
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Voyagers II; 15 The Guardian Material; Chronological History of The Atlantean Conspiracy and Roundtables, King Arthur & the Arc of the Covenant

The Atlantean Conspiracy and Roundtables 

 Rainbow Roundtables

• The Sacred Science Mechanics by which the Planetary Christos Realign- ment can be fulfilled have long been hidden within the Legends of King Arthur and the ''Knights of the Roundtable.''

 • The ''Roundtable'' of Arthurian Legend referred to Signet Councils. The word “Signet” refers to ''Star Gates.'' In the ancient knowledge of the Palaidia Urtite-Cloister races, the Signet Councils were the specific groups of Angelic Humans that assembled to run the corrected Fire Letter Sequences into Earth’s Planetary Shields during SACs, to prevent pole shift and progressively restore Earth’s D-12 Christos Divine Blue- print (the Shield of Aramatena). 

• The “Roundtable” of Arthurian Legend referred to the “Rainbow Round- table” (RRT). The RRTs are groups of Angelic Humans assembled in the 4 Evolutionary Rounds who are commissioned to run the “Rainbow Ray” or “Khundaray” Primal Sound Current from beyond the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix, into Earth’s Planetary Shields during SACs. Running of the Rainbow Ray during SACs enables the planet to retain its natural electromagnetic balances to avert pole shift and restores the organic D-12 Planetary Christos Alignment. 

• Since the 9558 BC Atlantean Flood, knowledge of the RRTs has been intentionally hidden from the Angelic Human races of contemporary Earth, by Human Illuminati and Fallen Angelic races that desire to create pole shift during the long-anticipated 2000-2017 SAC. They hope to use the 2000-2017 SAC to finally fulfill their plan of clearing Earth’s real estate” of Angelic Human races to later resettle their hybrid races on Earth, “after the dust settles,” under a “One World Order” Anti-Christiac Agenda of totalitarian exploitation and dominion. 


• The Fallen Angelic/ Illuminati Human Anti-Christiac Agenda gained a stronghold on Earth in 25,500 BC when Nibiruian Marduke-Anunnaki (Anunnaki + Omicron Drakonian) seized control of Nibiru and Earth’s D-4 Universal Solar Star Gate-4, in an event known as the ''Lucifer Rebellion.'' 

• The name “Lucifer” comes from a hybrid Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki Race that emerged through combining the Density-2 Nibiruian Lulitan family of the Thoth-Enki-Zephelium (Zeta) Anunnaki lineage with the Satain family of the Marduke-Anunnaki line and the D-11 Necromiton (''Beetle-reptile'') Fallen Seraphim race of Andromeda (most contemporary ''Andromie'' channels are these). From this hybridization the Pleiadian Samjase-Luciferian Anunnaki and Marduke-Necromiton- Luciferian Anunnaki Races of Sirius B, Nibiru and Alpha and Omega Centauri emerged. This collective of Anunnaki Races promoting an Anti-Christiac dominion agenda became known historically as the ''Luciferians,'' and were occasionally joined by other Anunnaki and Illuminati Human race lines in their “Quest for the Holy Grail.”

• The ''Holy Grail'' is a term used in reference to the 12 Universal Signet Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex, to which the Angelic Human Race holds the Sacred Commission of “Guardian.” The “Grail Quest” began long before Angelic Humans were seeded on Earth and it has been the primary theme of motivation behind all of the Forbidden and recorded-distorted human history. 

• The Grail Quest for Earth’s Planetary Templar Star Gates continued into Angelic Human 12-Tribes Seeding-3, following destruction of Seedings- 1 and 2 via Grail Quest Wars with Anunnaki and Drakonian Fallen Angelic Legions. During the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion, Anunnaki Luciferians gained partial control over Earth’s Templar through a device called the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal (NDC) Grid, which is still in operation today and serves a key role in the potential outcome of the 2000- 2017 SAC 

• In 22,326 BC the Luciferian Anunnaki races decimated guardian races at- tempting to intervene in an event known as the Eieyani Massacre, which took place on the remnants of the Lemurian Continent now known as Kauai, Hawaii. In 21,900 BC they collapsed the Firmament Hydro-suspension Fields of Lohas, northeast Atlantis in the Lohas-Celtec-Druidec Freeze Out, in an attempt to destroy the Maji Angelic Human Grail Kings in exile there; this event gave us our last major glacial period of 21,900 BC-14,000 BC. In 20,000 BC they staged the Vicherus-Sa- cheon Invasion of Russia. In 10,500 BC the next phase of the Luciferian dominion plan unfolded in an event called the Luciferian Conquest, at which time the Atlantian Islands of Nohasa and Bruah fell to Annu- Melchizedek Anunnaki-Human hybrid and Fallen Jehovian and Luciferian Anunnaki control. 

• The Anti-Christiac Agenda of the Luciferian Anunnaki Races (not all Anunnaki are in the “Luciferian” category; some run competing dominion agendas) was formerly mandated in Bruah Atlantis in 9560 BC under an Agreement called the Luciferian Covenant. The Luciferian Covenant is part of 3 competing One World Order dominion agendas collectively referred to as the Atlantean Conspiracy. The Anunnaki Races of the Luciferian Covenant orchestrated the “Atlantean Flood” in 9558 BC and the intentional “re-writing” of human history since this time. Forbidden History reveals a long-term plot within which the Anti-Christiac Agengas of the Atlantean Conspiracy emerged after the flood into the present day. 

• The Luciferian Covenant continued after the 9558 BC flood in the 8,900 BC “Larsa King” Sumerian Invasion, the 8,400 BC “Scarab King” Egyptian Invasion, and the 7,500 BC Knights Templar Invasion. The infiltration continued with the 5,900 BC Centaurian War, when the Sirius B Maharaji (Blue Human Guardians) intervened directly with air raids to prevent Drakonian and Luciferian Forces from claiming world do- minion. This event is partially documented in the ancient Hindu text of the Mahabharata. 

• In 3,650 BC the Nibiruian Luciferians orchestrated the Mayan Raids, and in 3470 BC the “Babble-On” Massacre was waged, in which Pleiadian- Nibiruian legions, Galactic Federation and the Annu-Melchizedek Hu- man Illuminati gained temporary control over the Maji Grail Kings’ “Arc of the Covenant Gold Box,” which contain the “Rod and the Staff” star gate tools. In conjunction with the Nibiruian-Diodic-Crystal-Grid at Stonehenge, England, the Arc Tools were used in Babylon to cause temporary collapse of Earth’s magnetic grids and to set portions of the Fire Letter Sequences in Earth’s Planetary Shields into reverse sequence. 

• Planetary Shield distortions of the 3470 BC “Babble-On” Massacre caused mutation in the human DNA Template that shortened human life span, blocked Higher Sensory Perception, caused loss of Race Memory and ''scrambling'' of our original language patterns, which are built upon DNA Template Fire Letter Sequencing. Our race has been amnesiac, dying young and “babbling on” in rhetorical conflict ever since. This historical event was recorded as the Biblical “Tower of Babel” story. 

• Following the Babble-On Massacre of 3470 BC, Fallen Angelics selected “Chosen Ones,” Annu-Melchizedek hybrid descendants, for minimal DNA Template repair and implantation, through which the Luciferians and competing Jehovian-Anunnaki and Drakonian legions could begin their progressive infiltration of human spiritual and political systems. Through the technology of remote ''channeling'' conducted through un- natural DNA Template implantation, the “Chosen Ones” have been progressively fed Anunnaki History and distorted patriarchal ''War God” spiritual teachings, in a strategic and intentional replacement of the Angelic Human heritage. They are once again ''channeling'' to us and visiting today as the dominant force in the New Age and UFO Movements. 

• “D-12 Maharic Sealed Channels” can create protection from interdimensional manipulation of their natural bio-neurological communication lines. 

• Following their 2668 BC Djoser Invasion of Egypt, Galactic Federation continued their previous alliance with the Anunnaki of the Luciferian Covenant, temporarily stealing the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and Tools in 2024 BC. At this time they launched an attempted world do- minion assault called the Dead Sea Conquest, beginning with Babylonia and Sumerian Cities in the areas of the Dead Sea; the Biblical stories of the destruction of “Sodom and Gomorrah” referred to this event. “God” did NOT destroy these ancient cities any more than “God” orchestrated the scrambling of the languages in the 3470 BC Babble-On (Babylon) Massacre; God is NOT a Fallen Angelic-ET. 

If Maji Grail King Angelic Human Races had not retrieved the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and Tools in 2024 BC, the Jehovian and Luciferian Anunnaki Races of the Galactic Federation would dominate the world by now. 

• Since the time of the staged 9558 BC Atlantean flood, human history has been a progressive advancement of the Atlantean Conspiracy and Luciferian Covenant Anti-Christos Agendas. The stories of Noah, Abraham, Moses, the Hyksos Kings and the ''3 Christs'' are key pieces to the Atlantean Conspiracy drama. At the center of this drama are the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box, its star gate tools and the core objective of the ancient Fallen Angelic/ Illuminati Human Grail Quest. 

• Competing Jehovian-Anunnaki, Luciferian Anunnaki and Omicron, Odedicron and Zephelium (Zeta) Drakonian/Reptilian Fallen Angelics and their Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati Human hybrid race descendants¹ share one objective-dominion of Earth, in order to claim Earth’s Halls of Amenti Star Gates. 

• If the Fallen Angelic races can gain dominion of Earth’s Halls of Amenti Star Gates, they intend to use the Amenti Star Gates to destroy Universal Star Gate-12 in Density-4. Destruction of Universal Star Gate-12 would effectively seal off from Density-5 Founders Race protection, 11- dimensions of our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. The manifest life field would become “imprisoned in time” for Fallen Angelic exploitation and dominion, unable to fulfill the natural evolutionary process of ascension. This is the core motivation behind the Fallen Angelics’ continuing Grail Quest. Prevention of this Anti-Christos Agenda is the purpose for which the Angelic Human Race was created 560 million years ago. 

• To accomplish their objective of claiming Earth and the Amenti Star Gates, Fallen Angelics need to possess the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and star gate tools, and to achieve critical mass population of their hybrid- human races, whose DNA Templates carry reverse sequenced Fire Letters. During a Stellar Activations Cycle, the Arc Tools, the still-func- tioning Nibiruian-Diodic-Crystal Grid (from 25,500 BC), Nibiruian controlled Solar Star Gate-4 and the false-planet Battlestar Nibiru can be used to create intentional pole shift on Earth to ''clear the real estate.'' 

1. Known as the Leviathan Anti-Christiac: King lines. 

• If they can successfully exterminate Angelic Human Races from Earth, the Luciferian and Jehovian Anunnaki Races intend to return their ''Chosen Ones''Annu-Melchizedek descendant humans to Earth during the SAC. The “Chosen Ones” will be used to run critical mass reversed Fire Let- ter Sequences into Earth’s Planetary Shields and the Amenti Star Gates in fulfillment of the Anunnaki Anti-Christos Grail Quest Agenda. This plan was formalized in the 9560 BC Luciferian Covenant and has been progressively unfolding. Since 9560 BC the anticipated date for the Final Conflict and intended, orchestrated pole shift has been the 2000-2017 SAC. Now. 

• Many times throughout the advancement of the Atlantian Conspiracy, Guardian Races of the Emerald Covenant have repeatedly intervened. Guardian races have kept the Angelic Human and Maji Grail Line DNA Templates alive within the human gene pool, so Angelic Humans could rise together during the 2000-2017 BC Final Conflict drama, to fulfill the Christos Realignment Mission and prevent further advance- ment of the Atlantian Conspiracy. 

• During the Christ Drama of 12 BC-27 AD the Founders’ Emerald Cove- nant CDT-Plate teachings were translated by the 3 Maji Grail Line Speakers, Jesheua Melchizedek (aka Jesus Christ), John the Baptist and Miriam, to prepare humanity for the 2000-2017 Final Conflict. 

• The heart of the 12 BC-27 AD Christ Drama was not only CDT-Plate teachings; Jesheua, John, Miriam and a group of Maji Grail Line Angelic Humans were on a Emerald Covenant Grail Quest Mission to secure Earth’s Star Gate-11 from Anunnaki and Drakonian Race infiltration. Both Luciferian and Jehovian Anunnaki Races, and their Annu- Melchizedek Illuminati descendants seek to claim the Arc of the Cove- nant Gold Box and star gate tools to take control of Earth’s Star Gate- 11, for use in imploding Universal Star Gate-12 during the 2000-2017 BC Stellar Activations Cycle. This plan was known since the success of the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion. 

• Jesheua and his Universal Templar Security Team intended to use the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box star gate tools (“Rod and Staff”) to release Anunnaki Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid Crystal control over Earth’s Templar and Solar Star Gate-4. The mission of Jesheua, John, Miriam and the Maji was intended to prepare the Angelic Humans of Earth to fulfill the Christos Realignment Mission during the anticipated 2000-2017 SAC. In 23 AD Jesheua and his Maji were attacked by the Annu- Melchizedek Hyksos and Hassa Leviathan King races, in an event called the Essene Divide, which rendered them unable to fully complete their intended journey to the lands previously known as northern Lohas At- lantis, the location of Earth’s Star Gate-11. 

• To protect the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and star gate tools, John and Miriam completed part of the journey to Lohas, burying the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and tools in the area now known as the Vale of Pewsey, England. Jesheua and his group of Maji served as a Signet Council, a group of Angelic Human Maji commissioned to ''Run the RRT'' prepar- ing Earth’s Planetary Shields for the 2000-2017 SAC. 

• The CDT-Plate teachings of these 3 Essene Emerald Covenant Speakers contained the Planetary Templar Mechanics by which the Planetary Christos Realignment could be achieved in the 2000-2017 SAC. These teachings were later stolen, edited and falsified into a Religious Control Dogma in 325 AD, by the Council of Nicaea and the Drakonian Infil- trated Church of Rome; the falsified CDT-Plate teachings of Jesheua, John and Miriam were interwoven with Annu-Melchizedek Leviathan King Anunnaki history to create the Canonized Bible. 

• The Mission of Jesheua, John and Miriam later resumed between 559-608 AD, when the ''Quest for the Holy Grail'' the Atlantean Conspiracy and the hunt for the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and star gate tools continued in the drama of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round- table. 


• King Arthurus, or “Arthur” was born from a Druidic Maji Grail King lineage originally from Nohasa and later exiled to Lohas Atlantis. Arthur and his selected Signet Council “Knights” were commissioned to fulfill the 10 AD-27 AD Emerald Covenant Mission that Jesheua, John the Baptist, Miriam and the Essene Maji were unable to complete due to the Hyk- sos-Hassa King raids in the 23 AD Essene Divide. Arthur’s legendary sword ''Excalibur'' was a battle sword fashioned to hold the Staff star gate tool from the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box, which Arthur and Victorous (son of Meridan) retrieved from the Vale of Pewsey in En- gland, where John and Miriam had buried it in 23 AD. 

• Victorous, son of Meridan, came to be known as “Merlin” Arthur’s Vizier and court mystic in the Arthur Legends. Victorous’ father Meridan was a Knights Templar Annu-Melchizedek Black Arts Occultist, his mother was of a Celtic Maji Grail King line originally from Lohas Atlantis. Victorous’ life and service to King Arthur were overshadowed by the struggle of “good vs. evil” that existed within his genetic programming. 

