
Monday, September 27, 2021

Disclosure Series: Exposing the Cabal; The Vatican

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From about the 13th century, several Northern Italian aristocratic families infiltrated by the Khazarians much earlier, began to develop into the highest of the ruling satanic elites through the accumulation of vast wealth in the banking and merchant businesses. These ruling elites found their wealth exploding through satanic practices of blood and child sacrifice and began to settle into the areas close to the power center of the Vatican. These wealthy Roman aristocratic families are the main lineages of the Black Nobility and Papal bloodlines whose ancestors include: the House of Sfroza, Visconti, Savoy Genovese, Torlania, Colonna, Massimo, Aldobrandini, Doria, Orsini, Farnese, Pallavicini, Ruspoli, Hapsburg, Hesse,  ROTHSCHILD. 

In retaliation to the Jesheua/Jeshewua Mission, the Orion Group chose to invade the territories near the 5th dimensional stargate, by infiltrating this central region of Italy, in order to lay the foundation for what would become the Church of Rome, the Papacy and the Vatican City. The Vatican and it's vast Underground is the Hub for the Cabal and holds all the wealth of the Cabal on the planet. 

This began the invasion of the Black Sun non-human entities into the region, which are the groups who originally built the Catholic religious control mechanism and then infiltrated the Jesuit military order. This historical infiltration of the Jesuits at its top Supreme General position, by the negative aliens in the Orion Group, greatly plagues human society today. By combining these two NAA infiltrated organizations over time, the Vatican and Jesuit Order, these would become the merciless planetary controller mechanism for the worldwide political banking cartels. It is the center point of the satanic pillars used for the perpetuation of global Blood Sacrifice offerings, which are used for summoning demonic spirits and satanic alien forces that actually enter this realm through the stargate that exists under Vatican City.

Additionally, the Jesuit Order was being structured into a male only secret military operation from about 500-years ago, which began to infiltrate these same aristocratic lineages for gaining power and control in geo-politics. Over time, the Jesuit secret oath for complete obedience to the Supreme General, who eventually became the Black Pope, (in the context from this point on in this article,  black, is about evil not color or race. It represents the Anti, the negative to the positive, dark vs light) progressed considerably when the secret order became influential and in full control of the obscene amount of wealth hidden in the Vatican underground vaults. 

The Jesuit control over the Vatican institution further evolved into the generation of many other subsidiary organizations for handling assorted operations, such as the Military Order of Malta, along with the creation of various central banks, secret societies and cults. Many of these subsidiary organizations, run by the high-ranking Jesuits, were the driving force behind the creation of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization and NATO after World War II. These are the “globalist” organizations that were put in place, after the largest and most recent human holocaust, to fully protect the monopolies represented in the international business interests that promote the same anti-human agendas of these bloodlines.

The Black Nobility, through its Jesuit connections, put fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in power who established the Vatican as a sovereign nation, through the Lateran Treaty of 1929, ending decades of struggle between the Italian state and the Papacy. Following the conclusion of the Lateran Treaty in 1929, the Black Nobility were given dual citizenship in Italy and Vatican City.
This gave the Black Nobility full unrestrained access and unchecked power to use the Vatican as their covert business entity, installing the Black Pope and forming the Holy See Corporation, while shrouded in the veils of secrecy and fronted by the White Pope and those wearing holy robes, purporting to be “men of God” to the religiously devoted. A top objective of the Vatican mafioso control, was accumulating and concealing vast amounts of wealth from global criminal activities when deposits were made in the Swiss and Vatican bank accounts. These funds are used for money laundering and funding the overall objectives of the One World Order in favor of these satanic ruling elites.

It is rumored that many prominent political figures across the globe have bank accounts with unfathomable wealth earmarked for funding and carrying out the objectives of the Satanic Council and the Black Nobility, whom are enmeshed within every political, financial and governmental decision that greatly impacts the state of the nations across the globe. Recent news reveals that Switzerland had bought the rights of the company connected to the current “back door” voting system used globally, as well as evidence of signed affidavits and testimony given about Italy’s involvement to manipulate recent elections in the United States. This goes straight up to the Black Nobility, Jesuits and the Vatican, which illustrates this point perfectly.

