
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Voyagers II; 18 The Guardian Material; The Hidden Game-board Final Conflict Drama


1943-1951 From 1943, the Zeta-Rigelian-Drakonian force continued to “spread its wings” of influence across the globe following their 1943 success in creating the Phi-Ex Wormhole network. Drakonian Illuminati races became painfully aware that the Zeta Rigelians had intentions of orchestrating mass genocide among select populations in preparation for the 2000-2017 Final Conflict with the Anunnaki and Necromitons. In the late 1930s, the Zetas began experimenting with ''Ethnic Viruses'' (DNA/race type specific) as they explored their options for reducing select Human, and competing Illuminati, populations during the SAC drama. 

Beginning in late 1943, the Zetas began using their Phi-Ex Network technology (code-named ''the Falcon,'' after the Atlantic wormhole’s ancient Atlantian name) for testing of sub-space sonic scalar pulses to induce localized, targeted “natural disasters” in desired areas. Primary locations for Zeta/Illuminati sonic scalar pulse testing have included areas of Alaska, Antarctica, Australia, Central America, Mexico, the Middle East, various desert regions and beneath the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, the Aegean, Mediterranean and Caspian Seas, the Sea of Japan, Persian Gulf and Gulf of Mexico. 

Throughout the 1950s, the Necromiton-Andromie force became more actively involved in Illuminati contact and began to assemble teams of Illuminati ''converts'' from the Zeta-Rigelian Drakonian international Illuminati ranks. In 1951 certain factions of pro-Anunnaki Necromiton-Andromies from Omega Centauri accepted Templar conquest “deals” from a competing Jehovian-AnnuElohim Anunnaki OWO invasion force from Sirius A, Arcturus and the Trapezium (Theta) star cluster in ''Orion’s Sword.'' The Bipedal Dolphin People, Anunnaki and Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic forces that comprise this ancient Lemurian-Atlantian Jehovian-Nephite Invasion Team are collectively known as the ''Dove.'' The ''Dove'' symbology refers to the physical shape, when viewed from the air with photo-radionic scanning equipment, of their global Atlantian Pylon Implant Network (PIN) Control Grid that was last implanted into 366 The Lion, the “Lamb,” the Sphinx and the Eagle Earth’s Planetary Shields during the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion. 

The “Falcon Phi-Ex PIN” connecting to the Zeta-Rigelian Drakonian “Falcon wormhole,” is also one of these ancient Atlantian PIN Control Grids, as are numerous others soon to be discussed. These Atlantian Pylon Implant Network (APIN) systems were in active use as tools of territorial dominion by various competing Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET factions throughout the Atlantian period. APIN systems differ in the type of Planetary Shield implanting that is used, but all implanting utilizes sophisticated crystal-based technologies similar to the silicon-based microchips used in conventional computer technologies. The APIN systems can be compared to massive global grid systems made of strategically placed ''crystalline microchips'' that interface directly with the natural, multidimensional, electromagnetic energy conduits of Star Gates, Axiatonal and Ley Line systems organic to Earth’s Templar. APIN technology is not intrinsically a “negative” technology, but rather an environmentally valid application of the natural spiritual and scientific laws of Creation Physics. 

Before these technologies fell into the hands of Fallen Angelic races, they were used openly by various Guardian races in many universal systems to facilitate and enhance the experience of evolution and ascension for all. Prior to the Lucifer Rebellion of 25,500 BC, Emerald Covenant Founders races and the Angelic Human and Indigo Maji races of Earth utilized APIN systems for everything from global free energy systems, climate stabilization and healing, to inter-stellar sub-space communications and broadcasting networks. 


The Angelic Human and Indigo Maji races of Earth originally had two great global APIN systems on Earth that operated Earth’s Templar naturally on a D-l2 “12-Code Pulse Christiac Current” through Star Gate-12, its corresponding Inner Earth Star Gate-12 “Cue Site” and interface with Earth’s natural Crystal Pylon Networks (CPNs). The Emerald Covenant APIN systems were known as the ''Great White Lion'' and the ''Golden Eagle.'' The Founders designed the blueprint of their APIN systems with two primary criteria in mind—first, that the APIN was precisely calculated mathematically to encompass and modulate natural frequencies through the 12 Primary Star Gates, Axiatonal and Ley Line systems in Earth’s Planetary Templar. Second, once the technical elements of the APIN “grid” were in place, the Founders desired to “leave a part of themselves reflected in the APIN” to remind the races of Earth that they were never alone or abandoned. The “design” of the Founders’ APINs was also to serve as a “sub-sonic planetary identification flag” when viewed from space via Photoradionic scanning equipment. 

The Great White Lion APIN system belonged to the Elohei-Elohim Christiac Founders races of D-12 Aramatena-Lyra—the feline-hominid Anuhazi Leonine race. The Great White Lion’s ''heart'' was located at Earth’s Star Gate-12—Montsegur, France. The “throat from which the lion roared” was at Star Gate-1l, Southern England. Its “head” looked out to the west, cresting the north polar regions, spanning central and northern Europe, across Atlantis and into northeastern North America. The ''body of the Lion'' lay at rest across the expanse of the Asian continent, while the Lion’s 367 The Hidden Game-board Final Conflict Drama ''great front paws'' stretched out across North America and northern South America, its rear left paw shrouding the continent of Africa. The “tail” of the Lion extended outward and down from the far eastern side of the Asian continent, through Australia, south to Star Gate-1 at Halley, Antarctica, then curved back up and northward to encompass the southern portion of South America. 

The Elohei-Elohim Anuhazi installed the “Great White Lion” APIN system on Earth in stages, beginning just after the “Electric Wars” of 5.5 million years ago. Though Earth’s continents and land masses have changed position several times since the Electric Wars, Earth’s Star Gates always remain in the same positions within Earth’s Planetary Shields Scalar Template. Earth’s crust ''slides across'' the fixed geographical Star Gate coordinates of the Planetary Shields; APIN systems are installed along precise coordinates within the Planetary Shields, and thus the form of the APIN systems remain constant in relation to variable planetary surface geography. The original Egyptian Sphinx had the face of a lion, not of a man. The design for the Sphinx was chosen, by the Indigo Child Maji, Angelic Human and Emerald Covenant-loyal Annunaki races of Earth, as a tribute to the EloheiElohim Leonine Christos Founders race.

 The structure broadcast a statement to the Fallen Annu-Elohim and Annunaki Fallen Angelic collectives that the Earth races were united under the common banner of the Founders’ Emerald Covenant Co-Evolution Peace Treaty. The design of the original Sphinx was a three-dimensional representation of the Great White Lion APIN system, created from translating the Founders’ APIN maps, as held in the Emerald Covenant CDT-Plate records. The primary purpose of the Great White Lion APIN was to assist Earth through natural Stellar Activation Cycles until Earth’s Planetary Shields could be repaired from the damage incurred during the Electric Wars cataclysm. If the Great Lion, and its companion “Golden Eagle” APIN systems had not been installed following the Electric Wars, Earth would suffer cataclysmic pole shift during every SAC, and eventually the planet would implode due to the severity of its Scalar Template distortions. The Great White Lion APIN was modeled in the image of the felinehominid Elohei-Elohim Leonine Christos Founders of D-12 Lyra, Aramatena. 

It represented the D-12 (silver-white) Lyran-Sirian APIN system of Earth, the “anchoring rod” and stabilization grid for 12 Primary Axiatonal Line “vertical frequency conduits” running along the polar North-South longitudes in Earth’s Templar Complex. The companion Golden Eagle APIN system belongs to the Emerald Covenant CerezSeraphei-Seraphim Avian races and Aethien-Mantis races of D-8 Mintaka, Orion and the related Serres Avian-hominid races of Alcyone, Pleiades. The Golden Eagle, modeled in the image of the Avian (bird people) Cerez, is the D-8 “anchoring rod” and stabilization grid for the 12 Primary and many secondary horizontal Ley Line systems running East-West along the equatorial latitudes of Earth’s Templar, and for the diagonal Ley Line system. 

The Great White Lion is the “Guardian of the North and South” and the Golden Eagle is the ''Guardian of the East and West.'' The “Great White Lion,” has its heart at Star Gate-12, through which the silver-white, D-12 “Christos” frequency of the planetary Pre-matter Template, or 368 The Lion, the “Lamb,” the Sphinx and the Eagle ''Divine Blueprint'' opens into Earth’s Planetary Shields. The Great White Lion became the symbol of the eternal Christos Founders Elohei-Elohim Anuhazi races, the Lyran-Sirian Guardians of Earth’s D-12 Christiac Divine Blueprint—the “The Powerful Lion with the Pure, Christed Heart of a Lamb.” In technical terms, the Great White Lion and its Golden Eagle companion APIN systems literally hold Earth’s shattered Planetary Shields and scalar template together during SACs. 

Interestingly, in the Jehovian Anunnaki/Fallen Annu-Elohim distortions added to the ancient Emerald Covenant texts that later became the Bible, the Jehovian “promise” was that the day would come ''when the Lion would lie down with the Lamb.'' What the Jehovians failed to explain was that the ''Lamb''—the Star Gate-12 ''Heart of the Great White Lion'' APIN—was ''sacrificed and cut out upon the altar'' of the Fallen Angelic Omicron Drakonian (“Dragon” APIN) force of Alnitak, Orion, during the last consummated SAC of 208,216 BC. At this time, Earth’s Templar activated on an unnatural 10-Code Pulse, blocking activation of Star Gate12 and “stilling the heart of the Lion,” due to Omicron invasion. The AnnuElohim also fail to mention that in 25,500 BC, their Jehovian Anunnaki assisted the Marduke-Luciferian Anunnaki of Alpha and Omega Centauri to ''seize the Lion'' by its Star Gate-11 England ''throat'' via the NDC-Grid.¹ 

Since this time, the Jehovian Anunnaki and various competing Fallen Angelic factions have “quested to tame the Lion” APIN system under their respective dominion, and have progressively used the NDC-Grid to prevent the Elohei-Elohim Founders from accessing the Great White Lion APIN to assist the peoples of Earth. The Jehovians intend for the ''Lion'' APIN to ''lie down with the sacrificed Star Gate-12 Lamb,'' to be ''resurrected'' and re-activated under the dominion of the Fallen Annu-Elohim, when they succeed in pulling Earth into the Phantom Matrix. They hope to ''re-start the heart'' of the Lion by artificially linking Earth’s Star Gate-12 Lamb to the Star Gate-11 ''throat of the Lion.'' If the Jehovians have their way, the ''Lion will have its heart in its throat,'' and both the “Lion and the Lamb” will ''lie down together before the alter of Jehovah,” to be “resurrected” by the Fallen Annu-Elohim, as an ''energy-vampiring'' system to feed the Phantom Matrix. Sad, isn’t it? 

Here humanity was led to believe that the statement of “When the Lion lies down with the Lamb” represented a time when “Peace and love, and the end of fighting, would come between the aggressive and the passive, and we’d all enter the kingdom of Heaven joyously together.” This example illustrates beautifully the cruel sense of humor, manipulative soothsaying and outright deception offered to us by the Fallen Angelic Annu-Elohim Jehovian Anunnaki collective. What the Jehovian Anunnaki, and the other Fallen Angelic collectives did not anticipate was that the ''Heart of the Lion'' would begin ''beating with a 12-Code Pulse'' at the January 1, 2000, commencement of the present SAC. This is precisely what has occurred due to continuing Elohei-Elohim and Seraphei/.Seraphim crisis-intervention efforts in the contemporary drama. 

Now all of c collectives are in a ''race for time'' to fulfill their intended OWO dominion agendas, in hopes of preventing the Great White Lion and Golden Eagle APIN systems from fully awakening from their long slumber. If the Great White Lion and its Golden Eagle companion awaken, the numerous APIN systems belonging to the Fallen Angelic races will be progressively healed and re-coded to a natural “Christiac D-12 12-Code Pulse.” In this case, Earth, Inner Earth and the Halls of Amenti will be permanently spared further advancement of the Fallen Angelic dominion campaign. The Big Question is ''Can the Great White Lion and the Golden Eagle be healed and awakened in time?'' As the Great White Lion, and a return to the Lyran-Sirian Christiac, love-based culture model that it represents, struggle now to awaken, the Golden Eagle has a ''rapid healing'' to complete before its “wings are opened, free to fly.” 

During the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion, when the Marduke-Luciferian-Anunnaki and Necromiton-Andromie-Annunaki-hybrid races of Alpha and Omega Centauri, and the Thoth-Enki-Zeta Anunnaki races of Nibiru implanted the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid (NDC Grid) in Earth’s Templar, the “Lion was grabbed by its Star Gate-I1 throat” and the ''Eagle was Caged.'' The Golden Eagle APIN system fell to Necromiton-Andromie agenda Anunnaki forces, as the NDC Grid was used to reverse the natural scalar template sequences (''Fire Letters'') on Earth’s Primary Ley Lines 4 and 10. The horizontal L4/L10 ''double Ley Line'' emerging from Star Gate-10 Abadan, Iran, and Star Gate-4 Giza, Egypt, is the L4/L10 ''Giza Ley Line,'' the East-West center-line axis upon which the Golden Eagle APIN system is structured.  


