Wednesday, May 01, 2019

The Quantum Computer & Physical Mobility, Dr Noel Huntley (1998)

Many years of research by the author has revealed that physical movement of living organisms, such as animals, humans, etc. is achieved by two mechanisms synchronised together. The two mechanisms are 1) the muscular system, and 2) what we can call the quantum computer system. [Note that in this article, when we say 'quantum computer' we are not referring to the more recent developments in quantum computers, quantum information, qubits, etc. but just the feature of the quantum state, which gives instantaneousness; also superposition is implied---but beyond current quantum physics there must also be superimposition due to the multidimensional nature of all creation.]

If we possessed only the muscular system, that is, central nervous system, nerve impulses to muscles, muscular contraction, and movement, we would only be able to twitch! This is the Newtonian mechanism; a reality with which this civilisation is thoroughly programmed. It is a force system, contrary to the harmonic systems of the quantum-field features of the mind computer.

As we know, the muscular system, in operating on Newton's laws, involves forces, inertia, tension, effort, fatigue, etc. The quantum computer system couldn't be more opposite but is based on knowledge suppressed on this planet.

The quantum computer system can be imagined to be an energy field around the joints--picture spheres within spheres of electromagnetic energy touching one another (actually spirals). These are vortices of quantum waves, which we theorise precipitate a digital pattern of nodes into the joint areas to control, by resonance, the angle of the joints. This process is normally perfectly synchronised with the muscle tensions.

A learning-pattern structure is a particular format of information and is stored within these vortices. We are aware of this information in the form of the kinesthetic sense. In imagination try moving your arms about, particularly behind your back. You can feel exactly where they are at any instant. This is due to (what we shall call) consciousness' input interfacing with the template action of the learning patterns. This sensation essentially occurs in the margin of consciousness. If a movement is learned it does not require the main attention to execute its details.

The bits of information in the learning patterns are stored in space and time. The structure of the learning pattern is 4-dimensional and thus time acts like space. The learning pattern is in fact a 4D holographic template that converts nonlinear information into linear information. See other articles on learning patterns.

When one learns a specific sequence of movements, there are two processes at work, 1) specific programming or learning , and 2) general learning achieved by increase in information density. Specific programming is merely the action of connecting together existing bits of information within a particular information density of the learning patterns. We call this coordination. This is all that is recognised in current science. It is like inputting a particular programme into a computer. Now the second, general-learning process involves increasing the information density so that better specific programs can be achieved. This is like changing the computer for a better one (2), or while programming it (1) adding extra chips.

The shocking news for our scientific belief systems, which are based on simple 3D logic, is that this information density has no particular limits! We are not remotely limited by the number of motor units, as considered in current physiology. (Space prohibits an elaboration of this here.*) Furthermore, and accompanying this, effort can be reduced indefinitely. And we do not mean that effort (combination of physical and mental) approaches zero exponentially. This is not of course expected to be believed or understood at this stage. But we are dealing with a holographic, contextual, nonlinear variable with a relative zero. [* Book: The Attainment of Superior Physical Abilities by N. Huntley.]

Now, to the degree the quantum computer system's energies penetrate within the physiology of joint areas (such as wrist, elbow, shoulder), inertia is reduced! Note that current science does not have a corresponding understanding of inertia (see article on inertia).

Quantum action is energy multiplied by time. The elements within the quantum action are in phase within the span of the quantum action. It is holistic and does not incorporate any Newtonian forces or inertia. There is a complete failure to understand this in present physics (due to underlying, almost evolutionary, negative control and programming).

Einstein used the expression, "No force condition", in his relativity. But in error he permitted a Newtonian explanation of this, that is, that it is due to cancelled forces. Quantum action is based on the undivided whole (achieved by resonance of all parts) and there are no Newtonian forces. A planet is not pushed into curved space around the sun as depicted in all physics books. There is no centrifugal force! Or it is very slight (curved space nevertheless handles this---but this is not realised). The solar system follows the same wave mechanics as an atom (the planets are locked into resonance at nodal points of wave action). And the electron orbiting in an atom certainly does not have any centrifugal force (and thus no energy is expected to be lost, as theorised prior to quantum theory).

Returning to the learning pattern. The bits of information automatically organise holographically. Let us analyse a specific example in the following thought experiment.

Consider moving, say, the hand from A to B, laterally about one foot. Now we imagine the ideal case of there being no learning-pattern development for this movement (however, even a baby would have considerable bits of information for this movement). The individual ideates the whole movement; attention is on the final result when such a simple (learned) movement is executed. This ideation is a whole quantum state oscillation--it is an action concept.

