
Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Universal Time Matrix & Timelines

A UNIVERSAL Time Matrix is a map of all of the timelines in which our consciousness moves simultaneously. To explain in detail: there are 15 dimensional densities within 5 Harmonic*** Universes. 
***Now remember: harmonics = sound waves = vibrations = density = form, be it biologic, light or multi-dimensional. Humans are in third density, 3D in this 1st harmonic universe.


For human beings, these consciousness bodies exist throughout the densities and are aspects of the higher self and Lightbody. These aspects are called the Stations of Identity.

In the First Harmonic Universe in 1D-2D-3D exists the three layers of the personality matrix or incarnated human.
In the Second Harmonic Universe in 4D-5D-6D exists the three layers of the Soul Matrix.
In the Third Harmonic Universe in 7D-8D-9D exists the three layers of the Monadic matrix.
In the Fourth Harmonic Universe in 10D-11D-12D exists the three layers of the Christos Avatar Matrix.
In the Fifth Harmonic Universe in 13D-14D-15D exists the Three Layers of the Rishi matrix or Threefold Founder Flame or GSF Flame.

These collective consciousness bodies exist on the planet earth throughout the densities and are aspects of the future timelines and the Lightbody of the planet earth. The earth consciousness body is directly interconnected in all Harmonic Universes to interface with the human consciousness, which is its life form expression in all densities.

In the First Harmonic Universe the in 1D-2D-3D exists the Three layers of the earth matrix.
In the Second Harmonic Universe in 4D-5D-6D exists the three layers of the Tara Matrix.
In the Third Harmonic Universe in 7D-8D-9D exists the three layers of the Gaian matrix.
In the Fourth Harmonic Universe in 10D-11D-12D the future earth blueprint in its crystalline form in the exists the three layers of the Aramatena or Aurora Earth Matrix.
In the Fifth Harmonic Universe there is no dimensionalization into matter forms, therefore there is no planetary body or human forms. In the fifth density, as the consciousness does not manifest into matter, this area is called pre-matter. The three primal light and sound fields hold the ray expressions of Mother Arc, Father Arc and Golden Ray Sun of Christos, the trinity of the Godhead, from which all biological forms are created in all of the Harmonic Universes. 

Our consciousness is residing in all 15 densities that are simultaneously taking place within the entire time matrix. It is the mathematical program by which consciousness experiences time and matter. The Cosmic structure contains six, 15 dimensional Universal Time Matrices for the purpose of bringing consciousness individualization each mind/body/spirit complex into dimensionalization.(form,) in order to experience the perception of linear time,(past, present, future) and to which are collectively referred to as the Time Matrix.

The Universal Time Cosmology of Twelve Dimensions of Simultaneous Time-Space Cycles within a Fifteen Dimensional Wave Spectrum. Waves....of energy and information...all within the Aether. Right now we are ONLY receiving the 3rd/4th Dimension waves of the 1st harmonic universe. 3d...our perception of these our existence in this third dimension.

We are also achieving in each dimension a vibration raising in this density path, moving through 4th dimension which is an INFORMATION dimension (like Wifi). The Awakening. We are seeing and recognizing the higher vibrational waves as we & GAIA move from 3.6 Density to 5th. We are at 3.6 because we are in the Midst of a Time Cycle Shift. initiated by The Guardians.

The Zeta had made calculations from the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment, of how to inject EM pulses into the earth grid to setup their Frequency Fence. The Guardians, anticipating this by increasing the Merkabah field frequencies from HU1/D3 to 3.5 would make the Zeta/Draco calculations useless. Since their EMP pulse would not reach the New Earth Grid Speed, they would not have time to re-calculate. HAARP a Zeta/Draco experiment, could attempt to recalculate as they know what the Guardians BZP (Bridge-Zone Project.) is. To be able to shift to the Bridge Zone, the population would have to assemble 4.5 strands of DNA. 8% of the population would need 5-strands and 144,000 need 6-strand DNA. DNA fixes have been in place and ongoing since the Jesheua-9/Jeshewua-12 (Jesus) Mission.

This time-shifting of planets procedure is very complex and requires full direct intervention and thus full approval and rarely ever implemented. Normally people and planets are left alone to evolve according to the choices they make. BUT where there are consequences involving numerous planets, star systems, intervention is required. We are in the final stages of this Ascension process and Earth is about to again go through a huge metamorphosis, vibrationally, spiritually, technologically, physiologically and physically. Certain Mechanisms and people have been put in place to assist humanity in the Awakening/Enlightenment Ascension process.

Each Harmonic Universe is equal to the Triad of Spiritual Identity that our consciousness evolves through: 
Personality (1D-2D-3D), 
Soul (4D-5D-6D), 
Oversoul (Monad) (7D-8D-9D), 
Avatar Christos (10D-11D-12D) and 
Founder Consciousness (13D-14D-15D).

Triune Time Merger
Within the creational mechanics of the holographic structure which manifests the Harmonic Universes there are two timelines per dimensional octave. So within our Harmonic Universe, making up the reality of 3D Earth/Terra, within the three dimensions (1-3D), we have six timelines. 

