Homo Sapien Sapien is still very much a Work In Progress. There is no end to this story, as every day is a new page in this a new chapter of the new you. We have come to understand that we are much more than what we have been led to believe, Biologically, Spiritually, Universally. We are coming to understand that not only has our history been hidden from us, our very essence has been hidden as well.
This Teaching is an attempt to explain what has been happening to the Human Angelic Blueprint put forth by Source and the Founder Races, some of whom humans called 'the gods or 'GOD, our Creators. Much of your history and origins on this planet have been distorted, or in most cases completely hidden by the victors of the last battle here on Earth in 9558 BC, The Archonic Luciferian Cabal Eliet Illuminati who run the planet, the Controllers who are in 2025, being exposed in the current Disclosure/Revelations/Awakening movements.
*** Editors note: Be aware some timelines and some details are fluid and have in fact changed based upon conditions off and on planet. Solar Flash 2030-2031 delta is assumed and full Disclosure event is active and ongoing. (updated 3/23/25) Remember that most of these timelines from Law of One, Voyagers and subsequent Guardian Updates are almost 30 years old and things in the AOR are fluid, whether the overall outcome is known or not. The Solar Flash Event could very well take place sooner than anticpated and accelerate Covenant of Palaidor Christos Reclamation Mission timelines and deltas.
Definitions and Organizational Breakdown
Guardian Alliance
(GA) = immense group of beings who reside in a myriad of locations in the Universal Time Matrix.
They are a member of the Interdimensional Assoc. of Free Worlds. (IAFW)
IAFW Members* consist of:
- Incarnate (Biologic) (1D(dimension)-2D-3D), In the First Harmonic Universe in 1D-2D-3D exists the three layers of the personality matrix or incarnated human.
- Soul (4D-5D-6D), In the Second Harmonic Universe in 4D-5D-6D exists the three layers of the Soul Matrix.
- Oversoul (Monad) (7D-8D-9D), In the Third Harmonic Universe in 7D-8D-9D exists the three layers of the Monadic matrix.
- Avatar Christos (10D-11D-12D) In the Fourth Harmonic Universe in 10D-11D-12D exists the three layers of the Christos Avatar Matrix.
- Founder Consciousness (13D-14D-15D). In the Fifth Harmonic Universe in 13D-14D-15D exists the Three Layers of the Rishi Matrix or Threefold Founders Flame
- Geomantic Entities (16D and above) reside in the Energy Matrix.
Our consciousness is residing in all 12 densities that are simultaneously taking place within the entire time matrix. The Universal Time Cosmology of Twelve Dimensions of Simultaneous Time-Space Cycles within a Fifteen Dimensional Wave Spectrum. Waves of energy and information, all within the Aether. Right now we are ONLY receiving the 3rd/4th Dimension waves of the 1st Harmonic Universe, 3D.
...our perception of these waves is our Existance-Incarnation into a biologic in this third dimension.
*(note; whatever category a Being is in, when we are in in this present Universsal Time Matrix, in addition to our Biological incarnation, all stations of Self, our-selves, in each density are simultaneously working together. ALL are participating at this time simultaneously, whether you are aware of that fact or not).
The Emerald Order Oraphim have Emerald Sun DNA, which is up to 48 strands of DNA. They are Not the Guardian Alliance. As UTC Founders Races, they are the Administrators of IAFW & GA, Meta-Maths Consciousnesses. 'Guardians' of our Cosmic Matrix or Universe.
A Cosmic Matrix is made up of an Energy Matrix + Universal Time Matrix, which in turn has 12 Dimensions or density of energy, including a 3D Matter Density which we occupy as Biolocuc life forms. All biologic life fore=ms no matter form or species exist in this Harmonic density, our visible Universe. It's a Mathematical Program Construct. A Matrix.
Under normal circumstances, the Elohim do not interfere with a Universal Time Matrix, leaving that to the Guardians. In the case of this current timeline, they have had to intervene numerous times. They have had no choice but to intervene here numerous times, to save the Human Species from the current Cabal Human Angelic DNA extinction attempts, repair the damaged DNA Matrix back to 12 strands (Christ Mission) as you were originally created, which is a continuation of the Jesus/Jeshewua Mission. It has also been decreed that the NAA (Negative Alien Agenda) AI virus affecting your planet does not leave this Milky Way Galaxy. It will be stopped before it can leave Gate Three.
Therefore a system wide (Milky Way) evacuation order was given for the Milky Way, with Star Gates/Portals 1, 2 & 3, three being Earth's GATE 4, which is accessed via Mars (hence the clamour to get there.) ALL will be permenently closed and destroyed in 2230. This Archon/Reptilian Luciferian Distortion will not be allowed to leave through Gate Three.
Before we relate the Stories of your true origins and history, we need to explain the dynamics of Creation and how a Universal Time Matrix, or in simple terms, a Universe, is created and works.

A Universal Time Matrix is the mathematical program by which consciousness experiences time and matter. The Cosmic structure contains six, 15 dimensional Universal Time Matrices, for the purpose of consciousness individualization into dimensionalization, in order to experience the perception of time, and to which are collectively referred to as the Time Matrices
In the beginning the One Spoke and everything was. This is the order of Creation: Love, Logos, Sub logos, UNI-VERSE, One Song, Duality, Mother/Father, Harmony, Indigo, Magenta, Triad, Golden, Christos, Gender, Sophia/Christos, Angelic Human. Jeshewua spoke to this in the Codex of John II teaching in the Nag Hammadi Scriptures.
Broken down by wave, frequency of that wave produces a vibration that is a color and can be seen. When that combination of frequencies hits just the right harmonic, it crosses the plain and pops into being...matter. What makes the wave vibrate to create that matter? You do. The cerebral cortex has a signal being sent at such a high frequency that we don't see, feel, or hear it.
The Innate/EFFI
These are the signals that regulate your mind/body/spirit complex, your innate as Lee Carrol/Kryon would call it. It runs your body like a clock. Your heartbeat, breathing, digestion, healing. All run by a constant invisible, till now, undetectable impulse that NEVER stops. And you don't consciously know its just is. It is the EFFI, The Eternal First Field Intelingence.
This is the entire light and sound and vibrational spectrum in our universe above and below, the sliver of what we actually see. Now sound is vibrations, colors are light waves that carry information. If that is so, Look at how much WE DONT HEAR AND SEE! And what we do see, or don't, is just what we have discovered and know with our current technology. The signals talk to receptors in your brain and your DNA that automatically do the work, sending its signals to the body to do what the body does, producing chemicals and ensigms and proteins. A biological factory.

We are a Quantum Computer: Cerebral Cortex, Medula Oblongata, left and right Hemospheres, sitting atop a Biologic Sleeve connected by The Central Nervous System, run by the Quantum Signal from the EFFI SOURCE CODE of this UNIVERSAL TIME MATRIX.
What is a Morphogenetic Grid/Field
The Halls of Amenti are time portal passages that hold the race Blueprint field that would allow the fragmented Angelic Human souls to eventually re-evolve back into its original divine blueprint as a 12D Krystic Being. The Halls of Amenti are six (6) time portal passages that are dimensional pathways to leave this 3D Earth system. In these "Halls" there are large bound holographic books with all of the hidden human history and where written historical records are kept. The Akashic Records.
Lyran - Sirian contact expressed that those responsible to 'guard' and protect humanities genetic records and hidden histories were primarily ambassadors of the Sirian Administration Councils, my bosses. The Sirian Lodge is a Hall which oversees the 6D networks, which act as the portals for Star and Indigo Races to incarnate on the Earth plane through the Amenti Halls.
This Lyran-Sirian administrative body created the Azurite Council for the sole purpose of a collective team to support the human embodiment of the Christs (Jesus) or The Jesheua12, Jeshewua9 Avatars, to repair these networks and secure the Amenti field. The Azurites were assigned primary responsibility for the carrying out of the Covenant of Paliador Christos Reclamation Mission which is the ongoing mission to recover the lost souls of Tara a saving of the biological Human Blueprint.
The Paliadorians are the Sphere of Amenti Consciousness that can provide the Krystal Host matrix template for all disembodied or fragmented consciousness in the lower systems, to be able to inhabit a body that allows that consciousness to continue an evolutionary journey that is capable of ascension and biological consciousness expansion.
Alanians sought control over the Lumians and they started manipulating the power generation Crystals in Tara's core. They were service to self oriented, while the Lumians were of the service to other orientation. These cultural differences amplified into greater energy disturbances, which came to be the polarity schism, generating Taran genetic digression into the Patriarchal group that wanted to fully dominate others. This is when Alanian scientists began dangerous experimentation with the planetary core power source, ignoring warnings from the Others. The Lumians asked for assistance from Sirian High Council in HU-2 and Elohim in HU-3.
The Alanians, together with Annu-Templar fallen Anunnaki refused to listen to Sirian Annu-Sirian Council. These are two distinct and seperate group of warring Annu, the former of of which are todays CABAL, masquerading as the good guys. They developed the Anti-Sirian Council. (the birth of the Anti-Christos movement and orientation). A small group of Alanians, not happy with TempSolar defected to Mu, Ceres and the Lumians then stepped in and interbred with these Alanians creating a new genetic breed known as Priesthood of Ur.
548 MYA (million years ago) due to the continued experimentations with the TARA power core, the Alanians deep underground power crystals exploded and the Tara grid was blown apart and Tara was detached from the Universal Morphogenetic Grid.
AS we now understand that Tara was now missing portions of its grid and could not continue evolution/ascension to HU-3 to merge with Gaia D7. At that point, Tara's Ascension was frozen in all timelines until repaired. The fragments of the grid that fell apart, (fell in vibration, and got sucked thru a 'black-hole', or dimensional portal at the center of Tara’s sun and re-emerged in a galaxy in HU-1, in The Milky Way at our current Kathara Grid location.
25 Million Years Ago to 5.5 MYA
Who are The Breneau
The Emerald Order of Elohim (the same that commissioned this website) seeded the Anuhazi Feline Elohim races through the Lyran 12th Stargate, Aramatena. They are also known as the founders of the Christos races, the Eieyani Grail lines that include the Oraphim. My Bloodline.
They are advanced beings from the highest dimensional worlds that appear as tall, luminescent figures with elongated heads and large eyes, when they physically manifest they reveal the highest refined emerald colors of the Holy Father Arc principle. Before now, they have never interfered and must be communicated with either through previous lineage associations or their presence requested with full consent and personal intent of Service to Others as a Guardian. They are who guide my hand as a Christos Templar
The Guardian Groups include massive numbers with a great variety of different advanced species. The Guardian Alliance is directed by the Elohim Emerald Order Breneau who support the Guardians incarnated on the Earth that are connected to the lineages of the Christos Founders Races. These are Starseeds and Indigos that have incarnated specifically to restore the Emerald Covenant, or reclamation of the Christos. The Emerald Breneau Founders specifically incarnate into the Lyran-Sirian lines that originate from Sirius B, as the Blue Azurites. The Christos Founders Races mission includes supporting the pathway of Disclosure that leads into planetary liberation, Awakening and Ascension, as well as providing the records for witness testimony on behalf of the Earth and Humanity to be freed from their NAA oppressors and gain access into the Interdimensional Free World Council.
