
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Full Disclosure :The Hijacking of the Disclosure and Awakening Movements by the CABAL & the Negative Alien Agenda.

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Full Disclosure Event
Full Disclosure Event is referring to the highest level of extraterrestrial disclosure to earthlings that reveals the most detailed scenarios of your true hidden extraterrestrial human Galactic History and not the manipulated NAA version of Archontic Deception Strategy used to control the mainstream historical records to enslave the human population since the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. (See History of the Human Race) Humans will be briefed beyond just knowing about the existence of the Extraterrestrial races, crafts and cooperative agreements made with earthly world governments. Additionally, humans will be reeducated to know about NAA groups, Secret Space Programs, Human Trafficking, Mind Control, Transhumanism and AI agendas, DNA and genetic manipulation programs on planet and off planet, how earth, human resources and technology are used as bartering to trade for a variety of off planet civilizations and extraterrestrial species. Full Disclosure Event includes revealing the Power Elite groups and Negative Aliens that have abused power on earth and are required to restore energetic balance to make amends with the crimes they have made against humanity.

We will reveal different ET Races and their concealment of genetic modification programs, Breeding Programs, MILABS, Transhumanism and other ET agendas (malevolent and benevolent) involved in the grand earth experiment on co-evolving Consciousness and Polarity Integration in our Universe,
Galactic Wars, Galactic History and hidden Extraterrestrial involvement on earth and how they have used the veil of secrecy to manipulate and influence all worldly human affairs, societies and belief systems (social experimentation).

We will reveal hidden advanced technologies made available that would completely change the earth 3D paradigm with revealing free power and energy systems, reverse of aging and disease, end of poverty and slavery, clean air, food and water, etc.

We will bring forth Quantum Mechanics as the basic foundation to comprehend Ascension ( the descension of our spiritual-energetic bodies into our physical bodies through the process of progressive Kundalini awakening at the base of our spine which moves up to the Crown) and the reality of multidimensional Consciousness existing throughout all living intelligent energy systems, knowing about the true nature of reality, such as Stargates ,Ley Lines, Geomantic Structures, and the Sacred Geometry used in writing creation code to create Blueprints that direct Spectrum of Frequency and control DNA and genetic expression of all living things.

As more people have access to this information without being threatened, attacked or persecuted it is allowing many more people to come out and tell the truth. By hiding this information and continuing to promote lies and deception, it allows people that are working to support Ascension or disclosure related topics to continue to be harassed, targeted, intimidated and even brutalized. This is another reason why disclosure is so important. It would remove a huge burden of threats and attacks to those of us that support disclosure to the population of this planet. If people had disclosure information they would be much more willing to be open to comprehending the laws of nature and also to be able to see how the current Death Culture was engineered to violate those laws in order to enslave the people. Much of what we see harming people in the world today could be stopped with only common sense and the ability to reduce some selfishness and greed.

Battle for Disclosure

Humanity is enduring a hidden multidimensional battle for Disclosure which is gradually happening as the Collective Consciousness shifts into higher dimensional planes as the result of the Ascension Cycle. It is evident that there is a hijack of the disclosure movement in order to gain total control over how that particular content is being shared with the public. This is occurring via the spreading of familiar narratives and the same Propaganda tactics that are used for the purpose of Psychological Manipulation of the intended audience and the key players. For propaganda to be effective it has to have a mouthpiece, there must be key players or persons in positions of power with significant control over mass-communication media who are thought to have credibility with a large audience that makes them money. 

Controlled Opposition is the predictable manipulation tactic of placing key people in key positions and into leadership roles of a particular movement, who many times have suddenly appeared and offered the public incredible facts or amazing nuggets of truth. Maybe it is a pundit personality looking to gather a large online following through disseminating the cabal wars through the Q and Anon  (two separate entities) movements Maybe it’s a guru personality offering DNA Activation and the ability to manifest anything you want. As a result of the sensationalism, marketing or other methods to deliver this level of information, they gain power and influence from the amount of people that have gathered, along with the online clicks and money that is spent on their products or watching them at events. 

Power and influence are forces gathered through which they become a Pied Piper, a person that is celebrated, worshipped or made into a hero. Seemingly leading gullible people into any direction, when ultimately, they were placed there as a wolf in sheep’s clothing to derail and hijack the original goals of that movement. The strategy of Controlled Opposition works best under circumstances in which the masses are gullible, credulous, lack Critical Thinking and are unable to connect the dots and see how the actions and inaction or manipulation of the information from the controlled entity is actually benefiting the controlling entity.