The Vatican remains a massive power and global control center for running the One World Order pedophilia operations for Satanic rule, throughout the Controller Pillars of Society, which is overseen and managed by the Black Nobility and bloodline families. This particular satanic agenda goes back to 2,000 years ago, when the Black Sun Draconians retaliated by infiltrating the Greek sacred texts and Rome to build the Church of Rome. Thus, mock the Christos Mission and spread their violent religious rhetoric through the mind control worshipping of the false Jesus crucified in a satanic blood sacrifice.

Unfortunately, we pick up where the above video ends, and it got worse not better. It is all smoke and mirrors. The Vatican City in Rome is one of the NAA Black Sun entity’s main control bases and global headquarters. It is the spiritual center used for carrying out the satanic ritual and operations for gaining wealth and material power for the globalist Luciferian bloodline families and funding their satanic agendas. The top power echelon in the Vatican is secretly working with the international criminal cabal government groups, the Jesuit military orders and the Luciferian bloodline families –together called the “globalists”– to carry out blood sacrifice rituals and child trafficking in order to nourish the satanic forces on the planet.

These elaborate satanic rituals are meticulously well organized to directly communicate and interact with the Anti-Christ forces, mainly nonhuman entities. Through black magic sorcery, human sacrifice and blood harvesting, they receive detailed instructions from the off planet anti-Christ forces, to carry out the next moves for their One World Order agenda. These black magic rituals, with child sacrifices, go back to the NAA invasion and the introduction of the Kabbalah teachings, when the Artificial Tree of Life and demonic hierarchies were presented in Babylon by the Saturnian blood worshippers. 

This Bent Crucifix is "... a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent or broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term 'Mark of the Beast'. Yet, not only Paul VI, but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ.

This spiritual template is still being used by Satanists and Luciferians worldwide, it is their religion. Some believe they are the descendants of superior alien gods and through the practice of blood ritual sacrifices, it gives them the means by which to contact demonic entities and their spiritual master, Satan or Lucifer, and carry out his wishes. Satanists and Luciferians are masterful deceivers who cloak themselves in many assorted names and labels, which go way beyond the Church of Rome, choosing their disguise to hide behind many different religions, atheism or secret societies. This makes them appear to be separate groups, but they are actually running the world under the same unifying umbrella of hidden satanic practices.

Since the Atlantean Cataclysm, these practicing Satanists with hybridized bloodlines, sponsored by the NAA, have been enslaving humanity through instigating never-ending wars, racial discrimination, poverty, and blood sacrifice. Through divide and conquer manipulation tactics and increasing world suffering they maintain control over the human race. The Vatican, along with the draconian infiltration of the trained militants of the Jesuit Order, bring their combined objectives to infiltrate all world governments and cultures with the ultimate goal of achieving global Satanism. This includes the implementation of Armageddon software and instigating wars and conflicts in partnership with the NAA. The Jesuits are behind the key soft kill methods being used in the attempt to accelerate the death rate for global depopulation and eugenic models through deploying and weaponizing multiple toxic exposures: GMOs, vaccine injections, Chemtrails, radiation, nuclear and toxic waste “accidents” and the transhumanist agenda.

The Jesuits ARE the Vatican
Their sinister plan is to destroy sovereign nations and cultural identity in so to lay the groundwork for the one world religion, which is based upon the open acceptance of practicing Satanism by the ruling elite satanic families. The cornerstone of these depraved practices includes Child Sexual Abuse, child sexual ritual, human blood sacrifice, blood drinking and cannibalism. Packaged as a religion that is desired and promoted by non-human alien entities, assorted lunar forces and demonic spirits, these most vile planetary controllers carry out abhorrent anti-human agendas. Covered in opulent robes, they publicly profess to be devout men of God praying for world peace, while behind closed doors, the top echelon is negotiating to incite terrorism, war and run child trafficking rings to every corner of the globe.

they serve the Reptilians
Pedophilia is a prime tool used by the NAA to conquer various races, planets and solar systems. This why it is prevalent in the organizations they control, such as the Vatican, the Catholic Church and Washington, DC. This destructive behavior has been genetically programmed into the alien hybridization programs with human beings in order to destroy the original 12 strand DNA Christos design of the human light-body. Conquer the earth by targeting the children as young as possible. This is one reason as to why all the world religions and organizations, formed to enslave humanity by the NAA, have major pedophilia problems in their leadership and representatives, even when they may not be practicing Satanists.