Huge wars broke out over this First Root Race Seeding called the Electric Wars, it was a conflict over the dominion of the Earth Realms and Human (Christ) Kingdom after the Lyran Wars with the Orion Group destroyed Lyran planets.
The 6th sub-frequency-tone of Dimension-1 was removed from DNA strand-1, thus stopping human incarnates from plugging/accessing into the 7th DNA strand and could not assemble all strands in order to ascend/transmute (pass the Blue-Flame). When the body reached full gene capacity it would diminish/die and go thru a cycle of re-incarnation. (7th strand DNA blue-flame allowed unlimited energy-renewal of the body).
4 MYA Dagos brought to earth to re-seed.
3.7 MYA Ur-Antrian cloister3 (DNA1-2 + 7-12)
3 MYA Lumarians Root Race3 (DNA1-2)
3 MYA Breanoua cloister4 (DNA1-2-3 + 7-12)
2.5 MYA Alanians RR4 (DNA1-2-3)
1.5 MYA Hibiru cloister5 (DNA1-2-3-4 + 7-12)
1.27 MYA Aryans RR5 (DNA1-2-3-4)
65000 YA Melchizedeks Cloister6 (DNA1-2-3-4-5 + 7-12)
Current Muvarians RR6 (DNA1-2-3-4-5)
Future Yunaseti Cloister7 (Full 12-strand)
Future + Euanjhechi (Paradisians) DNA 1-5 + code 6-12)
Melchizedeks are free form the DNA filters/Seals of Amenti+Palaidor. They established the Essene brotherhood of which Jesus-Jesheua/Jeshewua were members. and priesthood of Melchizedeks.
Drakon Invasion (Dracos)
Due to these superior Dracos and their havoc breeding program, many cultures retreated underground... by product from their breeding was Phalzants (Chupacabras) were combined animal strains with Drakon/Earth strains.
Phalzants and Drakons currently are assisting the Zeta with detrimental earthly agendas.
Because the Dracos have human genes they believe that they have rights to earth as much as we do.
The Drakon became a menace, so with some help with Sirian-Anunnaki was decided to destroy Drakon underground habitats. This plan backfired causing crustal explosion, flooding , axis tilt etc..
Most Drakon left earth or destroyed. Most humans retreated underground.
Due to human gene digression, other humanoid Extraterrestrial races used this opportunity to experiment. From this came primitive forms of man/apes. (Human lineage did not emerge from these)
Atlanian 2nd-seedings (evolved on Mars) were influenced by Sirian-Anunnaki HU-2.
950,000 YA - The Nephilim were the children of the Anunnaki thru interbreeding. They were advanced/superior and dominated humans. The Lamanian culture were not affected/infiltrated and had retreated underground. The Elohim and Ra confederacy in order to put things back online/path disabled certain gene codes. The HU-2 Seres/Ceres interbred with members of the Atlanian & Ayrian races to created a superior human race known as the Serres/Egyptians.
Egyptians carry the most diversified genetic codes.
In order to regulate things a little the RA Confederacy & Sirian Council applied the “666” Templar-Axion Seal on the Dracos as well as the Anunnaki resistance, meaning neither could successfully interbreed with any other species other than their own. So now the Anunnaki-resistance’s only hope of keeping their foot in the door and getting back into earth was thru the new Anunnaki hybrid program “children of Annu” which the Treaty allowed the Anunnaki.
849,000 Years ago - The Sphere of Amenti was removed from earth’s core and placed in a secure location to be protected by Arcturians and Pleiadians. The Sphere was hidden in the Andromeda star system. Andromedans did not agree to military involvement as they did not support the Treaty of El-Annu. A portal bridge (the Arc of the Covenant) between earth D-2 core and the Sphere of Amenti in the Andromeda galaxy was constructed to allow/assist re-seeding on earth. This portal bridge was called the Arc of the Covenant of Paliador also known as the Arc of the Covenant. A 5-D seal was placed on the ARC, making it a one-way door, where souls could descend to earth but could not return, unless they had the 5-D gene-coding. (known as the Shield of the Arc).
The 6th Root Race Muvarians and their Melchizedek cloister held the 5-D gene code, meaning also that the Annu hybrids also held the key, as they were to be seeded thru the Melchizedek Cloister. Those who held the key/shield became Guardians. The shield would be released once 8% of the living population had assembled the 5th DNA strand. The earth-grid frequency would rise, igniting/activating the Sphere of Amenti to release/descend back to earth’s core taking approx.. 2000 years. Once this had occurred the blue flame of Amenti would be released (approx. 12 years process) to merge with the core/Sphere of Amenti. Once this was achieved the ascension portals to Tara would be opened.
800,000 YA - 55,000 YA
In general up to now, the Anunnaki were with the Law of One, except for a small faction known as the Anunnaki Resistance (rebels) who were the trouble makers. Technological gifts were given/allowed by other Stellar races eg. crystalline power generators. The Arc of Covenant was located within the Atlantean landmass.. The Anunnaki resistance infiltrated, things digressed, Atlantis nearly ended. With the help of the Drakons and Dracos, the Annu were infiltrated, interbreeding between the two occurred. Because the Anunnaki resistance carried the Templar-Axion seal, this was passed/mixed in with the Annu genes.
52000 years ago, the Templar-Annu (resistance infiltrated) allowed the forbidden Dracos to return to Earth to assist with infiltration of the Lemurian continent of Muarivhi in exchange for a permanent home-base on earth. As previously noted, the crystal generators were used by humans in an attempt to rid the underground Dracos, but plan backfired.
51750 years ago, the stability of the Arc of the Covenant was breached and was moved to Egypt. The Ceres-Egyptians would now share Guardianship. In order to show force/strength to scare of the TemSol Anunnaki Resistance, the Sirian-Anunnaki Council did a show of force, mounting an outpost on Mars and by visiting Egypt/Atlantis en-mass.
46,459 BC-28,000 BC.
The Great Pyramid of Giza was also used as an ascension chamber for the select few who possessed the required DNA assembly and favor of the Elohim. The pyramid was used as a training school for initiates to the Melchizedek/Elohim ascension program, and also for healing, accelerating genetic assembly and for passage into the Inner Earth portals beneath the Sphinx. The pyramid was always kept under tight security by the resident Anunnaki of the Sirian Council, and the Templar-Annu were banned from entering the premises. This created much hostility between the Templar-Annu and the Egyptian cultures operating under the protection of the Sirian Council Anunnaki.
35,000 YA - The pure Melchizedek Cloister race began their first full birthing wave into human civilization, reinforcing the teachings of the Law of One and bringing their fifth DNA strand potentials into the human genetic pool. Guardianship of the Arc of the Covenant (Sphere of Amenti) was slowly turned over from the Sirian Council Anunnaki to the Annu-Melchizedeks, Cloister Melchizedeks, Hebrew (hybrids of fifth race Cloister Hibiru and the sixth race Cloister Melchizedeks created through the Host Matrix Transplants of the Second Seeding), and the Serres-Egyptians, all of whom became members of the early Egyptian priest craft.
Guardian Alliance & Original Galactic Federation Intervention
The Templar-Annu grew progressively more hostile within the territories under Sirian Council protection, and many relocated to Atlantis, which was becoming the Templar-Annu strong hold.
Through the manipulation of the Anunnaki Resistance and the Templar-Annu, following the Atlantean explosions of 28,000 BC, preparing the races for the morphogenetic wave of 2017 AD which occurred, became a very difficult task, as the teachings that would allow this preparation to go smoothly were lost, manipulated, distorted or destroyed, and as time went on, the majority of humans did not have access to this information.
22,326 BC - the Luciferian Anunnaki races decimated guardian races attempting to intervene in an event known as the Eieyani Massacre, which took place on the remnants of the Lemurian Continent now known as Kauai, Hawaii.
21,900 BC - They collapsed the Firmament Hydro-suspension Fields of Lohas, northeast Atlantis in the Lohas-Celtec-Druidec Freeze Out, in an attempt to destroy the Maji Angelic Human Grail Kings in exile there; this event gave us our last major glacial period of 21,900 BC-14,000 BC.
After defeating the Anunnaki Resistance attack, and assisting the races of Egypt to rebuild their cultures, the Sirian Council and guardian allies of humanity continued to visit and assist the evolving cultures, serving as a counterbalance to the Anunnaki Resistance and Templar-Annu forces that continued to assert their influence on Earth.
The new teleport station of the rebuilt pyramid of Giza, now aligned with the energetic systems of Alcyone and the Pleiades, offered swift guardian intervention and protection of Earth and easy access to Earth visitation. The Anunnaki Resistance, the Drakon, their allies or any other groups not authorized by the Sirian Council, were not permitted to access the Alcyone spiral for Earth visitation.
Unauthorized groups could, however, “take the long way in,” using other inter-galactic portals which connected to Earth's portal system. Though these alternative routes of visitation demanded much more time and resources, they were still frequently used by other stellar cultures, who also influenced the development of the races.
The Anunnaki Resistance still occasionally infiltrated the Sirian Council security systems, and secretly worked with members of the Templar-Annu, primarily those in the Atlantean Islands. The Atlantean culture digressed into a torturous, elitist society run by the Templar-Annu operatives of the Anunnaki Resistance, and due to their actions 9,558 BC, Earth civilizations would be changed forever.
9560 BC - Luciferian Covenant: Negative Aliens enter full alliance under the One World Order Anti-Christos Agenda formally mandated through the Luciferian Covenant. Omicron-Drakonian and Odedicron-Reptilian races of Orion form second competing Orion-Drakonian One World Order Agenda. Main Sirius A Jehovian-Anunnaki (“Bipedal Dolphin People”) race form third competing Jehovian One World Order Agenda.
The Templar-Annu, motivated by the Anunnaki Resistance, devised a plan to take control of the Great Pyramid teleport station so the Resistance could have free access to the Alcyone spiral. Their plan also included the destruction of the Sphere of Amenti.
The security seal would not allow the EM pulse to travel into the Amenti Sphere, but instead created a double overtone frequency pattern that sent the EM pulse into a state of fission. The exploding energies focused in the Andromeda Galaxy quickly refracted off of the security seal on the Sphere, replicated and intensified, then projected back down through the Arc of the Covenant, disseminated through the Earth grid, then refocused on their point of origin, the Main Crystal Generator beneath the largest Island of Atlantis.
The planet Earth tilted on its axis which damaged all Planetary Gates, Planetary Grid Networks the portals and Stargates on the planet. All the Pyramids and ET technology disconnected and went offline. Flooding and cataclysm destroyed the Atlantean colonies and much of the earth surface. This timeline is also referred to as the Atlantean Flood. The explosions occurred resulted in yet another tilt of the Earth's axis, shifting of some global land masses, a series of earthquakes and massive flooding in some locations (the flooding was not global as it had been during previous floods.