Disclosure Imminent
The Inorganic Black Holes are rips in the time space fabric, which weaken the planetary atmosphere and allow much more access to Negative Alien interference and dark force infection into our world. Clearly, the NAA were well aware that greedy Controller humans would abuse the technologies, from the trade agreements, setting the stage for the next advancement of technological warfare against the earth during the critical years after 2012. For many years the continued Mind Control and intimidation tactics towards making global war, spreading fear and poverty consciousness, while distributing disinformation through the mass media, has been to keep the human population distracted and dumbed down. 

Meanwhile, the greedy antics and power abuses of the Power Elite would remain hidden, allowing diversion for a full scale infiltration of corporate conglomerate control into the highest chains of command in the world governments. By maintaining strict codes of secrecy on penalty of death, and aggressively hiding the extraterrestrial problem from the general public, the military industrial complex, corrupt governments and corporatocracy have handed the inhabitants of earth to the NAA on a silver platter. This is why full extraterrestrial disclosure to the masses is critically important. As long as this agenda remains hidden, it generates deeper and deeper parasitic infection into the earth that harms all inhabitants.

Global Human Trafficking and Off Planet Trade
There is no currency or financial system that is used between space faring civilizations so everything is based on bartering. Some ET’s are interested in some of the Earth’s Art (again some of our most famous missing historical art pieces are in off world collections), Luxury Items like Spices/Chocolate, Animal and Plant Life while many others are interested in trading their technology and biological specimens they have obtained elsewhere for Human Beings. These Humans are used for many purposes including manual slave labor, sex trade, engineering/manufacturing (we are well known for the abilities some of us have with certain technical skill sets). There are some of the ET’s that use Humans as food resources in various ways.

The Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates discovered that a large amount of humans were being taken off the planet by various ET’s anyway so they decided to find a way to profit from it and have control over which people were being taken. In prior arrangements they were made promises of receiving technologies and biological specimens for allowing groups to abduct humans but the ET’s rarely delivered on their promises. Once they had developed the advanced infrastructure (ICC) in our Sol System along with advanced technologies (that some of the thousands of ET groups traveling through our system were now interested in obtaining) and now had the ability to deter most unwelcome guests from entering Earths airspace the Cabal/ICC then decided to use human trafficking as one of their resources in interstellar bartering.

Full Disclosure is necessary to reveal the full scope of human slavery, which extends off planet and into many other civilizations of which earth humans, many that are children, are used for sex and trafficked. In most all reasons behind the massive profits for human slavery, sexual slavery and free labor for the NAA is involved.

World War II Timelines
What has remained hidden is that the NAA had massive influence on the cause of instigating World Wars over the powers accessing advanced alien technology for weaponization, technological mind control, space colonization, massive human Blood Sacrifice and soul harvesting on the Astral Plane, and for world domination between the government cabals. The end of World War II began the massive organizational efforts for setting up galactic conglomerate criminal enterprises hidden in some of the Secret Space Programs to administer to mass levels of Human Trafficking for slavery, super-soldiers, and sex, earth humans are used as a commodity for trade with off planet civilizations. The Power Elites refusal to reveal to the earth population the existence of extra-terrestrials, extra-dimensional entities and human off planet colonies and conglomerates hiding advanced technological abuses, while involved in committing serious genocidal crimes against the earth inhabitants, blocks access to Informed Consent of earth activities with intentional malice, deceiving every inhabitant on earth, thus, is harboring the Galactic Human Slave Trade. This allows these nonhuman and human criminal syndicates to continue to abduct multiple thousands to millions of human adults and children for secret military projects, sex slavery, food, play-pets, free labor, genetic modification and an assortment of NAA agendas designed to enslave and torture humanity.