Since 25,500 BC, the Golden Eagle APIN system has been “held hostage” and used to “do the bidding” of the Necromiton-Andromie-Anunnaki, Nephilim and Marduke-Luciferian Anunnaki of Alpha and Omega Centauri. This group proudly refers to themselves as the ''AlphaOmega Order of Melchizedeks'' and uses the symbol of a White Eagle as an antagonistic mockery to the Emerald Covenant races, denoting the AlphaOmega’s (unfortunate) victory in claiming the Guardian Cerez’s Golden Eagle APIN. The Golden Eagle was intended to become the symbol of a free America when the U.S.A. was formed. Instead, the ''white-headed'' Bald Eagle became the national mascot, symbolizing the Alpha-Omega Order’s partial victory in becoming the directors of a controlling portion of the US. Illuminati force—the Free Mason-Knights Templar legion. ''Arch- (fallen)-angel (Nephilim) Michael'' is a ''pet contact nam'' used by this diabolical anti-Christiac Melchizedek collective, as is the ''Alpha-Omega Melchizedek Order.''

 At certain times throughout history the Founders had entrusted this collective to join the Emerald Covenant on “Redemption Contracts,” through which their races could be assisted in gaining freedom from the Phantom Matrix via restoration of a D-12 Pre-matter “Christiac” Divine Blueprint Template. Repeatedly they have used such opportunities to exploit other races and compromise Emerald Covenant freedom 370 The Sacred Cow, Faces of Man, Easter Island Heads and the Trion Field agendas, just as their Anunnaki groups have done in their September 12, 2000, defection from the Emerald Covenant Treaty of Altair. lt is important in the contemporary drama for people to realize that the Melchizedek Cloister and “Order of the Yunasai” is the universal organization of the Emerald Covenant Christos Founders races in this Time Matrix. 

The Cloister promotes egalitarian, non-gender biased spiritual science freedom teachings for all, and does not promote the utter falsehood of the “Christ Crucifixion” story, nor “worship” of external gods. Melchizedek “priesthoods” of the Alpha-Omega Order are control paradigms based on the dogmas of the Fallen Annu-Elohim, Anunnaki and Necromiton races, originating from the Phantom Matrix. 

As of the Alpha/Omega false order of Melchizedek’s September 12, 2000, entry into the United lntruder Resistance (UlR) Edict of War, the Melchizedek Cloister will no longer offer peace negotiations to these groups that include their demand of non-disclosure regarding their true history of deception and manipulation of earthly populations. The Alpha-Omega Melchizedek Order will no longer be permitted to “hide beneath the skirts” of the Emerald Order Melchizedek Cloister and the Christiac Freedom Agenda, for which it stands. 


The Cerez-Seraphei and Elohei-Elohim Leonine Emerald Covenant races will free the caged “White Eagle” APIN and restore the Golden Eagle to its original dignity and the Great White Lion APIN will soon awaken with a loving roar. With the awakening of the Great White Lion and the Golden Eagle, yet another once-sacred APIN will be restored to its original grace. The APIN known as the Blue Oxen, or the ''Sacred Cow,'' originally the contact network between Earth and the Maharaji Blue Human guardians of Sirius B Star Gate-6, Council of Azurline, once held all of India and portions of Eastern Europe and Asia in its protective embrace. The Blue Oxen APIN system was jointly created by the Sirius B Maharaji and a Density-3 Emerald Covenant Bovine race² from Anteres and Altair called the Rashayana of the Bra-Ha-Rama Amethyst Order.

 The Oxen design for the APIN was chosen by the Sirius B Blue Human Maharaji as a tribute to the Rashayana for their assistance. The Blue Oxen APIN was created as a specialized interplanetary contact network in 22,500 BC, in conjunction with a more sophisticated PIN system implanted by the Emerald Order Founders. In the 10,500 BC Luciferian Conquest, the Blue Oxen APIN system was overtaken by the Blue Centaur Fallen Angelic collective of Omega Centauri, and has been utilized since this time to further the OWO dominion agendas of the ''Centaurians'' and their frequent allies, the Necromiton-Andromie-Anunnaki of Alpha and Omega Centauri. Through the Final Conflict drama of the 2000-2017 SAC, the Blue Oxen will also be reclaimed by the Maharaji, to once again become the “Sacred Cow” it was designed to be. 

The reason why Emerald Covenant races can succeed in protecting humanity during the Final Conflict drama of the 2000-2017 SAC is due to a specialized APIN system that allows Earth’s Planetary Shields to connect directly with Earth’s counterpart planet in a different Time Matrix called the Trans-Harmonic Time Cycle. Through this specialized Founders’ APIN, Earth can enter what is called a Meajhé Field, Trion Field, or “Tri-Veca Time Continuum,” through which the planet will be prevented from being drawn into the Phantom Matrix, and pole shift will be averted during the 2000-2017 SAC. In 22,500 BC, just before the failed SAC of 22,326 BC, the AzuriteEieyani Universal Star Gate Security Team of the Inner Earth Time Cycle visited the remaining Lumerian Islands (Muaravhi) and the Mu’a Maji Human races residing there. 

With the assistance of the Mu’a, the AzuriteEieyani “Indigo Children” implanted another PIN system, an advanced Lumerian-Pylon-Implant Network (LPIN), in an attempt to stabilize Earth’s Templar and “resurrect” the Great White Lion and the Golden Eagle APINs in preparation for the 22,326 BC SAC. The Azurite LPIN was known as the ''Faces of Man,'' ancient depictions of which can still be found in the ''heads'' rock sculptures of Easter Island off the coast of Peru, which were erected by Mu’a race descendants after their exile from Kauai, Hawaii.3 There are ''12 Heads'' in the Faces of Man LPIN system—one set of four Heads on Earth, another set of four Heads on Parallel Earth and the final set of four Heads on Inner Earth. Collectively, the 12 Faces of Man are known as the ''Guardians of the 12 Pillars.'' 

Each set of four Lumerian Pylon Implant “Faces” grids connects directly to the other two corresponding sets of “four Faces” on Parallel and Inner Earth. When the Faces of Man LPIN is activated, four massive pillars of inaudible, interdimensional standing sound waves anchor in Earth’s Planetary Shields through the “four Faces” template. The four Sound Pillars in each planetary body carry the full frequency spectra of dimensions 3-6-9-12, a frequency combination known as the ''Halls of Amorea Passage.'' The Halls of Amorea Passage frequency bridge connects Earth, its Parallel and Inner Earth directly to the Universal Pre-matter Template “Divine Blueprint” of Aramatena-Lyra (“Double-Double”), via D-6 Sirius B Star Gate-6, D-9 Star Gate-9 Mirach Andromeda and the Trans-Harmonic Time Cycle. The Eieyani intended to activate the Faces of Man LPIN system during the 22,326 BC SAC, to place Earth under full D-12 Maharic Shield and to seal the Phantom Matrix before the Fallen Angelics of Atlantis succeeded in drawing Earth into the black hole. 

In 22,326 BC, in an event called the Eieyani Massacre, the Thoth-Enki-Zeta Anunnaki of Nibiru destroyed the Eieyani civilization in what is now Kauai, Hawaii; the Eieyani races would need to wait until the next SAC, the 2000-2017 SAC, to complete activation of the Faces of Man LPIN system. The “Faces of Man” LPIN system was designed in the image of the Angelic Human race and the Azurite-Eieyani Maji Indigo Children races of Inner Earth. The “four Faces sculptures exist in other areas of the globe as well, cre- ated at various times to mark planetary grid positions significant to activation of the Faces of Man LPIN.  Earth emerges from a central point in Earth’s geography in the Gulf of Guinea, where the ''chins'' of the “four heads” meet at Longitude 0° and Latitude 0°, where the vertical Greenwich Meridian intersects the Equator. 

From this center point, each “head” extends as a pillar, two running horizontally east/west, one above and one below the equator, and two running vertically north/south, one on each side of the Greenwich Meridian. The “four Pillars of the Faces of Man” intersect again, where the “front tops of their heads” connect at Longitude 180° E-W and Latitude 0°, near Howland Island in the Equatorial Center Pacific Ocean. Though Fallen Angelics have made numerous attempts at compromising the four Faces of Man LPIN system since its installation in 22,500 BC, none have succeeded in “cracking its coding.” The four Faces of Man LPIN runs on what is called the Khundaray/Kee-Ra-ShA Primal Life Force Currents from dimensions 13-14-15 and the Trans-Harmonic “Trion” Currents from beyond this Time Matrix. 

These powerful interstellar frequencies are far beyond the range and power of those accessible to Fallen Angelic races. Once brought into critical mass activation, through Humans and Indigos running “Tri-Veca Rainbow Roundtables,” the four Faces of Man and Guardians of the 12 Pillars LPIN system will rapidly clear and override Planetary Shield distortions caused by the APIN systems of the Fallen Angelics. Activation of the four Faces of Man will progressively bring the Emerald Covenant ''Great White Lion'' and ''Golden Eagle'' APIN systems fully into original working order, allowing Earth’s grids to remain balanced as the Phantom Matrix wormholes are sealed during the 2001- 2004 period of the present SAC. The Great White Lion, Golden Eagle and the four Faces of Man are the ancient ''Guardians of the Four Corners of the Earth.'' If humanity assists the Emerald Covenant races in “Awakening the Ancient Guardians''-the LPIN/APIN systems left behind as our Lumerian/Atlantian Legacy—further progression of the UIR OWO dominion agenda can be averted.
If we do not assist, the Illuminati agenda will continue, leading humanity into global War, physical “Intruder ET” Invasion, and pole shift between 2003-2008.

If we do not think the potential dangers of the Fallen Angelic/Illuminati OWO agenda are real, perhaps this point will be ''driven home'' if we explore a bit more about how the agendas of the Falcon, the Dove, the Serpent, the Phoenix and the Dragon have unfolded since 1951. 

It is the progressive advancement and final amalgamation of these fallen Angelic agendas that brought us to the ''Trigger Event'' of the September 11, 2001, WTC/Pentagon Terrorist Attack, and the grim reality of progressive international war that this Trigger Event was intended to set in motion. 373 The Hidden Game-board Final Conflict Drama 


In 1951, the Alpha-Omega Necromiton-Andromie-Anunnaki accepted “deals” of collaboration offered b the Jehovian Anunnaki “Dove” collective, through which they would combine the stolen ''White Eagle'' and the specialized Jehovian ''Dove'' APIN systems. (See APIN diagrams pp. 527-530.) Together, the ''White Eagle'' and the ''Dove'' would attempt to open the second ancient Atlantian Wormhole, the ''Phoenix Wormhole,'' in order to claim dominion over the Zeta-Rigelian/Drakonian Falcon Wormhole and Phi-Ex Port Interface Network. 

The Eagle-Dove Anunnaki collective was unable to successfully open the Phoenix wormhole, at Axiatonal Line-7/Ley Line-4, until the opportunity presented itself in 1972 as other Anunnaki forces who controlled the ancient Phoenix and Serpent APIN systems accomplished the feat for them. Presently, due to the 1951 Alpha-Omega Necromiton and Jehovian Anunnaki alliances, the “Eagle flies with the Dove,” and since September 12, 2000, these combined forces have made further deals with the ''Falcon,'' ''Phoenix,'' ''Serpent'' and “Dragon,” to form the collective anti-Christiac force of the UIR OWO dominion campaign. 

The Jehovian Dove and Necromiton-Andromie “White Eagle” progressively launched sonic scalar pulse transmissions throughout the 1950s, in hopes of opening the ancient Phoenix wormhole to defeat the rising Zeta-Rigelian/Drakonian Falcon. The Sonic Pulse and ''Ethnic Virus'' testing programs of the covert ''Falcon'' were accelerated in the 1960s, when they and the Drakonian Illuminati began using the Falcon Network to create targeted climatic and seismic disturbances to further their hidden politicalpositioning agendas in the international arena. The Andromie-Necromiton White Eagle and Jehovian Dove forces continued a quiet invasion strategy of building subterranean and marine bases in key Star Gate control areas of Earth, and began making more direct contact with key controllers in several Illuminati factions. 

The various competing Pleiadian and Nibiruian Luciferian Anunnaki forces were “in a tizzy,” as they watched their long cosseted, exquisitely orchestrated, Atlantian take-over agenda become progressively “hi-jacked” by the Drakonian force. In 1972 the Zeta-Drakonian Falcon force began to expand the next intended wave of territorial conquest, attempting to use the Phi-Ex Network to gain control over the Anunnaki’s “prize possession,” the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. Since Atlantis, Planetary Star Gate-4 at Giza has assisted the Anunnaki in controlling the D-4 NET, as it is the site where Universal Star Gate-4, the D-4 astral Solar Gate, connects to Earth’s Planetary Shields. The Luciferian Anunnaki intervened directly in 1972, in a partially successful attempt at preventing the Zeta-Drakonian Falcon Phi-Ex Network from overtaking Anunnaki holdings at Giza. 

The Pleiadian Samjase-Luciferian-Anunnaki made alliances with the Nibiruian EnlilOdedicron-Reptilian Anunnaki. Together they used the portions of the NDC Grid, the NET and Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network that they could collectively access, to expedite the agenda they had originally intended for the 2000 commencement of the SAC. 374 The Falcon, Phoenix Project... The ''Phoenix Project,'' which had existed since the beginning as part of the 9560 BC Luciferian Covenant, was actively launched in February 1972. The Pleiadian/Enlil-Nibiruian Anunnaki force simultaneously transmitted sub-space scalar sonic pulses from Density-2 Alcyone and the Nibiruian Battlestar “Wormwood” into the D-4 Solar Gate to Giza (Ley Line-4), Iran (Star Gate-10) and into Earth’s NDC-Grid at Stonehenge, England (Axiatonal Line-l1, or A11).

