
Monday, January 31, 2022

Core Fear Removal, Mantras and Protection Practices 101.

It is imperative that once you begin this 'spiritual path to Enlightenment, opening yourself up to outside forces and energies you have newly discovered but completely don't understand, that you protect yourself. This unfortunately is a key missing ingredient to the initial Awakening process,as it is currently taught online in the 'spiritual community', and is the very reason that blockages and regression in your walk occur.

These are Suggested Matntrs and or guides to help you set up a daily routine of proitection practices. 

Human Rights 

Moral principles that describe certain standard of human behavior, they are the same in Gods natural laws, the Law of One.
  1.  I have the right to take care of myself and protect myself from being threatened physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
  2.  I have the right to set my own priorities and choose the manner I express to live on earth, as long as it does not intentionally harm others.
  3.  I have the right to express feelings, opinions, and desires.
  4.  I have the right to be treated respectfully.
  5.  I have the right to create my own happy, healthy life based in spiritual purpose.
  6.  I have the right to be God, Sovereign and Free and be given the power to be in charge of directing my energies and life force.
  7.  I recognize that other sentient expressions of Source (others) also have these rights and in Service to Others and The Law of One, I must respect their personal soverignty, as I would ask respect for mine.
The 12 D Shield

We wish to align and be purified as the clear light vessel of Source's Natural Law, made in the perfected image of  Love, Light and Power in the World. 

12D Expands into Transit Gate

Once a person is attuned and working with the 12D shield daily, the Lightbody becomes aligned to the 12D Ray this starts to build the spiritual foundation for the Soul, Monad and Avatar bodies. At a certain level of proficiency, one can utilize the 12D Shield as a Transit Gate Vortex, or a Shadow Gate. I have one set up on my balcony, where I Sunrise meditate each morning. 

This, to the right is where I sun rise meditate Sol every day, and you can see on the left hand side, My Shadow Gate. Now as I'm at at advanced level of my dharma, I have a 2-way portal because I am also a Christos Templar, achoring in the Aurora Host Krystal DNA Re-encryption. In terms of the Aurora, their mission and support is to work with the new elemental command and this role is to re-encrypt the physical body on atomic and subatomic levels, because the chemical constituents of our DNA is an elemental base, so our physical body is an elemental body and it’s comprised of these four base level chemical constituents,  earth, fire, water and air.

This is a vortex set up specifically to clear low vibration energies, entities, and negativity from the space one has commanded with the 12D shield as GSF. We call that Commanding Personal Space with a boundary test using the GSF triad. This means one is stating that one chooses the consent and authority of God-Sovereign Free- which is aligned to the Law of One, therefore the Christ. To clear out lower frequencies, misplaced entities, mis-qualified or negative energies that accumulate in a room, space and group aura field exposed to higher frequencies.

Once you've set this up, use a variation that is comfortable for you, personally, worded that requests the following.

 I start every session with these two mantras. 

"Protection Team, (I am personally assited hereas well by Bastet, My Protector) I request your assistance in creating and maintaing a vortex  to be used as an exit point by all Shadow NAA Negative Elements. I have 100% desire that all shadow elements within myself, within others around me and within all plants, all animals, all other beings, all places and spaces around me clear and transition through this vortex exclusively. I thank for the lessens and wisdom that they have offered in Service, and require that all Shadow Elements, not aligned with The Law of One exit through this Transit Gate Vortex doorway."

RRO Command

In your mind or out loud as you feel guided, please repeat this command:

"As the 12 D Avatar and the Light of God that I am, I cancel all contracts and/or agreements that I have made with any entity, guide, in this timeline or in any reality, that were not in my highest alignment and expression of my Light Source in the Law of One. 

I terminate all false matrices, or illusions that may have obscured my highest God purpose and soul mission, from the past, present and future.

 I terminate redemptive vehicle and crucifixion contracts and their related phantom systems from impacting my consciousness and all of my 12 bodies.

 I further declare that the cancellation of all such contracts is to be irrevocable and permanent in all time frames and realities. Further I ask my Avatar to return all unity codes, fire letters, and the jewels, wings, energies and parts of bodies that have been misdirected or usurped and ask to return them Now to the Rightful Owner in the name of Self Sovereignty herein stated and commanded into presence.

I invalidate the beings by commanding a full dissolution and dissolve them into the One Source-God Source Light through the Eternal Love of Forgiveness and Forgetfulness. Completely Heal and Seal my personal auric Field from any further intrusion. Return all energies and essences that are in divine right order NOW. I call back Now all that is my self sovereign God power and right.

I choose my perfection to stand in the Eternal Light and represent my full sovereignty and freedom for all human beings on this planet. I receive this Gift now as I will Share this Gift with All. All is One with the Light. I AM UNITY. Beloved God, Thank you!"


Directing Energy

It is a persons directed and focused attention, not muscular control or use of force, which accesses the inner sensory ability to control the movement of life force or chi energy. When the mind is developed and disciplined, and thus calmed and centered, by focusing the mind, one can direct energy and life force very specifically. When the mind has been mastered, a person will conquer restlessness and boredom. When you learn to control the energy you are able to control the states of Consciousness.

