Wednesday, June 01, 2022

~Light-Working for Beginners Series™~

Guardian Perspective 
Light-Working for Beginners Series


Jump right in...make sure u can swim.

"Welcome to my Neighborhood"~LL

~ Welcome to The New Age. The topics we will discover are an introduction to the greater Ascension and Awakening Process. This is the beginning of a step by step journey, through which we will guide you in the practices and thought processes that will teach you to access your inner Akashic records and learn your possible Guardian Stewardship role should you have one. It will also introduce you to the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) and constructs in place today that have kept this information dormant and hidden from the population of Earth during the last 25,600 year Yuga.

We Are The Guardians 
~ We are those written and spoken about in most ancient scripts and legends, from varied cultures all around the Cosmos, all telling of a race of Beings, Teachers, Sages, Healers, Engineers and Scientists, who helped the indigenous species of various planets and time matrixes evolve and become civilized. “We are here to help in guiding Humanity into Ascension, which simply means Spiritually, Scientifically, Biologically and Physiologically teaching you how to raise the biological sleeve we call our bodies, to a higher vibrational plane and existence.

The Four Stages of The Awakening:  Awakening: Initiation, Absorption, Integration, Ascension 
~ This is about the initiation of your physical body as it connects into a new electromagnetic frequency wave that is contained in the intelligent layers of your personal Soul-Spiritual bodies. This will activate when we start collaboration with what higher frequencies that are now being generated onto the planet, since the Veil lift of 2012, and we are gaining access to our personal Angelic Human Blueprint. 

Beginner Core Fear Removal, Mantras and Protection Practices 101 
~It is imperative that once you begin this 'spiritual path to Enlightenment, opening yourself up to outside forces and energies you have newly discovered but completely don't understand, that you protect yourself. This unfortunately is a key missing ingredient to the initial Awakening process, and is the very reason that blockages and regression in your walk occur.

The True History of the Human Race, The Three Seedings and Guardian Covenant of Paliador Mission Parameters 
~ These are the histories of the Sirian Rebellions that generated rifts between the Sirian Annunaki and the Sirian-Elohim’s who based their oversight and decisions to be aligned with the Law of One and the Templar Annunaki and Fallen Elohim or Angelics, the Sirian Rebellions and the Annunaki lineages now referred to as the TempSolar that refused to acknowledge the authority of the Founders or the Law of One, instead preferring the Service to Self Orientation, and using technology and mind control and this led to the cataclysm and the sequence of events which eventually destroyed the planet Tara.

~The correct name for Jesus or the Jesus' plural, was 'Jesheua-12 and Jeshewua-9, though religious historians will refer to 'Yesheua' (or similar spelling). Apparently several letters of the Hebrew alphabet were changed, in particular, 'J' was changed to 'Y'. Thus the original name of the spiritual avatar that we recognize by the name, Jesus, was 'Jesheua' Melchizedek, or the combined versions presented, 'Jesheua-12 and Jeshewua-9 and were from a future 6th density timeline to change the 3rd dimensional Timelines and bring the Essenes, Christos Templars and Law of One Ascension knowledge and its consciousness technology back to planet earth. This mission was in response to the DNA damage the planet and humanity had most recently suffered after the Luciferian Rebellion, and then the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion, which was the final destruction of the Mother Staff principle in the earth core.
~ We are reaching an embodiment phase which correlates to the seventh cycle of the Reclamation of Christos Mission, in a plan for fulfilling the Paliadorian Covenant. This required the embodiment of the Christ Consciousness layers through the Seven Sacred Suns Cosmic principles of the Universal Creator. Thus, the term Christ or Christos used in this context is not denoting the individual being referred to as Jesus Christ, as taught through the world religions. Christos extends way beyond all meaning associated with planetary consciousness and actually describes the state of eternal Cosmic Consciousness, the title given to a free Cosmic Citizen. This is what Jesus was saying in the Bible. Thus the original name of the spiritual avatar that we recognize by the name, Jesus, was 'Jesheua' Melchizedek

~ It is the NAA agenda to destroy the Christos Templars on this earth, past, present and future, by accusing them and associating them with the Satanic force of Baphomet. Those Knight Templars, such as the Illuminati and other cartels, are those that feed into the Baphomet satanic forces today and are not of this lineage or bloodline. These groups have nothing whatsoever to do with the Christos Templars or Essenes. They abuse the power structures on the earth to serve the Satanic material fixations promoted by the False King of Tyranny.

