
Sunday, June 20, 2021

Ascension Shadow Work: Developing Self Awareness, Embodiment, Increasing Body Awareness & Identifying Negative Ego Traits NAA imposters and Anti-Christos Behavior

Developing Self Awareness

The first three lower chakras are directly related to developing SELF-AWARENESS. These are the chakras that regulate the energy flow to our Biologic. It is vitally important to have these chakras or energies in balance BEFORE moving on to higher spiritual realms of awareness, moving into the higher chakra configurations and correcting the color ray correspondences.

To build and maintain personal integrity takes some effort and commitment, like developing the self-awareness that is required to define your personal values so that you can measure your behaviors and actions, in order to evaluate how aligned you are to your authentic self.

When you consciously participate to clarify personal beliefs and core values, the next step is to honestly assess how well you are doing, by reviewing yourself in a personal integrity report. It may be a powerfully positive process to review your core values and generate personal integrity reports annually, so that you can see how you are evolving and transforming, as you better stay aligned to your own personal value system.

THIS IS THE PART MOST FOLKS SKIP....the actual down and dirty Shadow work.

What is it we mean when we say shadow work?

It's the cognitive acceptance and understanding of the lower energies ,impulses and attraction to those ugly energies we all must overcome, the shortcomings...the ego and the meeting ourselves where we are, no matter where that is with no judgement, no polarity assigned to who we actually are.

Acceptance that these 'issues' problems' obstacles or classes, must be dealt with is vital or the process bogs down when we get to 4th chakra and above, especially when we try to access the higher chakras of interdimensionality.

It's foolish to think we can learn easily to access the higher energies and chakras, when we have yet to, or just recently learned of and accepted, working on chakras to begin with.

When we address these lower chakras first...this begins to develop more competency in self-leadership and life management skills, so that you are empowered to make positive differences from the values that you lead in your life. Real self-leadership and Self-Ownership begins when we have absolute clarity within the context of our personal beliefs and core values, which become the guiding principles we follow in our lives.

Embodiment is becoming consciously aware of our own biological patterns, their origins, and opening to the possibilities in how we can work to clear and heal them. What is our body’s wisdom communicating to us now? When we listen to our body’s needs and are willing to develop present moment body awareness, we are opening up our heart in order to register deeply felt sensations and impressions. Body Awareness opens up the possibility of direct cellular knowing that relays intelligent information. We are also learning the importance of self-care and self-love as the necessary core components of cultivating higher spiritual and emotional development that finally allow us to experience authentic embodiment.

When we are in the process of Embodiment we are connecting to the most authentic part of ourselves in the moment by allowing the honest observation of sensations, emotions and feelings that are happening in our body without judgment or suppression. When we allow ourselves to embody, we are more available to be fully present with our life experiences, thus we feel more grounded, centered and connected in our life and with others. Our physical body holds the intelligence and feelings that gives us the map to unlock our authentic self by peeling away the layers of painful or negative patterns, if we are willing to observe ourselves and put forth the effort..

The Permanent Seed Atom is that which contains the Divine Christos Blueprint and its blood record within the Thymus Gland in the higher heart center. The divine blueprint transmits the DNA Fire Letters into the instructional grids once it is relayed through the opened and activated Permanent Seed Atom. As every living thing has a permanent seed atom and blueprint structure, so does the Living Universal Layers of the Time Matrix. As the record of the Permanent Seed Atom opens into each sub band and its harmonic layers across all space, time and dimension, it then feeds the Source energy, the Zero Point Field) into each of these grid's instruction layers. In accordance to the Law of Harmonics, which includes reflectional symmetry - whatever structure does not resonate to its original blueprint pattern, either self-corrects as it is overridden or it collapses. The collapse of the structure is due to distortions to such degree the integrity of the blueprint has been fully corrupted. Therefore upon the impact of the critical mass of Living Light Current that has been accumulated within a manifest container that is holding consciousness, it may possibly destroy the container of that form that has become distorted in order to be corrected into its original blueprint nature.

We are attempting to embody as much of our Monadic Consciousness and activate the Permanent Seed Atom in our higher heart complex and thymus gland. As we activate the Permanent Seed Atom, we activate and change the pulse rhythm in the grid on the planet and help to build the Diamond Heart planetary network. So many areas of the planetary grid are damaged, so they are going in reversals patterns. If we can hold this base pulse rhythm, we create a circumference in an area where we can literally create a safe zone. We are being asked to create a safe zone by Guardian contacts. If we can embody this, we create a safe zone on the planet. The more of us that do this, the more safe zones we are going to have. More people are going to have the opportunity to be able to pick up the code they need and not get sucked down into the controllers system where their Seed Atom, therefore their Diamond Heart could get shattered.

Therefore, real Embodiment only happens when the higher consciousness bodies are able to come into the physical realm, which means to fully align, embody and seat within the physical body itself. Currently, the structural changes as a result of the bifurcation within the past, present and future planetary realms, impacts all human beings towards greater embodiment levels of their Soul, Monadic and higher spiritual layers.

