
Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Krystal Star; Law of One; Planetary Hosting Change; Base 12, Natural Order of Christos Blueprint; Trinity Principle of Krystal Star; Oraphim; Golden Child and Geomancy; & Personal Christ

Krystal Star

Since January 2013, our planet has come to the time of the promised return of Christ Consciousness, and the externalization of the Krystal Star presence (the Cosmic Christos Unity Consciousness) is beginning now to rehabilitate the organic Timelines for the GSF Ascension timeline made for preserving human sovereignty on the planet earth. Previously, Ascension had been thwarted by the unscrupulous groups of Negative Aliens in the Satanic and Luciferian gestalts that hijacked the Planetary Logos and Ley Lines for hidden control of forces in order to genetically modify the human beings on the earth as their slaves and underlings.

The word Christ has been distorted in its use on the earth plane intentionally from being integrated into Violent Religions manufactured by the NAA to create harm in the human race. We endeavor to use the word Christ, Christos-Sophia, Krystal, Krist and Krystallah interchangeably to return the real meaning and use of these words to denote the consciousness principles of the Law of One, the cosmic structure of creation as they are intended by the Eternal God Source. We are reaching an embodiment phase which correlates to the seventh cycle of the Reclamation of Christos Mission, in a plan for fulfilling the Paliadorian Covenant. This required the embodiment of the Christ Consciousness layers through the Seven Sacred Suns Cosmic principles of the Universal Creator. Thus, the term Christ or Christos used in this context is not denoting the individual being referred to as Jesus Christ, as taught through the world religions. Christos extends way beyond all meaning associated with planetary consciousness and actually describes the state of eternal Cosmic Consciousness, the title given to a free Cosmic Citizen. This is what Jesus was saying in the Bible.

Law of One

The Inner Light of Christos when actualized in form, is the embodiment of an Source. Practicing Unity Consciousness and Oneness is directly reflecting the image of God’s Eternal Love for creation, and is eternally protected by the Guardian Founder Races. Be At One with All, as One is All with the eternal nature of the God Source. Every Soul is taking the same journey, but each soul has evolved at a different level at the end of the evolution cycles which determines the next stages of Consciousness evolution. The Krystal Star teachings of the Law of One and Service to Others describe the Universal Laws that govern our spiritual Ascension for each dimension of Consciousness in the Universal Time Matrix. 

It is a single Egalitarian philosophical system, which merges cosmology, science, and spiritualism with the Quantum Mechanics describing the movement of Consciousness throughout space and time. This gradually ends the Consumptive Modeling of parasitism and alien hybridization during the Dark Eon, ending the human and nonhuman Controllers tyrannical rulership over humanity and the NAA Mind Control program of False Gods, to which equalizes the Law of Cause and Effect for all beings in our Universal system. All beings are held accountable to their personal deeds, actions and behaviors that impact the whole, during the end of Ascension Cycles.

The Morphogenetic Field structure of the planetary mathematical architecture has been coded to fully anchor the Krystal Star frequency presence along with running its living energetic current or Krystal Spiral, into the planetary brain or Planetary Logos. This has been generated from the constant gridwork involved of many spiritual representatives on the earth, such as Starseeds, Indigos whose mission is the rehabilitation and recoding of the damaged Planetary Grid Network, which act as the central nervous system and brain for the planet. 

There is still much more to do with resetting the planetary grids and the logos (brain) into compatible messaging exchanges for trinitized frequency formats needed for Triad Communication Stations to communicate with the Guardian Host. After a knock down battle with the NAA over control in the inner earth and earth core for the end game pieces, in December [2012], we emerged from the demolition of the flying debris in early January [2013] with those pieces. Reclaiming those pieces began a massive re-assembly process that has been frenzied and chaotic, with many extra dimensional and multidimensional humans acting as the conduits and players in the end game, for the many different forces of competing agendas. 

Planetary Hosting Change

This is the end of the Melchizedek era of planetary hosting at the end of this time cycle. Now we evolve into the Krystal Star hosting phase of the planetary consciousness evolution or Ascension cycle, which begins the Krist and Krystal trinity wave structure rehabilitation through the truth spirits of the Guardian Host. This allows the Liquid Plasma Waves Krystal Forces and Open Source current to wash through the many energetic tributaries, ley lines and meridians within the planetary consciousness field to repair and rebuild the original human template of the Diamond Sun Body. This begins the cycle of consciousness rehabilitation, re-education and repair of the planetary body and original human DNA architecture to fulfill the Reclamation of Christos Mission. 