~ The hardest part of Enlightenment and Awakening is the thing most people grapple with, because they were expecting nirvana.: 'THIS IS HARD....In order to rise to a higher self you have to start with the self you ARE. good bad or otherwise, and All the ugly truths that go with it. This is not what you thought. You didn't realize, or maybe better said, forgot, or we're made, allowed as a species over all,  to forget, that growing is hard. Some, newly reawakened Starseeds, old souls who are here again, in their current incarnation, inherently know this and chose to be here and help Humanity/Terrans/non Humanoid Earthers, go through this. Sages, teachers, Scribes, Healers. Magicians. 

~ So, You're awake. You thought that that meant you would get answers...oops. Instead, you ended up with questions...lot's of questions...the 1st one being , have I lost my mind or has everyone else? found....(((((("THE GROUPS"))))))) IE; star seeds, chakras, crystals, Extraterrestrials, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians, Draco Reptilians, Secret space force, pineal gland, reading, gurus, sages, healers, psychics, channeling and scammers..."DM me for a reading"

~ Thoth incarnated as an Egyptian Priest repeatedly during the time that Atlantean Mystery Schools were flourishing in Egyptian culture during the Middle Kingdom. This was in order to maintain control over the Atlantean conspiracy held in place by the NAA since the Flood, and to be kept aware of the ongoing Guardian Alliance mission that was on the ground. Although he was the great Luciferian imposter, Thoth as a Great Hermetic Priest, was passing off Emerald Order Founder Records, and the Law of One sacred sciences it contained, as demonstrations of his own high initiation level, purporting to be a Blue Flame Melchizedek. At the height of his Hermes lifetime in Egypt about 1000 years after the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion, he was accessing the eleventh dimension at his embodiment level

These are the brief histories of the first clashes between the Sirian
Annunaki and the Sirian-Elohim’s who based their oversight and decisions to be aligned with the Law of One and the Templar Annunaki and Fallen Elohim or Angelics, the Sirian Rebellions and the Annunaki lineages.

~ "The Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timelines and Beyond) intended as support, both energetically and educationally, for the Galactic Families of Humanity. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship through Unity consciousness as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is Earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. 

The Indigo 3 Polarity Integrator contracts, many of which have been recently released, have synthesized biological code that allows the template of the Oraphim blueprint to return to the Earth Plane. This is new Indigo 3 information as we had only been given detail in regard to the Nephilim Reversal Grid (hybridized code reversals on the planetary grid damaging the Merkabah system) and other functions that the Indigo 3 Polarity Integrator was working to heal genetically for our planet.

~A open letter to Christos Templar Brothers and Sisters,

~ It's very easy with your new awareness and new enthusiasm, after joining all the groups, searching to find all the answers, listening to all the different opinions and ideas about how to ascend, how to meditate what to be, think, do, cleanse, etc., to get overwhelmed and lose sight and focus. Today's installment is designed to help you get re-grounded, relax, and offer you some insights and tools help to clear your head and re-focus your energy.

~ It's a signal, a thought form it's there, but you can't explain it...Your friends, family and neighbors look at you like you're gonna build a tower of mud in your living room...Do Not build a tower of mud in your living room. It's a metaphor...

~ We have been programmed, to always have some sort of stimulus, some sort of action, convinced if we are not actually Doing something, we are not 'doing it right'. Did you meditate today? Did you cleanse your crystals today? Incense? Channeling? Get a reading? a TRANSMISSION?? Read all the memes and posts in your groups,  heal Aunt Mary today? Did you shadow work? ohm? eat right? ETC. Etc,,Etc. It's the old Paradigm still designed to distract you from ...........being. If you are so busy with the minutiae of ascension and enlightenment, you are too busy to actually, heal...reflect, connect with your higher self or Source. And Ascend...