The Giza teleport station was again thrown out of alignment, as the Earth's vortex beneath it (Earth's “heart chakra”) no longer energetically lined up properly with the Alcyone spiral. After the explosions beneath Atlantis ceased, the Sirian Council ordered the Sirian Blue Race to remove the crystal generators which had not exploded. The massive crystals were dredged from the ocean floor and returned to Sirius B. With the removal of the crystals, humanity's technological abilities were thrown into the dark ages, and the once glorious civilizations of Earth were reduced to primitive organizations based upon survival concerns and built through manual labor.
9540 BC - Following the deluge, the RA confederacy + Elohim + others altered earth’s morphogenetic field creating a natural frequency fence which did not allow 4D to plug into 3D. Also all interstellar portals were de-activated. All ET’s were put on a hands off, non-interference, and earth was quarantined. The frequency fence allowed the elohim to favour their own kind (Hibiru Cloister race and Serres-Egyptian). 3rd DNA strand manifested without 7-12 base-tones resulting in genetic mutation. These gaps in DNA caused memory loss between conscious awareness and astral awareness causing distortion/loss in dream re-call.
The ego (5 senses) and the higher-self (10-12 overtone frequency) were now split/separated. We lost all direct assistance/relationship with multi-dimensional galactic communities. Conscious recall of higher dimensions requires 4th DNA strand. Egyptian-Serres + Annu-Melchizedek + hebrew peoples were now guardians of the Arc and and had custody of the Rods/Staff (re: Moses) and their connection to inner earth portals remained. Somewhere amongst this saga the Zephilium (Zeta Reticuli) genetically mixed with the Templar-Annu in the hope of reversing their mutating genes and creating a hybrid for themselves to embody that was more suitable to earth.
12-DNA strand package is the highest genetic imprint in a HU-1 and HU-2 and when fully activated can embody a 12-D oversoul.
1374 BC - Halls of Amenti were opened. At age 28 Akhenaton was taken to inner earth for and trained for ascension.
1367 BC - Relocated to Tel-El-Amarna. At the time Giza pyramid was still under control of Amonist priests of serres-egyptian lineage. Along the way Akhenaton became a little twisted in his ways and showed favoritism only towards the Annu peoples and would not allow any other race to ascend thru halls of amenti. An alternative plan was devised without Akhenaton’s knowledge by Priests of Ur and Elohim to allow other (non-Annu) races to ascend. This plan was carried out by his 200 Blue-Flame Melchizedek support staff.
Keepers of the Blue Flame was headed by: Primary Flame Holder: 3D Phaelopea High Priestess, Inner Circle Flame keepers, 3D General Haremhab (army general), Sabatoth (physician and half-brother) and Ankhi (Kiya) his 4th wife.
1362 BC - Akhenaton found out what was going on, went crazy, and sentenced Ankhi and Sabatoth to death but they escaped to Giza. Haremhab was not found out but this was short lived when Akhenaton found him and some other blue flame keepers in the portals. Basically a little scuffle broke out, Akhenaton tried to close the Halls of Amenti, his Staff/Rod beam was redirected by a flame holder in which a part of the Sphere of Amenti collapsed allowing chaotic D-1 and D-2 souls (underworld) to be released. The Elohim intervened, resealed the Sphere of Amenti and wiped everyone's memory of the whole incident and returned them back to their homes. Because the Sphere of Amenti was broken in two, anyone trying to ascend thru it would become soul fragmented. Akhenaton took this warning as some sort of conspiracy against him and the Annu. So he did not listen and proceeded to ascend people thru. Elohim intervened again, deactivated the rods/staff and sealed of the Halls of Amenti.
From here conspiracy brewed to assassinate Akhenaton by his uncle (younger bro of Amenophis-III) and his 1st wife Nefereti.
1353 BC Ankhi (4th wife) and 2yr old son were 1st assassinated and then in Akhenaton the same.
Tutankhamun resisted this, but at age 17 was poisoned. Aya an old councilor priest and friend of Haremhab was appointed to the throne. After Aya died, Haremhab appointed himself and went about destroying any evidence of his affiliations with the blue-flame keepers and the Aton movement.
Guardianship of the Arc of Covenant was now transferred to the Hibiru Cloister races. Due to Akhenaton's big fiasco, there was major rifts/divisions among the ranks of the Elohim HU-3, the Sirian Council of HU-2 and the Ra Confederacy. Elohim abandoned their attention to the human race (as thought we were losers) save the Annu-Melchizedek and Hebrew peoples. Elohim decided the only way to ensure pure genetic breeding was to become pro-male dominated, thus controlling the women for breeding purposes. Finally an appeal was made to the RA confederacy.
1240 BC - The Azurites and the Elohim established the Essene Brotherhood. Again, the Elohim took things into their own hands with various interbreeding agendas. Due to this, the priests of Ur decided to disassociate themselves from the main essene brotherhood, save a few select essene families.
1979BC - An ET Nephilim from the 2nd seeding was brought to earth, his name Melchizedek, King of Salem (later Salem became JeruSalem).
Second inwas Jeshewua Melchizedek in 7 BC in the same way, artificial insemination to Mary and Joseph of the house of David. At 27 Jeshewua spent three years studying with the Ascended Master in Persia and India, including the three wise men, Ascended matser Avatars in their own right, who had come with anointing herbs and spices when he was born.
All these events were in preparation of the great VEIL Frequency Blocking Fence Lift in 2012, (Mayan Calendar) so the Aurora Host "TEMPLARS" of Christ Consciousness energy that started again in December of 2014, could be received by the Guardian Grid Workers on the planet and anchored into the Terran Grid. This would begin to begin the Earth's Awakening and Ascension, for the Last Harvest of Souls, before the Universal Gate 3 closes in 2230, ushering in the Second Coming of The Christ, as foretold in The Book of Revelations
All matter forms and forms of consciousness, including planetary bodies and human bodies, are manifested through a morphogenetic (form-holding) imprint, which exists as a quantity of crystalline, electro-tonal energetic substances that are composed of specific patterns of frequency. This morphogenetic imprint sets the pattern for a form within the 15-dimensional Unified Field of energy substance. The morphogenetic imprint holds the instructions and design for form-building in a type of digital or electronic encoding, known as Keylon Codes.
Forms come into manifestation and evolve as patterns of frequency, are drawn into the forms' morphogenetic field from the dimensional frequency bands of the Unified Field of energetic substance within which the morphogenetic field is placed.
Forms come into manifestation and evolve as patterns of frequency, are drawn into the forms' morphogenetic field from the dimensional frequency bands of the Unified Field of energetic substance within which the morphogenetic field is placed.
This drawing in of frequency progressively expands the morphogenetic field and creates evolution of form progressively upward through the 15-dimensional uni-verse (Time Matrix).
The essential link between man, matter and the Cosmos concerns something referred to as Morphogenetic (form-holding) Field. - The Fabric of Creation.
Morphogenetic Fields (MF) are comprised by templates of conscious light and sound which serves as blueprints on which matter form and conscious identity will manifest. This occurs microcosmically and macrocosmically. Therefore, the universe is one massive field of consciousness (quanta) embracing and containing all other forms where all experiences of reality and manifestation takes place.
This Cosmic structure/order is the basis of human order and the human psyche in terms of the Cosmic Divine Blueprint where experiential reality fields are created, of templates of energy, divided into groups and energy patterns, which form the morphogenetic structure of each and all 15 dimensions.
When we attempt to explore the order of energy from which manifest reality arise we are exploring the mechanics and dynamics of dimensionalized Morphogenetic Fields, in which conscious experience takes place.
MF's can be understood as Scalar Grids or Scalar Fields made of interwoven patterns of consciousness that take the form of Standing Waves. Morphogenetic Fields, or the Manifestation Templates that serve as the blueprint through which consciousness manifests, are composed of the Primal Substance of Partiki Units. Partiki units draw together or Accrete (Accretion Level) to form Partiki Strings. Following a set of mathematical and geometrical design inherent to the form, Partiki Strings interweave and overlap, forming a "Fabric of Light and Sound" called Partiki Grid.
Following the precise mathematical design set by the intention of the manifesting consciousness, Partiki Grids further accrete, drawing in more Partiki Units, forming groups of Partiki units that are arranged following 3 different rhythms of Partiki Phasing. Tri-phase groupings of Partiki Units form patterns of Scalar-wave and Tri-tone wave interrelationships that create crystallizations of energy called Keylons. Groups of Keylons continue to accrete, forming complex Keylons arrangements called Keylon Codes, through which the Manifestation Template is progressively built up from Ante-matter through various stages of matter density, beginning with Pre-Matter Substance, the first density of Liquid Silica Hydroplasmic energy to emerge into externalized form.
Morphogenetic Fields (MF) are comprised by templates of conscious light and sound which serves as blueprints on which matter form and conscious identity will manifest. This occurs microcosmically and macrocosmically. Therefore, the universe is one massive field of consciousness (quanta) embracing and containing all other forms where all experiences of reality and manifestation takes place.
This Cosmic structure/order is the basis of human order and the human psyche in terms of the Cosmic Divine Blueprint where experiential reality fields are created, of templates of energy, divided into groups and energy patterns, which form the morphogenetic structure of each and all 15 dimensions.
When we attempt to explore the order of energy from which manifest reality arise we are exploring the mechanics and dynamics of dimensionalized Morphogenetic Fields, in which conscious experience takes place.
MF's can be understood as Scalar Grids or Scalar Fields made of interwoven patterns of consciousness that take the form of Standing Waves. Morphogenetic Fields, or the Manifestation Templates that serve as the blueprint through which consciousness manifests, are composed of the Primal Substance of Partiki Units. Partiki units draw together or Accrete (Accretion Level) to form Partiki Strings. Following a set of mathematical and geometrical design inherent to the form, Partiki Strings interweave and overlap, forming a "Fabric of Light and Sound" called Partiki Grid.
Following the precise mathematical design set by the intention of the manifesting consciousness, Partiki Grids further accrete, drawing in more Partiki Units, forming groups of Partiki units that are arranged following 3 different rhythms of Partiki Phasing. Tri-phase groupings of Partiki Units form patterns of Scalar-wave and Tri-tone wave interrelationships that create crystallizations of energy called Keylons. Groups of Keylons continue to accrete, forming complex Keylons arrangements called Keylon Codes, through which the Manifestation Template is progressively built up from Ante-matter through various stages of matter density, beginning with Pre-Matter Substance, the first density of Liquid Silica Hydroplasmic energy to emerge into externalized form.
The Morphogenetic Field of Consciousness is known as the Sphere of Amenti.
You can ask for guidance to the most pertinent information for you at this present time and read the book with your life mission and blueprint inside it. Not all of us will be granted access to the HALLS, you must have earned it with sincere inquiry of your soul or past lifetimes of access that have demonstrated your purity to your Soul purpose.
Lyran - Sirian contact expressed that those responsible to 'guard' and protect humanities genetic records and hidden histories were primarily ambassadors of the Sirian Administration Councils, my bosses. The Sirian Lodge is a Hall which oversees the 6D networks, which act as the portals for Star and Indigo Races to incarnate on the Earth plane through the Amenti Halls.

Three embodiments are always used to hold the tone sequence in matter, base, overtone, resonator, or positive, negative, neutral. The Azurite task force was created to protect, build and guard the Stargates on earth from 1D-5D. This failed, thus, the inner gates of Amenti were sealed and LR was disbanded from the Azurite teams in early 2004. Internal conflicts remained and some former members have defected.