When we energetically evolve and move up in octave, being initiated into higher frequencies, we are exposed to more dimensional octaves, therefore more potential timelines. Within these dimensions of future timelines are “stations of identity”, commonly called “soul”, “oversoul”, “higher self”, which comprise body parts or whole spiritual bodies of our forgotten selves. These are spiritual energetic bodies that hold our consciousness intelligence matrices, our mind matrices, that make up our spiritual identity, and of which we are designed to reclaim these spiritual-energetic pieces during these “timeline collapses” which transpire during the Ascension cycle. This is why those on the spiritual ascension path continually experience their energetic healing by meeting the cellular memories that surface at different stages of evolution in the multiple timelines. Being able to tune into these various timelines and sense events or identities that exist in those timelines, is one definition of becoming multidimensional. 

We have to move through the series of timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete, False Timelines or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth. Like a tri-athlete running and jumping over the hurdles, we connect with our lost aspects to merge with these time fields, whereby reclaiming and collecting our spiritual bodies, clearing Negative Forms and Clones to make it to the planetary ascension finish line. What is being accomplished during the spiritual ascension process, especially now with Guardian GSF Ascension Timeline, is that humanity has to move through all the Artificial Machinery, the inorganic time fields or Artificial Timelines. These are the Negative Alien Timelines with their inorganic and artificial Hologram Inserts that program their AI mind control programming in order to promote the human enslavement agendas of the NAA. As we clear False Timelines and inorganic architecture from suppressing and impairing our consciousness, we are extracting the alien enslavement programming, Alien Implants and Mind Control in order to embody our true inner Christos spirit and return to the Zero Point Field, the heart of the God Gateway leading into the seven higher universes.

Because the original 5D plan was not achievable, it required our planetary evolution move through the many time fields at a faster pace, to move through many inorganic timelines that are located within the Harmonic Universes where earth has histories and memories, to be drastically sped up in our experience of time. The impact of this is the amplification of the world of forces which radically amplify polarities on the earth. So for many of us we have been called to be of service to earth as Polarity Integrators. Those beings choosing to serve the Law of One, are moving through extreme amounts of compiled future timelines, observing their collapse, in order to arrive at the Zero Point Field Gateway Octave where the Organic and eternal light is overriding the Artificial Machinery and overriding replicated alien coding of the NAA.

When one reclaims their spiritual body and its identity in an obsolete, false or inorganic timeline, one moves though that timeline into the next dimensional octave timeline, to repeat the process while moving up the spiral of time. As we move up the dimensional octaves (or scale) to higher frequency, we also become conscious of future time. 4th/5th density. Moving through octaves of dimensional frequencies is synonymous with moving forward in time. The planetary Ascension cycle is the end of a 3D combined timeline, and the planet is moving into a higher frequency of future time, a future dimensional octave. This skips the planetary consciousness field, therefore human beings and their consciousness, into future time and space fields which have much higher dimensional frequencies. 5thDensity/dimension

As many different people on 3D earth are existing at different levels on the scale of spiritual evolution, where their frequency resides and stabilizes, will determine their direction and future, whether they are personally involved in that decision or not. If a person is initiated into their Soul Matrix bodies (4D-5D-6D), and enters the frequency of the next Harmonic Universe (by embodying their soul frequency), they will be exposed to another potential six timelines (Total of 6D=12 timelines). The next Harmonic Universe, the parallel 5D earth, has these next six potential timelines, and those entities, with an agenda for 5D, are working for that agenda. (That would be the Nibiruan Annunaki Alien invasion NAA and subsequent later timeline, the Black Sun Program of the Orion Zeta-Draco Invasion of 5D earth. Together these Negative Aliens are mind controlling humanity through inorganic Alien Machinery that project the archetypes of the False King of Tyranny.)

If a person is initiated into their oversoul (Monad) bodies (7D-8D-9D), they will enter the frequency of the next Harmonic Universe, and will be exposed to another six potential timelines (Total of 9D=18 timelines). When exposed to these timelines, they will be activated with cellular memory clearing or remembering these timelines, in order to reclaim the identities that exist within those timelines. This is a direct pathway of the spiritual ascension process for all beings, to re-integrate all of the selves. The oversoul Harmonic Universe, the parallel 7D earth, has the next six potential timelines, and those entities, with an agenda working in 7D, are working for that agenda. (That would be the beings known in the New Age as the Ascended Masters, or Chohans serving the Alpha Draconis/Orion Group Agenda.) When initiated into the Christos Avatar Body (10D-11D-12D) another 6 timelines are accessed (Total of 12D = 24 Timelines).

This natural and organic evolutionary event is being fought over with territorial conflicts in the multiple timelines with unaware 3D human beings caught in the middle. Knowledge protects while Ignorance Harms. The 5D Timeline (False Ascension Matrix) - this was the original Ascension evolution timeline for the 3D earth, which has now been aborted by Guardian Founder Races and the Starseeds who incarnated on 3D earth to serve the GSF Cosmic Sovereign Law or the Organic Ascension timeline, The Law of One.

All sovereign and future advanced races that have a basic understanding of the natural physics of creation, choose to live in harmony with each other, as within the principles of the Law of One. As our current 3D earth evolved through time (therefore dimensional space), at the end of this evolution round (every 26,000 years called the Precession of the Equinoxes) by moving into the next octave, the planet and its inhabitants would “ascend” to the next dimensional space. The next dimensional space, or Harmonic Universe, comprises 4D-5D-6D, which is the human soul matrix (where the human soul identities and soul bodies exist). Together these three dimensions make up the next harmonic universe of the 5D parallel earth. At the end of this evolutionary cycle Planetary Rounds which ended on 12/21/2012, there are past and future timeline collapses intersecting with this current ascending reality. Humanity merges into the next octave layers by living out all of the potential six timelines of the 3rd dimension, into memory completion, and the next series of future timelines open to commence in the next cycle.