 The specialized A11-L4 pulses merged at their intersection point in the Atlas Mountains of W. Algeria then traveled west beneath the Atlantic Ocean to their intended destination, the second of the two “capped” Atlantian Wormholes, referred to since Atlantian days as the “Phoenix Matrix.” The Phoenix wormhole, opened by the PleiadianNibiruian Anunnaki in 1972, is positioned directly at the interface point of Ley Line-4, the ''Giza Horizontal,'' and Axiatonal Line-7 (vertical), which intersect off the coast of St. Augustine, FL, in the Atlantic, directly south of the Falcon wormhole. The “Frequency War” began in earnest when the Necromiton-Andromie White Eagle and Jehovian Anunnaki Dove began aggressive territorial conquest campaigns, gaining partial control of the Phoenix Wormhole, in an attempt to protect their interests from the advancing Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki competition.

 As the Pleiadian-Nibiruian “reptile Anunnaki league” advanced their agenda, the Jehovian Dove and Necromiton-Andromie White Eagle began more direct contact with their Illuminati Sleeper races. Enoch, then heading the Jehovian Dove OWO agenda, produced his “training manual” to lead unsuspecting Humans and Illuminati Sleepers to assist in bringing the Dove APIN system into activation. Although Enoch and some of his Jehovian Anunnaki (Sirius A, Arcturus, Trapezium, Orion) petitioned for Emerald Covenant Redemption Contracts in 1983, the “Jehovian OWO Agenda” has been continued by the Jehovian Anunnaki majority and their Illuminati contacts under the name of Enoch, much to Enoch’s present disapproval.

 The White Eagle Necromiton-Andromie league began upscaling its ''Harvesting'' agenda, orchestrating numerous contacts with Illuminati and Human individuals to “invite” them into their Templar Alpha-Omega Order “Melchizedek Priesthood.” Ordinands and followers alike received, unknowingly, astral field Tagging linking their DNA Templates to the Necromiton-Andromie Matrix, through which they could unknowingly pass on the “same privilege” to others in the form of false “Melchizedek Ordinations.” 

As the Jehovians, Necromiton-Andromies and Zeta-Rigelian/Drakonians progressively advanced their agendas throughout the 1970s into the early 1980s, giving rise to more international “political issues” of territorial conquest, the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki continued their own conquest efforts. A series of smaller EM scalar pulses were used by the PleiadianNibiruians between 1972 and 1980 to progressively open the ancient Phoenix APIN system, which connects to the Phoenix wormhole. The Phoenix APIN is a large APIN system running East-West along the L4/L10 Giza-Iran center line. The ''hear'' of the Phoenix is Star Gate-4 Giza, Egypt; the ''eye'' of the Phoenix is Star Gate-10 Abadan-Iran (near Persian Gulf); the body of the Phoenix extends across the Atlantic and North American continent; and its wings spread eastward to “meet its tail” in the Pacific Ocean. (See APIN diagrams pp. 527-530.) In 1976, another Nibiruian Anunnaki contender, the Thoth-Enki-Zeta group, temporarily joined the Pleiadian Samjase-Luciferian and Nibiruian Enlil-Odedicron reptilian Anunnaki contingent to activate the ''Serpent'' APIN system. 

The ''Thoth group,'' most frequently affiliated with the ''Galactic Federation'' mixed Anunnaki league and the NecromitonAndromie Anunnaki early alliances following the fall of Atlantis, “turned coats” for a brief period, just long enough to receive the assistance of the “Phoenix” group in activating the Thothian Serpent APIN system. The Serpent APIN system has its “head” in Central America and Mexico. It coils southward into northwestern South America, back northward, spanning the entire eastern USA, then stretches across the Atlantic Ocean, with its “heart” at England Star Gate-11, its body curving down through the Middle East and Star Gate-4 Giza, and its “tail” extending north through Eastern Asia. (See APIN diagrams pp. 527-530.) By 1983, the Thoth group returned to its “White Eagle” affiliations, once again competing with the PleiadianNibiruian Anunnaki of the Phoenix Project, while the Galactic Federation focused upon supporting whomever appeared to be leading in the Fallen Angelic “race” for final OWO dominion. 


1980-2001 By the early 1980s, Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki legions had made alliances with various factions of the regained strongholds within several key positions of the Illuminati World Management Team, threatening previous Zeta/Drakonian Illuminati dominion. In hopes of retaining Zeta/Drakonian dominance within the covert global Interior Government sector, Zeta Rigelian races of Rigel Orion petitioned the assistance and collaboration of the Necromiton-Andromie races. The Rigelians negotiated between Drakonian-sympathetic factions of the “White Eagle” Necromiton-Andromies, and the Omicron-Drakonian and Odedicron-Reptilian legions of Orion, forming the Andromie-Rigelian Coalition; a ''friendly enemies'' deal aimed at disempowering the advancing ''Phoenix Project'' Anunnaki Illuminati influence on Earth. 

Not all Necromiton ''White Eagle'' factions agreed to participate in the pro-Drakonian agenda Andromie-Rigelian Coalition, due to favored connections among the ''Dove'' Jehovian Anunnaki races. The factions of the White Eagle Necromiton-Andromies that favored the Zeta-Rigelian/Drakonian Falcon agenda entered the Andromie-Rigelian Coalition, and began using their access to White Eagle APIN sites to further the Falcon agenda. The White Eagle NecromitonAndromies opposed to the Falcon agenda offered greater support to Jehovian Anunnaki Dove factions, and Ashtar Command’s ''Arcturian'' Anunnaki lent their assistance to the White Eagle-Dove cause. Many Drakonian, Reptilian and non-Rigelian Zeta forces, opposed to or fearful of the Necromiton-Andromie force, refused to enter the Andromie-Rigelian Coalition deals, and the Drakonian/Reptilian Illuminati races began breaking into opposing factions, causing ripples of further instability within the external world political drama. 

The majority of Omicron-Drakonians of Alnitak Orion, and a large faction of Odedicron-Avian-Reptiles from Alnilam-Orion, refused the Andromie-Rigelian Coalition ''White Eagle-Falcon'' deal, and set their sights on activating their ancient ''Dragon'' APIN system, which had been implanted in Earth’s grids in 75,500 BC. The Dragon APIN has its “head” in what is now far eastern Siberia and northeastern China and Japan. Its long, thick “body” extends westward across Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Russia, Europe, crosses the Atlantic ocean to the Central USA and south into South America.  The majority of the ''Dragon'' agenda races also refused to join the UIR deal of September 7- 12, 2000, choosing instead to “fight to the end” for the Omicron/Odedicron Drakonian OWO agenda. 

In our contemporary drama, the Islamic extremist faction called the Taliban of Afghanistan, is headed by several, well-placed Illuminati that are covertly motivated by the Omicron-Odedicron ''Dragon'' agenda Fallen Angelics. The terrorist group of Osama bin Laden, on the other hand, works a ''double-agenda'' on behalf of the UIR Zeta-Rigelian “Falcons” and the Omicron-Odedicron Dragon force. In the WTC/Pentagon drama of September 11, 2001, the bin Laden group was covertly motivated by the UIR to assist them in creating the “Trigger Event” that is intended to set the ''wheels'' of the WW3 drama in motion.

 The UIR also knew that this event of bin Laden terror would ensure that the rebelling Dragon agenda Taliban Illuminati would be forced out of power in Afghanistan, making way for UIR governance. As the UIR intended, the many Angelic Human and Maji populations of Afghanistan would be ''conveniently'' reduced in number through orchestration of this international drama. The bin Laden terrorist group evolved first under the Falcon agenda in the 1970s, covertly motivated by the Zeta-Rigelians with Psychotronic scalar pulses, to ''build the movement'' that was intended to become a Falcon ''Sleeper Cell Force,'' once the Final-Conflict WW3 drama had begun. Due to the UIR’s present acceleration of their OWO dominion plan, the bin Laden group was instead used to set the UIR WW3 drama in motion. 

The Eieyani tell us that there are numerous such ''Illuminati Sleeper Cells'' of various ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds in at least 15 different countries. Various Fallen Angelics began organizing these Illuminati factions in the 1950s-1960s, in order to ''have them in place awaiting their awakening,'' when the Final Conflict began. The contemporary ''War On Terrorism'' goes much deeper and ''higher'' than world political leaders suppose; it is a war that cannot be won until the causal element of the hidden Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET presence is fully identified. The Final Conquest for Star Gate and Templar control site dominion is on, and the WW3 drama is the method by which the Fallen Angelics of the UIR intend to lay claim to desired territories, while reducing numbers of Angelic Human and Indigo Children populations. Areas such as Pakistan, Iraq and Iran are territories housing key access sites to the coveted Star Gate-10, so these areas, as well as several others, will be preliminary “zones of conquest” that the UIR will attempt to secure under UIR Illuminati governance. 

Egypt, home of the OWO key control site Star Crate-4, will experience sporadic areas of rebellion as “Dragon” agenda Illuminati races are motivated by the Omicron-Drakonian forces to resist the national-compliance inherent to UIR objectives. Tibet, home of Star Gate-9, is also precariously perched to become the objective of competing Dragon and UIR-Dove “affections.” Jerusalem, Israel, has long been a battleground for control of Primary Planetary Vortex-2, a direct link to Star Gate-2, the Gru-AL “Holy Grail Point” of Sarasota, Florida, which is the ''control gate'' for Earth’s Planetary Shields. And the U.S.A. has been, since formalization of the Luciferian Covenant in 9560 BC Atlantis, the intended arena within which the Fallen Angelic Final-Conflict drama ''Battle of Armageddon'' is planned to unfold, making way for the ''Rise of the One World Order.'' The Emerald Covenant races have repeatedly returned to Earth incarnation in attempts to prevent this Fallen-Angelic-devised ''End Times'' scenario from occurring. 


1983 Through the Andromie-Rigelian Coalition deals of the early 1980s, Illuminati races originally running the Falcon agenda under command of the Rigelians and the Zeta Treaties suddenly found their 1930s Zeta Treaties were nullified. The fate of the Drakonian Illuminati was placed forcefully and precariously in the hands of the new, fully dictatorial Necromitoncontrolled Andromie-Rigelian-Coalition. To strengthen the Necromitons’ covert access to Earth territories, the 1983 Montauk Project was organized by the Necromiton-Andromie White Eagle and Zeta Rigelian/Drakonian Falcon forces, through cooperating (and now terrified of rebelling) Illuminati factions. Through the Montauk Project, the Phi-Ex Wormhole from 1943 was “spliced into,” directing a main channel to Necromiton-Andromie Alpha-Omega Centauri territories in the adjacent Phantom Time Matrix.

 The Necromiton races now had extensive access to Earth territories, and they began a covert genocide program against Illuminati races that would not join the Andromie-Rigelian Coalition. The Illuminati fiasco of the 1930s-1940s turned into the Illuminati chaos of 1983. In response to the threat of the Andromie-Rigelian Coalition, the Omicron-Drakonian forces of Alnitak Orion sent large fleets into the Density-26 and Density-37 territories surrounding Earth-Tara-Gala, with the intention of protecting the interests of the original Drakonian/Reptilian Dragon OWO agenda. In response to this advancing Drakonian/Reptilian presence, various competing Anunnaki legions of Sirius A, Arcturus, Pleiades-Alcyone, Nibiru, Andromeda, Orion, the Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command sent fleets of reinforcements into proximity of Earth access points. 

Warring in Densities 2 and 38 broke out between competing Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian forces, in both our Time Matrix and the Phantom Matrix. The ''war above'' became the covert ''War of Frequency'' below, as each group intensified its use of sub-space sonic scalar pulse technologies to secure their holdings of various APlN sites. The progressive use of covert sonic pulse technologies, which was progressively accelerated by the Fallen Angelic legions since the 1950s, was directly responsible for a host of regionally cataclysmic “natural disasters,” particularly those involving Earthquake and Hurricane events.


Throughout this mess of interstellar chaos at our earthly door, Emerald Covenant Maharaji fleets from Sirius B, Tara and Gaia and the many interstellar Emerald Covenant nations have tried to sustain a frequency “buffer zone” around Earth access points. The GA, Eieyani and Founders have done their best to prevent this growing intergalactic “Battle of the Angelic and Fallen Angelic Kingdoms” from descending into Density-1 Earth territories. The Emerald Covenant Founders races of Lyra Aramatena9 intervened directly. They became aware that by 2976 Earth would be destroyed, before the intervention opportunity of another SAC could occur, if Zeta Rigelian/Drakonian occupation of Earth was successful during the 2000-2017 period. 

Between 1983-1984 the Founders, GA, Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds and Emerald Covenant nations created the Bridge Zone Project crisis-intervention plan. Through tenets of the Bridge Zone Project initiative, Amnesty Contracts were offered to any interstellar races in our Time Matrix willing to enter the Emerald Covenant Peace Treaty. Redemption Contracts were offered to the Fallen Angelic/ET races from the Phantom Matrix, in which they would receive the extensive assistance needed to become free from the Phantom Matrix Time Cycles, if they would enter and honor the Emerald Covenant. 