Informed Consent
Given the importance of Informed Consent for the protection of Human Rights and as an ethical doctrine, it is applicable to Universal Laws in the petition of demanding factual truths of accurate events to be revealed to the human population in the event of full disclosure. At this time on the planet earth in the larger global events designed for world slavery and extradimensional entities genocidal agendas, informed consent in this larger context is non-existent. Therefore, all people interested to serve the disclosure movement can benefit through the comprehension of the higher principles of informed consent and the lack thereof, to open dialogue on the ethical implications this has made against the human race, as the demand for full disclosure grows stronger and becomes more unified. At this point, the lack of informed consent as the result of non-disclosure of true and accurate events on this planet, establishes gross negligent abuse, which can directly lead to multiple species genetic annihilation as well as other devastating consequences.

Power Elites or Cabal
The Power Elite (SEE Black Sun Program) are a small group of people who conjure Black Magic through dark rituals that are used for maintaining contact with the NAA, in order to control the entire planet through the manipulation of the Collective Consciousness through fear based programming that is transmitted via Mind Control.

The Hijacking of the Disclosure Movement by the CABAL & the Negative Alien Agenda.
Since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, there has been a specific space task force assembled by Thothian Luciferians and the members of the Galactic Federation to fully control the information given to the awakening population, for the purpose of complete takeover of the New Age, Ascension and Disclosure movement. A comprehensive multiple pronged militarized approach was organized in order to gather and collect all of the technological and human resources that would be necessary to build an extensive artificial neurological network with Silent Sound Technology. This would be used to target Starseeds and Indigos, as well as control all transmissions of channeled material that would be sent to the awakening population in the guise of friendly ET’s, Ascended Masters, and even deceased famous figures in human history. No Jesus is not channeling to ANYONE...

As the Ascension Cycle intensified and humanity was being monitored, many friendly enemy deals were made to enlist the further support and resources of the Reptile Insectoid Collectives, to cull the public into submission with implantation of assorted mind control techniques and technological fences. Although these groups have their own separate agendas, these enemy deals made them allies, and were primarily headed by the most hostile Dragon Moths and Zeta Drakonians from Orion. Thus, many people on earth were and are contacted by human and nonhuman imposters, comprised from these operations that are in military alliance to gaslight and lie to the earth people about many ongoing themes of global concern, for the purpose of intelligence handling and controlled opposition. These operatives have infiltrated many areas of the New Age, Ascension and Disclosure community. They are on the ground and in space, hidden behind the many false front organizations in which their primary job is to attack, dismiss and debunk Unapproved Topics through mass propaganda and Character Assassination schemes. The purpose is to take over any truthful information about the planetary ascension or disclosure event that happens to seep through the multidimensional communication gateways, when awakening people start to more easily receive telepathic transmissions from a variety of sources that cannot be prevented.

You know who these folks are.  They do the Event circuits, sell you podcasts, etc. They are FRAUDS. They have been throwing abundance and Fibonacci and Thoth and Metatronic Deathstar Merkabah teachings handed down from Thoth and the Luciferian Cabal that runs the planet and have been doing so since Thoth put out the false information pretending to represent us in the tablets Billy Carson loves so much. After all he's been everywhere and gave away a car. That qualifies him. He'll debate you too, just ask him. And, you get all this for the low low price of.....$$$$$$$$$$$$$. 


Power and influence are forces gathered through which they become a pied piper, a person that is celebrated, worshipped or made into a hero. Seemingly leading gullible people into any direction, when ultimately, they were placed there as a wolf in sheep’s clothing to derail and hijack the original goals of that movement. The strategy of controlled opposition works best under circumstances in which the masses are gullible, credulous, lack critical thinking and are unable to connect the dots and see how the actions and inaction or manipulation of the information from the controlled entity is actually benefiting the controlling entity.

'Deception tactics 101' are used to generate mental fabrications and emotional reactions intended for seizing control, power, benefits and advantages at the victim’s expense. That may be to intentionally spread disinformation or outright lies to stimulate emotional reactions, so people do not use critical thinking in discerning the quality or truthfulness of the information they are being given. The golden rule of deception is management of the other person's perception, such that they do not know any deception is happening and accept whatever you tell them or spoon feed them as truthful. If we don’t realize that we are being lied to we are at a disadvantage. This blocks out our higher discernment in determining the quality of people and objects that are emanating these combinations of forces that are dark or light, positive or negative, alien or human, or anything else for that matter.