The first stages of Directing Energy is concentration. Bringing your focus is a direction of personal will towards sustaining mental effort. This is concentration. Tension will arise in the body, as you notice this tension building, it is building the inner vibration which manifests as a result of the concentrated effort made in the physical body. Notice the tension building and then allow the body to release that tension fully, in order to achieve deeper relaxation. Relax and let go, falling deeper into relaxation, letting go of the mental and physical body and then feel. Allow the sensory feeling of that moment to reveal to you impressions, sensing the feelings in that moment.

The power of the force of Love is key that unlocks every door in the Universe. When we can access the power of Love we are capable to accomplish almost anything. When intending to direct energy, bring feelings of love and devotion to the process.

The Medulla Oblongata is at the base of the brain stem that acts as the energy receiver of cosmic energy. Bring to your mind the life force energy coming into the medulla oblongata and being directed to your body parts. When feeling unwell, imagine the Cosmic Consciousness streaming into the back of your head and projecting itself throughout your body parts and areas that feel blocked or unwell. This helps to develop ones skill at directing life force energy, such as the 12D Shield within the self and the environment.

Discernment of Directing Energy
In regard to the use of Creation Symbols or those sacred geometries that are hijacked for negative purposes, such as STS and for Black Magic, this is something that each one of us has to find personal discernment in what we connect with and what we feel connected to. Generally, what is a potent way to gain deeper clarity, is to first stabilize the body and to learn how to be consistent with your 12D Shielding and to use it as a Boundary Test with what is known as the GSF triad, which is God Sovereign Free. 

When you encrypt your 12D Shield with God Sovereign Free, what you are basically saying, is "I'm only allowing that which interacts with me to be in full resonance with God, Sovereign Free". That said, polarity  directed toward only good or positive is still polarity. Source is All.

When you are able to develop some proficiency with that, doing a 12D shield encrypted with your God Sovereign Free triad and then you use this as a boundary test for sacred geometries or anything else to get better discernment about the quality of energy. Anything that you come across, you want to feel what level of resonance you have with it, and to feel and discern the body's resonance to this coding or symbolism because of the reversals, some of which has been discussed many times in regard to the Metatronic Reversal field.

Common Causes of The 'Human Weak Aura'

Why you need protection
You need protection because they are attacking you on myriads of levels with myriads of methods. right in front of your eyes. For Years. they have every contingency covered and own all the resources that 'SUSTAIN" you. There are many things that weaken our general health and well being, through the weakening and fracturing of the human energy field or aura. When we develop Self Awareness and learn basic Spiritual Housekeeping through Psychic Self Defense one can be proactive in generating a strong aura, or Lightbody, which increases energetic balance and health in every layer of the multidimensional bodies.
Negative emotions, AD Behaviors, destructive thoughtforms of Negative Ego, Unresolved Emotional or psychological conflicts, destructive relationships, Pharmaceuticals, drugs, alcohol, Addiction and consuming recreational drug substances, Surgery, hospitalization and cutting into the body. Low EMF fields generated from technology (cellphones, computers, TV), Solar Flares and strong Magnetic Field Shifting, EMF Fluctuations. Accidents, events that cause physical stress, shocks or emotionally traumatic experiences. International Air travel, traveling to areas of the earth with different grid system or hemisphere. Extreme grief, depression, guilt, shame or loneliness. 

Commanding our Personal Space. Optional Mantras.

Opening Statement Op

Read this aloud daily, if and when necessary.*

"Beloved God, Open All channels of light, clear all light fibers to be fully connected and resonant with the Living Light Code.

We Set our Space in our Room with Our Unity Decree. Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. The Christ Guardian races Serving the Law of One, from Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now, anchor our space in the sovereign God Law.

We Ask The Guardians, Councils of our Higher Selves, Evolution Support Teams, Starseed Identity Matrix, Mother Arc aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of GOD’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony. My declaration of intention is to serve my Source. I commit to serve my Highest Power fully, completely, and totally. I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free.

Please Open the 12th Dimensional Vortex in counter clockwise motion into full expansion in the Celestial Christ Force Of Platinum and Aurora Light, Grid this Space entirely in the 12th Dimensional Pale Silver Light of Christ. Set the Spin Accordingly, Calibrate, Anchor Lock and Seal in this Hologram.

North South East West – Earth- Sky and heart : We direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Oneness. We Are Impenetrable and Invincible. We ask the Aurora Forces of our Group Avatar of Ascension to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which We Serve.

I claim my Divine Inheritance and Self Sovereign God Power NOW! I choose the Patterns of Perfection NOW For all Human Beings! I AM THE Diamond Heart NOW!