Many non-Rigelian Zeta races accepted Amnesty and Redemption Contracts, fearful of the building “Super-Stellar-powers Final Conflict” drama. Guardian races were hoping that Anunnaki legions could be persuaded to give up their long-held OWO dominion agenda to make a United Emerald Covenant Stand against the dominant Drakonian/Reptilian Necromiton-Andromie/Zeta-Rigelian “Falcon” force. Smaller factions of some Anunnaki collectives, such as the Jehovian Enoch collective of Sirius A, Arcturus and Orion, gave up their previous OWO Jehovian Anunnaki dominion agenda in 1983 for Emerald Covenant Redemption Contracts. 

Other Anunnaki factions, such as Ashtar Command, the Nibiruian-Thoth-Enki collective, the Galactic Federation, the Pleiadian-Samjase-Luciferian collective, the Marduke-Dramin collective, the Alpha-Omega Nephilim Annu-Melchizedeks and Necromiton-Andromies held onto their respective OWO agendas until their “ultimate stronghold” was considerably compromised in 1992. 


Since implementation of the NDC-Grid Photo-sonic installation and the NET of 25,500 BC Atlantis, the Anunnaki races have steadily moved their intended Atlantian Conspiracy Luciferian Covenant OWO dominion agenda forward through remote Photo-sonic control of Earth’s Planetary Templar Complex via the NDC-Grid.10 Throughout the progression of the 1980s Andromie-Rigelian Coalition agenda, the Anunnaki races remained confident of their ultimate victory and OWO dominion within the pending 2000-20I7 AD SAC Final-Conflict drama. The Anunnaki believed that they would be able to use the NET to awaken and manipulate enough of their civilian Illuminati Sleeper Races, and unsuspecting Human races within the ''channeling'' movement, to make a stand against the Illuminati factions that they had lost to the Necromiton-controlled Andromie-Rigelian Coalition. 

The Anunnaki intended to use ''channelers'' to teach unsuspecting Illuminati Sleepers and Human populations how to orchestrate false planetary healing operations utilizing distorted Biotronic scalar-pulse and Merkaba Mechanics technologies that would be amplified through the NDC-Grid. Through these distorted Biotronic/Merkabic technologies, the Annunaki believed they would be able to reclaim from competing forces Earth’s 12 Primary Star Gate territories and corresponding Ley Line systems, as each Star Gate naturally opened during the 2000-2017 SAC. In 1992 Anunnaki legions were confronted with yet another unpleasant surprise as Andromie-Rigelian and collaborating factions of the Omicron-Drakonian and Odedicron-Reptilian Falcon force began to utilize the Montauk-Phi-Ex Wormhole and Falcon APIN system to gain control over the Anunnaki NDC-Grid and the NET via scalar pulse transmissions. 

Suddenly the overly confident Anunnaki forces became willing to enter negotiations for Emerald Covenant Redemption Contracts with Emerald Covenant nations. Because the Anunnakis feared complete loss of their NDC-Grid/NET stronghold on Earth, some of their leading factions reluctantly entered the Emerald Covenant Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements in November 1992. In these agreements, the Pleiadian and Nibiruian Anunnaki legions and portions of Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command agreed to put the NET/NDC-Grid installation and their artificial hold on Solar Star Gate-4 back under Guardian Azurite Universal Templar Security Team protection. 

The Andromie-Rigelian Coalition had their immediate sights set on conquest of Anunnaki-held Nibiru, a planetary environment more suitable to Necromiton-Andromie biological requirements and a strategic “power spot” in relation to conquest of Earth and dominion over the Halls of Amenti. The Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki of the “Phoenix” and “Serpent” APIN systems promised to honor the Emerald Covenant if the Founders would assist them in using the NET/NDC-Grid to close by force the Necromiton-controlled Montauk-Phi-Ex/Falcon Wormhole.

 If utilized by Guardian races via Sirius B Star Gate-6, the already operational NET/NDCGrid installation could be reprogrammed to carry and amplify D~12 and Primal Life Force Trion Currents from beyond this Time Matrix. If returned to the protection of the Emerald Covenant nations, the NET/NDC-Grid of Earth had the power to temporarily seal or “Cap” the Montauk-Phi-Ex/ Falcon Wormhole, preventing the Andromie-Rigelian “Falcon-Eagle,” Omicron-Odedicron Drakonian “Dragon” and Jehovian Anunnaki “Dove” raider races from further advancing their Earth-Nibiru-Amenti dominion agendas. Emerald Covenant races had been trying unsuccessfully to cap the Montauk-Phi—Ex/Falcon Wormhole since WW2. 

On August 12, 1992, they had almost succeeded when the Zeta Rigelians, with the assistance of the Necromiton-Andromie ''Montauk Boys,'' launched a vicious sonic pulse transmission from their Star Gate-3 Bermuda base, into the Falcon Wormhole, further expanding the Falcon and preventing application of the frequency cap. The unstable expansion of the Falcon Wormhole caused major deep marine disturbances throughout the Atlantic Ocean, reports of which the Illuminati Withheld from public disclosure. On August 24, 1992, the Falcon wormhole amplified the intensity of Hurricane Andrew, creating wind speeds in the range of 250-300 m.p.h. Hurricane Andrew changed direction suddenly, heading for the Dade County, FL, area. 

The Falcon agenda Illuminati knew of the direction change in time to call for evacuations, but their Fallen Angelic Necromiton-Andromie ''commandos'' ordered them to ''misplace'' this information and give warning only when evacuation time was spent. The Zeta-Rigelians and Necromiton-Andromie forces used Hurricane Andrew to secure yet another Human and Maji ''Population Reduction'' event. The devastation of Hurricane Andrew was one of the greatest recorded “natural” disasters in US history. When the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnakis finally decided they wanted to “deal,” and offered to turn over their NDC-Grid, NET, Phoenix and Serpent APIN systems to Emerald Covenant races, the opportunity to safely cap the Falcon Wormhole was finally at hand. In November 1992, the Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements of the Emerald Covenant Peace Treaty were formalized. 


When the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements were initiated, both Emerald Covenant and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki races, and the Galactic Federation, made subtle and physical contact with selected members of the Illuminati and Interior World Government forces, offering them opportunity to defect from Andromie-Rigelian and Drakonian/ Reptilian “Falcon-Eagle” dominion. Through a temporary photo-sonic interface system created by the Emerald Covenant Maharaji Blue Human races of Density-2 Sirius B, portions of the NET/NDC-Grid were able to receive and transmit specific scalar pulses through Earth’s Templar that served to ''jam'' the frequencies used to sustain the Montauk-Phi-Ex Wormhole. By 1994, the united Emerald Covenant and Anunnaki legions successfully created a temporary ''cap'' on the Montauk-Phi-Ex APIN system, and a partial cap on the Falcon wormhole ''hub.'' 

The Montauk-Phi-x/Falcon cap prevented the Necromiton-Andromies Zeta Rigelian, and Drakonian/Reptilian fleets from furthering their intended covert infiltration of Earth’s subterranean bases. The Montauk-Phi-Ex Cap was a temporary solution that depended upon the Anunnakis upholding the PleiadianSirian Agreements. In these agreements the Anunnaki legions had promised to release Earth from Nibiruian subjugation, dismantle the NET and return the NDC-Grid and Solar Star Gate-4, which they had “hijacked by force” during the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion, back over to the Emerald Covenant Founders’ protection by 2000. Had the Anunnaki races upheld the Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements, Emerald Covenant races would have used the NET/NDC-Grid installation on Earth to accomplish two vital Bridge Zone Project crisis intervention initiatives. 

The most pressing intervention needed was that of rapidly rebalancing Earth’s electromagnetic Merkaba fields to prevent pending pole shift from occurring during the 2000-20l7 SAC, due to the original, inorganic Photo-sonic program of the NDC-Grid. The second intervention was that of using the NET/NDC-Grid network during the SAC to permanently seal the Montauk-Phi-Ex/Falcon Wormhole and the Phoenix Wormhole, while activating the Face of Man LPIN system and the Great White Lion, Golden Eagle and Blue Oxen APINs. Success in these objectives would prevent further Fallen Angelic invasion, setting in motion a Free World Order of Emerald Covenant interstellar co-evolution on Earth. From 1994-1998 Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki, Galactic Federation and Emerald Covenant influence gained dominance within many Illuminati factions. Preparations were being made among cooperating Illuminati alliances to begin non-threatening, progressive public release of ''ET- Angelic Presence Confirmation'' via Official Global Proclamation. 

As part of the Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements, Emerald Covenant races had agreed to wait until humanity had dealt with the initial revelation of the reality and immediacy of ''Visitor Contact'' before releasing the full historical data 382 Temporary Cap on the Montauk Phi-Ex Wormhole 1994-1998 concerning Anunnaki infiltration via the Atlantian Conspiracy Luciferian Covenant agenda. Without use of the earthly NDC-Grid installation and natural realignment of Solar Star Gate-4, Emerald Covenant races would be unable to prevent pole shift, nor would they be able to seal the Montauk-Phi-Ex/ Falcon Wormhole, without launching immediate physical on-planet presence of fleets capable of advanced Photo-sonic scalar pulse transmission. 

If Guardian fleets attempted to deploy direct physical presence on Earth, they would be intercepted by Necromiton-Andromie, Rigelian-Zeta, Drakonian and Reptilian fleets, setting in motion a literal ''Star Wars'' drama within and surrounding D-3 Earth territories. Such a Star Wars drama, utilizing the Photo-sonic and Photo-radionic technologies possessed by all interstellar races, would not only decimate large portions of Earth populations, but would also guarantee pole shift by further disrupting the EM balances in Earth’s grids during the 2000-20l7 SAC. An easy, peaceful victory on Earth over the pending Fallen Angelic/Illuminati OWO Final Conflict drama depended upon the Anunnaki races honoring their promises of Emerald Covenant support and cooperation with Guardian nations—promises that were made in the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements. 

The 1994 capping of the Phi-Ex Wormhole gave the Anunnaki races opportunity to once again advance their influence among the Illuminati races of the World Management Team. If they had been honoring their 1992 Agreements, this “influence” would have progressed in representation of the Emerald Covenant. The Anunnaki and Emerald Covenant races continued to initiate a slow but steady “wake-up call” among their respective civilian Sleepers. The Anunnaki released the message among some of their channels that “the Zeta races had left Earth and there was nothing now to fear.” The originally sinister intentions of the Anunnaki-orchestrated aspects of the “New Age Movement” briefly became upgraded to support the Emerald Covenant peace treaty and freedom teachings, creating a renewed solidarity between once-competing ideological factions in the New Age arena. In 1997 Guardian races began the “wake-up call” to their Emerald Covenant Speakers and Indigo Children, in preparation for the scheduled release of the Emerald Covenant teachings pertaining to Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics, which were to be given once consummation of the 2000-2017 SAC was confirmed. 

Plans were made among Anunnaki loyal Illuminati and Human members of the World Management Team to begin “Official Disclosure” of “Visitor Race Presence.” Official Disclosure was intended to prepare human populations to make a united, peaceful stand in protecting Earth’s territories from further advancement of the several competing Fallen Angelic OWO invasion agendas, using the natural, spiritual-science based tools of Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics. Guardian races intended to release the Emerald Covenant Masters Templar Mechanics teachings into the public forum, to educate Humanity in the methodologies required to orchestrate Planetary Shields Clinics, through which Earth’s EM grids could be rapidly healed to prevent pole shift from occurring should the 2000-2017 SAC commence as anticipated. 

If the 2000-2017 SAC commenced, Guardian races intended rapid dispensation of information pertaining to humanity’s invitation into the Lyran-Sirian Founders Emerald Covenant Co-Evolution Peace Treaty, and the awakening and training of the Amenti Planetary Templar Security Team was to immediately commence. The Amenti Security Team was intended to be trained to assist Guardian nations in using the NDC-Grid installation to permanently sever the link between Earth and the Montauk-Phi-Ex/Falcon and Phoenix Wormhole, preventing further Fallen Angelic infiltration. Once the Montauk-Phi-Ex/Falcon and Phoenix Wormholes were permanently shut, Fallen Angelic races would be unable to send in larger fleets to intercept and initiate “Star Wars” with Guardian fleets as they made their inevitable ''First Contact'' mission. As 1998 approached, all appeared to be going relatively well within the delicate political balances of the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements. 


When it became clear in June 1998 that the SAC would commence in 2000, the Pleiadian-Samjase-Luciferian, Nibiruian-Enlil-Odedicron, Thoth-Enki-Zephelium and Galactic Federation Anunnaki collectives immediately defected from the Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements, seizing this opportunity to continue activation of the Phoenix and Serpent APIN systems for Earth conquest. They made deals with the Jehovian “Dove” and Necromiton-Andromie “White Eagle” to interface their NET/NDC-Grid and APIN systems with the Zeta-Rigelian/Andromie Montauk/Phi-Ex facility in order to undo the access to Earth’s Templar that Emerald Covenant nations had recently gained. They rapidly began to “set the stage” for “Lowering the NET” into the D-3 Frequency bands via interface with earthly electrical-grid technologies to create the 2004 ''Frequency Fence'' mass-mind-control network.