The original 12 Tribes were created as a part of the plan that became the Covenant of Paliador to rescue the lost Souls of Tara, which would be made easier to recover during the Ascension Cycle when the Halls of Amenti were opened. The Luciferian Covenant was formed as a result of the earlier war of the Luciferian Rebellion, which was designed to divide and conquer the human tribes through intruder alliances of the NAA. This was to ensure the inner stargates, the Sphere of Amenti, and the Arc Portal Passages would be effectively damaged in order to ensure the failure of the recovery mission known as the Covenant of Paliador.
The Paliadorians are the Sphere of Amenti Consciousness that can provide the Krystal Host matrix template for all disembodied or fragmented consciousness in the lower systems, to be able to inhabit a body that allows that consciousness to continue an evolutionary journey that is capable of ascension and biological consciousness expansion.
Apparently in this lower realm, the main issue has been disembodied consciousness that has become parasitic in order to survive, and has not had any option for embodiment so that it could evolve into something higher. The Paliadorians can build new bodies for those who are disembodied, so that they can evolve and be transited out of the phantom underworlds. However, in order to receive an Ascending body, the consciousness must be willing to renounce Luciferian Fibonaaci Thothian parasitism and accept rehabilitation into another location through the Guardian Host. Essentially, the Paliadorians placed instruction sets in the Earth core so that souls trapped from the Taran explosion could manifest by incarnating in the third dimension or first Harmonic Universe.
Egyptian Timelines
The last civilization to know about the Halls of Amenti and the Sphere of Amenti purpose for holding the morphogenetic imprint for the silicate matrix and evolution for all the angelic human tribes were the Egyptians, who carried this ancient knowledge after the grid networks and records were destroyed as a result of the Atlantean Cataclysm. When grids blow apart they lose portions of history stored in genetic cellular memory. With out this the planet can not evolve/ascend into the next HU.
The last civilization to know about the Halls of Amenti and the Sphere of Amenti purpose for holding the morphogenetic imprint for the silicate matrix and evolution for all the angelic human tribes were the Egyptians, who carried this ancient knowledge after the grid networks and records were destroyed as a result of the Atlantean Cataclysm. When grids blow apart they lose portions of history stored in genetic cellular memory. With out this the planet can not evolve/ascend into the next HU.
these records, halls and technology are what is now being revealed worldwide.
The First Light Histories
The Fall
Harmonic Universe 2: TARA
Harmonic Universe 3: GAIA/Eartha
Harmonic Universe 4:
Harmonic Universe 5:
From this point on we will refer to each of these Universes as HU: 1-2-3-4-5)
Project Turaneusiam (T-1)
560 MYA; (million years ago) Project Turaneusiam (T-1) begins;
Many Extra Terrestrial & Meta Math extra terrestrials created a race to serve as Guardians of Planet Tara. The Founders of project T-1 were 3D Meta-Beings from HU-4 & HU-5 Lyrans, HU-3 3D Seed Race of T-1 Sirian Council, HU-2 3D Directors/Overseers of T-1 Elohim, HU-3 =3D race of beings created by Lyrans to oversee Sirian races in HU-2.
T-1 was made up of 12-subraces (genetics from 12 extraterrestrial or non earth-based species) 11 listed here.
- Bra-ha-man,
- Dhr-ah-men,
- Atoni,.
- Trin-iten,
- Azurtan,
- Celtos,
- Addami,
- Yutarans,
- Cerrasz,
- Nexack-tai
- Melchizedek.
There was an additional, unauthorized infiltration, manipulation and interbreeding by unrelated races, which caused a major digression/division. This resulted in the DUALITY: opposing sides; YIN/YANG positive/negative. T-1 split into two main strains:
Alanians (Beli-Kudyem), Lumians. (Adami-Kudmon)
Alanians sought control over the Lumians and they started manipulating the power generation Crystals in Tara's core. They were service to self oriented, while the Lumians were of the service to other orientation. These cultural differences amplified into greater energy disturbances, which came to be the polarity schism, generating Taran genetic digression into the Patriarchal group that wanted to fully dominate others. This is when Alanian scientists began dangerous experimentation with the planetary core power source, ignoring warnings from the Others. The Lumians asked for assistance from Sirian High Council in HU-2 and Elohim in HU-3.
Trying to help restore unity consciousness to the planet and help harmonize the growing extremes in the divergent cultures, the Sirian High Council set up the Council of Mu. The Mu Council devoted themselves to the Ancient Wisdom practices which were in alignment to the Natural Universal Laws, the Law of One. They spoke of the necessary attunement to nature and natural laws and the need for Polarity Integration back into the Zero Point, or Source Connection. This Council is alluded to in Lord of the Rings. Our movies have always alluded to our true Human Histories. We drop Easter Eggs as you call them, in all fantasy and fiction movies. You have been programmed to dismiss such tales as fantasy or fiction.
Though many throughout history have conjectured about the location of Mu here on Earth, as well as ED-IN (Eden) the continent and 'garden' were actually located on Tara, in 5th D HU-2, not Earth 3D HU-1, and the resulting incorrect hypothesis that exist regarding this continent and the races that resided on it is due to the continued Annu-Templar distortion and blending of facts and histories in order to obfuscate the true events and locations.
During the last stages of the conflicts which ultimately led to planetary destruction of Tara, a rebellion of several smaller wars broke out in protest of the decisions made in governance by the Sirian High Council. At this time, the technological implications of the mind control being used by neighboring entities to convert humanity into slavery and the impacts of the AI viral infection of victim-victimizer was not understood. It was not thought that the Fallen Elohim would take this to the degree that they have taken it here on the Earth, nor would we think they would take Earth to the position we now find ourselves in as a Society, Species, Planet, System and Galaxy.
The Alanians, together with Annu-Templar fallen Anunnaki refused to listen to Sirian Annu-Sirian Council. These are two distinct and seperate group of warring Annu, the former of of which are todays CABAL, masquerading as the good guys. They developed the Anti-Sirian Council. (the birth of the Anti-Christos movement and orientation). A small group of Alanians, not happy with TempSolar defected to Mu, Ceres and the Lumians then stepped in and interbred with these Alanians creating a new genetic breed known as Priesthood of Ur.
Underlying the basis for the rift was a genetic split and digression of the DNA lines. This was an attempt, as we The Elohim Guardian Alliance have done many times, to fix and reverse the genic distortion being experimented on by the Alanian geneticists. The Sirian Rebellion War resulted in the Priesthood of Ur losing a large battle to TempSolar and retreating underground. With the impending Tara grid implosion coming, many species,* evaded and escaped to other star systems. Many species were being created and interbred for the purpose of control. This went on for millions of Earth years.
(*48 Strand DNA Beings can easily move along a time line, to what we would call in this linear matrix, tenses; past, presentnor future. To a Being with 48 Strand DNA Dimensional capability, all 'time' is happening simultaneously and can thereby be altered with a thoughtform. It can also also done with inter-dimensional, multi-timeline Looking Glass type technology.)
Tara Cataclysm

These fragments then broke up into 12-pieces, which densified into planets in HU-1 becoming the Solar System as we know it, though much was realigned. This was roughly 548 Million Earth Years Ago. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Maldek (imploded and now the Kuyper belt) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Nibiru (has very long orbit) and the Sol which is 9 which has a twin, (which was a HU-2 planet that fused with a HU-1 star as it came through the portal.)
The fallen souls of Tara became trapped in HU-1 and a rescue mission was required. This mission was formulated by the Ceres, which the Priests of Ur would implement called The Covenant of Paliador.
This consortium was known as the Covenant of Paliador, working thru the Harmonic Universe 5 Breneau Rishi.
Sirians, Pleiadians, Elohim, Lyran,
Lumians, Alanians, Ceres.
The Ur-Tarranates time travelled to Earth HU-1 after the fall of Tara and with help of the Sirian Council, transmuted into pure energy becoming one-consciousness, serving as the Morphogenetic field for the 12-DNA T-1 race prototype on Earth.
A second mission was Approved: Project Turaneusiam-2 (T-2)
548-250 MYA Many species where seeded by HU-1 Beings (plants, animals, insects) Also, some Aether beings spent time here, the Aeons. Great Galactic Wars were and are currently being fought being fought by Races and Species that did not want this rescue mission to succeed. You can find those in our Galactic Wars Series
250 MYA Once Earth was secured, the Ur-Tarranates of the Sphere of Amenti began birthing on Earth.
This was known as the T-2 experiment, the 12-tribe seeding. 5-Cloister races emerged known as the Paliadorians. These races were less dense and did not possess gender, their bodies contained 8-DNA strands (active). They were the Guardians for DNA evolution. These cloistered races left no remains on earth, as they were here during an Anti-Particle Universe Cycle. 5th Density.
This was known as the T-2 experiment, the 12-tribe seeding. 5-Cloister races emerged known as the Paliadorians. These races were less dense and did not possess gender, their bodies contained 8-DNA strands (active). They were the Guardians for DNA evolution. These cloistered races left no remains on earth, as they were here during an Anti-Particle Universe Cycle. 5th Density.
The five Cloister Races were: Ur-Antrians (brown skin, DNA Strand-2), Breanoua (Red skin, DNA-3)
Hibiru (White skin, DNA -4), Melchizedeks (Yellow skin, DNA-5), Yunaseti (Black, DNA -6)
Each planet in our solar system holds a part of Tara’s HU-2 Morphogenetic field. Tara HU-2 cannot ascend to become Gaia HU-3 unless all these planets in our HU-1 solar system complete the full manifestation of these morph-fields. The pattern of the Morph-field appears as a standing wave of blue color with a pale shade of green. This Blue flame is Earth’s portion of Tara (Staff of Amenti). Earth’s own flame is Orange-Gold. Tara’s own flame is Blue-Green (known as the Gates of Ivory, Pearly Gates) Gaia’s own flame is Violet-Gold Metagalactic Core’s own flame White-Gold
Each planet in our solar system holds a part of Tara’s HU-2 Morphogenetic field. Tara HU-2 cannot ascend to become Gaia HU-3 unless all these planets in our HU-1 solar system complete the full manifestation of these morph-fields. The pattern of the Morph-field appears as a standing wave of blue color with a pale shade of green. This Blue flame is Earth’s portion of Tara (Staff of Amenti). Earth’s own flame is Orange-Gold. Tara’s own flame is Blue-Green (known as the Gates of Ivory, Pearly Gates) Gaia’s own flame is Violet-Gold Metagalactic Core’s own flame White-Gold
Earth Human Race 1st Seeding of the 3rd World
25 Million Years Ago to 5.5 MYA
5 Cloister Races entered Earth in different locations. Each race physically created 6 Male & 6 Female adult humans, who bred to seed the Earth population at the time. 60 humans.
Interbreeding with HU-1 ETs caused genetic digression, resulting in the loss of immortality and ability to transmute/ascend. Members of the Sirian-Anunnaki HU-2 and other ET + Meta-ET’s wanted to stop/halt Earth’s evolution (T2/12-tribe experiment) due to the fact they did not want the digressive elements of humans returning/ascending to Tara. Others had ulterior reasons, as they wanted Earth for themselves. Archons, Draconians, Reptilians, Reticuli, Greys (The CABAL as you know them today.)