The Vatican and their armies have played a major role in the proliferation of global child trafficking and the Pedophilia epidemic. High ranking Satanists oversee an assortment of international banking and criminal activities making them the wealthiest organization on the earth. The grotesque amount of this stolen and accumulated wealth remains largely unknown in its accurate scope. The Vatican’s legal status as a sovereign nation with protected borders has made this wealth largely unaccounted for and tax free. However, it is known that the Catholic Church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence–on the entire planet.

Sadly, the most caring spiritual human beings cannot fathom the existence of such levels of pure evil and deceit to harm human beings, or how much pain and suffering these imposter ‘men of God’, manipulated by non-human satanic forces, have caused to human souls. Thus, the lack of accountability and unchecked power is what has allowed the Church of Rome to continue their crimes against humanity with impunity, despite its long history of criminal activities, including thousands of known, covered up and ongoing pedophilia cases. It is important to discern the difference of the Vatican Power Elite and the devout Catholic followers, who have no idea the original intent of the Church of Rome and that Catholic religion was designed to be a mind control religion by invading non-human entities seeking to enslave humanity. The current levels of corruption and crimes against humanity that is taking place is unimaginable.

It is the pure love and sincere heart of human beings within the energetic structure of any distorted religion or organization that was first designed to control human beings, that can transcend this evil. Bringing to the spiritual community higher qualities of compassion, comfort, the sense of belonging to a group, and the genuine good will of fostering the brotherhood and sisterhood of a unified humanity. A certain level of critical mass in this awareness will be required to wake up to see this horrible corruption that the Church of Rome has exploited and manipulated in human hearts for hundreds of years. For the sincerely reverent spiritual seeker or religious devotee, this level of spiritual betrayal when learning about the facts of these atrocities, will emotionally devastate and break many human hearts. They may become traumatized and need compassionate spiritual healing. Compassionate Witnessing in our truth seeking and service to others is desperately needed to help bring the comfort and peace to others, with the knowledge that there is a genuine force of unconditional love that is God and Christ. However, we have been lied to and mind controlled by nefarious forces for thousands of years, so we will need to understand the reasons for that one day.

For many of us, there has been overwhelming evidence presented for many years that satanic forces completely rule over the Vatican and the Catholic Church, and that the institution itself is rotten to the core and permeated with criminal psychopaths and pedophiles. This hard evidence is compounded by the energetic evidence found by the Starseed intuitive empaths and grid workers. We can well attest to the chamber of horrors of the vilest demonic forces that exist on the grounds of the Vatican, buried in layers upon layers of necropolis and dead bodies, screaming and howling trapped souls, enmeshed within the interdimensional layers of the 5th dimensional access portal underground. Those in the Christos Mission that are dedicated grid workers, session workers and the sincere and purest hearts, work tirelessly to find trapped souls and free them, while supporting repair projects to the grid damage, and working to rehabilitate the architecture of this sacred land, layer by layer.

The Christos Magi lines have been targeted for enslavement through many curses, hexes and spells directly cast from out of the Catholic religion and Vatican. This has been set up through the Orion Group Draconians, who regard the order of Magi and Melchizedek as worker classes to be enslaved. To be a worker class means they don’t use them for food, but as worker and sex slaves. Alien implants and suppressor parasite entities are issued through the alien Zeta Grays that are subservient to the Orion empires demand. Some human souls have been condemned to live in Gray alien worker bodies in the future timelines in Secret Space Programs.

The Catholic Church is the planetary broker for the Orion Draconian groups in which the Vatican Stargate has been used as a human soul dispensary. Enslavement programs exist to harvest human souls, which are being sent to other systems, other planets, as brokered through their Orion group captors. One such brokering deal is to create workers for the planet Nibiru that is harvested within this ascension cycle. Nibiru as a planet and star is closer to this planet's trajectory which allows an apparent shifting or movement of souls that have been designated for that planet in their afterlife cycle. Historically, there have been massively sized plasma ships that arrive through the Vatican portal, which acts as an interdimensional hub for the intergalactic black trade, human and child trafficking. With the Solar Rishi return, this is being tracked and stopped immediately, however there are timelines and many souls that require deep spiritual healing.