 The Alpha-Omega Nephilim Annu-Melchizedeks began an aggressive, sweetly rendered “Indigo Child Hunting” campaign within the New Age Movement, hoping to locate as many Indigo people (especially Type-3 Human-Anunnaki hybrids) for astral Tagging and DNA bonding-bio-field possession. Great efforts were applied to directing the “Channeling” movement via the NET/Phi-EX transmitting station, through which a progressively growing number of infiltrated Illuminati and Human “Greeting Teams” were assembled among Earth populations.

 As the Anunnaki Greeting Teams advanced in the New Age movement, many Anunnaki legions that had remained loyal to the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements finally defected under growing pressure from the Galactic Federation and the Nibiruian Thoth-Enki Anunnaki collectives. Numerous popular ''Energy/Spiritual Healing Systems'' were infiltrated and progressively used to orchestrate astral Tagging in New Age populations. Meanwhile, many un-awakened Indigo Children and Humans became infiltrated with Anunnaki implantation, possession and ''pseudo spiritual'' indoctrination, and the “Michael Matrix,” Zeta-Rigelian and Dracos stepped up their own interest in the ''Body-Snatching game.'' 

This caused a progression of disputes among Anunnaki factions and between Anunnaki and Drakonian agenda forces. Between 1998-1999, the Zeta Rigelian and Necromiton-Andromie Falcon-White Eagle force, with the assistance of their ''Montauk Boys'' Illuminati, successfully removed the partial cap on the Falcon wormhole and partially ripped through the Montauk-Phi-Ex wormhole cap. “Un-capping the Falcon” allowed them to reactivate portions of their global Montauk-Phi-Ex-Falcon/White Eagle APIN system, through which Psychotronic and sub-space Sonic Scalar Pulse transmissions capacity was restored. Since this 1998-1999 fiasco began, Emerald Covenant nations have used their once again limited access to NET transmission to ''poke holes'' in the NET, by which their Indigo Children Types-1 and 2 could receive a rapid emergency “wake-up call. 

Expedited Emerald Covenant CDT-Plate translations began in late 1999, after the original May 1999 simultaneous publication of the Voyagers I and II. Throughout 1999-2000, Emerald Covenant races have continued negotiations in attempts to resurrect the Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements with Anunnaki races, temporarily securing the July 5, 2000, Treaty of Altair with the Anunnaki and several renegade races, due to the continuing disputes between Anunnaki and Drakonian agenda factions. Between September 7-12, 2000, the Andromie-Necromitons settled several pending Anunnaki/Drakonian disputes over intended distribution of captured Inner Earth territories, the UIR was formed and their War Edict was issued on September 12, 2000. 

Since September 12, 2000, Emerald Covenant nations and awakening Indigo Children and Humans who have not yet succumbed to Fallen Angelic astral tagging, etc., have been working with progressively more advanced Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics to secure Earth’s Templar under a critical-mass 12-Code Pulse before the 2003 deadline.

1. See Masters Templar Coursebook. 369 The Hidden Game-board Final Conflict Drama the Fallen Angeli
2. Oxen-shaped biology, Etheric-matter density.
3 Other as-yet-undiscovered “Head” 
4. Nothing outrages the Founders quite as much as observing the sacred Melchizedek Clois- ter Emerald Covenant spiritual-science teachings abused and misused in such a way.
5. Dragon-moths 
6. Dimensions 4-5-6. 
7. Dimensions 7-8-9.
8. Dimensions 4-9. 9 Lyra Aramatena is Density-4, dimensions 10-11-12 and appears as the star “Double Dou- ble” in Lyra from Density-1 Earth view.
11. Check out the Galactic Federation, “Archangel Michael” and several other very popular New Age and UFO Contact movement representatives and you’ll get an idea of how well the Fallen Angelic “Greeting Team” effort is going. 384 Anunnaki Defection, Falcon Un-Capped, Indigos, Edict of War.
12. Scalar transmissions to activate dormant portions of the DNA Template. 

Voyagers II; 3 The Guardian Material; The Third Seeding; The Arc of the Covenant

Creation of the Arc of the Covenant, Removing the Sphere of Amenti, the Flood, the Andromeda Galaxy, the Sirian-Arcturian Coalition for Interplanetary Defense and the interdimensional Association of Free Worlds, the Urtites, Serres-Egyptians and the Priesthood of UR.

849,000 - 800,000 YA The Sphere of Amenti had been returned to Earth's core by the Elohim, and the Sirian Council, Seres and Palaidorians of HU-2 about 900,000 years ago, accelerating assembly of the DNA strands and releasing the Seal of Palaidor for some strains of the races from the Second Seeding. Some groups were able to evolve enough to release the Seal of Amenti from their DNA, which allowed them to ascend through the Halls of Amenti back to Tara. All was going according to plan until the outbreak of the Thousand Years’ War 850,000 years ago. Following the outbreak and escalation of the war and the Anunnaki's intentions of destroying the Sphere of Amenti in order to use humans as a worker race, it was no longer safe to keep the Sphere of Amenti within the Earth's core, as Anunnaki operatives could easily discover access to its D-2 resting place. 

Under the command of the Breneau and the Ra Confederacy, the Sirian Council of HU-2 assisted the Seres of HU-2 and the Elohim in once again removing the Sphere of Amenti from the Earth. The Sphere of Amenti was removed from the Earth and placed within a secured location about 849,000 years ago. The Sphere was placed within a planetary core in the Andromeda galaxy, under high security and held there in exclusion until the close of the Thousand Years’ War —848,800 years ago. With the implementation of the Treaty of El-Annu, and the threat of the Anunnaki Resistance, a multidimensional, intergalactic effort was made to ensure protection for the Sphere of Amenti. 

The Sirian Council of HU-2 petitioned assistance from numerous star systems in HU-1 and HU-2 to provide security. Races from the Arcturus and some from the Pleiadian systems offered assistance, as many humans had, during the course of their troubled evolution, found exile within the Pleiadian and Arcturian cultures; cooperation was given from both HU-1 and HU-2 members of these races. The Sirian Council of HU-2 formed an organization with pro-human members of the HU-1 Sirians and several cultures from Arcturus, called the Sirian-Arcturian Coalition for Interplanetary Defense, through which the hidden Sphere of Amenti, Earth and its allies would be protected if need arose.

 This organization was later invited to join a much larger interdimensional guardian group known as the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds, whose membership extended well into the highest Harmonic Universes. Though many races in the Andromeda galaxy were already members of this collective, the Association of Planets in Andromeda would not agree to military involvement, as they were not entirely supportive of the conditions of the Treaty of El Annu. They did, however, allow the Sphere of Amenti to remain hidden within a secret location in their star system. Following the removal of the Sphere of Amenti 849,000 years ago, the Earth once again endured a series of climatic and geographical changes as Earth's energetic grid re-balanced following the removal of the Sphere.

 Again flood waters rose, covering portions of Earth's surface. In historical record, this time period became interwoven with the early flooding associated with the Electric Wars, and a later time period of flooding, all consolidated into the story of your Biblical Flood. The Guardian organizations knew that the Third Seeding of the human lineage would have to be orchestrated once the planetary environment re-balanced. But the Third Seeding could not take place directly through Earth's core as the Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic field was now in the Andromeda galaxy. The Third Eye of Horus portal through which the Second Seeding took place would no longer be useful as its connection to the Sphere of Amenti had been severed, so a new portal bridge needed to be created between the Andromeda galaxy and Earth in order for the Third Seeding to take place. 

The Third Eye of Horus portal bridge remained open as a passage between Earth and Sirius B (frequently used by the Kantarians of Sirius B for visitation during the Third Seeding), but it no longer connected to the Sphere of Amenti and so could not be used for ascension to Tara. The Arc of the Covenant 840,000 YA A portal bridge between the Sphere of Amenti in the Andromeda galaxy and the Earth's D-2 core was constructed by the Guardian organizations about 840,000 years ago. This inter-galactic bridge was called the Arch of the Covenant of Palaidor, and later became known as the Arc of the Covenant. Through the Arc of the Covenant the race souls of the Sphere of Amenti 51 The Third Seeding could once again be reseeded on Earth. Souls from the Sphere of Amenti would pass through the Arc/bridge as pure consciousness, merge with the Earth's morphogenetic field in D-2, then birth into physical manifestation. 

A fifth-dimensional security seal was placed upon the Arc of the Covenant, which meant that this portal operated as a “one-way door”; souls of the races could descend through the passageway but could not return to the Amenti morphogenetic field for ascension unless they had fifth-dimensional coding in their gene structure. This genetic ticket to freedom became known as the Shield of the Arc, and the incarnates who bore this fifth-dimensional Shield within their genetic code could pass through the Seal on the Arc of the Covenant and return, through Amenti, to Tara. As races 3, 4 and 5 did not have the fifth DNA strand within their genetic imprint, they could not return through the Arc, even as consciousness, unless the Seals of Palaidor and Amenti were released. Release of the Seal of Amenti would allow these races to merge with their anti-particles and pick up the fifth strand, but first the fourth-dimensional Seal of Palaidor had to be released. 

Evolution would take time for races 3-5 of the Third Seeding. Those who could not reenter the Amenti morphogenetic field would evolve within the fourth-dimensional astral planes between incarnations, along with those identity fragments created through the Seal of Palaidor, until the time when the Arc of the Covenant was opened and the fifth-dimensional Seal on the Arc released. The sixth race Muvarians and their Melchizedek Cloister then held the key to ascension, as the fifth DNA strand was included in their genetic imprint. The sixth races would be born with the Shield of the Arc in their genetic code, and as the Anunnaki-human hybrids Annu were to be seeded through the Melchizedek Cloister—the Annu would also bear the Shield of the Arc. Those bearing the Shield of the Arc would become the Earth guardians of the Arc of the Covenant and the Sphere of Amenti. The Arc of the Covenant was designed in such a way that the Sphere of Amenti could eventually be re-entered into the Earth core through the portal bridge of the Arc.

 In this way the Arc became self-regulating. The return of the Sphere of Amenti would depend upon conditions in the Earth's planetary grid, and the Guardians would not have to reenter the Sphere. The fifth-dimensional Seal on the Arc of the Covenant was designed to be released once a certain percentage of the Earth's population had assembled the fifth DNA strand, which meant that a certain number of the Melchizedek Cloister would have to be born upon the planet. If 8% of the living population could assemble the fifth DNA strand, the Earth's grid vibration would rise, affecting the vibrational speed of the energy particles within D-2 Earth core. As the D-2 particles began to vibrate faster a blue-white spark of fifth-dimensional high-frequency energy would be sent up from the Earth core, through the portal bridge of the Arc of the Covenant. This spark would penetrate the fifth-dimensional Seal on the Arc and enter the Blue Flame within the Sphere of Amenti. 

The Blue Flame would then send a corresponding spark of fifth-dimensional frequency back into the Earth's core, which would open the Earth's morphogenetic field to accept the Sphere of Amenti, while raising the Earth's grid speed high enough to hold the D-5 Blue Flame morphogenetic field of Tara. Upon the second spark, the Sphere of Amenti would begin its descent through the Arc of the Covenant, while the Blue Flame remained within the Andromeda planet. Originally, the descent of the Sphere of Amenti was to take about 2,000 years, its energies becoming progressively more available to the peoples of Earth, stimulating the assembly of the fifth DNA strand and the raising of consciousness. During its 2,000-year descent, the Earth grid speed would rise in increments, allowing the Earth's energy system to adjust to the increasing infusion of high-frequency energy. 

Once the Sphere was repositioned within the Earth core, there would be a period of several years for the Earth grid to assimilate the new frequency, and the race memory would progressively infuse the Earth grid. As the race memory from the Amenti morphogenetic field filtered through the Earth grid, this energy would stimulate the DNA of everyone on the planet, and the lost memory would reenter the cellular memory of individuals as their DNA strands began to assemble through the new fifth-dimensional frequency now available to them through the Earth core. Over the course of those several years the races would evolve rapidly and a mass awakening to the lost memory of multidimensional reality would occur within large numbers of the population. Through these energetic processes the Earth and her people would be prepared to receive the Blue Flame of Amenti. 

The Blue Flame would begin a rapid descent to Earth core following the opening of the Arc of the Covenant. It would take approximately 12 years for the Blue Flame to descend to Earth through the Arc of the Covenant. Return of the Blue Flame was a very precise process, and had to be orchestrated in synchronization with the natural time cycles of which Earth was a part—entering Earth during the period of natural dimensional blending that occurs at various times within Earth's time cycle. Timing was very important in the return of the Blue Flame, as certain conditions had to be planned in advance of its return. During the dimensional blend the Blue Flame could not directly enter the Sphere of Amenti as the Sphere would be connected to the Earth's morphogenetic field at D-2. 

The Inner Earth portals to D-2 open during the dimensional blending period, and if the fifth-dimensional frequencies of the Blue Flame merged directly with the second-dimensional frequencies of Earth's core, Earth's planetary grid would explode. The fifth-dimensional frequencies had to be dispersed through the Earth grid, via the energetic fields of certain people alive on the planet. The bio-energetic fields of those individuals would serve as frequency modulators for the fifth-dimensional energy. These individuals would hold the D-5 frequency of the Blue Flame within their own energy system through the height of the dimensional blending, then when the natural cycle of dimensional blend reached its close, the Blue Flame would be returned to the Sphere of Amenti at Earth's core and the Halls of Amenti—the ascension portals to Tara—would open to those on the planet who had assembled the fifth DNA strand and could pass through the Blue Flame.

