Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The Guardian Material; The Third Seeding; Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds, Guardian Alliance and the Azurite Universal Templar Security Team

The Emerald Order Melchizedek Cloister 
The Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds (IAFW), Guardian Alliance (GA) and the Azurite Universal Templar Security Team are universal service organizations whose beginnings reach far back beyond known recorded history on Earth. 

The history of the IAFW, GA and Azurites is intimately interwoven with the lost history and creation of the human lineage, and also with the creation and evolution of many different Angelic or “ET” races within the 5 Density Levels of our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix.

In order to understand the significance of communicative interaction with these three Universal Service Organizations it is helpful to have a rudimentary understanding of the basic Primal Order, structure and history of the reality systems within which all evolution takes place. It is helpful to know that “Extraterrestrials” are in actuality the pre-ancient Angelic Nations emerging to visit us from the 5 Densities of Matter in our Time Matrix system and that communications extended by these organizations are not procured through the process known as “channeling.” All Ccanneling individuals, while messaging love and hope aside from Kryon Lee carol. are in fact distortions and offer mostly false information with bits of real information, disguised as TRUTHS. 

 It is also useful to realize that all manifest life forms and the inherent foundations of all reality itself emerge from, and exist within, a Central Source of Creation that is commonly referred to as Spirit, Source or the EFFI or what the reigions call the Holy Spirit. Guardian Angelic Nations often refer to this Central Source of Creation as the “Yunasai” (pronounced “You’-na-sigh”), which means “Central Point of All Union” and “Eternal Consciousness of the One-All.” 

T h e  T ri p a rt i t e  T r a c t a t e  CODEX I describes the creation of these beings in the so that his abundance is a begetting [...] of the aeons. This is the term that Jesus uses when describing the founder racxes, and the TOTALITIES created by Source;

"They were forever in thought, for the Father was like a thought and a place for them. When their generations had been established, the one who is completely in control wished to lay hold of and to bring forth that which was deficient in the [...] and he brought forth those [...] him. But since he is as he is, he is a spring, which is not diminished by the water which abundantly flows from it. While they were in the Father's thought, that is, in the hidden depth, the depth knew them, but they were unable to know the depth in which they were; nor was it possible for them to know themselves, nor for them to know anything else. That is, they were with the Father; they did not exist for themselves. Rather, they only had existence in the manner of a seed, so that it has been discovered that they existed like a fetus. Like the word he begot them, subsisting spermatically, and the ones whom he was to beget had not yet come into being from him. The one who first thought of them, the Father, - not only so that they might exist for him, but also that they might exist for themselves as well, that they might then exist in his thought as mental substance and that they might exist for themselves too, - sowed a thought like a spermatic seed."

 Guardians and Founders Races.

In the basic Primal Order of cosmic structure, the first individuated manifestation of a reality field within Source emerges as an inaudible vibration field composed of fixed units of Primal Substance, which collectively form the three eternal Primal Sound Fields and their Primal Tonal-vibration Life Force Currents. The 3 Primal Sound Fields are collectively referred to as the Khundaray Fields or the Energy Matrix. The fields of Primal Light, and the dimensionalized structures of Time Matrices within them, exist within the 3 Primal Sound Fields of the Khundaray. The life-field of the Khundaray is composed of massive gestalts of Eternal Sentient Consciousness, from and within which the Primal Light Fields, dimensional Time Matrices and all individuated life forms emerge into manifest expression. 

The Eternal Gestalts of Consciousness that exist in the form of Primal Sound Fields are called Yanas (pronounced “yon’-us”) or sometimes “Ascended Masters Consciousness Collectives.” The Yanas Collectives are also occasionally referred to as “Ultra-terrestrials” or at times “Geomantic Entities,” as they would appear as “geometric shapes made of living light” when viewed from the earthly perspective. 

Due to frequent misrepresentation of the term “Ascended Master” that is common on contemporary Earth, Guardian Angelic Nations prefer to use the term Yanas, which means “of, or in, the Yunasai,” when referring to the Yanas Collectives. There are 3 Primary Yanas collectives, each from one of the 3 Primal Sound Fields of the Khundaray. 
  1. The Grandeyanas (pronounced Gron’-dA-yon-us) or “Emerald Order” Yanas exist within the Eckatic Level of the Energy Matrix, the first level of individuation within Source. (My Team)
  2. The Wachayanas (pronounced “Wa’-shA-yon-us) or “Gold Order” Yanas exist within Polaric Level of the Energy Matrix, the second level of individuation within Source. 
  3. The Ramyanas (pronounced Ram’-yon-us) or “Amethyst Order” Yanas exist within the Triadic Level of the Energy Matrix, the third level of individuation within Source. 
Yanas collectives from each of the 3 Primal Sound Fields of the Khundaray (Energy Matrix) are collectively called the Eieyani (pronounced “E-yon’-E”), or the Eieyani Council, both meaning “of the Yanas.” The Eieyani collective responsible for seeding life into our Time Matrix is called the Melchizedek Cloister Eieyani or MC Eyeiani. The Yanas exist beyond the smaller reality fields within which space-time-matter experience takes place; occasionally they incarnate in various forms, into the fields of space-time-matter within the Density Levels of our Time Matrix, to fulfill universal service missions. 

