?' 

"The Brahmana continued, 'Having said this, Yaja poured the sanctified libation on the fire, whereupon arose from those flames a child resembling a celestial who possessing the effulgence of fire, was terrible  to behold. With a crown on this head and his body encased in excellent armour, sword in hand, and bearing a bow and arrows, he frequently sent forth loud roars. And immediately after his birth, he ascended an excellent chariot and went about in it for some time. Then the Panchalas in great joy shouted, 'Excellent, Excellent.' The very earth seemed at that time unable to bear the weight of the Panchalas mad with joy. Then, marvellous to say, the voice of some invisible spirit in the skies said, 'This prince hath been born for the destruction of Drona. 

He shall dispel all the fears of the Panchalas and spread their fame. He shall also remove the sorrow of the king.' And there arose, after this from the centre of the sacrificial platform, a daughter also, called Panchali, who, blest with great good fortune, was exceedingly handsome. Her eyes were black, and large as lotus-petals, her complexion was dark, and her locks were blue and curly. Her nails were beautifully convex, and bright as burnished copper; her eye-brows were fair, and bosom was deep. Indeed, she resembled the veritable daughter of a celestial born among men. Her body gave out fragrance like that of a blue lotus, perceivable from a distance of full two miles. 

Her beauty was such that she had no equal on earth. Like a celestial herself, she could be desired (in marriage) by a celestial, a Danava, or a: Yaksha. When this girl of fair hips was born an incorporeal voice said, 'This dark-complexioned girl will be the first of all women, and she will be the cause of the destruction of many Kshatriyas. This slender-waisted one will, in time, accomplish the purpose of the gods, and along with her many a danger will overtake the Kauravas.' On hearing these words, the Panchalas uttered a loud leonine roar, and the earth was unable to bear the weight of that joyous concourse. Then beholding the boy and the girl, the daughter-in-law of Prishata, desiring to have them, approached Yaja and said, 'Let not these know any one else except myself as their mother.' Yaja, desiring to do good unto the king said, 'So be it!' 

Then the Brahmanas (present there), their expectations fully gratified, bestowed names upon the new-born pair, 'Let this son of king Drupada, they said, be called Dhrishtadyumna, because of his excessive audacity and because of his being born like Dyumna with a natural mail and weapon.' And they also said, 'Because this daughter is so dark in complexion, she should be called Krishna (the dark).' "The Brahmana continued, 'Thus were born those twins of the great sacrifice of Drupada. And the great Drona, bringing the Panchala prince into his own abode, taught him all weapons in requital of half the kingdom he had formerly taken from Drupada. The high-souled son of Bharadwaja, regarding destiny to be inevitable, did what would perpetuate his own great deeds.'" 

(Chaitraratha Parva continued)

 "Vaisampayana said, 'Hearing these words of the Brahmana, the sons of Kunti seemed to be, as it were, pierced with darts. Indeed, all those mighty heroes lost their peace of mind. Then the truthful Kunti, beholding all her sons listless and inattentive, addressed Yudhishthira and said, 'We have now lived many nights in the abode of this Brahmana. We have passed our time pleasantly in this town, living on the alms obtained from many honest and illustrious persons. O oppressor of foes, as we have now seen often and often all the agreeable woods and gardens that are in this part of the country, seeing them again would no longer give any pleasure. O heroic scion of Kuru's race, alms also are not now obtainable here as easily as before. 

If thou wishest it would be well for us now to go to Panchala; we have not seen that country, it will, no doubt, O hero, prove delightful to us. O crusher of foes, it hath been heard by us that alms are obtainable in the country of the Panchala, and that Yajnasena, the king thereof, is devoted to Brahmanas. I am of opinion that it is not good to live long in one place. Therefore, O son, if thou likest, it is good for us to go there.' "Hearing these words, Yudhishthira said, 'It is our duty to obey thy command, which, besides, must be for our good, I do not, however, know whether my younger brothers are willing to go.'"