 For people who had not yet assembled the fifth strand, much information on how to go about accelerating this process would be made available, as the memory banks of the race would be restored. As long as the Blue Flame remained within the Sphere of Amenti at Earth's core, the ascension portals to Tara would remain open to the races, allowing them to evolve rapidly and complete their tour of incarnational duty on Earth. The souls trapped within the D-4 astral and D-2 elemental kingdoms could also complete their evolution and ascend. The individuals who would be responsible for holding the fifth-dimensional frequency within their bio-energetic field during the time of transition are called Keepers of the Flame, and they would, over a period of years, dispense the fifth-dimensional frequencies throughout large numbers of the population, assisting the populace to assemble the fifth DNA strand, expand their consciousness and transmute their bodies, so portions of the population could “catch the morphogenetic wave” (discussed later) and pass through the Halls of Amenti on the wave, while the dimensional blend was still in effect. 

Once the cycle of dimensional blending was through, the Flame would be placed back in the Sphere and the remaining populations would continue to evolve on Earth until the next morphogenetic wave. The people who were able to catch the first wave would find themselves teleported into the future, where they would appear on the Taran land mass that was once called the continent of Mu. This Taran location represents the primary reality of Earth as it exists about 2,500 years in the future—the version of Earth whose grid has completed its merger with Tara. This path of accelerated evolution constitutes leaping past 2,500 years of evolution within Earth's present time continuum, and represents literal, biological time travel into the future. With the opening or “sparking” of the Arc of the Covenant, this path of accelerated evolution would become available to some humans on Earth. The Keepers of the Flame would be responsible for assisting people who were ready to take this morphogenetic wave voyage in preparing their bodies and consciousness for this transition.

The Keepers of the Flame would receive their infusion of D-5 frequency from one primary individual who had the genetic code that would allow the Flame to be fully embodied as it passed through the Arc of the Covenant. That person is called the Flame Bearer or the Staff Holder. The Flame Bearer would have to activate the 12-strand DNA package within the body before being able to embody the Flame. This person would incarnate with a support team of six fully activated 12-strand avatars (souls from the fourth Harmonic Universe), who would raise the planetary frequency high enough to allow the Flame Bearer to fully activate the codes. Due to the bio-energetic mechanics of the human body, the Flame Bearer would have to be female in gender, the avatars all male, in order to keep the energetic balances of the planetary grid intact. During the opening of the Arc of the Covenant there would also be a family of individuals appointed to embody the Rod, the orange-gold Flame morphogenetic field of Earth, during the time of transition. The Rod Holder would be male. Members of these specialized incarnational groups would have to incarnate in the proper sequence, within the right time periods in conjunction with the Earth's time cycles, and within the appropriate genetic lineages that would provide them with the needed genetic imprint. The process of opening the Arc of the Covenant and allowing the Sphere of Amenti to return to Earth required a tremendous amount of multidimensional organization. The fulfillment of the promise of the Arc of the Covenant would take over 800,000 years to fulfill, and meanwhile the races of the Third Seeding would begin their evolutionary journey toward that destination. 

The Third Seeding through the Arc of the Covenant, the Hebrew, Serres-Egyptians, Urites and the Priesthood of Ur, Races 3-6 and the Annu-Melchizedeks 

800,000 - 55,000 YA For a period of time following the creation of the Arc of the Covenant 840,000 years ago the Earth went through a period of re-balancing its energetic grid, and during this time the races did not evolve on the planet's surface. Some descendants of the Second Seeding prospered within the Inner Earth communities, and a few scattered groups had managed to survive within the underground tunnel systems created by those of the Second Seeding. Most of the human population had fled, finding exile within other planetary systems. The Nephilim had been evacuated to Sirius A, joining remnants of the Dracos race who had found exile with those who became the Anunnaki Resistance. About 800,000 years ago several groups of the now extraterrestrial humans returned to Earth to begin preparation for the Third Seeding, which would be orchestrated through the Arc of the Covenant portal bridge. 

Two primary groups of returning humans, descendants of the Serres-Egyptians and the Hebrew (Melchizedek-Hibiru hybrids) from the Second Seeding, were commissioned by the Palaidorians of HU-2, the Elohim and the Ra Confederacy to orchestrate the Third Seeding. Upon returning to Earth, these groups discovered that there was a small group of survivors remaining from the Second Seeding, descendants of the Third race Lamanians and their Ur-Antrian Cloister. The Serres-Egyptians (who had been exiled on Sirius B and in the Pleiadian star systems, and thus now carried a stronger ET imprint within their genetic codes) interbred with the Lamanians and Ur-Antrians, forming a new guardian race through incarnating souls via the Melchizedek Cloister morphogenetic field via the Arc of the Covenant. 

The new race was called the Urtites; they appeared on Earth about 800,000 years ago and, working with races of the Inner Earth and the HU-2 Palaidorians, the Urtites established the Priesthood of Ur on Earth. The Urtites lived primarily underground and within the Inner Earth civilizations, serving as guardians of the Arc of the Covenant. When conditions on Earth were conducive to supporting mass surface life, the Urtites were given authority by the HU-2 Sirian Council, Ra Confederacy and Priests of Ur on Tara, to begin the Third Seeding of the human lineage. Many sub-races and families emerged through the Urtite genetic strain, as each of the five Cloister races birthed their race line through the Urtite Host Race. The races were located throughout various regions of the globe, each developing surface cultures from about 750,000 to 75,000 years ago. 

The Urtite lineage developed divergent cultures extending from what is now known as Africa, through regions of East Asia, North and South America, central Europe, Egypt and into what is now called Iran. Through development of these diversified cultures, the Host Race Urtites created a new cradle of civilization through which the Root Races and their Cloisters could be reseeded on Earth. The Third Seeding of races three, four and five began again via the Arc of the Covenant, under the direction and through the lineage of the Urtites. The third race Ur-Antrian Cloister began birthing about 75,000 years ago, their Lamanian Root Race 73,000 years ago. The Lamanians of the Third Seeding were called the Lemurians, and they were seeded on a land mass that existed in the area now occupied by parts of the Pacific Ocean and also within the region of the Andes Mountains. 

The Breanoua Cloister of the fourth race entered about 72,000 years ago in lands that existed in the area now occupied by parts of the Atlantic Ocean, and into the territories that became known as Egypt, followed by their Root Race Atlanians 70,000 years ago. The Atlanians of the Third Seeding became the Atlanteans. The fifth race Hibiru Cloister entered through the Host Matrix of the sixth race Melchizedek Cloister into various positions throughout the globe, about 68,000 years ago, followed by their Root Race Ayrians 65,000 years ago. The fifth Root Race Ayrians of the Third Seeding were called the Aryans, concentrations of this race were seeded into regions near what is now called the Black Sea and in the area of what became the Carpathian Mountains. The Annu-Melchizedeks were seeded into the Atlantean Root Race Egyptian sub-race through the Melchizedek Cloister Host Matrix morphogenetic field about 68,000 years ago. 

The Annu prospered in Atlantis, many migrating to various parts of the globe and interbreeding with other races. The primary concentration of Annu remained in Atlantis, where open lines of commerce with their Sirian-Anunnaki forefathers became a standard way 56 The Arc of the Covenant of life. The Anunnaki who had joined the Sirian Council through the Treaty of El-Annu, and the Sirian-Kantarians and Sirian-Blue races of Sirius B, became a primary motivating force within Atlantean culture, and the Pleiadian races of HU-1 assisted in the development of Ur-Antrian and Lemurian culture. These cultures thrived under the influence of the advanced stellar races. 

The Annu-Melchizedeks organized their cultures around the spiritual and scientific teachings of the Law of One. Members of the Hibiru Cloister and the hybrid Hebrew peoples migrated from other regions to both Atlantis and Lemuria, each bringing with them the teachings of the Law of One characteristic of the Melchizedek Host Matrix. As civilization on Earth prospered, the Sirian Council allowed the Atlantean and Lemurian cultures to receive gifts from the advanced stellar races, which rapidly developed the technological aspects of society to heights far exceeding present earthly cultures. The Sirian-Blues of Sirius B brought large crystalline power generators to Earth as a gift to the Atlantean and Lemurian cultures. 

They taught the Ur-Antrians, Lemurians, Annu and Atlanteans how to draw energy directly from the D-2 Earth core, and store this energy within the crystal generators. Permission was granted by the Elohim and Ra Confederacy to allow power to be drawn from the Blue Flame of Amenti through the passageway of the Arc of the Covenant. The power of the Blue Flame allowed Atlantean civilization to access multidimensional frequency, through which the morphogenetic fields of Earth's matter particles could be directly affected. Earth's gravitational pull could be neutralized, objects could be manifested and de-manifested, objects could be teleported to desired locations, bio-energetic healing became a way of life and genetic evolution was accelerated. Using the power of ET technology the Atlantean and Lemurian cultures thrived. The Annu and Hebrew peoples of the Melchizedek Cloister Host Matrix became the primary Earth guardians of the Arc of the Covenant. The original portal passage to the Arc of the Covenant was located within the land mass of the Atlantean continent, and through this interstellar passageway power was fed through the Earth's grid to the Lemurian continent and various other developing civilizations. Earth civilizations thrived following the Law of One until about 55,000 years ago, when members of the Anunnaki Resistance began to infiltrate Atlantean culture, creating genetic and social digression that nearly brought Atlantis to an end. 

Anunnaki Resistance, Annu and the Dracos, Destruction of Lemurian Muarivhi, & Relocating the Arc of the Covenant
55,000 - 51,750 YA As Atlantean and Lemurian cultures thrived, other stellar cultures watched and waited. Members of the Anunnaki Resistance and their Drakon and Dracos allies had long planned to overtake Earth territories, waiting until the growing civilizations had reached a height of maturity. Motivated by their own desires to utilize Earth as an evolutionary option, the Anunnaki Resistance quietly infiltrated Atlantean culture about 55,000 years ago, covertly moving within the ranks of Anunnaki of the Sirian Council. Once re-established on Earth, the Anunnaki Resistance inter-bred with the Annu, and over a period of generations distorted the Annu genetic lines with the Templar Seal (which had been placed on the Anunnaki Resistance following their refusal to accept the Treaty of El-Annu). 

The teachings of the Law of One were slowly distorted as the creed of the Templar Solar Initiates of Tara (which the HU-2 Anunnaki Rebellion had helped devise), came to replace the sacred teachings, creating division and social unrest within Atlantean civilization. The Anunnaki-Annu began to spread their influence into other cultures, gaining covert control over Egyptian lands and several other smaller cultural centers. About 52,000 years ago the Templar-Annu allowed the Resistance allies, the Dracos, to secretly return to Earth, promising them an earthly home if they would assist in infiltration of the Earth cultures. The Dracos infiltrated the Lemurian continent of Muarivhi, creating an extensive network of underground lairs within the tunnel systems that ran between Lemuria and Atlantis. 

Systematically the aggressive Dracos began terrorizing the Lemurian culture, extending the reign of terror into Atlantis and various other places. Meetings were held by representatives of all the races through which a plan was devised to end the Dracos problem. The humans hoped to use the generator crystals to create small, pin-point explosions within the underground caverns in order to seal the Dracos within their lairs until the Sirian Council could come and evacuate the Dracos. But the plan back-fired, as the Earth grid became energetically overloaded by energy from the generator crystals and a massive explosion occurred within the lands beneath Muarivhi. The explosion destroyed the land mass of Lemurian civilization and remnants of the Lemurians integrated into Atlantean territories. 

The explosion caused massive volcanic activity, earthquakes and floods, and though the Atlantean continent did not suffer massive destruction, it took generations for them to rebuild, and for the Earth to rebalance her grid. A small period of ice followed these events, during which most of the races retreated underground, some permanently entering the Inner Earth. After the surface 58 Giza to Atlantis environment stabilized most of the remaining races returned to the surface to rebuild. Atlantis again became a cultural center, but never again reached its previous height of development. Most of the Dracos were evacuated from Earth by their Anunnaki-Resistance accomplices, and the Templar-Annu continued to hold their ground within Atlantean and Egyptian cultures. 

Following the cataclysm of 52,000 years ago the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council and several other stellar neighbors returned to Earth, assisting the humans to rebuild. During the explosions beneath the ground the portal passage to the Arc of the Covenant had been damaged, and the energetic grid beneath the Atlantean continent was unstable. The Elohim, Ra Confederacy and other guardian groups from HU-2 restructured the Arc of the Covenant, moving the portal that connected it to Earth out of Atlantis and into the regions of Egypt, where the Earth grid structure was more stable. The Serres-Egyptian races would now share guardianship and control of the Arc of the Covenant with the Annu-Melchizedeks and Hebrew peoples who migrated there following the explosions. The cultural hub of Earth was relocated from Atlantis to Egypt about 51,750 years ago, and Egypt began to thrive. 

Anunnaki of the Sirian Council and Earth Protection, the First Building of the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx, Ankhs, Outpost on Mars, First Birth Wave of Melchizedek Cloister and Re-establishment of the Law of One. 