Reconciling Memories in Timelines
When we realize that the consequences of our actions today were the result of inauthentic decisions made in the past (when we were projecting a mask of deception), that moment of realization can be painful. Every little event is connecting throughout the golden threads woven in the fabric of all time for us to see. Some of us may play out these timeline memories or events that were recorded in time, consciously or unconsciously. At this time we are being required to reconcile ancestral memories recorded in timelines in some kind of format as it surfaces it will present us with a task or conflict to resolve. Many of us are reconciling the past or future timelines, as well as issues presented at the individual self, the ancestral self, the karmic self, or the collective planetary self and so forth. We may have the “Come to Jesus” moment in our life and be forced to see the pain and harm we have caused (or our ancestors caused) to
ourselves and others through histories recorded in time. We may have allowed another person or thing that we love to have authority in our life direction and influence our timeline and recently learned they have misrepresented themselves. No matter how this deception has occurred, if we have based our life on a foundation of self-deception (masking identities) that deception is crumbling away beneath our feet, and this can feel scary. When we lose what we may have believed is the foundation of our identity, the Ego/Personality the lack of reinforcement to that identity may contribute to feeling a loss of clarity or trust in life. Administering compassion and offering kind understanding to support those in this situation is greatly needed today.

Many of these conflicts and trauma have been carried for eons of time buried in our bodies as ancestral memories from other timelines. When these memory traumas remain unseen and unhealed, they turn into dead light (black energy, frozen or static fields). This dead light creates energy blockages and distortion which is also called Miasma. (When discussing the reconciliation of ancestral memories it is also referencing the Dead Energy blockages of recorded ancestral miasma.) This dead light (energy) miasma is recorded in the planetary body as well as our own individual bodies. When we clear miasma and their imprints from our individual body we are helping to clear the larger macrocosm. 

This is the external reality we experience in physical matter on 3D Earth including the nature of timelines that exist at the Particle Universe level. At certain points in the time cycle when merges occur, new architecture can be created which impacts the particle and antiparticle time field. This time is now. (The Inner Worlds are the access key to creating the Universal Ascension timeline known as Ascension Plan B.)

Each section of the Triune of Universes intersects at a 45 degree angle of respective particle spin which moves diagonally. This usually creates a buffer between them which keeps spaces closed off. However, that buffer is dissolving and during this phase the Triune of Universes and their timelines are merging. This creates “entry points” at several layers of the time field or dimensional plane of which can be intersected, for our interest to create Krystal Star Host handshake hubs in previously closed off spaces. (A handshake hub is a Triad Communication Station that is the link up and specific living geometry that connects to the Krystal Host.) This is a phenomenon that only occurs during a certain phase of the timeline within the Ascension Cycle. For those of us as energy grid workers, this merge provides an advantage to create some vast changes and corrections in the energy architecture which impacts past and future timelines. This is a window of opportunity.

Next: The Four Stages of The Awakening: Initiation, Absorption, Integration, Ascension

Sources; compiled  from the works of  Ra-Law of One, Q'uo, Anna Hayes, Dolores Cannon, The Elohim, Ascension Glossary

Friday, July 30, 2021

The Spirit Body of the Monad

Monad Triad Bodies
The Spirit Body of the Monad is the higher mind function of the Observer, watching and aware of forming concepts and making assessments. It is the higher mind principle consciousness that comes to neutral conclusions and decisions based on accumulated experiences. When the spirit is in control of the nervous system of the body, it makes higher evolution of Consciousness action possible.

The Spirit body comes in at the moment of conception through the Permanent Seed Atom in the higher heart complex to guide the formation of the human beings Blueprint and prepare for incarnation. Unresolved Soul trauma can block the spirit from evolving the consciousness to activate the higher heart, as the soul and spirit are intricately involved in the spiritual functions of the heart. The core essence of the spirit within the human being exists in the heart seed, and is moving throughout time and space, eternally.

The Monad spiritual body triad is the 7th, 8th and 9th layer but it starts connecting at the 8th Chakra level Thymus Gland which is the Higher Heart. When the Monad starts coming in like this, the whole Heart complex changes pattern, meaning the Heart Chakra is no longer an Astral Heart 4th Chakra, it is a Blue Aqua Heart. The Heart Chakra turns blue and the frequency coming through starts turning blue, this is a connection to the turquoise of the Mother Arc which ignites the inner holy spirit called the Amoraea Flame. So the 8th Dimension is a Gold color but when the Monad starts flowering in the Diamond Heart, and the Heart starts to configure, it actually looks blue and they call this configuration the Living Crystal Lotus Heart or Crystal Rose Heart. Galactivation. 

Monadic Extensions
When we intend to connect with the organic architecture of our Christos Blueprint, this helps to heal and integrate our soul extensions and monadic extensions. Our Soul and Monad is a family of consciousness that contains extensions that are existing simultaneously in other dimensional timelines. The first level of spiritual Awakening is connecting with our soul consciousness and extensions, our soul family is comprised of 12 different individual personalities. As we integrate our Soul consciousness, we integrate these 12 aspects within our consciousness body, and this unifies the triad of the entire Soul Matrix, so that we experience our emotions and the forces of love in entirely new ways.