The disclosure movement has been intentionally shaped into the left-brain composite of the branch of alternative researchers and presenters who still operate on the presumption that the scientific method promoted by academia is credible, and attempt to deliver evidence-based information that can be corroborated through multiple parties of expert witnesses. The movement towards disclosure is predominately geared towards those males that are polarized in their mental body and masculine energy, the intellectual profile that rely on the sole basis of their physical body’s five basic senses. If they can see it in the visible light spectrum, well then, they’ll believe it. 

Thus, the primary profile of key people that are populating the disclosure movement tend to be 3D fact finders and researchers and not direct experiencers, hence many are not primarily interested in spiritual development or expanding consciousness. This provides a blaring blind spot for dark manipulation to incite negative ego behaviors and dominating egos run amok, as the result of gaining some power and influence. Promoting a brand, merchandise or online clicks are more important than actually having personal integrity and delivering high quality truthful assessments of the current conditions we find ourselves in. 

In the New Age, Ascension and Disclosure community where large conferences and panels are gaining commercial popularity and increasing profitability, victims and victimizers are generated in those communities like the flavor of the month. 

From personal experiences and continued observation of key players, back stabbing and two-faced lying are standard fare at these events, along with a large smile flashing right on cue to endear the applauding audience. Most seasoned presenters with some semblance of personal integrity and ethical conduct learn very quickly that the majority of the people on these circuits are not your friends or peer group. They will turn on you quite viciously if you deviate from their approved topics or narratives or if you are perceived as threatening to their power base. Some of the most hostile mind-controlled people are on these panels and in these communities, as many are being directly controlled by the Thothian groups. Thus, they are highly reactive and emotionally explosive when they feel they are being challenged in any way. 

What point would it serve to direct you to go sit in a desert all night waiting for us to flash a light at you...when we could easily write you a message here, or speak with you personally which is how it works, were we not targets as soon as we appear in your dimension or skies...sans the DMT, ayahuasca or Psychedelics. It gives you the illusion that you are being represented when in fact, this friend of all the Government Elites (and his Buddy ROCKERFELLER>>> hello??,) has fooled many pretending to fight for you and "Disclosure." Instead we have to rely on the faith and hard work of a few we contact through Electronic Data Transmissions (light and energy waves sent directly to a human whose DNA has been enhanced via the ganglia and cerebral cortex to the brain.) and those working clandestinly in all the controlling programs.

The time has come for Guardians to Step out of the shadows and shout the message. WE MUST BE LOUDER THAN THEM. This disclosure event must happen in order to reveal the deceptions, fraud and crimes against humanity made by those humans and nonhumans that have conspired to covertly generate global human slavery and mind control, by implementing the blueprint of the NAA groups for instigating world suffering for the purpose of creating a consciousness prison.

To stop the targeting of individuals attempting to disseminate the truth by crippling them financially, socially and otherwise, is another reason why disclosure is so important for those of us that seek to know the truth above all. It would remove a huge burden of threats and attacks to those of us under the assorted umbrella of the truth communities that are giving all of our time and energy, that is our life’s work to support full disclosure of this information to be freely given to the earth population. If people were not being lied to, but being re-educated towards the content that includes disclosure, they would be much more open. More open and willing to comprehending the laws of nature and to see how the current death culture was engineered to violate those laws in order to enslave all of humanity. Much of what we see harming people in the world today could be stopped with only critical thinking, common sense and the ability to reduce some selfishness and greed. Below is a easy way to set up protections for yourself.

Core Fear Removal

Prepare the 12D Shield. When beginning this fear clearing program it is best to request this support at bedtime.
  • I call forth My God Self, The Master Christos Collective serving the Law of One, My personal evolution support teams and Ascension healing teams.
  • Please install the lattice work of light into my mind grid field and emotional field to remove all fear based programs and artificial programs.
  • I Request The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program. I ask first for a general clearing of all fear-based programs that are hindering my spiritual growth and Ascension.
  • You may feel them moving out the top of your head or body. If you feel specific fears you know about yourself, request them to be removed and identify them specifically to the Christos Masters to remove. The more specific you can identity the fear programming, the better.
  • I request that my Teams focus on my physical body and ask to remove any and all fear based and Mind Control programs lodged there.
  • I Request that you clear and heal my etheric body and remove any fear-based programs that are blocking me.
  • I request that you clear and heal my astral body and remove all fear-based programs and spiritual weeds from my astral, or emotional body.
  • I request that you clear and heal my mental body and remove all thought forms of an imbalanced and negative nature.
  • I request to clear and heal my spiritual bodies fully, totally and completely.
  • I Ask that the fear programs be completely removed from my Soul and from my blueprint and the Akashic Records. I give full permission for my God self to do this Now. I thank the Christos Masters and my healing team for this healing and support.
Begin with the first chakra and request the Fear Matrix. Removal Program to remove all imbalanced energies and fear-based programs preventing you from achieving your ascension in the first chakra. Then do the same for each of the other six chakras. 