48,500 - 35,000 YA Following the relocation of the Arc of the Covenant 51,750 years ago, Egyptian culture prospered, and Egypt became a center for the Annu-Melchizedek, Hebrew and Serres-Egyptian guardians of the Arc of the Covenant. Atlantean culture also prospered as the generator crystals were once again restored to operation after being put out of service during the Lemurian cataclysm 52,000 years ago. The generator crystals were once again charged with multidimensional frequency using the Arc of the Covenant in Egypt. Through this period of rebuilding and expansion the influence of the Templar-Annu (Annu whose genetic line had been contaminated by the Templar Seal through interbreeding with members of the Anunnaki Resistance) continued to spread, creating a growing chasm between races serving the Law of One and those falling under the influence of the Anunnaki Resistance Templar Solar Initiates' Creed. In Egypt the Templar-Annu were at first met with resistance to this influence, and many of them relocated to Atlantis where the Templar-Annu had a stronger hold over the cultural environment. 

The Templar-Annu of Atlantis began using their influence to corrupt the Atlantean priest cast and eventually the social and moral climate in Atlantis  declined under their influence. Motivated by the Anunnaki Resistance, the Templar-Annu began to dominate the races of Atlantean culture, and made plans to conquer the lands of the Inner Earth. They planned to use the generator crystals to break through the electromagnetic barrier which protected the portals of the Inner Earth. Concerned for the welfare of the Inner Earth civilizations, and the high concentration of Annu-Melchizedeks residing there, the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council petitioned the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds for permission to make a show of strength on Earth, offering the races protection against increasing Anunnaki Resistance infiltration. 

Permission was granted and the Sirian-Arcturian Coalition for Interplanetary Defense was called in to assist in this protective mission. The primary target for Anunnaki Resistance manipulation was the area in which the Arc of the Covenant was located, so Egypt became the focus of Sirian Council activity. Anunnaki of the Sirian Council were first sent to the planet Mars to recreate an observational outpost that had been constructed there during the Thousand Years’ War, which they hoped would intimidate the Anunnaki Resistance from further interference with Earth. Undaunted by the presence of the Sirian Council, the Anunnaki Resistance escalated their involvement with Atlantis and began a resurgence of their influence in Egypt, posing a greater threat to the security of the Arc of the Covenant.

About 48,500 years ago the Sirian Council instructed their Anunnaki members to make a direct show of power in Egypt and Atlantis. Anunnaki of the Sirian Council visited these civilizations en masse, reasserting the influence of the Law of One and driving many Templar-Annu out of Egypt and back to Atlantis, where they would pose less threat to the Arc of the Covenant. In Egypt, and in several other locations on the globe, the portals of the Inner Earth were fortified as the Sirian Council Anunnaki built bases of operation on the Earth's surface, directly over the portal regions. The pyramid structure was a trademark of Anunnaki architecture and scientific achievement, and several small pyramid structures were constructed above portal passage areas throughout Egypt. 

The greatest of these operations bases was constructed over the main Egyptian portal opening to the Inner Earth, through which the Arc of the Covenant portal could be accessed. At the same time another massive structure was constructed over the nearby portal of the Arc of the Covenant. The first monument to be created was the original Sphinx. This building covered the portal to the Inner Earth and linked directly into the portal passage that led to the Arc of the Covenant. The Sphinx was designed following Anunnaki heritage, having the head of an Anunnaki warrior placed upon the body of a lion-like sculpture. The lion's body of the Sphinx was a symbolic tribute to a race of beings from HU-2 known as the Leonines, who were instrumental in laying the early foundations of Anunnaki culture. The Leo nine beings of HU-2, who were large, upright, fur-covered felines of advanced intelligence, were revered as Godlike by the early Anunnaki civilizations, and the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council paid tribute to this heritage. 

The Anunnaki of the Sirian Council drew strength and comfort from their affiliation with the Leonine people, and, by constructing this monument, intended to show the power of the Anunnaki united and built upon their Leonine ancestral allies. The symbolic design of the Sphinx was intended to show the Anunnaki Resistance that they were alone in their conquest and that the true Anunnaki heritage stood behind the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council. In practical terms, the Sphinx was constructed to serve as a fortification for the Inner Earth portal and also as a safe house and library for the storage of sacred records and texts. It also served the purpose of housing the great energy transmitting machines that were charged with UHF fifth-dimensional energy from the Arc of the Covenant, and the smaller Ankhs which were infused with energy in a similar fashion. 

Historically, the larger machines became known as Arcs of the Covenant, and the true identity of the Arc of the Covenant as being a portal bridge was lost. But during the time of the original building of the Sphinx the truth of the Arc of the Covenant was well known, and the objects were understood as tools which could draw, hold and transmit energy that was drawn, through the Arc of the Covenant, from the Blue Flame of Amenti that was stored in the Andromeda galaxy. Both the large and small tools were designed in the shape of the Ankh, which allowed high frequency energy to be synthesized in specific ways following the natural laws of interdimensional energy mechanics. The Ankhs were used to create the Sphinx, various pyramids, and other structures as they provided the power to reverse gravitational pull and directly affect the particle make-up and morphogenetic fields of Earth matter substance. 

They served as major construction tools, weather modulators, healing tools and as interdimensional transit devices. The original Sphinx served as a protective fortress in which these devices could be stored and kept out of the hands of the Templar-Annu. The second major construction of the Sirian Council Anunnaki was a massive pyramid centered directly over the portal opening to the Arc of the Covenant. This pyramid was originally constructed during the same time period as the Sphinx, about 48,459 years ago (about 46,459 BC). The reconstruction of this pyramid, which occurred about 12,550 years ago (10,500 BC) then again about 11,000 years ago (9,000 BC) is what has come to be known in modern times as the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Cheops pyramid. 

This structure was reconstructed and repaired on numerous occasions. It was designed and erected by the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council, the Annu-Melchizedeks, Hebrew, and Serres-Egyptian peoples from that time period. The pyramid was not constructed to serve as a burial tomb, though much later it was used as 61 The Third Seeding such. The primary purpose of the Great Pyramid of Giza was to fortify the portal of the Arc of the Covenant and to serve as an interdimensional teleportation center. The original pyramid was designed as a Harmonic Resonance Chamber, through which multidimensional frequency bands could be pulled in from deep space and from the planetary core of Sirius B, using a great ankh positioned directly below a crystalline cap stone. 

Through the power of the ankh a tremendous amount of UHF energy was pulled into focus within the cap stone of the pyramid, then projected downward through the structure into the second-dimensional frequency bands. The pyramid and Arc of the Covenant were situated upon Earth's geographical center point, within the energy vortex that represented the “Heart Chakra" within Earth's planetary bio-energetic system. This vortex allowed energy exchange to take place between Earth and the fourth-dimensional frequency bands. By creating a Harmonic Resonance Chamber within such an interdimensional vortex, the D-2 overtones of HU-1 could be combined with the base tones of D-4/HU-2, forming an interdimensional resonant tone through which visiting craft traveling from Sirius B and other star systems could enter and leap through time, making transit to Earth almost instantaneous. The Great Pyramid was created to allow immediate intervention of the Sirian Council and Galactic Federation fleets should the Arc of the Covenant come under Anunnaki Resistance attack. While the pyramid was in operation as an interstellar teleport station, it served as the greatest deterrent to an Anunnaki Resistance invasion. 

The Great Pyramid was used as an active interstellar teleport station from the time of its construction 48,459 years ago to about 30,000 years ago (about 28,000 BC) when an explosion in Atlantis caused Earth to tilt slightly on its axis, knocking the pyramid's D-4 vortex (Earth's heart chakra) out of its previous alignment with the vortex systems of Sirius B and several other planetary systems to which it had been originally aligned. ET visitation was commonplace in Egypt prior to this misalignment of the Earth's grid, but following this event, transit from other star systems required more time and resources, so visitation became much less frequent. Throughout the height of its operation (46,459 BC-28,000 BC) the Great Pyramid of Giza was also used as an ascension chamber for the select few who possessed the required DNA assembly and favor of the Elohim. Such individuals were allowed passage through the Arc of the Covenant if the Elohim approved and opened the passageway, and some were able to ascend to Tara. 

The pyramid was used as a training school for initiates to the Melchizedek/Elohim ascension program, and also for healing, accelerating genetic assembly and for passage into the Inner Earth portals beneath the Sphinx. The pyramid was always kept under tight security by the resident Anunnaki of the Sirian Council, and the Templar-Annu were banned from entering the premises. This created much hostility between the Templar-Annu and the Egyptian cultures operating under the protection of the Sirian 62 Giza to Atlantis Council Anunnaki. The Anunnaki of the Sirian Council developed a strong hold in Egypt for a time, creating a system of pyramids and other structures that housed a network of power points through which energy was drawn from the great crystals of Atlantis, through the Earth's grid lines and into desired locations. 

About 35,000 years ago the pure Melchizedek Cloister race began their first full birthing wave into human civilization, reinforcing the teachings of the Law of One and bringing their fifth DNA strand potentials into the human genetic pool. Guardianship of the Arc of the Covenant was slowly turned over from the Sirian Council Anunnaki to the Annu-Melchizedeks, Cloister Melchizedeks, Hebrew (hybrids of fifth race Cloister Hibiru and the sixth race Cloister Melchizedeks created through the Host Matrix Transplants of the Second Seeding), and the Serres-Egyptians, all of whom became members of the early Egyptian priest-craft. Since the times of their creation, the Sphere of Amenti (550 million years ago) and the Arc of the Covenant (840,000 years ago) were the primary foci of human evolution as the purpose and process of the human evolutionary imprint was held within the secrets of Amenti. 

Guardian Alliance & Galactic Federation Intervention 28,000 BC-10,000 BC The Templar-Annu grew progressively more hostile within the territories under Sirian Council protection, and many relocated to Atlantis, which was becoming the Templar-Annu strong hold. Angered that they were not permitted to enter the Inner Earth or use the Arc of the Covenant, the Templar-Annu devised a plan to conquer the Inner Earth territories by using the Atlantean crystal generators to tear down the electromagnetic barriers that secured the Inner Earth portals. The Templar-Annu began their conquest from the continent of Atlantis, but quickly discovered the Inner Earth portal shields could not be easily destroyed. 

As they forced excessive power through one of their main generator crystals, the crystal unit exploded, with more than 10 times the force of an atomic bomb. Several other smaller generators also exploded, ripping apart the continent of Atlantis and sending the majority of its land mass under the sea. Following the explosions of 30,000 years ago (28,000 BC), the Atlantean land mass was reduced to three islands and most of its populations were destroyed. Just prior to the explosion, the Sirian Council removed various groups from Atlantis, distributing them throughout various locations on the globe, many being taken to Egypt for re-settling. The Egyptians were forewarned of the coming event, and most of the culture retreated underground into Inner Earth communities, finding shelter from the Earth changes that would result from the explosions. 

During the explosions in Atlantis, the Earth was tilted slightly on its axis, throwing the Earth's grid out of balance, breaking the energetic link between the pyramid of Giza and Sirius B. The Great Pyramid could no longer function as 63 The Third Seeding an interstellar teleport station. The Arc of the Covenant remained stable but surface conditions were thrown into chaos once again. The pole tilt created massive flooding in many places throughout the globe, and the rearrangement of some land masses. Once surface conditions stabilized, the races returned to the surface to rebuild, while the Anunnaki Resistance collected the Templar-Annu they had rescued and placed them back upon the Islands of Atlantis, helping them to reconstruct their civilization. 

Anunnaki of the Sirian Council remained in Egypt, then extended their influence into Atlantean Island territory, returning the Atlantean and Annu-Melchizedek survivors they had exiled in the Inner Earth to the Atlantean Islands, while slowly swaying a good percentage of the Atlantean Templar-Annu to give up their Anunnaki Resistance affiliation. Though the Law of One was beginning a resurgence in the Atlantean island cultures between 30,000-12,500 years ago (28,000 BC-10,500 BC), the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council, and the Arc of the Covenant which they continued to protect, remained more vulnerable to Anunnaki Resistance infiltration, because the Galactic Federation and Sirian Council fleets could no longer instantaneously come to Earth's defense due to the disruption of the Giza pyramid teleport station. 

Around 12,500 years ago (10,500 BC) the Anunnaki Resistance, angered by the loss of their stronghold in Atlantis, launched an aggressive air strike against the Sirian Council Anunnaki outpost on Mars and then in Egypt, in an attempt to destroy the Arc of the Covenant, and claim dominion over the Earth civilization. The Martian outpost was destroyed. The Sirian Council and various interstellar allies squelched the takeover attempt and drove the Anunnaki Resistance fleet out of Earth's vicinity to the distant planet of Nibiru, but they did not arrive in time to prevent the destruction of the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx and various other cultural centers in Egypt. 

The portal bridge of the Arc of the Covenant survived the attack, as did the Inner Earth territories, but following this brief onslaught of 10,500 BC, the pyramids, Sphinx and other Egyptian structures had to be rebuilt. The Atlantean Islands were not directly involved in these attacks, though Resistance-Loyal Templar-Annu created minor uprisings against their Sirian Council Loyalist relatives, until word of the Resistance defeat drove them into temporary underground seclusion. The Atlantean Islands continued on with mounting tensions between the two groups, and by 9,500 BC the Resistance-Loyal Templar-Annu had once again regained their stronghold in Atlantis. In Egypt, following the Resistance attack, the Sirian Council Anunnaki, Annu-Melchizedeks, Cloister Melchizedeks and Serres-Egyptians rebuilt the primary structures of their civilization. 