When in physical incarnation in time, incarnate Yanas most often use the name Eieyani in reference to their family line; in contemporary times, the Eieyani incarnate on Earth are commonly referred to as “Type-1 Grail Line Indigo Children.” The Eieyani collectives of the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields are the Eternal Guardian Collectives that are responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of the Energy Matrix and Time Matrix systems within them, and for seeding “life-waves” into manifest Time Matrices. The Yanas Collectives of the Primal Sound Fields represent our “Cosmic Family of Consciousness,” through which all manifest things are indelibly connected to Source through the energetic expression of the Primal Sound Fields. 

The Eieyani of the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields last seeded a life-wave into our 15-dimensional Time Matrix 950 billion years ago (Earth time translation), through creation of the 3 Primary Founders Race Collectives in our Time Matrix. The 3 Primary Founders Race Collectives are referred to as the Breneau Orders; they exist as eternal gestalts of consciousness in the form of spherical Ante-matter constructs of Thermoplasmic Radiation within the 3 Primal Light Fields that form Density-5, dimensions 13, 14 and 15 of our 15-dimensional Time Matrix. 

The 3 Primal Light Fields within which dimensionalized Time Matrices exist are collectively referred to as the Kee-Ra-ShA Primal Light Fields. The Kee-Ra-ShA is composed of the 
Pale-Gold and
Violet Primal Light Fields, which are often referred to as the “Blue-Eckatic, Gold-Polaric and Violet-Triadic Flames” or standing fields of spherical light, within which dimensionalized reality fields exist. Each of the 3 Founders Race Breneau Orders represents a collective of consciousness seeded into time by one of the 3 Yanas Collectives from the Energy Matrix.
  1. The Emerald Order Breneau exist within the Blue-Eckatic Kee-Ra-ShA Light Field, and are representatives of the Emerald Order Grandeyanas collective. 
  2. The Gold Order Breneau exist within the Pale-Gold-Polaric Kee-Ra-ShA Light Field, and are representatives of the Gold Order Wachayanas collective. 
  3. The Amethyst Order Breneau exist within the Violet-Triadic Kee-RaShA Light Field, and are representatives of the Amethyst Order Ramayanas. 
The 3 Breneau Order Founders Races are the eternal collectives of consciousness from, through, and within which the life-field seeded by the Yanas, manifests in space-time-matter expression. 

The Breneau Collectives are often referred to as the “Rishi” or Solar Rishi,” and sometimes as “Meta-terrestrials.” 

The 3 Breneau Collectives of Density-5, dimensions 13, 14 and 15, represent our “Universal Family of Consciousness,” through which all things manifest are indelibly connected to the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields, Yanas and Source through the energetic expression of the Kee-Ra-ShA Primal Light Fields. 

Each of the 3 Breneau Orders created the first 3 manifest “Founders Races” in the Pre-matter Hydroplasmic “Christos Liquid Light Field” of dimension-12, the entry point into densification of matter. 
  • The Emerald Order Breneau created the Elohei/Elohim Feline-hominid Christos Founders Races on a now destroyed Density-4 planet called Lyra-Aramatena, which housed Star Gate-12 of the Universal Templar Complex. The Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim Feline-hominid Founder Race called the Anuhazi (also known as “Lyran-Sirian Whites”) were appointed by the Yanas as Guardians of the Density-4, dimension-12 Aramatena Star Gate-12, the natural passageway between the dimensionalized Density systems and the KeeRa-ShA Primal Light Fields in our Time Matrix. 
  • The Gold Order Breneau created the Seraphei-Seraphim Avian-Insect-Reptile Christos Founders Races on the Density-4 planet Lyra-Vega, which housed Star Gate-10 of the Universal Templar. The Gold Order Avian SerapheiSeraphim Founders Race called the Cerez (sometimes called the “Bird People” or “Carians”) were appointed by the Yanas as Guardians of the Density-4, dimension-10 Vega Star Gate-10.
  • The Amethyst Order Breneau created the Bra-ha-Rama Cetacean-Aquatic Ape-Pegasus Christos Founders Races on a now destroyed Density-4 planet called Lyra-Aveyon, which housed Star Gate-11 of the Universal Templar Complex. The Amethyst Order Bra-ha-Rama Avian-Horse-Deer and Cetacean Founders Races called the Pegasai (also known as “Pegasus”) and the Inyu (sometimes called the “Whale People”; NOT the “Dolphin People.”) were appointed by the Yanas as Co-Guardians of the Density4, dimension-11 Aveyon Star Gate-11. Amethyst Order Bra-ha-Rama Pegasai and Inyu Christos Founders Races shared Guardianship of Aveyon Star Gate-11 with the Emerald Order-Amethyst Order hybrid Feline-Aquatic Ape Founders Race called the Anyu
Through the Yanas and Breneau Order Founders Races’ seeding of the life-field in our Time Matrix 950 billion years ago, long before creation of the Human genetic line, the primary, biologically manifest Density-4 “Christos Founders Races” were created. 