This also is the beginning stages of the revelation of Extradimensional and Extraterrestrial involvement in co-opting human Ascension through Mind Control, Archontic Deception Strategy and manipulating planetary affairs for the NAA through their chosen human hybrid Fallen Angelic bloodlines in the Power Elite. We support the knowledge of humanities true origins and hidden history to be revealed to all, as well as returning the knowledge of the multidimensional bio-spiritual reality that is Ascension to be given freely to all citizens of the earth through a Full Disclosure Event.

Base 12, Natural Order of Christos Blueprint

The divine blueprint which holds the original intention for the natural order of consciousness evolution within our Universal creation, is encoded in the base 12 mechanics of the Christos Blueprint. At a cosmic level this same open source architecture is referred to as Kryst-Krystaalah, the unified masculine and feminine consciousness energy that exists in perfect harmony and balance within organic creation. The base 12 Universal Androgynous Merkabah fields of Christos-Sophia are also referred to as Kryst-Krystallah architecture, as they make up the instruction set for all Merkabah fields within all the timelines and densities throughout the Universes.

Thus, the term Christ or Christos used in this context is not denoting the individual being referred to as Jesus Christ, as taught through the world religions. Christos extends way beyond all meaning associated with planetary consciousness and actually describes the state of eternal Cosmic Consciousness, the title given to a free Cosmic Citizen. 

Trinity Principle of Krystal Star

The source code or Unity Field intelligence field is a Krystal Star (Christos Consciousness) hub accessed through the merging of manifested bodies holding trinity wave formats that connect directly into the Eternal Source light (godhead). The three sound-wave-tone parts when merged into internal energetic balance become designed as one component that access directly into the feedback loop exchanging with the Eternal source supply. This exchange with the Threefold Founder Flame godhead is the principle of Christos, an inner sustained eternal source light which signals the end of vampirism or Consumptive Modeling on planet. This is what it means that the godhead cannot be reached by anything but the Christos Consciousness, Krystal Star Tones. Although, this sacred process of unifying consciousness with the godhead is known by many different names in a variety of spiritual and religious texts.

The Krystal/Christos architecture is that which allows the synchronic phasing of inner/outer/in-between currents of energy to be inhaled and exhaled circulating the eternal life spark of creation throughout the entire organism. The trinity principle is inherent to the original holographic architecture of the microcosm to macrocosm, planetary, human and all of universal creation. Our bodies and souls Soul Matrix were not created by Reptilian Anunnaki or other E.T. False Father gGods; aka False King of Tyranny, NAA and the Imposter Spirits that make such false claims. Humans have been genetically modified and hybridized to suit the various domination agendas through hybridization and breeding programs. 

The Christos Blueprint is designed as a Unity Field form of embodiment, thus all architecture, patterns and 12D code within the Silicate Matrix must be embodied as a trinity wave in order to return the Christos to the earth.


The Oraphim are a part of the Emerald Order and Double Diamond Sun Body DNA Christos lineages, the original humans created from the Founder Race lines. The Diamond Sun refers to the original design of the angelic human 12 Strand DNA Silicate Matrix. This was the potential DNA and higher consciousness experienced by angelic human beings in previous time cycles on the 5D parallel earth Tara, previous to its cataclysm. The Double Diamond Sun Body refers to the Original Founder Oraphim design of a fully embodied 12 strand DNA and further access to 24 other dimensions of Consciousness while in a human body. When the Oraphim DNA potential is activated, it allows for physical body immortality and the ability for the consciousness bodies full transmutation out of dimensional time. 

Golden Child and Geomancy

As we are birthed into this level of the Golden Embryo in the latter stages of the spiritual Ascension process, the body starts to prepare for the impending birth of the Golden Child or Cosmic Christ Consciousness. (See Hieros Gamos). This level of consciousness knows the earth is imprinted as a living holographic reality of our multidimensional Universe in Geomantic Structures. The planetary architecture is a Universal holographic template that can access certain qualities of multidimensional Consciousness on its surface geography.

The Golden Child perceives these complex energetic configurations between the Cosmos and the planetary body. The NAA has attempted to damage the human neurological system, erase memories, and shut this higher knowledge down through Mind Control and victimization. However, the embodied Krystic consciousness brings these matters into increased awareness and attention when the being has devoted themselves to be of service to the planet and humanity. Many of these Krystic beings are Starseeds and Indigos that came to earth, to remember to do this geomantic work, and to anchor cosmic energies on the planet at the end of the Ascension Cycle.

