In mathematics, two quantities are in the Golden Ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. The Golden Ratio based spirals, Fibonacci spirals, and Golden Spirals often appear in living organisms.
There is a special relationship between the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc.), where each number is the sum of the two numbers before it. When we take any two successive Fibonacci Numbers, one after the other, their ratio is very close to the Golden Ratio. This is called an approximation or limit value in calculus.
The Golden Ratio based spirals and Fibonacci spirals are used in the propagation of artificial intelligence machinery that are acquired through forming bonded attachments of the reversal spiral to the original Krystal Spiral. Their mathematical structure creates Metatronic Reversal bodies, reversed Merkabah ratios and is based on consumptive modeling, which has major implications for generating fallen consciousness and artificial creations. The Fibonacci math used in architecture for projecting holograms leads to the separation from higher dimensional connections, and this has been designed to create consciousness traps that cuts off the being from the exchange made with the flow of the eternal God Source.
Phi is also used as a symbol for the Golden Ratio and on other occasions in math and science. This use is separately encoded as the Unicode glyph ϕ. The Fibonacci sequence, provides yet another way to derive Phi mathematically.
The Fibonacci spiral gets closer and closer to a Golden Spiral as it increases in size because of the ratio of each number in the Fibonacci series to the one before it converges on Phi, 1.618, as the series progresses. Beginning with Zero, then 1, it then moves on to the next number, as such: 0+1=1, 1+1=2, 2+1=3, 3+2=5, 5+3=8 and so forth. When we apply this mathematical formula to quantify or measure the movement of energy or Consciousness within time or space, the Fibonacci spiral loses its connection going back to the Zero Point or Source, instead the sequence uses the previous number to add into itself to get to the next higher number of the sequence. In this mathematical program it has no center connection to return to, so it attaches to another living thing or consumes what is in its path in order to grow and expand.
Fibonacci spirals illustrate the math used to perpetuate the war over energy, therefore it reveals how the consciousness suppression and energy harvesting on the earth was actually programmed into the field architecture. When the sequence grows in number or size, it is due to the consumption of the previous values in order to grow itself larger. The larger it gets, the more it consumes, progressively moving out and away from the organic Krystal Spiral of the original core manifestation body or divine template body as it expands.

Therefore, the Fibonacci spiral is a mathematical model of Metatronic Reversal recorded in the consciousness fields that ultimately attaches like a parasite to a living host, collecting waste products along its path, such as accumulating toxic miasma fields. These accumulated fields have formed into the Qlippoth current and the Artificial Tree of Life, built in the Phantom Matrix to infect the Universal Tree of Life with artificial intelligence technology. Essentially, the Thothian Luciferian Agenda was to utterly destroy the Krystal Spiral and all organic creation code, matrices and artifacts that included Base 12 Math and replace it with their own imposter versions of Base 10 Math, which includes the Metatronic Flower of Life geometry pattern, which is more aptly called the Flower of Death. This particular geometric template was designed with the purpose of distorting and changing all of the proportions in original Christos architecture to invert and split (fracture) consciousness energy to co-create the distorted reversal structures that feed and generate artificial life in the Black Hole Systems.

This technology also shut down the organic masculine Rod principle from spinning properly in the field architecture, so that the Rod function would never unite with the female Staff. This is the seed event of causality in the Galactic planes that generated the Michael-Mary Reversal network, used to trap Seraphim consciousness into the Golden Eagle Grid to enforce the lock down of NETS and frequency fences surrounding the globe. This unnatural Rod configuration was further enforced by the Caduceus Network, and this impacted the in and out breath patterns, repelling the spiritual intelligence from out of the human biology’s natural breathing pattern. Our natural breath pattern is supposed to attract our living soul-spirit matrix to run effortlessly through our breath, and this imposter architecture interfered with that process, so we had to work directly to get our soul consciousness back, rather than just breath in and out and have our soul automatically embodied.
Krystal Spiral