Complete soul integration leads us to the higher integration of our Monadic matrix or Oversoul Matrix, which contains 12 oversouls, each containing 12 souls within them, for a total of 144 monadic or oversoul extensions. With each stage of monadic integration there are significant expansions of consciousness that unify the monadic matrix in our consciousness body, and then we find that we are connected to everything, living in a massive Universe that is filled with many possibilities to explore. The process of soul extension and monadic family reintegration is happening at an accelerated rate at this time, because this has been made possible when the transduction birth records were shifted into organic Timelines.

Higher Heart Healing
When our Heart is healed, there is a fire that is ignited inside the Heart that is accessed, and the fire in the Heart is also in the Kidneys. There is a triangle that connects the Heart into the Kidneys. The Kidneys are in the base of the triangle from left to right and the point of the triangle is in the Heart. When the Heart is healed, there is a twin flame ignition in our Heart and Kidneys, which shifts the Heart configuration. Twin flames equals structure of light within the Heart. So two flames ignite in the Heart. The Monad is the greater flame and the physical body is the lesser flame. When this dual flame is ignited, there is an ignition in the Heart and a fire coming into the Kidneys, which is about blood cleansing.

The Monadic spark starts to connect to the Permanent Seed Atom, which is the Christ Consciousness Silicate Matrix and the instruction set for our Krystal Body. This is the seed that the controllers are attempting to crush or stop from flowering in the human population. They want to crush the Permanent Seed Atom in the Thymus Gland center, which is the 8th Chakra, which is where the Monad starts coming in and actually connecting into the body. The damage of the Diamond Heart manifesting into a Anubian Black Heart damages the Permanent Seed Atom and is what manifests as Monadic Reversal or Metatronic Reversal.

Third Harmonic Universe
For human beings, these consciousness bodies exist throughout the densities and are aspects of the higher self and Lightbody. These aspects are called the Stations of Identity.
In the Third Harmonic Universe in 7D-8D-9D exists the three layers of the Monadic matrix.
In the Third Harmonic Universe in 7D-8D-9D exists the three layers of the Gaian matrix.
Monad and Seed Atom

The Monad and the Permanent Seed Atom are different parts of the same functioning spirit body. When the seed atom is coming online the Monadic light generates into the diamond blueprint Diamond Heart filter of the permanent seed atom. The inner Monadic spirit ignites with the Mother's Holy Spirit or the Amoraea Flame. The activated 'Christ' Seed Atom generates the instruction set of the Silicate Matrix and is the Universal Christos Field or 12D Ray.

Monadic Integration = Divine Purpose
Many of us cannot manifest our divine purpose and destiny projects until this alignment and embodiment of our Oversoul or Monad transpires. Our divine purpose is part and parcel of our divine consciousness and we cannot manifest purpose without our spirit intelligence embodied. Many of us have been searching for our "purpose" when we actually should be working to free and embody our spiritual bodies. We cannot live our true purpose until we are embodied in our Monadic spirit intelligence.

Those poised for stewardship in the next cycle as a part of the "changing of the guard" cannot be corrupted, damaged or deluded that we are in possession or ownership of anything material. The Oversoul/Monad intelligence is able to direct resources without personal agenda ... There is no Negative Ego bargaining or superimposing of personal will allowed – ever. There can be no continued "lies of omission", self-delusion or lack of clarity in any circumstance of our relationships that had created confusion in our lives. We must see all that has been hidden in the shadow and put it all on the altar before God...

Higher Heart Chakra Activation
Monadic Activation
The Monad spirit body is entwined with the activation of the 8th Chakra located at the thymus gland. When the Permanent Seed Atom begins to activate the sequence of Monadic integration begins to link with the 9th Chakra in a moving gyroscopic field with its center axis in the pineal gland.

Soul-Monad Connection
The Spirit body of the Monad is only consciously aware of the contents of the Soul when it is connected to the Soul. This is the same as when the physical body is disconnected from the Soul, the conscious mind does not remember her (cannot feel the soul). When the Spirit body is disconnected from the Soul, the spirit consciousness can no longer remember the Soul, and becomes unconscious of the Souls memory of existence. This unconsciousness has the impact of Soul fragmentation. How this manifests in the First World, the lowest plane on earth, is Insanity, schizophrenia, catatonia, psychotic break, and all other forms of split consciousness. How this manifests in the Second world is chaotic dream states of astral delusions, holographic bits of fragmented pictures of millions of storylines. These pictures intersect without coherence or cohesion, just jumbled messages of dreamy, disconnected fantasy images and impressions. This manifests in the Third World in much the same way as an anesthetic puts the consciousness to sleep, similar to hypnotic like trance or sleepwalking. When the Consciousness layers are split apart, it results in a sleepwalking or amnesiac type trance in all Three Worlds. Conversely, when we awaken our consciousness and start to desire communication with our Soul and Spirit, this starts the awakening process in all Three Worlds. 