Do this Every Day in your practices.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Advanced Ascended Master Teachings : The Silicate Matrix

Original human genetic imprint designed to manifest 12 strings of DNA which would allow for inter-dimensional travel and existence without deterioration of the biological form. It must be repaired, built or activated.

The original angelic human 12 Strand DNA is called the Diamond Sun DNA. The Oraphim original prototype for angelic humans that was created by the Founders has a 24 Strand DNA and is called the Double Diamond Sun Body DNA. Further there is a 48 Strand DNA Founder race line called the Emerald Sun DNA. 

It is important to be aware that there is always support given for DNA rehabilitation programs for achieving Ascension, in that fallen entities, such as the Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics can choose to clear their DNA distortions and cellular alphabet scrambling that run metatronic and anti-life reversals. An incredible amount of resources and effort has been made by the Guardian Host to assist fallen and digressive DNA lines to rehabilitate their genetics through rehabilitation and regenesis programs.

Previous to the Atlantean Cataclysm, each of the groups of the angelic human 12 Essene Tribes were entrusted as Guardians of a section of the Emerald Founder Records, which held extensive consciousness knowledge about the star origins and genetic template information that was recorded on 12 holographic discs.

All 12 genetic components of the 12 Tribes hold one strand of DNA code for reassembling the crystal gene for the Diamond Sun body or Silicate Matrix, that is key coded to activate the 12 layers of the planetary stargate system. This provides the means to contact our higher Stations of Identity as spiritual bodies, and to connect with the conscious living light and sound frequencies in the holographic matrix. The instruction sets to rebuild and reassemble the 12 Strand DNA pattern, are held in the genetic keys found in the Cosmic Kryst-Krystallah blueprint which makes up the 12 Tree Grid manifestation template.

Through the individual and planetary spiritual Ascension process that takes place during several root race evolution cycles, the integration and healing of all 12 levels of DNA coding through its genetic components potentially unite and merge to form the complete Silicate Matrix. These dual forces of polarity, male and female, are designed to spiritually integrate and synthesize within the angelic human body while naturally evolving on the ascending earth. As a result of the forces of alchemy and energetic synthesis made between inner and outer layers of these multidimensional consciousness forces, the spiritual embodiment of the original 12 Strand DNA of the Diamond Sun Body is then made available to the planet and humanity through DNA Assembly. Thus, ascending individuals are gradually repairing and regenerating their DNA template so they are able to open and move through stargates safely.

The Diamond Sun body represents full consciousness freedom for an ascending human being, in which the Inner Christos is fully activated with the flowering of the Sacred Crystal Heart. As a result, the spiritually ascending human is able to transmute their consciousness out of time and into Zero Point, moving through stargates into another location. Therefore, they are free to leave the Prison Planet, freed from the enforced Mind Control and reincarnation cycle occurring in the lowest density of earth.

Diamond Sun Body
The Oraphim is a part of the Diamond Sun DNA Christos lineages, the original humans created from the Guardian Founder Races lines. The Diamond Sun refers to the original design of the angelic human 12 Strand DNA silicate matrix. This was the potential DNA and higher consciousness experienced by angelic human beings in previous time cycles on the 5D parallel earth, previous to its cataclysm. The Double Diamond Sun refers to the Original Founder Oraphim Christos design of a fully embodied 12 strand DNA and further access to 24 other dimensions of consciousness while in a human body. When the Oraphim DNA potential is activated, it allows for physical body immortality and the ability for the consciousness bodies full transmutation out of dimensional time.

Natural Order

The base 12 mechanics represent the Natural Order of the Universal Time Matrix, an organic creation and inner sustaining architecture that connects directly with the God Source field for an unlimited supply of consciousness energy. This is an open source energy structure, inherently referred to as the Christos Blueprint.