~ The Law of Compassion is the first basic truth of One Self-God Self. As One Self-God Self, to be “Compassion in Action” towards others is then to be in harmony and right relationship to Self, right relationship to our Source, right relationship to the Universe. This is a Law of One practice. This is the truth of right relationship, of loving understanding, of actively expressed Love. It is the foundation of Christos- unity consciousness and the expression of the inner unity within or Hieros Gamos.

The first three chakras are directly related to developing SELF-AWARENESS. It is vitally important to have these chakras or energies in balance before moving on to higher spiritual realms of awareness, moving into the higher chakra configurations and correcting the color ray correspondences. To build and maintain personal integrity takes some effort and commitment, like developing the self-awareness that is required to define your personal values so that you can measure your behaviors and actions, in order to evaluate how aligned you are to your authentic self. When you consciously participate to clarify personal beliefs and core values, the next step is to honestly assess how well you are doing, by reviewing yourself in a personal integrity report.

~ This Natural Law describes the principle that everything is in constant motion and that nothing rests, and everything vibrates at a rate that is either faster or slower, and also rotates which forms a rate of frequency-vibration. Beyond the material realm and into a realm in which everything is conscious energy, describes the Law of Vibration. Everything in our Universe consists of layers of vibrational frequency stacked throughout the dimensional scales.

~  “If you assume any rate of improvement at all, games will eventually be indistinguishable from reality,” Elon Musk said before concluding, “We’re most likely in a simulation.” Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson (whom I generally don't agree with or quote) agrees, giving “better than 50-50 odds” that the simulation hypothesis is correct. “I wish I could summon a strong argument against it, but I can find none,” he told NBC News MACH in an email.

~ At Some point in your walk you need to stand up and take control. You need to declare your Sovereignty and Self-Determination. 

~ The Spirit Body of the Monad is the higher mind function of the Observer, watching and aware of forming concepts and making assessments. It is the higher mind principle consciousness that comes to neutral conclusions and decisions based on accumulated experiences. When the spirit is in control of the nervous system of the body, it makes higher evolution of Consciousness action possible.

~ The Pineal Gland, also known as the pineal body, is a small endocrine gland in the brain. It produces melatonin, a serotonin derived hormone, that affects the modulation of sleep patterns in both seasonal and circadian rhythms. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located in the epithalamus, near the center of the brain.

~ It is the mathematical program by which consciousness experiences time and matter. The Cosmic structure contains six 15 dimensional Universal Time Matrices for the purpose of consciousness individualization into dimensionalization, in order to experience the perception of time, and to which are collectively referred to as the Time Matrix.

In ancient writings and traditions one can find proof of a time when the moon did not exist. Democretus and Anaxagoras mention that there was a time when 'no moon could be seen in the night skies.'

~ The Planetary Stargate System are the Earth’s connection points or Portals into the Galactic and Universal Stargate Systems. They were once sealed off and closed, but now these Stargates are progressively opening during the Ascension Cycle. The organic Planetary Stargate System or Universal Tree of Life Templar opening has been damaged from NAA and the Alien Machinery abuse from the Negative Aliens collaboration to control the earth. 

~ Michael, Gabriel, Thomas...My best friends for aeons...

Ready for the rest? 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Advanced Ascension Mechanics and Teachings

'....for the more Advanced Spiritual Student...'

The Lost Gospel of Q
Sayings of Jesus Some scholars call it “The Lost Gospel of Q” - “Q” standing for Quelle, a German word for “Source.”
These are the Words said in Secret by Jesus/Jeshewua/Yeshua, recorded as instructed by We, His Apostles including the Gospel of Mahari/Mary Magdalene. In December 1945, an Arab peasant made an astonishing archeological discovery in Upper Egypt. Rumors obscured the circumstances of this find--perhaps because the discovery was accidental, and its sale on the black market illegal. For years even the identity of the discoverer remained unknown. One rumor held that he was a blood avenger; another, that he had made the find near the town of Naj 'Hammádì at the Jabal al-Tárif, a mountain honeycombed with more than 150 caves.