• Arthur’s wife Guinevere was of a Celtic Maji Grail King line originally from Lohas Atlantis. Guinevere’s sister Saleane, not Guinevere, was the lover of Arthur’s imposter Knight “Sir Lancelot,’’ a Luciferian Knights Templar sent in to sabotage the Emerald Covenant Mission. Knights Templar Annu-Melchizedek races intentionally distorted true Arthurian period history. Teachings of the RRTs and Star Gate Signet Councils were hidden in occult secret societies of the Knights Templar. The historical realities of the Maji Grail King lineage and Arthur’s Emerald Covenant Mission were intentional “re-written Nibiruian Anunnaki style,” romanticizing Victorous (''Merlin'') and other characters that assisted the Knights Templar in undermining Arthur’s Emerald Covenant Mission. 

• Throughout the Arthurian drama (559-608) the Luciferian Knights Templar Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati Human races, under the direction of the Galactic Federation and the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki races, quested to steal the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and “Excalibur Sword” Staff star gate tool from Arthur’s guardianship. Arthur and the Signet Council Knights quested to retrieve the Rod star gate tool and the Star Gate-11 control device called ''Signet Shield-11'' which had been stolen from the Essenes by the Hyksos Kings and Knights Templar in the 23 AD Essene Divide. The ancient “Quest for the Holy Grail,” or quest for control over the Star Gates of Earth’s Planetary Templar, and the At- lantian Conspiracy agendas continued.... 

• Despite Victorous’ (“Merlin’s”) frequent betrayals of his Emerald Covenant agreements, Arthur, Guinevere and the Knights of the ''Rainbow Roundtable'' completed one phase of their Emerald Covenant Mission. They were successful in retrieving the Rod star gate tool and Signet Shield-11 from the Luciferian Knights Templar Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati Humans. Arthur relocated the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box with Rod, Staff and Signet Shield-11 to their intended destination at the control center for Star Gate-11, in the lands once called Lohas Atlantis. The authentic Arc of the Covenant Gold Box with its star gate tool con- tents, still remains, under Maji Grail King protection, where Arthur bur- ied it in 608. 

• Arthur and his Knights were unable to fulfill the entire Emerald Covenant Mission of disengaging the 25,500 BC Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid network at Stonehenge, England, to free Solar Star Gate-4 from remote Nibiruian Anunnaki control, in preparation for the anticipated 2000- 2017 SAC and intended fulfillment of the Planetary Christos Realign- ment Mission. 

• Since King Arthur buried the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box in 608 AD, the Luciferian Knights Templar, Jehovian and Drakonian Annu- Melchizedek Illuminati Human lines have quested to claim the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box from its resting-place in Lohas Atlantis. To conceal knowledge of the unidentified Lohas-Atlantis location of the Arc Box until it could be located and confiscated, the Luciferian Knights Templar, under direction of Galactic Federation, began a crusade to destroy or dis- tort any remaining records of Atlantis. Further distortion of historical records and intentional “planting” of falsified Atlantean Maps were tac- tics used to deter competing Illuminati Human forces from retrieving the Arc Box, and thus control of Earth’s Templar, before the Luciferian Knights Templar could stake their wrongful claim. 

• After the 608 AD Arthurian Grail Quest, competing Illuminati Human Annu-Melchizedek races progressively rose to positions of political power within the global arena, launching continuing campaigns of disinformation, historical distortion, Genocide Crusades against each other and against Angelic Human and Maji Grail King 12-Tribes races. In 1244 AD the Cathars, Maji Grail King families of southern France were destroyed by the Omicron-Drakonian held Church of Rome in the Albigen- sian Crusade. Many murderous crusades followed, including the decimation of the Bruah-Atlantis and Mu’a-Lemuria Maji Grail King Amerind lines of North America, in the European quest for the ''New World.'' 

• It was long known among the competing Knights Templar, Jehovian and Nephedem (Omicron-Drakonian) Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati Human inner circles that the “New World” of America was the Old World of which Bruah-Atlantis, the location of the central control site ''Gru-AL Point'' for Earth’s Planetary Shields, was once part. The competing quests for control of Lohas-Atlantis-Star Gate-11, the Bruah-Atlantis Gru-AL Point and the other Star Gate locations in Earth’s Templar Complex have been at the heart of the continual conflict and race hatred and do- minion campaigns throughout our recorded human history. 

The three competing factions of Annu-Melchizedek races, representing the Luciferian, Jehovian and Drakonian Dominion Agendas, emerged from our ancient pre-Atlantian past, through Lemuria, Atlantis and our early recorded history into the powerful global infrastructure of the contem- porary Interior World Government Illuminati One World Order Agenda. As part of the planned, pre-meditated Atlantian Conspiracy strategy, in 1750 AD the Galactic Federation and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Luciferian Anunnaki races began making remote contact with “Chosen Ones,” de- scendants of their respective Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati races, who carried the DNA Template implantation allowing for telepathic rapport from their genetic ancestral line. 

After rising to covert power in Europe and various other regions, Galactic Federation and the Pleiadian-Ni- biruians motivated the American Revolution and the founding of the United States of America via Secret Society Occult School “inspiration” of their Luciferian Knights Templar Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati rac- es. This contact progressed from infiltration of ancient traditional reli- gious control dogmas with their “Inner Circle Elite” Occultists, into what has become the “New Age Channeling Movement.” The New Age Movement is primarily dominated by Jehovian-Sirius A, Luciferian-Pleia- dian-Nibiruian, Marduke-Necromiton-Luciferian-Alpha Centauri and Sirius B, Luciferian Centaur-Omega Centauri and some Necromiton-An- dromie channel contacts. 

• Following covert surveillance that began in 1916, the Zeta (“Little Grey”) races began physical interaction with Earth on behalf of the Zephelium (reptile-insect) Drakonian Agenda races of Orion. In the 1930s and 1940s Illuminati Human Annu-Melchizedek descendants of the Zepheli- um-Zeta, Omicron-Drakonian (''Dragon-Moth'') and Odedicron (Rep- tile-Avian) Drakonian Agenda races of Orion entered One World Order Dominion Treaties with the Orion Zeta Rigelian races. The Zeta Trea- ties initiated the formation of ''Majestic-12'' which began the “contact phenomena” of what has become the contemporary ''UFO Movement.'' In 1983 the Orion Omicron and Odedicron Drakonian Agenda Legions assumed the leadership role in the Zeta Treaty agreements. 

• In the 1930s the Necromiton (Beetle-reptile-insect-hominid) races of An- dromeda became involved with certain factions of the Drakonian Illumi- nati Human Interior Government, initiating the ''Men in Black'' phenomenon; some assisting the Luciferian Pleiadian-Nibiruian races of the Luciferian Covenant, others supporting the Drakonian Agenda races. 

• In November 1992, the Emerald Covenant Maharaji Blue Human and Azurite races of Sirius B, the Serres-Pleiadian (avian-hominid) races of Alcyone and the Lyran-Sirian Anuhazi (feline-hominid) Founders races negotiated the Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements. In these agreements the Luciferian Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki races, Galactic Federation and a few Jehovian-Anunnaki races agreed to enter the Emerald Covenant peace treaty for co-evolution with the Angelic Humans of Earth in a united stand against the Drakonian Legions’ Anti-Christiac Dominion Agenda.

 The Anunnaki races vowed to assist in the 2000-2017 SAC Emerald Covenant Planetary Christos Realignment Mission. They promised to disengage Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid control of Earth’s Templar and to return Solar Star Gate-4 control over to the Founders’ Emerald Covenant races by 2000, to prevent the scheduled pole shift that Galactic Federation had intended to orchestrate as per the Atlantean Conspiracy Luciferian Covenant. 

• In January 2000, when the SAC commenced, most of the Anunnaki Legions defected from the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian agreements, reverting to their Luciferian Covenant Dominion Agenda. On July 5th, 2000 further negotiations with the Anunnaki legions culminated in their return to the Emerald Covenant via an agreement called the Treaty of Altair; they were required to release the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid and Solar Star Gate-4 by August 2000. 

• On September 12th, 2000 the Necromiton Andromie “Men In Black” of- fered co-conspiratorial deals to Luciferian and Jehovian Anunnaki and Drakonian races. Galactic Federation and most members of the Anunnaki legions defected from the Treaty of Altair to join the United Resis- tance (UIR). The UIR is a co-conspiratorial plot through which Resistance Legions intended to covertly evacuate small numbers of their respective “Chosen Ones” and “clear Earth’s real estate” via pole shift be- tween 2003-2008, to achieve fulfillment of the Luciferian Covenant Atlantean Conspiracy Agenda between 2008-2012. 

• On September 12th, 2000 the UIR Legions issued an edict of war against Emerald Covenant Guardian races if they did not withdraw support for the Angelic Human 12-Tribes of Earth. Guardian Nations refused to abandon humans and Earth to Fallen Angelic dominion and exploitation. We are now facing the Final Conflict drama of the ancient Atlantean Conspiracy. 

• As the Atlantean Conspiracy advanced from the 9558 BC Atlantean Flood, Emerald Covenant races knew that the 2000-2017 Stellar Activations Cycle would be the time for fulfillment of the Planetary Christos Re- alignment, and that if negotiations with Fallen Angelic legions were not successful the Final Conflict drama would ensue. In preparation for these anticipated events, the Maji Grail King lineage Indigo Children Types- 1 and 2 have been incarnating on Earth for the past I00 years. The Maji races are here to assist the Angelic Human 12-Tribes of contemporary Earth in completing the Emerald Covenant Mission that King Arthur, and Essene Jesheua before him, were unable to fully complete. 

• To prevent pole shift in the 2003-2008 period, the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid of Stonehenge, England and Earth’s Star Gate-11 must be re-calibrated using early activation of D-6 Sirius B Star Gate-6 to override the D-4 Nibiruian Alignment before 2003. This will release the D-4 Solar Spiral from Nibiruian control, preventing the massive pole shift the UIR intends. This is the Sacred Mission that Essene Jesheua (Jesus Christ), King Arthur and many Maji Grail Kings before them were attempting to accomplish. 

• Once the Nibiruian hold on Earth is released, the Planetary Christos Re- alignment Mission can be completed if the Angelic Human 12-Tribes of Earth can successfully “Run the RRT.” Running Earth’s RRT can be done only by the Angelic Human and Maji Grail Line 12-Tribes of Earth, whose DNA Templates carry the DNA Signet Codes that correspond to the correct Fire Letter Sequences in Earth’s Planetary Shields. Through completing the Christos Realignment Mission by “Running the RRT” Star Gate Signet Councils today, the ancient Anti-Christiac Atlantean Conspiracy One World Order Dominion Agenda of the contemporary UIR can be overcome in our present time period. 


• 50,000 BC- Lemurian Holocaust: Jehovian Anunnaki and their Annu- Melchizedek Urantia Illuminati Humans infiltrate Lemurian Muarivhi, allow Dracos² infiltration, culminates in destruction of Muarivhi Pacific Continent.

• 28,000 BC-Atlantean Holocaust: Sirius A Jehovian and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Luciferian Anunnaki and their Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati Hu- mans attempt to seize Inner Earth and Atlantis, culminating in cataclysm that reduces Atlantic Continent to three Island Nations: Bruah, Nohasa and Lohas. 

• 25,500 BC-Lucifer Rebellion: Nibiruian Marduke-Anunnaki³ race line seize control of Nibiru and D-4 Solar Star Gate-4, begin Anunnaki Race Unity dominion campaign and plant Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid Planetary Templar Control Network in at Stonehenge, England (before ''Standing Stones''). Anunnaki races infiltrate Bruah, Nohasa and Lohas Atlantis. 

• 22,326 BC-Eieyani Massacre: United Pleiadian-Nibiruian Luciferian Anunnaki and Marduke-Anunnaki decimate Eieyani Maji Races at Kauai, Hawaii location and seize major territories of Bruah and Nohasa Atlantis, sending Atlantean Semoli-Bruah and Druidic-Nohasa Maji Grail King races into exile to Lohas, Atlantis and Ionia ( Italy, Greece)

2. Omicron-Drakonian + Human 3. Anunnaki + Omicron Drakonian 

• 21,900 BC-Lohas-Celtic-Druidic Freeze Out: Pleiadian-Nibiruian Luciferian Anunnaki and Galactic Federation intentionally collapse Firmament Hydro-suspension Field over Lohas, Atlantis to force Maji Grail King lines away from Lohas Star Gate-11; culminates in 21,900 BC-14,000 BC Glacial Period. . 20,000 BC-Vicherus-Sacheon Invasion: Alpha-Centauri Marduke-Necromiton-Anunnaki and their Vicherus Annu-Melchizedek race and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Samjase-Luciferian-Anunnaki and their Sacheon Annu-Melchizedek race invade Angelic Human Tribe-6 and exiled Celtic-Lohas and Druidic-Nohasa Atlantean Maji Grail King lines in Caucasus Mountains, Russia, in attempt to destroy Grail Lines. 

Begin intentional concealment of Celtic and Druidic Atlantean Maji Grail King and Angelic Human Tribe-6 racial identity. The Vicherus races he- came known as the ''Vikings,'' the Sacheons as the ''Saxons,'' both groups often “painting themselves blue” in honor of the Luciferian Alpha-Omega Centauri Centaur race. In order to hide knowledge of the Atlantean Maji King Grail Lines, the “blue raiders” were later falsely identified in historical record as the “Celtics” of Ireland, the Druidics as the ''Druids.'' 

• 10,500 BC Luciferian Conquest: Atlantean Islands of Bruah and Nohasa fall to Pleiadian-Nibiruian Luciferian and Sirius A Jehovian Anunnaki and Annu-Melchizedek control; the Atlantean Conspiracy develops high level organization. 

• 9,560 BC Luciferian Covenant: Pleiadian-Nibiruian Samjase-Luciferian Anunnaki (“Blonds”), Sirius B Marduke-Anunnaki (Anunnaki + Omi- cron “Dragon-Moth”), Enlil-Odedicron (Anunnaki + Reptile-Avian), Thoth-Enki-Zephelium (Anunnaki + Zeta) and Marduke-Necromiton- Luciferian (Anunnaki + Alpha-Omega Centauri Blue Centaurs), Galac tic Federation and Nohasa Atlantis Jehovian-Urantia and their respective Annu-Melchizedek races enter full alliance under the One World Order Anti-Christos Agenda formally mandated through the Luciferian Covenant. Omicron-Drakonian and Odedicron-Reptilian races of Orion form second competing Orion-Drakonian One World Order Agenda. Main Sirius A Jehovian-Anunnaki (“Bipedal Dolphin People”) race form third competing Jehovian One World Order Agenda. 

• 9,558 BC Atlantean Flood: Luciferian-Anunnaki and portions of Galactic Federation orchestrate Atlantean Flood in an attempt to take over Giza, Egypt Great Pyramid Teleport Station and its true Arc of the Covenant Andromeda Portal Passage. Thoth-Enki Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati Humans that took over Bruah Atlantis follow initiatives of the Samjase- Luciferian-Anunnaki ''Larsa King'' that took over Lohas Atlantis, sending EM Pulse from Bruah Generator Crystals to Giza, causing major flooding via final collapse of Firmament Hydro-suspension Field over Nohasa and Bruah Atlantis. Only portions of the Atlantean Islands sink; major parts of Bruah, Nohasa and Lohas Atlantis still remain above water. 