Now since there is no information for this action (unlearned), the individual will fail to make any movement. The only way the motion could be achieved would be by teleportation if this were possible.

The ideation must be broken down into smaller wholes (and copies stored). In fact there must be a hierarchy of reducing wholes down to the smallest bit---all superimposed. This is the only way complete control over the movement can be achieved, which means being able to sense every position between A and B; it means any speed within a certain range can be achieved; it means a high speed can be reached by shifting the attention towards the greater wholes; and last but not least, in fact, quite astonishingly it means the individual (in sequences taking longer time) can take his attention off the movement but return it so that it instantly goes into phase with the movement. This is an amazing access system. It succeeds because the input (consciousness) has all its own potential ideations duplicated (copied and stored) in the learning pattern--every state from small to large instantly resonates, and the input can then take over at any ideation level. This is the full meaning of holistic control.

All the ideations or quantum states, from the one whole to the smallest bits, are in mathematical balance frequency-wise---the structure is holistic. This means the conscious mind (strictly speaking the margin of consciousness) can sense the whole movement when the arm is at any position along the path A to B and simultaneously sense every sub-whole down to a single bit! The structure is higher-dimensionally holographic. Each sensation instantly accesses every other sensation from bit to whole. It is the only way high skills can be executed.

One will find that the whole universe functions in a similar manner. These ideations are superimposed (contextual) quantum states . All these states act to support and control any one state--both in space and time (recall the article on holographic control).

If the individual is executing a sequence of movements that are learned, such as at a keyboard, the limbs, for example, are held in a vice-like grip by these quantum fields but the conditions of the body-part may be very relaxed! The quantum energy cannot be sensed; it has replaced the Newtonian forces of stiffness in the muscles to the degree of the individual's skill. The muscular system gradually gives up its role, partially, to the quantum action of the quantum computer system. (The author has succeeded in making some whole-arm high-speed movements (at a keyboard) in which the muscular action is almost completely replaced by quantum action and there is no fatigue build-up for unlimited repetitions.)

Anyone enquiring about the inertia of a top concert pianist's arms moving at high speed will have to consider that the pianist is not experiencing the full inertia, or ponderousness, of his or her arms. Thus in envisaging skilled movements of the arms and fingers, say, over a keyboard, one must imagine these movements as surrounded by the dense energy fields of countless 4D vortices within vortices, precipitating (quantum reducing) complex digital patterns of nodes in precise geometrical patterns and their positioning within the space of the movements. The energy guidance comes in from all sides, giving 100 percent potential security and accuracy (governed by information density). (The 4D vortex is the basic energy unit and is common to all entities.)

Let us continue to consider arm movements. Many years ago psychologists conducted ingenious experiments involving learning processes for the fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder. As we have stated, there are energy vortices at these joints into which programmes or patterns of learning are stored.

Now, the psychologists tested subjects in the following way. A key pad/board was used to test the learning. Subjects were asked to practise and learn a sequence of actions at the keyboard with different joints restricted. For example, the fingers were free while the wrist, elbow and shoulder were bound or fully restricted. Then the wrist was freed and the fingers, elbow and shoulder bound. Next, the elbow was freed and all the other joints bound, and so on.

The idea was to find out if learning a pattern at, say, the elbow joint affected learning at any other joint. The results showed remarkably that the learning patterns at the joints were in some sort of ranking system. Learning would pass down: from wrist to fingers; elbow to wrist and fingers; shoulder to elbow, to wrist and fingers. But not the reverse. If the fingers learned a sequence which any 'higher' joint hadn't learned, the information would not be passed up in rank. But if, say, the wrist learned a pattern, the fingers also had the pattern without having learned it. Or, the shoulder learning could pass its information to elbow, wrist and fingers. It is interesting to note that concert pianist Mario Fenniger intuitively recognised this and is well-known for teaching the method of playing from the shoulder.

Now, the psychologists had no chance of explaining this phenomenon with any theory, due to the completely inadequate framework of present science. This phenomenon we have described above is a natural feature of the universe's computer system. The whole universe and its components work the same way---and everything else.

The vortices, in going from the fingers to the shoulder, are in hierarchical format. The finger learning patterns and vortices are inside the wrist vortices (4D-wise), which are inside the elbow vortices, which are inside the shoulder vortices. There is an increase in dimension though along the gradient 3D to 4D. This means that, say, the wrist programme contains its own programme plus the programme for the fingers, but the latter is in a slightly higher-dimensional format than the finger programme at the finger level.