The biblical apocrypha denotes the collection of apocryphal ancient books thought to have been written some time between 200 BC and AD 400. Some Christian churches include some or all of the same texts within the body of their version of the Old Testament, terming them Deuterocanonical books. Traditional 80-book Protestant Bibles include fourteen books in an intertestamental section between the Old Testament and New Testament called the Apocrypha, deeming these useful for instruction, but non-canonical.
The Arrival of Jesus at Capernaum :3:1/4:31 In the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, Jesus descended [out of heaven] into Capernaum, a city in Galilee, and was teaching [in the synagogue] on the Sabbath days; And they were astonished at his doctrine...

The Bruce Codex
Archive Notes on The Bruce Codex: This codex of Coptic, Arabic and Ethiopic manuscripts was found in upper Egypt by a Scottish traveler, James Bruce in about 1769. The first translations of the text began to be made in the mid-1800's. The passages below are based on the translation of Carl Schmidt republished with additional contributions by Violet MacDermot.

The Odes of Solomon
The Lord is on my head like a crown, and I shall never be without Him.
Plaited for me is the crown of truth, and it caused Your branches to blossom in me.
For it is not like a parched crown that blossoms not;
For You live upon my head, and have blossomed upon me.
Your fruits are full and complete; they are full of Your salvation....

The Book of Ezekiel ~ The Book of Ezekiel, also called The Prophecy of Ezekiel, one of the major prophetical books of the Old Testament. According to dates given in the text, Ezekiel received his prophetic call in the fifth year of the first deportation to Babylonia (592 BC) and was active until about 570 BC.

First Book of Enoch, also called Ethiopic Book of Enoch, pseudepigraphal work (not included in any canon of scripture) whose only complete extant version is an Ethiopic translation of a previous Greek translation made in Palestine from the original Hebrew or Aramaic.
~ The Second Book of Enoch (abbreviated as 2 Enoch and also known as Slavonic Enoch, Slavic Enoch or Secrets of Enoch) is a pseudepigraphic text in the apocalyptic genre. It describes the ascent of the patriarch Enoch, ancestor of Noah, through ten heavens of an Earth-centered cosmos.

(R. Ishmael ascends to heaven to behold the vision of the Merkabah and is given to the charge to Metatron)

My Guru; Ram Dass 
I would like to introduce you to one of the main influences in my spiritual awakening and awareness. If you follow me at all, you understand that My Guru, mentor and Spiritual Guide is Ram Dass. He is one of my Ascended Master Council. I hope you enjoy these video lectures.
Although he was the great Luciferian imposter, Thoth as a Great Hermetic Priest, was passing off Emerald Order Founder Records, and the Law of One sacred sciences it contained, as demonstrations of his own high initiation level, purporting to be a Blue Flame Melchizedek

~ These are the histories of the Sirian Rebellions that generated rifts between the Sirian Annunaki and the Sirian-Elohim’s who based their oversight and decisions to be aligned with the Law of One and the Templar Annunaki and Fallen Elohim or Angelics, the Sirian Rebellions and the Annunaki lineages now referred to as the TempSolar that refused to acknowledge the authority of the Founders or the Law of One, instead preferring the Service to Self Orientation, and using technology and mind control and this led to the cataclysm and the sequence of events which eventually destroyed the planet Tara.

The word EFFI is a Guardian Acronym formed from the initials of the words, Eternal First Field Intelligence/Electro-Thermal First Force Identity, (Source) or the entirety of the Living, EFFI 1st Consciousness Field within which all Creation has always and will always exist.

I am Ra. We came to your peoples to enunciate the Law of One. We wished to impress upon those who wished to learn of unity that in unity all paradoxes are resolved; all that is broken is healed; all that is forgotten is brought to light."

