Applying The Law of One Vibration mechanics to meditation sessions.
Slowing The Roll or Upping the Roll using the same syncopation. a 33-Minute Meditation session.
If you do not have a dedicated mediation area, set a place outside of normal traffic lanes wherever you are to sit quietly and comfortably for a half an hour.
1. Sit with palms up on knees, index finger and thumb touching.
2. Phonetically, in your chest match the digeridoo's tone when it starts on the 1 beat. 3. 4/4 time, 4 bars per mantra, 4 beats to a measure. *
Ooohhhmmm maniiiiii Padddme Uuuuuhhmmm.
Ooohhhmmm maniiiiii Padddme Uuuuuhhmmm.
Ooohhhmmm maniiiiii Padddme Uuuuuhhmmm.
Ooohhhmmm maniiiiii Padddme Uuuuuhhmmm
Ooohhhmmm maniiiiii Padddme Uuuuuhhmmm
Smart Tip: Headphones/earbuds are recommended for the full vibrational impact on the biologic and chakra systems. **8 beats per measure will offer a higher frequency, more energetic session.
I tend to prefer 8 beats per measure in a 12-bar syncopation such as this, as it allows my biologic form interaction vibrationally on the micro level: a factor of 10−6 (one millionth) which then allows me to then respond energetically to the 1/2 and 1/4 beats within the structure of the 4 bars of the vibration complex, or each 4-bar measure, on a macro level as I apply the vibrational frequencies to my chakra system.
The drums in this piece offer an infinite variety of vibration variations and configurations as you access the Akashic Quantum level of the vibrational structure.
It is imperative that once you begin this 'spiritual path to Enlightenment, opening yourself up to outside forces and energies you have newly discovered but completely don't understand, that you protect yourself. This unfortunately is a key missing ingredient to the initial Awakening process,as it is currently taught online in the 'spiritual community', and is the very reason that blockages and regression in your walk occur.
These are Suggested Matntrs and or guides to help you set up a daily routine of proitection practices.
Human Rights
Moral principles that describe certain standard of human behavior, they are the same in Gods natural laws, the Law of One.
- I have the right to take care of myself and protect myself from being threatened physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
- I have the right to set my own priorities and choose the manner I express to live on earth, as long as it does not intentionally harm others.
- I have the right to express feelings, opinions, and desires.
- I have the right to be treated respectfully.
- I have the right to create my own happy, healthy life based in spiritual purpose.
- I have the right to be God, Sovereign and Free and be given the power to be in charge of directing my energies and life force.
- I recognize that other sentient expressions of Source (others) also have these rights and in Service to Others and The Law of One, I must respect their personal soverignty, as I would ask respect for mine.
⚔️As Christos Templar, I open (or close) this day in Unconditional Love, Forgiveness & Service to Law of One.
✨"O Cosmic Birther, Father, Infinite Creator of all radiance and vibration, soften the ground of our Being and carve out a space within us where your Presence can abide.
✨Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruit of our mission.
✨Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruit of our mission.
✨Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with your desire.
✨Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what each Being needs to grow and flourish.
✨Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us, as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes.
✨Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose, but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.
✨I open my Eterrnal Light Body and anchor The Aurora & Guardian Host Frequencies into the Terran Grid permanently.
✨Jeshewua, watch over this space now and escort all Negative Energies and frequencies out at this time. I thank those NAEs for their service and respectfully demand that they leave this space, all entities filled with intelligent energy, and all Sentient Beings within immediately. I break any negative contracts I may have enterd into unknowingly now.
✨I ask Source Father and Mother to meet within my heart and gird my 12D Shield. I ask that Jeshewua and my Guardian/Aurora Teams remove any blockages and heal any tears, rips or wounds in my Spiritual, Emotional, Astral & Biological Light Body & Chakras now.Keep the 12 D Shield intact and revolving correctly.
✨I thank Source Father & Mother Gaia for allowing me to wake each day and partake of your wonder and glory. I thank you for your darshan and I offer mine in return.
✨Source Father, please fill my cup with your Wisdom, Love and Eternal Energy, that I might be a Way-Shower to ALL that You are.
✨Please take that cup and impart it into my Heart, that I might share it with all, within and without.
✨Jeshewua, Guardian Team, please help lock this into My Akashic Record, My DNA, My Heart and My Whole Consciousness forever and now.
I AM ____________.
✨Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what each Being needs to grow and flourish.
✨Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us, as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes.
✨Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose, but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.
✨I open my Eterrnal Light Body and anchor The Aurora & Guardian Host Frequencies into the Terran Grid permanently.
✨Jeshewua, watch over this space now and escort all Negative Energies and frequencies out at this time. I thank those NAEs for their service and respectfully demand that they leave this space, all entities filled with intelligent energy, and all Sentient Beings within immediately. I break any negative contracts I may have enterd into unknowingly now.
✨I ask Source Father and Mother to meet within my heart and gird my 12D Shield. I ask that Jeshewua and my Guardian/Aurora Teams remove any blockages and heal any tears, rips or wounds in my Spiritual, Emotional, Astral & Biological Light Body & Chakras now.Keep the 12 D Shield intact and revolving correctly.
✨I thank Source Father & Mother Gaia for allowing me to wake each day and partake of your wonder and glory. I thank you for your darshan and I offer mine in return.
✨Source Father, please fill my cup with your Wisdom, Love and Eternal Energy, that I might be a Way-Shower to ALL that You are.
✨Please take that cup and impart it into my Heart, that I might share it with all, within and without.
✨Jeshewua, Guardian Team, please help lock this into My Akashic Record, My DNA, My Heart and My Whole Consciousness forever and now.
I AM ____________.
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