
Saturday, November 06, 2021

The Truth about the Christos Templars and the Holy Grail (new content yet to be formatted.)

I'M TEACHING HERE...w/Louis Luzzo Sr. ©™ The Truth About the Real Christos Knights Templars and the Holy Grail. The mission from source to the Sirian High Council, The Christos Reclamation Mission, from the 6th dimension (Heaven) future* (*from our perspective of linear time here in 3rd Density) was about sending the Christ Avatars known as Jesus, Jeshewua Melchizedek, and his Elder Energetic Fraternal Twin brother, Jesheua Melchizedek, to the 3rd dimensional timelines. This FINAL mission, which we Christos Templars are still on, was in response to the DNA damage the planet and humanity had most recently suffered after the Luciferian Rebellion, and then the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion in 9558BC, with the creation of the human hybrid distortion, ADAM 5k ago. The mission was to bring the Essenes, Christos Templars and Law of One Ascension knowledge and its Consciousness Technology back to planet Earth and restore the original, pure Human Angelic 12 strand DNA Blueprint potential, back to the species, as part of the Covenant of Palaidor Mission to rescue the lost Souls of Tara. Both would be stepped down in frequency versions of the Ascended Master Consciousness collective of Sanada. First in was Jesheua Melchizedek in 12 BC. This was done by artificial insemination (not the fantasy magic immaculate conception, as there is no such thing,) of Jeudi and his father was Joehius. Second in was Jeshewua Melchizedek in 7 BC in the same way, artificial insemination to Mary and Joseph of the house of David. In addition to the fraternal twin, Jeshua, Jeshewua, also had six OTHER biologic siblings as well, 4 brothers and 2 sisters. Just so we are clear about the validity of that statement, refer to your own bible below. As true biological human offspring of Joesph and Mary, they were not of special stepped down avatar lineage. Mark 3:31–35 Jesus’ Mother and Brothers 31 and his mother and his brothers came, and standing outside they sent to him and called him. 32 And a crowd was sitting around him, and they said to him, “Your mother and your brothers your sisters are outside, seeking you.” 33 And he answered them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” 34 And looking about at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! 35 For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.” Guardians Jesheua12, the Elder & Jeshewua9. the Christ, 2 different stepped-down 6th Dimension (Heaven) Avatars, were born here on EARTH. 2 crews...a real crews, 2 real parts of a Real Mission. Not made-up stories of 'apostles'. These are Elite Guardian Special Operations Templar Teams. Think Seal Team Six for Christ. Dimensional/Spiritual Guardian Alliance Spec Ops. are Guardians Space Force: Terrestrial Guardian Alliance Sec Ops. are Guardians We will also post these Spec Ops teachings later today as well. You now have to think Star Wars, folks. Part Tech/Part Force/Source. They had separate roles as 'Savior.' Jesheua12, was restoring the 12 Frequencies of the NOMI code, or Source codes (EFFI) of Creation Mechanics from Source, our Infinite Creato and He did so anonymously, in covert obscurity with the Priests of Ur in Egypt. Jeshewua 9, was here to restore the 12 Strand Christos Angelic Human DNA Genetic BIOLOGIC Blueprint back to SAVE the human species, by his introducing the biologic portion, 'blood of the lamb' to counter the ongoing genetic attack that would take upon the human genome from then until now. a. to remove the ADAMU hybrid DNA sequence introduced by Yahweh 5500 years ago, and b. combat the ongoing and future attacks on the human DNA by the CABAL/Pharisees via Fluoride, chemicals, chemtrails, vaxes, etc. All these events were in preparation of the great VEIL Frequency Blocking Fence Lift in 2012, (Mayan Calendar) so the Aurora Host "TEMPLARS" of Christ Consciousness energy that started again in December of 2014, could be received by the Guardian Grid workers on the planet and anchored into the Terran Grid. This would begin to begin the Earth's Awakening and Ascension, for the Last Harvest of Souls, before the Universal Gate 3 closes in 2130, ushering in the Second Coming of The Christ, as foretold in The Book of Revelations. We planted an Easter Egg of these "Energy Templars" in Starcraft.  The identity widely known as incarnated John the Baptist was incarnated with the Jesheua/Jeshewua Mission, in order to initiate or 'baptize' Jeshewua and his wife Mahari/Mary Sophia (Magdeline), and the Blue Ray Melchizedek Group into the available solar frequencies of the Diamond Sun Template that is the Avatar Christos Consciousness. John the Baptist and his divine counterpart wife were Blue Ray Melchizedek Priests and Guardian representatives of the Sirius B Christos reclamation Mission and Indigo team, serving the leadership functions and spiritual initiations with the Essene group that formed the Biologic portion of the Jeshewua Mission. Matthew 11 1 After Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he went on from there to teach and preach in the towns of Galilee. 