The Satanic stronghold in the Vatican aggressively targeted and killed the original Christ Templars ( or so they thought, We are The Christos Templars returned, the Guardians) in an attempt to extinguish all founder records of the Essenes and Cathars on planet. This includes destroying the knowledge of the Law of One, sacred marriage of Christos-Sophia, the Mother Arc as the Holy Spirit, and the female principle's equal role to access Christos consciousness, as the true Sophia wisdom and spiritual knowledge of our Universe. Notre Dame in Paris also links to the Vatican underground in which the crucifixion of the Sophianic consciousness and killing of the Cathars is mocked and held in place by assorted Lunar Female Demons. The Vatican hid many of the original manuscripts of humanity’s true historical records and this was intended to hide that Jesheua the Christ was married and had children, was not of immaculate conception, and that the Christ was of Cosmic "otherworldly' origins.

The Vatican Underground Network.

Transiting Souls Trapped in Necropolis as Blood Sacrifices

Recently, Guardian Host has requested support for transiting out human souls, victims of Blood Sacrifices in satanic ritual under Caligula’s Obelisk in Vatican City. These sacrifices are connected to many obscenely wealthy Cardinals and the Papacy, which in turn are connected to the Black Nobility lineages in the energetic terrain around Rome. For many years, we have witnessed the gradual reconfiguration in the structure in the 5D gate in Vatican, which has enforced these black magic grids for human Blood Sacrifice and collecting Loosh from martyr’s blood in the name of the Black Suns’ declaration of Satan as God in the Vatican City. 

The Vatican is a Black Sun NAA racket with a stranglehold on global human affairs and it is clear that that many Cardinals and Popes have been heavily involved in SRA and Pedophilia for hundreds of years. This calls for Compassionate Witnessing of these timelines in which the usurping of Christ consciousness into anti-life reversals and blood sacrifice was used to power up the Vatican architecture, to firmly seat its power worldwide and which is an interdimensional Black House dwelling used by practicing Satanists on multiple planes.

Consettia is a Black Dragon gestalt and related lunar demonic hierarchy hybridized with AI that can be considered the enforcer of Dark Mother constructs. This has been identified for eviction in several Guardian Host architectural repair projects, which recently also includes its enmeshment with the AI systems running in the Vatican. We have observed these gestalts protecting, supporting and backing popular or well-known politico figures that are enmeshed in the Satanic Council and related agendas. 

This group is an extremely vicious high dimensional AI, designed by the invading Bourgha to destroy planetary systems and harmonic universes by altering the reality through AI programming which projects incredible warring, destruction and violence. After gaining access into the interdimensional fields in the Vatican, it spread its destructive programing into several spiritual gateways, to terrorize and attack the awakening females with Essene, Cathar and Diamond Sun Christos lineages. Thus, it is present and lurking in important historical areas in the earth related to the Essene and Cathar civilizations that knew about the Sophia principle of Mother. This appears to be a specific AI program deployed to destroy the true Mother and Sophia aspect, by suppressing females and males to remain energetically blocked with lunar forces, saturating their gender and sexual center, so their 2D layers and breeding can be controlled.

Find out how they hid this from you....👉: The changing of the Human Genome


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Being Human: Living in the Matrix; with Me & Shannon Confidential's Shannon Pinkosky

VIDEO SERIES: Join me & Shannon Confidential down the Rabbit Hole, in the four part series, Being Human: Living in the Matrix, where we talk about everything from living in the Matrix, to Extraterrestrials, to Disclosure, Secret Space Force, Spirituality, The Awakening. Earth Catastrophe Cycle & More. Buckle up...The Enlightenment ride is gonna get bumpy, but oh, what a destination!

phone users, scroll down and click 'web version' to play vids.