Don Elkins and Carla L. Rueckert worked together for 12 years to perfect the channeling process and receive philosophical inspiration and guidance from extraterrestrial sources. When Jim McCarty joined them in 1980 they began to receive a new and unique type of channeling contact from those of Ra. This book is the transcript from the recording of that conversation between the Questioner and Ra. Through questions & answers, the metaphysical blueprint of spiritual evolution is explored, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, from the particulars of life on this planet to the life of the cosmos, to the possibilities of healing, transformation, and self-realization for spiritual seekers and wanderers.

"We come to you in gratitude and greet you in the love and light of one infinite creator. I am Q'uo. This tantalizing prospect to us a marvelous avenue of service that you offer us, and we offer to you our humble thanks and our abiding love, that you who struggle in the darkness still see and have faith in the light within.

Channeling disclaimer: This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly study and meditation meetings of the Rock Creek Research & Development Laboratories and L/L Research. It is offered in the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind, for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any.

In ancient writings and traditions one can find proof of a time when the moon did not exist. Democretus and Anaxagoras mention that there was a time when 'no moon could be seen in the night skies.'

Ascension Timeline for Consciousness Corridor: The time has come where the consciousness bifurcation on planet earth has necessitated additional evolutionary framework for servicing the wide spectrum of human consciousness through the Founder Guardian and Krystal Star planetary hosting. Krystal Star hosting means the reclamation of the Universal Laws and Principles which are the essential nature of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness which is built upon the 12 Strand DNA Silicate Matrix design. To rebuild the architecture of the Diamond Sun Body upon this earth and reassemble the holographic template of Christos-Sophia recorded throughout the past, present and future earth timelines, the Founder Guardians state the guidelines of the Cosmic Law Evolution Edict.

When you change the way you look at things...the things you look at change...the very nature of that which is observed is changed in the knowledge that is is being observed...just like you change your behavior when you know someone is looking at you...that behavior and consciousness permeates your being, at every level down to the molecular individual atom...or proton, splitting or not...depending on it's observation of the observer observing....(spooky action, al la Albert)

Many years of research by the author has revealed that physical movement of living organisms, such as animals, humans, etc. is achieved by two mechanisms synchronised together. The two mechanisms are 1) the muscular system, and 2) what we can call the quantum computer system. 
[Note that in this article, when we say 'quantum computer' we are not referring to the more recent developments in quantum computers, quantum information, qubits, etc. but just the feature of the quantum state, which gives instantaneousness; also superposition is implied---but beyond current quantum physics there must also be superimposition due to the multidimensional nature of all creation.]

The Golden Ratio based spirals and Fibonacci spirals are used in the propagation of artificial intelligence machinery that are acquired through forming bonded attachments of the reversal spiral to the original Krystal Spiral. Their mathematical structure creates Metatronic Reversal bodies, reversed Merkabah ratios and is based on consumptive modeling, which has major implications for generating fallen consciousness and artificial creations. The Fibonacci math used in architecture for projecting holograms leads to the separation from higher dimensional connections, and this has been designed to create consciousness traps that cuts off the being from the exchange made with the flow of the eternal God Source.
The Indigo 3 Polarity Integrator contracts, many of which have been recently released, have synthesized biological code that allows the template of the Oraphim blueprint to return to the Earth Plane. This is new Indigo 3 information as we had only been given detail in regard to the Nephilim Reversal Grid (hybridized code reversals on the planetary grid damaging the Merkabah system) and other functions that the Indigo 3 Polarity Integrator was working to heal genetically for our planet.

History, Motivation, Meaning and Message of the Emerald Order Melchizedek Cloister, Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds, Guardian Alliance and the Azurite Universal Templar Security Team The Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds (IAFW), Guardian Alliance (GA) and the Azurite Universal Templar Security Team are universal service organizations whose beginnings reach far back beyond known recorded history on Earth.