2 When John, who was in prison, heard about the deeds of the Messiah, he sent his disciples to ask him, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” 4 Jesus replied, “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: 5 The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. 6 Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.” 7 As John’s disciples were leaving, Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John: “What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed swayed by the wind. If not, what did you go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes. No, those who wear fine clothes are in kings’ palaces. 9 Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. 10 This is the one about whom it is written: ‘I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.’ 11 Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he." NOTE; Jeshewua is telling you all that, that without 'baptism' in the Source Codes of the Father, he could not BE the savior, but when once opened up to the fullness of the Creational Source codes that activated his DNA he was full of Christ Consciousness. Jeshewua DID NOT heal the sick. The Creator, through the Christ Consciousness flowing through him, unblocked and free to flow, is what he asked to use to heal them with through him. HUUUUUGE difference in understanding the text of "once you are 'baptized" (or opened to the NOMI codes of the EFFI Law of One; Unconditional Love, Forgiveness and Service to Others) in service that You too, can be greater than John.)  Jesh continues, "From the days of John, the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it. 13 For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. 14 And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. 15 Whoever has ears, let them hear. Let's stop to address the assumption that verses in the particular gospels, or even chapters are in chronological order. They are not. Most folks assume the apostles started writing the gospels immediately after Jesus's death. Nothing could be further from the truth. They were fleeing for their literal lives into hiding, as the followers of Jesus were being hunted by the local roman authorities, with the help of the Pharisees to identify them, to be put to put to death, just as their leader was. They fled and hid for months. Most accounts of the Christ were written 1 and 1/2 to 2 years after the crucifixion, so chronological order is not a given in that these gospels are more or less a result of joint writing sessions of the apostles, such as the one referred to by James in the Nag Hammadi texts, as happening 550 days later. With that in mind, when you read a teaching or refer to the new testaments gospel's contents, linear timelines cannot be assumed. if you know the context of a teaching and its place ON the timeline, you are then able to see and learn the teaching with greater clarity. That then changes your perspective or quite possible the very meaning of a teaching or event. In the verses above, Jesh speaks about John the Baptist, not yet having met him or introduced himself to him, that happens after John is released, and Jesus had already returned to Galilee, prompting this discourse Matthew continued from above, same chapter, two different calendar dates, the latter here, months later. 13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. 14 And John tried to prevent Him, saying, “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?” 15 But Jesus answered and said to him, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness. Then john allowed Him.” (He was speaking of the anointment of the Codes and the Christos Mission which could never referred to be said out loud was a mission told to you was a mission but was in code to JOHN in public referred to as...the righteousness.) 16 When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and [b]He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. 