
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Don't even think about buying me a Christmas gift...instead give to No Kid Hungry...

This is an interesting time of year. A two edged sword if ever there was one. Let's face it, most folks like getting gifts. I say most because I must admit, I am a terrible receiver. I am not gracious, prefer not getting a gift or card and rarely give them in return. Some though, enjoy the exchange of gifts, ripping through wrapping paper as if they are a drowning person struggling to breathe, opening a box of air.

Others, to their credit, truly enjoy giving gifts more than receiving them. Now that I understand, even though I'm the worst gift giver ever. Heck, just ask those who know me when was the last time they got a card from me, let alone a gift. I'm just not that guy. Meaningless platitudes on a card make no sense to me. I can't stand the endless commercials for products and 'things.' I loathe the shallowness of having to have the 'latest' whatever it might be that the media and countless ads splash on TV claiming I 'must have.'

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a Scrooge. Just because I rail against the shallow commercialism of the 'Holiday' season with its store displays for Christmas going up sometime around Halloween, doesn't mean I am anti-Christmas. I am actually all in for the Spirit of Christmas, even though I am far from religious. I love that 'tis the Season of Giving' thing. But, don't mis-understand, I'm not for that ridiculous, $1,395 Christian Loubertine pair of shoes made from a massage ball kind of giving thing. There is no one who can ever convince me they need or should have a pair of those moronic shoes. No I'm talking real giving. The kind of giving that changes peoples lives. The giving that comes not just on the holiday, but everyday. To those we love, or more importantly, those in need.

See, I think the season of giving should be all the time, not just when the retail world tells me it should be. (I am the same way with Valentine's Day, or any other 'manufactured holiday' for that matter, that tells me I should buy flowers or chocolates or take mom to brunch, etc, on a specific day, all designated to sell me something.) I believe that you have 365 days a year, every year, to show those you love and care about that you love them. And not materially. True giving to me is not about a thing, it's about an act. Giving your time. Your smile. Your hug. Putting down the iPhone or iPad and paying attention to someone, actually looking them in the eye, instead of looking down at a 3 x 5 screen.

Why tell you all this? Well, to announce that this year, I have determined to change my ways. I am going to give gifts...actually one gift...the gift of giving, and I ask the same in return. I'll be donating the cost of material gifts to No Kid Hungry in my family's name. If you feel the need to buy me a gift in return, I ask that you do the same. Give the cost of my gift to No Kid Hungry because I can think of no greater gift than giving a much needed, nutritious meal to someone, especially a child, who's hungry. For those not aware, this year over 45 million people in America will be food deficient at some point, and over 16 million of those going hungry are children. Every dollar donated will buy 10 meals for a hungry child.

Now, most of you are not on my list, nor I yours. but, in the spirit of the Holiday Season, I am asking you to step up with me, take the No Kid Hungry Pledge, join the fight against childhood hunger and do whatever it is you can to help. Make your gifts this year count for something more than just a piece of clothing, a pair of shoes or a piece of jewelry. This year give the gift of sustenance to those in need. There are three ways you can help.

First) Purchase No Kid Hungry holiday cards and help fight childhood hunger in America this holiday season. Celebrate friends and family with a holiday card and let them know you care about ending childhood hunger in America. 
Order Holiday Cards
Suggested donation $10 per card.

Orders should arrive within 7-10 business days. Orders received by December 17 are guaranteed for delivery by December 24.

Second) If Giving a physical gift is your preference, purchase the Perfect Gift that Gives Back This Holiday Season and help No Kid Hungry fight childhood hunger. Whether you're looking for a thoughtful gift for friends and family, or a way to make a difference this holiday, No Kid Hungry is offering the perfect gift that gives back – a Williams-Sonoma Cutting Board with iPad® stand, made by Orange Chef Co. Every cutting board purchased will mean another 450 meals for kids in need. This cutting board is the perfect gift for friends and family this holiday season.

Order Your Williams-Sonoma Cutting Board

Each cutting board is $75.00 and the cost of shipping is $13 per item.
Orders should arrive within 7-10 business days. Orders received by December 17 are guaranteed for delivery by December 24.
For those that would rather just donate on someone's behalf.

I thank you for your help and support, I call you all to action and finish by wishing you all a wonderful Holiday Season and Happy New Year. Let's make No Kid Hungry a reality in our lifetime!

All the Best,
