Monday, November 23, 2015

Do Your Part...Change A Child's Life...and make it a truly thankful Thanksgiving #TeamNKH

We hear it all the time; "Our children are our future." We look down the road, thinking about what will be. Unfortunately, some children can't see past their next meal, let alone focus on hopes and dreams for their futures. They are part of some 15 million kids across America that sometimes don't know when that next meal will even be, and that is just unacceptable in a country that prides itself on helping the world, being the leader in opportunity and leads the world in wealth.

I'm excited for this wonderful organization and welcome all the new faces and helping hands to #TeamNKH. But I want more. We are a nation of 300 million, 46 million of whom are food deficient, 15 million of those, being children. These families sometimes have to choose paying the phone bill, or putting clothes on their children's backs....or food. To me, no one should have to make that choice. So I'm asking you to put your Holiday Spirit on early this year.

As we enter this Holiday Season, you can be the difference! You can be the change! You can help hungry children get the proper nutrition they deserve by getting involved with events or causes that can help feed our kids.

We all love this season, getting together with family and friends for Thanksgiving. You can help give hungry kids that same experience. With just a $49.00 donation, the price of an average Thanksgiving meal, you can provide up to 490 meals for children that may not otherwise enjoy the abundance that this holiday represents. To donate, just go to and make your Thanksgiving donation now.

Secondly, school breakfast can change lives. Research shows when a child eats breakfast, they do better in math, attend school more often and are more likely to graduate, powering them for a successful future.
Even though breakfast is free to all kids in New York City public schools, less than one-quarter are actually eating the meal that fuels their day. New York City is the largest school district in the country, yet when measured against the nation's other urban districts, it's in last place for feeding hungry kids breakfast. That's not good enough for my city. Click this link: NYC Breakfast, and send your message to New York City Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña & New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and be a voice for change.

Next, get baking or attend a Bake Sale for No Kid Hungry, presented by my friends at Domino® Sugar and C&H® Sugar. This is a national fundraising initiative that encourages people like you to host bake sales in your communities or attend one to help end childhood hunger.

Every year, the restaurant industry unites in an extraordinary showing of solidarity to prove we can do more than simply feed people for a living; instead we can feed them for life with September's Dine Out For No Kid Hungry. An end to childhood hunger is within our reach and it's the entire foodservice industry that is leading the way. Restaurants, suppliers, media and trade associations all have strengths to share. Since its launch in 2008, this wonderful initiative has brought together thousands of restaurants and millions of consumers to raise more than $18 million. To find participating restaurants near you, click this link:  DOFNKH and let's make 2015 the best year yet.

Have a blog? Then we want you! Join with me and become a No Kid Hungry Blogger and you can help get the word out and use your voice and words to be a beacon in the night. Just click this link; I want to be a Blogger for NKH and register today.

For the rest of you , I am asking you to step up with me, take the No Kid Hungry Pledge, join the fight against childhood hunger and do whatever it is you can to help. Whether you simply donate, or hold a bake sale, or have a barbecue, is no matter. What does matter is that you do something, because together, we can make sure that we leave No Kid Hungry!