Universal Ascension Model
15D Stairstep
In our Ascension model we recognize and work with 15 Waves of Spectrum of Frequency that correlate directly with the Universal Rays (See the Universal Time Matrix) and our individual Chakra systems. The first nine layers of the Spectrum of Frequency or Kundalini include levels of particle currents that make up the matter worlds. Above nine dimensions are the anti-particle dimensions which are blueprint forms of liquid plasma light or hydroplasmic currents. The amount of energy stored in the Kundalini is the capacity of the genetic code to hold energy. The Soul energies that cannot integrate into the DNA will be stored in the Kundalini center at the base of the spine.

These three layers can be seen in the 12 Tree Grid graphic as in the Monadic dimension and are related to the 7th dimensional timelines on the future planet earth, Gaia.

Human Crystal Body

The human energy field contains our Lightbody instruction set which houses our Crystal Body for the inner Christos-Sophia dwelling and that holds the resonate energy signature of the different light and sound cells in our unique personal Blueprint. As with the mechanics of creation, the crystal body exists in Gender Principle, the masculine layer holds the light imprint for all of our flame access points, while the feminine layer holds the sound imprint which holds all the possibility for the tonal layers. When the inner and outer masculine and feminine energy aspects in our consciousness become one and unified together, the crystal body aspects of light and sound recreate their pattern in the Lightbody to reflect the same unity between the light and sound imprints held within the crystal body. When the Crystal Body light and sound layers unify into one body, this stage of Lightbody development opens up the possibility to generate different sound light emanations into liquid light Plasma Waves. This is the generation of hierogamic crystalline blueprints in the crystal body that further activate the Crystal Gene in the Silicate Matrix which then catalyzes a range of Bio-Spiritual Plasmas.

The Sophianic plasma activations in the planet are turning on the correct ‘musica universalis’ that turns on the crystal body anatomy with the initiation of the sound body cell activation, which begins to clear out the atomic structure of sextant matrix distortions. The sextant matrix is an atomic clock distortion that holds in place the corrupted elemental forces to prevent permanent seed activation and natural crystal body functions. An example is the artificial bucky ball harness which acts as a densifier to compact carbon molecules in our physical form in order to keep them static and locked down in a position on the timeline grid, which interferes with the sound body and the natural fluidity of the mesomorphic process of the crystalline matrix in the human lightbody and crystal body layers.

As the Baphomet Network finally collapses, the keys that unlock the sound cell activation are sourcing from the 2D Grual points, which unlock bursts of plasma light to flood the sexual organs and lower extremities linking the KA center to the RA center, which generates correction to the base Rod formation. The masculine Rod formation controls the time vector codes of the consciousness body, so this means a shift into a different position in the timeline. The main gender center blueprint is located in the 2D layers, when these centers are being activated to clear out corrupt elementals or make corrections to gender balance (Rod and Staff), there are plasma flames that burst out in the feet, ankles, calves and knees. This generally continues to cycle through and activate the flame access points in the entire lotus point sets throughout the monadic bio-computer layer. This can set off a chain reaction of detoxification symptoms as the consciousness body is doing whatever it can to drop density.

This activation changes the position of the consciousness body in the timeline, and thus it may create dramatic timeline shifts, which happens when the consciousness body grounding mechanism has shifted positions in the location of the field. Given that this is a planetary event, this is shifting the timelines and increasing the bifurcation between the organic reality and inorganic reality, which can create surreal experiences in the widening of the masses opposing perceptions in the current events. Those that remain asleep to planetary ascension have a fundamental consensus built into their ego-personality and so perceive the outer reality through the filter of the controlled narrative of mind control. 

Those awakening also have a general perception of the outer reality and events, in which they are breaking free of the mind control and thus have the more accurate account of the actual events transpiring. With the timeline shift occurring to those on the awakening path, the balance held in those seeking truth versus those feeding the deceptions in the controlled narrative, become even more energetically polarized and readily apparent in the outer talking points. In current times it is important to understand that we must see who is who by their demonstrated actions in public, which provide evidence of their collusion in committing crimes against humanity.

Crystal Body and DNA

The Crystal Body is connected within the permanent seed atom of the higher heart center, and is wholly responsible for building the consciousness structure that holds the Soul, Monadic and higher spiritual bodies, by running the energetic circuitry that forms into merkaba spirals which further build into the complex webbing of the entire nadis structure. The nadis structure is essentially the entirety of the complex circuitry forming into the multidimensional layers of the central nervous system, which functions as the conduit for consciousness energy and Light Symbol Codes. Therefore, it is the central nervous system or Bio-Neurology which is required to function correctly in order to run the soul, monadic and higher spiritual frequencies of light and sound throughout the Brain, nervous system and body. The Crystal Body functions as the multidimensional structure that interconnects consciousness energy and biology, it builds the necessary energy structures for the light and sound bodies to link with all of the higher spiritual bodies from within the physical form.

All incarnating angelic humans have a unique individual expression that is held within morphogenetic instruction sets that express the specific physical attributes that the consciousness chooses to manifest as its specific characteristics in form. The multidimensional blueprint which consciousness utilizes to experience individuated consciousness within a dimensionalized form or biology is the Crystal Body. The Crystal Body is critical in setting the electromagnetic spirals and foundation structure for the unique design and attributes of the individual’s DNA. The Crystal Body generates the instruction set for the entire biological energetic system through DNA, setting up the lightbody configuration which functions as the pre-matter construction for the shape of the actual matter form.

