
Friday, July 16, 2021

Disclosure Series: DNA Unplugged-Memory Erased Part 2: Ongoing Genetic Modification of Human DNA by The Cabal

We have been told by the current public faces trotted out by the Controllers, the unelected and elected representatives, that personal freedom and normalcy will not return to our daily lives unless we submit to their authority and participate in a mandated global vaccination plan. We will look at how the vaccination campaigns of the 20th century led by the Bloodline families and headed by the Rockefellers, were actually designed as chemical and Social Engineering programs for the Genetic Modification of Human DNA. Re: The Bilderberg Group. These campaigns were engineered to interface with an assortment of other soft kill methods to implement a slow and invisible Eugenics program that would eventually lead to cybernetic control and transhumanist goals.

The following information is not to be construed as medical advice, but is intended for your empowerment and to aid in your own due diligence research. Despite the urban legends, the public vaccination campaigns since the early 20th century were designed by the Controllers for genetic modification purposes and as controlled medical experiments. Public health and eradication of diseases were not the actual goal of these mass marketing campaigns.

This information is intended to help understand the larger agendas of Genetic Modification of Human DNA through the use of chemical based genetic engineering and Cybernetics used to prepare the human body to be a conduit for artificial frequencies in order to be enslaved as a Cyborg biological machine. Injections, GMO’s and synthetic pharmaceuticals that are commonly researched, manufactured and delivered through the system of the medical industry, are all based on standards set in place by partnerships made with the mafia run global health organizations.

Medical Industry as the Delivery System
Genetic modification of human beings is carried out by Mind Control methods and uses the umbrella of the current medical industry as its main delivery system in order to make humans more genetically hospitable for the NAA species to colonize and finally inhabit the earth surface. The goal for infiltrating the medical system was to first torture and inject us as babies coming into this world, and to continue this medical torture and inject us on the way out, to capture our consciousness in physical pain, torment and spiritual disconnection. This in itself is an effective set up for demonic Possession of the human Soul, while in a most vulnerable transition of being birthed into this world and then setup to be sick or in pain when leaving this world, through current medical design. The use of Vaccinations for chemical based Genetic Engineering, mind control and eventual surveillance, as well as generating illness and disability in the most vulnerable population, has been a well-funded and incredibly organized campaign.

Hidden Operations as Unethical Human Experiments
As the result of the hidden acquisition of this invisible microwave energy technology which few people at that time could actually comprehend, the Power Elite confidently declared their silent energy war against the global population. During the annual Bilderberg Controller meeting in 1954, with unlimited access as the main beneficiaries to develop these invisible energy technologies as computerized weapons against the public, the outline for the silent energy war against humanity was distributed to all those bloodline families with seats at the table. The agenda to alter the organic human energy field and human DNA would occur through the introduction of cybernetic theories and bio-engineering, which included the genetic modification of the food supply. By tampering with and modifying the foods that people consume, this not only impacted the health and wellbeing, but altered how the Brain could process information.

Engineered Animal DNA Injections
This is another level of the NAA introducing the injecting of animal DNA into the bloodstream to genetically mutate the human population to become more animalistic over time. This is a form of intentional genetic modification and forced hybridization, with multiple animal species in order to degrade human DNA. Unfortunately, until a Full Disclosure Event reveals the true design of the CDC, the masses are subjected to science fraud, media cover up and a massive conspiracy. The CDC is backed by the NAA at the very top and has engineered the childhood vaccination schedule, based on the fact that in the late 1980’s many more Indigo and Crystal children were being born on the earth.

The cloning of biological forms is another type of genetic modification being made to the organic DNA that is being copied. Cloning refers to different processes that can be used to produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity. The copied material which has the same genetic makeup of the original, is referred to as a clone. However, current science does not recognize that cloning biological entities cannot make the same original, because the cellular information matrix of the original soul occupant and living source is not recorded in cloned biology. Cloning will always create genetic damage and problems with the biological form because the cellular integrity of the tissues will lose energetic integrity, especially over time. Genetic modification of cloned biology’s interferes with the Stations of Identity or consciousness of that person travelling in the Timelines, and this contributes to lost souls, soul capture and Soul Fragmentation which are the desired results of classic Satanic Ritual Abuse.

Medical Industry as the Delivery System
Over the last hundred years with Rockefeller and other bloodline families heading several storefronts of medical philanthropy organizations, the forced exposure to many chemical compounds, toxins and poisons combined with experimental genetic engineering began, using human beings of all ages as their lab rats. The medical industry was cleverly hidden as the perfect delivery system, consumer products being peddled as health care, when for the most part the design is purely profit driven, cruel and Satanic. See Black Sun Program

The use of Vaccinations for chemical based genetic engineering, mind control and eventual surveillance, as well as generating illness and disability in the most vulnerable population, has been a well-funded and incredibly organized campaign since 1955 when Jonas Salk headed the polio vaccination crusade. Hailed as a medical research genius and hero of the American public, he was one of the first architects of instituting the plandemic, along with the “flood the zone” public relations campaigns to shift perception that vaccinations were absolutely necessary for guaranteeing healthy immunity. In 2019 They Brazenly held a meeting on what they were about to unleash on us on 2020...THE LOCKDOWN...: 

Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment, and attention now and in the future. The exercise consisted of pre-recorded news broadcasts, live “staff” briefings, and moderated discussions on specific topics. These issues were carefully designed in a compelling narrative that educated the participants and the audience. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose these recommendations.