The genetic codes and manifestation blueprints for every life form now manifest in our Time Matrix has emerged from combining of the genetic templates of the 3 Primary Christos Founders Races of Density 4 and their various biological expressions. The Emerald Order Elohei/Elohim, the Gold Order Seraphei-Seraphim and the Amethyst Order Bra-ha-Rama Christos Founders Races were seeded from the Kee-Ra- ShA Primary Light Fields of dimensions 13, 14 and 15, into Pre-matter Density-4, dimensions 12, 11 and 10.

This Christos Founders Race seeding took place through the natural Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex that open between dimensions in our Time Matrix. There are 12 Primary Star Gates in the Universal Templar Complex, each corresponding to 1 of 12 dimensional fields. Star Gates 12, 11 and 10, which serve as the entry points into the Pre-matter Density-4 “Liquid Light Christos Field,” are respectively located in D-12 Aramatena, D-11 Aveyon and D-10 Vega. These 3 Density-4 planets (the remainder of which appears as the star “Vega” in Density-1), and the Star Gates within them, are all located with the Lyran Star Constellation. This “Primal Triad of Creation” has thus become known as “The Cradle of Lyra,” the seeding point of life in our Time Matrix 950 billion years ago. The seeding of the life-field in our Time Matrix was orchestrated through a cooperative agreement of intended peaceful co-evolution between the Yanas and the Density-5 Emerald, Gold and Amethyst Order Breneau Founders Races; this original Founders Race “Creation Contract” was called the “Emerald Covenant of Aramatena.” 

Of the three, IAFW, GA and Azurite Universal Templar Security Team, Universal Service Organizations, the IAFW and the Azurites were created first 250 billion years ago, following a series of universally cataclysmic events that nearly destroyed our Time Matrix. During a period of time that spans from 250 billion to 570 million years ago, a series of wars called the Lyran-Elohim Wars, and later the Angelic Wars, broke out in the Density-4 Pre-matter systems. 

The Gold Order Seraphei-Seraphim reptilian Omicron Race from D-10 Lyra-Vega began to digress and set forth dominion conquest into the stellar systems of our Time Matrix; they became known as the “Fallen Seraphim,” the forefathers of the contemporary D-10 Orion-Drakonian Fallen Angelic Legion. Simultaneously, the Emerald Order-Amethyst Order hybrid Feline-Aquatic Ape Anyu Race from Lyra-Aveyon also suffered digression and petitioned the Elohei-Elohim Feline-hominid Christos Founders Race of D-12 Lyra-Aramatena to destroy the Fallen Seraphim Omicron Race. 

When the Yanas, Breneau Order Founders Races and the Elohei-Elohim of Aramatena refused, opting for rehabilitation of the Fallen Seraphim, the Anyu Race of D-11 Aveyon attacked and destroyed Aramatena to gain control of Star Gate-12. The Anyu’s destruction of Aramatena’s Star Gate-12 is the event that became known as “the Original Sin,” as all life forms, including the Density-4 Christos Founders Races, became trapped in the Time Matrix until the D-12 Aramatena Star Gate-12 could be reconstructed. Consciousness could incarnate into our Time Matrix but could not ascend to leave, while Aramatena Star Gate-12 remained damaged. 

The Anyu began their quest of universal dominion with the intention of destroying all races but their own and claiming dominion of our Time Matrix. In their rebellion against the Christos Founders Races the Anyu Race of Density-4, D-11 adopted the name of the Annu, and became known as the Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic Legion; the forefathers of the Anunnaki avenger race. The Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic Legion created the Sirian Anunnaki race to destroy the Christos Founders Race Guardian Angelic Oraphim-Human lineage upon its seeding 568 million years ago. Through the progressive and perpetual conflicts among the Seraphim and Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic Legions, which began 250 billion years ago in Density-4 Lyra, our Time Matrix was nearly destroyed. The IAFW, Azurite Security Team and the MC Eieyani Master Council Following destruction of Star Gate-12 during the Lyran-Elohim Wars 250 billion years ago, the Yanas appointed the Emerald Order Breneau and their Elohei-Elohim Feline-hominid Christos Founders Race as the Universal Security Team in our Time Matrix. 

