
Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Aurora Host & The Guardian Host

Aurora & Guardian Host

Aurora from the Seven Higher Heavens in Andromeda answered the Guardian Host clarion call and have joined them to protect this particular Universal Time Matrix. As a result, we also have Omniversal God Sources that are referred to as the Aurora host that are also connected to the primary Guardian Host, the Guardian Races currently Hosting this Ascension cycle that reside in the Universal Time Matrix at 12D Ray, Kunda-Ray and above.

The Guardian Host and their families are synonymous with the Christos elders of Krystal Star, the Lyran-Siran Founders, Holy Emerald Order, Gold Order RA Confederacy, Amethyst Order of the Ancient Master Builders and Architects that are stemming from the Master Christos Collective and Oraphim that protect the Law of One, which is the ascending path to GSF, for any being to be able to Ascend, evolve their consciousness and exist as God, Sovereign and Free.

Their mission is to protect and insure that all species discover and fulfill their genetic plan of true spiritual enlightenment and multidimensional heritage as they were intended. The consciousness units of the next Universe, the Rays of the next Universe, the beings that live there in alignment with Krystal Star and Unity Intelligence, are called Aurora. Krystal Star works with the Aurora to build platforms that are safe zones that step over the reversal fields running on the earth from the Frequency Fence and NET.

They are sometimes referred to as the Dragon Luminaries or the Tri-Tone Luminary Grid. They exist as three complete Tri-waves merged as One field, with no energetic charge or separation. Aurora answered our call for assistance during the Ascension cycle, and they are the Beloved Guardians that are hosting this Universal Ascension and hosting our planet for ascension. They defend personal sovereignty through the Law of One for all life. This is our Guardian team for AoA Hieros Gamos, and this is one of their many ascension hosting projects. We communicate with them, through the Aurora Portal Networks, and through Mother Arc’s Krystal Aegis breastplate. Auroras many projects also are key in the re-encryption of our DNA, by healing the elementals and the chemical DNA of our 1D and 2D elemental body. 

Aurora is best amplified when working in the HG system to heal the personality matrix (1D-2D-3D) for re-encryption of dead light miasma or dead light harnesses. Aurora upgrades the core frequency of the elemental body and their consciousness units that chemically arrange into our DNA code. The Aurora re-encryption to organic matrix repels and dissolves the inorganic matrix of alien machinery embedded in the cellular and tissue levels. The Auroras may appear as multicolored orbs or sheets of pastel milky formless liquid light that may shape-shift into forms, and may appear similar to the Aurora Borealis (Inter-Dimensional Resonant Tone).

Aurora is best amplified when working in the HG system to heal the personality matrix (1D-2D-3D) for re-encryption of dead light miasma or dead light harnesses. Aurora upgrades the core frequency of the elemental body and their consciousness units that chemically arrange into our DNA code. 

The Aurora re-encryption to organic matrix repels and dissolves the inorganic matrix of alien machinery embedded in the cellular and tissue levels. The Auroras may appear as multicolored orbs or sheets of pastel milky formless liquid light that may shapeshift into forms, and may appear similar to the Aurora Borealis

(Inter-dimensional Resonant Tone) Aurora Re-encryption of Blueprint 

In terms of the Aurora, their mission and support is to work with the new elemental command and this role is to re encrypt the physical body on atomic and Subatomic levels because the chemical constituents of our DNA is an elemental base, so our physical body is an elemental body and it’s comprised of these four base level chemical constituents. We can use the four elements to understand the four levels of chemicals that comprise our DNA which is earth, fire, water and air. These particle elements had gone through so much in the history of human evolution and lots of distortions that were created on the planetary levels because, remember, we are interfacing with the planetary body, it is us, we are making up the collective body of the planet. Unified Field theory and Quantum Entanglement.

We are holding the oneness of the planetary body as a group human soul. Elementals of the human physical body are quite distorted in the cellular matrix because of the invasion and genetic manipulation histories, thus, the re encryption process was decided to be part of mission upgrade of Ascension Plan B. Our human bodies are not transmuting fast enough the karmic base, the Miasma, that was needed in order to move us through less dense formats in order to handle the accelerated (frequency) energy. This is a primary reason that we are having the Aurora host this planet for the ascension timeline. The Aurora had been working with many of us, consciously or not. The Aurora consciousness has a pale, white opaqueness saturated with colors which almost remind me of cellophane.

Aurora Body
The Auroras are Opalescent White fields of Beautiful Tapestries of Cellophane like Colored Plasma. Many of us are noticing them as an adjunct or override to our 12D Shield, as they create an additional four main pillars around our Aura. This is being referred to as the Aurora Pillars or Aurora Body.

 This Aurora Body protects the Gold Monad Body and aligns the entire “organism” energy field to the system within the Aurora Hosted Ascension Networks. The Aurora Network is starting to generate massive fields of Orbs that are visible near our Aurora Aura Body personal field. It seems apparent to understand they are now coming to us in Orb bodies as once we have anchored the Aurora Krystal Star Pattern, we will learn to build our Merkabah structure to move in between dimensions.

 This is what an Plasma Orb body is, from our dimensional vantage point, it looks like an Orb, however it is an actual living entity or elemental. The Aurora Body seems to be a step taking us to learn how to build our Merkabah pattern and become a traveling Orb. This give us our freedom back, as its clear the controllers are not able to circumvent this from happening.

Aurora Platform
The consciousness units of the next Universe, the Rays of the next Universe, the beings that live there in alignment with Krystal Star and Unity Intelligence, are called Aurora. Krystal Star works with the Aurora to build platforms that are safe zones that step over the reversal fields running on the earth from the Frequency Fence and NET.