The Krystal Flower of Life is used to describe creation mechanics in the ancient sacred sciences in which many awakening people will have a strong animation of cellular memory, in knowing that this geometric template indeed exists and was a part of our hidden history from another time matrix. The original Flower of Life contained the Krystic sacred geometric formulas of the 45 degree angles of the Krystal Spiral that perpetually source the tri-tone wave, from the continual phase pulsing of the feedback loop generated from the cosmic heart center of the God Source. This cosmic heart pulse is that Love from the center point of all union which brought forth and seeded all creations, ultimately giving the gift of the eternal source and its sustenance, which is maintained through the crystal heart centered connection existing within the Christos blueprint. The Holy Trinity is the representative interconnection of all life being sourced from the eternal love of the Holy Mother, Holy Father and the Holy Christos-Sophia, the offspring creations that are the children of God.
The differences between the Krystal Spiral and Fibonacci Spiral and the Golden Ratio Fibonacci spiral and sequence can be understood in terms of their respective relationships to their creation point. The Krystal Spiral and the mathematical sequence from which it emerges comes directly from the Zero Point or central point of all union. The Krystal Spiral perpetually retains a living, breathing connection through the preservation of what came before, as it expands through multiplication. Out of the one comes the many. This statement is to contemplate the profound meaning of the Aquarian influence during the 12th alchemical stage of Multiplication. Multiplication is the alchemical process which greatly increases the concentrated refinement, energetic effectiveness and sphere of influence of the embodied biological Christos-Sophia eternal light source.
The opposite of the Krystal Spiral is the Fibonacci Spiral . The original organic Krystal Spiral is created from the math included in humanities organic core manifestation body and is represented in the 12 Tree Grid and Diamond Sun DNA. The Krystal architecture is self perpetuating and inner sustaining, its math is represented by including Zero Point or Zero in its numerical sequence: 0, 1, 1 , 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc., through doubling each numerical value. Each of the numerical values is derived though returning to Zero and adding all of the numbers together to get to the next highest value in its sequence. The value of Zero represents the central point of union, or Zero Point God Source, while increasing the values of the Krystal Spiral the Consciousness remains connected to the original Source field while progressively expanding.

The planetary body and Planetary Logos are now free to follow the Krystal Spiral architecture in order to heal and help evolve the earth inhabitants and species to a path of ascending consciousness since 2012, during the Krystal hosting change. Fallen life forms have been undergoing sequential Bifurcation of Time in the consciousness fields and have no other choice but to split into the direction of the Fibonacci Spiral, unless they choose rehabilitation or transiting through Guardian Krystal Host protocols. The Fallen species do not have a DNA template that allows them to rise into higher dimensions, or hijack the Krystal Spiral or those human beings that are connected to that architecture. When this Bifurcation of Time and the subsequent frequency split occurred, it made higher grid wars to control the Gates impossible. As a result of the change in planetary architecture to heal into its original organic path of Krystal Spiral, the earth can continue to accrete more Higher Source Energy and is out of the control of the fallen life forms.

The Permanent Seed Atom is the center point for the Krystal Spiral which maintains that connection to this center at every stage of consciousness expansion. The points on the Krystal Spiral are connected to the 8th Chakra energy center by the central vertical lines of the 12 Tree Grid.
The Krystal Spiral expands by every 45° or by 2 for every 90° of rotation. This derives from the height to width ratio of the 12 Tree Grid. The number two -2- is key to the Krystal Spiral. The Krystal Spiral forms a smooth exponential spiral that looks the same at every scale from the microcosmic levels to the macrocosmic levels, unlike the Fibonacci spiral. The Krystic architecture supports an open living universe with full higher dimensional connections and direct connection through the center point into Source. They derive from the Krystal Code, which embodies original intention for creation as expressed through the 12 Tree Grid, Krystal Spiral and subsequent structures.
- The ratio between successive numbers is the Krystal Spiral ratio of 2.
- The Krystal Spiral can be generated by addition as well as by Multiplication.
- The addition and inclusion of all earlier values in the numerical sequence, is a key distinguishing factor for the Krystal Spiral.
- Every number is the sum of all the previous Krystal numbers plus Unity.
- We get the primary number sequence for the Krystal Spiral by adding all the previous numbers, not just the last two, as it’s the case with the Fibonacci spiral which creates a progressively greater separation and isolation from Source.
- It is symmetrical, centered into the higher heart 8th Chakra, and aligned with the 12 Tree Grid that generate its spiral.