In 9540 BC the Sirius B Maharaji Blue Human Emerald Covenant Races give Rod and Staff Star Gate Tools in “Arc of the Covenant Gold Box” to Maji Grail King lines of Earth to keep open contact with Inner Earth races via Earth’s portal system. Luciferian, Jehovian and Drakonian quest for possession of the Arc Tools begins, as does intentional falsification and eradication of Angelic Human historical record to conceal the knowledge and location of Lohas Star Gate-11, the lands of which survived the Atlantean Flood. 

• 8,900 BC Sumerian Invasion: Luciferian and Jehovian Anunnaki and Drakonian Races and their Annu-Melchizedek legions all raid Angelic Hu- man Tribe-10 resettlements of Sumerian UR and surrounding territories (Iraq-Iran) in quest for Star Gate-10 control and Arc of the Covenant Gold Box Tools. Samjase-Luciferian-Anunnaki lines as “Sumerian Larsa Kings.” Jehovian Anunnaki lines as “Hassa Kings and Midianite-Hyksos Kings,” Marduke-Anunnaki and Drakonians as Babylonian and Akkadian Dragon Kings, Thoth-Enki-Anunnaki as ''Snake Brother- hood Kings.'' Evidence found in Sumerian “Larsa Kings List” tablets. 

• 8,400 BC Egyptian Invasion: Thoth-Enki-Zephelium-Anunnaki and their Bruah-Atlantis Annu-Melchizedeks raid Egypt from Sumeria, over- throwing Serres-Egyptian Pre-dynastic Grail King lines as the Osiris King line. Enlil-Odedicron-Anunnaki combine, creating the Osiris- Isis-Horus King Line, Samjase-Luciferian-Anunnaki Sumerian Larsa Kings combine creating the Egyptian “Scarab King” line that dominated Dynastic Egyptian History in competition with the Marduke-Anunnaki Drakonian Agenda ''Set King'' line. With Galactic Federation assistance, Jehovian-Anunnaki Annu-Melchizedek Midianite-Hyksos King lines later invade in 1670 BC, leading to the “Exodus” in 1476 BC under Tuthmosis III. 

• 7,500 BC Knights Templar Invasion: Luciferian Covenant Anunnaki races raid Celtic and Druidic Maji Grail King races that returned to Lohas Atlantis territories in 13,000 BC from exile in the Caucasus Mountains, Russia. Forced interbreeding between Nibiruian Thoth-Enki, Pleiadian- Nibiruian Samjase-Luciferian and Alpha-Omega Centauri Marduke Necromiton-Luciferian Anunnaki Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati Human lines and Maji Grail King lines for Illuminati race DNA Template up- grade. Creates Luciferian “Super-race” Knights Templar-Sumerian Larsa King + Egyptian Osiris-Isis-Horus Scarab King+ Egyptian-Midianite Hyksos King + Indian Centaur King Annu-Melchizedek Anunnaki plus Celtic-Druidic Atlantean Grail King (forced interbreeding). Ancestors of contemporary Freemasons. 

• 5,900 BC Centaurian War: Luciferian Anunnaki Races steal Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and Star Gate tools, attempt to cause pole shift from Nibiruian-Diodic-Crystal Grid at Stonehenge, England, to claim Earth’s territories. Omicron-Drakonian, Alpha-Centauri Luciferian Centaurs, Marduke-Anunnaki and Jehovian Anunnaki races begin counter attacks in England, India, Egypt, Tibet, Ionia and North America. Sirius B Maharaji Blue Human Emerald Covenant Races intervene with air raids to stop Luciferians’ use of the Arc Tools for pole shift. Maji Grail Kings retrieve Arc Box. Partly recorded in Sanskrit Mahabharata Texts.  

• 3,650 BC Mayan Raids: Luciferian Anunnaki raid Mayan Angelic Human 12-Tribes in Yucatan and progressively infiltrate selected 12-Tribes settlements throughout South, North and Central America. 

• 3,470 BC Babble-On Massacre: Galactic Federation and Luciferian Pleiadian and Nibiruian Anunnaki races steal Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and star gate tools, attempt world dominion beginning in Marduke-Anunnaki Drakonian-held Babylon. Temporary planetary magnetic grid collapse created, using Arc tools at Babylon and Nibiruian-Diodic-Crystal- Grid at Stonehenge, England, to create reverse-Fire-Letter-Sequence distortions in Earth’s Planetary Shields, which caused major mutations in the function of the Angelic Human DNA Template. 

Erased Race Memory, blocked natural Kundalini flow in body causing Pineal, Thalamus, Hypo- thalamus and Thyroid Gland malfunctions that shorten human life span and block interdimensional perception in all but implanted Annu- Melchizedek “Chosen Ones” and scrambled natural language patterns. Recorded as “Tower of Babel” story in Bible. Grail King races retrieve Arc of the Covenant Box and Tools, preventing advancement of world do- minion through intended pole shift. 

• 2,668 BC Djoser Invasion: Galactic Federation, Luciferian and Jehovian Anunnaki infiltrate Sakkara, Egypt, with Pharaoh Djoser and their Luciferian Knights Templar “Super-race” and Midianite races of Israel and Sumeria. Serres-Egyptian-Lohas Atlantean Grail King Pharaoh Imhotep deposed in peaceful surrender. Imhotep remains with Djoser regime as “lesser of the apparent evils” compared to the Marduke-Anunnaki Drakonian Agenda invasions progressively advancing from Babylonia. 

• 2,024 BC Dead Sea Conquest: Galactic Federation and Luciferian Anunnaki races steal Arc of Covenant Box and Tools again, launch world do- minion campaign again in Babylonia, extending into Dead Sea area between Israel and Jordan. Destroy Sumerian cities once located in Dead Sea region. Recorded as “Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah” in the Bible. Maji Grail King races retrieve Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and tools, preventing spread of Anunnaki world dominion. 

• 1670 BC-1550 BC Hyksos Invasion: Medianite-Hyksos King Jehovian Annu-Melchizedeks cross with Luciferian Knights Templar Annu-Melchizedeks from Sakkara, Egypt Djoser lineage. Infiltrate Egypt from 2668 BC and finally take over Egyptian Dynasty as Hyksos Kings in 1670 BC. 

1550 BC Drakonian Agenda Pharaoh Ahmose deposes last Hyksos King Pharaoh Kamose, leading to 

1476 BC Hyksos Exodus under Drakonian Agenda Pharaoh Tuthmosis III. Under Galactic Federation direction, Hyksos intend to invade and destroy Angelic Human Hebrew Tribe-2 in Israel. 

• 1459 BC Israel Crusade: Hyksos from Exodus instructed by Galactic Federation and Luciferian Anunnaki to use stolen Arc of the Covenant Gold Box Star Gate ''Rod and Staff'' tools to destroy Hebrew Angelic Human Tribe-2. Intend to claim Israel as their “Promised Land” as beginning of intended global dominion pole shift Luciferian Covenant agenda. Serres- Egyptian Maji Grail Kings exiled in desert retrieve Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and tools preventing the Hyksos’ destruction of Hebrew Tribe- 2. Hyksos do not get their “Promised Land,” the story of the Hyksos Exodus intentionally integrated into Hebrew and Christian historical teachings to conceal Hyksos Annu-Melchizedek presence. 

• 1458 BC Hatshepsut Invasion: Serres-Egyptian Maji Grail King Pharaoh Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt receives Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and tools from desert Maji Grail kings after they stop Hyksos Israel Invasion. Her part-Drakonian half-brother Tuthmosis III invades Hatshepsut’s Temple and steals Arc Box. 

• 1353 BC Fall of Akhenaton: Attempt to enter Hyksos-Egyptian King line into Serres-Egyptian Maji Grail King line for Galactic Federation-Hyksos Emerald Covenant entry and Hyksos genetic BioRegenesis Program. Pharaoh Akhenaton fails in his intended Emerald Covenant Mission in favor of Anunnaki Luciferian Agenda and is killed by competing Drakonian Agenda Uncle. Galactic Federation defects from Emerald Covenant. 

• 906 BC Fall of Solomon’s Temple: King Solomon, (Hyksos Annu-Melchizedek + Serres-Egyptian Maji Grail Line), son of Hyksos King David, is guided by Galactic Federation to use stolen Arc of Covenant Gold Box tools to destroy Hebrew Angelic Human Tribe-2 races of Israel to claim “Promised Land” and advance global dominion. Pleiadian-Serres Emerald Covenant race of Alcyone intervenes directly with beam ship, intending to teleport Arc Box and tools out of Solomon’s Temple and return it to Maji Grail king protection, preventing Solomon’s assault on Hebrews and advancement of the pole shift agenda. Galactic Federation attempts to teleport Arc Box to their Pleiadian Ship but miscalculate, destroying Solomon’s Temple completely with a Photo-Radionic Wave beam. Pleiadian-Serres retrieve Arc Box and prevent pole shift agenda. 

• 26 BC Roman Invasion: Omicron-Drakonian legions of Orion move their Nephedem Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati races into political power within the Ionian Empire of Italy, deposing Angelic Human Tribe-5 of Italy and Ionian exiled Celtic, Druidic and Seminole Atlantean Maji Grail Kings to create stronghold of Roman Empire dominion. Progressively infiltrate and transpose their race identity over the Angelic Human Tribe-5 and Maji Grail Line Ionians of Italy and begin corruption of Ionian Grail Kings’ Sacred CDT-Plate Spiritual Teachings to create the foundations for the “Church of Rome” Catholic Religious Control Dogma political machine. 

• 23 AD Essene Divide: Galactic Federation unites groups of Luciferian Hyksos King and Jehovian Hassa King Annu-Melchizedeks to raid Emerald Covenant Mission of Maji Grail King Essenes, Jesheua (Jesus Christ), John the Baptist and Miriam in Tel el Amarna, Egypt. Due to Essene Divide raids, Jesheua’s Grail King Essenes are unable to fulfill in- tended mission of disengaging the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid to free Solar Star Gate-4 and Earth’s Star Gate-11 to prepare for the 2000-2017 AD SAC and scheduled Planetary Christos Realignment Mission. The Maji Essenes had fulfilled part of the mission by reclaiming the Rod Star Gate tool and its Arc of the Covenant Gold Box from Galactic Federation’s Noah-Abraham-Moses Hyksos Annu-Melchizedek illuminati line, but could not recover the Staff tool. Following failure of the intended Planetary Security Mission, Jesheua, John, Miriam and several Maji Grail King Essenes hid Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and its Rod tool in Vale of Pewsey, England via Tel el Amarna Inner Earth portal passage. 

• 325 AD Council of Nicaea: Omicron-Drakonian legions motivated their Nephedem Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati races governing the Roman Empire to temporarily join forces with Galactic Federation and the Ple- iadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki. In this unholy alliance, the Nephedem, Lu- ciferian Knights Templar, Hyksos King and Jehovian Anunnaki Hassa King Annu-Melchizedeks assembled to ''come up with a cover story'' to hide from public record the realities of Jesheua’s Emerald Covenant Mis- sion. Groups of Hassa King Rabbis, Hyksos Kings and Knights Templar Priests, and Roman Nephedem Knights of Malta launched a Crusade to confiscate all records of the Emerald Covenant Essene CDT-Plate trans- lations. 

They combined various elements of true history and spiritual teachings with numerous falsifications and massive omissions of Templar and Ascension teachings, to create the patriarchal, false-God control dogma creed that became the “Canonized Bible”. Their intentions were to forcefully hide all knowledge of the Emerald Covenant Christos Re- alignment Mission while they searched for the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box. They intended to claim the Arc Box and prevent the “common peo- ple”from having the Maji Grail King knowledge of the Roundtables, to insure victory of their Anti-Christiac One World Order dominion agen- da during the 2000-2017 SAC. 

• 608 Arthurian Grail Quest: Maji Grail King Arthur (born 559AD) and the ''Knights of the Round Tabl'' were the Maji Grail King Melchizedek Cloister Regents who protected the “Holy Grail” Knowledge of Earth’s Planetary Templar Complex. Arthur, Guinevere and the Roundtable Knights held the Planetary Security Commission of reclaiming the Staff tool from the Hyksos Illuminati and were intended to run the RRTs to disengage the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid, in fulfillment of the Jesheua-John-Miriam Emerald Covenant Mission. 

Though Merlin assisted in the return of the Staff Star Gate tool (the “Sword Excalibur”) to Maji Arthur’s protection,''Merlin'' (Victorous) later betrayed the Emer- ald Covenant Mission in favor of the Hyksos-Knights Templar Galactic Federation World Dominion agenda. Arthur successfully returned the Staff tool to the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and relocated the Arc Box containing the Rod and Staff from the Vale of Pewsey, England to where it remains hidden today. 

Arthur and his Knights were unsuccessful in disengaging the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid. But at least they man- aged to hide the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and Rod and Staff tools from Galactic Federation, their Hyksos-Knights Templar and the even- tually competing Nephedem-Drakonian Knights Malta, preventing them from fulfilling their planetary genocide and takeover agenda. The “Quest for the Holy Grail” and “Search for Arc of the Covenant Gold Box” has continued ever since. 

• 1244 AD Albigensian Crusade: Church of Rome Nephedem Annu- Melchizedek Illuminati, on behalf of the Omicron-Drakonian OWO (One World Order) agenda, launch a genocide campaign against the Maji Grail Line Catheri, the Tribe-12, Star Gate-12 Guardians in southern France. The campaign was initiated to stop the Catheri from using their Roundtable knowledge to disengage the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid, knowledge gained from CDT-Plate-12, which was in possession of the Catheri at this time. The Catheri’s “last stand” was at Monsegur, Southern France, an event historically recorded as the “Albigensian Crusade”, in which the Catheri were cornered and burned alive at the order of the Church of Rome and accomplices in the government of France. A small group of Catheri escaped with CDT-Plate 12, and numerous volumes of pure Jesheua-Essene records, which were hidden in France and will one day provide witness to the realities of the Atlantian Conspiracy. 

• 1500 AD Ameka Crusade: The quest for the ''Holy Grail'' continued as Hyksos-Knights Templar Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati races and Omicron-Drakonian Nephedem Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati races advanced their OWO agenda in pursuit of the “Holy GRU-AL”.The Gru- AL POINT is the central control point for Earth’s Templar and both competing groups intended to hold dominion over the lands of the Gru-AL Point when the 2000-2017 SAC arrived. The ''Protestant & Catholic Invasion'' of Native American Tribes began. The name ''America'' came from the name of one of the Emerald Covenant Maji Grail lines known as the Ameka, who were protectors of the Gru-AL Point. 

The Gru-AL Point was known to exist in the lands of the North American continent, a territory once held by Atlantis. Guided through “Mystical Secrets Societies” set up by their respective Fallen Angelic kin, competing groups of Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati races launched a progressive in- filtration and takeover of the North American continent. Each intended to destroy the exiled Lemurian and native Seminole and Ameka ''Native American'' Maji Grail Line Tribes who had knowledge of Running the Roundtables, in a systematic take-over of the North American Templar.