This higher-dimensional programme of the fingers within the wrist programme will quantum reduce to the learning pattern format at the finger level and go into perfect phase relationship (normally). Thus the shoulder contains not only its own learning pattern but those of the elbow, wrist, and fingers and will quantum reduce these higher formats to the lower ones and go into phase with them--a perfect system.

Envisage a large vortex spiral at the shoulder (also imagine this is a universe vortex, or the blueprint vortex for a tree trunk, etc.). Now imagine as it spirals in, it branches to a smaller elbow vortex (the universe branches to a galaxy---actually a supercluster of galaxies---and the tree trunk to its first branch). Continuing with this, imagine the elbow vortex spiralling in to a smaller wrist vortex (the galaxy to a solar system, and the first tree branch to a second-order branch) and so on; the fingers corresponding to, say, atoms and twigs. It is precisely the same energy configuration with different parameters and programming. All these stages are fractal levels.

In summary, the muscular system is a Newtonian system composed of components, elements which are out of phase with one another, vibration-wise; forces act on surfaces, inertia is incurred, with resistance, heat, friction, loss of energy, fatigue, effort, etc. None of the above apply to quantum action. There are no Newtonian forces or inertia, oscillations are in phase, creating holistic conditions. The energy is unlimited; every point in space could release energy indefinitely (from higher dimensions). Remember an atom is under continuous creation as per current quantum theory and if one tapped its energy by resonance it would continue to replace that energy indefinitely. Quantum physics evaluates that the potential energy within space is virtually infinite (think of the atomic bomb explosion, only a few grams of plutonium are converted into energy!).

Is it any wonder holistic (quantum) systems are overlooked in science! Almost the entirety of the present mathematics becomes ineffective. There are no forces, no inertia, no momentum, no kinetic energy, and no potential energy! Every state is in holistic equilibrium; not balanced equilibrium.

Motion in a holistic system does not occur by means of any pushing or attracting, etc. The new positions are 'instantaneous' and in phase with spacetime; motion is in phase with its own reference (context). A form of harmonic mathematics will be required.

Part I, at the least, is a prerequisite to reading this article. We explained in Part I that physical mobility is accomplished by means of two dissimilar systems perfectly synchronised, that is, the muscular and quantum system. We briefly outlined the formation of the structure of the learning pattern, which is a configuration of bits of information stored and organised holographically.

We mentioned that information spirals into the joints of the body depositing a digital pattern of oscillations. How could this change the angle of the joints and produce motion? If we look below the chemical and physiological level we shall see nothing but vibrations. These vibrations are actually partial nodes of oscillations manifesting in 3D---like cross-sections of 4D oscillations. Now, the molecules/atoms of the body joint areas are fundamentally also nodes. If the oscillations from the learning pattern are in step with fixed nodes of the joint but displaced a fraction, there will be a strong attraction of one node for the other. Thus a complex digital pattern of nodes precipitating into 3D at the joint can cause motion and change the angle. However, simultaneously this same learning pattern has activated the central nervous system to cause the appropriate muscles to contract synchronously.

If one still asks why? One has only to contemplate the mechanics of a muscular system as sole cause of the incredible skills which are achieved by man, animals and flying creatures to realise it is nonsense that this system alone would be sufficient---it is not even remotely reasonable or logical.

Now for a particular level of reflex ability, the learning pattern has a density of information in space and also in time (like the baud rate of modems). The learning pattern has a gradient within it from 4D to 3D. When the attention is in phase with the 4D aspect, it is grasping as one whole, within the span of the learning pattern, all the individual elements down into the 3D aspect of the learning pattern. But as the energy transduces or quantum reduces down this gradient the elements in 3D may be played off one at a time. For example, if one were playing a five-finger exercise (for example, notes CDEFG) on a keyboard, at a sufficient level of skill the mind will apprehend the kinesthetic sense of all five positions of fingers simultaneously---this occurs in the margin of consciousness. However, as soon as one begins, the action concept or ideation of the first finger playing, selects (up the gradient) the probability (for its own individual movement) from the collective level, which quantum reduces (Fourier analysis) the whole, in 4D, to provide movement of the selected part in 3D.

Now while playing the first note there is a connection to the next movement, and in fact for this example of skill, there is a connection to all five movements (the whole). The breakdown of the group wave provides these five individual movements. Note that stimulus-response theories give us a model for only an association to occur between consecutive actions (stimulus and response) or movements. And of course a stimulus response theory is linear. It is recognised now in science and logic that linearity is quite inadequate to explain sequences of movements in skills; scientists are looking for nonlinear theories. But these must be internal nonlinear theories as we are attempting to describe here.