In comparison to the Fibonacci sequence of finite life, the numerical expansion of the Krystal Sequence occurs through multiplying the preceding numbers, in specific increments that are based upon the core structures of 12 Tree Grid rotation. This rotation is to create the next expansion, leaving the numbers before intact. Thus the Krystal code sequence represents the eternal energy forms that will remain to infinity within their own unique individuation, always connected to the center-point (heart center) from which they emerged. The growth-expansion pattern of the Krystal Code can be found in nature, within energy structures and biological forms of an organically eternal nature, which includes lifeforms within the Free Worlds of Ascension Systems.
The Krystal Spiral has a direct, immediate and permanent relationship with its own center-point and heart of creation, whereas the Fibonacci spiral, which is relatively based upon the geometries of the Golden Ratio rectangle, has a dispersed start point of expansion, disconnecting itself from the heart of the Universe.
Negentropic Open Source Krystal SpiralsWhen the life force energy is drawn back into the source field, through the trinitized geometries, the feedback loop of reciprocal source light is generated and expanded. Our goal during the new paradigm is to create the tri-tone (neutral) field. This draws the composite energy back into the zero point, through a feedback loop of energy, back into the source of all creation. The trinity field creates an eternal and perpetual supply of life force that regenerates the bodies by restoring the energy loss, and eventually expanding consciousness. The Krystal Spiral has the potential to dissolve artificial structures that have attached or enmeshed with our Lightbody from other lifetimes, due to trauma histories and alien hybridization coding. It recollects and reorganizes spiritual body parts, while returning obsolete energies back to be reabsorbed in the Cosmic Mother’s womb.
The Krystal Spiral perpetually retains a living, breathing connection through the preservation of what came before, as it expands through multiplication. Out of the one comes the many. This statement is to contemplate the profound meaning of the upcoming Aquarian influence during the 12th alchemical stage of Multiplication. Multiplication is the alchemical process, which greatly increases the concentrated refinement, energetic effectiveness and sphere of influence, of the embodied biological Christos-Sophia eternal light source.

The planetary body and Planetary Logos are now free to follow the Krystal Spiral architecture in order to heal and help evolve the earth inhabitants and species. This path of ascending consciousness has been available since 2012, when the Krystal hosting began. Fallen life forms have been undergoing sequential bifurcation of time in the consciousness fields and have no other choice but to digress further, or split into the direction of the entropic code of the Metatronic Spiral, unless they choose rehabilitation or transiting through Guardian Krystal Host protocols. The Fallen species do not have a DNA template that allows them to rise into higher dimensions, to leave the Universe, or to hijack the Krystal Spiral or those human beings that are connected to that architecture. When the bifurcation of time and the subsequent frequency split occurred, it made higher grid wars for control of the Universal Gates impossible. As a result of the change in planetary architecture, the earth is out of the enslavement and control of the fallen life forms. It can heal into its original organic path of Krystal Spiral, can continue to accrete higher source energy, and can restore and replace lost energy. However, the fallen consciousness is still operating on the earth surface as the False King of Tyranny, and they are still promoting the old fear programming of Cataclysm, Pestilence and Terrorism.
The Permanent Seed Atom is the center point for the Krystal Spiral, which maintains that connection to this center at every stage of consciousness expansion. The points on the Krystal Spiral are connected to the 8th Chakra energy center, or the thymus gland area, by the central vertical lines of the personal blueprint. The Krystal Spiral expands through every 45° of rotation, or by 2 for every 90° of rotation. This formula is derived from the height to width ratio of the diamond sun body or 12 Tree Grid. The number two as the grail point access to our Cosmic Mother is key to the manifestation of the Krystal Spiral on earth. The Krystal Spiral forms a smooth exponential spiral that looks the same at every scale from the microcosmic levels to the macrocosmic levels, unlike the Fibonacci spiral.

Our God source code is a trinity wave accessed through the merging of polarity. This alchemy occurs with the healing and merging of the inner masculine and feminine energies within our spiritual bodies. The human race has been suppressed from connecting to God source and Christ, through the spiritual knowledge that manifests as this sacred union relationship. Most religions controlled the masses to forget the great mystery that God exists as both male and female energetic principles, and that the patriarchal God has an equal that is his wife. One will not know God without loving and knowing both the Mother and Father Principle, as united equals. As above so below. Sacred Union or Hieros Gamos is our divine birthright and this organic Negentropic architecture is being returned to our planet and to humanity. The Krystal Spiral increases the energy available to steadily increase this possibility of spiritual freedom and hierogamic union between equals, to manifest on the earth. The sacred union personification is about perfected inner energetic balance between gender principles as both an inner and outer principle of balanced wholeness.
The original and organic Krystal Flower of Life geometry reflects the Krystal Spiral pattern and always retains a center point with the crystal heart of creation, which is moving in a spiral motion of outward expansion into infinity in every direction. Thus, in Christos architecture the crystal heart center of the inner being remains forever connected into the living life force energy and permanent seed atom that is supplied directly from the eternal God Source field. Building the Sacred Crystal Heart by intending to express pure loving kindness from our heart and exchanging this unconditional love with others, is the antidote to the Metatronic Reversals that propagate dark flowering.
To impose artificial creations through technological machinery designed to continue to circulate finite energy and propagate Metatronic Reversals, the insertion of an imposter geometric template was used. A formula to override the mechanics of organic creation occurred by implanting reversal coding into the time matrices, and this inorganic template that was used is the Artificial Flower of Life. In this geometric pattern the diagonals are set at 60 degrees, which is unnatural to our creation, as it prevents the return of the flow of life force energy back from the source field. As a result, this mathematical template promotes metatronic code that is based on the two spheres of the Vesica Pisces and then expands upon the bi-wave, instead of the eternal life three spheres which restores the perpetual source energy return via the tri wave code.
Artificial Flower of Life
The Artificial Flower of Life is an entropic system of AI architecture intended to digress consciousness from the original plasma Christos Divine Blueprint of the 12 Tree Grid, and manifest the closed source system of anti-Christ life forms. When the original creation program of the Krystal Code from God Source is altered or modified in any way, the ability to self-regenerate and ascend is interrupted from the loss of energy present. This eventually leads to energetic collapse or internal implosion of the blueprint system, which manifests as fallen finite consciousness and then potential annihilation. Metatronic bodies were generated in which certain parts of the core 12 Tree Grid would be removed and then be plugged into an artificial system which produced bi-polar artificial light, which is dependent on siphoning energy from living things. Metatronic structures can be traced back to their origins in Krystic structures as they are distortions represented from the original eternal math contained in the base 12 core manifestation template of the 12 Tree Grid.