Electric Wars of pure energy were fought in local galaxy and atmosphere. These are the events captured in the Mahabharata stories and legends of the gods waring in the skies and heavens. Those humans remaining ascended to Tara, and those with the digressive gene that could not, perished. Earth was almost a destroyed until HU-5 Breneau, The Elohim intervened.
Who are The Breneau
They are the first light manifestations of the Emerald Order and Blue Flame projected from the EFFI Source field, the Threefold Founder Flame or Cosmic Trinity. The Breneau are Founder Consciousness (13D-14D-15D) Solar Rishi that direct and support to the Guardian Founder Races in the lower Harmonic Universe that are supporting liberation and the continued spiritual evolution of Humanity towards the Law of One.

They are advanced beings from the highest dimensional worlds that appear as tall, luminescent figures with elongated heads and large eyes, when they physically manifest they reveal the highest refined emerald colors of the Holy Father Arc principle. Before now, they have never interfered and must be communicated with either through previous lineage associations or their presence requested with full consent and personal intent of Service to Others as a Guardian. They are who guide my hand as a Christos Templar

Earth Human Race 2nd Seeding
After the Electric Wars, the 3rd and 4th root races had to be re-seeded, but this time carrying the seal of Amenti within their genes. This Seal of Amenti stopped humans with digressed genes from accessing the Sphere/Hall of Amenti. Lyran - Sirian contact expressed that those responsible to guard and protect humanities genetic records and hidden histories were primarily ambassadors of the Sirian Administration Councils.
The Electric Wars

Race War Conflicts continued after the Orion Wars in Lyra, which ensued over the genetic mutations and DNA damage that was caused by explosions and multiple other races subsequent evolutionary and genetic digression.
Lyran Elohim and the Founders re-negotiated to ensure that Human species evolution would continue in lower dimensions of the Earth, Tara and Gaia, but would be sealed off from the higher realms so as to protect the higher dimensions and entities from all of the distortions and genetic mutations that had occurred in the Human Race. Humans would have to undergo a slow evolution to reassemble DNA and clean up their mess to be allowed access to their Cosmic Families again. The Viel.
Our bodies were sealed off and we were separated from our 12 DNA Consciousness and this distortion to us created a separation between our antiparticle and particle selves, meaning we now experienced separation and duality.
Many more distortions to Human species Blueprint and consciousness occurred through subsequent seeding and evolutionary rounds. This also meant we would experience separation and awareness of the other aspects of ourselves, including our Lightbody layers. To begin the healing of our fragmentation we would begin by unifying our stations of identity and its layers of consciousness through the time fields (dimensions)
During our Guardian SpecOP missions and repeated incarnations, we would begin the unification of our consciousness by starting to draw in our Lemurian fragments in through our 2D/2nd Chakra and our Atlantean Fragments through our 3rd Chakra and Conscious Minds. The human 4D Astral Plane body would also draw in 3rd and 4th Root race Fragments, as a part of the separated emotional-soul body that was created from these distortions in our morphogenetic field blueprint from DNA damage. So another task for human race is that we are responsible to collect the fragments of ourselves from the other root race cycles and seedings.
The 6th sub-frequency-tone of Dimension-1 was removed from DNA strand-1, thus stopping human incarnates from plugging/accessing into the 7th DNA strand and could not assemble all strands in order to ascend/transmute (pass the Blue-Flame). When the body reached full gene capacity it would diminish/die and go thru a cycle of re-incarnation. (7th strand DNA blue-flame allowed unlimited energy-renewal of the body).
The idea was to re-birth 3-times, once thru the root races which were RR3 + RR4... and then have to wait for Root race 5 to be seeded/emerge before one could incarnate as a RR5 human to collect DNA strands 5-6-7 (strand-7 released/shed the Seal of Amenti) in order to ascend/access-codes to HU-2. Was discovered due to electric wars a more serious problem had occurred. The Solar Flash and Galactic Wave which runs through the Universe and Galaxies is a result of these Electric Wars.
A shift in Earth grid occurred causing a quick freeze. After this shift, the earth vibration dropped and could no longer safely hold the Sphere of Amenti. In order to avoid destruction, the Elohim HU-3 removed the Sphere of Amenti to a safe place in 4th Density. Due to this, Root Races 3 and 4 could no longer assemble their 4th DNA strand. The burden/responsibility for assimilating the fragments of RR3 and 4 was put upon Root Race-5 (Aeiran/Aryan) of the Hibiru cloister. Human evolution was stunted 5.5 MYA until Sirius-B came along to the party. An artificial portal bridge was constructed between the core of Sirius-B, the Sphere of Amenti in D4 and Earth’s core in D2. Some souls of the 2nd seeding merged with Sirius-B and hybrid strain of consciousness was created called the Kantarians. This 2nd seeding portal-bridge was known as the Hall of Amorea in the 3rd seeding.
During Atlantis it was known as the 3rd Eye of Horus.
Human hybrids who found exile in the HU-1 Pleiadian star system were known as the Europherites. They interbred with the Kantarians to be known as the Dagos (dark brown skin).
4 MYA Dagos brought to earth to re-seed.
3.7 MYA Ur-Antrian cloister3 (DNA1-2 + 7-12)
3 MYA Lumarians Root Race3 (DNA1-2)
3 MYA Breanoua cloister4 (DNA1-2-3 + 7-12)
2.5 MYA Alanians RR4 (DNA1-2-3)
1.5 MYA Hibiru cloister5 (DNA1-2-3-4 + 7-12)
1.27 MYA Aryans RR5 (DNA1-2-3-4)
65000 YA Melchizedeks Cloister6 (DNA1-2-3-4-5 + 7-12)
Current Muvarians RR6 (DNA1-2-3-4-5)
Future Yunaseti Cloister7 (Full 12-strand)
Future + Euanjhechi (Paradisians) DNA 1-5 + code 6-12)
Melchizedeks are free form the DNA filters/Seals of Amenti+Palaidor. They established the Essene brotherhood of which Jesus-Jesheua/Jeshewua were members. and priesthood of Melchizedeks.
Drakon Invasion (Dracos)
The Drakon from HU-2 Orion system came to earth and tampered with gene codes.
Drakon =3D dragon/lizard like, sentient, aggressive, expert scientists, had poor relations with HU-1 galactic council..
The Drakon created a hybrid called “Dracos” (human body but Drakon facial features)
Drakon =3D dragon/lizard like, sentient, aggressive, expert scientists, had poor relations with HU-1 galactic council..
The Drakon created a hybrid called “Dracos” (human body but Drakon facial features)
Due to these superior Dracos and their havoc breeding program, many cultures retreated underground... by product from their breeding was Phalzants (Chupacabras) were combined animal strains with Drakon/Earth strains.
Phalzants and Drakons currently are assisting the Zeta with detrimental earthly agendas.
Because the Dracos have human genes they believe that they have rights to earth as much as we do.
The Drakon became a menace, so with some help with Sirian-Anunnaki was decided to destroy Drakon underground habitats. This plan backfired causing crustal explosion, flooding , axis tilt etc..
Most Drakon left earth or destroyed. Most humans retreated underground.
Due to human gene digression, other humanoid Extraterrestrial races used this opportunity to experiment. From this came primitive forms of man/apes. (Human lineage did not emerge from these)
Atlanian 2nd-seedings (evolved on Mars) were influenced by Sirian-Anunnaki HU-2.
They also made out that they were our gods. (The Sumerian Texts)
950,000 YA - The Nephilim were the children of the Anunnaki thru interbreeding. They were advanced/superior and dominated humans. The Lamanian culture were not affected/infiltrated and had retreated underground. The Elohim and Ra confederacy in order to put things back online/path disabled certain gene codes. The HU-2 Seres/Ceres interbred with members of the Atlanian & Ayrian races to created a superior human race known as the Serres/Egyptians.
Egyptians carry the most diversified genetic codes.
The Elohim & Sirian Council re-entered the Sphere of Amenti into Earth’s core. The Anunnaki were upset at the Elohim for interfering with their Nephilim race/children and decided to attempt to destroy the Sphere of Amenti and utilize humans as slaves to harvest gold. (Sumerian texts) War (1000 years) broke out between the Nephilim vs Serres (local) and Elohim vs Anunnaki (inter-galactic). Earth races sought exile on other planets and most Nephilim relocated to Sirius-A and then Nibiru. Again the Breneau of HU-5 intervened and negotiated a treaty between the warring factions.
“Treaty of El-Annu” agreed that the Nephilim would not return to Earth and that another Anunnaki-Human hybrid would be allowed to be created called “Annu” This treaty also created many divisions with-in the Anunnaki.
On one side we have the Law of One followers - Sirian-Blue (Sirius-A) and the Kantarians (Sirius-B) and the Sirian Council HU-2 Service to Others. GOOD
On the other side we have the Anunnaki resistance, the Dracos (Sirius-A) and the Drakon who were hell bent on destroying the Sphere of Amenti. Service to Self. EVIL
In order to regulate things a little the RA Confederacy & Sirian Council applied the “666” Templar-Axion Seal on the Dracos as well as the Anunnaki resistance, meaning neither could successfully interbreed with any other species other than their own. So now the Anunnaki-resistance’s only hope of keeping their foot in the door and getting back into earth was thru the new Anunnaki hybrid program “children of Annu” which the Treaty allowed the Anunnaki.
Earth Human Race 3rd Seeding
849,000 Years ago - The Sphere of Amenti was removed from earth’s core and placed in a secure location to be protected by Arcturians and Pleiadians. The Sphere was hidden in the Andromeda star system. Andromedans did not agree to military involvement as they did not support the Treaty of El-Annu. A portal bridge (the Arc of the Covenant) between earth D-2 core and the Sphere of Amenti in the Andromeda galaxy was constructed to allow/assist re-seeding on earth. This portal bridge was called the Arc of the Covenant of Paliador also known as the Arc of the Covenant. A 5-D seal was placed on the ARC, making it a one-way door, where souls could descend to earth but could not return, unless they had the 5-D gene-coding. (known as the Shield of the Arc).
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The Guardians |
The 6th Root Race Muvarians and their Melchizedek cloister held the 5-D gene code, meaning also that the Annu hybrids also held the key, as they were to be seeded thru the Melchizedek Cloister. Those who held the key/shield became Guardians. The shield would be released once 8% of the living population had assembled the 5th DNA strand. The earth-grid frequency would rise, igniting/activating the Sphere of Amenti to release/descend back to earth’s core taking approx.. 2000 years. Once this had occurred the blue flame of Amenti would be released (approx. 12 years process) to merge with the core/Sphere of Amenti. Once this was achieved the ascension portals to Tara would be opened.
Upon returning to earth for the 3rd seeding was discovered some survivors from 2nd seeding (Lamanians and Ur-Antrian).
800,000 YA - 55,000 YA
The Serres-Egyptians interbred with the Lamanians. The new race known as the Ur-tites known as Priesthood of Ur.
