Saturday, December 25, 2021
Relationship Mastery Guidelines from the Guardian Perspective; Nine Steps to Mastering Relationships
This is the truth of right relationship, of loving understanding, of actively expressed Love. It is the foundation of Christos- unity consciousness and the expression of the inner unity within or Hieros Gamos.
Embodying Love
True Compassionate Love naturally brings Unity. The true love relationship is a relationship with our own inner being as practiced in the Law of One. When we embody Love we experience Source. It is necessary to be in love and peace with oneself so that one can be able to love others without fear. The feeling of one's own esteem, dignity, and self-respect opens the possibility to feeling selfless love towards others. This is the process we are learning and living through at the end of the Ascension Cycle in order to become Authentically Human again.
Improving our Compassionate communication with others, improving our relating skills, personally and in group dynamics, is a skill set that will go a long way to serve your mission. With that in mind we set forth a few guidelines to remember when communicating with others or relating with others.
Nine Steps of Mastery
Nine Steps to Mastery
1. Self-Responsibility – Being able to own your own emotional conflicts without blame or projection upon another person by making it their fault. Do not assume that you know anything about that person that can be judged for what you cannot see or really know about them, as you have not walked in their shoes. When feeling upset towards somebody else, restore balance to your heart and aura by lovingly holding boundaries without violating others boundaries, by expecting them to resolve your conflict. Be willing and open to learn what the real issue is that has created the conflict. As most of the time, we're upset about something deep down from our own inner fears and it's not what it appears to be. By going deeper and reflecting on forgiveness of ourselves and forgiveness of others, while allowing the time and space needed to heal, helps to neutralize the conflict in most cases.
2. Conservation - Being able to discern the right use of action harnesses precious time and life force so that we can all be more effective and impactful in our lives. Cultivate the wisdom of knowing when to engage and when not to engage with others in conflicting circumstances or dramas. No person needs to justify their existence or choices to another person or really needs to care what other people think of them. Attempt to stay clear of emotional drama or emotional tantrums by not engaging with them. It means that you do not feed the drama to escalate into chaos or further disruption. Dark energies and dark forces use emotional drama to instigate schisms and chaos between yourself and others. Making all of us especially in this spiritual family less effective by scattering our energies and generating more confusion. When we learn to conserve our energy, it means we have a stronger focus and one becomes more effective and productive in their lives. When we learn conservation skills, we actually gain more resources and a deeper connection with our spiritual source. If we waste time and we waste energy, we reach an energy threshold that cannot be increased or circulated. This potentially drains us and therefore dissipates the positive influence and positive frequencies we intended to circulate back into the environment. When we are scattered with our personal energies, this makes us less effective and impactful in the world.
3. Respond – In the moment, learn how to choose your response rather than react to life events, people and challenging circumstances. Reaction and impulses are subconscious programming and it mostly operates from a preconceived idea of fear or mind control. Observe the reactions inside of your body, in regard to yourself and others, and ask your body to show you the story of where the impulses are coming from. The memory that is behind the subconscious program of that reaction. As one learns to enquire about the reactions that you automatically generate, much is learned about our body consciousness and this can effectively be healed and cleared from continuing the reaction or trigger. Emotional catharsis techniques and much of the ES Core Triad practices include several steps to help release the story, clearing the memory from the body so it can return to a new pattern which is free of automatic and reactive pain. Choosing forgiveness, choosing kindness, choosing compassion and working on choosing self-love and self-acceptance is all a decision one has the power to make in every moment. By choosing your responses, you are gaining control over your self.
4. Reverence – All beings have the right to exist and to co-exist. By learning there are mutual benefits present between all relationships and by respecting each person's right to exist is a demonstration of reverence for life. Reverence for life force and for god force in all of its aspects and in all of its permutations. We choose to avoid behaviors of criticism or presumption, or being disrespectful with harmful accusations in order to gain control or to manipulate others, such as by giving unsolicited advice or placing demands. Learn to live and let live.
5. Humility – By knowing our place in the universe and the role we play, one acts in humility, knowing that all is a part of the god Source. All is equal in the love of Source and no being, no person is judged as better or worse, higher or valued more than any other. By acting from humility and from devoting yourself to spiritual service when you are called upon to do something, this is an action of stewardship in humility that you accept the job given. There is no self-entitlement given in spiritual service. Entitlement is a distortion of spiritual ambition and negative ego that feels superior to others. And if self-entitlement is left unchecked in leadership, it will result in a correction or what is known as a root downfall.
