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"Welcome to the New Age.
This is the beginning of your journey, to discover the journey, of discovering You😉 and connecting with your One True Infinite Creator and your personal Higher Self. It will be exciting, confusing, frustrating, enlightening and galactically amazing, but when you come out the other side, you will be a whole new YOU. Only through personal meditations, practices and personal enlightenment of the Teachings between you, your higher self and your One True Infinite Creator, can you find your SELF, the manifestation of all that you are intended to be as an sentient individual expression of Source.
This Introduction is a guide ONLY to help you learn to recognize, through your own personal walk and growth and remembering, who and what you are and what your potential is as an Angelic Biologic Human. These facts are vital to establish before you begin this wonderous journey of the reconnecting to our higher density, higher-particle selves.
This will also help you support your process of self-recognition and alignment with your mission, higher purpose and possible Magi lineage. No one can offer this to you. YOU discern who and what you are and your personal walk through meditation and seeking, ALONE. This is the beginning of a step-by-step journey, through which we will guide you in the practices and thought processes that will teach YOU to access your inner Akashic records and learn your possible Guardian Stewardship role, should you have one. Unfortunately, it will also introduce you to the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) and constructs in place today that have kept this information dormant and hidden from the population of Earth for the last 6000 years.
The assertion that anyone now on planet, as Jeshewua was the last Ascended Master avatar on Earth, and will be until He returns with the Second Coming of the Chris/Christos Consciousness, is a completely ascended 12 strand DNA Christos Avatar is either delusional or knowingly fraudulent. Also some have been Mindslided to believe they actually are Ascended, to be used as Controlled Opposition in the online Awakening Community.
Folks if its allowed on Youtube and Facebook, Tik Tok or Instagram, it's distorted. Your heart has recognized these frauds even if your head doesn't want to admit it. Trust it. Achieved Ascension to 12 strand DNA for any biologic in this current incarnation is an online fantasy of the delusional fraudulent stardseed community, facilitating huge revenue and sales, and we suggest you examine closely whom you follow, gleaning their motives, personal lives and intentions.
Any channeling is the personal choice of the 'channeler' as to how they choose to deliver the message. They may actually recieve via EDT, or electronic data transmission, be they well known or not, but the choice for delivery is made by the human doing it. No Guardian entities are on planet right now that take over and speak through any individuals, except for those false entities posing as Guardians. This does not mean that messaging from these individuals is false, per se. It just means that you are most likely witnessing theatrics from the human doing the 'reading' or 'channel or an enttity with ulterior luciferian motives.'
That said, ALL Guardians at this time that ARE participating and ARE Starseed walk-ins, have come in order to experience or help with the shifting Consciousness fields that 3D planet Earth/Terra and its inhabitants are now experiencing as we approach the Last Harvest. These particular groups of soul-spirit beings that have incarnated in a 3D human body are referred to as Starseeds. Starseed walk-ins, specifically, can and do undergo 'upgrades' once incarnated here. For me, my last upgrade was recieved upon my literal death in 2014. Over 6 minutes, while I was flatlined, my DNA was reprogrammed. I was then sent back to finish my mission. The Aurora Host Upgrade TEMPLAR frequencies then hit Earth in December that same year, 2014. As a rule, ALL Starseeds, whether walk in after death, or at birth walk-ins, will have or will have had, a DOCUMENTED death experience. If not, then a 'starseed claim' is usually not valid and simply wishful thinking.
Starseeds that are here dimensionally, or as incarnated walk-ins, usually incarnate already with 4th density DNA semi active with potential for 6th, as Blue Blood Babies (traditional complete RH Negative Blood upon birth), we are stepped down to 3rd dimension scale, minute versions of Ascended Master Consciousness Complexes. We then receive upgrading once here on planet, to generally no more than 6th Density potential spiritually, per incarnation.
Potential is an important word. It simply means that we may be able to receive certain information and vibrational frequencis in order to relate these teachings via access to the Akashic Records, as directed by a connection to our 6th Dimension Higher Selves. In some cases, physical changes or modifications are accomapanied with these frequency activations, for those on specific missions.