 ''America'' was founded by the Luciferian Hyksos-Knights Templar Annu- Melchizedek Illuminati, who now go by the name of “Free Masons”, on behalf of Galactic Federation and the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki races of the 9560 BC Luciferian Covenant. Competing Illuminati groups and their Stellar co-conspirators intended to use the North American Gru-AL Point, and their holdings of Star Gate-11 Europe, Star Gate-4 Egypt and Star Gate-10 Middle East, to gain full control of Earth’s Tem- plar on behalf of their Stellar contacts during the 2000-2017 SAC.

 It was anticipated by all that the “Final Conflict Drama” and the “Battle of Armageddon” would take place as the competing Drakonian and Anunnaki descendant Annu-Melchizedek Human Illuminati legions ''battled it out'' for control of Earth’s Templar during the long-awaited 2000-2017 SAC. Neither side anticipated that there would be enough surviving Angelic Human 12-Tribes and Maji races left with knowledge to run the Roundtables to prevent the Illuminati, known as the “Leviathan Force,” from succeeding in their OWO agenda. Included in this OWO agenda was the re-initiation of contact with the Fallen Angelic/ET Legions as the SAC drew closer.

 The Fallen Angelics intended to slowly make their presence known then come in to “stake their claim” as the 2000-2017 SAC approached 2012 AD. The Drakonian- Reptilian-Centaurian descent Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati races attempted, but failed, to claim world dominion over their Anunnaki adversaries via their representative Hitler in WW2. Both Illuminati forces have been competing for political world dominion. They have been the predominant, hidden source of war, race hatreds and territorial, financial and religious competition behind and within world governments, until the September 12th, 2000 UIR. 

On September 12, 2000, most competing Illuminati races, and their respective Fallen Angelic “ring leaders” agreed to take a united stand against Emerald Covenant races to ensure success of the OWO dominion agenda and destruction of the Angelic Human races during the 2000-2017 SAC. . 1750 AD Nibiruian-Re-acquaintance: Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki races and Galactic Federation began initiating remote “Channel Con- tact” with their ''Chosen Ones,'' providing contrived spiritual teachings intended to develop into the later “New Age Movement”, through which direct Fallen Angelic/ET contact could be made with little human resistance. 

• 1916 Zeta Surveillance: Zeta races begin participating in the Earth drama on behalf of the Zephelium-Zeta Rigelian and Odedicron-Reptilian (Ori- on) agenda. 

• 1930-1940's Covert Treaties: The Zeta negotiate covert treaties with Nephedem Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati human government, through which “Majestic-12” and the contemporary “UFO Movement” emerge on behalf of the Drakonian OWO agenda, which initiated as a result of the pending Anunnaki takeover agenda. Anunnaki Fallen Angelics ad- vance their remote “Channel” contact with selected humans. 

• 1983 Orion Intrusion: Omicron-Drakonian races of Orion get directly in- volved in the drama, forming alliances with the Odedicron-Reptilian and Dracos races; Zeta’s lose footing in Illuminati affairs as Drakonians take over Zeta Treaties, some Zetas leave, Rigelian Zetas join to strengthen Drakonian forces in Earth affairs. 

• 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements: Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki and Galactic Federation races enter Emerald Covenant peace treaty when they realize that they may succumb to Drakonian Force in the anticipated 2000 -2017 Final Conflict Drama. Agree to turn Solar Star Gate-4 control back over to Emerald Covenant races, to end the Atlantian Luciferian Cove- nant for co-evolution programs, to assist Emerald Covenant and Human races in running proper Roundtables to block further Drakonian infiltra- tion and promise to disengage Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid by January 1, 2000. The “New Age Movement” takes a turn toward the Light. 

• 1999 Centaurian-Necromiton Intrusion: Drakonian agenda Necromiton- Andromi and Alpha-Omega Centauri races get involved to reinforce the Drakonian agenda in reaction to Anunnaki joining the Emerald Covenant. 326 Progression of Major events in Atlantian Conspiracy 

• January 2000 SAC Rebellion: When Stellar Activations Cycle com- menced on January 1, 2000, Galactic Federation and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki groups defect from Emerald Covenant once Stellar Activa- tions Cycle was confirmed, as Fallen Angelic Annu-Elohim offer full sup- port to the Anunnaki OWO agenda. 

• July 5, 2000 Treaty of Altair: Galactic Federation and most Anunnaki groups grudgingly accept re-entry into the Emerald Covenant to secure greater protection when Annu-Elohim of Sirius A and Arcturus suffer heavy losses to the Fallen Seraphim Drakonian force in Density-3 Orion. 

• September 12th, 2000: Necromiton-Andromie and Alpha-Omega-Centau- ri races convince many Drakonian and Anunnaki legions to form a “United Resistance Alliance” (UIR) against the Emerald Covenant to ensure fulfillment of their common interest in the OWO dominion agen- da. Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command and most Anunnaki Legions break the Treaty of Altair to join the UIR. UIR adopts the Anunnaki Luciferian Covenant agenda, which includes “termination” of the An- gelic Human races of Earth and forced pole shift, induced via Battlestar Nibiru (“Wormwood”) and the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid. 

September 12, 2000 UIR offers Emerald Covenant races an ultimatum. UIR would allow the Lyran-Sirian Guardian races to evacuate 50,000 of their ''Indigo Children Maji Grail Lines,'' then the rest of Earth’s populations would fall prey to fulfillment of the Luciferian Covenant agenda. Emerald Covenant Races refuse on behalf of all Angelic Human and Hybrid pop- ulations of Earth that desire to live in freedom and in order to prevent Earth’s Halls of Amenti star gates from falling under UIR dominion. UIR issued a formal Edict of War on September 12, 2000, against Emerald Cov- enant races and the Angelic Humans of Earth. Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command is beginning to mobilize their “Human Ground Crews” teaching their followers to expect a''landing'' in which ''complete human compliance'' is promoted. 

The political arena is now being set for the UIR’s intended 2003 Mass Mind Control initia- tive and most humans are completely unaware of what is taking place. Emerald Covenant races are intending to awaken the Indigo Children as quickly as possible. The Indigo Children are being prepared now to run RRTs in order to disengage the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid through which pole shift can be forced and to seal Earth’s portal system from planned Fallen Angelic 2003-2004 invasion. Before 2003, Emerald Cov- enant races will know if the RRTs are successful and if fulfillment of the Atlantian Conspiracy can be prevented. If not, preparations are al- ready underway to assist Humans in DNA Template Activation so some may become biologically capable of portal evacuation. Sometimes truth is stranger than Fiction.

CORE TEMPLATE GRIDWORK IS REQUIRED to prevent fulfillment of the UIR OWO Agenda 

• Through quickly re-learning how to ''Run the Rainbow Rounds,''Angelic Human and Hybrid races can prevent pending Anunnaki-Drakonian OWO dominion during the 2000-2017 SAC. Properly executed RRTs can fulfill the Emerald Covenant Christos Planetary Security Commission of disengaging the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid and freeing Solar-Star Gate-4, which will prevent Fallen Angelics any further access to Earth’s portal-vortex system. Running the Signet RRTs to reclaim Earth’s Tem- plar from Fallen Angelic dominion has been known for thousands of years as the 11:11/12:12 Christos Reclamation Mission, the Divine Commis- sion previously attempted by Jesus-John-Miriam, King Arthur-Guinev- ere-Knights, the Catheri, the Native Americans and numerous other Maji Grail Line Races throughout history since the 25,500 BC Luciferian Rebellion. Now it is up to Us. 


798,000 BC - 33,000 BC 250,000,000 Years Ago— Parallel Earth Human Seeding-1 five Palaidorian Cloisters 25,000,000 Years Ago— Five Human & Five Palaidorian Cloisters seeded on Earth 5,500,000 Years Ago—Human Seeding-1 destroyed via Electric Wars 3,700,000 Years Ago—Human Seeding-2 848,800 Years Ago—Human Seeding-2 destroyed via Thousand Years War 


  • 798,000 BC—-five Palaida-Urtite-Cloisters Angelic Human Seeding-3: Round-1
  • 669,000 BC-250,000 BC—Rama & Temple Wars Anunnaki/Drakonian Invasions, Nephedem-Drakonian & Urantia-Jehovian-Anunnaki Illumi- nati hybrid-humans 
  • 250,000 BC—Enki-Enlil-Marduke Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki (Aquatic- ape-hominid) create Lulcus-Neanderthal Primate-hominid slave-race via raiding Angelic Human colonies 
  • 246,000 BC—Maharaji bring Emerald Covenant Restatement peace treaty to Earth races, Angelic Humans enter & Thoth-Enki Anunnaki enter for DNA Bio-Regenesis 
  • 208,216 BC—SAC, Drac Invasion, Fall of Brenaui, 10-Code Pulse & pole shift 
  • 208,100 BC—Urtite-Cloister Human: Round-2 subterranean resettlements Human Seeding-3— Contemporary Lineage Begins 
  • 155,000 BC—Emerald Covenant Anunnaki Bio-Regenesis Program begins: Lulcus-Neanderthal Hyperborean-Human upgrade-1 to hybrid Luhari- Cro-Magnon-1 
  • 152,000 BC——Luhari Anunnaki-hybrid Ur-Antrian-Urtite-Cloister-Human Emerald Covenant (EC) upgrade-2 to E-Luhli-Levi-Cro-Magnon-2, first capable of natural procreation with Humans; Levi-hybrids raided by Drac & Anunnaki Fallen Angelics, Anti-Christos Leviathan Force competing Illuminati genetic lines begin 
  • 151,000 BC—E-Luhli-Levi hybrid Breanoua-Urtite-Cloister-Human EC upgrade-3 to E-Luhli-Judah Homo-sapiens 
  • 150,000 BC—Jehovian Wipe out. Competing Drac & Jehovian (Dolphin Peo- ple) Anunnaki attempt to seize Earth & Inner Earth. Maharaji of Sirius B prevent take over; Firmament Hydro-Suspension fields collapse initiating glacial period. 
  • 148,000 BC—E-Luhli-Judah hybrid Hibiru-Urtite-Cloister-Human EC up- grade-4 to E-Luhli-Nephi.Jehovian Anunnaki launch aggressive raids on Nephi hybrid races creating the Nephite-Jehovian-Hibiru Illuminati hy- brid genetic line 
  • 148,000 BC-75,000 BC—Anu Occupation; Sirius A & Arcturian Jehovian- Anunnaki attempt Earth takeover, launch genocide programs against An- gelic Human, Drakonian-Nephedem & Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki Earth races. Enlil-Enki-Marduke Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki lines unite, overthrow Jehovians & seize control of Earth. Emerald Covenant races exile & subterranean settlements. Nephedem- Drakonians, Jehovian- Anunnaki & Nibiruian Anunnaki Raider Wars begin 
  • 75,000 BC—Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki attempt to seize Inner Earth portals, Inner Earth races unite in Inner Earth Rebellion, overthrow Anu-Anunna- ki dominion of surface Earth, reinstating Urtite-Cloister-Human sover- eignty over surface Earth 
  • 73,000 BC—Cloister-Human: Round-3 seeding begins with Ur-Antrian Cloister 
  • 72,000 BC—Breanoua-Cloister-Humans seeded
  • 71,000 BC—Root Race-Human: Round-4 seeding begins with Lemurians  
  • 68,000 BC—Root Race-Human Atlanteans seeded & E-Luhli-Nephi hybrid Melchizedek-Urtite-Cloister-Human EC upgrade-5 to Annu-Melchizedeks. Drakonian, Jehovian-Anunnaki & Anu-Anunnaki Leviathan Illuminati hybrid races progressively raid Annu-Melchizedek races creating various competing Anti-Christos Agenda hybrid “Templar-Melchizedek” Leviathan “Super-races”—the Leviathan Force, leading to the Atlantean Con- spiracy & present drama 
  • 66,000 BC-Hibiru-Cloister-Humans seeded 
  • 63,000 BC—Root-Race-Human-Aryans 
  • 33,000 BC—Melchizedek-Cloister-Humans seeded & 
  • 22,500 BC Eieyani Grail Line begins 


  • 50,000 BC - Lemurian Holocaust 
  • 28,000 BC - Atlantean Holocaust 
  • 25,500 BC - Lucifer Rebellion 
  • 22,326 BC - Eieyani Massacre 
  • 21,900 BC - Lohas-Celtic-Druidic Freeze Out 
  • 20,000 BC - Vicherus-Sacheon Invasion 
  • 10,500 BC - Luciferian Conquest
  • 9,560 BC - Luciferian Covenant 
  • 9,558 BC - Atlantean Flood 
  • 8,900 BC - Sumerian Invasion 
  • 8,400 BC - Egyptian Invasion 
  • 7,500 BC - Knights Templar Invasion 
  • 5,900 BC - Centaurian War 
  • 3,650 BC - Mayan Raids 
  • 3,470 BC – Babble-On Massacre 
  • 2,668 BC - Djoser Invasion 
  • 2,024 BC - Dead Sea Conquest 
  • 1,670-1,550 BC - Hyksos Invasion 
  • 1,476 BC - Hyksos Exodus 1,459 BC - Israel Crusade 
  • 1,458 BC - Hatshepsut Invasion 
  • 1,353 BC - Fall of Akhenaton 
  • 906 BC - Fall of Solomon’s Temple 
  • 26 BC - Roman Invasion 
  • 23 AD - Essene Divide 
  • 325 - Council of Nicaea 
  • 608 - Arthurian Grail Quest 
  • 1244 - Albigensian Crusade 
  • 1500 - Ameka Crusade 
  • 1750 - Nibiruian Re-acquaintance 
  • 1916 - Zeta Surveillance 
  • 1930-1940 - Zeta Treaties and MJ-12 
  • I983 - Orion Intrusion 
  • 1992 - Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements November 
  • 1999 - Centaurian-Necromiton Intrusion January 
  • 2000 - SAC Rebellion July 5, 2000 - Treaty of Altair September 12, 2000 — United Intruder Resistance (UIR) February 
  • 2001 - Grid Spiking Campaign 
  • 2003 - Intended Dimensional Blend Time Rip 
  • 2004 - Intended Frequency Fence 
  • 2008 - Intended Pole Shift via Nibiruian Battle Star and NDC-Grid 
  • 2012 - Intended Resistance Re-settlement & Inner Earth Crusade  


Averting the Seduction of the “Quick Fix” and “Ego Pat” • No Human on Earth at this time has true 12-Strand DNA Template activation or consummation, as the Planetary Shields cannot yet sustain bi- ological presence that holds continually activated D-12 frequency. Distortions in the Race Genetic Imprint caused by the Planetary Shield severely block natural 12-Strand DNA Template activation, even if the Planetary Shields could sustain 12-Strand Activated Biology. Without consistent use of DNA Template Bio-Regenesis technology and related Core Template Kathara Healing modalities, no human on Earth at this time would achieve genuine 12-Strand activation during the contemporary evolution cycle. 

• Competing false 12-strand DNA activation programs are presently being run via unsuspecting New Age & UFO Movement “Channels & Contactees,” by Jehovian¹ Dolphin People Anunnaki and Pleiadian-Nibiruian² Anunnaki-Drakonian-Reptile hybrid races. The largest False DNA Activation - “Ascension” Program is conducted by the ''Alpha-Omega Templar Melchizedek Anunnaki-Drakonian Alliance," which is composed of Centaur & Drakonian-Anunnaki races of Density 2 & 3 Alpha Centauri and Omega Centauri, the Necromiton-(Beetle-Reptile)-Anunnaki hybrid race of Andromeda and several other related Fallen Angelic Collectives following the Omicron-Drakonian-Zeta-Illuminati “One World Order” dominion agenda. 