Part 1

(re, "I died" Actually... we verified...I was flatlined for 6 minutes. so 1;17 is incorrect)

Part 3

Part 4

Monday, September 13, 2021

Platonic Solids as Sonic Geometry, Cymatics, Sun & Platonic Math

Platonic Solids as Sonic Geometry
The Sonic geometries are based in the platonic solid shapes and lines of light that are programmed from one dimension above, where they are being directly placed in the field. This is accomplished by directing geometric codes from mathematical shapes, which form light programs into one dimensional area in order to direct the appropriate sound frequencies into the dimension above it.
In directing certain light code symbols into a specific dimension of time and space, the architect behind the making of the Blueprint is simultaneously directing sound wave frequencies, or sonic geometries into the dimension that exists above it. Remember that sound makes geometric forms which become patterns made visible through light: Cymatics. The interplay of light and sound must be used together in the creation of energy fields and forms, and thus the male and female principle are always entwined and working together in some capacity in the mechanics of creation.

When our planet was invaded, these nonhuman forces understood they would gain control over sound waves and sonic geometries in the architecture, if they destroyed the mother principle by disfiguring the sound body templates throughout the planetary network and then replace it with an artificial version. Further they knew that to enslave a species, they could effectively use the power of sound waves and frequency, along with dissonant geometric programs, to trigger reversal stimuli that conditioned us to damage our own human DNA potential.

We must learn from the sound wave weaponry and sonic geometric code programs that have been used against us and reclaim the power of sound technologies for the empowerment and upliftment of all humanity. All human beings are exceptionally receptive and inclined to reverberate with resonating sound tones or energy waves, especially those that naturally emanate from the planetary body, The Schuman Resonance. When we can utilize sound waves such as harmonious music, words or tones that feel positively resonant in the cells of our body, we automatically increase inner harmony and coherence, which greatly strengthens our spiritual and physical immunity. this is the science behind chanting, mantras when meditation, singing bowls, gongs and drums. 

Curiously, the beauty of the sonic geometries is increasingly present in the extensive fields of plasma flower activations happening in the planetary architecture as the result of the Return of Emerald Order. These naturally sing the frequencies of the Christos-Sophia twinned heart song which emphasizes the amazingly high frequency of flowers wherever they are found, which is inherent within the Holy Mother’s sound signature of the holy spirit’s sonic geometries. The frequency of flowers in their plasma architecture are reorganizing the energy field with high frequency geometric flower patterns of every shape and essence, highlighting the Sophianic power of sonic plasma flower shields that are now returning and healing the planetary grid to circulate chalice points of living light current.

To regain our minds and our health, we must regain the knowledge of the immense power behind sound technology and sonic geometries for spiritual healing through the science of Cymatics, and how this information was actually at the foundation of building the energy circulating architecture of our technologically advanced human society in which poverty and disease was nonexistent.

These shapes can be found in a laboratory environment with the use of Cymatics
and have be observed in a study into harmonic vibrations by Robert Hooke in 1680.
What these tests involved is the following; sand or a substance is placed on a surface pulled tight
a frequency is then played on a speaker behind the surface
the result is that the sand/substance jumps into distinct and provocative patterns. this also happens with water especially, of which we are 98%.

Stars, Frequency & Vibrational Science

To rediscover the profound nature of sound technologies that were used prior to the fall and lost knowledge of our advanced human civilization, we are led to the importance of Cymatics. Cymatics is the study of the relationship between geometric patterns which emit frequencies that are formed by sound vibrations and how these sound waves can directly influence and create forms in physical matter. We can think of Cymatics as the study and knowledge of sound made visible, that which demonstrates through mathematical progression and geometric patterns the organizing power of sound, vibration and frequency. The harmonic series made within the trinity, the base tones, the overtones and the resonating tone sequences within the natural laws that follow predictable math patterns in sonic geometries which can be traced in the study of Cymatics. Cymatics is taken from the ancient Greek kyma which means wave, in which energy waves and sound waves create systems of energy within ordered geometric patterns, which further transmit their relative frequencies into the environment. Many great philosophical minds from antiquity investigated the divine laws of nature in terms of Cymatics, studying the natural world to determine the mathematical order and its relationship to sounds, musical tones, words and their impacts upon form and structure.