Embodiment is about becoming more conscious and aware about our body and mind, and how they really function together in direct partnership with our consciousness access level. As we ascend, we are becoming more self-aware in a first-person experience that is recognizing more of what is actually happening within our body and mind, at the same time we are traveling within a group consciousness experience. Through dedicated self-observation we can pay attention to many different layers of consciousness patterns, reactions and stimulus that are occurring simultaneously and extend throughout the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual bodies. The earlier stages of Authentic Embodiment levels are dependent on developing Self Awareness, as the more deeply we know ourselves, and we know our body and how its functions, the deeper we can go into the spiritual embodiment stages. If we do not observe our deepest motivations, self-talk and pay attention to our bodily reactions, we cannot truly know ourselves and this generates inner disconnection that blocks the integrative embodiment process.

Embodiment begins to happen within the consciousness layers as one becomes more self-aware of what the body is doing during a variety of different contexts that we encounter in life. These are the situations, experiences, relationships, our memories and history, the social and cultural lenses that we filter through our personality to make sense of the world. Through all of these layers of context that we are exposed, we have many memories and beliefs recorded in our physical body and nervous system from the experiences that come with those sensations and feelings, that are all interconnected.

Thus Embodiment goes hand in hand with dedicated self-awareness and by making the commitment to be in the observer consciousness, to watch and listen to our body and mind by paying attention to exactly what it is doing and feeling in the moment to moment. We learn that the mind’s contents and beliefs will reflect in our unconscious or automatic reactions to any external stimulus, and thus we observe these reactions, because we want to know ourselves more deeply in order to be free of unconscious blockages that thwart embodiment.

Increasing Body Awareness
Embodiment means to feel how it feels to be in your body and to be conscious of those feelings, paying attention to recurring patterns that may be disempowering and limiting. Only when we can see these patterns and how they influence us, we can change them.

Dedicate to explore improved body awareness through observation of sensations, feelings and experiences that are happening in your body moment to moment. Pay attention to impressions that you feel in bodily movements and reactions, where does your body hold stress and constrict? Where in your body do you feel more relaxed and open? What can you do to more deeply connect with your bodily awareness?

Slow down and find ways to move your body that feels positive and joyful, such as dancing, swimming, deep breathing, connecting with nature and allowing something harmless to feel pleasurable and be enjoyable.

Practice and explore what it means to be embodied by being authentic and true to your experience in any context that you may find yourself. Your experiences are valid and important in the authentic embodiment process. When we deny feelings and experiences we’ve had, we deny the truth, which blocks embodiment. Make the commitment to become fully embodied by being as authentic and truthful as you can be in all circumstances. As you grow and change, your version of authentic expression will also continue to grow and change. Accept change as necessary for continual authentic embodiment.

Disregard labels of acceptable or nonacceptable themes that describe terms that are spiritual, conscious or awakened, in the positive or negative. Instead focus fully on really what you are feeling in the moment and finding the most authentic and compassionate expression for it.
Pay attention to your reactions in your body as they reveal places where you still may be hiding something from yourself and others because you are afraid. Be willing to face what it is that you may be hiding and attempt to describe it so you can learn to overcome the fear that feeds it. When people in our life such as friends or family members are relating to us in past images or inauthentic ways, gently invite them to know the real you, share something that is your authentic self and then ask them to be real with you. In the embodiment process, we want to relate with others who also value authenticity and support this path along with us.

Participate in body awareness centered activities. Research therapies and educational material online that may be highly supportive now. Find areas that interest you, such as body work, fascial and tissue release, somatic therapy, methods that focus on embodying presently through grounding, breathing, posture, perceptual awareness, hydrotherapy, neutral mind and Meditation.

When we allow ourselves to be totally honest with how we are feeling in our body, we can be present to the embodiment process and then we can start to observe those places that need our love and attention, so they can heal and recover. The body informs us when something is not healthy and that something in our body or life needs to change in order to rebalance and heal. Thus we need to learn to love and connect into our body while listening to the body’s messages, tuning into what the body needs to keep us balanced, healthy and embodied. The Permanent Seed Atom or the Christ Seed starts coming on line when the Monad starts connecting to the body. Higher Spirit Body starts connecting to the body at the thymus level and starts adjusting the heart pattern. It causes change in Hormones, endocrine, biorhythms like a domino effect when the Monad starts coming on line.

This is about igniting the Christ Consciousness eternal Seed Atom and bringing that on line. The Monadic spark starts to connect to the Seed Atom, which holds the blueprint for Christ Consciousness and our Crystal Lotus Body. This is the Seed that the controllers are attempting to crush or stop from flowering in the human population. They want to crush the Permanent Seed Atom in the Thymus Gland, which is the 8th Chakra, which is where the Monad starts coming in and actually connecting in to the physical body.

Thus, the term Christ or Christos used in this context is not denoting the individual being referred to as Jesus Christ, as taught through the world religions. Christos extends way beyond all meaning associated with planetary consciousness and actually describes the state of eternal Cosmic Consciousness, the title given to a free Cosmic Citizen. 