One of the most prominent expressions of the Alpha- Omega-Centaurian-Andromie Anunnaki-Drakonian-Necromiton collective refers to itself as the ''Archangel Michael'' Matrix, a Bio-neuro- logical Mass Mind-control Program run via the Alpha-Omega Collective, that is literally “broadcast into Earth’s airwaves to unsuspecting channels” from Parallel Earth through the NDCG. False 12-Strand DNA Activation Programs are geared toward ''Monadic Reversal'' - reversing the Fire Letter Sequences in the Human DNA Templates to create Reverse Sequence 11-Strand Activation in humans, so human DNA will assist the Fallen Angelic mission of gaining control of Earth’s Planetary Shields & Star Gates on a reverse-11 activation during the 2000- 2017 SAC. 

• Fallen Angelic and Illuminati Human Leviathan races use the seduction of false claims of “Easy DNA Template Activation” and false promises of As-cension without providing the details of the mechanics by which these dynamics naturally take place. If we know the mechanics we can detect when they are being intentionally misused to orchestrate Anti-Christiac Do-minion agendas. The tactics of false “Quick-Fix Claims” and false promises are further coupled with false “sugar and spice,” in which our egos are fed as we are told “what we want to hear” and “how great and Beloved we are,” while being covertly “railroaded right under our own noses.” 

If we do not “fall for” the age-old “Quick-Fix” and “Ego-Pat” Seductions, we can avert Fallen Angelic and Illuminati manipulation tactics and learn how things really work, so we become empowered to set ourselves, and assist oth- ers, too to set themselves free. We can “Activate our 12-Strands of DNA,”  but it takes work, a labor of Divine Love, and it requires Divine Sacred Science knowledge. 

• DNA Template and Kundalini Activations do not occur via “wishful think- ing” or “hopeful spiritual intention”—they are processes of natural Bio-Spiritu- al Creation Physics, which occur via educated, conscious direction of energy and genuine Spiritual Wisdom. There is a natural Divine Right Order of energy mechanics that governs the manifestation of conscious- ness in biological form; the mechanics of this order must be understood and appropriately applied if one expects to attain genuine, essential, Bio- Spiritual Mastery.

1. Sirius A, Arcturian, & ''Galactic Federation" 
2. Anu-Seraphim Aquatic-ape-hominid 
3. ''Andromies" &''Men-in-Black" 
4. 34-CCW/21-CW Nibiruian Merkaba
5. 24-48 Strands for Indigos

Voyagers II; 9; The Guardian Material; Time Shift, Ascending and Descending Planets

( ⭐Guardian KR editors note; 2022; much of the information included in these transmission was originally to be disseminated Free, when we sent them to Anna both with Voyagers 1 in 1988 and & Voyagers 2 in 1998. We lament that the timeline intended had this been shared as WE asked, that your species would have avoided some of the pain and suffering it has endured over the last 30 years. That said, we now make them available to you, the true owners of this material, The Inhabitant Species of Earth. This is the Guardian information sent to the Humanities.)

The Bridge Zone, Shift to Agartha, Ascending and Descending Planets 

The speed of evolution of a planet is directly connected to the rate of evolution of the life-forms upon the planet. In the Bridge Zone Project we are going to shift Earth entirely out of its present D-3 time cycle, which constitutes accelerating the pulsation rate of particles and shifting the angular rotation of particle spin by 22.5°. In order to make this shift successfully, 8% of Earth’s populations have to fully assemble the fifth DNA strand, 144,000 individuals must assemble the sixth DNA strand and the remaining populations must rapidly reach an accretion level of 4.5, which is the assembly of all of the fourth DNA strand and half of the fifth strand. Remember that consciousness will perceive as solid the dimensional frequency bands one dimension below its present station of focus. 

For the consciousness of humanity to experience the physicality of Earth at the 3.5- accretion level of the Bridge Zone, that consciousness must have a minimum of 4.5-accretion, which comes with assembly of all of the fourth DNA strand and half of the fifth strand. The human collective represents part of the Earth’s matter body, and if the collective accretion level of human beings remains at its present 3—3.5 average, the accretion level and vibration rate of the Earth’s grid will be held down. In the Bridge Zone time continuum, the Earth’s accretion level will be raised from its current 2.5- to a 3.5-level of accretion.

 In order for the Earth's grid to reach this accelerated level of accretion in time to begin entering the Bridge Zone by 2012, most of the human populations must be able to reach no less than a 4.5-accretion level. If the majority of the populations cannot reach the 4.5-accretion level, the vibration rate of Earth will not reach 3.5 and the planet will not shift into the Bridge Zone Time continuum. In terms of a planet shifting into another time continuum, what is really taking place is that the pulsation rate of particles, within the three levels of the planet’s body, is being increased and the angular rotation of particle spin is being shifted. These adjustments constitute a shift of the planetary bodies into faster moving time cycles.

 The consciousness of those upon the planet must also make such a shift, and the particles of which the body and consciousness are composed will undergo the same acceleration of pulsation speed and change in angular rotation of particle spin. Normally, when a planet reached its half-point in its second ascension cycle, which constitutes the 2.5-accretion level, the electrical overtone particles of its D-3 Merkabah Fields would merge with their anti-particles, form a morphogenetic wave and transfer into the next Harmonic Universe into the sixth-dimensional frequency bands. Also included in this morphogenetic wave are the electrical overtone particles of the D-1 and D-2 Merkabah Fields. The D-2 overtone electrical particles transfer to D-5 and the D-1 electrical overtone particles transfer into D-4. 

So normally, during the half-point morphogenetic wave the clockwise rotating electrical Merkabah Fields of D-1, D-2 and D-3 open up and merge with the counterclockwise rotating magnetic Merkabah Fields of D-4, D-5 and D-6. During the 10-year period surrounding the half-point, all of the electrical overtone particles that Earth had pulled in from dimensions 1, 2 and 3 and stored in the morphogenetic field, are transmuted through their anti-particles and transferred into the morphogenetic field of Tara in HU-2. At the completion of the ascension cycle, 2213 years later, the same process occurs with the magnetic base tone particles within Earth’s morphogenetic field.

 The particles of Earth’s counterclockwise-rotating, magnetic Merkabah Fields, of D-1, D-2 and D-3, open and merge with the particles of Tara’s electrical clockwise-rotating Merkabah Fields of D-4, D-5 and D-6. Earth’s morphogenetic field fully merges with that of Tara and Earth leaves the time continua of HU-1 and shifts into the time continua of HU-2. Earth becomes Tara. During this process, the consciousness stationed within the three levels of Earth’s body, the six time continua of Earth’s HU-1 Euiago cycle, also transmutes and transfers into the time cycles of HU-2. A planet’s shift from the time cycles of one Harmonic Universe into the time cycles of the next Harmonic Universe usually takes place in two phases. 

The overtone particle base transfers at the half-ascension cycle point and the magnetic particle base shifts 2213 years later, at the end of the ascension cycle. The Bridge Zone Project will accelerate this process; the two phases of Earth’s particle conversion from HU-1 to HU-2 will take place at once, between 2012 and 2017. The artificial time continuum into which Earth will shift exists between the natural time cycles of the third and fourth dimensions. In the natural procession of merging the grids of Earth and Tara, the Earth’s grid progressively raises in speed, beginning 15-20 years before the half-cycle point. The pulsation rate of Earth’s D-1 particles raises to the rhythm of D-4, Earth's D-2 pulsation rate accelerates to the rhythm of D-5 and Earth’s D-3 particles enter the D-6 rhythm. 

For a period of five years before the half-point, Earth’s grid begins to intersect with that of Tara, as Earth’s D-1 particles shift into the pulsation rhythm of the D-4 time continuum. Following the half-point, scheduled for 2017 AD, Earth would naturally begin returning to the D-3 - D-1 pulsation rhythms of the HU-1 time cycle. The Dracos-Zeta Resistance plans to broadcast the EM pulses of their Frequency Fence through the pulsation rhythms of HU-l dimensional frequency bands. The Bridge Zone Project will allow the primary particle base of Earth to remain at a higher level of pulsation within the Bridge Zone time continuum, at the point Earth would normally begin to slow in pulsation rhythm and revert back into the HU-l time cycles. 

The Earth must begin its ascent into the HU-2 particle pulsation rate now, its D-1 particle base accelerating to the D-4 rhythm, in order for the entire grid (both electrical overtone and magnetic base tone particles) to shift into the D-4 time cycle. Earth’s morphogenetic field will temporarily reach a stable 4-accretion level, the accretion level of the D-4 time cycle, by 2012. Acceleration of the particle pulsation rhythm of Earth’s grid into the D-4 rhythm is a normal part of the ascension cycle process. For the Bridge Zone project to succeed, this acceleration must be intense enough to raise both overtone and base tone particles into HU-2 rhythms, and must also be able to counter balance the ULF EM pulses of the Frequency Fence the Dracos-Zetas plan to use in 2004. 

If Earth does not make it into the pulsation rhythm of the D-4 time cycles by 2012, full merger between the grids of Earth and Tara will not take place, the Halls of Amenti will not open and Earth will not be able to shift into the Bridge Zone Cycle. In this case the Frequency Fence transmissions of the Dracos-Zeta Resistance (should they be successful in orchestrating their 2003 experiment) will begin chain reaction Earth changes between 2012-2017, as the natural fusion process of particle and anti-particle within the Earth’s grid are disrupted. The Frequency Fence would cause the particle pulsation rhythms in certain portions of Earth grid to drop rapidly in speed, while other portions of the particle base attempted to rise in speed.

 The fabric of Earth’s particle base would begin to tear open and fragment. In areas of Earth’s grid where this fragmentation occurred, landmasses would begin to break apart, new fissures within the Earth’s tectonic plates would emerge and plate shifting would result. This does not have to occur. The populations are fully capable of accelerating their genetic evolution by consciously building DNA through working with the higher chakra centers. If humanity successfully raises the pulsation rhythm of the particles that compose the physical, emotional and mental bodies, the Earth’s grid will proceed to accelerate its own pulsation rhythm into the D-4 time cycle. Earth will reach a high enough pulsation rhythm by 2004 to shift out of range of the Frequency Fence transmissions and the Halls of Amenti plan will proceed on schedule. 

The Guardians are confident that humanity will be able to do its part now, in order to ensure its own survival. Earlier in our discussions we have mentioned the existence of the Inner Earth, Agartha, which is located in a frequency modulation zone between Earth and Earth’s double in the parallel universe. Agartha represents part of Earth, and like Earth, Agartha has three levels of the planetary body. The Earth’s three primary body levels exist within dimensions 1, 2 and 3. There is a relationship of particle pulsation speed between Earth and her parallel double: 

The particle pulsation speed of Earth’s D-2 = anti-particle pulsation speed of parallel Earth D-1. Earth’s D-3 particle pulsation speed = that of parallel D-2, etc. The speed of particle pulsation within each dimensional band in the anti-particle universe is faster than that of the corresponding dimension in the particle universe. The particle pulsation speeds of the dimensional bands in the particle universe run one dimension behind those of the dimensional bands in the anti-particle universe. The speed of particle pulsation in the particle universe D-2 would be the speed at which anti-particles pulsate in D-1 of the parallel universe. Earth’s D-2 particles are stationed within the same dimensional Unified Field as the D-l anti-particles of parallel Earth: Particle D-2 = Anti-particle D-1. Particle D-3 = Anti-particle D-2. Particle D-4 = Anti-particle D-3, etc. 

The frequency bands that make up the D-2 particles of Earth are the same frequency bands that make up the D-1 anti-particles of Parallel Earth. Earth’s D-3 particles co-exist with parallel Earth’s D-2 anti-particles. Parallel Earth’s D-2 anti-particles co-exist with Earth’s D-3 particles, etc. When observing Earth’s D-3 landscape (which are the dimensional frequency bands that appear solid to a consciousness stationed in D-4 of the particle universe) one perceives the contours of D-3 particle and D-2 antiparticle Earth. It is important to realize this intimate relationship between the particle content of Earth and anti-particle Earth, if one is to understand the reality fields in which Agartha, the Inner Earth, takes place. In view of the above dimensional particle and anti-particle relationships, the three levels of Earth’s planetary body and those of the parallel Earth can be understood as follows: 

Earth's D-2 elemental body = anti-particle Earth’s D-1 iron core crystal. Earth’s D-3 mental body/atmosphere = anti-particle Earth’s D-2 elemental body. Anti-particle Earth’s D-3 mental body/atmosphere = Earth’s D-4 astral body, which is the D-4 gold core crystal Merkabah Field of Tara, stationed within the center of Earth’s Sun. Agartha represents an Earth reality field that exists between the Earth and her parallel double. Earth’s D-1 iron core crystal is stationed within the first-dimensional frequency bands of the particle universe, at 0-accretion level. Anti-particle Earth’s D-1 iron core crystal is stationed within the D-2 frequency bands of the particle universe, Earth’s elemental kingdom, at accretion level 1. Agartha’s D-1 iron core crystal can be viewed as being stationed halfway between Earth’s D-1 core crystal and the core crystal of parallel Earth at particle universe D-2, which would represent a .5-accretion level in the D-1 frequency bands. 

For Earth, parallel Earth and Agartha, the elemental body is one dimensional band above the placement of the iron core crystal, and the mental body/atmosphere is one dimensional band above the elemental body, or two dimensional bands above the iron core crystal:

  • The particle base of Earth is in D-1 of the particle universe at accretion level 0 to 1. 
  • The particle base of parallel Earth is in D-2 of the particle universe at accretion level 1 to 2. 
  • The particle base of Agartha is half in D-1 and half in D-2 of the particle universe, at an accretion level of .5 to 1.5. 
  • The elemental body of Earth is at particle universe D-2, accretion level 1 to 2. 
  • The elemental body of parallel Earth is at particle universe D-3, accretion level 2 to 3. 
  • The elemental body of Agartha is at particle universe half D-2—half D-3, accretion level 1.5 to 2.5. 
  • The mental body/atmosphere of Earth is at particle universe D-3, accretion level 2 to 3. 
  • The atmosphere of anti-particle Earth is at particle universe D-4, accretion level 3 to 4. 
  • The atmosphere of Agartha is at particle universe half D-3—half D-4, accretion level 2.5 to 3.5. 
From the perspective of the fourth dimension (where human consciousness is presently stationed) the D-1 iron core crystal of anti-particle Earth, (that is stationed within the overtone D-2 frequency bands of the particle universe) and the D-1 iron core crystal of particle Earth, (that is stationed within the D-1 frequency bands of the particle universe), perceptually merge and appear as the Sun. The Sun appears to be separated by many miles from Earth. From this perspective, what appears to be the physical body of Earth is actually the low to middle D-3 frequency fields, the slower-moving particles of Earth’s “mental body.” 