The 12 D shield (See the 12 D Portal spinning outward in concentric circles opening and expanding around you.)*
  • I open this session in service to Law of One and Invite the Starseed Families of Oneness to connect and anchor in. As I am God Sovereign and Free I so Decree:
  • Please generate a Field of Divine Grace around and within this “Room, Home, Land, Planet.”
  • Please anchor frequencies of Unconditional Love and Forgiveness in this space.
  • Please generate blessings to all who enter or dwell here, human and non-human, in the Light and Service of the One Source God.
  • I claim this Space and the Beings in my care as Sovereign and Free in the Light of God, now and always.
  • Please seal these blessings into permanent installation here.
  • Core Soul protection and RRO
  • We Ask our Avatar Selves to return all codes, fire letters, and the jewels, wings, energies and parts of bodies that have been misdirected and return them NOW to the Rightful Owner RRO in the name of Self Sovereignty herein stated and commanded into presence NOW. We invalidate the beings by commanding a full dissolution and dissolve into the One Source God Source Light through Forgiveness and Forgetfulness. Completely Heal and Seal the personal Auric Field from any further intrusion. Return all energies and essences that were in divine right order NOW through the Return to Rightful Owner in God’s Authority. We call back NOW all that is our Self Sovereign god power and right.
One can apply the Core Soul Protection Package to your family of origin or for any beings that you have permission to represent. We can bring those energies of their God Self fully here and now:*

"Beloveds, we request now the complete removal of all the Nephilim reversal programs or lower formed energies and misqualified vibrations. Remove all imbalanced matrices, devices and structures here and now. Further, remove any and all negative entity, negative attachment, negative elemental, negative alien influence, negative karmic implant, negative alien implant, any negative karmic pain traps, any negative manipulation. 

Please scan and check my bodies for and remove any mind control, mind control booby traps, thought forms, beings, phase disruptors, disease booby traps, holographic inserts, pathogen pullers, or any kind of structure interference draining our energy through “ karmic superimposition” and their enslavement devices or programs that are interfering with my free will of expression and self determination. Clear any ritual, spell, curse or symbol.

Clear any negative past life artifact. Clear any and all psychic attack with any frequency of manipulation or interference. Clear related attacks of vampirism or cording and all negative cords. Remove impacts from negative mass consciousness energy or leakages connecting to those particular programs.

Further, for our entire ( ______insert person, family member or group name or business organization) please clear any and all imbalanced or misqualified energies now. We claim the sovereign right and liberation for all persons involved through any timeline or time zone. In the light of God and the Love of Christ we dissolve and clear any and all manipulation, enslavement or interference with any person, place or thing, both human or non human to be removed, cleared and terminated from any involvement. Clearly stated we resign any and all involvement in this matrix, we resolve and resign from this game, fully and completely. We are all free from any entanglement, attachment or disturbance Now and Forever. 

Shorts Version Core Fear Removal


When beginning this fear clearing program it is best to request this support at bedtime or first thing with morning practices. 
  1. I call forth My God Self, The Master Christos Collective serving the Law of One, My personal evolution support teams and Ascension healing teams.
  2. Please install the lattice work of light into my mind grid field and emotional field to remove all fear based programs and artificial programs.
  3. I Request The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program. I ask first for a general clearing of all fear-based programs that are hindering my spiritual growth and Ascension.
  4. I request that my Teams focus on my physical body and ask to remove any and all fear based and Mind Control programs lodged there.
  5. I Request that you clear and heal my etheric body and remove any fear-based programs that are blocking me.
  6. I request that you clear and heal my astral body and remove all fear-based programs and spiritual weeds from my astral, or emotional body.
  7. I request that you clear and heal my mental body and remove all thought forms of an imbalanced and negative nature.
  8. I request to clear and heal my spiritual bodies fully, totally and completely.
  9. I Ask that the fear programs be completely removed from my Soul and from my blueprint and the Akashic Records. I give full permission for my God self to do this Now. I thank the Christos Masters and my healing team for this healing and support.
RRO or RTRO is the abbreviation for 'Return to Rightful Owner'.

Return to Rightful Owner is a command by divine right of all beings in Universal Law to have their consciousness memories and lightbody parts be returned to them in the event it has been hijacked or stolen by negative forces, in current or previous timelines.

Newsletter excerpt: Due to recent positive developments with the Shield of Solomon overriding the planetary horizontal consciousness grid there has been a systematic release of Group Oversoul enslavement. It was revealed the Golden Eagle Grid harnessed consciousness power through the entrapment of various levels of human spirit bodies. At this time Guardians are releasing Monads that had been stapled to the Golden Eagle Grid, thereby trapping the consciousness from merging with their rightful owner and human body.

Since 2010, many Monads that had been reversed or split from its original twin are now being reunited. (This is the beginning phases of the "Restoration" which is returning back Source natural laws to the physical plane.) In fact the Guardians explain that in the returning to this planet the rightful laws - all Spirit bodies and their energies that have been misdirected, stolen or used by external controller forces in this last dark cycle - MUST be returned to the Rightful Owner as he/she claims their authority as Source as a sovereign eternal being. They have given us a sample language of which to claim our rightful sovereignty in Source's Natural Laws. Please feel free to utilize or share with all those you feel may benefit from this command.


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