750,000 - 75,000 YA
All five cloister races birthed their line of race thru the Urtites
75000 YA Ur-Antrian Cloister
73000 YA Lamanian/Lemurian - Pacific Ocean and Andes mountains.
72000 YA Breanoua Cloister
70000 YA Atlanteans - Atlantic ocean & egypt.
68000 YA Hibiru Cloister
65000 YA Aryans - Black Sea & Carpathian mountains.
55000 YA - the Annu were seeded into the Atlantean Root Race. They kept in touch with their Sirian-Anunnaki forefathers.
73000 YA Lamanian/Lemurian - Pacific Ocean and Andes mountains.
72000 YA Breanoua Cloister
70000 YA Atlanteans - Atlantic ocean & egypt.
68000 YA Hibiru Cloister
65000 YA Aryans - Black Sea & Carpathian mountains.
55000 YA - the Annu were seeded into the Atlantean Root Race. They kept in touch with their Sirian-Anunnaki forefathers.
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Annunaki |
52000 years ago, the Templar-Annu (resistance infiltrated) allowed the forbidden Dracos to return to Earth to assist with infiltration of the Lemurian continent of Muarivhi in exchange for a permanent home-base on earth. As previously noted, the crystal generators were used by humans in an attempt to rid the underground Dracos, but plan backfired.
51750 years ago, the stability of the Arc of the Covenant was breached and was moved to Egypt. The Ceres-Egyptians would now share Guardianship. In order to show force/strength to scare of the TemSol Anunnaki Resistance, the Sirian-Anunnaki Council did a show of force, mounting an outpost on Mars and by visiting Egypt/Atlantis en-mass.
The Sirian Council then built pyramid structures all over earth directly over portal regions. They are Ascension chambers. You cannot use a stargate if your DNA frequencies are not aligned to the frequency of the will kill you. The Pyramids raise the vibration of the human body to match specific portals where they are built, re; Ley Lines, Earth Energy grid.
Giza to Atlantis
48000 years ago: the Pyramid structure was Sirian Anunnaki trademark. The Giza pyramid was built over the Arc of the Covenant to protect it from rebels. The Sphinx (body of a Leonine a Leonine HEAD later defaced and replaced with the head of an Anunnaki Warrior, over an inner earth entrance/portal/library/storage as a symbol tribute to the Leonines.
Leonine were a race of beings from HU-2, early founders of the Anunnaki. It also served to protect/cover the 5-D UHF energy devices (anti-gravity) known as the “Ankh” which were used to help build the pyramids. These Ankh’s became to be known as the "Arc of the Covenant" and the true identity of the Arc as a portal-bridge was lost. Sphinx was built first then the Great Pyramid. which was used as an active interstellar teleport station from the time of its construction, throughout the height of its operation.
46,459 BC-28,000 BC.

35,000 YA - The pure Melchizedek Cloister race began their first full birthing wave into human civilization, reinforcing the teachings of the Law of One and bringing their fifth DNA strand potentials into the human genetic pool. Guardianship of the Arc of the Covenant (Sphere of Amenti) was slowly turned over from the Sirian Council Anunnaki to the Annu-Melchizedeks, Cloister Melchizedeks, Hebrew (hybrids of fifth race Cloister Hibiru and the sixth race Cloister Melchizedeks created through the Host Matrix Transplants of the Second Seeding), and the Serres-Egyptians, all of whom became members of the early Egyptian priest craft.
Guardian Alliance & Original Galactic Federation Intervention
The Templar-Annu grew progressively more hostile within the territories under Sirian Council protection, and many relocated to Atlantis, which was becoming the Templar-Annu strong hold.
Angered that they were not permitted to enter the Inner Earth or use the Arc of the Covenant, the Templar-Annu devised a plan to conquer the Inner Earth territories by using the Atlantean crystal generators to tear down the electromagnetic barriers that secured the Inner Earth portals. The Templar-Annu began their conquest from the continent of Atlantis, but quickly discovered the Inner Earth portal shields could not be easily destroyed.
28,000 BC, as they forced excessive power through one of their main generator crystals, the crystal unit exploded, many times the force of many large atomic bombs. When an explosion in Atlantis caused Earth to tilt slightly on its axis, knocking the pyramid's D-4 vortex (Earth's heart chakra) out of its previous alignment with the vortex systems of Sirius B and several other planetary systems to which it had been originally aligned. The Atlantis explosion reduced Atlantis to 3 small islands. (Bermuda Islands) The Third Eye of Horus portal bridge to Sirius B did remain operational for smaller-scale visitations. The Earth was now more closely in alignment with the interstellar energy spirals that ran through the Pleiadian system, and so the new pyramid was oriented to an energetic alignment with Alcyone.
It was at this time, referring to the Mayan Calendar and the Yuga's that Earth enters a new 26,556-Year Time Cycle, Ascension Cycles. The civilizations of Earth continued to prosper and once again enjoyed interstellar visitation from their Sirian and Pleiadian allies. Atlantis continued to digress under the influence of a resurgence of the Templar-Annu. The Arc of the Covenant and the Inner Earth remained safe under the protection of the Sirian Council as Earth began her next natural 26,556-year cycle of evolution through the interdimensional time spirals. The Guardian Races Knew it would be a challenge to prepare the masses for the Ascension Cycle. But we are here and undergoing that cycle today, in 2021
Through the manipulation of the Anunnaki Resistance and the Templar-Annu, following the Atlantean explosions of 28,000 BC, preparing the races for the morphogenetic wave of 2017 AD which occurred, became a very difficult task, as the teachings that would allow this preparation to go smoothly were lost, manipulated, distorted or destroyed, and as time went on, the majority of humans did not have access to this information.
The Matrix system we have been speaking about was manipulated and The Negative Alien agenda NAA is to force the planet to serve another multiple species Controller agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as Holographic Inserts, AI and Mind Control, namely created under genetically “reptilian based” Archons extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the Human race and the kingdoms under human domain.
The NAA can be best understood as a Psychopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse. When the guardian races planned the preparation of the races for their 2017 AD awakening, they had not realized the extent to which these manipulations would distort the evolution of human culture, nor the degree to which the races would digress under this influence. It has taken the last 4 years to work to un-damage this cycle and begin to Awaken the Human population and We, the 144,000 have been working diligently to accomplish his task.
22,326 BC - the Luciferian Anunnaki races decimated guardian races attempting to intervene in an event known as the Eieyani Massacre, which took place on the remnants of the Lemurian Continent now known as Kauai, Hawaii.
21,900 BC - They collapsed the Firmament Hydro-suspension Fields of Lohas, northeast Atlantis in the Lohas-Celtec-Druidec Freeze Out, in an attempt to destroy the Maji Angelic Human Grail Kings in exile there; this event gave us our last major glacial period of 21,900 BC-14,000 BC.
10,500 BC - The next phase of the Luciferian dominion plan unfolded in an event called the Luciferian Conquest, at which time the Atlantean Islands of Nohasa and Bruah fell to Annu-Melchizedek Anunnaki-Human hybrid and Fallen Jehovian and Luciferian Anunnaki control.
After defeating the Anunnaki Resistance attack, and assisting the races of Egypt to rebuild their cultures, the Sirian Council and guardian allies of humanity continued to visit and assist the evolving cultures, serving as a counterbalance to the Anunnaki Resistance and Templar-Annu forces that continued to assert their influence on Earth.
The new teleport station of the rebuilt pyramid of Giza, now aligned with the energetic systems of Alcyone and the Pleiades, offered swift guardian intervention and protection of Earth and easy access to Earth visitation. The Anunnaki Resistance, the Drakon, their allies or any other groups not authorized by the Sirian Council, were not permitted to access the Alcyone spiral for Earth visitation.
Unauthorized groups could, however, “take the long way in,” using other inter-galactic portals which connected to Earth's portal system. Though these alternative routes of visitation demanded much more time and resources, they were still frequently used by other stellar cultures, who also influenced the development of the races.
The Anunnaki Resistance still occasionally infiltrated the Sirian Council security systems, and secretly worked with members of the Templar-Annu, primarily those in the Atlantean Islands. The Atlantean culture digressed into a torturous, elitist society run by the Templar-Annu operatives of the Anunnaki Resistance, and due to their actions 9,558 BC, Earth civilizations would be changed forever.
9560 BC - Luciferian Covenant: Negative Aliens enter full alliance under the One World Order Anti-Christos Agenda formally mandated through the Luciferian Covenant. Omicron-Drakonian and Odedicron-Reptilian races of Orion form second competing Orion-Drakonian One World Order Agenda. Main Sirius A Jehovian-Anunnaki (“Bipedal Dolphin People”) race form third competing Jehovian One World Order Agenda.
9558 BC The Anunnaki Races of the Luciferian Covenant orchestrated the “Atlantean Flood” and the intentional “re-writing” of human history since this time. Forbidden History reveals a long-term plot within which the Anti-Christiac Agendas of the Atlantean Conspiracy emerged after the flood into the present day
Atlantis Holocaust and the rewriting of the Human Gene Code and History
9,558 BC, the first major stumbling block to the guardian races awakening plan took place in.
Thoth-Enki Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati Humans that took over Bruah Atlantis follow initiatives of the Samjase-Luciferian-Anunnaki ''Larsa King'' that took over Lohas Atlantis, sending EM Pulse from Bruah Generator Crystals to Giza, causing major flooding via final collapse of Firmament Hydro-suspension Field over Nohasa and Bruah Atlantis.
The Templar-Annu, motivated by the Anunnaki Resistance, devised a plan to take control of the Great Pyramid teleport station so the Resistance could have free access to the Alcyone spiral. Their plan also included the destruction of the Sphere of Amenti.
Using Ankh tools pirated from the Annu-Melchizedeks of the Inner Earth, the Templar-Annu attempted to direct UHF fifth-dimensional energy from the Ankhs, through the Great Crystal Generators which still remained operational in the Atlantean Islands, through the Earth's energetic grid and into the Arc of the Covenant portal bridge. They intended to send this high-powered electromagnetic pulse (EMP) through the Arc of the Covenant and into the Sphere of Amenti that was held within a planetary core in the Andromeda Galaxy (M31).
Their erroneous calculations indicated that if they sent precise EM pulse patterns into the Arc of the Covenant, the Sphere of Amenti could be isolated as a target for destruction, and the Blue Flame (morphogenetic field for Tara) could be released and returned through the Arc of the Covenant, to be used as an inexhaustible source of power. With the Blue Flame Staff of Amenti under their control, the Anunnaki Resistance could easily orchestrate a massive Earth takeover. But the Templar-Annu failed to access the frequency codes used by the guardians to protectively seal the Sphere of Amenti against such attack, and that miscalculation became the Downfall of Atlantis. When the Templar-Annu sent their destroyer beam EM pulse through the Arc of the Covenant, the EM pulse intercepted the Sphere of Amenti with its security seal.
The security seal would not allow the EM pulse to travel into the Amenti Sphere, but instead created a double overtone frequency pattern that sent the EM pulse into a state of fission. The exploding energies focused in the Andromeda Galaxy quickly refracted off of the security seal on the Sphere, replicated and intensified, then projected back down through the Arc of the Covenant, disseminated through the Earth grid, then refocused on their point of origin, the Main Crystal Generator beneath the largest Island of Atlantis.