Starseeds are activated biologically, by having what was incorrectly taught to you as the junk DNA (the Angelic Human Biologic Blueprint, as we were originally created), partially reactivated. Currently, the human biologic genome CANNOT physically house up to 12 strand DNA, as human physiology simply cannot house the required level of high frequencies needed to achieve full 12 strand DNA status.
Starseeds have specific roles and a humanitarian spiritual mission based on the Law of One to help free the planetary collective Soul/Consciousness from spiritual and energetic oppression, enforced by the NAA through the False Religions. We are here to fix, elevate, change or remove destructive timelines through genetic rehabilitation and erasure and dismantling of Negative Alien Mind Control software programs. These software program “religions” were put in place by the patriarchal dominant Negative Aliens starting after the final Egyptian/Sumerian Invasion, takeover in 9558BC, by the Guardian betrayer Thoth along with Annunaki brothers, Enlil and Enki, (Yahweh and the Snake,) in order to be worshipped as 'gods' and easily enforce the enslavement of the planetary population. You can read about the Archons as explained to us by Jeshewua, in the in the Codex of John II as part of Nag Hammadi Gospels Constantine omitted from the modern Judeo Christian Catholic Bible.
They accomplished this with genetic manipulation, by introducing the hybrid, ADAM, and then began slowly regressing the human Angelic Christos genes and DNA to a point where we were not only no longer connected to our higher particle selves and additionally, where all the DNA memories and knowledge OF that connection and our real origins was wiped clean, so future generation like us would never know the truth. The current Guardian Starseed Christos Reclamation Mission is to reverse that process and bring the truth and healing and light and Source Codes back to the planet.
Starseeds enter this planetary consciousness body to experience re-incarnation and activate their spiritual mission for a wide variety of reasons and interests. The primary goal is to re-establish the potential freedom from forced re-incarnation through the restoration of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, through the reclamation of the Christos Body Krystal Template. In order to do so, the Negative Alien Agenda of planetary domination, enslavement, hybridization and abduction has had to be revealed to humanity. This site also is a part of The Disclosure Mission and you can find all the info about that in the Disclosure Series, located here on the website.
However, the extraterrestrial agenda and the history of extraterrestrial genetic influence in both every day human events and the many historical records, has been extinguished in every way possible. Both benevolent and malevolent extraterrestrials have been involved with this planet for millions of years, and they have never left this planet. This was known on planet until the last 5,800 years, when most of this knowledge and its written history were destroyed. Only the reptilian bloodline manipulated humans were given this knowledge in secret to maintain their position for power and control. They are ultimately puppets for off planet Controllers (the Draconian Archons of the Gnostic texts circa 100-300A.D.) that sold out the human race. History is re-written by the victors of war, and hence, the real extraterrestrial agenda was hidden, while a false record of human history was put into its place.
Many Starseeds are aware of a Psycho-Spiritual Warfare between extraterrestrial races and came to this planet as embodied human intelligence portals to feed information back to the overall group effort in it's reconnaissance mission to their home planet or Universe. However when most of us arrived, we were subjected to the many Alien Implants, mind control systems, dark force infiltration and Victim-Victimizer software, just like any other human being. For those reasons many still remain asleep or subverted to the fact of their real spiritual mission and consciousness.
But the main reason that most of our Guardian Brothers and Sisters still sleep is due to the Speakers hiding, along with this messaging that the Elohim sent to this planet many years ago. Due to those Speakers and messengers being attacked and their retreating from public for fear of persecution, many of you have never known of the existence of these teachings. This statement carries no judgementn nor recriminations, it simply is and is referenced in the About This Site.
We have built this Krystal Rap Portal to reverse that and bring the Guardian Messaging to the mass population at this time. No matter the consequences that may befall us, we will shout the Guardian Message from the rooftops from now on, with no thought or concern for our own well being. We will not ask Source to take this cup from us, but will stand tall as the Guardian Templar Army of God.