Figure 1 represents a schematic for a multidimensional matrix showing holographic connections which would provide the basic information capacity for these movements of the five-finger exercise (or anything else). It is the basic matrix of a learning pattern and is a fairly ideal model giving a fine gradient. One unit at A, 2 at level B, 3 at level C, etc. It would still work even if it was binary, since the number of units is very great.

An important point is that one knows or feels (kinesthetically) the next movement, not by linear stimulus-response but by triggering the upper (inner) levels of the learning pattern towards greater unity, where the unification of the first and second movements is stored by means of a single oscillation, ranging up to all five movements as a single oscillation at A. One can imagine in this highly simplified example that E1 to E5 each provide the energy (at the joints) for each of the fingers for playing the five notes. But realise whole pyramids of information, such as this, extend downwards for each finger---that is, there is still a pyramid structure for even a fraction of one finger movement.

Now, after understanding what Figure 1 represents one should then translate it into Figure 2 which is a more accurate rendering of the true physical layout or hardware. (A more complete understanding of the physics of this multidimensional unit is given in the article on the basic energy unit.) We can say briefly that each sphere in Figure 2 spirals inwards branching off into smaller spheres and increasing in number. The stable fractal levels are formed because each sphere is 4D at the surface and therefore (in terms of 4D geometry) has two spirals towards its centre which become in opposition and meet internally, creating a stationary quantum state (oscillation). Thus as a sphere spirals in it meets its own opposite spiral (not shown in the illustration), which can occur at any level in the gradient 4D to 3D.

Now as the first finger movement, E1, is focussed upon, it passes its information up the hierarchy to the unity (D1) of both finger 1 (E1) and finger 2 (E2). The state D1 is not only the resultant of E1 and E2 but is in higher-dimensional format (for example, say, 3.1 dimensions). E1 will resonate with its own counterpart in D1 causing a breakdown, quantum reduction or Fourier analysis of D1, releasing wave E2. D1 simultaneously resonates with C1 releasing D2 to give a superimposed feeling of the next position for E3---but more 'distant' or faint. And further, C1 resonates with B1 to release C2, giving the superimposed sensation of E4 through D3, etc.

All this is simultaneous except that timing intervals may or may not be programmed into the information, governed by the intention (for example, for consecutively played notes, or playing notes simultaneously).

Figure 1 and 2 are very simple structures. As implied, in reality a much more complex one would be required for any movement. We have only shown five levels A to E; the number would be very large in practice.

Consciousness can grasp all these levels or quantum states simultaneously---we do this all the time but are unaware of it. We are so focussed on the ego, fragmented, Newtonian level (at E) that we do not intellectually realise that we, as the input to the learning pattern, are interfacing with and duplicating multidimensional strata of information. We experience the exchange of information at all these levels simultaneously, enabling us to 'know' the immediate future movements.

Skill and technique ability are proportional to the density of information, which is synonymous with the 'size' of the holographic learning pattern and the degree of span in space and time (the experience of this manifests through the kinesthetic sense). We shall eventually come to understand that the learning pattern contains much of the physics of not only the universe but the physics of the evolution of consciousness. Note that our descriptions are being presented from the whole viewpoint and then the part, and then further details, etc., rather than the usual procedure of parts to whole.

Now, the structure in Figure 2, if projected geometrically, will give us an idea of the wave function. Each circle (sphere) is equivalent to a sine wave and can be obtained by projection to produce a summation or superimposition of sine waves which acts as a single wave with a complex resultant (modulated sine wave). The precise positioning of any sphere is thus given by the phase angle of these sine waves (this is one of the keys to how nature's computer system works). As we have stated previously, nature's system works on geometry, which is an absolute system. The universe operates on geometric intelligence.

The wave function is said to be mathematical fiction in current quantum physics but it is real in our holographic quantum model. It means that a complex family of waves (represented by sine waves) is an information package and is basic to all phenomena---see later article on the quantum-computer wave function.

Recalling what we explained in Part I, we can see that this large sphere in Figure 2 could represent the universe energy spiral and quantum state, or it could be the blueprint energy of a tree trunk. This sphere spirals in and branches off to form what would probably be a number of large superclusters of galaxies (these are whole oscillations), or branches off the tree trunk, and so on to atoms or twigs.

Note that if sphere A, that is, a single overall sphere is not present (learned) then the learning pattern is not complete---the sequence of movement it handles has not been learned. The attention would have to oscillate between B1 and B2 giving a sensation of effort. This might be for actions of the left arm (B1) and right arm (B2), which one is endeavouring to coordinate.

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