Service to Others
When we find ourselves uncomfortable with the actions of others, we can relieve ourselves by remembering to cultivate the right attitude towards self. The Law of One is the Universal Truth that All Is One. Thus, one who practices this understanding of the Law of One acts and makes decisions based upon his or her awareness that every action has a consequence to the self and to others. Furthermore, one who exemplifies the Law of One understands that when one person suffers, all people suffer (whether they realize it or not). As One Self-God Self, to be “Compassion in Action” towards others is then to be in harmony and right relationship to Self.

The Basic principles of Service to Others:

• Individuals perceive the connection of love in all things and give unconditional love and compassion towards others,
• Individuals are dedicated to their spiritual Consciousness growth and to help others with their spiritual development,
• Individuals are dedicated to transforming Negative Ego thoughts through developing GSF Behavior modeling,
• Individuals share information and knowledge with others as open source in unified cooperation,
• Individuals have a complete lack of concern for satisfying their materialistic ego needs or satisfying drives of the houses of ego,
• Individuals acknowledge that every person is a spiritual being on their own personal path of spiritual growth and discovery,
• Individuals are committed to experiencing a shared positive reality of World Humanism with others on the Earth.

Identifying Negative Ego Traits & Practices.

Identifying Negative Ego Traits and practices that keep us in our lower wave energy patterns is key to healing and ascending..

Once we are able to recognize negative traits and thought patterns as they happen, we can then move quickly to adjust our perspective and stop those behaviors in their tracks. Slowly, as we practice these techniques every day we become more in tune and more aware and we fall back into these low wave patters less frequently, or at the very least, correct our mindset more quickly

Self Justification
Unfortunately, we often are confused by what we perceive incorrectly through our own need to be okay through self-justification. We formulate these distortions as Ego Defense Mechanisms because we have not learned how to free the mind through the use of Negative Ego tools for self-exploration and deeper self-inquiry.

As we learn to free our mind and love ourselves unconditionally, we know that we are okay without needing to self-justify. When we are free of our own need for self-justification, (by increasing our inner self-approval and self-love, no matter where we find ourselves) then we do not need to justify others or justify ourselves. We are then freed to be capable of unconditionally loving others no matter what they may be choosing to do in that moment. It is what it is in this moment. One has no control over others nor what others may think about them.

Ego Ignorance
Ignorance is defined as that which is only identified with the material world and the use of external organs of perception.

To remain ignorant is a choice that many people make both consciously and unconsciously because they are afraid. Satanic forces as well as the NAA understand this Trauma behavior in humanity and exploit this weakness of “ego fear” aggressively. If the masses remain in Negative Ego fears, they will remain ignorant, therefore the masses are much easier to manipulate and Mind Control through chaos, fears, confusion and power conflicts.
This is the time to leave fear and leave ignorance of the Negative Ego thought patterns. What do you need to do now to remove fear from controlling you? Searching for spiritual knowledge, that which one’s inner soul and heart resonate is that which will lead us away from darkness, ignorance and suffering.

Yet the biggest impediment to all humans on the quest for spiritual truth and knowledge is unresolved ego fear, religious mind control and emotional immaturity based on unhealed Trauma. If we are fear based and believe we are not worthy enough, we stunt our development thereby refusing access to deep self-knowledge. If we refuse to get out of the kiddie pool (the superficial levels of life interaction) mentally or emotionally, we remain too immature to grasp higher spiritual knowledge.
This ignorance leaves most human beings dog paddling in circles through life, completely unable to make informed decisions about the future direction because they are being treated like farm animals by the Controllers. Self-awareness and spiritual knowledge ultimately reach the nexus point in one’s spiritual journey where the catalytic breakthrough beyond ignorance, beyond the Negative Ego is required to progress, evolve and be free.

Superior Thinking: Intolerance, Impatience, Arrogance, Manipulation, Attack, Anger, Judgmental thinking

Inferior Thinking: Worry, Low Self Love or Esteem, Jealousy, Guilt, Hurt, Fear, Attachment, 

When you drop into either an Inferior or Superior thought-form immediately label it as Negative Ego and Dis-Identify with the thought as defining your value or true Christos nature. Do not let negative thoughts control you. Refocus and affirm the correct thought pattern.

Refocus Your mind
The Predator Mind stays in its Superiority complex of the polarity while it projects inferiority on the targets of its submission and enslavement. This is the predictability of the Orion Group and their repeated use of the Controller archetype. To master the Negative Ego one will need to identify these inferior or superior thought forms and their archetypes and belief systems as they are acted upon, in order to shift and refocus negative thoughts back into neutral. This is the act of freeing your mind from being under Mind Control.

In Practice
Do an inventory of personal thoughts and identify them as Inferior or Superior, or as love thoughts or fear thoughts. Make a choice right now which thoughts you want to own and those you want to discard. As a goal use the above spiritual self-centering model to keep your mind balanced and stay in centered loving and neutral thoughts. How long can you stay there in the center? Make it a goal to improve your ability to stay within the essence and energy of the keywords that maintain your spiritual center. Bring yourself back to center with breath, and applying neutral association to circumstances when you fall out of inner balance.

I wish You Peace , Love & Light.


Sources; compiled from the works of Ra-Law of One, Q'uo, Anna Hayes, Dolores Cannon, The Elohim, Ascension Glossary