The atmosphere on and surrounding Earth is the middle- to upper-D-3 frequency fields. The “outer space" existing beyond Earth’s atmosphere represents a Repulsion Zone and the frequency fields of D-4 through 15 that exist beyond this Repulsion Zone. From the fourth-dimensional perspective, there appears to be a separation of many miles between Earth and the Sun because the natural Repulsion Zone between D-3 and D-4 creates the illusion of absence of light and expansion of space. This Repulsion Zone is created by the 45° shift of angular rotation of particle spin that occurs between one Harmonic Universe and the Harmonic Universe above. 

There are five primary Repulsion Zones within the 15-dimensional universe, which create the illusion of vast distances between star systems existing within the 15 dimensions. Though Earth, the planets and the galaxies appear to be separated in space by great distances, that distance is only a natural holographic illusion created by the refraction of energy waves through varying angular relationships between spinning particles. All that you perceive outside of yourselves, including Earth and what appears to lie beyond, in Earth’s immediate solar system, actually exists at the center of Earth’s Sun, at varying rates of particle pulsation and angular relationship of particle spin. Earth’s Sun is likewise contained within a larger solar structure with other planetary bodies, which would appear to exist outside of that Sun from various stations of perception. 

The reality of the mechanics of energy is that dimensions 1—3, and all things contained within them, exist within the D-4 Merkabah Fields of Tara’s gold core crystal and that core crystal is stationed at the center of the Sun. The gold core crystal at the center of Earth’s Sun serves as an electromagnetic portal structure between HU-1 and HU-2. Though the Universe appears spread out over great distances, in reality it all exists within the same space, at various dimensional frequency levels and particle spin relationships. 

We are telling you of these hidden reality mechanics so you may begin to comprehend what will be taking place on Earth as your half-cycle period approaches and the Bridge Zone Project goes into operation. We have said that Earth’s accretion level will be shifted from its present 2.5 level to that of 3.5 accretion. The present 2.5-accretion level is the measurement of the frequencies contained within Earth’s morphogenetic field. Accretion level 2.5 is also the measurement of the beginning of Earth’s atmospheric body, the part which is closest to Earth’s surface.

Earth’s atmospheric body represents the portions of the D-3 Unified Field that have not yet been pulled into Earth’s morphogenetic field, the particle fields of D-3 that exist outside of Earth’s morphogenetic field and thus outside of Earth’s physical body structure. Earth’s atmosphere is composed of the upper frequency bands of D-3, which represent the 2.5—3-accretion levels. Earth’s atmosphere is thus said to be at 2.5 accretion. At present, Earth’s D-2 elemental body is at 1.5 accretion and its D-1 particle base is at .5 accretion. Agartha’s atmosphere is at 3.5 accretion, its elemental body at 2.5, thus Agartha’s elemental body is located within Earth’s atmosphere at a different angular rotation of particle spin than that of Earth’s particles, and so appears invisible. Agartha’s particle base is at 1.5 accretion, thus Agartha’s particle base is located within Earth’s elemental body. 

During the Bridge Zone transition, when Earth’s atmosphere is shifted from 2.5 accretion to 3.5 accretion, it will be merged with the atmosphere of Agartha. Earth’s elemental body will shift from 1.5 accretion to 2.5 accretion, Earth’s elemental kingdom will merge with that of Agartha. Earth's particle base will shift from .5 accretion to 1.5 accretion, Earth’s particle base will merge with Agartha’s particle base. When Earth merges with Tara’s grid in the D-4 time cycle between 2012 and 2017, the Earth’s morphogenetic field temporarily reaches a height of accretion level 4, then returns to its natural 2.5-accretion level following 2017. 

In the Bridge Zone Project, Earth’s morphogenetic content will peak at accretion level 4 when merging with Tara’s grid between 2012-2017, then instead of returning to its natural 2.5-accretion level/D-3 time cycle after 2017, Earth will return to the 3.5-accretion level. The 3.5-accretion level represents the time cycle between D-3 and D-4, in which Agartha’s reality takes place. In the usual process, Earth’s particles would undergo a 45° shift in angular rotation of particle spin to enter the D-4 cycle, then shift back 45° to return to the D-3 time cycle. In the Bridge Zone, Earth will undergo the 45° shift of angular rotation of particle spin to merge with Tara. Instead of shifting back 45° to return to the D-3 time cycle, Earth’s particles will shift back only 22.5°, placing Earth within the 3.5-accretion level, the time cycle between D-3 and D-4, merging Earth and Agartha. Earth will become the Inner Earth, Agartha, through the 2012-2017 transition. 

Humans who have assembled all of the fourth DNA strand and half of the fifth will perceive this transition as the emergence of new lands and structures on Earth, and the literal disappearance of some of the existing Earth structures. Humans who do not assemble these strands will perceive a different reality entirely. During this transition, the particles of Earth that are unable to fully shift into the faster pulsation rate, those that cannot reach an accretion level of 3.5, will not make this shift into the Bridge Zone. The particles that do not shift will create a Phantom Earth that will return to the D-3 time cycle. The Phantom Earth will no longer remain attached to the morphogenetic field of Earth and Tara. This condition is referred to as a planet being “cut out of the grid.” 

The planet is no longer attached to the evolutionary imprint contained within its morphogenetic field. A phantom planet is no longer capable of evolving out of the Harmonic Time cycle in which it is placed, it is no longer considered an Ascension Planet, it is called a Descending Planet. Such a planet will continue to evolve within its Harmonic Universe time cycles, slowly expending the energies held within its core, until its particle pulsation rhythms slow, its temperatures cool and eventually it implodes to become a black hole.

 It can take billions of years for a Descending Planet to meet this destination, this does not occur quickly, and life can continue to evolve upon its surface for many years. In the case of Earth’s coming changes, when the planet is shifted to the Bridge Zone, the portions of Earth’s particles that do not make the shift will become a Phantom Earth—a Descending Earth. The phantom version of Earth will be cut off from the interdimensional Time Matrix grid, and the Phantom Earth will return to the D-3 time cycle following 2017. The entire Bridge Zone Project was designed to keep Earth’s primary particle base out of that D-3 time cycle, because in that time continuum the Dracos-Zeta Resistance successfully employs the Frequency Fence and creates Earth’s destruction in 2976 AD. (This probable future for the D-3 time cycle can be averted if the Resistance-inspired 2003 experiment does not take place.)

 In the Phantom Earth D-3 time cycle Earth changes occur, which debilitate a portion of human civilization, and the Zeta-Dracos hybrids come to “help put things back together”, while placing the remaining populations under covert mind control through the use of Frequency Fence and Holographic Insert technology. Humans who do not assemble DNA strand 4 and half of strand 5 will find themselves within this probability on the D-3 Phantom Earth. They will not know they are being controlled, and they will not realize the Dracos-Zeta Resistance manipulates and covertly directs world culture. They will not realize they are not free. And the souls of D-3 phantom Earth will consciously have no idea of the ultimate destiny of soul fragmentation toward which they will be headed. 

Most souls caught in this D-3 incarnational cycle in 2017 will have to continue reincarnating within the D-3 continuum, until they slowly assemble the fourth and half of the fifth DNA strand, which will be exceedingly difficult to do while under Frequency Fence control. Your future incarnational selves will be those humans faced with the 2976 cataclysm. Through the Bridge Zone Project the severity of this future can be lessened. If the Bridge Zone Project is successful, the D-4 time continuum, in which the Zetas now have their strong hold, will become free from Dracos-Zeta control, so the 2976 AD explosion of Earth will be avoided for the D-3 Earth. 

The Resistance will still attempt to infiltrate and control D-3 Earth, but their chances of success will be greatly reduced after losing control of the D-4 continuum. Humans remaining in the D-3 time cycle will not benefit from the genetic acceleration opportunity that is open to Bridge Zone humans, as they will be cut off from the Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic field, which will remain in Earth’s core in the Bridge Zone. They will follow a different course of evolution on Descending Earth. It is much more difficult for individual souls to ascend from such a planet, as their personal connection to the Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic field, which allows them direct access to their higher-dimensional identity, also becomes severed. 

The Bridge Zone Project is an absolute necessity to ensure the survival of Earth, and it also allows humans the opportunity to evolve beyond the reaches of Dracos-Zeta manipulation. If events unfold perfectly, all humans will shift to the Bridge Zone in 2017, and thus no one will fall under Dracos-Zeta dominion, but the chances of such high success are slim. It is presently essential that a critical mass of humans reach a 4.5-accretion level before 2012. If this does not occur, no one will make it to the Bridge Zone continuum, the Halls of Amenti will not fully open and some degree of Earth changes will take place between 2012-2017. Humans who are able to assemble the fifth DNA strand can be rescued by guardian transports, but there will be little time for such an evacuation, and the majority of the population could not withstand transport travel to Agartha or Tara. 

If the Bridge Zone Project is not successful, most of the human populations will be unable to escape Earth changes, covert Dracos-Zeta rule and separation from their personal soul matrix. If the Bridge Zone Project fails, Earth will meet its untimely demise in 2946 AD. Guardian Host Matrix transplants would have to be used to shift Descending Planet souls into Agartha before 2976 destruction. This would constitute another massive Guardian rescue mission in the future, the prospects of which are not promising, if humanity were under Resistance Frequency Fence control. 

The need for this rescue will be removed if present day humans can accept responsibility for their personal evolution now, and assist the Guardians in making the Bridge Zone Project a success. Your future is in your hands, and your races will live the consequences of your collective choices. Each individual has the power and the responsibility for choosing the path of personal destiny that will unfold. In choosing to ignore the reality of Earth’s present multidimensional affairs, you will be subjugating your personal power to those hidden forces that would be delighted to control your destiny for you. If you are wise, you will not surrender your evolutionary survival so easily. You have all the help you need to succeed, but humanity must also do its part and become responsible for personal evolution. 
Humanity Facing Three Probable Futures and Three Tracks of Time 

The technical information we have provided on the mechanics of the Bridge Zone Project serves to illustrate some of the operations of multidimensional physics. We are quite aware that it will be centuries before earthly scientific communities can comprehend some of the dynamics of which we speak. We provided the information so those of scientific persuasion might begin to realize the sophistication of true spiritual science, so they might be less prone to dismiss the importance of the information we have given. We suggest that one use the intuitive senses when trying to understand some of the more complicated concepts we have presented, as the intuitions are better equipped to translate this data into cognition, than are the facilities of the logical-analytical mind alone. 

To simplify the meaning of the Bridge Zone Project, it can be viewed as the vessel through which three probable future paths of development open to the human population. Between the years 2012-20l7, there will be three distinct time continua into which the human consciousness can pass to continue its evolutionary journey. These time continua represent three different tracks of time that different portions of humanity will follow. 

1. Time Track One-—Voyagers Ascension—D-4 Time Cycle 5532.5-year Leap into the Future
 The first track of time opening to the human population in 2012, and the most desirable for those who can achieve it, constitutes catching the crest of the morphogenetic wave between 2012-2017 and ascending into the D-5 time cycle of Tara (or into the higher-dimensional fields of Gaia and the Meta-galactic Core.) We refer to the individuals who will complete bodily ascension as the Voyagers. To become a Voyager one must fully assemble the fifth DNA strand no later than 2022. After 2022, this first time track is no longer an option. In this future one would expect to experience subtle communications with a guardian group of either ET or metaterrestrial nature, prior to the ascension period. 

Through this communication one will be taught how to prepare for their personal ascension, and will be given times and locations as to when and where the physical event will take place. For individuals who are ascending but cannot fully transmute the body to do so, preparation for achieving ascension following natural death will be provided through subtle communications and spiritual work. Most ascending individuals will be required to engage in conscious cellular transmutation work, and will be guided through personal spiritual work, to the appropriate methodology for their personal development. Individuals who will bodily ascend will at some point in their development experience direct physical or conscious etheric contact with a Guardian group. 

At the designated time, they will be secretly brought to the location from which they will ascend. Some will be taken, via various portal routes, into the Halls of Amenti. They will be led into the Halls and assisted in transmuting their bodies into light (which constitutes raising the pulsation rhythm of particles in the body and consciousness). As light, they will pass their consciousness into the Sphere of Amenti and through the portals of the Halls of Amenti, they will embody the frequencies of the Blue Flame Staff of Amenti within their consciousness and morphogenetic field, and pass into Tara. 

Once transferred to Tara, such individuals will then have the pulsation rate of their consciousness slowed to D-5 frequency, and they will find themselves re-manifest in a less dense, more perfected version of their body. They will appear in one of several receiving stations on Tara, set up for this purpose, and will be met by greeters appointed by the Priests of Ur and Mu on Tara. The greeters will escort them to one of several residential learning centers, appropriate to the personal level of development, and they will be provided with all necessities. Couples or groups who ascend together will be able to remain together if they so choose. 

For a time the Voyagers will be offered classes through which they can acclimate to their new reality, and will then be offered communal residence or will be hosted by private Taran families who will provide lodging, sustenance and love. Memory of multidimensional experience will be fully returned, and the Voyagers will have the opportunity to commune with soul friends and family whom they had forgotten in earthly life. Voyagers will learn to integrate themselves as time travelers, into a culture that exists about 5532.5 years in the future of present day Earth. 

This culture is built upon the principles of the Law of One, and love, brotherhood, freedom, health, spiritual at-one-ment and joy are the foundations upon which this society is built. It is well worth the Voyage for those who can achieve ascension. Some who are on the ascension time track will not have the full fifth strand of DNA assembled but will be close to this 5-accretion level. They will be unable to pass directly through the Halls of Amenti portals, so will instead be guided to Transport locations on Earth where they will be brought upon interdimensional transit craft and prepared for a journey into space. Some of those on the transports will have their consciousness transferred into a clone body of their original body form (these clones were prepared in advance through guardian abduction/visitation encounters). The Guardians use cloning only in cases of individuals who possess most of the necessary fifth strand DNA assembly. 

Guardian cloning is used for individuals who would have been able to ascend if they had not encountered genetic damage while on Earth. Cloning is used for near-ascension—level individuals who experienced irreparable genetic damage due to intruder ET manipulation, birth defects, accidents or illness suffered on Earth. Not all individuals taking the Transport ascension route will have their consciousness transferred into a clone body. Most will simply have their bioenergetic fields adjusted to facilitate rapid fifth DNA strand building. (Note: clones created by the Guardian ET groups are expressly for the purpose of facilitating human ascensions. These are not to be confused with cloning tactics used by intruder Dracos-Zeta forces for infiltration into human culture). 

Voyagers on the Transports will be taken into outer space, then through the D-4 Merkabah Field at the center of the Sun and into the Halls of Amenti at the D-4 level (this is the same ascension path used by souls who die/drop their bodies and ascend to Tara as soul essence. However, individuals on the Transports will not be leaving a body behind). The Transport craft will emerge through the core of Tara’s Sun in D-5, then proceed to landing facilities on Tara. Inter-dimensional Transport vessels are designed for such solar passage, as they are able to modulate frequency bands and alter the composition of their structure. Most human Voyagers will experience a period of deep sleep then a bit of temporary time disorientation as the Transports encounter the solar passages. 

Once they land on Tara, the Transport Voyagers will experience the same orientation events as those who ascended directly through the Halls of Amenti. All Voyagers will have a companion assigned to them following their arrival on Tara. The companion will assist them in adjusting to the new reality, and will remain with them until the Voyager has comfortably integrated into Taran culture. Some Voyagers, who have fully assembled the sixth DNA strand and have reached an accretion level of 6, will have the opportunity to ascend beyond Tara in HU-2, to Gaia in HU-3 or into the Meta-galactic Core at D-8 and completely leave matter form, the dimensional system and Time Matrix. 