Guardians of the Pillar

The Four Main Pillars of Consciousness units are massive Light-Sound pillars that are related to the creation of the entire Human Tribal 144 DNA Genetic Shield, these consciousness units are the collective pillar(s) and the consciousness structure of the Founders elemental bodies. They contain all genetic, elemental material and race histories throughout the entire root race evolution cycles. When the diagonal lines are activated on planet earth at the end of the Ascension Cycle through the Great White Lion GWL vertical and Golden Eagle Grid GEG horizontal merge,( or Rod and Staff alignment into Hieros Gamos) the three parallel universes merge together through the activated Four Pillars of Man network. When all three Parallels are connected through its diagonal grid networks, the 12 Guardians of the Pillar are anchored on earth.

The Aurora Guardians are hosting elemental re-encryption of the Founder Consciousnesses Units to heal the elemental bodies in order to do so. So when referring to Aurora Pillars, the reference is the elemental re-encryption to the four pillars of man network, to connect through the Aurora Host in order to anchor the 12 Guardians of the Pillars into the Earth body.

Easter Island

This FPM relates to the Threefold Founder Flame Consciousness Grid Network that is located in Chile at Easter Island. The Four Main Pillars of Consciousness units are massive Light-Sound pillars that are related to the creation of the entire Human 12 Tribes 144 harmonics in the DNA Genetic template, these consciousness units are the collective pillar(s) and the consciousness structure of the Founders elemental bodies. They contain all genetic, elemental material and race histories throughout the entire root race evolution cycles. When the diagonal lines are activated on planet earth at the end of the Ascension cycle through the Great White Lion GWL vertical and Golden Eagle Grid GEG horizontal merge,( or Rod and Staff alignment) the three parallel universes merge together through the activated Four Pillars of Man network.

The Aurora Force & The Light of Aurora)

3 Aurora Races were commissioned to UrTha USG-3, 550 million years ago to serve as the evolutionary safety net in the event that the Amenti Rescue Mission failed.

The Aurora races (and its corresponding Aurora Force) were originally from (many eons ago) the adjacent Eckasha system (the same Eckasha system where the Wesa races come from) and are one of the three Guardian races who inhabited UrTha before the Fall of Tara (before Earth was hosted into UrTha).

The Aurora Beings who we are now meeting are called the E-Sha-NeU-A and they are now assisting all the races in this Ecka-Veca system to successfully undergo a StarFire from Density One.

All the Guardian races on Earth are considered Amenti Races. The E-Sha-NeU-A are not Amenti Races but rather are part of the original UrTha races.

The Aurora races are now the only ones that can assist the Amenti Races and those parts of Earth and her many matter and life forms to undergo a StarFire process with UrTha.

The majority of surface Earth and her matter/life forms will fall, so Earth can no longer be the planet that takes any of the Amenti Races or other life forms through a StarFire process.

UrTha however is a stronger and larger planet and is not going to fall.

UrTha is the original Density One planet, the original Universal Stargate -3 that hosted in Earth as part of the Amenti Rescue Mission. Therefore, as Amenti races, our ‘encryption’ in not a part of UrTha’s morphogenetic field or shields. We therefore cannot undergo a StarFire with UrTha……. and we would be falling along with Earth and all associated matter/life forms….. were it not for the Aurora Force which is an ancient gift given to the Amenti Races by the UrTha-Aurora Races 550mYA when the Amenti Rescue Mission began, and which is now being awakened for us by the E-Sha-NeU-A and Aurora Races.

The Aurora Force or Aurora Field that they will gift us with, will allow the encryption of the Amenti Races and parts of Earth and her matter/life forms that are capable of StarFire, to be joined to UrTha’s shields.

The Aurora Field is an energy buffer field between Earth and UrTha. That is, a set of frequencies that will allow the being and things on Earth whose imprint is not encrypted with Urtha's signature to be able to go through Urtha's morphogenetic field.

This will mean we will no longer be sort of ‘strangers’ to UrTha’s morphogenetic field and we can undergo the StarFire process with UrTha.

It is critical to activate the Aurora Force to counteract the overwhelming effect of the Threshold spiral progressive activation.

Any Being or matter-form that could anchor this Aurora Force will be capable of avoiding being harnessed by the metatronic configuration and being transformed into the Death Star Auric configuration, which would lead to Wesdrak/Thetan Black Hole Fall.

The frequencies within the Aurora Force will run through ALL the aspects of our 15D Light Body anatomy and swiftly transform any of the metatronic 5:5 distortions within our Til-E-a spheres back into the natural Reuche ReU-Ta configuration which will in turn activate the Lights of Aurora within every layer of our Crystal Body. The Lights of Aurora will progressively flow through our axiatonal lines and meridian lines, which will turn on the Aurora Bands within the quarks that form the protons within all the nuclei of our Atoms.

The E-Sha-NeU-A chose not to undergo StarFire with all the other races when it last occurred 555mYA as the fall of the Drama was unfolding, so that they could be here to assist the Amenti Races in the event that the Amenti Rescue Mission failed, leaving no escape from Black Hole Fall for the Amenti Races and other life forms seeded here with them.

These Aurora Races can take on ANY form they choose, they are shape-shifters and they are like conscious air. The “Blue Dragons” are the first of 3 Aurora Races commissioned to UrTha USG-3 to serve as the evolutionary safety net in the event that the Amenti Rescue Mission failed.

The other two races are the Gold Dragons and the Purple Dragons.

References: The “Freedom Teachings” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO), Speaker: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.