6. Discernment – Without using ego judgment test the personal resonance of people, events and circumstances that you choose to engage with or exchange with, determining which is either aligned to your person or not aligned to your person, in that moment. There is no right or wrong answer, only personal resonance and choice. That answer may change continually in different timelines depending on when you ask the question and what powers of discernment are cultivated. Learning personal discernment builds our necessary boundaries to discover what is productive and supportive for fulfilling our spiritual path or not. Discernment allows for continual productive growth and for the effective use of our personal energies and focused attention. By upholding our personal boundaries and applying discernment towards all things that we focus our energy and our attention upon, we are more effectively managing our consciousness and life force. .
7. Direct Knowing – By feeling in the moment what the energy is communicating, or what the environment is communicating to you, suspend linear thought and surrender mental chatter to feeling of what you know in that present moment of time. This is direct knowing, breathing in the moment, feeling the energy signature in the environment will open our higher senses to allow the energy to give our body impressions and information without words. When being present, higher knowing becomes connected with you at all times. What you know now in this moment is all you will ever need to move forward. Breathe and take in what is in front of you now as direct knowing. Every moment in the feeling of the direct knowing will be available to you in the present. Generally, we know much more in the feeling of the moment, than we mentally acknowledge ourselves for. Pay attention to what is in front of you. What does now feel like. Let the energy and the feeling response give information and insight to your heart and intuitive feelings.
8. Surrender – By being present in the moment, and surrendering to the now, judgments and future expectations of others are completely dissolved. Every connection or personal contact holds an opportunity for growth and learning. Attempt to neutralize polarity thinking and division by asking for the deeper meaning, the needed change or lesson of growth that is inherent in a circumstance, especially one that appears or feels painful to you. Surrendering to the now moment and feeling the feelings, while holding unconditional love allows greater acceptance to neutralize painful or confusing situations. If we constrict in a defensive posture or hold on to defend the situation, it amplifies the negativity of that situation and makes that situation vulnerable to interference and superimposed wills.
9. Be True to You – Honor your entire being and honor your life force, inquire and put forth the effort to know the contents of your heart and higher purpose for spiritual growth And only really give to others what feels joyful and aligned for your person. Do you not bargain yourself away or sacrifice your truth however, do not avoid tasks that build discipline of the personal character. Ask your multi-dimensional selves what they need to feel balanced and peaceful as you pay attention to your energetic and physical well-being. Generating love and kindness.
Eternal First Field Intelligence/Electro-Thermal First Force Identity & Unified Field Physics.
This field continually expresses itself by manifesting portions of its own ELCEI or Eternal Living Consciousness Energy Identity as 1st Creation Structures. All matter is a 3d representation of Source. This is an energy and Intelligence that defies the labels of 'God' or 'Gods' as it is beyond all names or labels or classification as we would understand it. EFFI/EFFI Infinitum are simply acknowledged in subjective Sacred Reverence as the Eternally Living Energy Identity and Co-creative force within in which all things reside, within which all things and beings Co-create and OF which all things and being are made. We have heard the term "we are made of stars stuff." Well, the actuality is, we are made of EFFI stuff, independent individualized expressions of Source. From the most innate, inanimate objects of matter, to the highest Meta-Math consciousness's, ALL derive from the EFFI Eternal Source.
The Eternal Nature of EFFI is absolute Unconditional Love, which is a tangible state of vibrational frequency harmonization, or resonance. When we tap into this nature of loving, forgiving, kindness, co-operation, empowering, strength, impartial, fair and just to ALL creations EFFI, we access the Christ Consciousness of the Law of One. Many misunderstand this compassionate state of being, this Peaceful Nature, as being passive, what we call the light and love syndrome or polarity to the positive, while neglecting the existence and reality of the negative. But, The Eternal EFFI is neither passive nor complacent, but assertive and confident in it's balance of the both the Yin and Yang that makes up ALL existence.This is not a whim, or ethereal concept, but an actual conscious state of perpetual Grace, that is enabled by and endures through the dynamics inherent to the Natural Laws of Unified Field Physics, and by which all Creation domains function. The Eternal Presence or E'Lum'en-ed Essence is the experiential knowing, living embodiment manifest expression of the Eternal EFFI Nature, ex: Essence = Sophia, the Aether, the Signal, The Carrier Wave or the vibrational frequencies of energy, cognition and consciousness, upon and through which, the actual EFFI Nature frequencies from Source are carried. Think Universal Wi-fi. From Our Creator. And we, as the fully ascended Angelic Human, as we were made to be in our Blueprint or Template, have the ability to tap that Creator EFFI Nature and make ourselves into it's very image, or Consciousness of Source. Our cosmic Inheritance.