The Crystal Body remains mostly dormant in humans until consciousness growth stages of heart opening actually occur in the 8th Chakra center during the monadic integration phase. In the dormant phase, an individual’s DNA remains spiritually stagnant and is therefore largely being shaped through epigenetic exposures or environmental factors. In many cases, the negative ego programs of over mentalized intellectualization directly block communication exchanges from the heart center into the Crystal Body. Hence the aggressive trauma-based mind control targeting used by the Controllers as the main spiritual warfare tactic to keep humanity in fear for the purpose of shutting down their higher heart center, which tends to result as inactivity within the Crystal Body.

Activation of the Crystal Body starts with opening our heart center towards feeling and experiencing more loving kindness, compassion and empathy for ourselves and others, which naturally occurs during the first stages of spiritual awakening. After the heart center is able to feel and express unconditional love, the next stages of Crystal Body activation come from assorted ascension wave transmissions from the Sun or stellar bodies into the planetary grid, which include a variety of light symbol codes. The individual’s Crystal Body is interlinked with the entire Tribal Shield, which includes the Crystal Body blueprint for all of the variations of specific frequency arrangements for the 12 Tribes of the angelic human template.

As a result of the plasma initiations and magnetic reset, the activation of the larger Crystal Body for the Tribal Shield memories and the Diamond Sun DNA information is methodically clearing and removing alien hybrid genetic codes, AI codes and an assortment of blood covenants that were used as consciousness traps. These genetic distortions in the personal DNA code must be cleared in order to generate the DNA signal handshake through each of the dimensional planes that are holding the Crystal Body matrix instruction set for the entire Tribal Shield DNA coding.

With the Summer Solstice, we are in an ascension wave in which solar plasma frequencies are being saturated through the planetary grid network to assist in monadic matrix integration for Crystal Body activation, which further leads to an acceleration in DNA assembly. This is the generation of hierogamic crystalline blueprints in the individual Crystal Body that further activate the crystal gene in the silicate matrix which then catalyzes a range of bio-spiritual plasmas.

The Lightbody is the human energy field body or Energy Aura body that projects our Consciousness through a holographic template that generates the physical manifestations we experience within this material reality. It is comprised of many interwoven layers of electromagnetic frequency (light and sound waves) that make up the consciousness intelligence identities that function in each dimensional layer that exists within the Universal Time Matrix. The lightbody is the holder of our consciousness record and identities throughout time, and it holds the living light code of our Blueprint structure and maintains our direct connection and communication with our higher self, the Godhead or Source.

There are 3 main Levels of LightBody

Level 1 - 12 Tree Grid and its Horizontal Triad Bodies

Level 2 - Chakra Crystal Keys, Axiatonal Lines, Hara and Nadial Structure

Level 3 - Chakra System

Human Energy Field or Energetic Aura

The human Lightbody or Aura is comprised of multiple interconnected layers of electromagnetic fields of energy that extend all around the physical body like an energy shield covering and protecting all of the bodies. When we are meditating and practicing our 12D Shielding, we are placing our attention on our lightbody to help strengthen, protect and grow our personal consciousness body. The Lightbody is the structure, which is required to house the electromagnetic energies of the Soul-Spirit bodies in order to connect them with the physical layer of the human body. Electrical impulses are generated from the Lightbody via the Nadial Structure, which is a spiritual body part. It is made up of a webbing of energetic receivers and energetic transmitters that are intrinsic to the interconnected messaging functions in the human Soul-Spirit consciousness layers.

However, when this communication from the Soul-Spirit is working between the Lightbody and the CNS, they function together as the communication link between energy receivers and transmitters that signal into the nerve cells and brain. The nerve cells build new biological neural networks which instruct the brain and spiritual intelligence to connect the energetic circuitry required to grow the human electromagnetic field, and this forms into the energetic aura that projects outward from the body. The energetic quality of the person’s energy Aura will be represented in the energetic balance of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual functioning, and will be demonstrated in the physical through the person’s thoughts, behaviors and actions.

The quality, color and size of the energy aura of a person is directly related to the level of health, bio-neurological functioning and spiritual connection that person has access to. A person with a bigger and brighter energy aura is more healthy, coherent and balanced, with a better functioning nervous system and brain, than a person with a small and cloudy energy aura. Small, gray, cloudy energy auras will produce more blockages and imbalances, such as mental dysfunctions or defects in the functioning of the Brain and nervous system

Crystalline Properties

The earth body and the human body, as well as the entire DNA record is made in crystalline properties. The Silicate Matrix DNA template is the original human crystalline blueprint that is activated in the human body when contact or connection is made with love coded hydroplasmic light, which is essentially liquid crystals. The Human Energy Field consists of an array of oscillating energy centers that are nested within a multi-dimensional Blueprint of interacting crystal structures that organize into an assortment of crystalline functions. All of the interactive layers of the physical matrices, such as the organ and glandular systems, down to our skeletal structure are known to have piezoelectric properties and crystalline functioning. Our bone structure is the primary solid crystal in our physical body that acts as the main frequency transducer throughout our bodily matrices. 