17 And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” When translated, this initiation was symbolized and distorted as an actual baptism in 'water' the catholic ritual, but in actuality, it was an upgrade in DNA frequency absorptions and practices. As Jeshewua's 9 strand already allowed him to manipulate the quantum, or perform a miracle, this baptism was in the final frequency coded DNA potential, of 10,11, 12 active strands, which he would need later after the 3-day Bardoh when, as part of the mission, they let the Pharisees destroy his biologic form and allow him to Ascend. FYI folks he was asking father to stop the salvation in Gethsemane, he knew what was coming for his biologic, THAT what his HUMAN sleeve weakened and asked to be spared from like all of us would do, but his mission and knowing WHO he was, I AM, resolved his spirit to go through as "Thy will be done." By completing this part of the mission, and the fact that he was NOT CELEBATE, but his wife was Mahari, or Mary Magdelene. The Christos Templars were responsible to ensure the DNA in their unborn child was introduced back in the planetary bloodlines. Jesheua12's Mission We are now beginning to comprehend something of the import and significance of the Holy Grail as it relates to not just the DNA but to a fully integrated 12-strand DNA, and further that it more deeply embraces the Divine Blueprint or Kathara grid—the holder of the DNA, which also manifests a hierarchical gradient of frequencies. Underground portals were used for Egypt Melchizedek Initiations for Ascension out of Stargates, as well as in Amarna where Akhenaton (another Guardian Templar) had left information for these groups in the area. The Amarna portal was accessed to hide Law of One and Guardian Founder Races technology the Reclaimed emerald Tablets of the Emerald Order Elohim stolen by the great imposter Thoth, who is Lucifer, the Fallen Angelic who claimed them as his own, as well as the famed Keylontic CDT holographic plates that were used by Moses to build the Cherubim mechanism that activates the Arc of the Covenant. During the mission, it was the purpose of Jesheua12 and his twin Mary, through access to their higher embodiment as a Universal Blue Flame Melchizedeks, to help regain control over the Essene Christos Templar translations from the 12 holographic discs. (think actual discs of the Arc of Covenant, Old Testament, the temple set up given to Moses, a Guardian and the priests). Those discs. the Guardian Alliance Discs. Their embodiment was divinely purposed to retrieve much of the Founder Records The Christos Mission was not a complete success however as the Anti Christos mission has moves on the board as well. The mission was partially successful, but they could not recover Blue Ray Staff and Mother Principal Force for the Earth Core. The 5D Blue Flame Staff alignment was destroyed in the Stonehenge DNA Fire Letters code scrambling, that was a result of the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. The Christos Templars are the real Guardians of the Holy Grail: Jeshewua's bloodline through Scotland and the Guardian Dan Browns Davinco Code, reveals though in fiction form, (our easter egg) in fact a truth which will and IS being revealed: The Grail is the Jesus-Magdeline Christos bloodline and is the very protectee of the Rosecutions, who are the bloodline decedents of those apostles who were given the secret knowledge by Jeshewua, referred to in the Nag Hammadi. The inner most circle of apostle, Jeshewua's Guardian Spec Ops Team, were tasked with protecting the grail form the cabal. And THAT is why the VATICAN Pope Phillip caused the massacre of the Templar order on Friday the 13th, 1307 and then rewrote the Templar Histories you now have of their attachment to the Illuminati, Masons, and the violent Baphomet regimens on Earth when it turns out now that they themselves are those Legions. They then resurrected the templars as aligned with them for THIS VERY REVEAL. They have known full well what was coming on the timeline, The Awakening, Disclosure, Revelations so when the time came for truths to come out as they are mow, they would have their false narrative in the forefront of history like all the others lies we have discovered, to ensure obfuscation and chaos and as much difficulty in allowing the Population of Earth today to access and know what is truth and what is not. That is their game plane folks. They then entered into the story the holy grail legends to further obscure the story. The word 'Grail' is believed to originate from the Medieval Latin word 'gradale', meaning cup or vessel—a refinement of this is a dish brought to the table at various stages (gradually) of the meal. It is generally assumed that the Holy Grail relates to Jesus; the Grail being the cup that Jesus and his disciples drank from at the Last Supper; also, the cup which caught Jesus's blood on the cross. The Grail was said to possess healing abilities for the sick or wounded. It was also claimed to bring enlightenment and to perpetuate youthfulness. The Holy Grail poems, the romances, have come under considerable scrutiny from investigators but how far have they aided or handicapped the quest? For example, for Wolfram, the Grail is a precious stone, lapsit exilis, that appears to rejuvenate brave knights, and to behold the stone protected one from death for a week. Scholars have interpreted this as 'stone from the Heavens' or 'it fell from the Heavens' or the philosophers' stone of 'save. ' It has also been suggested that the Grail