Under the direction of the Yanas and the Density-5 Emerald Order Breneau, the Gold Order Seraphei-Seraphim Breneau and Amethyst Order Bra-harama Breneau mobilized their Christos Founders Races in a restatement of the Emerald Covenant Co-evolution Agreement and formed the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds. The Elohei-Elohim Feline-hominid Anuhazi, the Seraphei-Seraphim Avian-hominid Cerez and Mantis Aethien and the Bra-ha-Rama Cetacean Inyu and Pegasai Christos Founders Races assembled the massive IAFW organization under the tenets of the Emerald Covenant, creating a unified collective of intergalactic Guardian Angelic races from within our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. By combining their genetic templates, the Anuhazi Elohei-Elohim, Cerez and Aethien Seraphei-Seraphim and Inyu and Pegasai Bra-ha-Rama Christos Founders races together created a new genetic race line called the Azurite Eieyani. 

The Azurites are a blue skinned, sometimes winged and feathered, Feline-land and water mammal-Avian hominid race carrying the most advanced genetic code in our Time Matrix. The Azurites were created by the Founders Races 250 billion years ago, specifically to allow for the Melchizedek Cloister (MC) Eieyani collective from the Energy Matrix and the Density-5 Breneau Orders to incarnate directly into our Density system for crisis intervention. The Azurite MC Eieyani Race was created to serve as the Universal Templar Security Team, the mobile extension of the IAFW Primary Guardian Administration. 

The Density-5 administrative council of the Azurite Universal Templar Security Team, a specialized collective of the Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim Breneau Founders Race, is called the MC Eieyani Master Council. The MC Eieyani Master Council is composed of the Density-5 Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim Breneau, whose members incarnate through the Sirius B Azurite lineage. (Following creation of the Oraphim- Angelic Human lineage 568 million years ago, members of the MC Eieyani Master Council also incarnate into density through the Oraphim-Angelic Human “Indigo Children” Human Grail Line.) 

The MC Eieyani Master Council is sometimes referred to as the Sirian Council or the Azurite Council. The MC Eieyani Master Council was created 250 billion years ago with the formation of the IAFW, to serve as the central administrative council for IAFW efforts and as the primary liaison between the Yanas collectives in the Energy Matrix and Guardian Nations within our Time Matrix. Though the Eieyani Master Council generally oversees all IAFW activities from the Density-5 Primal Light Fields, they directly intervene in conflict-laden areas of the Time Matrix, through incarnation within the Sirius B Azurite and Oraphim Angelic Human races.

 Upon their creation 250 billion years ago, the Azurite Eieyani Races were simultaneously seeded in fully evolved form, within every Density Level of our Time Matrix, placed in close proximity to the locations of the 12 Primary Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex. Headed by the Density-5 (dimensions 13-14-15) Melchizedek Cloister Eieyani Master Council of the Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim Breneau Founders Race, the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds (IAFW ) was created after the Lyran-Elohim Wars 250 billion years ago, to reclaim and protect the Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex and our Time Matrix from destruction via Fallen Angelic Race dominion. 

The IAFW was also commissioned to implement Genetic Bio-Regenesis Healing Programs to assist the Fallen Angelic Races in reclaiming their original genetic integrity, so they could fulfill the intended evolutionary objective of Ascension out of the Time Matrix. The Azurite MC Eieyani Race was created at this time to allow the MC Eieyani Master Council to incarnate into embodiment directly in our Time Matrix, to serve as the IAFW’s mobile Universal Templar Security Team. The Azurite Universal Templar Security Team was created to promote the freedom-based peaceful co-evolution agendas of the Emerald Covenant and to hold the main Security Seals on the 12 Primary Universal Star Gates in our Time Matrix. Since the time of their creation 250 billion years ago, the IAFW and the Azurite Universal Templar Security Team have served the role of primary Guardian Race Administration, and protectors of the Emerald Covenant freedom agendas in our Time Matrix. 

Throughout the many eons of intergalactic, interdimensional history, the IAFW and its countless Emerald Covenant Guardian Angelic Nations, on behalf of the Yanas and the Breneau Order Christos Founders Races, continually labor to restore and maintain the structural integrity of our Time Matrix. Their efforts include 15-dimensional, egalitarian political arbitration, progressive spiritual-science education and genetic Bio-Regenesis evolutionary healing opportunities among all manifest races, to inspire peaceful co-creative evolution and healing among all races manifest through continuation of the Founders Races’ Emerald Covenant Co-evolution Agreement treaties. Presently there are over 25 billion different interdimensional, interstellar Nations serving as active members of the IAFW.

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