The ankhs, which had been hidden in the Inner Earth during the raid, were again brought to the surface, and the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Sphinx, and several new structures were rebuilt. The Sphinx and Great Pyramid were placed in their previous locations mark Appointment ing the fortification of the Arc of the Covenant and Inner Earth portals. The Great Pyramid was slightly realigned in order to create a Harmonic Resonance link with the Pleiadian star system through the planet Alcyone, which would allow the structure to be used once again as an interstellar teleport station. Because of the disturbances of the Earth grid that occurred during the Atlantean explosions 30,000 years ago (28,000 BC) the original alignment with the Sirius B system could not be reestablished. The Third Eye of Horus portal bridge to Sirius B did remain operational for smaller-scale visitations. The Earth was now more closely in alignment with the interstellar energy spirals that ran through the Pleiadian system, and so the new pyramid was oriented to an energetic alignment with Alcyone. 

Earth enters a new 26,556-Year Time Cycle, Ascension Cycles and the 2017 AD Appointment 22,326 BC - 2017 AD - 4230 AD 

The civilizations of Earth continued to prosper and once again enjoyed interstellar visitation from their Sirian and Pleiadian allies. Atlantis continued to digress under the influence of a resurgence of the Templar-Annu. The crystal generators were adapted into devices of torture for those not in compliance with the Templars, and a period of genetic experimentation and rampant power abuses ensued within Atlantean culture. The Arc of the Covenant and the Inner Earth remained safe under the protection of the Sirian Council as Earth began her next natural 26,556-year cycle of evolution through the interdimensional time spirals. 

Earth entered her new 26,556-year cycle 24,324 years ago in 22,326 BC, with the challenge of rebalancing her energetic grid following the Atlantean explosions of 28,000 BC. With the close of the old cycle came a natural period of dimensional blending through which the Sphere of Amenti could have been re-entered into the Earth core, but due to the continuing setbacks and necessity for planetary rebalancing, the Earth grid did not vibrate high enough for the Sphere of Amenti to be returned. At the onset of the new cycle in 22,326 BC, the Halls of Amenti would have to remain closed to the masses, as human evolution continued slowly along its course. 

The first 4,426 years within the new cycle represented a time of great promise, for this cycle period constituted the natural point at which Earth would release two morphogenetic waves, through which masses of people could ascend to Tara if the Halls of Amenti were opened. The first morphogenetic wave was released from Earth in 20,113 BC, the second wave in 17,900 BC, but the populations were unable to ascend as the Halls of Amenti were not yet opened. Within the 26,556-year natural time cycle of Earth, morphogenetic waves are released only during four periods, the first two waves within 65 The Third Seeding the first 4,426 years of the cycle, and the last two waves during the final 4,426 years of the cycle. 

These two 4,426-year periods, which occur at the opening and closing of a 26,566 year cycle, are referred to as Ascension Cycles. Since the Halls of Amenti were not opened during the first Ascension Cycle of the new time cycle, the souls trapped in the D-2 elemental and D-4 astral kingdoms, as well as the humans on Earth, would have to wait until the final Ascension Cycle of their 26,556-year time cycle, in order to ascend. From 22,326 BC forward the Guardian races of HU-2, the Ra Confederacy and the earthly Guardians of the Arc of the Covenant planned, prepared and waited for the next Ascension Cycle. This time the Halls of Amenti must be opened—this time the Earth grid must be able to hold the Sphere of Amenti— this time the many souls trapped within HU-1 must be allowed to ascend.

The final Ascension Cycle within this 26,556-year time cycle would begin in the year 196 BC. The first morphogenetic wave of this Ascension Cycle was due to be released in the year 2017 AD. The last morphogenetic wave of this Ascension Cycle would take place in 4230 AD. If the Halls of Amenti were not opened during this final Ascension cycle, the souls of the masses would be unable to ascend to Tara for another 26,556 years. If the Halls of Amenti could be opened by 2012 AD, or by 4230 AD at the latest, the races of Earth could finally reclaim the divinity and dignity of their heritage and return to HU-2, to the reality of the Immortal body and the original 12-strand DNA construction. 

Their consciousness would no longer be trapped within HU-1 or in the D-4 astral planes. The living and the dead (those souls trapped in the astral planes) would rise up and ascend out of their earthly prisons and into the “heavenly” lands of Tara in HU-2. These stories of ascension, which appeared within your traditional religious texts were originally given to you by the Elohim and others, in order to explain the highly scientific process of dimensional ascension that your races would be faced with when the Halls of Amenti were opened. The Teachings of the Divine Science, the Original Templar, Anunnaki Resistance and Templar-Annu Distortions of the Templar Teachings and the Guardians’ Awakening Agenda 28,000 BC-present Originally the teachings of ascension were quite scientific in nature, dealing with the reality of multidimensional physics. 

The original information brought to the races of the Third Seeding represented the teachings of the Science of Keylonta, the underlying energetic mechanisms through which reality is created and the processes through which consciousness evolves. The early Atlantean cultures had full access to this information, and until the Templar-Annu distorted the teachings in order to control the populations, the science of ascension and multidimensional mechanics was publicly taught as a primary belief model around which societies were structured. The teachings were given to all of the races throughout the globe, not just those of Egypt and Atlantis. Over time, and through the oppression of the Templar-Annu and later control-oriented political groups, the true teachings were distorted or destroyed as they gave the common person power over their personal destiny. 

People who are empowered cannot be controlled or manipulated by outside authorities, and so the tool of empowerment, knowledge, was taken away from the masses so the few elite could hold them under their power. What remains today of the ascension teachings is hardly an introduction to the true science as it was once applied on Earth. Portions of the teachings survived through the mystical schools of the ages, kept under strict secrecy, as the politically controlling factions of various time periods persecuted those who attempted to bring the truth to the populations. Even today this persecution exists (though usually in more covert form), much of it within the traditional religious organizations whose teachings have been highly distorted in order to keep people powerless and subservient to religious authority figures. 

The science of ascension was withheld from the masses, but the promise of ascension was used to manipulate people into supporting and obeying the authorities who claimed that ascension could be accomplished only through blind belief and adherence to their politically motivated creeds. The original teachings were intended for everyone, not just to serve the objectives of a power elite. Though certain groups were appointed with guardianship of the Sphere of Amenti and the Arc of the Covenant, they were not intended to horde this power and knowledge for themselves, but this is precisely what occurred throughout various periods of Earth's history. The guardian races of 22,326 BC knew it would be a challenge to prepare the masses for the Ascension Cycle of 196 BC-4230 AD, but they had not originally planned for the disruptions caused by the Templar-Annu and their Anunnaki Resistance allies. 

Through the manipulation of the Anunnaki Resistance and the Templar-Annu, following the Atlantean explosions of 28,000 BC, preparing the races for the morphogenetic wave of 2017 AD became a very difficult task, as the teachings that would allow this preparation to go smoothly were lost, manipulated, distorted or destroyed, and as time went on, the majority of humans did not have access to this information. Throughout the development of human culture since 28,000 BC the covert influence of the Anunnaki Resistance and that of the Templar-Annu proceeded to contaminate human consciousness with the elitist, controlling creed initially developed by the Templar Solar Initiates of Tara. The original Templar of Tara was a sacred organization devoted to upholding the Law of One. The Taran Turaneusiam races were gifted, by the Sirian Council, with the power and knowledge of the Templar in order to serve as guardians of the Taran planetary grid. 

They had the awesome responsibility of ensuring that Tara's energetic systems remained balanced, and that Tara, and the Turaneusiam races, stayed upon their course of evolution into the HU-3 planetary grid of Gaia. Due to the corruption of the Taran Templar Solar Initiates, orchestrated by the Anunnaki factions of the HU-2 Sirius star system who were rebelling against the Sirian Council, the truth and sacred science of the Templar was, for a time, lost on Tara. And because of this distortion and intentional Anunnaki Resistance manipulation on Earth, the Templar teachings provided to the Earth races became tainted with lies and distortions, progressively leading human culture into an elitist, materialistic, dualistic perception of reality. That perception has formed the underlying belief-base upon which culture was organized, and is still apparent within most of the cultures of present day Earth. 

The original Templar creed taught Unity Consciousness and love, cooperation and respect toward all other life forms. It did not appoint some groups as being godly and others as evil; it taught of the necessity for equality between peoples and genders and the need to heal and integrate all aspects of society. The original Templar teachings promoted kindness, gentleness, tolerance and power through comprehension of sacred energy mechanics and consciousness embodiment of the God-force. They did not teach that God was a male authority figure who passed judgment upon sinful, inferior humans. They did not teach that the male gender was formed in the image of God and the female was a lesser part extracted through the godly male to hold a position of subservience to men.

The original Templar creed did not endorse the exploitation of the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms for the purpose of personal sustenance and materialistic gain, it taught respect and reverence for all life. The original Templar did not teach of “good and evil”; it taught that evil deeds were the result of ignorance to the true structure of the universe, and that evil was cured by education through the Law of One. It taught that peoples were created to be free, and in that freedom should be taught how to become co-creators with the God-force. It taught that every being in the universe was an individual face and expression of God, and that brotherhood was simply the rational result of this comprehension. Literally all of the elitist, sexist, materialistic distortions to the true Laws of the Templar were perpetrated through the influence of the Anunnaki Resistance, some of their ET co-conspirators and the Templar-Annu Resistance loyalists lineage who became their earthly operatives. 

The distorted Templar creeds motivated everything from the Holy Wars throughout history to the structures upon which economic, political and social organization has been built. The creed of the Templar-Annu spread far and wide, and has colored the mores of literally every human culture on Earth since the time of the Third Seeding. The Templar distortions have evolved into a massive program, which has repressed the majority for the benefit of the few, and has caused humanity to lose comprehension of its divine source and the true potentials of its evolutionary heritage. This creed has been a poison to human society, and the pain, disease, war, competition, hatred and violence that have colored the human condition throughout history and into the present, are clear Appointment illustrations of just how powerfully these distortions of truth have affected you. 

It would help all of you to realize that these creeds were given to you and promoted by ET forces who set themselves up as surrogate gods, so human evolution would remain under their control for the purpose of exploitation. True spirituality lives within, and it is through that inner truth that you will be able to separate the chaff from the grain in regard to your spiritual and physical evolution. In contemporary society there are groups of souls now being born who have been commissioned by the Palaidorians, Elohim, Ra Confederacy and Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds, to bring the original teachings of the Templar back into your civilizations. (you are on such a site)

 They will bring back to the Earth the truth of the Law of One and the knowledge of sacred science through which that Law can be actively applied. Many traditional persuasions will attempt to promote the new teachings as evil or to otherwise discredit them, precisely because restoration of the truth of multidimensional reality, which these organizations have for long attempted to hide, will be the downfall of these institutions. 

Once humanity becomes aware of the Law of One and the Unity Consciousness created through its practice, control organizations will no longer be able to blindly lead the people, for the people will choose freedom and knowledge over ideological imprisonment. And they will choose love, equality and a personal relationship with the creative force over judgment, devaluation, hatred, fear, subservience and blind worship of self-promoting outside authority figures. This evolution of self-concept and re-definition of reality will take time, but through this process humanity will progressively grow to become free, and through its freedom will come to understand its co-creative relationship with the divine. 

When the Guardian races of 22,326 BC planned the preparation of the races for their 2017 AD awakening, they had not realized the extent to which these manipulations would distort the evolution of human culture, nor the degree to which the races would digress under this influence. Despite the often disheartening setbacks, the guardian races of the higher Harmonic Universes remained loyal to their cause of seeing the Covenant of Palaidor, and the evolution of the races, reach fulfillment. They have assisted, and still do, along every step of the way, helping humanity to awaken to its relationship with the divine creative Source. After defeating the Anunnaki Resistance attack of 10,500 BC, and assisting the races of Egypt to rebuild their cultures, the Sirian Council and guardian allies of humanity continued to visit and assist the evolving cultures, serving as a counterbalance to the Anunnaki Resistance and Templar-Annu forces that continued to assert their influence on Earth. 

The new teleport station of the rebuilt pyramid of Giza, now aligned with the energetic systems of Alcyone and the Pleiades, offered swift guardian intervention and protection of Earth and easy access to Earth visitation. Until about 11,500 years ago (9,500 BC), humanity enjoyed the benefits of open relationship with advanced ET cultures. This open relationship ended in 9,500 BC,  through an event created at the hands of the Atlantean Templar-Annu. Following this event, human culture would enter a long period of digression, as the planet was placed under intergalactic quarantine, and the previous powers of advanced civilization were lost. This event of 9,500 BC was the first of several major setbacks the guardians encountered as they attempted to prepare the races for the opening of the Halls of Amenti and the mass ascension cycle of 196 BC-4230 AD. 

Preparing the races would be no easy task while the Templar-Annu and their Resistance allies exerted forceful influence over the developing human cultures. Many struggles and hardships would be encountered as the power struggle between the HU-2 races who upheld the Law of One and those who placed self-promotion above universal balance, was played out through the evolution of humanity on Earth. Through the evolution of freedom, co-creative endeavor and unity consciousness that power struggle will one day come to an end, and peace will be restored to the races of the Third Seeding.

Voyagers II; 4 The Guardian Material; A Journey Toward Awakening