Personal Christ

From the Guardian Perspective, the Personal Christ is defined as the entirety of the Personal Christos identities reunited throughout the simultaneous 12 Planetary Time Cycles in the Triune of Universes.
There are twelve astrological precessions in the Universal Scale of time, each with 144 Personal Christos identities. Returning back to the twelfth astrological precession, we return to the Founder Cosmic Cube Matrix, to reclaim all of our identities throughout the time cycles. During the Ascension process, we undergo the process of reintegration and uniting all of our identities throughout these simultaneous time cycles, and this collective identity connected to the Godhead is referred to as our Personal Christ. The Personal Christ identity is reintegrated and embodied within the Krystallah eternal light-body template in which was reclaimed on planet earth in the cycle of Morphogenesis, or Rise of Paliadorians that began in 2018.


Transfiguration corresponds to the element of Solar Fire, which burns away the shadow forms in the lower chakra centers, and turns the consciousness into Light. The lunar forces connected to the Dark Mother, the lower shadow forms start to rise in our body to be consumed in the transfiguring Solar Fire. The new levels of intracellular light illuminate the lower shadow body reflections, and we are able to sense them, when we could not sense them before. Transfiguration defines many different gradations of the Ascension experience, where there is shadow and lunar, these will rise from the cellular memory in the body to be seen. Generally, we will perceive the shadow rising into the area of the body where the memory is attached; either physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. We witness the shadow rising and all of the negative emotions and pain that are associated with it in our memories, identities and timelines. The shadow is something to learn how to embrace and not fear, as it rises to surface awareness, it is showing us exactly where we need to heal. The shadow highlights weakness in our Lightbody that needs to be strengthened through spiritual dedication and devoted Meditation with the inner light presence.

Transfiguration has many cumulative stages throughout our Ascension process, which bring profound moments of clarity and intimate knowledge to the initiate in some form. It allows the body to serve as a vessel for embodied light, and to facilitate intelligent transmission of light into the environment or to others in some capacity. This internal light informs the initiates’ mind of the direct existence of Christ Consciousness, even if that state has not been fully attained. Transfiguration brings knowledge that can never be undone. What the person does with that new knowledge will remain their choice. As we stand at the crossroads in the realm of the unknown, the current knowledge we have been given is undergoing integration with our cellular body. We will come to realize in the future that this was a major milestone that was required for our continuing ability to expand the Christ Consciousness.


The second stage of this is translocation. This level is when the consciousness is able to transfigure a portion of your atoms into light, meaning the physical body can be transfigured into light. In the previous stage, the body was left here on earth and the person is projecting their consciousness out, they are going somewhere else and looking at the view, but they come back into the body. Now in the next stage of translocation, there is a certain part of the atoms in that body that are transfigured into light, temporarily. So that person can go visit somewhere else, and take a portion of their atoms or their body with them while they travel. During translocation, the person is still encrypted or connected to the space-time location of where they were physically born. As an example, say the body transfigures into light and the person travels to another planet. 

The people on the planet that is being visited are going to know that person is from the earth, because that person is still holding the space-time location of where they came from, of where they were born. The identity that person has is still holding the encryption of the birth transduction sequence that energetically reveals that person is from the earth. So that means that part of you is still genetically keyed to the earth body, and that the energetic signature reveals the location of where your identity was born. Translocation means that we can transfigure a portion of our physical body to go someplace else, but we still have the genetic imprint from our parents and where we were born on planet earth.


This is the third and final stage of developing full consciousness freedom as a Cosmic Citizen This is similar to the process of Translocation, however, the person does not have to come back to the earth at all. Now the person can go anyplace in the Cosmos that they choose to go without limitation. (However, if they go to another planet, they will be subjected to the laws of that planets inhabitants). This is the status of having a cosmic identity and being a full Cosmic Citizen. This has been accomplished a few times on the earth historically, but the current planetary miasma mutations can make this very hard, although it may become easier in the future. Transmigration is one way to describe what it means to be free. 

When we project our consciousness body out, we don't have to come back to the earth, nor do we have to incarnate back here. In order to be able to achieve a full transmigration of our consciousness body and physical body, we must have released the miasmatic record and the cell we inherited from our biological parents. There is a cell that is carried from the family of origin that is recorded into the physical body at birth that was inherited from the biological parents. It is a cell that was created in the chromosomes at the time the egg and sperm of our biological parents united. This cell becomes a part of the seed of the physical body that we are incarnated in. Once the family of origin cell is freed, it gets cleared from the body, and as it releases, it vaporizes. At this point of Transmigration, the person is now a Cosmic Citizen. They may hold memories of being on the earth, but their identity isn't necessarily that. This third stage is something that is very special, unique, and specific to the Diamond Sun body and Krystal Consciousness in order to achieve full sovereignty and spiritual freedom.