Since January 2013, our planet has come to the time of the promised return of Christ Consciousness, and the externalization of the Krystal Star presence (the Cosmic Christos Unity Consciousness) is beginning now to rehabilitate the organic Timelines for the GSF Ascension timeline made for preserving human sovereignty on the planet earth. Previously, Ascension had been thwarted by the unscrupulous groups of Negative Aliens in the Satanic and Luciferian gestalts that hijacked the Planetary Logos and Ley Lines for hidden control of forces in order to genetically modify the human beings on the earth as their slaves and underlings.

The Sonic geometries are based in the platonic solid shapes and lines of light that are programmed from one dimension above, where they are being directly placed in the field. This is accomplished by directing geometric codes from mathematical shapes, which form light programs into one dimensional area in order to direct the appropriate sound frequencies into the dimension above it.

Through the current stages of the gradual bifurcation happening within the blended reality system, the fallen system of artificial timelines in the phantom matrix built upon the Artificial Tree of Life, is systematically collapsing. The more that human beings can embody love and bring back organic creator code, Base 12 math, returning the native language of our species DNA back into the earth, the faster the artificial system is being dismantled. This is the primary Paliadorian Guardian project alongside embodiment activations in the current five-year cycle of Morphogenesis that is leading the Christos Mission upgrades into 2022

All things exist within the Gender Principle of Creation, everything has its masculine and feminine principle, which produce metaphysical forces that play a role in creation and regeneration. Nothing can manifest into being without this law. These forces arrange within the spiritual blueprints that translate into the gender principle that manifests itself upon all dimensional planes.

The first three chakras are directly related to developing SELF-AWARENESS. It is vitally important to have these chakras or energies in balance before moving on to higher spiritual realms of awareness, moving into the higher chakra configurations and correcting the color ray correspondences. 

Original human genetic imprint designed to manifest 12 strings of DNA which would allow for inter-dimensional travel and existence without deterioration of the biological form. It must be repaired, built or activated. The original angelic human 12 Strand DNA is called the Diamond Sun DNA. The Oraphim original prototype for angelic humans that was created by the Founders has a 24 Strand DNA and is called the Double Diamond Sun Body DNA. Further there is a 48 Strand DNA Founder race line called the Emerald Sun DNA.

Mass biological and mind-control devices exist well beyond the technology of implanting tiny physical 'chips' into humans, which accompanied many of the abductions by the Greys and non-benevolent Zetas; and also are an impending application of such electronic devices by the One World Government to the population. Even brain signatures radiated by government HAARP and GWEN towers are relatively superficial compared with ancient existing global grid systems, which can be used for manipulating the evolution of all life on the planet, including the planet's evolution itself. Nevertheless these government antenna systems can be linked to the global systems that are used by the non-benevolent extraterrestrials.

A Mind Slide program, is designed to actually facilitate Cognitive Dissonance and agnostic behaviors. It's signals the human brain to completely ignore Unapproved Topics; by definition, any unapproved words, terms or issues that would challenge their belief systems in the 3D Narrative, or involve their enslavement or torture that was hidden by the Amnesiac Barrier, even if they come face to face with it. You see this now being used actively and covertly by the censoring, banning and removal of any unapproved topics that contradict the Mainstream Narrative. The signals are sent through our devices, and by cabal technologies.

When one has control over the thughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the Mind controls the Soul. Mind Control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape value systems to which are used to control the masses to enslave themselves on planet earth.

An important reason why the NAA and Controllers work so hard to destroy evidence in any range of Unapproved Topics that do not support the 3D narrative, is that they desire to eliminate a human being’s capacity to interpret and assign meaning to any of the authentic consciousness memories that may surface.

The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa
The Mahabharata is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being the Ramayana. Traditionally, the authorship of the Mahabharata is attributed to Vyasa, also known as Krishna Dvaipayana. Without being directly related, the Mahabharata derives many of its philosophical concepts from the Vedas. The Mahabharata tells of Prince Arjuna and his four brothers Yudhishthira, Bhima and the twins Nakula and Sahadeva, all married to the same woman, Draupadi. 