Thus, the key to restoring energetic balance and health is to understand that we must sustain an abundant amount of life force to circulate through our physical structures, through the awareness we are a crystalline being that conducts energy through crystalline functioning. Everything that we are exposed to has an energetic signature and frequency that impacts our energetic balance. This means all humans have the same properties as Crystals, the ability to amplify, absorb, store and transmit a range of vibrational energies that have an overall effect that is either healthy or unhealthy for the entire body.
Universal Ascension Model




Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Emerald Order, The Kristos/Christos Lineage & the Re-Encryption Project

The Emerald Order God World Creation is the most ancient spiritual home of the Kristos Races. They are a family of Rainbow and Emerald Dragons which contain one of the Tri-Matrices of the Azurites, which are three 48 stranded matrices that hold a total of 144 dimensions. The Emerald Heart of Earth is the first emanation of the EFFI which represents the first individuation of the God Source is the Emerald Order. A part of the Cosmic Trinity. The Emerald Order Oraphim have Emerald Sun DNA which is up to 48 strands of DNA.

As this Energy center is revived and linked up with the Cosmic Emerald Energy Center, it restores the Emerald Sun DNA 48 strand template in which all Indigo Maji Grail lines and Emerald Order representatives can gain access to from within their personal Diamond Sun template. As Cosmic Holy Father incarnated into the Emerald Order King Arthur Christos template, he brought with him the Emerald Rod codes for the Universal 12:12 Christos Male Electrical pattern manifested into the 11D Rod and Staff architecture as a planetary upgrade anchored into the Albion Lightbody. This is the divine purpose of why we came during the Ascension Cycle, so that we would be wide awake during the time - the return of the Holy Emerald Order was finally being announced! Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift, may our weary hearts find comfort and peace to rejoice in this sacred knowledge!

Additionally, there are Oraphim that carry the Double Diamond Sun Body from 24-30 strands of DNA. The Emerald Order Oraphim and the Double Diamond Oraphim are from the Christos lines that are here on the planet to direct the Universal Threefold Founder Flame frequencies to repair the architecture of the planetary grid, as well as communicate with the Aurora for the Aurora Krystal Matrix Re-Encryption of Elemental Body projects with the Master Christos Collective, a consortium of beings that are from the Seven Higher Heavens realms.

Solar Anointed Christ-Buddha Initiation
The reclaiming of the Temple Mount through Solar Christ Michael’s return to the 2D gateways included the unbinding and eviction of many dark, demonic shadow creatures being used by NAA entities to spread Luciferian and Satanic forces through human Blood Sacrifice, thus they are not happy with this recent development. For this event announces the return of Michael and the planetary Emerald Awakening activated in the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, in which the Solar Anointed Christed Buddha Initiation has taken place within the 11th dimensional layer of the Buddhic Body, fully igniting the 144,000 Emerald Hearts into the 45-degree diamond grids that return the Emerald Order to Earth.

Cosmic Founder Step Down into 18D
To communicate with the Rha God World of Amethyst Order which source from the 36th dimension, and the original Emerald Order God World sourcing from the 48th dimension, the Cosmic Founders have stepped themselves down into the pure Rainbow Diamond Ray transmission from 18D. The Emerald Order God World domains in 48D stepped down into 18D to transmit the Rainbow Dragon Breath through the Diamond Ray current to perform the Solar Anointed Christ-Buddha Initiation on Earth to awaken the Solar Dragon Michael, the 13th Dragon King holder originally from the Emerald Sun God Worlds.

Kristos Race
The Kristos or Christos is referred to as the first level of creation that is the closest to God Source in the Universal Time Matrix. The Cosmic Krist or Christ is a God Consciousness field which holds the original divine blueprint of which the Eternal Living Life Currents are created and perpetually generated. The Christ/Krist is also a mathematical program and specific living light manifestation template. The original tones of creation are KA RA YA SA TA AA LA. The Krystal Star or eternal Krystallah Merkabah body. It is also a reference to the ES term used, the "Trinitized Form". This is the Tri-Wave Form of Unity Consciousness rather than a Bi-Wave form of polarity consciousness. A part of our Ascension plan is to embody this Trinity, the Unity consciousness known as the Cosmic Christ or Krist Code. Our self sovereign divine right as God-Human beings is to be freed from this Time Matrix (the reincarnation wheel) as the full embodiment of the Kristos Race.

Master Christos Collective
The Oraphim are the Double Diamond Sun Body of the Christos that are here on planet to direct the Universal Threefold Founder Flame Frequencies to repair the architecture of the planetary grid, as well as communicate with the Aurora for the Aurora Krystal Matrix Re-Encryption of Elemental Body projects with the Master Christos Collective, a consortium of beings that are from the Seven Higher Heavens realms. These are the Ancient Master builder Races that are also called Guardian Host from which the Essenes on the earth have been generated. These are Rainbow Ray beings from outside of dimensionalization and are the real Ascended Masters. Kunda-Ray is the rainbow field of the Ascended Master Christos Collective which unite with the Aurora rainbow fields of the same luminal crystalline light principle, or the Tri-Tone Luminaries from the Andromeda Galaxy.

The Master Christos Collective are Ascended Masters of Krystal Star that may be communicated with in the Seven Higher Heavens or Trans-time continuum, which is located in the core of the next universes (through Andromeda) and corridors which lead into the higher creation realms of the God Worlds. They are a United Krystal Star Matrix Collective of beings from multiple God Realms that are in alliance with the Krystal Star and Aurora Re-encryptions projects. Their role is to unite all identities of the Personal Christ through all Precession of the Equinoxes Ascension cycles with the God Source and their collective matrix is the architecture of the Krystal Kaleidoscope which became accessible in 2014. Essentially they are the Collective Christ Sun Bodies uniting in the many universal cores simultaneously which phase lock into access into the Omniverses.