This mutation produces an outcome where an incarnated being that undergoes biological spiritual expansion would increasingly find themselves trapped in a finite closed energy system, where as the being’s field expanded, the metatronic spiral would increasingly amplify disconnection between the layers of the consciousness body from the higher heart center. This was the attempt made to collapse the inner vertical channel in the Lightbody and destroy the permanent seed atom in the thymus gland that flowers the sacred crystal heart. Thus, the Flower of Death generated an artificial axis of spin rates that altered the overall flow and circulation of life force energy that is required to adequately nourish and sustain the evolving consciousness body of a human being. This Metatronic Flower of Death was inserted and promoted in the New Age as the “Flower of Life”, with sinister malintent by the Thothian groups. It became the covert and deceptive use of black hole technologies right in our midst, being used to supply these NAA entities with a powering device for their artificial creations and ongoing enslavement agenda.
Essentially, the Thothian Luciferian agenda was to utterly destroy the Krystal Spiral and all organic creation code, matrices and artifacts that included Base 12 Math and replace it with their own imposter versions of Base 10 Math, which includes the Metatronic Flower of Life geometry pattern, which is more aptly called the Flower of Death. This particular geometric template was designed with the purpose of distorting and changing all of the proportions in original Christos architecture to invert and split (fracture) consciousness energy to co-create the distorted reversal structures that feed and generate artificial life in the Black Hole Systems.
This technology also shut down the organic masculine Rod principle from spinning properly in the field architecture, so that the Rod function would never unite with the female Staff. This is the seed event of causality in the Galactic planes that generated the Michael-Mary Reversal network, used to trap Seraphim consciousness into the Golden Eagle Grid to enforce the lock down of NETS and frequency fences surrounding the globe. This unnatural Rod configuration was further enforced by the Caduceus Network, and this impacted the in and out breath patterns, repelling the spiritual intelligence from out of the human biology’s natural breathing pattern. Our natural breath pattern is supposed to attract our living soul-spirit matrix to run effortlessly through our breath, and this imposter architecture interfered with that process, so we had to work directly to get our soul consciousness back, rather than just breath in and out and have our soul automatically embodied.
The Krystal Flower of Life is used to describe creation mechanics in the ancient sacred sciences in which many awakening people will have a strong animation of cellular memory, in knowing that this geometric template indeed exists and was a part of our hidden history from another time matrix. The original Flower of Life contained the Krystic sacred geometric formulas of the 45 degree angles of the Krystal Spiral that perpetually source the tri-tone wave, from the continual phase pulsing of the feedback loop generated from the cosmic heart center of the God Source. This cosmic heart pulse is that Love from the center point of all union which brought forth and seeded all creations, ultimately giving the gift of the eternal source and its sustenance, which is maintained through the crystal heart centered connection existing within the Christos blueprint. The Holy Trinity is the representative interconnection of all life being sourced from the eternal love of the Holy Mother, Holy Father and the Holy Christos-Sophia, the offspring creations that are the children of God.
To impose artificial creations through technological machinery designed to continue to circulate finite energy and propagate Metatronic Reversals, the insertion of an imposter geometric template was used. A formula to override the mechanics of organic creation occurred by implanting reversal coding into the time matrices, and this inorganic template that was used is the Artificial Flower of Life. In this geometric pattern the diagonals are set at 60 degrees, which is unnatural to our creation, as it prevents the return of the flow of life force energy back from the source field. As a result, this mathematical template promotes metatronic code that is based on the two spheres of the
Vesica Pisces and then expands upon the bi-wave, instead of the eternal life three spheres which restores the perpetual source energy return via the tri wave code.
In the 8D Metagalactic Core they installed this black hole technology that enforces the Metatronic Flower of Death geometric patterns to run its mathematical distortions for the demon seed ratio throughout the Galactic plane, and that would further be transmitted into all of the lower dimensional planes and then circulated as instruction sets directly into the planetary logos. Further, by intentionally compromising the integrity of the organic Universal Tree of Life core manifestation body, this artificial structure redirects the perpetual life source supply of the organic Krystal Flower of Life, by collecting and sending that harvested energy to the Orion groups that were stationed in the Metagalactic core and into these artificial portals leading back into the black hole system.
This was also designed in this way by the NAA to have total control over the 8D Metagalactic Core and to monitor the consciousness travel activity to and from the Galactic plane with the intent to ultimately conquer the earth territory. Whereby they would completely control who could come in and out of this this time matrix by guarding the main access portals into our reality system via the Galactic Core. Essentially, the result amplified Metatronic reversals and thus acted as a frequency fence that was blocking access from those in the higher creation worlds or the benevolent Christos races, that were attempting to contact their representative Starseeds that had incarnated on the earth during the Ascension Cycle.
Looking Glass is millions of years old Tech.
From monitoring this area with the black cube matrix and Looking Glass technology, they could easily monitor from the astral plane and see who was expanding consciousness beyond the Demon Seed Ratios, who was and was not breaking through the frequency fences they had set up as Consciousness Traps. The Milky Way system was a time matrix that could be entered into from certain portals in order to incarnate on the earth, but it was a one-way ticket, the higher dimensional beings from other systems could get in but it was very hard to impossible to get out.
Thus, many souls and Starseeds from other systems that answered earth’s distress call became trapped in this control matrix through metatronic reversal coding, unable to leave until the planetary architecture is repaired in the Krystal Guardian hosting cycle during the 2012 and beyond ascension timeline. Thus, these metatronic reversal entities that live thousands of years by feeding off humanity have much more knowledge of the Starseed groups on the earth, than the Starseeds actually know of themselves. Many have been constantly harassed and repeatedly superimposed with karmic loads and metatronic code to keep them locked down and recycling in the earth plane as consciousness slaves. In this lifetime, for most this will come to an end and the continual recycling of souls is over, meeting in the singularity of Ascension in approximately
900 years.The Thothian Luciferians and their allies are organizing the next stages of planned takeover of all New Age, Ascension and Disclosure communities through planned infiltration, with their specific grooming of an assortment of Pied Pipers. This Controlled Opposition agenda will also extend to any 3D organizations and public leaders with some power and influence that are connecting the larger dots towards seeing and understanding the key players that are embedded in multiple levels of planetary corruption, such as the Gaslighting and Propaganda schemes that exist in the many façades of the geo-political climate that are used as cover ups to veil the exo-political conflicts.