Shifting Carbon Density

... there were groups of souls (see Soul Matrix) that were responsible to anchor and work with the first five DNA strands and to participate in the Earth experiment in working with those particular levels of consciousness. Our original goal was to re-evolve the divine human template to its original intention which was as a 12 strand DNA, which would mean 12 simultaneous dimensions of existence while still retaining a particular type of form. The form would not be this dense, in terms of the carbon material our physical elemental body is comprised of at this time. It would be more of a silicate or etheric Plasma Waves type of nature. So, this is where we are going, we are clearing the carbon based density out of our molecular and Subatomic structures, and becoming less dense and more refined, in that we are starting to anchor more of our actual crystalline structure, which is of a silicate crystalline base. We can imagine that as we go through this transformation it can be very intense at times. It’s like taking the most dense carbon form, a Carbon Atom and attempting to alchemically shift that into more and more refined states of oscillating patterns of higher vibration. So, that is our goal at this time, as a natural part of what the Ascension process is. So, it’s important to keep that in mind.

12 Strands DNA
The original human DNA pattern is arranged into 12 dimensionalized mathematical programs, each of which set the Blueprint for one DNA Strand.Each strand is composed of 12 base magnetic (Mion) female codes, and 12 base-electrical (Dion) male acceleration Codes. The 12 Base Codes and 12 Acceleration Codes hold the mathematical program for each Double-Helix strand, which combine to form a set of 12 Vector Codes. One Base Code plus one Acceleration Code is equal to one Vector Code.The 12 Vector Codes of the human genome manifests as 12 nucleotides that form the Nucleotide Base Pairs which are the entire DNA Strands are composed. Due to the NDC also called the Checkerboard Mutation unnatural sonic control program installed in the planetary field, only four of the Vector Codes have been active in biological Earth life since the Luciferian Rebellion. The foundations of human DNA is miniaturized crystallized frequency, that is, patterns of electromagnetic light that magnetically group into crystalline form. These multidimensional crystalline templates are referred to as DNA Seed Codes. The DNA Seed Code, the template for one DNA strand is composed of 12 magnetic particle units and 12 electrical anti-particle units. Each DNA strand is composed of the frequency patterns and light spectrum of one dimensional band. Each DNA Strand represents a Fire Letters Code program sequence corresponding to one dimensional frequency band of Consciousness. (24 Seed Codes = 1 DNA strand). The level of frequencies that are accreted into the personal Morphogenetic Field will determine the level of DNA strand assembly that you posses. As a person pulls in more frequency bands from the dimensional Unified Fields, the personal frequency accretion level rises, and thus, more DNA codes can assemble and activate.

When we understand that the true DNA of our human race has been mutated, the natural spiritual expansion cycles get distorted and you will notice the cycles playing out at different age levels of the biology. As example, when a person begins soul accretion, the original template is to begin that process at Age 12. A human being not understanding emotional intelligence and emotional maturity or responsibility may revert to emotionally childlike behavior. How many of us have had our biological parent act like a child? When one is undergoing spiritual shifts, the behaviors, or imbalances get extremely amplified. So you may see a person acting out their emotional tantrums like a 12 year old. This gives you a clue why humanity is so “childlike”. Without soul connection, a human can revert to infantile rooting behavior. Embodiment of spirit also increases emotional intelligence and maturity for these reasons. Humanity has not only been oppressed spiritually, but stunted and damaged emotionally.

The process of building the Rasha Body also spiritualizes the blood, through what is called the Krystal Waters, through which the Krystal blood prepares to animate the creation of the Eukachristic Body. The Krystal Waters are the eternal living waters sprung forth in the first eternal creation, and are to be called upon to soothe and heal the soul and crystal heart and Diamond Sun Body. Additionally through these waters, the spiritualized blood of Christos flows from the Fountain of Eternal Life and Youth. Krystal Waters support the Aurora project in elemental re-encryption of the bodies, blood chemistry, and in healing the damage of blood toxicity and Miasma recorded as reversals in the bloodlines. The dark matter body gives us another level of support to clear and heal bloodline issues, inherited from Alien Hybridization.