Even back then, the Controllers knew that in order for the population to gain trust in the medical, pharmaceutical and vaccine industry over many decades, these industries had to be vigorously marketed and portrayed as trustworthy and absolutely necessary for ensuring public health in order to eradicate the spread of infectious diseases. It’s perfectly safe and tested they told us, as they injected neuro-poisons into our children. This Controlled Narrative from seventy years ago is still incredibly relevant today in shaping minds and controlling perception and optics surrounding pharmaceutical companies and their never-ending array of consumer products, some mandated in childhood vaccine schedules, that supposedly have the backing of an ethical and well researched mainstream science. This is and was always false, the primary objective of Big Pharma and bio-technology industries backed by the Controllers was for the ultimate goal of directed evolution; chemical genetic engineering and fusing organic human biology with injections of artificial or foreign energy bodies for achieving their cybernetic dream, the eugenicist and transhumanist goals.

Until we can access truthful information beyond the Propaganda and payola in order to know our actual history, then study and learn from the events in the past, we are destined to keep repeating the same mistakes that generate catastrophic harm to humanity. The level of orchestrated attacks against human freedoms that are being implemented in the United States today, would have been considered the imaginary storyline from the horror genre, a science fiction movie just a few short months ago. What has been happening for many years as a secretly held conspiracy amongst the Power Elite is no longer theory, but backed up by independent researchers with factual evidence and results. What is currently being observed in the mainstream narrative is Orwellian, there are not sufficient words to describe the horror of the tyranny and Psychological Warfare that is being inflicted upon the global population. Yet we’ve been here at this similar timeline juncture before, although similar events in the past have been memory-holed so that we forget. The multiple assaults of this long-orchestrated plan of the quiet war, has recently dropped several bombs throughout human western civilization that are explicitly designed to cripple and destroy everything that is of value in human culture. They hate humanity and seek to destroy our loving heart and culture, and now it really shows.

Many people have believed the mainstream narrative that the current state of World Suffering, poverty, disease and violence was created accidentally, and that what we see today in the global-scape was the organic evolution of humanity since the industrial age. This is inaccurate. The elite bloodline families have methodically and patiently grown their global agenda through specific objectives, which they sought to create through the use of Social Engineering and hidden technological Mind Control, along with gaining surveillance over our every move. What we see happening now in the global-scape is the plan that has been in place since World War II, when nonvisible electromagnetic technology weapons and the blueprint of Cybernetics became available as the result of exchanges made with the Greys.

If we know the end result desired in the overall Controller plan, we can connect the dots and know the steps taken to get there, thus helping to educate more of the population to stop feeding the mainstream narrative and these anti-human control structures. Going back to the advent of the first microwave devices in the CIA handled University environment, gives us an important timeline factor in seeing how the first working prototypes for targeting nonvisible microwaves, is what emboldened these bloodline families to declare a domestic and global war against humanity. At this time, they had in their hand’s effective Silent Weapons, computerized technology and Cybernetics that remained unseen and unknown by the masses, yet was an incredibly effective weapon used for eroding and destroying the fabric of civilized human society.

They wanted to combine the medical delivery system methods of assorted synthetic chemicals, injections and drugs, and measure the effects this would have for mass mind control purposes to further dumb down and enslave the population. With every injection of neurotoxins, swallowing of chemicals, combined with MKUltra mind control transmissions and classical conditioning tactics saturating the mainstream media, how many IQ points would be lost? When they had bombarded the children via the vaccination schedule with enough neuro-toxins to finally hit the autism spectrum and spur the endless classifications of auto-immune diseases in adults, they must have thought they hit the jackpot. A high number of profoundly sick people served to completely distract the population to become fully dependent on their inverted system as lifelong medical consumers, involved in never ending doctor visits, multiple prescriptions, and sometimes bankrupted from supposed lifesaving operations. This would keep a large segment of the population busy in survival mode trying to dogpaddle to keep their heads above water, entrained to be devoted medical consumers from cradle to grave, while they could not see the predators hidden in plain sight.

During this phase of the organized declaration of the quiet war, the secret think tanks began to explore mass experimentation combining the effects of chemical injections with being exposed to an assortment of microwave and radio frequencies. Citing their primary target as the future destabilization and enslavement of America, the methodical infiltration at the top of the power structures, intelligence community and political leaders were personally handpicked, groomed and initiated into service by the bloodlines, as they began to organize themselves and make preparations for their desired end goals of merging humans with machines. Those powerful people are still there guarding their posts. Humanity is livestock to them; it matters not what lives or dies as long as it serves them. The next stage of their plan was to prepare the groundwork for laying the Complete Automation of Society along with the automation of humanity, designed to become the soul-less biological machinery that serve the elite. This was the combined goal for full spectrum domination over society and the public, now they just had to figure out how they would gradually implement that into the culture by making changes that would be socially engineered in ways acceptable to the masses.

Global Health Mafia
Injections, GMO’s and synthetic pharmaceuticals that are commonly researched, manufactured and delivered through the system of the medical industry, are all based on standards set in place by partnerships made with the mafia run global health organizations. The global health organizations and scientific journals were established as friendly storefronts of credibility for the medical professionals and to block public scrutiny in order to make it appear as if there were watchdogs overseeing ethical medical standards of practice, while looking out for the greater good of public health. 

Nothing is further from the truth, in the corrupt environment run by the global health factions that use blackmail, bribery and lobbying to pursue their special interests and control scientific dogma. This is much more than corporate greed and incompetence; as it serves a much larger agenda for nonhuman interests. This includes the collusion of those organizations entrusted to set acceptable medical standards and health policy which regulate prescriptions, vaccines and injections, bio-tech medical devices and the ranges of toxic environmental exposures, while actually measuring the effects that these assorted chemicals and weaponized organisms have on human consciousness and DNA. We have entered a new era when these many substances are being combined with nanotech to functionally interface us with a host of electronic devices which transmit digitally coded frequencies, along with their artificial intelligence programs that are designed for collecting data, implanting thoughts, surveillance and hooking up our brain’s neuronal links into the Hive Net.