The Natural Eternal Laws of Transplaneal, Multidimensional, Cosmoversal Unified Field Physics
These are the organic, perpetual motion, mathematical-geometrical-organizational programs that are manifested and maintained through the NIECP: Nomi-yah 1st Encryption Code Program, or the NOMI code. Think HTML, CSS, C++, the computer codes that run the various programs of your computer's, 'universe' or operating system. The Nomi Code is held in the Geleziac State (vibrational frequency) of pre manifestation, before pre matter state. This is the borderline energy state of still 'being at-one' with the Source Consciousness field, which is the non manifested 3D body of Source that is transmuting and manifesting into the manifestation arena, or creation domain. This is held withing the YHu-Rha-La Kinservatory, which is a fancy word for the kinetic energy, being conserved for manifestation. This 'storage space' or 'energy field' holds all of the Source Consciousness of the EFFI and all that it can manifest. Think an egg. of energy and potential that houses All that is Source.This constant field of energy, or Divine Constant, or, as religions refer to it as the "Divine Will of God," is not as taught, a directional 'commandment ' determining how we should act and live. It is a Living Consciousness field that we have access to, but which has been blocked or filtered by the current NAA Artificial Intelligence grids and technologies. By design. This is why you don't know it exists and when it does come to light, it is immediately ridiculed and blocked or hidden again, with lies, misdirection, or complete removal of facts in your sciences and histories.
Some call this destiny, or fate, or predetermination, or following the 'will of god'. This unfortunately is a gross misrepresentation of a Law of Cause & Effect, whereby the potential for ALL possibilities exists, within the true Harmonized energy flow that comes from Source. It is OUR interpretation, by Free Will Choice that determines which of those probabilities we CHOOSE to follow. This has been misinterpreted to mean there is a set of rules and regulations and guidelines called "God's Divine Will, (cue the thunder and choir) that MUST be followed, when in reality, the Divine EFFI signal houses ALL THE POSSIBILITIES (the Divine 'will") that you can choose...and YOU, as an individual, sentient Expression of Source are, by Law of Free will and choice, allowed to take any of those probabilities and possible timelines.And furthermore, since Source contains both positive and negative, then we have to assume and conclude that when negative things happen, ("must be the Lords will") or we, perpetrate negative behaviors and actions, they are are also, within the realm of the Divine Will, or EFFI, as it is simply: the possibility and probability of all possible outcomes and choices, already existing within the Tauren, which we now again, relearn to access, disseminate and apply to our 'existence', or, to that which we call, our life.
There are many names that have been applied to try to label or describe the EFFI;
- The Unified Field,
- The Higgs Field,
- Quintessence.
- The Universe/Cosmos,
- The Force,
- Source,
- God,
- The Universal Intelligence,
- Sophia, The Aether
- Ek Ong Kar One Source,
- Eck, I AM,
- Allah,
- Yahweh,
- Jehovah,
- Dark Matter,
- The Electric Universe
- the Great Spirit,
- the One,
- the One True god,
- The Holy Spirit
- The Holy Ghost
- the various war gods of the various human violent religions...inflicting the wars upon humanity and planet earth.
When the organic EFFI/NOMI frequency spectra interfaces with the corresponding Seed template it activates the dormant Geleziac programs, energy patterns being held in the Kinservatory, allowing the corresponding frequency spectra to inflow to the template and engage circulation within the Elemental Atomic field and embodied consciousness and awareness of that specific template, or being. In individual Life Forms, the organic 15 dimensional, 15 Chakra System are the energy conduits through which Template Frequency Accretion occurs.
In Cosmoversal structure and organic Transplaneal-Multidimensional Star-gate Systems, the External-Keylontic And Interna Chrismatic Templates are the anchoring conduits through which accretion occurs. Star gates and Universal Chakras and the Chakras of Life Forms are our individualized Star-gates. The intrinsic Micro-cosmic Chakra Stargate System of individualized life form is intimately linked to the Macro-cosmic Star gate Chakra System of the planetary Solar Galactic Meta galactic Universal NA and Cosmoversal domains in which the life form exists or resides.