During the end cycle the Neutron Window is opening between this third dimensional planet earth which intersects with the Universal Trans Harmonic gateways. The Transgate timelines are that which allow these Starseeds to reconnect and return to their home frequency after this “tour of duty.” For Starseeds, this incarnation is a recon & setup mission that was required to gather the intel needed to comprehend the levels of genetic damage, the source of planetary invasion, the identity of the main intruder races and attempt to offer sovereignty and freedom to the souls which have been enslaved, abused and entrapped in repeated reincarnation cycles. One of the primary issues is the horrifying violation of the human soul from Negative Aien abduction, satanic ritual abuse SRA, (satanic ritual abuse) soul body siphoning, sexual mutilation, cloning replicant bodies, and using living human bodies sperm and ovum to genetically farm human and E.T. hybrid bodies.
Many Starseeds have come to this planet to research, collect intel to expose hybridization agendas and observe the alien abduction and contactee phenomena on planet. In most all cases, the direct abduction or contact experience is required in order to collect the information and return it back through the Neutron Window to the Guardian Krystal Host races.
Who are the Paliadorians?
The Paliadorians generated the Sphere of Ament,i by transmuting their eternal Diamond Sun cellular genetic coding into an energetic essence (the sphere or housing unit) that could be carried in fields of light, and then merged these light fields to create a morphogenetic field that contained all of their consciousness code. From this morphogenetic field, were patterns for five different races that would hold the Silicate Matrix and full 12 strand DNA Angelic Human template, designed to support planetary Ascension and re-evolution for Tara. These groups that hold the template for the silicate matrix are called the Cloister Races, or Guardians Christos Starseeds.
Human Acupuncture Points
The Starseed races, the soul groups that are endeavoring to hold and be conduits of higher frequency of energy, are now doing so again through the Aurora Host Krystal Star Mission. This is how the higher frequency energy gets into this reality system.Earthseeds and Starseeds
In the Earth's Human lineage, there were seven (7) Root Races and five (5) additional races seeded within the Earth gene pool. The 7 Root races are called the “Earthseeds.
Each Earth-seed root race evolution cycle was to develop one of the first five (1-5) strands of DNA within the 12 strand DNA original Dvine Human Blueprint. The latter additional five races are referred to as the “Cloister” races. Their function was to keep the 12 strand DNA potential alive for the entire human race and represent the advancement of human evolution.
We are called The Guardians.
The Cloister Races are also called the Starseeds. So the Earthseeds were a part of the planetary evolutionary cycle to activate each DNA strand 1-5 and then to anchor in each new respective level of dimensional experience for the human species on Earth. The Starseeds were a part of the planetary evolutionary cycle to hold the dormant DNA strands 7-12 in order to have the template of the divine human intact through the cycles of evolution.
Even though these DNA strands are dormant, the so called 'junk DNA" the controllers try to convince us means and does nothing, it keeps the potential of the divine humans' True Spiritual Inheritance as a 12 Strand DNA Avatar possible. Each strand of DNA ,when activated correlates to the dimensional field of awareness available to the Soul/Monad, when incarnated in the human physical body.
Throughout the course of human history, there has been additional genetic material contributed from various Star Families, creating large varieties of Starseeds on Earth. Further hybridization and genetic enhancements resulted in a perfect prototype, intended as the Seed Race for humanity.The perfected genetic code created through this hybridization is referred to as the Indigo Grail Lineage. This Indigo Grail Lineage holds the DNA design to transmute entirely out of biological form and/or hold simultaneously a "12 Dimensional Awareness' within a biological form. These Indigo Grail Lines are the primary grail lines or the “Christos” grail lines among the human races.
Absolutely all human biologies have the potential to receive genetic acceleration, evolutionary advancement that will allow the 12 Strand DNA template to regenerate. This is one of the major purposes of the Indigo Grail Lines to regenerate and activate dormant or damaged DNA templates in the Human races. The reality is it will take many 1000's of years to regenerate this again, another distortion not being taught in the current Ascesnion community. No human is Ascending to 12 strand DNA nor will there be any prior to conclusion of this Gaian Cycle. This is why they, the Cabal, are trying so hard to merge with AI. To try and house the 12 strand frequencies.
Various Incarnation Agreements
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Starseed Template
The Holographic template of the energetic form is being upgraded in such ways as to assist the Human species in working and transducing the new frequencies coming through our bodily and energetic systems at this time. There’s really two levels of beings currently on this planet. A demarcation has been formed and there is a frequency split between 3rd dimensional structures and higher multi-dimensional energy structures.