Triangle 180 Degrees
A triangle is a polygon with three edges and three vertices. It is one of the basic shapes in geometry. An equilateral triangle has three sides of the same length. An equilateral triangle is also a regular polygon with all angles measuring 60°. Triangles are assumed to be two-dimensional plane figures, unless the context provides otherwise. In rigorous treatments, a triangle is therefore called a 2-simplex (see also Polytope). Elementary facts about triangles were presented by Euclid, in books 1–4 of his Elements, written around 300 BC.

The measures of the interior angles of the triangle always add up to 180 degrees (same color to point out they are equal). The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a triangle in Euclidean space is always 180 degrees. This fact is equivalent to Euclid's parallel postulate. This allows determination of the measure of the third angle of any triangle, given the measure of two angles. An exterior angle of a triangle is an angle that is a linear pair (and hence supplementary) to an interior angle. The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of the two interior angles that are not adjacent to it; this is the exterior angle theorem. The sum of the measures of the three exterior angles (one for each vertex) of any triangle is 360 degrees.

Square 360 Degrees
In geometry, a square is a regular quadrilateral, which means that it has four equal sides and four equal angles (90-degree angles, or 100-gradian angles or right angles). It can also be defined as a rectangle in which two adjacent sides have equal length.
Opposite sides of a square are both parallel and equal in length.
All four angles of a square are equal (each being 360°/4 = 90°, a right angle).
All four sides of a square are equal.
The diagonals of a square are equal.

Pentagon 540 Degrees
In geometry, a pentagon (from the Greek πέντε pente and γωνία gonia, meaning five and angle) is any five-sided polygon or 5-gon. The sum of the internal angles in a simple pentagon is 540°. A pentagon may be simple or self-intersecting. A self-intersecting regular pentagon (or star pentagon) is called a pentagram. A regular pentagon has five lines of reflectional symmetry, and rotational symmetry of order 5 (through 72°, 144°, 216° and 288°). The diagonals of a convex regular pentagon are in the golden ratio to its sides.

Hexagon 720 Degrees
In geometry, a hexagon (from Greek ἕξ, hex, meaning "six", and γωνία, gonía, meaning "corner, angle") is a six-sided polygon or 6-gon. The total of the internal angles of any simple (non-self-intersecting) hexagon is 720°. A regular hexagon has six rotational symmetries (rotational symmetry of order six) and six reflection symmetries (six lines of symmetry). 

Septagon 900 Degrees
Septagon A 7-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides). Also called Heptagon. In geometry, a heptagon is a seven-sided polygon or 7-gon. The heptagon is sometimes referred to as the septagon, using "sept-" (an elision of septua-, a Latin-derived numerical prefix, rather than hepta-, a Greek-derived numerical prefix; both are cognate) together with the Greek suffix "-agon" meaning angle.

Octagon 1080 Degrees
In geometry, an octagon (from the Greek ὀκτάγωνον oktágōnon, "eight angles") is an eight-sided polygon or 8-gon.The sum of all the internal angles of any octagon is 1080°. As with all polygons, the external angles total 360°.
If squares are constructed all internally or all externally on the sides of an octagon, then the midpoints of the segments connecting the centers of opposite squares form a quadrilateral that is both equi-diagonal and ortho-diagonal (that is, whose diagonals are equal in length and at right angles to each other). The midpoint octagon of a reference octagon has its eight vertices at the midpoints of the sides of the reference octagon. If squares are constructed all internally or all externally on the sides of the midpoint octagon, then the midpoints of the segments connecting the centers of opposite squares themselves form the vertices of a square.

Sun and Platonic Math
Through many wars and genocidal campaigns that have taken place over many lifetimes, including Alien Hybridization Breeding Programs to infect our original blood and DNA, the intruding races gradually took away more and more of our natural energy resources and blank slated our history during the end of major astrological cycles. Major outfits of Alien Machinery or black hole technology was further installed approximately every 6,500 years (or 6,480 years) during each quarter of the 26,000-year cycle. They did this to gain control over the magnetosphere through the Manipulation of the Dodecahedron geometry which has great influence on organic magnetism, carbon matter and manifesting timelines. By gaining control over the properties of the dodecahedron and its connection to our Sun, by running and merging artificial magnetism tied to the Lunar Matrix, this combination was used as a weapon to induce surface weather catastrophes such as major global floods. We have discovered that the Dodecahedron, which is a primary platonic solid geometry connected to Aether and liquid plasmas transmitted by our Sun, have 6,480 degrees (the sum of the angles of all its faces).