is an experience of some kind, in particular, mystical and transformational, and that the stone is an alchemical symbol for the pineal gland, and the search for the Grail meant opening this gland. Some think the Grail was thrown into the Chalice Well in Glastonbury; others believing it will never be found as it lies in the ocean of the past. The authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail have established a bloodline from Jesus, which has continued to the present day with a symbolic connection to the womb, or 'vessel' from which the lineage emerged. The essential ingredient here is the DNA of Jesus. This is where our interest lies. What is so special about this DNA and why does it relate to the Holy Grail? Can we supersede the DNA with anything more basic?1. The bloodlines, of the Christos Matrix...perfect 12 strand DNA. Jesus's bloodline, and the Templars were appointed Guardians of this bloodline (see book: The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail by M. Baigent, R. Leigh, and H. Lincoln), and 2) the receptacle or vessel (the womb of the Magdalene) which received or contained Jesus's blood. The Holy Grail symbolized both Jesus's blood line and the Magdalene from whose womb the bloodline issued. The Templar Knights appear to be a powerful authoritative sect which have been referred to as the Grail custodians or the Guardians of the Grail. These so-called Knights of Christ had quarters built on the ancient Temple of Solomon. The second portion of the Grail and reason it's so important is that with this bloodline, it gives one the same Akashic access and knowledge of the Templar Technological Divine Science Knowledge as the Akashic Scribes and Guardians themselves. This Christos Templar knowledge of the earth grids and Stargates was hijacked to remain in secret societies in order for those to continue to abuse its power, perverting its original intention and purpose and allowing them to create the frequency net that has blocked the Christos Consciousness frequencies from getting to the planet for all these years. Therefore, the Templar knowledge is extremely abused by those who use knowledge of the "dragon power" lines of the Planetary Grid Network for their own selfish greed of materialism and tyranny. Thus, it is the NAA agenda to destroy the Christos Templars on this earth, past, present and future, by accusing them and associating them with the Satanic force of Baphomet. the reinvented Templars, such as the Illuminati and other cartels, are those that feed into the Baphomet satanic forces today and are not of this lineage or bloodline. These groups have nothing whatsoever to do with the Christos Templars or Essenes. They abuse the power structures on the earth to serve the Satanic material fixations promoted by the False King of Tyranny. Our planet Earth has a direct connection to one of these lower-dimensional spheres—which makes it unusual to say the least. This means Earth has a convenient access system to the portals of the Universal Templar Complex and therefore to the territories of the time matrix. However, this is best achieved through the portal in Inner Earth, which is central to both Earth and parallel Earth. Picture a hypothetical stack of seesaws; to reach the planks' ends (for example, Earth/parallel Earth and higher) one would proceed via the fulcrums. (the Inner or Ecka worlds). The Dark Force Fallen Luciferian Cabal has been striving to gain access to this major inner Earth portal for hundreds of millions of years. The specific knowledge they are seeking is The Divine Blueprint for our time matrix called the Universal Templar Complex (where the word 'Templar' as in Templar Knights originates). The 12 spheres, existing on different dimensional levels and must be envisaged as in inner or higher space, are both energy centers (sources) and spiritual portals ('Stargates'). They act similarly to what people know as wormholes—of which the latter are more random or are artificially created portals. Passage through the Stargates enables one to immediately attain divergent regions of the time matrix both on the same level—our perceivable cosmic space—and higher dimensional levels. Such a device (the Universal Templar Complex) is normally securely protected by Guardians and technological override systems, like antivirus programs. This is the CABAL quest for the Holy Grail; the Holy Grail being the Universal Templar Complex. To capture this Kathara grid territory would enable the fallen angelics, as they are called, to control the time matrix and all life within it. They have the technology to manipulate this blueprint ('DNA') of the Universal Templar Complex and artificially reformat its codes to match their mutated DNAs and time matrix. The NAA has cultivated its preferential human reptilian bloodline to promote its domination to enslave agenda through the Armageddon Software of