These are new timelines. (remember timeline = dimension) As we move into the future timelines, we are moving into higher resonant frequencies and spaces, re; the Sol System moving through this part of the Galaxy and encountering Universal Frequencies. We are moving forward into time, or skipping into the future, as we move up the dimensional scale. At this time, there are groups of us going through a new physicalization process and this is a much different process than the spiritual initiation that many of us have been familiar with in the past. The part of Ascension that we go through is an initiation into higher frequencies, and as these frequencies become absorbed into the auric vehicle and lightbody. We develop more neurological plexus receivers, so that we can work with these new plasma frequencies. Many of us have activations and at certain levels of increasing critical mass of these higher frequencies, DNA activations occur.
This yet is even further and beyond Spiritual Ascension or Kundalini initiation that most of the community espouses and refers to when speaking of Ascension. This is the actual physicalization of an entire new birth creation in human Consciousness that the Guardians are referring to as THE TRINITIZED FORM, as I referred to myself above in pictures. In the Trinitized Form, it is the spiritual house of the Cosmic Christos energy,or Christos-Sophia. These related 12D Ray plasma frequencies we have been expanding and holding as core of our foundational daily techniques is where the human species original genetic template was created as a 12 Strand Avatar being; Universal Template Pillar, where the word TEMPLAR comes from.
On May 19th, 2014, I received a huge biological DNA upgrade. As I stated, I died, after a massive heart attack, from a 100% occlusion of my left anterior descending artery, It's called literally "the Widowmaker." Less than a 12% survival rate. And, during the 6 minutes I was flatlined, my DNA was recoded to not only accept the coming December 2014 download to the planet, but to further start to regenerate my Krystal Seed 12 Strand DNA Angelic Body.
Rh Negative Blood & Blue Blood Babies, (I am one)1. RH- Negative Bloodline, is blood that is inherently karmic-less blood of the original Angelic Human Diamond Sun Template. The current false online community would have you believe that this is Negative Annunaki bloodlines. It is not. This a false NAA agenda mis-information Psy-Op. The RH-blood types have been extensively distorted and manipulated for attempted hijacking by the Illuminati Bloodlines, many insisting that 'reptilians are the source of RH negative blood' which is incorrect.
If the mother is Rh-negative, her immune system treats Rh-positive fetal cells as if they were a foreign substance. The mother's body makes antibodies against the fetal blood cells. These antibodies may cross back through the placenta into the developing baby. They destroy the baby's circulating red blood cells. With my bilogic parentscatholic, I recived 'last rights' at birth. Source: RH incompatibility Information | Mount Sinai - New York
2. Because there are less karmic energetic imprints in the blood from animal or non-human alien genetics, higher spiritual–energetic bodies of the RH negative person have a tendency to function or operate at more increased levels of awareness and cognative abilities than in the majority of the human population. This can include higher sensory abilities such as: telepathy, empathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, direct spiritual knowing, reading energies, ET contact, and awareness that may develop into higher compassionate tendencies towards other humans and the Earthly kingdoms. This bloodline has a natural resonance to reconnect with higher DNA activation. For this reason ETs, such as Greys, abduct more RH negative people, as they are studying Krystic DNA code and attempting to replicate DNA for the Cabal/Archons.
3. The hybridization of bloodlines is NOT sourced or caused by Annunaki or Reptilian races, as the source of RH negative blood on the Earth. The hybridization has occurred between the Oraphim and Annunaki resulting in the Nephilim on planet. The RH negative is the source of Oraphim (Christos Progenitors) Consciousness, the original divine Angelic Human Races and is not sourced from the Annunaki, as they would like to represent and claim.
4. The Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) of digression of human consciousness on Earth started with the digression of Angelic Human bloodline, which led to the digression of human DNA. The digression made to human DNA was to create a slave race in humanity, (re; the Sumerien Texts) so that the peoples of the Earth would be subservient to a Reptilian race (Archons/Dracos), that intended to use the Earth and Humans for their own race and bloodline, soley for the purposes of domination.