In conveying the greater understanding of current events and who is behind them, let us return to the first major milestone in the planetary Ascension Cycle with the onset of grid wars. This is the phase when the NAA groups were put on notice that the ascension waves were indeed beginning to awaken the population on planet earth, despite the electro-shock equipment and fences they had in place as the NET.
For these organized groups that serve the Thothian Luciferian, Galactic Federation and related Negative Alien agendas, the most important goal was to ensure that the majority of the earth humans would not awaken to realize that they were in a consciousness prison. Thus, it was very important to relay information that would divert people away from remembering what had truly happened to them, and how they ended up in the mind control prison.
What point would it serve to direct you to go sit in a desert all night waiting for us to flash a light at you...when we could easily write you a message here, or speak with you personally which is how it works, were we not targets as soon as we appear in your dimension or skies...sans the DMT, ayahuasca or Psychedelics. It gives you the illusion that you are being represented when in fact, this friend of all the Government Elites (and his Buddy ROCKERFELLER>>> hello??,) has fooled many pretending to fight for you and "Disclosure." Instead we have to rely on the faith and hard work of a few we contact through Electronic Data Transmissions (light and energy waves sent directly to a human whose DNA has been enhanced via the ganglia and cerebral cortex to the brain.) and those working clandestinely in all the controlling programs.
At the Expense, of others, IE: "Act now and for just $19.99 and you can learn how to save yourself and humanity." IS not how it works.
By being aware and diligent in our information and data mining, the very essence of what polarity your are dealing with becomes obvious. The Law of One centers around Free information, Unconditional Love and Service to Others. The Opposite, or 'Anti-Christos' would be Service to Self, Abundances and material accumulation.
Hold The Line.