war, poverty, pestilence and terrorism. It achieves this enslavement agenda through the abuse of Templar knowledge of the earth's power lines. This knowledge is kept suppressed to keep people confused, enslaved and in bondage to the abuses perpetuated. As the original Templar knowledge is abused through the power elite and humanities selfish greed, Negative Ego, and black heartedness, the true Christ Templar knowledge deteriorated from the intention of truly embodied wisdom. These ancient Essene beings incarnated on the earth through The Orders of the Christos, the TEAMS we have been discussing at the top of this post, were known through the many timeline histories of EARTH, can now be identified as the: Gnostics, Ancient Egyptians, Melchizedek Priests, Knights of Solomon's Temple, Essenes, Cathars, and Christos Templars, The Guardians, The Guardián Alliance, The Watchers and their related esoteric sects. We are devoted humans who consecrated ourselves to serve Source, The Law of One and the Service to Others orientation by protecting spiritual knowledge and wisdom: This wisdom is the knowledge on how to transform a human being into an embodied Christos on Earth. However, many ancient Christos beings have been reincarnated on the Earth to attempt to stop the Imposter Spirits which animate Luciferian and Satanic force from permanently corrupting the Christos Templar knowledge of the Law of One of which I Am one. The Higher Beings are well aware that these two forces deliberately abuse power to intentionally harm the planet and harm human beings through deception, and thus, continually fragment the World Soul. This has been aggressive agenda since the Luciferian Rebellion that transpired during the Atlantean Cataclysm. Their spiritual knowledge was desecrated and then replicated into falsity to be fed to feral power-hungry humans that were easily used to rapidly spread the forces of Satanism on the Earth. The massive holocaust of Essenes has been repeated in historical events from Lemuria and Atlantis and again repeated in the Middle Ages to the Templars on the fateful day of Friday the 13th in 1307. Earth the Guardians hold the knowledge to the embodied Christos on earth, we worship and protected this DIVINE wisdom with great reverence. As we were heavily persecuted; misrepresented, tortured and targeted for extermination by those whose power source is made from the false gods, the false light and material elemental forces. We have just gone through an important timeline in the massive spreading of satanic forces to fill the earth grid with the mass usage of satanic cult rituals performed at the time by the supposedly righteous, religious clergy men. Satanic Ritual Abuse SRA and blood covenant to bind souls were made of which tortured thousands of Templars/Essenes to renounce their heart consecration to Christos by being forced to call her the Baphomet. Baphomet is the creation of Baal, a satanic force god figure which promoted child sacrifice to the Moloch battery tanks which feed these same forces. The era of the great pretender of the masqueraded Christ began, Imposter Spirit with great fervor to hide Christos Templar knowledge, with the desecration of Essene teachings, therefore Christos teachings. Just the stories and of Jesus and our creator you were taught were these desecrations, not the fact or belief that they exist and are real. Your Infinite Creator and Jeshewua Melchizedek are very, very real. The stories and definitions have been replicated into twisted grotesque mutations of which promoted guilt, shame, misogyny, racial hatred, genocide and Sexual Misery on the collective human consciousness. The man-made Patriarchal religions. As these elemental thought forms took shape into the world of forces, such as in religious persecution, these forces became more powerful and possessed many weak-minded humans that were used by the predators to continually feed itself. The purpose of why Christos Templars endured crucifixion and persecution was to ensure the future Aeonic Pair of Christos and Sophianic consciousness would be able to reunite again and complete the alchemy required through HieroGamic union during the Ascension Cycle. The sacred commission of Guardians to the Universal Templar Complex was held by the original Angelic Human race and thus the Grail quest for Christos Knights is the restoration of this Universal Templar Complex and the corresponding blueprint or DNA of all life forms. This would ultimately include and remedy planetary glitches, such as Earth's incongruous tilt, Earth's astrology-based wobble, Earth's non-harmonic periodicity, etc. and cosmic flaws in general. I hope this clears up some many misconceptions with regard to The Christ Christos Salvation Mission, The Templars, & holy Grail. The follow up to this will be the Updated Spec Ops Teaching. 

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