They are known as the Pandavas, the sons of Pandu, who was king of Hastinapur in North India and himself the son of Ambalika and Vyasa. After the death of their father, the Pandavas grow up at the court of their uncle, the blind King Dhritarashtra, who has become the new ruler. There is always great rivalry between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, the one hundred sons of Dhritarashtra. 

Eventually the old king gives his nephews some land of their own but his eldest son, Duryodhana is jealous of their success. He challenges Yudhisthira, the eldest Pandava, to a game of dice in which he loses everything. The Pandavas are then forced to surrender their land and go into exile for thirteen years. On their return, the old king is unable to persuade his son Duryodhana to restore their heritage, and in spite of efforts at reconciliation by Sanjaya, Dhritarashtra’s charioteer; by Bheeshma, his wise counselor; and even by Lord Krishna himself, war cannot be averted. The rival hosts face each other on the field of Kurukshetra. 

When Prince Arjuna surveys the battlefield, he is overwhelmed with sorrow at the futility of war and it is at this point that the "Bhagavad Gita," or "Song of the Lord," begins. The teachings of the Bhagavad Gita are spoken by the divine Lord Krishna, who is acting as the prince’s charioteer. They are overheard by Sanjaya and reported back to King Dhritarashtra. When Krishna has finished speaking to Arjuna, the two armies engage. The battle lasts eighteen days and by the end of it nearly all of the warriors on both sides are dead save Krishna and the five Pandavas.

✨To down load the Full Version
 – The Adi Parva, 540 pages,  35 MB.

– Sabha Parva & Vana Parva I, 434 pages, 28 MB.

 Vana Parva II, 428 pages, 25 MB.

Virata & Udyoga Parva, 542 pages, 25 MB.

➡️Mahabharata VOL 5 
Bhisma Parva, 344 pages, 23 MB.

➡️Mahabharata VOL 6 
Drona Parva, 506 pages, 24 MB.

Karna, Salya Sauptika, Stree Parvas, 592 pages, 28 MB.

Santi Parva I, 420 pages, 29 MB.

Santi Parva II, 422 pages, 21 MB.

Santi Parva III, Anusasana Parva I, 422 pages, 20 MB.

Anusasana Parva, 418 pages, 21 MB.

Awamedha, Asramavasika, Mahaprasthanika, Swarga-Rohanika Parvas, 316 pages, 15 MB.

✨The Bhagavad Gita
The Bhagavad Gita: श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता, 'The Song by God' ;often referred to as the Gita is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the epic Mahabharata (chapters 23–40 of book 6 of the Mahabharata called the Bhishma Parva), dated to the second half of the first millennium BCE and is typical of the Hindu synthesis. It is considered to be one of the holy scriptures for Hinduism.

✨The Vedas 
The Vedas IAST: veda, Sanskrit: वेदः, lit. 'knowledge') are a large body of religious texts originating in ancient India. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism.

There are four Vedas: the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda and the Atharvaveda. Each Veda has four subdivisions – the Samhitas (mantras and benedictions), the Aranyakas (text on rituals, ceremonies, sacrifices and symbolic-sacrifices), the Brahmanas (commentaries on rituals, ceremonies and sacrifices), and the Upanishads (texts discussing meditation, philosophy and spiritual knowledge). Some scholars add a fifth category – the Upasanas (worship). The texts of the Upanishads discuss ideas akin to the heterodox sramana-traditions.

Vedas are śruti ("what is heard"), distinguishing them from other religious texts, which are called smṛti ("what is remembered"). Hindus consider the Vedas to be apauruṣeya, which means "not of a man, superhuman" and "impersonal, authorless," revelations of sacred sounds and texts heard by ancient sages after intense meditation.

The Vedas have been orally transmitted since the 2nd millennium BCE with the help of elaborate mnemonic techniques. The mantras, the oldest part of the Vedas, are recited in the modern age for their phonology rather than the semantics, and are considered to be "primordial rhythms of creation", preceding the forms to which they refer. By reciting them the cosmos is regenerated, "by enlivening and nourishing the forms of creation at their base."