This is the path of full mastery. Normally it is available to only the few who are born into the highest resonating genetic codes. Due to Earth’s upcoming infusion of fifth-dimensional frequency, in the Bridge Zone time track, the fifth DNA strand assembly will be made available to everyone who works consciously to assimilate the D-5 frequency into the body. Once the fifth DNA strand is assembled, assembly of the sixth strand begins, and some individuals will be able to fully assemble the sixth strand between 2012-2017, while the Halls of Amenti and portals to Tara and Gaia are opened (Gaia’s portals open for only three days in 2017). 

Guardians will be available to assist in all ascension procedures, those leading to Tara and beyond. The Voyagers’ ascension to Tara will be done solely through private, personal contact. There will be no mass landings of Guardian ships to pick up intended Voyagers, there will be no public knowledge of the logistic orchestration of these events. Individuals who are able to participate in this activity will be contacted privately and secretly guided to the appropriate location, just prior to leaving. Publicly conducting such activities would serve only to cause major chaos within your social orders, not to mention military interference, so ascensions will remain a closely guarded covert guardian activity. We present this material now to assist potential Voyagers in remembering their soul agreements to participate in these activities. 

Those who are intended to ascend can find this information through working directly with their own spiritual identities. Even if you do not consciously remember such soul agreements, you will feel a certain way about the ascension option when confronted with this material. If the path of ascension is the right one for you, you will sense this, and find your soul-self awareness guiding you to the appropriate preparatory procedures. The ascension path is not something the Guardians have made happen for you, it is the natural path of your personal soul evolution. The Guardians do not control the ascension process-—they simply facilitate humans and the souls and over-souls of humans who are ready for this natural evolutionary step. 

2. Time Track Two—Phantom Earth Descending Planet—D-3 Time Cycle Returning to the Present 
The second track of time opening to the human population in 2017 is that of the natural procession through the half-point, in which Earth returns to the D-3 time cycle following 2017. If the Bridge Zone Project is successful, the Earth that will return to the D-3 time cycle will be the “phantom Earth,” the remaining particles of Earth’s body that were unable to transmute to higher accretion levels. This is the least-favorable option available to humanity, as this is the future in which humanity falls under the covert control of the Dracos-Zeta Resistance. Humans who will see this future after 2012 will be those who have not assembled their DNA to at least the fourth strand by 2012. 

On August 12th, 2003 the Dracos-Zeta Resistance plan to motivate certain factions of the Interior Government to orchestrate another experiment similar to those of the Montauk Project of 1983 and the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. The Interior government will be led to believe this project is for the benefit of humankind, that it will stop Earth changes from occurring in 2012. To those of the Interior Government who may be reading this material, please heed this warning: You are being tricked and used as pawns by the Dracos-Zeta Resistance. They are planning to use you to orchestrate a covert take-over, through which you, the populations and the Earth will be placed under subliminal, bio-neurological Resistance control. 

If you allow this experiment to take place, you will ensure that the populations remaining in the D-3 time track will fall under Dracos-Zeta Resistance Frequency Fence and Holographic Insert control. You can stop them from putting the Frequency Fence in place if you refuse to participate in this experiment. Stop “buying into the lies” and false promises of the Dracos-Zeta Resistance. If not for the sake of your planet or your people, then at least for the sake of your own personal 172 Three Tracks of Time safety. Rethink your positions in relation to the Resistance and redirect your course of action. There is still time left to shift the fate of the D-3 time continuum. If the Dracos-Zeta plan is not stopped in 2003, they will begin broadcasting the EM pulses of the Frequency Fence in 2004 and beam in Holographic Inserts by 2006. People who do not have a minimum of 3.75- accretion level, (3.75-accretion level constitutes full assembly of the third DNA strand and 75% of the fourth strand), will fall under the bio-neurological block of the Frequency Fence and will become subliminally controlled and directed by the Dracos-Zeta Resistance. 

This includes those of you in the Interior Government who are foolish enough to believe these EBEs are your allies. No one will know they are being controlled. Those under the new Frequency Fence will become cut off from their personal intuitive senses and organic connection to their soul matrix. They will be unable to further assemble the DNA strands, and thus will not be able to participate in accelerated evolution and the coming ascension opportunity. The EBEs will offer a new belief system of a religious nature that will teach subservience to a higher order of spiritual hierarchy, which will become the belief catalyst for the “New World Order” of covert control and dominion foretold in your Biblical stories. 

When the phantom Earth enters the 2012-2017 period, there will be geographical and climatic changes on Earth, the degree of which we cannot fully foresee. The severity of such changes will depend completely upon how the Earth’s grid reacts to the frequency disruptions of the Frequency Fence. It is the Frequency Fence that will be primarily responsible for causing severe Earth changes, so if the 2003 infiltration is stopped, the severity of potential Earth changes between 2012-2017 can be significantly reduced. What do you think might happen to your nuclear weapons and reactors if such Earth changes take place? It is time your governments began considering these issues. If these events go unchecked, and the Frequency Fence plan is not diverted, it is presently estimated that about 40% of Earth’s surface will be heavily affected by these changes, 15% of this 40% taking place within the territories belonging to the USA. 

These estimates may change, depending up how this Earth drama unfolds between now and 2012. Needless to say, the cultures of Earth’s D-3 time cycle would be adversely affected. The populations surviving such events would remain under covert Dracos-Zeta Resistance control, unaware of the truth that had caused them such suffering. We reiterate: These events can still be changed, before 2003, if the Interior Government changes its agreements with the Resistance forces. There is a tentative plan by the Dracos-Zeta Resistance to stage a public landing in 2001, after allowing bits of information concerning their presence to reach the general public. They intend to send their Rutilia operatives (Zeta-Dracos hybrids that resemble Zeta Greys, called EBEs by the covert government) to members of the Interior Government, posing as emissaries. 

They will offer technology and friendship. Do not trust them. We implore the Interior Government on Earth to refuse any and all dealings with these beings, for they are not your allies nor friends. They are attempting to pull a covert “Trojan Horse” stunt on you. This can succeed only if you “open the gates,” enter agreements with them and allow them to convince you to orchestrate experiments, the consequences of which you do not understand. The Bridge Zone Project will remain operable regardless of the choices of the Interior Government. Humans are advised to begin working with the higher-chakra centers to accelerate the assembly and alignment of the third and fourth DNA strands before 2004. If the Resistance is successful in orchestrating the Frequency Fence in 2004, humans whose DNA has not reached the 3.75-accretion level will be susceptible to the perceptual distortions caused by the Frequency Fence. 

You can all learn to protect yourselves from this manipulation if you take responsibility for working with your bio-energetic system to accelerate DNA assembly. Reach for spiritual integration with your soul identity while it is easy to do so, for if you begin this integration process now (by assembling DNA strands 3 and 4), it will completely protect you from the Frequency Fence. If you fall under Dracos-Zeta control, you will continue to evolve as souls upon a Descending Planet. You will not consciously realize that you are being controlled and subliminally manipulated. Experientially those who are under Frequency Fence control will be unable to perceive the effects of the multidimensional changes taking place between 2012-2017. 

If the Earth changes meet or exceed the damage we have estimated, human culture will be dealt a severe blow and your social, political and economic structures will be unable to easily recuperate from these events. If we are successful in convincing the Interior Government to stop negotiations with the Dracos-Zeta Resistance and the experiment of 2003 does not take place, a different reality picture will be perceived by those remaining in the D-3 time cycle. Localized grid imbalances will most likely still occur, and climatic deviations will continue to accelerate until 2017. Your primary social structures will remain intact, but national disaster relief funds and insurance organizations may collapse due to an overabundance of claims and needed expenditure.

 If the Resistance is unable to employ the Frequency Fence by 2004, which they cannot do if the 2003 experiment does not take place, they will have little recourse. As long as the Interior Government refuses dealings with the Resistance, the Resistance will be unable to orchestrate a full infiltration into human society. Once the Earth grid passes through 2017 without the complications of the Frequency Fence, and the primary vulnerability of the portal structure ebbs, Guardian Visitors will be able to enforce a ban on Dracos-Zeta presence of Time and these intruders will leave. Your government systems will still evolve under the influence of the human Interior Government. 

Guardian Visitors will again attempt to make contact with this covert organization, in order to establish public contact procedures through which human social conscience and order can be redirected toward peaceful evolution. Humans remaining in the D-3 time track will still find themselves evolving on a Descending Planet and the opportunity to rapidly evolve the fifth DNA strand will have passed, as the phantom Earth will not receive the full infusion of D-5 frequency. You will reincarnate on this Descending Planet until you can assemble the third through fifth DNA strands, which is a slow process that takes numerous lifetimes, except during the acceleration opportunity presented in the ascension cycle. 

If you die after 2022 without the D-4 and D-5 frequency patterns assembled in your personal morphogenetic field, reincarnation in HU-1 will be mandatory. This is simply the nature of the energy dynamics involved in soul evolution. While evolving on a Descending Planet it is very important for individuals to have conscious knowledge of ascension mechanics, for the opportunity of spontaneous mass ascension is no longer an option. Guardian Visitors will assist in keeping this knowledge alive and available to humans remaining on phantom Earth in the D-3 time cycle. We pray that each individual can be reached with this message, so the opportunity of ascension and freedom is not lost to your present identity. If the 2003 experiment and the Dracos-Zeta Frequency Fence can be averted, those in the D-3 time cycle will follow a different path of evolution than humans in the Bridge Zone and ascension time cycles. 

They will have the opportunity to evolve more slowly, yet still have the option of free will and more open contact with guardian races. The severity of Earth changes during the 2012—2017 transitions will be greatly reduced. If the Dracos-Zeta Resistance is successful in 2003, life in D-3 will continue under their covert dominion and Earth changes will take place between 2012—2017. Once D-3 Earth is under Resistance Frequency Fence control, the Dracos-Zeta Resistance will be motivated to protect their “vested interests” on Earth from guardian tampering. If the Resistance gains leverage and confidence through successfully orchestrating the Frequency Fence, it will be very difficult for the Guardians to enforce a ban on them without direct military confrontation.

 Such a “Star Wars” confrontation between Resistance and Guardian forces would have further catastrophic consequences for D-3 Earth, and it has not been decided by the Guardian legions whether such intervention would be conducted. The Guardians are taking a “let's wait and see what happens” approach to this subject. The Guardians can only protect humanity from the consequences of its choices for so long, after which point full responsibility for personal evolution must be returned to the human race. The opportunity to create self-protection is now being offered through the Guardians’ attempts to educate humanity. If this opportunity is ignored, the humans remaining in the D-3 time cycle will have to accept responsibility for their selected ignorance and face the consequences of covert Dracos-Zeta rule. 

Further guardian intervention would only be considered if the D-3 populations made a show of effort to take responsibility and make the needed changes prior to 2017. The Guardians are willing to help those who are willing to help themselves, but have little patience left for those who refuse to learn, grow and become responsible for their choices. If the Bridge Zone Project is not successful, Earth will remain in HU-1 under Dracos-Zeta rule, and your incarnational destiny on HU-1 Earth will meet a premature end in 2976 AD. The majority of the human population can avoid these less favorable futures by seizing the opportunity of accelerated evolution represented by the Bridge Zone Project. 

3. Time Track Three—the Bridge Zone—D-3.5 Time Cycle 2213-year Leap into the Future 
The third time track available to humanity in 2017 is that leading into the Bridge Zone. Individuals having a 4.5-accretion level/assembly of the full fourth DNA strand and half of the fifth will enter the Bridge Zone time continuum. We need a critical mass of people to reach 4.5 accretion before 2012 in order for the Earth’s grid to raise high enough in speed to enter the Bridge Zone in 2012. The accretion level of Earth is being continually measured and monitored, and as of this writing (August 1998) things look quite promising. Recent events involving the Sphere of Amenti have given us much encouragement for the success of the Bridge Zone Project, and we are still on schedule for the opening of the Halls of Amenti in 20I2. 

The transition of Earth moving into the Bridge Zone began in 1997 as we infused Earth’s grid with UHF energy to assist in raising the particle pulsation rate of Earth’s core. The speed of Earth’s core particles will be progressively raised between now and 2012. As Earth progressively moves closer to 2012, a subtle division will begin to appear within the populations of Earth. Those with higher accretion rates will progressively find themselves surrounded by others of similar accretion levels, and those with low accretion rates will likewise group. You will see a more apparent division between what you consider the “light and dark forces” moving within your populations. You may see extremes of this condition, especially in geological areas in proximity to the seven major Earth vortices/chakras (we will discuss the Vortices in following pages). 

Small-scale wars may break out in some areas, motivated covertly by visiting members of the Ancient Anunnaki Resistance, who entered orbit around Earth in D-4 in 1997, with the intention of amplifying the potentials of Earth changes to see the downfall of human culture. The Anunnaki Resistance will not directly intervene, nor do they work with the Dracos-Zeta Resistance, they are simply here to see Earth purged of what they consider of Time the “cosmic virus” of the human race. They will motivate conflict and personal and collective strife by attempting to manipulate people from the D-4 astral plane. Their purpose is to increase grid instability, as they know this will amplify any Earth changes that may occur. 

They are not as highly motivated as the Dracos-Zeta Resistance, and will not attempt direct interference in Earth affairs, so as to avoid direct conflict with the Sirian Council, their Council Loyalist Anunnaki Brothers and the other Guardian groups from HU-2 and HU-3. They are simply game players who will try to tip the balances of the unfolding Earth drama in the favor of human extinction. The only people who will be susceptible to Anunnaki Resistance manipulation will be those who have low accretion levels and who have not learned to put protective energetic barriers around the astral identity. 

Anyone working consciously and sincerely to integrate the soul identity will have protection from Anunnaki Resistance manipulation. Humans with high accretion levels will be called upon to assist the guardian races in building a frequency block in D-4 to protect Earth's major portals/vortices from Anunnaki Resistance energy transmissions. Guardians from the Andromeda galaxy presently have Earth’s vortices sealed under a protective D-4 frequency seal, but in the event that the Anunnaki Resistance manage to decode the frequency seal co-ordinates (which they occasionally do, requiring repeated guardian resealing of the vortices), the Andromies will need human help to ground a more sophisticated vortex frequency seal. Human Light-workers involved with the “Portal Project” are presently on stand-by, waiting for the time when they will be called into service. 

Human Light-workers will also assist in keeping the portal regions balanced on Earth between 2012—2022. ET Influences Presently the human collective moves together toward the three divergent tracks of time. By 2012 the divisions within the populations will be set, as the three groups, with three different accretion levels, begin to move into their appropriate track of time. Those on the ascension track will have already made preparations in their DNA and have a more conscious understanding of the process with which they are involved. Those on the Descending Planet time track will proceed with “business as usual”, unaware of the changes taking place around them. 

If the Dracos-Zeta Frequency Fence is successful, the “peripheral blindness” of those on the Descending Planet track will be amplified. There may exaggerated movements from within the Interior Government to ban, discredit, confuse and black out from public view, information pertaining to ascension mechanics, advanced multidimensional technologies and the truth of Visitor agendas. These tactics are already being used to keep the general populations unaware of what is taking place regarding ET and metaterrestrial contact. You will see counter-movements emerging through 177 Time Shift which genuine information is made available to those who will listen. Many of the traditional religious organizations will be used as dis-information vehicles, through which the public is taught to view the new information as “evil.” 