5. As with all true facts, the NAA reverse the message and claim RH negative is a result from their DNA. This is 100% untrue. However it is because they seek to destroy all Oraphim/Christos hybrids and their DNA potential from spreading, growing or changing the consciousness structure in humanity, which inherently will change the entire DNA of the Earth population. They want to kill off the RH Negative hybrids through genetic modification, keeping them misinformed and sick through the various methods already mentioned.
6. For the above reasons, RH negative people are primarily manipulated with superimposed karmic burdens, many sourcing from Annunaki or other reptilian distortions made in the blood. This is the attempt to distort the blood pattern of the RH negative people so they cannot be successful, or productive in changing the DNA or consciousness structure on planet through the Aurora Krystal River Hosting Project. Because their blood holds higher DNA potential, the NAA and Reptilian races do not want this phenomena to occur through the planetary consciousness fields. (The Awakening)
7. The primary function of the NRG Grid, Nephilim Reversal Grid, is to digress hybridization between the Oraphim and Annunaki DNA which would ultimately lead to higher consciousness if the spiritual path were consciously chosen and participated with. Instead genetic digression is promoted to infect the blood with actions, behaviors that hold karmic consequence, such as sexual distortions, Black Magic, etc.
This has been compiled to answer more questions about the RH Negative Factor and is not designed for any comparative measures, however for the greater understanding of the RH Negative challenges upon the individual. ALL blood types are potentially able to clear karmic issues through increased spiritual participation and developing consciousness. There is no value given in these matters. However, clues can be drawn into the purposes of this earthly incarnation, and to be informed in strengthening one’s consciousness, which is also in strengthening one’s blood. As we develop communication with our inner spirit, we clear our blood and the bloodline records, and this purifies our blood from karmic imprints.
Earth humans that have 12-Strand DNA potential (Angelic Human Heritage), through which they can reclaim their rightful Ascension heritage ("Christos 12-Strand DNA Template Potential"), serve as conscious Guardians of the Halls of Amenti Star Gates on Earth and are free to exit the Time Matrix into the Energy Matrix Consciousness level. Angelic Humans with 12-Strand DNA Template are born with 3.5- 4 of the 12 strands activated.
Prevention of the Anti-Christos Agenda, Fallen Angelics' continuing Grail Quest, is the purpose for which the Angelic Human Race was created 560 million years ago. Angelic Human and Indigo races were sent into this Time Matrix as a Guardians, protectors and healhealing force, intended to protect the Living Time Matrix from the Phantom Matrix system and to assist, if and when possible, in the reclamation and redemption of the Fallen Races and Universal Systems.
The ability to fully embody the Eternal Life Currents within a physically manifest form is conditional upon having a minimum 12-Strand DNA potential, a “Holy Grail Line” or ”Christiac” genetic code. When the frequencies of the Density- 4 (dimensions 10,11 and 12) and above are embodied, a biological being can undergo full cellular transmutation, returning to the Density- 4 Liquid Light Pre-matter state for full Ascension out of Density, rather than experiencing repeated cycles of death and rebirth within the Density system life cycles.
A being with a sustained activation of 12 DNA Strands and resulting embodiment of the Maharata and its corresponding 12-dimensions of conscious awareness is known as an embodied “Mahara” (bearer of the Maharata eternal life current), “Avatar” or “Christed Being”.
The Eieyani Grail Line humans presently incarnate on earth are known as the Type 1 and 2 Indigo Children. Other portions of the earth-human populations carry the 9, 10 and 11-Strand DNA Template mutations resulting from ancient race hybridization with Anunnaki and Drakonian Fallen Angelic Legions. All humans can reverse-mutate DNA Template distortions and bring dormant DNA template potentials into activation through self-generated DNA Bio-Regenesis technologies, through which the 12-Strand DNA Angelic Human potential can be progressively restored and reactivated within the operational DNA.
If Humanity can reawaken the dormant Angelic Human DNA Template, the human body can biologically interface with the electromagnetic functions of Earth’s Planetary Templar StarGate system, as it was originally designed to do. In actualizing the Angelic Human potential, humans would not only set themselves free, but could also assist Guardian Angelic Nations in setting Earth free, by securing Earth’s Halls of Amenti and regaining the Sun’s Sol Star Gate-4 under Guardian Nation protection.