Diamond Sun Paliadorian Activation
In the process of shifting into the next harmonic universe, many in the Krystic family have been enduring an embodiment phase for the new mathematical proportions of the Diamond Sun 12 Tree Grid pattern for the into the fifth dimensional octave. Additionally, many reclamation of identities and body parts from the parallels have been taking place, such as a return of the Adamic Lines back to the rightful owner to support their current phase of Embodiment. In this small group, all particle chakras have been dissolved. There are three main orb bodies nested within each other that are built on a trinity of triangles that align in the central vertical channel as the new position for the 3rd Sphere, 6th Sphere, 9th Sphere, and then the Personal Christos at the 12th Sphere. These main energy spheres are located on the central column and are merged into a tri-wave neutral charge, or non-polarized energy centers.
Krystal Mathematical Proportion

Krystal Star mathematical proportion for the Diamond Sun Body Merkaba spin ratio for male biology: CW Male 33 1/3 clockwise electrical over CCW Female 11 2/3 counter-clockwise magnetic.

Krystal Star mathematical proportion for the Diamond Sun Body Merkaba spin ratio for female biology: CW Male 11 2/3 clockwise electrical over CCW Female 33 1/3 counter-clockwise magnetic.

Due to the challenges of Gender Reversal and reversal polarity, it is suggested to communicate directly with the Avatar 6th D Christos Self for assistance in setting the Merkabah spin pattern when working with the 12D Shield. The Diamond Sun body instruction set is built upon the transmission of the 12D Ray and holds the correct setting for the personal merkaba alignment for the Gender Fin that is within each light biology.


Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Christos Mission: The Covenant of Paliador

We are reaching an embodiment phase which correlates to the seventh cycle of the Reclamation of Christos Mission, in a plan for fulfilling the Paliadorian Covenant. This required the embodiment of the Christ Consciousness layers through the Seven Sacred Suns Cosmic principles of the Universal Creator. Thus, the term Christ or Christos used in this context is not denoting the individual being referred to as Jesus Christ, as taught through the world religions. Christos extends way beyond all meaning associated with planetary consciousness and actually describes the state of eternal Cosmic Consciousness, the title given to a free Cosmic Citizen. This is what Jesus was saying in the Bible. 

The planetary body is undergoing an event of Michael-Mary heart twinning in the collective solar consciousness body, which represents the 6D Indigo-7D Violet frequency spectrum intersecting into the architecture that is building the wings. This means the building of the planetary Merkabah spirals beyond the reversal networks, to generate the corrected merge in the Gender Principle as it is represented horizontally and vertically. The staff pillar and rod pillar are the masculine and feminine principle, the gender balance, and they intersect in the permanent seed atom, opening the diamond sun template to birth the Crystal Lotus Heart and the Crystal Rose Heart. 

This is a planetary event that is about the resurrection of the Michael-Mary Solar body consciousness, the healing of the crystal heart, and recognizing the original Solar Consciousness in this Solar System in which we are all connected. This is a reclamation of the collective human race solar consciousness, the world soul body or Tribal Shield that is represented as the entire 12 Tribes of human beings on the earth. It is the potential for soul fragment healing at the collective scale, which many asleep people will receive during the passage of the physical body onto another plane. Michael-Mary Solar Consciousness is originally from the Seven Sacred Suns cosmic principle, that incarnated in the lowest density of this Solar System and was hybridized with Nephilim reptilian genetics.

Christ Consciousness exists outside of this Solar System and beyond the Universal system. However, the planetary Solar Christ deity is from the Family of Michael, through which the entire world soul consciousness was fallen and crucified during the Luciferian Rebellion. The Christ Michael 9D consciousness went through several dispensations in a process of incarnating on the earth during the Root Race cycles, through his infinite love of creation. He attempted to know all aspects of darkness in the creation and to eventually resurrect it from the anti-life reversals and the death patterns it existed within. (eventually as Jeshewua -9, Mary's Jesus) 

There was no way to resurrect a material creation without first embodying all aspects of it, including all of the fallen aspects. In this last and seventh dispensation of Paliadorian Covenant or Christ bestowal, it was designed to resurrect the earth body through an Ascension Cycle. During the seventh Astrological Precession since the NAA Invasion, the Embodiment process was to bring in all of the aspects of the Cosmic Christ consciousness, directly in Christ Michael’s incarnation process, and to fully embody the entirety of the Gold Ray body, in which the Fallen Seraphim genetics could be resurrected.