Tesla told us that Aether behaves as a liquid for matter and as a solid for light and heat, and the other geometries act as the building blocks of our matrix which need the structural framework of the Aether component. Through the dodecahedron geometry (which is the Aether function) the rest of the Platonic Solids and elements are organized within all of the energy flows into specific frequency patterns throughout our dimensions of time and space. The bottom line for the NAA, to control the dodecahedron properties of 6,480 degrees and by doing so have control over matter forms and what manifests on the Earth surface. This is geometric or Geodetic Knowledge behind the rigged system of creating the Prison Planet, and has played a significant role in how this hidden invasion was accomplished by the invaders.

Planetary Energy Matrix
Any advanced comprehension of the larger picture of our planet as an energy matrix system and cultivating a suitable habitat for the ongoing evolution of higher consciousness by developing higher potentials throughout human society, requires geodetic knowledge. With many applications for building structures in harmony and alignment to natural laws, by comprehending the total mass, we can determine the gravitational constant and calculate the gravitational effects of the force between two objects caused by gravity. 

As an example, the Equatorial bulge is an integral component of the forces that are acting to impose rotational and orbital stability on the Earth as it travels around the Sun. In Guardian gridwork, we have observed alien machinery manipulation of the equatorial bulge to artificially manipulate the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) as a narrow ribbon of current flowing eastward in the day time equatorial region of the Earth's ionosphere. Clearly the NAA have advanced geodetic knowledge of our planet, which has been used to manipulate the magnetic fields and direction of energy current at these extensive levels for some energy harnessing benefit.

It is made clear that the Ancient Builder Races or master builders understood Earth's fundamental Geodetic parameters on a level not equaled until the advent of modern satellite surveys, and still the builders of today could not perform the many feats of many architectural wonders that we can see were left for us to reflect upon today. After World War II, clearly the NAA agenda was to institute the uglification of our society through the introduction of modern architecture as a type of enemy warfare, architecture in public buildings and in public spaces started to appear to be a display of direct hatred being spewed towards aestheticism and harmony. A type of architectural terrorism sprouted in cities to assault our human senses with an anxious energy behind the deconstruction of our true past so that we fracture into ever smaller fragments. 

The intentional uglification of our world is used to incite dehumanization through chaos and depression, in which this agenda seems to have suddenly arisen with a fury through mass-produced utilitarianism. Cement jungles of small pod apartments stacked up like coffins and statues of twisted steel shards and massive metal arachnids supposedly reflecting the height of popular modern art forms. That’s art they tell us, we’re supposed to admire and appreciate that twisted metal statue or piece of the graffiti art on the wall with a public price tag of multiple millions. These examples of deconstruction in action are the essence of anti-beauty and anti-art forms, instead they are designed to instill oppression, fear and sadness coming from the deviant mind of the predator.

With an open mind we must consider the possibility that our history is wrong, our timelines are wrong, the theory of Darwinian evolution is alien propaganda garbage. Our human culture was invaded and taken over by parasites. Many of the exquisite architectural wonders we still have some access to see on the planet are misdated, the timeline is wrong and the credit is given to the inheritors assigned as the cover story, long after its original creation.

Giza is said to have chronological estimates dated back to the reign of Khufu and his pyramid roughly between 2700 and 2500 BC. This information given to the public is connected to the controller’s pact of the Atlantean conspiracy, so that all resulting buildings and architecture which might inform the public of the free energy devices used through Cymatic principles of the Ancient Builder Races are to be confused, erased and in their place, a foolish narrative fed to the unsuspecting public that has been sufficiently mind wiped of their true past. The Great Pyramid is nearly 50,000 years old and was built with geodetic knowledge and Cymatic principles common from Atlantis, the pyramid was functioning as a harmonic energy resonator in the prime meridian location of the planet. Further, marking this location as the main Solar Stargate and defining the prominent vertical connection to the Great White Lion network, which the Sphinx is designed to represent.