The Angelic Humans on Earth are being reminded of the need to fulfill their original Divine Commission as Planetary Stewards and Keepers of Earth' Planetary Templar Complex. The Angelic Human Race was created as a race line that could embody 12 activated DNA strands in a biological form and could bring that possibility of 12 strand DNA activation into the lower frequency bands within the Time Matrix. That is the purpose of this site and particularly, this teaching.
Extraterrestrial souls ( beyond 3D earth plane) born to human bodies having more than two strands of DNA potentially active with a 6 strand DNA imprint.Walk-Ins
This specifically is the category I fit into, for this incarnation, specifically a Birth Walk-In. The classic definition of a Walk-In is an Advanced Master Soul choosing to volunteer, through a combination of Galactic Aendas, to assist Earth/Terra and the Humans inhabiting her through her next stage of evolution. There are many different types of Walk-In agreements.
One common type is a specific group that do not go through the birth process; they trade places with someone already in Human form through a prearranged agreement with that Soul. If a Starseed or Light-worker have no other way to complete their soul mission, then they might agree to leave the body and make a trade with a Walk-In. Many advanced Galactic civilizations have used these Walk-In experiments at the pinnacle of evolutionary change in order to match Celestial agendas.
This is not to be confused with being possessed of Spirit, (channeling) that is another matter all together, and is not a Guardian Practice at all. These Walk-Ins that are being placed in human form are guided in deliberate fashion and in accordance with "free will" via cosmic levels of agreements.
The Silver Cord of life force is traveled upon to imprint the new Consciousness of the Walk-In and agreements are made to fulfill certain family concerns left unfinished by the soul 'walking out.' After a period of adjustment, then certain behavior patterns emerge and drastic changes start to take place such as weddings, divorces, re-location, change of occupation. Walk-Ins can be permanent, which means that the original Soul will not return. Temporary Walk-Ins can use a human body for short periods of time while the original is gathering new instructions while residing in other realms before returning back to body. So a Walk-In can be permanent or temporary. There are also other Ascension prototypes for the “Walk In” that differ from this classic template. These can be soul braids from Galactic family, embodiment of Star or planet Logoi, or other arrangements that are specific to genetic template creation and birthing, which is required for Soul groupings to incarnate in other planetary chains.
There are also future self Walk-In's where the future identity of a being travels back into past Timelines, and steps into the previous identity body in order to change timelines from destruction or to help in the evolution process. These are future Souls or Monads, which come to the past to help change the event horizon in the future.
The Indigo Races refers to souls with the 6th dimensional frequency band of consciousness activated which is the 6th Chakra and its brain complex. Indigos are born with an active 6th DNA strand potential that gives them the Indigo Color Spectrum of Frequency in their Auric field. These races were sent to the Earth as representatives for the Guardians and protectors of the living light library and to prevent this planet from descension into a fallen or descending Phantom Matrix.
Indigos have a larger group purpose as a task force for the Sirian Council (6D Gatekeepers) and Guardian races to be the Agents of Transformation as well as having a unique special skill set for individual soul purpose. They are incarnate here to be the system busters and harbingers of the huge paradigm shift of consciousness restore energetic balance. Such is the mission of Krystal Rap. Many are energy placement holders preparing for a certain time and space to bolster planetary frequency for the 2012 cycle and beyond. A large Indigo awakening ascension wave transpired in May 2006 and May 2007. May is our month, we tend to be Taureans. This was to prepare for the Galactic Time Cycles being exposed to the planetary body, thus the human race collective. Another happened in 2014, then again in 2017.
Indigo 1
Indigo 2
These are the Polarity Integrators of shared Soul essence. These groups of Indigos have a very challenging task indeed. We need to honor these beloved ones with the gift they bring humanity.
Much of your information appears to have been taken directly from Lisa Renee’s “ascensionglossary.com” site and her blogs at “energeticsynthsesis.com”
Who stole all of Ascension Glossary from Anna Hayes' Voyagers 1 & 2, who recieved that information fom US the Emerald Order Elohi Elohim. The circle is now complete.
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