Embodying this aspect of the Seraphim body was required in order to reclaim it from the DNA mutations accumulated from the alien hybridization and cloning wars. The Fallen Angelics are largely mutations of the Fallen Seraphim, they are the dark angels that embody the bi-wave consciousness of the Luciferian forces. The Michael Mary heart twinning is the fulfillment of the seventh cycle of the Christ Michael embodiment for the Gold Ray Seraphim Template in order to resurrect the Fallen Seraphim, the Fallen Angelic consciousness.

Thus, in the seventh cycle of the reclamation of Christos mission, this level of the Guardian Host rehabilitation mission for the Gold Ray manifestation template has met with victory. To ensure masculine rod healing for the distorted Seraphim 10 Strand DNA template, a pure Gold Ray 12 Strand core manifestation template for the Seraphim lineages has been generated as the diamond sun embodiment potential for the entirety of Christ-Michael Avian lineages. The Fallen Angelic Annunaki hybrids are not amused as this relinquishes their genetic position of superiority over the fallen aspects of the Family of Michael, and thus they have retaliated to target those of us serving this particular mission.

Future timelines reveal the fragments of various kinds of bodies, energetic bodies and spiritual bodies that were exploded and became intermixed with the elemental matter substance in the earth body. Timelines from the 5D earth matter, connected to the Souls of the Taran body that exploded, became a type of radioactive decay intermixed into the soup of matter that came into this physical dimension, from the explosion event and the magnetic manipulation of the time and space fields. The World Soul of Tara, became a part of the atomic body of this physical planet, stuck and strewn between the first and the fourth dimensions. We are in a phase of time where the matter composition is changing into something less dense, and while it's in less dense states we are able to move out these artifacts, assorted bodies and consciousness remnants. As a result, some of us may have been helping in the recon and transit of the Souls of Tara. This is the Reclamation of Christos Mission on the earth that goes back to the Covenant of Paliador when higher guardian races devised a plan to recover the lost souls after the planet Tara exploded.

The Story of the Jesus mission in a whole new light: 

Lyran Sirian contact expressed that those responsible to guard and protect humanities genetic records and hidden histories were primarily ambassadors of the Sirian administration councils. The Sirian Lodge is a Hall which oversaw the 6D networks which acted as the portal for Star and Indigo Races to incarnate on the earth plane through the Amenti halls. This Lyran-Sirian administrative body created the Azurite council for the sole purpose of a collective team to support the human embodiment of the Jesus Christ to repair these networks and secure the Amenti field. The Azurites were assigned primary responsibility for the carrying out of the Covenant of Paliador which is to recover the lost souls of Tara. The origination of the Azurites goes back to the races that were formed by the RA Confederacy. Read the full story here; Jesheua/Jeshewua Mission

The Law of One
The Law of One is the comprehension that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of the All-One. The Law of One is a Sacred Science of the mechanics of Christ Consciousness and are the Natural Laws governing our Universal Creation. All-One is the recognition that Eternal Truth is Eternal Love and Eternal Love is the organic consciousness of Infinite Creator or God. Eternal Love consciousness embodied in a form is Unity intelligence, and simultaneously recognized as the Inner Light of Christos. Unity consciousness is at One with God and Unity consciousness ignites the Inner Light of Christos. The Inner Light of Christos when actualized in form, is the embodiment of an Eternal God Human. Practice Unity Consciousness and One is directly reflecting the image of God’s Love, and is eternally protected. Be At One with All, as One is All with God. Every soul is taking the same journey, but each soul has evolved at a different level. The teachings of the Law of One describe the spiritual laws that govern our spiritual evolution for each dimension. It is a single philosophical system of World Humanism, which merges cosmology, science, Human Rights and spiritualism.

Simply put, the Law of One is the Universal Truth that All Is One. It is the Truth taught by Christ when he proclaimed, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." We are all direct expressions of the One Source God Source. The Law of One is an energetic reality as well as a creational covenant with the Founder Races.(The Family Entity of RA, the Melchizedek Ur's, The Aurora Host Races) The Law of One is practiced by the Advanced Races that promote Self-Responsibility and accountability in our Universal Time Matrix through the comprehension of the energetic interconnection that exists between all living things. The Law of One expresses and acknowledges the interconnection, value and interdependence of the spirit and Consciousness that animates all things. This is the path to GSF.

I leave you in the peace love and light of our Infinite Creator.