This tactic is orchestrated through Zeta-human infiltrates presently working within various organizations. You will see many distraction tactics emerging, through which public attention is purposely and covertly directed away from the issues of spiritual development and into fear-base, conflict laden agendas. The threats of economic disaster, war and famine, as well as menial issues will all be used, through covertly manipulated media propaganda, to divert public attention away from the real issues taking place. The Zetas are expert propagandists, and subliminal manipulators, and are quite accustomed to subliminally influencing the unsuspecting minds of humans in key positions to carry out their bidding. 

The propaganda program, which has convinced the majorities that ET presence is not real, has been in effect since the 1940’s, and you will see a continuation and acceleration of this propaganda until about 2001, when the program will be changed to begin preparing the public for intended EBE contact. When information about the possible validity of ET presence begins to make it into public view, the Dracos-Zeta Resistance will present themselves as Guardians and attempt to make guardian groups appear as intruders. The Resistance may orchestrate a mass landing in 2001, but only if they are confident that they will succeed in motivating human Interior Government to conduct the 2003 experiment. 

If by 2001, the Resistance fears their Frequency Fence plan will not succeed, they will not stage a landing. They will still work to instigate the 2003 experiment, and may increase their abductions within the general populace, making it appear as though guardian groups are responsible, in order to trick the Interior Government to continue with the 2003 experiment. The shift in the perspective of the propaganda program will take place between 2001-2003, if it takes place at all. If news validating the reality of visiting ET presence reaches public distribution networks by 2001 you can be sure the Dracos-Zeta Frequency Fence plan is still in operation and that the Interior Government continues to work with the Resistance.

 If a mass level, public landing takes place any time between 2001—2003, realize these are not friendly Visitors regardless of what they may claim. In the event that the Frequency Fence plan remains operational and the Resistance schedules its mass landing, several guardian ET groups may create mass sightings, to increase public awareness of the reality of ET presence. They will not conduct a mass landing or initiate physical contact on a public or governmental level. If Guardians deem such “fly-by” tactics necessary, these events may take place anywhere between 2000—2003. The purpose of such an event will be to warn humans who are aware of these hidden agendas that the Resistance still plans infiltration. If the guardian “fly-by’s” of Time occur, this is intended as a sign for the populations to begin preparation for Earth changes, because if the Frequency Fence is employed, some degree of tectonic shifting will result. 

Be aware! If you begin to experience mass “fly-by’s” between 2000—2003, you need to make provisions for coming climatic and Earth changes. In this event the Guardians will provide information on “safe space” locations through their private human contacts. If the Resistance believes its infiltration plan will not succeed, they will not land between 2001—2003, and the Guardians will not conduct mass “fly-bys.” The old propaganda program of blocking public awareness of ET presence will resume and the Interior Government will continue to distract public attention from this issue so as to retain control of the populations. If the 2003 experiment is stopped (the Resistance needs the cooperation of the Interior Government for this experiment to be successful) there will still be three tracks of time facing the human populace. In the D-3 time cycle Descending Planet track, the Dracos-Resistance will leave of their own accord, knowing they cannot claim dominion over human populations and that after 2017 Guardians can enforce a ban on Dracos-Zeta presence.

 If the Earth’s grid is balanced in 2012, the Dracos-Zeta Resistance and the Anunnaki Resistance will leave. Earth’s populations can then focus upon the primary issues at hand, assisting the Guardians to keep Earth’s grid balanced and accelerating personal evolution in preparation for the opening of the Halls of Amenti between 2012—2022. If 92% of Earth’s populations could reach a 4.5-accretion level by 2012, no one would take the second track of time back into the D-3 time cycle of the Descending Earth. This is not likely, however, so as it stands some of the Earth’s populations will indeed return to the D-3 continuum. These are the only individuals susceptible to the Dracos-Zeta Frequency Fence, and we hope that the Interior Government will stop the 2003 experiment so these individuals do not have to contend with the Frequency Fence and resulting changes of the D-3 Earth. If humans begin working now to consciously assemble DNA and increase accretion level, there is still time to become immune to that intended Frequency Fence and prepare to leave the D-3 continuum. 

If you can achieve a 4.5-accretion level by 2012 you will automatically end up in the Bridge Zone continuum in 2017. As long as 8% of Earth’s populations reach a 5-accretion level, 144,000 people reach a 6-accretion level, and about 40% reach a 4.5 level, the Bridge Zone Project will be successfully. In approaching the Bridge Zone time track, humans will perceive a growing gap between the populations following old, fear-based agendas and those following the path of personal enlightenment between 1998-2012. Those on the Bridge Zone path will begin to bond together in a global net179 Time Shift work of enlightenment, doing personal and planetary energy healing work and preparation for Stellar Activations.
The schedule of events leading up to the opening of the Halls of Amenti will continue to unfold up to 2012, when Earth’s grid begins to merge with Tara’s and the Halls of Amenti begin to open. As this schedule of events proceeds, the population divisions will begin to fall out of range of each other’s perceptions. Those headed to the Bridge Zone will experience progressively more awareness of multidimensional reality, personal purpose and incarnational memory, as the Sphere of Amenti progressively releases more of the race memory back into the Earth’s grid. That multidimensional memory will be available to everyone, those who will access this memory will be people who have the genetic ability to pull higher frequency into their operational genetic codes. 

The more DNA you assemble, the higher your accretion level, the more information and memory you will be able to draw from the Earth’s grid. The consciousness of the accelerating individuals will rapidly expand, while the awareness of the people entering the Descending Planet will remain about the same. Between 1998 and 2012, these two groups of people will progressively become more “invisible” to each other, as the procession of their lives moves in opposite directions. There will appear to be natural sequences of events that occur as individuals of lower accretion begin to move out of the lives of those of higher accretion levels, to be replaced by new individuals who have a higher accretion level. Those of lower accretion levels will find themselves more and more in like company. 

The progressive separation of populations will take place as the particles which compose the bodies and consciousness of people with higher accretion/DNA strand assembly levels begin to pulsate at progressively faster rhythms, moving people of higher and lower accretion levels farther and farther out of each others perceptual range. During the coming transitions, particle fields are separating. The bodies and consciousness of people are made of particles, thus humanity will also experience separation of its peoples into those with faster and slower-particle pulsation rhythms. All humans will experience Earth’s temporary shift into the D-4 time cycle and the Stellar Activations that create this shift. Humans with lower accretion levels will have difficulty assimilating the frequencies of the Stellar Activations. The Stellar Activations will create time acceleration for the people of Earth.

 This acceleration can be used to advance the evolutionary blueprint through consciously assimilating these energies into the body, in order to create greater health, vitality, harmony and awareness. If the new frequencies are not assimilated into the body, the time acceleration will apply to the degeneration of the body and consciousness and the manifestation of disharmony and disease. 180 Three Tracks of Time The Bridge Zone populations will accelerate their ability to access guardian information, and some will become involved in subtle communication with Guardian groups. In 2012, when the more intensive changes begin, localized climatic deviations and smaller Earth changes may arise, and the Bridge Zone people will pull together to help each other through these changes. 

Between 2009—20l7 those in the Bridge Zone will begin to see certain public organizations, businesses and institutions either reach their natural ends or begin to take their operations in a more enlightened direction. Those on the Descending Planet will not perceive these changes. Some of the Bridge Zone people will become aware that the Inner Earth portals have opened and will have invitation to explore those realms. Some of the structures of the Inner Earth geography will begin to emerge on the Bridge Zone Earth, new islands will be discovered on Earth during this transition period, and new organizations of spiritual and social order will begin to emerge. Some groups of individuals will have open contact with various guardian ET and metaterrestrial Visitors. 

The particle base of both the Descending Earth and the Bridge Zone Earth will enter the D-4 time cycle between 20l2—2017. The infusions of D-5 through D-9 energy will enter the grid of Bridge Zone Earth, and the spontaneous assembly of the fifth DNA strand imprint will begin within the populations whose accretion level at 2012 placed them in the pulsation rhythms of the Bridge Zone time track. The two Earth’s will coexist simultaneously within the D-4 time cycle between 2012 and 2017 and each of the two groups of people will simultaneously perceive two different sets of events. In order to comprehend the nature of these changes, one must realize that the energy dynamics taking place involve Earth’s particle base being separated into two different rhythms of particle pulsation, and the particle substance out of which human bodies and consciousness are composed will also experience such a separation.

 In 2017 human populations will completely separate into two groups, each perceiving a different set of events. These events will take place in two separate fields of particle pulsation rhythm. It will be as if part of the population “switched the channel on the television set of manifest events,” one group remains watching the old channel, and the other group switches the channel of perception to a new station. The particle pulsation rhythm of the entire Earth will temporarily be raised to the rhythm of D-4 frequencies between 5/5/2000 and 1/2012. The Guardians will infuse Earth’s particle base with UHF D-4 energy transmissions until 5/5/2000. 

The portion of Earth’s particle base that can hold this frequency pattern will increase to a higher D-4 pulsation rate and begin the Stellar Activation cycle, while the portions of Earth’s particle base that cannot hold this frequency will remain at the lower D-4 rate of pulsation. In the Bridge Zone particle base, the angular rotation of particle spin will be altered by the Guardians, in order for it to be transferred into the pulsation rhythms of the Bridge Zone-Agartha time continuum in 2017. 

The angular rotation of particle spin of Earth’s higher vibrating particle base will be shifted 22.5° in reverse from the angle of particle rotation of Earth's lower vibrating particle base. This separation of particle pulsation rhythms will reach completion in 2017, just when Earth’s grid is in full alignment with that of Tara and the Holographic Beam passes through the Photon Belt into direct alignment with Earth’s seventh vortex/chakra.

 As the energies of the Holographic Beam pass into the Earth’s bio-energetic field in 2017, the higher and lower vibrating particle bases of Earth will completely separate. The lower vibrating particle base will rapidly drop in vibration and return to the pulsation rhythm of the D-3 time continuum. The higher vibrating particle base will complete its 22.5° reverse shift in angular rotation of particle spin and fix its pulsation rhythm at the 3.5-accretion level of the Bridge Zone-Agartha time continuum. When this separation transition completes in 2017, the populations will find themselves permanently divided into two separate groups. 

Perceptual Stations

1. Group One Descending Planet Perceptual Station 
Humans with lower accretion levels will perceive none of the multidimensional activity that is taking place. As long as the Frequency Fence is not operational, they will not experience massive Earth changes, but some localized shifting may occur. They will experience a three-day period of tension, fatigue and accelerated atmospheric pressure and a temporary disruption of the function of electrical apparatus at the height of the separation from Earth’s higher vibrating grid in 2017. Scientists may detect odd variations in Earth’s magnetic fields and a sudden, unexplainable increase in gamma ray activity. 

Solar storms and flare activity will appear to increase for several months, then rapidly return to normal appearance. At the height of the separation, a phenomenon that resembles a prolonged, spontaneous solar eclipse may occur, depending upon the stability of Earth’s bio-energetic grid. The most notable occurrence will be that numerous groups of people will seem to have vanished from the Earth without a trace. There will be no explanation for these vanishings in conventional terms. For Earth in the D-3 continuum, little will have appeared to change, and populations will move forth into their D-3 evolution. The Halls of Amenti will be closed to them, as will the portals to the Inner Earth. 

They will experience massive Earth changes only in the event that the Frequency Fence is operational. In either case, Guardians will assist in realigning the planetary grids and returning Earth to stability. In the event that the Frequency Fence is operational, the D-3 populations will be totally unaware of the changes taking of Time place, including the vanishings, as Holographic Inserts will be used to block perception of these events. Only the Earth changes would be apparent to the D-3 populations. Descending Planet populations will remain in the D-3 time continuum and the opportunity for mass ascension will no longer be possible in the future. 

Ascension of individuals will have to be orchestrated through Host Matrix Transplants. If the Frequency Fence becomes operational in 2004, they will see Earth changes and will be under covert Dracos-Zeta Resistance mind control. If not, they will slowly evolve and reincarnate toward building the fourth and fifth DNA strands through Host Matrix assistance. 

2. Group TwoBridge Zone Perceptual Station 
The populations who shift into the Bridge Zone will experience more obvious phenomena of change as the two particle bases of Earth complete their 2017 separation. Many structures of inorganic substance, composed of lower-vibrating particles, will simply appear to vanish, as well as populations having lower accretion levels. New island land masses will have appeared to emerge out of the oceans, seemingly over night. New passageways into the Earth will be found that lead into the Inner Earth territories. 

The most amazing phenomenon to manifest in the Bridge Zone will be the sudden appearance of buildings, roads and other structures of civilization that one did not remember having existed prior to this shift. Earth’s Bridge Zone populations will find themselves in old familiar territories having the new twist of people, organizations, landscapes and social structures that resemble what was, but which are operating at a higher level of vibration/pulsation and enlightenment. In 2017, portions of the Inner Earth, Agartha civilizations will suddenly be visible, and it will seem as if they had always been there. This may create a bit of temporary time-space and memory disorientation to the populations of the Bridge Zone. 

During the height of the separation in 2017, the Bridge Zone populations will also experience a three-day period of tension and sensation of atmospheric pressure, and they may perceive the appearance of very bright moon halos or two moons in the sky during this three-day period. For this reason we refer to the Bridge Zone time continuum as The Path of the Night of the Two Moons. If you perceive these lunar effects in 2017, you will know you have entered the Bridge Zone time continuum. In the Bridge Zone, more open relations with Guardian Visitors will begin, and humanity will continue to evolve along a more enlightened, accelerated path. New fuel sources, such as photonic energy containment, will be discovered as well as many new technologies based upon light, sound and Keylontic science. 

As the Bridge Zone Earth will receive the infusion of D-5 through D-9 energy during the 2012—20l7 period, the populations will have the opportunity to assemble the fifth DNA strand to become Voyagers and enter the path of time travel/ascension to Tara. Some will also have the opportunity to assemble DNA beyond the fifth strand and enter the accelerated path of mastery to ascend to Gaia or the Meta-Galactic Core. Bridge Zone populations will be completely free from intruding ET Visitor manipulation. Perceptually the sensation of lightness, or less weight, will be felt in the atmosphere and within the body and a greater feeling of peace, optimism and personal vibrancy will be experienced. 

Higher chakra centers in the human bio-energetic system will come into activation and the conscious integration of soul awareness will accelerate. We have undertaken great labors to provide you with this detailed and often complex information concerning the changes your race will soon encounter. We wanted you to be prepared. We wanted you to know what is going on so you can begin to make good, conscious choices now, to ensure your highest evolutionary potential. Knowledge is power; thus we have given the gift of power to those who care enough to use this gift wisely. 

Now that we have provided you with the basic foundations of knowledge concerning the coming changes Earth and the human populations will face, our primary interest is to prepare you for the opportunity of the opening of the Halls of Amenti. We will give you an idea of what to expect and when, and how each of you can best prepare for the future you prefer to experience. As previously mentioned, there is a schedule of events that the Guardians have to follow to ensure the opening of the Halls of Amenti. Timing of these events is crucial to the success of Amenti opening and so far everything is right on schedule.