Master Christos in the Triune of Universes
The first section of the Triune is the Particle Universal Scale of Time, the second section of the Triune is the Anti-Particle Universal Scale of Time, the third section of the Triune is the Universal Inner Worlds Scale of Time or the In-between Spaces. The opening in the Triune of Universes timelines is called the Transtime Continuum Convergence. Triune Timelines accumulate as planet has access to their memories. There is 864 Timelines representing 864 Time Vector Codes for a total of accessing 1728 Christos Identities. This is the Personal Christ identities that connect into the Kunda-Ray of the Master Christos Collective Consciousness.

Kryst Hala Tones
When the tones of KA RA YA SA TA AA LA are woven into a complete pattern, they are an actual “Merkabah” Plasma Wave Spirit Body. This Spirit Body of Krystal Consciousness is phonetically (sounds like) spelled something like: CHRYSTHALLA or KRYST HALA (KA RA YA SA TA HA LA - emphasis on the H), which also describes and explains (means) the male and female merged as Risen Christos Double Diamond Sun Body. These KA RA YA SA TA AA LA tones are a part of the Krystal Star and Krystal Diamond Sun Matrix of the Ascended Masters referred to as the Master Christos Collective located in the Omniverses of the higher God Worlds.

Aurora Host Matrix
The Aurora Host Matrix is the Aurora Body located beyond the Universal Neutron Window and into the core of the Next Universe, the Seven Higher Heavens, or High Creational Realm in Andromeda. They are families of the Krystal Star, and bring to the earth plane the Aurora Elements which are also called the New Earth Elemental Command. They have answered the call from the Threefold Founder Flame represented in the Cosmic Triad of the GSF.

The Aurora mission is to work with the new elementals for the new earth. These are called the New Earth Elemental Command. This role is to help re-encrypt the human physical body on atomic and subatomic levels because the chemical constituents of our DNA is an elemental base. Our physical body is an elemental body and it’s comprised of these four base level chemical constituents. We can use the four elements to understand the four levels of chemicals that comprise our DNA which is earth/fire/water/air. Our human bodies are not transmuting fast enough the karmic base of Negative Form, the Miasma, that was needed in order to move us through less dense formats in order to handle the accelerated (frequency) energy. 

This is a primary reason that we are having the Aurora host this planet for the ascension timeline. Now with the re encryption of our particle base, as we are being re encrypted on an atomic level, our particles are being shifted and we are being upgraded into these new re encryption templates and modes to work with the new elemental command. This is to build the physical elemental form and Monadic form of our body back into the organic life force of our divine blueprint, the original human soul, the Christos blueprint a 12 strand DNA Silicate Matrix. This is also called the core manifestation template of the 12 Tree Grid. However, this is what the Aurora’s mission is - to build the planetary and individual particle base and re-encrypt us with its new coding. Our bodies are being upgraded beyond Carbon Atom base coding.

Krystal Star Hosting Began December 2012
Aurora Hosting Cycle Begins: The Morphogenetic Field structure of the planetary mathematical architecture has been coded to fully anchor the Krystal Star frequency presence along with running its “living” energetic current in the planetary brain or Planetary Logos. This has been generated from the constant work involved in the rehabilitation and recoding of the damaged planetary grids, which act as the central nervous system for the planet. There is still much more to do with resetting the planetary grids and the logos (brain) into compatible messaging for trinitized frequency formats. After a knock down, dragged out battle for the end game pieces in December, we emerged from the demolition of the flying dust particles in early January with ALL of those pieces. Those pieces began a re-assembly process that has been frenzied with many extra dimensional and multidimensional humans acting as conduits in the end game. This was to allow the Liquid Krystal Forces and current to wash through the many energetic tributaries, ley lines and meridians within the planetary consciousness field.

This event necessitates that we will continue to rebuild architecture ongoing from this month, as a part of the full Ascension Timeline available on the earth for the next thousand years. At the end of this root race consciousness cycle, the Guardians had been extracting Melchizedek hosting architecture and other fallen networks in the planetary consciousness grids. These various networks are systematically being recoded to the Avatar of Ascension, or Aurora Host. The Aurora Host and/or Krystal Star are the consciousness root race evolution cycle that we begin this month. The Aurora Body (luminaries from the next Universe) are the Ascending host consciousness for the new races evolving on planet earth.

The Guardian Alliance is directed by the Elohim Emerald Order Breneau who support the Guardians incarnated on the earth that are connected to the lineages of the Christos Founder Races. These are Starseeds and Indigos that have incarnated specifically to restore the Emerald Covenant, or reclamation of the Christos. The Emerald Breneau Founders specifically incarnate into the Lyran-Sirian lines that originate from Sirius B, as the blue Azurites and Oraphim. The Christos Founder Races mission includes supporting the pathway of disclosure that leads into planetary liberation and Ascension, and providing the records for witness testimony on behalf of the earth and humanity to be freed from their AI alien oppressors and to gain access into the Interdimensional Free World Council.

I leave you in the love and light of our Infinite Creator.