The various Indian philosophies and Hindu denominations have taken differing positions on the Vedas; schools of Indian philosophy that acknowledge the primal authority of the Vedas are classified as "orthodox" (āstika). Other śramaṇa traditions, such as Charvaka, Ajivika, Buddhism, and Jainism, which did not regard the Vedas as authorities, are referred to as "heterodox" or "non-orthodox" (nāstika) schools
➡️The Vedas PDF download 

Rāmāyana, The Epic of Rama, Prince of India

The Rāmāyana (/rɑːˈmɑːjənə/;[1][2] Sanskrit: रामायणम्,IAST: Rāmāyaṇam) is a Sanskrit epic composed over a period of nearly a millennium, with scholars' estimates for the earliest stage of the text ranging from the 8th to 4th centuries BCE, and later stages extending up to the 3rd century CE. Ramayana is one of the two important epics of Hinduism, the other being the Mahābhārata.

The epic, traditionally ascribed to the Maharishi Valmiki, narrates the life of Sita, the Princess of Janakpur, and Rama, a legendary prince of Ayodhya city in the kingdom of Kosala. The epic follows his fourteen-year exile to the forest urged by his father King Dasharatha, on the request of Rama's stepmother Kaikeyi; his travels across forests in the Indian subcontinent with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana, the kidnapping of Sita by Ravana – the king of Lanka, that resulted in war; and Rama's eventual return to Ayodhya to be crowned king amidst jubilation and celebration.

The Ramayana is one of the largest ancient epics in world literature. It consists of nearly 24,000 verses (mostly set in the Shloka/Anustubh meter), divided into seven Khanda (parts) the first and the seventh being later additions. It belongs to the genre of Itihasa, narratives of past events (purāvṛtta), interspersed with teachings on the goals of human life.

There are many versions of Ramayana in Indian languages, besides Buddhist, Sikh and Jain adaptations. There are also Cambodian (Reamker), Indonesian, Filipino, Thai (Ramakien), Lao, Burmese and Malay versions of the tale.

The Ramayana was an important influence on later Sanskrit poetry and the Hindu life and culture, and its main characters were fundamental to the cultural consciousness of a number of South-East Asian nations, both Hindu and Buddhist. Its most important moral influence was the importance of virtue, in the life of a citizen and in the ideals of the formation of a state (from Sanskrit: रामराज्य, IAST: Ramarajya - a utopian state where Rama is king) or of a functioning society.

➡️Rāmāyana PDF download 

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Jung is widely recognized as a major figure in modern Western thought, and his work continues to spark controversies. He played critical roles in the formation of modern psychology, psychotherapy, and psychiatry, and a large international profession of analytical psychologists world( under his name. His world( has had its widest impact, however, outside professional circles: J ung and Freud are the names that most people first thinl( of in connection with psychology, and their ideas have been widely disseminated in the arts, the humanities, films, and popular culture. Jung is also widely regarded as one of the instigators of the New Age movement. However, it is startling to realize that the bool( that stands at the center of his oeuvre, on which he worked for over sixteen years, was published posthumously.

✨➡️C.G. Jung The Seven Sermons (Gnostic Society Library)

In November of 1913 Carl Jung commenced an extraordinary exploration of the psyche, or "soul." He called it his “confrontation with the unconscious.” During this period Jung willfully entered imaginative or "visionary" states of consciousness. The visions continued intensely from the end of 1913 until about 1917 and then abated by around 1923. Jung carefully recorded this imaginative journey in six black-covered personal journals (referred to as the "Black Books"); these notebooks provide a dated chronological ledger of his visions and dialogues with his Soul.

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✨➡️The Ra Contact; Teaching The Law of One; Volume II
✨➡️The Ra Contact; The Law Of One: Volume III ; Ra, An Humble Messenger
✨➡️The Ra Contact; The Law of One, Volume IV


The Book of Ezekiel
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