Geodesy is the Earth science of accurately measuring and understanding Earth's geometric shape, orientation in space, and gravitational field. It was incorporated within many ancient sacred sites and buildings across the world in which indisputable evidence is found in the mathematical measurements of the constructions as aligned to the coordinate location points of the meridians or ley lines. The sciences have been captured for a very long time so that any developed and curious minds that challenge the narrative will find themselves out of a job and blacklisted from their career. Thus, the perfect symmetry of mathematical and geometric resonances are found within many of the older or ancient structures, buildings, cathedrals, temples and power stations created all over the globe by our predecessors. As an example, many of the existing Gothic cathedrals were built with its own cubit, or ancient linear unit of measurement, and that cubit measurement is based upon a multiple or subdivision of the meridian length at the latitude that cathedral was specifically chosen to be built upon. We are told that these magnificent structures were just plopped down on the ground in some random spot, and this incredible feat of architecture, artistic beauty and expert engineering was built during a time with an ancient primitive people that had no access to electrical energy or machining tools.

Many of these structures are the remnants from our ONE angelic human advanced global civilization that did not have the mind control imposed from an alien lunar matrix pushing organized religion. Instead, they built these beautiful cathedrals and architectural wonders throughout the world’s different cultures as objects and structures to display art and beauty that held geometric frequencies and Cymatic principles with frequencies designed to uplift humanity. 

Many of these magnificent buildings were placed on the exact geographical center of the demographic area or ley line for which it was built, in order to amplify the natural harmonic sound wave resonances and to elevate the atmospheric frequencies for the wellbeing of all living things in the environment. In this way, the Cymatic principles of the architecture functioned as natural formations for generating feedback loops in the ley lines called chalice configurations, in which the local natural energies on that grid line were being multiplied, magnified and harmoniously circulated into the area. The Guardians have given us a few places to ponder and reflect upon the Cymatic principles used in their construction to multiply atmospheric energies for environmental harmonization.

Rosslyn Chapel, Roslyn, Midlothian, Scotland -55°51′19″ N, 3°09′37″ W

Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres, Chartres, France - 48° 26′ 50″ N, 1° 29′ 16″ E
Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna - 48° 12′ 30.6″ N, 16° 22′ 22.8″ E
Wells Cathedral, Somerset, England - 51° 12′ 37.44″ N, 2° 38′ 37.32″ W
Pantheon, Rome - 41° 53′ 54.96″ N, 12° 28′ 36.48″ E

If ancient humans were primitive creatures in the dark ages without technology as mainstream science tells us, then how were these incredible ancient buildings and massive monolithic structures made possible? The methods of the ancient master builders were utilizing sacred geometry and geodetic knowledge to create structures that resonated with the earth’s energy field and because these structures were harmonically attuned to the earth’s natural field, they amplified the higher consciousness and healing properties that restore and maintain energetic balance, by using the geometric patterns found in the divine laws of nature. 

The science of resonance is a science of harmony, that which designs and creates structures and things that vibrate according to certain frequencies and those frequencies would be attuned to the gradually changing frequencies of the planetary body and her evolutionary growth cycles. This Geodetic knowledge has been stripped from humanity as a result of the NAA and the current mind control agenda used to enslave and suppress humanity. It’s time to return this knowledge back to our children, and Mr. Tesla’s massive body of work in free energy will be restored to the public once again for the upliftment and betterment of humanity.

Tesla was aware the planet was a giant energy generator spinning around two magnetic poles in which limitless access to free energy could be harnessed for all of humanity. He believed that the ionospheric layers were important in harnessing atmospheric electricity, which could be easily tapped into wirelessly which could generate free energy for many global energy applications. Based in his study of the Giza Pyramids, Tesla designed his Towers created upon the same mathematical proportions of Giza, in accordance to the laws used in its construction that were based on the location in the grid and its relationship to the equator band. From this he knew that a source of
free energy could be harnessed from the planet and transmitted as a global power source wirelessly. Tesla’s discoveries and Free Energy devices were confiscated by the government and his body of work disappeared after his death in 1943. His work in this world is far from being completed and in the near future we will be hearing about more of the advanced technologies that were developed through his original blueprints that were hidden from the masses.