Since the Nephilim Wars the Nibiru Annunaki Resistance and Patriarchal Melchizedek factions decide to take over the Inner Earth and start aggressive campaigns to take over the earth territories 30,000 years ago.
The Sirians warned them about the abuse of crystal technology in the earth core and these groups continued to force massive power generators into the earth and Crystal Caverns. Several power generators exploded and ripped apart the surface continents of the earth, more powerful than the previous Cataclysm at the time of the Lemurian Holocaust, killing many humans again.
The Giza teleport station was again thrown out of alignment, as the Earth's vortex beneath it (Earth's “heart chakra”) no longer energetically lined up properly with the Alcyone spiral. After the explosions beneath Atlantis ceased, the Sirian Council ordered the Sirian Blue Race to remove the crystal generators which had not exploded. The massive crystals were dredged from the ocean floor and returned to Sirius B. With the removal of the crystals, humanity's technological abilities were thrown into the dark ages, and the once glorious civilizations of Earth were reduced to primitive organizations based upon survival concerns and built through manual labor.
9540 BC - Following the deluge, the RA confederacy + Elohim + others altered earth’s morphogenetic field creating a natural frequency fence which did not allow 4D to plug into 3D. Also all interstellar portals were de-activated. All ET’s were put on a hands off, non-interference, and earth was quarantined. The frequency fence allowed the elohim to favour their own kind (Hibiru Cloister race and Serres-Egyptian). 3rd DNA strand manifested without 7-12 base-tones resulting in genetic mutation. These gaps in DNA caused memory loss between conscious awareness and astral awareness causing distortion/loss in dream re-call.
The ego (5 senses) and the higher-self (10-12 overtone frequency) were now split/separated. We lost all direct assistance/relationship with multi-dimensional galactic communities. Conscious recall of higher dimensions requires 4th DNA strand. Egyptian-Serres + Annu-Melchizedek + hebrew peoples were now guardians of the Arc and and had custody of the Rods/Staff (re: Moses) and their connection to inner earth portals remained. Somewhere amongst this saga the Zephilium (Zeta Reticuli) genetically mixed with the Templar-Annu in the hope of reversing their mutating genes and creating a hybrid for themselves to embody that was more suitable to earth.
12-DNA strand package is the highest genetic imprint in a HU-1 and HU-2 and when fully activated can embody a 12-D oversoul.
2409 BC - The Sphere of Amenti was released from D4 by the Elohim.
1398 BC - An avatar from HU-2 (pure Anunnaki - sirian council) carrying 9-D frequencies was born thru Annu-Melchizedek in Thebes Egypt. His name was Amenophis-IV (changed his name to Akhenaton in 1366BC. His father was Amenophis-III (serres-egyptian) and mother was Queen Tiy (Annu-Melchzedek)
1374 BC - Halls of Amenti were opened. At age 28 Akhenaton was taken to inner earth for and trained for ascension.
1367 BC - Relocated to Tel-El-Amarna. At the time Giza pyramid was still under control of Amonist priests of serres-egyptian lineage. Along the way Akhenaton became a little twisted in his ways and showed favoritism only towards the Annu peoples and would not allow any other race to ascend thru halls of amenti. An alternative plan was devised without Akhenaton’s knowledge by Priests of Ur and Elohim to allow other (non-Annu) races to ascend. This plan was carried out by his 200 Blue-Flame Melchizedek support staff.
Keepers of the Blue Flame was headed by: Primary Flame Holder: 3D Phaelopea High Priestess, Inner Circle Flame keepers, 3D General Haremhab (army general), Sabatoth (physician and half-brother) and Ankhi (Kiya) his 4th wife.
1362 BC - Akhenaton found out what was going on, went crazy, and sentenced Ankhi and Sabatoth to death but they escaped to Giza. Haremhab was not found out but this was short lived when Akhenaton found him and some other blue flame keepers in the portals. Basically a little scuffle broke out, Akhenaton tried to close the Halls of Amenti, his Staff/Rod beam was redirected by a flame holder in which a part of the Sphere of Amenti collapsed allowing chaotic D-1 and D-2 souls (underworld) to be released. The Elohim intervened, resealed the Sphere of Amenti and wiped everyone's memory of the whole incident and returned them back to their homes. Because the Sphere of Amenti was broken in two, anyone trying to ascend thru it would become soul fragmented. Akhenaton took this warning as some sort of conspiracy against him and the Annu. So he did not listen and proceeded to ascend people thru. Elohim intervened again, deactivated the rods/staff and sealed of the Halls of Amenti.
From here conspiracy brewed to assassinate Akhenaton by his uncle (younger bro of Amenophis-III) and his 1st wife Nefereti.
1353 BC Ankhi (4th wife) and 2yr old son were 1st assassinated and then in Akhenaton the same.
1344 BC Smenkhkare took throne, Sabatoth was imprisoned and then executed. Sabatoth left behind a son to wife Amenhotep. Child was named Tutankhaten. Tutankhaten married Ankhesenpaaten (3rd daughter of Akhenaton) Smenkhkare was assassinated and Tutankhaten took the throne.
To please the Serres priesthood his name was changed to Tutankhamun. He became a puppet to Haremhab who was starting to favour the Serres-Egyptians and moved away from the Keepers of the Blue-Flame.
To please the Serres priesthood his name was changed to Tutankhamun. He became a puppet to Haremhab who was starting to favour the Serres-Egyptians and moved away from the Keepers of the Blue-Flame.
Tutankhamun resisted this, but at age 17 was poisoned. Aya an old councilor priest and friend of Haremhab was appointed to the throne. After Aya died, Haremhab appointed himself and went about destroying any evidence of his affiliations with the blue-flame keepers and the Aton movement.
Guardianship of the Arc of Covenant was now transferred to the Hibiru Cloister races. Due to Akhenaton's big fiasco, there was major rifts/divisions among the ranks of the Elohim HU-3, the Sirian Council of HU-2 and the Ra Confederacy. Elohim abandoned their attention to the human race (as thought we were losers) save the Annu-Melchizedek and Hebrew peoples. Elohim decided the only way to ensure pure genetic breeding was to become pro-male dominated, thus controlling the women for breeding purposes. Finally an appeal was made to the RA confederacy.
1240 BC - The Azurites and the Elohim established the Essene Brotherhood. Again, the Elohim took things into their own hands with various interbreeding agendas. Due to this, the priests of Ur decided to disassociate themselves from the main essene brotherhood, save a few select essene families.
1979BC - An ET Nephilim from the 2nd seeding was brought to earth, his name Melchizedek, King of Salem (later Salem became JeruSalem).
Jesheua 12's Mission
First in was Jesheua Melchizedek in 12 BC. This was done by artificial insemination (not the fantasy magic immaculate conception, as there is no such thing,) of Jeudi and his father was Joehius. We are now beginning to comprehend something of the import and significance of the Holy Grail as it relates to not just the DNA but to a fully integrated 12-strand DNA, and further that it more deeply embraces the Divine Blueprint or Kathara grid—the holder of the DNA, which also manifests a hierarchical gradient of frequencies.
Underground portals were used for Egypt Melchizedek Initiations for Ascension out of Stargates, as well as in Amarna where Akhenaton (another Guardian Templar) had left information for these groups in the area. The Amarna portal was accessed to hide Law of One and Guardian Founder Races technology the Reclaimed emerald Tablets of the Emerald Order Elohim stolen by the great imposter Thoth, who is Lucifer, the Fallen Angelic who claimed them as his own, as well as the famed Keylontic CDT holographic plates that were used by Moses to build the Cherubim mechanism that activates the Arc of the Covenant.
Thru the birth of Jesheua-12 the Hebrew and Melchizedek morph-field of Alcyone was re-integrated. The Sphere of Amenti was repaired and the thus The Jesus 'figure' became known as the 'savior' of the races. But it is NOT as the violent religions have taught, to cleanse a made up 'original sin,' but to fix the DNA damaged via Cabal manipulation and cross seeding.
That was the original DISTORTION OF THE BLUEPRINT, referred to as 'original sin,' they took the onus of the distortion off themselves and through 'religion,' placed the blame of the sin on the humans, thereby enslaving the species to a life of remorse forgiveness and continual atonement. Do you see the control mechanism for what is it?
The Amarna portal was accessed to hide Law of One and Guardian Founder Races technology the Reclaimed emerald Tablets of the Emerald Order Elohim stolen by the great imposter Thoth, who is Lucifer, the Fallen Angelic who claimed them as his own, as well as the famed Keylontic CDT holographic plates that were used by Moses to build the Cherubim mechanism that activates the Arc of the Covenant.
During the mission, it was the purpose of Jesheua12 and his twin Mary, through access to their higher embodiment as a Universal Blue Flame Melchizedeks, to help regain control over the Essene Christos Templar translations from the 12 holographic discs. (think actual discs of the Arc of Covenant, Old Testament, the temple set up given to Moses, a Guardian and the priests). Those discs. the Guardian Alliance Discs.
Their embodiment was divinely purposed to retrieve much of the Founder Records The Christos Mission was not a complete success however as the Anti Christos mission has moves on the board as well. The mission was partially successful, but they could not recover Blue Ray Staff and Mother Principal Force for the Earth Core. The 5D Blue Flame Staff alignment was destroyed in the Stonehenge DNA Fire Letters code scrambling, that was a result of the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion.
Jeshewua 9's mission.
Second inwas Jeshewua Melchizedek in 7 BC in the same way, artificial insemination to Mary and Joseph of the house of David. At 27 Jeshewua spent three years studying with the Ascended Master in Persia and India, including the three wise men, Ascended matser Avatars in their own right, who had come with anointing herbs and spices when he was born.
In addition to the fraternal Spiritual twin, Jeshua 12, Jeshewua, also had six OTHER biologic siblings as well, 4 brothers and 2 sisters. Just so we are clear about the validity of that statement, refer to your own bible below. As true biological human offspring of Joesph and Mary, they were not of special stepped down avatar lineage.
We are now beginning to comprehend something of the import and significance of the Holy Grail as it relates to not just the DNA, of the crist as we will explaine below, but to a fully integrated 12-strand DNA, and further that it more deeply embraces the Divine Blueprint or Kathara grid—the holder of the DNA, which also manifests a hierarchical gradient of frequencies.
Mark 3:31–35
Jesus’ Mother and Brothers 31 and his mother and his brothers came, and standing outside they sent to him and called him. 32 And a crowd was sitting around him, and they said to him, “Your mother and your brothers your sisters are outside, seeking you.” 33 And he answered them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” 34 And looking about at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! 35 For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.”
Jeshewua 9, was here to restore the 12 Strand Christos Angelic Human DNA Genetic BIOLOGIC Blueprint back to SAVE the human species, by his introducing the biologic portion, 'blood of the lamb' to counter the ongoing genetic attack that would take upon the human genome from then until now:
- to remove the ADAMU hybrid DNA sequence introduced by Yahweh 5500 years ago
- to combat the ongoing and future attacks on the human DNA by the CABAL/Pharisees via Fluoride, chemicals, chemtrails, vaxes, etc.
Jesus was an Aramaic Speaking, Essene Gnostic. Leader of the Guardian Templar Knights. The Guardian Alliance. He was not a Hebrew, nor is he JEWISH. He is real, and he saved our species, just not in the 'magic' Archon version you've been fed for 2200 years. It was his DNA that SAVED US. "The blood.... of the lamb" He brought CLEAN DNA to save the species from the distortions they have been and ARE TRYING to impose into HUMAN DNA now, still today, with the VAX. His perfect DNA BLOOD LINE IS THE HOLY GRAIL. ...welcome to the real Awakening.
All these events were in preparation of the great VEIL Frequency Blocking Fence Lift in 2012, (Mayan Calendar) so the Aurora Host "TEMPLARS" of Christ Consciousness energy that started again in December of 2014, could be received by the Guardian Grid Workers on the planet and anchored into the Terran Grid. This would begin to begin the Earth's Awakening and Ascension, for the Last Harvest of Souls, before the Universal Gate 3 closes in 2230, ushering in the Second Coming of The Christ, as foretold in The Book of Revelations
196 BC Ascension cycle began.. The half-way point was 2017 AD.
1906 - An asteroid was heading towards earth, the Azurite council, Elohim and Ra allowed permission for non-direct intervention. The asteroid was broken up by the Guardians, only some fragments entered earth atmosphere (Tunguska-Russia). 2nd time this occurred was in 1982, again it was broken up.
1926 Zeta/Zephilium from planet Apaxein-Lau began interacting with certain factions of several earth governments.
Update 7-1-2021
Three CMEs Coronal Mass Ejections were diverted or the Planet would not have survived. A direct hit would have devastated the planet: What did hit, tore through Earth's orbit, hitting the STEREO-A spacecraft. The spacecraft is a solar observatory equipped to measure such activity, and because it was far away from the Earth and thus not exposed to the strong electrical currents that can be induced when a CME hits the Earth's magnetosphere, it survived the encounter and provided researchers with valuable data. Based on the collected data, the eruption consisted of two separate ejections which were able to reach exceptionally high strength as the interplanetary medium around the Sun had been cleared by a smaller CME four days earlier. Had the CME hit the Earth, it is likely that it would have inflicted serious damage to electronic systems on a global scale.
A 2013 study estimated that the economic cost to the United States would have been between US$600 billion and $2.6 trillion. Ying D. Liu, professor at China's State Key Laboratory of Space Weather, estimated that the recovery time from such a disaster would have been about four to ten years. The record fastest CME associated with the solar storm of August 1972 is thought to have occurred in a similar process of earlier CMEs clearing particles in the path to Earth. This storm arrived in 14.6 hours, an even shorter duration after the parent flare erupted than for the great solar storm of 1859. The event occurred at a time of high sunspot activity during Solar cycle 24.
Several projects by Zeta/Draco were intent on destroying earths grid vibration rate to stop us from evolving ascending. The Zeta were involved with Atlantis and for a time with colonization of Mars.
1748 - Zeta setup a frequency fence. This fence blocks dream/astral/OOB recall. The planet has been surrounded by an Artificial Machinery that prevents access to certain higher forces, higher frequencies, and maintains the collective Mind Control through a Controller frequency fence. These frequency fences are the Mind Control fields that propagate and feed into anti-life structures that power the Imposter Spirit entities and their Anubian Black Heart circulatory systems. They have impaired and controlled human consciousness evolution for thousands of years. Frequency Fences are used to unplug DNA codes and block high frequencies from the earth population which can be manipulated to control perception as well as what an individual can experience through their five Basic Human Senses.
When we intend to raise our consciousness frequency, and embody higher levels of spiritual identity, this raises our fundamental Lightbody frequency and shifts us out of the range of the frequency fence transmissions and a variety of bio-neurological blockages.
When we intend to raise our consciousness frequency, and embody higher levels of spiritual identity, this raises our fundamental Lightbody frequency and shifts us out of the range of the frequency fence transmissions and a variety of bio-neurological blockages.
From 1941 through 1943 the Zeta offered the US. Navy a technology to make objects appear invisible (Philadelphia Experiment.) The Zeta had an ulterior motive.
They knew that a manufactured Merkabah field would disrupt Earth’s natural Merkabah fields causing a rip in Space-Time. Thru this tear/hole the Zeta brought in cloaked and dimensionally invisible ships. They fired EM pulses at the Sun, disrupting the Merkabah field of the Sun, causing them to reverse becoming electrical rather than magnetic. The disturbances they caused were reported as The Geomagnetic Blitz of September 1941, a massive geomagnetic storm disrupted electrical power, interrupted radio broadcasts, and illuminated the night sky in a World War II battle theater.
1949-1972 - NASA was created 1949. This caused the Sun to behave abnormally (massive solar winds) and if the Guardians had not intervened again, there would have been a major polar shift in the 70’s/80’s. (much sooner than there would be; The Galactic Wave generated by the Electric Wars that hit's every 11,600 years.) The goal of the Zeta was to misalign the grids to enforce a frequency fence to stop earth/humans from Ascending at the end of the 25,600 yea cycle when the veil/quarantine was lifted in 2012 re; Mayan Calendar. In order for us to ascend, the Sphere of Amenti had to be in place by 1/1/1988 and activated by 2000AD. That was accomplished.
1970-1975 In the early 70’s the Guardians placed a 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence to stabilize the damage caused by the Zeta. (This frequency fence began to lift on 11th Jan 1992.)
By 1982-1984 most Zeta/Draco gave up and made treaties/agreements with the Guardian races. Except for a few resistance factions who still desired to control/own earth and are the last vestiges of the NAA CABAL. The agreement included re-location of all Zeta/Draco hybrids to a D-4 planetary system and dismantling of their Frequency Fence.(2012) This was the moment that awakening began full on and we all started becoming more aware of not only the System, but we began receiving Intergalactic, Galactic and Universal Frequencies that had otherwise been blocked by the NAA fence.
The Primary Zeta that have refused to give up were Zeta Greys from the star Rigel (Orion system), known as the Rigelians or Futchzi. This group caused another major disruption via the Montauk project. Abductions continued to happen (symptoms =3D babies born prior 7months gestation period), in which the Guardians would locate, re-abduct to disable the zeta/draco genetic codes.
The Cabal, have run the governments and Secret space programs, now being revealed through Disclosure. And they are waging a last desperate battle through information manipulation, lockdowns, violence, corruption, medical and biological warfare now coming to light and to it's conclusion.
The Guardians have setup a bridge-zone project (failed) (which the Zeta/Draco resistance are aware of) to further protect earth from any more disruptions. Guardian’s original plan was to send transmissions via the artificial D4 Christ Consciousness grid to raise the earth vibration.
Earth vibration would rise in:
Oct-1986 - 1st spark the Arc of the Covenant
1986 - 8% of earth population re-aligned their 4th DNA strand thus further breaking up the Zeta frequency fence which is meant to keep us at 3rd DNA strand level. Since then the zeta/draco are getting desperate to stop us/earth from evolving
1988 - Sphere of Amenti would complete 14 month descent
June-1998 - 2nd spark of the A.C beginning 12 years descent of the Blue Flame.
Between 1988 and 2017 Earth’s 7-natural seals / primary vortex points would open as the dimensional morphogenetic fields and stellar spirals blended with each other.
1988 - Sphere of Amenti would complete 14 month descent
June-1998 - 2nd spark of the A.C beginning 12 years descent of the Blue Flame.
Between 1988 and 2017 Earth’s 7-natural seals / primary vortex points would open as the dimensional morphogenetic fields and stellar spirals blended with each other.
2004 - Realign earth grid, 4th vortex heart chakra at Giza with the Alcyone Holographic Beam.
2012 - Open the Halls of Amenti
2012 - Open the Halls of Amenti
Once the Sphere of Amenti was opened, if the D4 frequency could not enter Earth’s core by Jan 2000, the morphogenetic fields of Tara which are stored at the center of our sun would explode, taking out with it the 10-planets in this solar system, but also setting up a chain reaction in the Pleiadian star system of which our Sun is a part of.
Final Drama
The Zeta/Draco implemented a plan to re-setup their frequency fence/Zeat Seal in 2003. The main purpose was to keep us under and subdued and not make our ascension progression. What to do? If things were not handled correctly, Earth’s population would be dwindled by mass earth changes between 2012-2017.
The Zeta/Draco implemented a plan to re-setup their frequency fence/Zeat Seal in 2003. The main purpose was to keep us under and subdued and not make our ascension progression. What to do? If things were not handled correctly, Earth’s population would be dwindled by mass earth changes between 2012-2017.
Another option was to stop the Sphere of Amenti from activating thus trapping humanity in HU-1/3D for another 26,556 years before they could attempt ascending again. A confrontation between the Guardians and the Zeta/Draco would destroy the earth and surrounding planets from the wages of war. So confrontation was not the answer. In any case, if the ascension plans were aborted or sabotaged and Earth remains under Draco/Zeta control... Earth would still meet an untimely destruction by 2976AD due to abuse by Draco/Zeta.
The solution was the Bridge-Zone Project. (BZP) In a nutshell, without getting to technical and into the mechanics of it, the BZP was this; Since the Draco/Zeta could not be moved out of the way, the Guardians moved Earth IN IT"S TOTALITY out of the way, out of the HU-1 time cycle. It failed.
This would have naturally occurred in 4230AD but now had to be forced ahead of schedule for the year 2017AD. We are in the midst of that Time Cycle Shift.
The Zeta had made calculations from the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment, of how to inject EM pulses into the earth grid to setup their Frequency Fence. The Guardians by increasing the Merkabah field frequencies from HU1/D3 to 3.5 made the zeta/draco calculations useless. Since their EM Pulse would not reach the New Earth Grid Speed, they would not have time to re-calculate. Bloody Brilliant.
HAARP a Zeta/Draco experiment, could attempt to recalculate as they know what the Guardians BZP is. To be able to shift to the Bridge Zone, the population would have to assemble 4.5 strands of DNA. 8% of the population would need 5-strands and 144,000 need 6-strand DNA.
This time-shifting of planets procedure is very complex and requires full direct intervention and thus full approval and is rarely, if ever implemented. Normally people, species and planets are left alone to evolve according to the choices they make. BUT where there are consequences involving numerous planets, star systems, intervention is required. We are in the final stages of this Ascension process and Earth is about to again go through a huge metamorphosis, vibrationally, spiritually, technologically, physiologically and physically. Certain Mechanisms and people have been put in place to assist humanity in the Awakening/Enlightenment Ascension process.
09/14/2021: As of this update Bridge Zone Project has failed. Krystal River Project is now authorized and current. Evac order has been given.
1/17/23: T
here is no Ascension Plan B. Bardoh is now the only way off TERRA. see Cosmic Law of Evolution
Delta for overlap of timelines divergence Fibonacci vs Krystal is 11/8/2023 Solar Events start: 2022. Gates Close:2230. Terra Step Back: 2976
to be continued.............
Thank you for all your hard work blessing on blessings!
Namaste, L
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